• Published 1st May 2021
  • 3,145 Views, 79 Comments

Enter the Spider... or Whatever I Am's Web - Autum Breeze

My life's taken a major downward spiral. I've turned into Miranda from W.I.T.C.H. and have to deal with ponies

  • ...

Chapter 25

Chapter 25



Will glanced back at Mel as they passed through the Fold.

She couldn’t help feeling bad as the girl limped away, holding Ed, likely telling her mother a lie to get Will off the hook for not coming home.

She’d notice Mel becoming more and more unhappy as the weeks worn on.

Her physical wounds were healing, especially thanks to Mel’s half of the Gift of Xin Jing, but her emotional wounds were clearly still raw.

She’d asked Mel a few times if she wanted to talk, the two were pretty close nowadays, but Mel would always dodge the topic, saying it wasn’t important.

After this mission was over, she was determined to have Mel sit down and have a heart to heart.

Returning her attention to the task at hand, Will passed through the Fold, the camp settlement of the Equestrians of the alternate timeline Equestria coming into focus.

The Guardians walked into the camp, ponies and other creatures, the Changeling deserters included, greeting them.

“About time you all showed up,” a firm voice said as they neared Zecora’s hut.

“Nice to see you, too, Tirek,” Irma snarked back at the large red centaur, his arms folded.

“So, where’s Zecora?” Will asked, pointing to the dwelling. “Inside?”

Tirek shook his head. “Zecora had to go on ahead. It was actually Twilight Sparkle who wrote the message to you.”

The Twilight Sparkle of this world had been found being forced to try decipher some kind of spell ruins in a book the Changelings had apparently found in The Castle of the Two Sisters, that being the location she’d had been forced to stay in to complete the translation.

In truth, it had only been a few pages copied from the book in question. The Changeling Queen had apparently been very reluctant to give the original, so Twilight had been forced to copy the spell onto separate pages before being allowed to actually study the spell itself, under heavy guard to be sure she didn’t try anything.

Her pregnant former foalsitter and sister in law had also been in the castle, being used as leverage to force Twilight not to step out of line.

“Then where is the purple pony?” Irma asked, arms folded.

“Guardians! Guardians!”

The five turned as the unicorn in question came running over to them.

“So, where’s Zecora gone and what’re the Changelings up to this time?” Cornelia asked. “It’s not another wild goose chase, is it? I’m sick of fighting battles where the enemy doesn’t actually try to win.”

Twilight shook her head furiously. “No, this is real. Our scouts notice a large number of Changelings massing near Coltshire, in the Ponygland.”

The unicorn’s expression became puzzled by the groans from several of the girls.

Will had to admit, some of the pony puns on places in their world could be really bad at times.

“Either way, it looks like Coltshire’s our destination,” the red head said, looking around at her fellow Guardians, before returning her gaze to the unicorn. “Where exactly are they in Coltshire, Twilight?”

Twilight’s face paled. “That’s just it. The Changelings have found the long lost ruins of Ponhendge.”

Another groans reverberated from the group.

Will frowned. “Unfortunately, while it’s probably in a similar location compared to our world’s version, I don’t think we can teletransport there, as I don’t know the area myself.”

Twilight nodded. “That’s why Tirek and I are to take you there as quickly as possible.”

“Considering the two of us are unable to fly, it should take a few hours,” Tirek nodded. “Be ready, Guardians. I feel, whatever the Changeling Queen has planned, this is her end game.”

Several hours later, the girls, Twilight and Tirek arrived to find a battle taking place.

Ponies, griffins, hippogriffs, Kirin in Nirik form and Changelings they knew were on their side were fighting off hordes of Changelings, the latter of whom were trying to keep them from a circle of six varying sized stones surrounding a stone circle.

Strangely, there were several random objects placed upon each the alter of each of the stones, a yellow mask, a shovel, a flower, a blindfold, a shield of some kind and a blue, ragged-looking book.

“We’ll help Zecora and the others,” Tirek punched a fist into his other hand. “You five stopped whatever that crazed queen has planned!”

The five nodded and started flying towards the circle of stones.

Just as they were close, however, Hay Lin cried in alarm as she was yanked back and, before the girls could understand what alarmed her, they found themselves trapped in a large web they hadn’t seen surrounding the stones.

The Changelings Queen, standing within the circle of stones, looked up at them and laughed.

“Foolish, Guardians. Did you really think I would so easily let you foil the plans I’ve worked all these weeks to achieve my final victory?” She glanced behind her. “Though, I must ask, why you interest has returned, my dear?”

“Oh, I have my own reasons,” a familiar voice said and Miranda stepped out of the shadows in her human form. “And, as long as my reasons allow you to win, is that not all that matters, my queen.”

