• Published 21st Oct 2012
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The Assumption of Applejack -or- Appletheosis - Blue Print

Applejack deals with ascension to godhood.

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Chapter Eighteen: Apotheosis

Chapter 18: Apotheosis

Celestia held Applejack’s gaze for a while, her eyes narrow, but her mouth smiling. “Well then, I believe you. You also accept your role as princess of the realm?”

“Ah do.”

“No sense in waiting around then. To business!” Her horn flashed in a sudden blaze, the walls gleamed and a small pile of scrolls on a side table levitated and then blinked away. “We have a coronation to prepare you for! You may be a princess by right and power, but it pays to do things by the book.”

“Uh, ok, when do ya want ta have it?”

“Hmmm… Let’s say five o’clock this evening. Yes?”

“Ain’t that a mite soon? Ah, mean, Ah would think it would take a bit ta organize.”

“Nonsense, I’ve had almost a week to plan. Now, go spend some time with your family. I’ll be in touch for the details. You don’t have to worry about a thing.” With that, Celestia shooed her out the door.


One military escort later, Applejack found herself standing at the gate to Sweet Apple Acres. A pair of unicorn guard ponies stood watch on either side while a couple of pegasus warriors circled overhead. In front of her she could see the slightly different shade of red where they had replaced the wall Luna had blown down. She sighed, whatever happened, things wouldn’t be the same. She signaled the guards to stay behind. Slowly, she trotted up to the door. Inside she could hear Apple Bloom chattering excitedly to somepony. AJ chuckled, that girl loved to talk.

Applejack pushed open the door, inside her family was sitting around the old parlor. As soon as they saw her, they rushed her and tackled her in a massive hug that almost threw her on her back. “Woah, Nellie! Apple Bloom, haha, Ah still need ta breathe… Well, Ah still enjoy it anyway. Mac, Granny. It’s only been a little over a week. Ah’m fine. Hay, Ah’m back.” She wrapped her family in her massive wings. Apple Bloom giggled as the feathers tickled her. The four of them sat there for a minute, just happy to be together. Finally, Applejack drew back to look at her siblings and her grandma. “So, Ah assume Celestia talked ta y’all?”

Big Mac nodded, “Eeyup.”

“Did she say anythin’ ‘bout nobility?” asked AJ.

Another nod, “Eeyup.”

Apple Bloom piped up, “She said that Ah could be a princess too when Ah grow up! Jest, not with wings ‘n’ such…”

Applejack smiled down at her little sister, a hint of worry in her eyes. “Are ya sure ya want that, sugar-cube? Luna knows, tha life of a princess could be pretty rough.”

“Yeah, but yer one, so it cain’t be all that bad.”

Applejack ruffled her sister’s hair with a hoof. “Thanks, Blooms. What about you Mac?”

“Eeyup. Ah’m there for ya.”

“Y’all don’t have to be. Ah can jest split mah time between here ‘n’ tha castle. Ah know ya ain’t tha most sociable of ponies, and Ah don’t want ta put’cha anywhere ya ain’t comfortable with.”

“Nnope. ‘Sides, Ah don’t buy it when Celestia says she can hide us. Ah need ta keep ya out of trouble anyhow.” He smiled and poked her with a hoof.

“I’ll need somepony with a mess a common sense. And what about you Granny? Do ya know what’s goin’ on?” asked Applejack.

“A-course Ah do! We’re gonna go see tha princess! Ah haven’t been this excited in ages.”

Applejack smiled at her grandmother. “Eeyup, we’re gonna see her this evening. Now, Ah need a bath first. Also, y’all seen mah hat?” Her siblings shook their heads. The hat had been missing since the fight with Luna in the kitchen. “It’ll turn up. Jest keep an eye out.”


A couple of hours later Merry May arrived at Sweet Apple Acres, accompanying Applejack’s friends. AJ came out to meet them and hug each one individually before leading them inside. They managed to squeeze in around the kitchen table. “Ah guess Ah’m gonna have ta get a bigger kitchen if Ah’m gonna be a princess.”

Fluttershy’s eyes sparkled, “Oooh, you could get a rosewood table and have velvet chairs and put down soft plush carpets with a cozy fire. It’d be just like a fairy tale. Um. If you like that sort of thing.”

AJ chuckled, “That sounds lovely, Fluttershy. So, why are y’all here as a bunch? Ah’m glad y’all stopped by, but Ah’m guessin’ Celestia had somethin’ ta do with it since Merry came along too.”

