• Published 1st May 2021
  • 3,143 Views, 79 Comments

Enter the Spider... or Whatever I Am's Web - Autum Breeze

My life's taken a major downward spiral. I've turned into Miranda from W.I.T.C.H. and have to deal with ponies

  • ...

Chapter 23

Chapter 23


“I still don’t understand why the Changelings are acting the way they are. Their movements aren’t making any sense anymore,” Will says.

I lift my head slight and glance towards her, before looking dejectedly at the wall in front of me.

It’s been three weeks since I got out of the hospital. In that time, things have been… weird.

For reasons that none of us understand, shortly after I got out of the hospital, the movements of the Changelings in the alternate Equestria had dramatically changed.

At first, it went unnoticed. Zecora would contact Twilight through the journal, who would then contact me, we’d Guardian Up and I’d stay behind due to my still recovering injuries while the rest went into Equestria to fight off the latest attack.

However, after the fourth time, the girls had noticed something off.

The Changelings fought back, yes… but it was almost like they weren’t actually trying to fight back most of the time.

It instantly reminded me of how Miranda had those Changelings hold me up just so she could get to me when I was weak enough… but this feels different.

It’s similar, but… not.

They drag on the battle, but never seem to actually be trying to win.

In fact, one time they almost did due to Cornelia getting distracted an accidentally trapping the others in extremely thick mud.

But, instead of pressing the advantage it gave them and attack, the Changelings had waited for the Guardians to free themselves before resuming the fight.

The only times they genuinely seemed to try and beat the girls happened twice, once in Somnambula and the other time in an Asian like area of Equestria.

Literally every other time they fought as if they were merely trying to keep the Guardians fighting.

Only those two times did they seem like they actually wanted to win.

We’re currently sitting in Irma’s bedroom, going over it with the girls via video call.

Of course, confused as I am about it, I also feel horrible. The girls are trying their hardest and here I am, staying in Heatherfield all the time, my only contribution helping Will transform everyone.

Aside from that, I’m just deadweight.

If I were able to go with them, maybe I could be of some use and we could figure out the odd plan Queen Cheese Legs is using, but, since I’m not getting firsthand experience, I have no idea what’s going on.

Grabbing my crutch, I get up and head for the door.

“Mel?” Will asks and I look back at them.

“Not like I’m going to be any help, right? Unless you get called back, I’m practically useless—”

My backpack, which was left on Irma’s bed, starts vibrating.

“That would be a call for help, I’d assume,” Will’s phone says, before his tone becomes firm. “But be back soon, Will. If your mother calls because you’re late getting home, I’m not covering for you.”

“Yeah, yeah. I get it, Ed,” Will groans, before looking to the screen. “Get ready, girls.”

She teletransports away, before returning with the others.

We transform and then I do back, the girls heading through a fold, leaving me alone in the room.

I pick up Ed and call Aunt Sue.

“Will?” she asks on the other end.

“No, Aunt Sue,” I say, trying to keep my tone positive. “Will’s studying at Irma’s tonight again.”

“I’m glad those two are both taking their studies more seriously after failing the test for Redstone and I know it’s a Friday,” she says as I make my way down the hall and the stairs of Irma’s house. “But, this is the fifth time she’s done so without warning.”

“What can I say?” I reply. “Redstone brought a lot of changes.”

I hang up, Ed chastising me for using him to lie, but I ignore him, putting him in my pocket as I say goodbye to Irma’s parents on the way out, saying the girls are studying in Irma’s room and that they asked not to be disturbed.

I make my way down the street, my mind on the alternate Equestria, the Guardians, the Heart of Shadow… and how useless I truly am.

“Mel!” I glance up to see Alchemy coming towards me, a bag over her back.

I give the best smile I can manage.

“Mind if I come over to your place and study for a bit?” she asks, putting her hands together in a pleading manner. “This history assignment is killing me and you’re so good at history.”

I nod, my smile becoming a little more genuine. “Sure.”

Having Earth’s history from my past life certainly does make it easier for me here, since this world is almost identical to my old one.

We get home and we spend two hours in mine and Will’s room, myself helping Alchemy whenever she’s faltering.

“I’m glad you’re smiling again, Mel,” she says suddenly after we’ve gone over how messed up Emperor Caligula was, even having someone dig up Alexander the Great’s grave just so he could wear his Armor.

The change in subject is so abrupt, I’m taken aback completely.

“I… um… what?” is all I’m feebly able to get out.

Alchemy gives me a concerned look. “Well, ever since you got out of the hospital you’ve been, well, distant, I guess. You still act like you, but… I can tell you’re hurting. I… I can’t pretend I know exactly what it is, but, something’s been on your mind ever since and it’s making you unhappy.”

Now, I could point about an obvious thing to her.

Since the cover story for my injuries to everyone in our inner circle in the fictional arsonists came after me, I could say it simply reminded me of the bad things in my life… but I know Alchemy.

She’s fully aware of the cover story, so wouldn’t say that without keeping that in mind, so… she’s seeing something else.

“I just… feel useless, Alchemy,” I find myself saying without thinking.

Her eyes widen. “What?”