Chrysalis smiled smugly. “Indeed. Now, slave,” she turned to her side and trhust a pink unicorn forward, “finish the spell, or your beloved’s head will role.”

The Guardian’s eyes widened as they recognized the unicorn. It was Starlight Glimmer… and she looked awful. Her mane was limp and her eyes bloodshot.

It looked like she hadn’t gotten any sleep in a very long time. And, around her neck, was a black collar of some kind, with a red jewel in it.

“You... you don’t understand what you’re asking of me,” Starlight managed, her voice hoarse. “She lied to you. This won’t win anything, for anyone!”

Silence!” Chryalis hissed, her horn glowing.

The gem around Starlight’s neck glowed and she fell over, crying out in pain.

“You will do as ordered! Now, cast the spell that will end this pathetic resist, once and for all!”

Starlight looked up to the Guardians and they struggled to break free of the surprisingly strong webs Miranda had trapped them in. even Taranee’s fire couldn’t burn it.

“I’m sorry,” the unicorn whimpered, lighting her horn, a beam of magic soaring into the blue book.

She kept it up for several moments, before collapsing to the ground, completely exhausted.

The book glowed with a white light, one that spread to the other items, forming a hexagon.

The girl’s shuddered as they felt the immense magically energy forming.

Whatever was about to happen, calling it big would’ve been a huge understatement.

The items ross into the air, not breaking their formation, before the hexagon began spinning in a circle, then moving towards each other, in the centre of the stones.

Suddenly, Will had an idea. Girls, we need to teletransport out of the webbing.

Wait, we can do that? Irma asked.

Of course! Hay Lin cheered. Grandma said it’s basically just a normal teleport within a world. We don’t even need to leave this one to do it.

Then, let’s do it girls! Will said firmly.

The five focused their energies, teletransporting out of the webbing, reappearing a split-second later within the circle, just as a blinding white flash illuminated the area.

When it faded, the girls had to react quickly, as six ponies had suddenly appeared in the air and fell, large rocks above them coming down at the same time.

Cornelia stopped the rocks that were about to hit an elderly looking unicorn mare and a Pegasus who looked like she was wearing some kind of Egyptian attire, Taranee grabbed a blue Earth Pony, Irma helped a Pegasus in gladiator-like armour, Hay Lin used her wind powers to stop a massive Earth Pony from falling and Will grabbed and saved the last of them, a grey unicorn wearing blue clothes… with bells?

“What…? What has happened?” the stallion asked, his eyes half open, before they widened upon seeing the jewel around Will’s neck. “A… a Guardian of the Infinite Dimensions?”

“Sorry, Mr. Unicorn,” Will said hurriedly. “I’d love to just sit down and explain, but, we’ve a bit of a situation here and—”

What is the meaning of this, Miranda?!”

All turned to look at the Changeling Queen, who was snarling at Miranda, the latter wearing a satisfied smirk. Even the fighting among the Changelings and the Resistance had stopped.

Miranda just kept smirking. “Exactly as I told you. That spell has opened the door to victory.”

“How does bringing six ponies from ancients times back to the realm of the living bring me victory?!” Chrysalis snarled.

“What? No, no-no, no!” the grey unicorn said, sounding frantic.

“Huh? What’s wrong?” Will asked, looking to him.

“They cannot bring us back!” he said, glancing around as if scared of something. “They must undo what they’ve done!”

“Why, pony?!” the Changeling Queen snarled, turning around to face them.

His faced showed terror and grief. “You cannot bring only the Pillars back!”

At his words, lightning flashed and a circle of darkness formed as the dark clouds filled the skies.

Miranda just chuckled. “Whoever said it would bring you victory?”

A darkness formed within the centre of the stone circle, expanding, stretching out into the form of a large Alicorn, seeming made of nothing but darkness, laughing maniacally.

Suddenly, without warning, the girl’s changed back normal, Hay Lin and Irma, who’d been hovering at the time, falling, being caught by the two new pegasi.

“What the—?” Taranee looked down at her hands, before looking to Will with horror. “Will, what happened? Why’d we suddenly change back?”

“Well, I wasn’t totally lying,” Miranda cackled, leaping towards the pony made of shadows and opening a Fold right in front of him, causing him to unintentionally step through it. “The Guardians are no longer a threat to you. Farwell, my queen.”

“No!” the girls cried out as the Fold closed, Miranda and the pony made of shadows on wherever the other side was.

Chrysalis screamed with rage, blasting the stones to pieces with magical blasts.

She then turned her attention to the Guardians and six new ponies.

She blinked, then a cruel sneer formed. “Well, at least it seems, whatever Miranda’s spell did, it left you all weak and helpless.” She licked her lips. “Ripe for the picking.”