Twilight cleared her throat. “Yes, Celestia did send us over to discuss the coronation arrangements. Pinkie needs to discuss the decorations while-”

Rarity tsk-tsked at Twilight, “Darling! I understand that time is short, but not so much that we cannot chat a bit. Applejack, how are you holding up? This must be so much at once.”

“Well, yeah, it’s all got me a mite mixed up inside, but Ah figure it’s fer tha best. Ah can deal with it, Ah jest don’t know how Ah feel about draggin’ y’all and tha whole family inta it.” said Applejack.

Rainbow Dash nodded, “Yeah, fame gets to a pony. It can really mess you up, and it can mess up your friends too.”

Twilight rolled her eyes, “Thanks for that, but I really think we should get to organizing the event. We have a really short time to plan and we can discuss feelings later.”

Applejack sighed and nodded. The sooner this all got planned and done with, the better.


The afternoon went by in a whirlwind of decorating, fitting, and the occasional small argument. Everypony seemed a little tense. Applejack shrugged it off as nerves. Four o’clock rolled around, time for the rehearsal. Luna and Celestia would ascend the dais first to declare their right as rulers, then would come Applejack to receive her regalia of office and tiara. She would accept the vows of office and her new titles would be declared, then she in turn would invest her siblings and grandmother with their titles and offices. Following the short ceremony would be a massive party on the Ponyville greens. The next day would see the nobles and dignitaries back to Canterlot and her first day as an official princess.

The crowd started to gather in front of the little stage. Her friends were standing front and center, while she waited with her family to one side. The town clock chimed out five. As soon as the last bell sounded, Celestia strode onto the stage in perfect passage. Unusually for her, she was clothed in a sheer white dress that draped across her regal frame in flowing folds. Taking a position on the right, she reared back and landed with a loud, assertive crack.

“By the will of the ponies of Equestria and of Harmony itself, I am the Lady of the Dawn, Her Serene Immortal Highness of Equestria, Daughter of Harmony and Endless Light of Life, Mother and Guide of the Herd, Once-Bearer of Kindness, Laughter, and Magic, Duchess of Canterlot, Van Hoover, and Cloudsdale, Queen of the Scattered Clouds, the Very High and Very Powerful Princess Celestia, and I rule by Power and Wisdom in the dispensation of Justice and Mercy.”

With a mighty flare of her horn, the Sun moved backwards in its course to hang at a perfect forty five degrees to the horizon. Applejack blinked in shock. That hadn’t been part of the rehearsal.

At that signal, her sister also mounted the stage in similarly graceful fashion, more akin to ballet than a simple trot. She was wearing a shimmering blue garment that blended almost imperceptibly with her tail and mane. She reared and stomped as Celestia had, and orated in a somewhat louder tone.

“By the will of the ponies of Equestria and of Harmony itself, I am the Lady of the Night, Her Serene Immortal Highness of Equestria, Daughter of Harmony and Conqueror of the Midnight Skies, Avenger of the Herd, Once-Bearer of Honesty, Generosity, and Loyalty, Duchess of Zebrica, Stalliongrad, and Manehatten, Queen of the Distant Isles, the Very High and Very Powerful Princess Luna, and I rule by Power and Wisdom in the dispensation of Justice and Mercy.”

Her shadowy magic flowed forth in massive waves as the eastern sky darkened and the moon slowly rose well before its time. The sky directly overhead shimmered in an unnatural aurora as the night claimed its half of the heavens. Applejack was thoroughly cowed at the display.

Celestia called out, “Applejack, come forth and be recognized.”

Applejack slowly walked forward, her head down and her gait hesitant, just as had been practiced. She found her place in front of the stage and bowed low.

Luna spoke, “Stand before thy Ladies and Masters.” Applejack rose. “Thou hast been called before us to receive our Blessing and Crown to stand in Holy Office as Princess of Equestria. Wilt thou stand with strength before our enemies and against all calamity, to give thy life and might to secure the welfare of the ponies thou hast been chosen to defend?”

Applejack nodded once, adjusting into a smooth Manehatten accent, “I will.”

“Then stand and show thy Power.” Luna swung her hoof mightily, connecting with Applejack’s cheek. They had practiced this part. Applejack called upon her magic, rooting her firmly in the earth itself. Luna’s hoof struck with an immense crack, louder than gunfire, but she might as well have been hitting solid steel. “Thus I prove you and find you worthy to be girded as a Princess for war.” She summoned Applejack’s peytral of office and clasped it around her neck, it gleamed like burnished bronze and was inset with lapis and malachite on the front in the shape of her cutie mark.

