• Published 21st Oct 2012
  • 24,681 Views, 1,266 Comments

The Assumption of Applejack -or- Appletheosis - Blue Print

Applejack deals with ascension to godhood.

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Chapter Five: Theophaneia

Chapter Five: Theophaneia

The next day found Applejack restless and upset. Excusing herself from the breakfast table, she headed out, hoping that a walk would clear her mind. Even the fresh scent of things growing failed to give her any solace from the constant cycle of her thoughts. Ah shouldn’t have sent her off like that. She had no right tellin’ me what mah duty is. Ah hafta come ta grips with this eventually. Somepony who knows what Ah’m goin’ through would be mighty nice. Ah shouldn’t have sent her off like that. Her inner monologue carried her right to the edges of the Sweet Apple Acres property, to a wild and unimproved section of the farm. Feeling trapped and lonely, she lashed out with her hind hooves at the nearest tree, a massive oak with spreading leaves. She channeled all her frustration and confusion and guilt into her buck, giving one almighty effort. With an immense tearing noise the entire tree uprooted from the ground and slid a good hundred feet before stopping. Shocked, AJ examined the fallen tree. Improbably, it had come out whole and unshattered, the root structure and crown of the tree mostly intact.

Well, thought AJ, Ah guess Ah ain’t really tested mah limits yet. Leaning down, she nosed her way under the tree and stood up under it, easily shouldering the multi-ton burden. Carefully, she trotted out to the edge of the Everfree, finding a small clearing. Within a short time she had hoof-dug a hole to match the one left by the peregrine tree and replanted it. She trotted around it several times, gently tamping the earth with deliberate steps to seat the tree. As she circled, the effect was miraculous, perhaps literally so. The roots of the tree seemed to settle and move by themselves, adjusting to the new location. The grasses around her brightened and seemed to stretch, while flowers that she was fairly sure hadn’t been there before started to bloom. Smiling, she looked up at the oak, feeling suddenly sure that this tree would see another few centuries. She looked around briefly, to make sure she was alone, before speaking. “Ah’m mighty sorry fer just lashin’ out like that. Ah hope Ah’ve made it up to ya. Y’all will flourish here, out on tha edge of things. Ah think Ah’ll call ya Oakley.”


Applejack made herself scarce for the rest of the week, putting off her meeting with Twilight for magic instruction. Within that few days, she had cleared and transplanted a full acre of land, plowing and preparing the soil for a new section of orchard. Even starting from seed, the saplings were almost a hoof tall by the time she finished ministering to and mothering the field. It was terribly late in the year to be planting new trees, but with her supernaturally heightened growing skill, they should easily weather the upcoming frosts scheduled a few months from now. By the time she finished, the mature orchards were just coming into full ripeness, heralding the start of applebucking season. A couple more days were taken up with helping her brother gather in the harvest and sort and store the apples. Soon enough, they had a sufficient bunch stored and shipped to open their town stall and try to sell off the excess to the citizens of Ponyville. Applejack woke up early as usual on market day and trotted downstairs to get ready for the day. She saw her brother already up and finishing breakfast.

“Hey, Big Mac, Ah think Ah’ll take the cart inta town today.”

Big Mac looked up at her skeptically.

“Well, Ah ain’t really been off the farm since, yaknow.” She rustled her wings for emphasis.


“Ah don’t think it’ll be a problem. Ah gotta go inta town eventually, right?”


“Mark mah words, Ah’m goin’! Don’t you try ta talk me out of it Mac!”


“It’s settled then.”

Big Mac chuckled a little, “Eeyup.”

“Y’all can make sure Applebloom makes it ta school, right?”

“Eeyup.” He nodded towards the door in a little ‘get out of here’ gesture, smiling at how nervous AJ looked, despite almost certainly being the toughest thing from here to Canterlot.


The market was still quiet this early in the morning. Only the rustling of cloth and the rattle of stalls being set up disturbed the peace. Applejack anxiously pulled her cart to its place beside Carrot Top’s stall and started setting up. Within a short time she was ready to sell, and stood by, and towered over, her wares. Derpy Doo trotted into the early market on her way to the post office. Applejack screwed up her courage and called out to her. “Hay there Miss Doo! Y’all lookin’ fer breakfast or somethin’ fer yer lunch break? Our apples are plumper an’ sweeter than ever, Ah even got some apple muffins Granny Smith baked up!”

“Oh, nah, I’m not in the mood for muffins today, got any apple butter?”

“Ah happen ta have a jar right here for ya. Fer you, it’s five bits.”

Derpy brightened, “Aw, you don’t have to give me a deal like that.”

“Nono, don’t you try to change mah mind none, that’s mah offer, take it or leave it.”

Derpy smiled and dropped the change in the cashbox, “You’re a pal Applejack, stay cool!”

“Alright, say hi ta Dinky fer me!”

Derpy just waved back, smiling as she trotted off towards her work. Applejack smiled to herself, a little stunned. That had been… very normal. Now braced for the day, AJ prepared herself for the coming influx of ponies. Most of the stalls were set up by now, and ponies were slowly filtering in from the sides of the market. AJ’s stall was fairly central, so she got customers a few minutes later than most, but she also had more ponies pass by her stall over the course of the day. However, before she could call out to try and get her second sale, a gasp and shout came from the flower stall three booths down.

“It’s the princess!” Lily shrieked.

“We aren’t ready for a royal visit!” screamed Rose.

“We’re doomed!” cried Daisy.

Applejack looked around, slightly terrified of meeting either Celestia or Luna, before realizing they were pointing at her. “Now there, there’s no call fer that. Y’all know me, plain ol’ Applejack.”

Rose was unconvinced, “Well, it’s obvious you won a duel with them for their powers and are now conqueror of Equestria. Obviously. How else would you explain… that.” she said, gesturing.

“Ya jest pointed ta all of me!”


“Ah ain’t dueled nopony. Where did ya get that fool idea?”

Rose had the decency to look embarrassed, “Uh, a Mare-Do-Well comic.”

All eyes in the growing crowd of shoppers had now focused on the exchange. Whispers flew thick and fast among the assorted ponies. “She signals the pony apocalypse.” “It’s just a sales stunt.” “Maybe her apples are magic now?” “I wonder if she can authorize tax breaks…” “I don’t know what’s going on.” “It’s all the radiation from the hydroelectric dam.” “I have to get her autograph!”

Finally, a pony stepped forward from the group. “A-Applejack?”

Wary, she replied. “Yes?”

Holding out her child she asked, “Will you kiss my foal?”

“Uh, whut?”

“You know, give her your blessing for a long and happy life?”

Another mother called out from the herd. “Hey! Mine too! Rumble, get over here!”

The mob pressed in on AJ from all sides. Now the floodgates were open and pleas and demands were flooding in from all sides. Applejack backed up to her stall in panic, trying to escape the press. The cart toppled, sending apples everywhere. “Now now, give a girl her space. Ah ain’t an actual princess, Ah jest look like one. No, Ah can’t bless yer baby. Hay now, don’t be like that, Ah don’t know how! What? A’course Ah’m not plannin’ on causin’ eternal night. Hay, no handouts! Put that apple down, y’all gotta pay fer that. Gah! Not you, Ah don’t need yer entire purse neither.” Finally it was too much for the mare. She had one last resort, the Voice. “BY CELESTIA, Y’ALL WILL BACK OFF NOW!” Before the ring of stunned ponies around her could get back up or recover their hearing Applejack had leapt off the ground with enough force to shatter the cobbles beneath her. Taking wing at an altitude that most pegasi couldn’t match, she sped for home, tears trailing behind her.