“Stand behind us!” the grey unicorn shouted, lighting his horn, before it fizzled out. “My magic is too drained from the spell that sent us and The Pony of Shadows to Limbo. I don’t have enough to erect a shield.”

Will thought for a moment, before looking to the stallion. “Borrow some of my life energy.”

He looked at her, his eyes wide. “What, Guardian?”

“Our powers have shorted out for some reason,” Will shook her head firmly. “If you’re our best shot to regroup until we know why and fix it, you need more power!”

“I— But— Oh, very well, then,” the stallion said begrudgingly, leaning his horn to Will’s forehead as she kneeled.

His horn started to glow as a light moved from Will into him.

Will gasped for breath as the stallion pulled away, a barrier of white magic form around the twelve of them.

Chrysalis just laughed. “Really, Starswirl. A mere barrier? Is this all the fabled Starswirl the Bearded has been reduced to?”

“It may not be much, but it should hold you back for a time, foul creature!” the stallion named Starswirl said firmly.

She just laughed again. “Oh, this is just perfect. Miranda, though somewhat a backstabbing traitor, did seem to bring me victory with that spell after all.”

She circled around the barrier, leering at them all.

“The Guardians weak and powerless and the ancient Pillars of Light, helpless to fight back? Oh, this is a joyous day, indeed. On top of that,” Will cried out in alarm as she was suddenly dragged underground, “I have other agendas to complete.”

Will was tossed out from the ground just outside the barrier and Chrysalis fired a glob of mucus from her mouth, pinning the girl’s arms to her side, then held her in her magic.

“Good work,” Chrysalis looked down at the hole Will had been flung out from and a large mole-like creature emerged from it, before it flashed with light, turning into a Changeling, who bowed to her.

“Now, it’s time we make a deal,” Chrysalis cackled, tightening her magical hold on Will. “I know, while currently depowered, you Guardians gained you power from the Heart of Kandrakar. Give it to me or,” Will cried out as the magic holding her tightened even more, “this one dies.”

“You can’t have the Heart!” Irma said firmly. “It can only be given willingly. If you take it, it’ll just come right back.”

“Oh, I’m very aware,” Chrysalis sneered, glancing to Will. “So, you’ll willingly hand it over, or your dear fellow Guardian here dies. So, whomever of you has it, hand it over, now.”

“Don’t!” Starswirl yelled, looking towards the remaining four. “You are the Guardians of the Infinite Dimensions. You must not give this wretched creature the source of your power!”

“Well, we can’t anyway,” Hay Lin shrugged. “Will’s our leader. She has the Heart—oops!” she quickly covered her mouth.

“Hay Lin!” the others yelled.

“Oh, really?” Chrysalis quickly spat another glob of mucus, this time over Will’s mouth. “I wasn’t being cautious enough then. Very well, Will. I’ll give you one chance. Either give me the Heart of Kandrakar or…”

The lack of sounds of battle made them all glance around to see all the resistance being restrained in the same way Will was. Now, all the Changeling army were surrounding the bubble Starswirl had created.

Chrysalis sneered. “… your fellow Guardians will meet a very painful end.”

“Will, don’t do it!” Taranee yelled as the Changelings started slamming themselves against the barrier.

“Don’t give her the Heart, no matter what happens!” Irma yelled.

“Well?” Chrysalis leered as cracks started to form in the barrier. “What will the answer be, Will? Simply nod your head to say “yes” and this will all be over.”

Will looked to her friends and the ponies, her eyes wide with fear.

What could she do? She couldn’t give the Heart to the Changeling Queen. Equestria and every other world would fall to her reign.

But… she couldn’t let her friends die, either. She had to save them.

But, how? They were trapped and so was she. They couldn’t even use their powers, even if whatever changed them back was fixed now.

If only… If only…

Just as the barrier was about to break and Will was seconds from nodding in agreement, a Fold suddenly opened right next to her and the queen.

“What?” Chrysalis cried as Mel ran out of the Fold, Caleb right behind her, carrying something in his arms.

The two stopped, whirling around, seeing everything that was happening.

Will’s eyes were wide with confused shocked. How was Mel standing on both her legs? How was she able to run?

Mel met Will’s eyes and Will saw something like recognition in Mel’s.

The dark-haired girl smirked. “Well, this is going to be interesting. Always wanted to say this.” She pumped her fist into the air. “Guardians, unit!”


I cheer as the transformation ends and I fly up, grinning as Will breaks free from the hold Cheese Legs had her in.

Said bug pony is staring in bewilderment and rage.

“What?! How?! Miranda said the Shadow Guardian would never walk again, let alone transform!”