Celestia then called to Applejack, “You have been proven worthy to fight for Equestria, but the true end of war is sacred Peace, whose survival depends on mercy and self-mastery. Will you stand with love and fellow-feeling as a beacon to the nations of the world, giving consideration to even the lowliest of your subjects and passing fair judgment without respect to pony, not returning evil for evil?”

Applejack nodded again, “I will.”

Celestia reared back, “Then stand and show your Wisdom.” Her hoof connected with Applejack’s other cheek with a sound louder than a cannon. Again, Applejack stood as immovable as eternity. Celestia had explained this part during the rehearsal as showing her willingness to refrain from returning violence. “Thus I prove you and find you worthy to be crowned as a Princess for judgement.” With a flash of magic, she summoned Applejack’s Stetson. This also hadn’t been part of the rehearsal. The trusty old hat had been cleaned and re-formed perfectly. A faint glimmer of enchantment hung about it, a bronze hatband had been placed upon it, set with perfect orange garnets, and around the brim had been fitted a bronze trim. Applejack couldn’t help but smile as Celestia placed it reverently on her head.

Now that she was fully crowned, Celestia and Luna gestured her onto the stage to stand between them. Applejack was a little unsure of her step, but managed to take her position with grace.

Celestia began declaring Applejack’s new titles in a call-and-response with Luna. “Ponies, before you stands the Lady of the Soil!”

“Her Serene Immortal Highness of Equestria!”

“Daughter of Harmony and Wellspring of the Harvest!”

“Benefactress of the Herd!” As they continued, Applejack reached out gently with her magic for the depths of the bedrock beneath them. She wasn’t about to let Celestia and Luna have all the fun.

“Bearer of Honesty!”

“Duchess of Ponyville, Appleloosa, and the Southern Expanse!”

“Queen of the Fertile Valleys!”

This last bit was hers to say. They had spent a lot of time earlier picking out an appropriate formal name. Applejack reared back and abandoned all pretense of a sophisticated accent, instead lacing her words with power and force. “Ah am tha Very High ‘n’ Very Powerful Princess Mara!” As she struck the stage with her hooves, she fired a burst of magic deep into the soil. The very earth around them shuddered slightly and rumbled deafeningly. Celestia and Luna both looked at Applejack in slight shock as the little tremor settled.

As the crowd regained its bearings, a massive cheer burst from their throats, affirming the ceremony that had just taken place. The rest of the investiture passed in an elated blur. She first crowned her grandmother as a dowager queen of Equestria. Her brother and sister were crowned as the illustrious prince and princess of Everfree and San Palomino counties respectively. Thankfully there was much less hitting and far fewer titles to deal with in those ceremonies. The audience had cheered all of them on as if they would never stop, but stop they did. After all, there was a Pinkie party to attend afterwards.


The party had been wild and hectic. Pinkie, once again with the royal coffers backing her plans, had set up a whiz-bang show, complete with a country hoedown to celebrate Applejack’s coronation. Applejack had met dozens of foreign ponies over the course of the evening, each eager to offer the new ‘Princess Mara’ some impressive gift to win her favor. They had come in all shapes and sizes, from stately griffons to imposing minotaurs and even a smallish drake. A crystal pony was also present, offering the regrets of Empress Cadence and Shining Armor for not being able to attend on such short notice.

Celestia and Luna had set the sky back into its natural order and dusk had long since fallen by the time the Apple family staggered home, laden with gifts. Merry May accompanied them home, pulling a cartload of presents as well. Granny Smith and Apple Bloom had been put to bed immediately. Both were far too exhausted to argue about it. Applejack, Big Mac and Merry sat around the kitchen table, each nursing a mug of cocoa.

Applejack took a small sip of her mug, then set it down and turned to Merry May. “So what’re yer plans? Ah’m guessin’ Ah have ta knight’cha properly one a these days. Is that really whut ya want?”

Merry nodded, “It is. You do need somepony who gets you and can also do what you ask. I don’t think your friends would like it if you started bossing them around, but I wasn’t your friend before. I can be a servant too. As well as a friend, I mean. Um. A different sort of-”

Big Mac chuckled into his mug as Applejack interrupted her. “Ah get it. And, thanks. Ah’m gonna need all tha help Ah can get…” AJ lowered her head to the table in thought. “A lot of tha old stories my ma used ta read me had a happy ending ‘n’ the heroine was thrown a party ‘n’ that was it. Ya wondered whut happened to them afterwards. ‘Cause, happily ever after jest don’t happen in real life. Ya might have the best or worst day ever, but ya wake up tha next day and ya find out that ya still got work ta do and fields ta plow.”

Big Mac tossed back the last of his drink and set it down with a thud. “Eeyup.”