I shift from out positions cross-legged on the bed so my legs are hanging over it.

“I’m no good to anyone. I can’t find out answers, I can’t give help when others need it. I’m just a stand in for a prop to keep others up, nothing else.” I give a cold laugh. “I’m not even supposed to be here. I’m not even Will’s real family. I’m just a worthless leech, syphoning from her family and friends and giving noting in return.”

“Mel,” Alchemy moves to sit next to me, a hand on my shoulder. “That’s not true at all. You may not be Will’s cousin by blood, or really her cousin, but I’ve seen the two of you together. You care about each other as if you are family. You worry about her when something goes wrong and her you.”

“Alchemy,” Aunt Sue calls from the kitchen. “You’re mother just called. She wants you to go home and help with dinner.”

Alchemy looks shocked, then torn. “I… I did promise mom I’d help cook dinner tonight, but…”

I shake my head, looking away. “It’s fine, Alchemy. You can go. I don’t want your mum angry at your for being late.”

“Mel…” Alchemy bites her lips, before sighing and gets up, packs up her stuff, hugs me goodbye and leaves.

“Speaking of dinner,” Aunt Sue calls, “what do you feel like, Mel?”

I get my crutch and move to the door. “Not hungry, Aunt Sue. I’m going to bed.”

“Oh, um… okay,” she calls back, sounding a bit worried. “Um, goodnight, Mel.”

I close the door, glad she can’t see the tears moving down my cheeks.

Grunting, I thrust my hand with the Mage’s Ring forward, opening a fold to Equestria and stumble through.

I need to get away from all this.

What point is there for me if this is all I’m good for?

I hobble through the fold.

I need to get away. I need to be alone.


As I pass through the plains of reality into Equestria… I’m met with a sight that does not make sense to me at all.

I’d meant to find Twilight… but I’m standing in a forested area, the dark sky suggesting it’s night in Equestria too... though something about that isn’t right in my head.

Twilight and the others, including Starlight and Sunburst, are standing by something in front of me that kinda resembles Stone Hedge and is ringing a bell in my head.

But they’re not alone.

Six other ponies are with them… three of whom I recognize immediately, but, in doing so, my brain threatens to shutdown in protest to the severe disregard to reality what I’m seeing would imply.

One of them is a tall, buff Earth Pony stallion, dressed like a Viking.

The second is an orange Pegasus mare dressed like an Egyptian.

The third one is really doing my head in, though.

He’s a grey stallion with a long beard, wearing a blue cloak with stars emblazoned on them and a hat with bells on them.

How in the flying fuck are Somnambula, Rockhoof and freaking Starswirl the Bearded standing right in front of me?! Shouldn’t they have died, like, over a thousand years ago?

However, that’s as far as I’m able to process before, lightning strikes flash across the sky, dark clouds forming as a smoky essence begins swirling around the centre of the Equestria Stonehenge, expanding and shifting, taking on the form of a large black Alicorn, one I recognize immediately and me blood goes cold. The Pony of Shadows.

How? He is here? Did he find a way to fold from the dead Equestria into ours?

Fuck, did I lead him here somehow?

Just another reason I’m so useless.

The Pony of Shadow fully forms, laughing evilly.

I can see Twilight’s face fall. “Oh, no!”

The Pony of Shadows laughs, looking down in amusement at the gathered ponies and dragon. “Your pitiful attempt to imprison me has failed, Star Swirl!”

Star Swirl tries to cast a spell, but his magic fizzles out. He looks to Twilight. “You must return us to limbo. It’s the only way to stop him.”

Wait, limbo. What did I miss?

Twilight shakes her head, her expression frantic. “I only figured out how to bring you back.”

Wait, again, what? Bring them back? Twilight somehow figured out Starswirl, and it seems Rockhoof, Somnamubla and the other three ponies, were in limbo and she figured out how to get them out of there too?

“Working on it!” Sunburst calls, his expression mirroring that of the purple Alicorn as his magic frantically flicks through the pages of a book with Star Swirl’s Cutie Mark on it. “No table of contents!”

“Allow me to assist,” the Pony of Shadows jeers, tendrils lashing out from him, piercing through the book and the stones of the Equestria Stonehenge.

Lifting them up, he thrust them all down, smashing the rocks to pieces.

“There!” he yells in triumph. “Without the power of Ponhenge, your banishing spell is useless!”

Despite everything, I deadpan.

Ponhedge? Seriously?

Star Swirl turns, looking at Twilight with narrowed eyes… nopony apparently having notice me yet. “You have studied my writings. Surely you have some other plan.”

Twilight shakes her head. “No. I just wanted to save you. I didn’t think—”

“Don’t fret,” the Pony of Shadows interrupts her. “When I extinguish the light and hope of this miserable world, you won’t remember any of this.”

His black horn glows and a beam of pure dark energy burst forth, surging towards the crowd.

“No!” Twilight cries, jumping in front of the stallion and firing a blast of magic herself, it pushing back against the The Pony of Shadow’s, making him growl.