“We Guardians are just full of surprises, Cheese Legs,” I jeer, before closing my eyes and focus, thrusting my hands out as I snarl.

Shadows all around the fallen resistance rise up, lashing at and breaking the bindings holding them all.

“Mel?” Irma looks to me in shock. “How…?”

“Let’s just say, I got an upgrade,” I wink, before looking down at the Changeling Queen. “Now, every creature, let’s end this, once and for all!”

Roars ring out as the Resistance, joined now by the Pillars, charge at the Changelings, myself shooting towards the queen.

“How?!” she snarls, firing several blasts at me and lunging with her horn, myself dodging it. “You were beaten and broken, on the very edge of death! How are you even still alive?!”

“You can thank Xin Jing for that,” I leap over her head and, using her own shadow, tire her up. “Oh, and about three different Ponies of Shadow.”

“What are you babbling—?” she’s knocked out by a giant shadow fist and her head slumps to the floor, her tongue lolling out her mouth.

Within an hour, the Changeling Army is defeated.

As Zecora and her group our rounding up the last of them, the girls all gather around me, talking a mile a minute, wanting to know how I healed so fast, how I got to Equestria, how I knew to come, why Caleb was with me, who the pony he’d been carrying was.

“Guys, guys, please,” I laugh, holding up my hands. “I’ll explain everything I can. But, first,” I walk over the grey unicorn with bells and lightly bow, “Starswirl the Bearded?”

He nods, looking me over with confusion. “I was not aware there were six Guardians of the Infinite Dimensions.”

“Aye,” Rockhoof says, resting his shovel on his shoulder. “I thought there were only ever five of ye.”

I laugh. “A lot changes in a thousand year. After we’ve sorted out the rest of your world’s problems, I believe a visit to Kandrakar might clear things up for you.”

Author's Note:

PHEW! Finally, the Changelings have been beaten.

I have been working up to this chapter for quite a while now and am SO glad i finally have it done.

Now, to answer the obvious questions right of the bat, no, Mel being able to make the Guardians transform by saying "Guardians unite" on her own is not a sign of her having become the new leader of The Guardians.

Something else has happened that will be elaborated on more come next chapter, whenever i get that one out.

And if Mel suddenly seemed overpowered with how easily she took out Cheese Legs, keep in mind, Cheese Legs is mentally trying to process a lot within those moments as Mel was fighting her.

Miranda had tricked her into bringing back the Pillars and unleashing The Pony of Shadows, only for said Pony of Shadows to seemingly vanish, the thought she had the upper hand on the Guardians only for it to suddenly banish when someone she thought was as good as dead is suddenly back in fighting form, the Guardians are powered up once again, the Resistance has gotten free and are retaliating and the someone she'd assumed as good as dead is attacking her now.

on top of that, Mel is now stronger than before and able to use that power up in her shadow powers, allowing her more range and ingenuity.

Next time, everybody, even Mel to a degree, have to play catch up, before getting back to Earth before anyone finds out and then figure out which alternate Equestria they are going to go into next, this time with Mel joining them every time all the time.

plus, a new useful dynamic has formed that the girls will be able to make good use of later down the line. i wonder if you can guess what it is:trixieshiftright:

Anyway, next up, i'm taking a slight break from Mel and co as i want to do a few more updates for my Maximum Ride, Haku, Peni Parker, Ranma, maybe Love Bug's Life and Dora stories, the latter especially.

See, one thing that was holding me up on my Dora story was... I'd written myself a massive roadblock with one simple question: What is so important about a True Princess?

This was also why, despite seeming to hint that Dora being a True Princess was incredibly important, Celestia and Luna had completely clammed up on it... because i had no idea what they were supposed to know that Dora doesn't.

It was driving me nuts and i just couldn't figure it out... until a thought came to me.

See, something that's meant to be part of that story is it's revealed that there's an old prophecy mentioning The True Princess, with the simple phrase that "The True Princess is destined to save Equestria and created a new world".

Now... how do i pull that off?

Well... let's just say i saw the Sunny side of things.

i'll leave you to guess the rest.

So, how will Mel and the Guardians handle their next adventure? Who will the big bad they face next be... and will it be harder or easier to win than they think?

Will Mel be able to keep up the act of needing to recover long enough to convince Aunt Sue and everyone else that it was natural?

Will Starswirl annoy The Oracle by reguraly visiting Kandrakar to ask about the multiverse?

Will Will be able to convince Irma's parents that they were indeed studying all that time?

And might things have been going on a Redstone the girls will let Will, Irma and Mel know about that reveals the truth about Professor Sylla?

Tune in next time to find out.

Til then, stay safe, stay clean and (since i'm not sure i'll update next week due to the long weekend) Happy Easter everybody