“This one is almost as” The Pony of Shadows winces, “strong as you, Starswirl. But,” his horn glows with a powerful spell, “even in my weakened state, she cannot stop the… might of… Shadows?”

He trails off, seeming confused, before my eyes widen as he turns towards me and I realize, in my confusion, my senses were being thrown off.

Now… oh, crap.

The others follow his gaze, Twilight’s eyes widening upon seeing me.

“Fascinating,” The Pony of Shadows says, staring intently at me. “I know not what creature you are… but I sense the power within you.” He licks his lips. “You have the Heart of a world inside you.”

The others quickly gather around Twilight and he glances at them, blinking in surprise, before sneering. “Two Hearts? This is quite the intriguing circumstance now, isn’t it?”

Starswirl looks to Twilight, both shocked and frustrated. “You’re the bearer of our world’s Heart?”

“This changes many things, it would seem,” The Pony of Shadows chuckled. “Taking the Heart of Equestria would certainly make my task easier… though taking her Heart now could prove troublesome, at least in my weakened state. Yours, on the otherhoof…”

Before I can open a fold to try and get away, The Pony of Shadows turns into a wall of shadow and lunges at me, my vision going black.


The ponies and dragon cried out in alarm as The Pony of Shadows turned into a wall of shadow and lunged towards Mel, who couldn’t move quickly enough to get out of the way and was engulfed in the mass of shadow.

As she was, however, a cry came from where The Pony of Shadows had been standing, in the centre of Ponhendge.

To the shock of Twilight and her friends, as the shadow consumed Mel, a pony was seemingly released from within it, collapsing to the ground.

It was an Earth Pony.

However, that was all they took notice of as a scream from Mel drew their attention back to her.

The mass of shadow was whirling and writhing where she had been, it laughing coldly.

A Heart of Shadow? The Pony of Shadows cheered. Oh, this was meant to be. Once I have control of your form, creature, this Heart will grant me the power of… of… Wait. What’s going on?

His tone had suddenly changed.

Whereas a moment ago it was mocking and cruel… now it had hints of confusion and worry.

No. No, this can’t be possible! The Pony of Shadows cried, the mass of shadow moving away, seeming to try escape Mel?

The girl, for her part, was standing, her fists clenched, her expression firm.

“Bit off more than you could chew there, huh, The Pony of Shadows?” she growled, raising an open hand and grunting.

Now, they all could see what was happening.

Whereas the shadows had at first lunged and Mel and tried to consume her, now they were trying to pull away, it evident they were being sucked towards her.

“Shadow isn’t all evil, The Pony of Shadows,” she growled as The Pony of Shadows tried desperately to pull away as more of his form was sucked towards the intimidating humanoid. “My Shadow is balance and now, I’m going to bring balance.”

NOOOOoooo! The Pony of Shadows screamed as he was sucked towards the girls’ hands, slipping away like water down a sink.

There was a flash of white light and Mel slump to the ground, wincing and dropping to one side instead of just onto her knees.

“Mel!” the ponies and dragon cried, rushing towards her, leaving Starswirl and the other five with him to look on in confusion.


“Mel? Mel!”

“Oh my, is she alright?”

“Were those her injuries she talked about in the journals?”

“Sugarcube, are you okay?”

I open my eyes to see nine pairs of eyes in a circle around me, all worried.

Applejack helps me right myself in my sitting position.

“What… What just happened?” I look around at them. “I remember The Pony of Shadows lunging at me, but… it’s kinda hazy after that.”

“You somehow absorbed that demon into yourself without it taking over,” the voice of… Detective Yagami from Death Note says?

The girls part a bit to reveal Starswirl walking towards us, the other five moving towards the remains of Ponhendge… to tend to another pony? Where’d he come from?

My attention is drawn back to Starswirl as he eyes me over.

“Strange,” he says, narrowing his eyes. “You possess a Heart… that is similar to the one in this Alicorn. Where did you get it?”

“First… can somepony tell me what just happened?” I ask, looking around, before glancing down at my leg and arm. “And, is it just me, or do my arm and leg feel a little better?”

“I’m only guessing at this point,” Sunburst says slowly, “but, I think, because your Heart is the Heart of Shadow, Mel, it overpowered the Shadow magic of The Pony of Shadow and purified it.”

Starswirl’s eyes narrow, his horn alighting. “The Heart of Shadow?”

“Mel’s good!” Spike says hurriedly, standing in front of me. “She got her heart from a dying Equestria that was already being ruled by The Pony of Shadows. That world gave her its heart because of how good a being she is.”

“A… dying Equestria?” Starswirl looks confused for a moment, before his eyes widen. “Are you from another world?”

“The humanoid form wasn’t the first giveaway?” Starlight deadpans.

“I… I still don’t understand what just happened… or why The Pony of Shadows was here,” I say, looking around at everyone.

“I do,” an additional, unknown, yet familiar voice says suddenly and I feel myself being yanked backwards, the screams of the others fading away as I realize I’m being pulled through a fold.

Before I really know what’s going on, I stumble backwards, my vision of behind me upside-down… and completely breaking my brain in the process.

The Pony of Shadows is fighting around the remains of Ponhendge… but, his not fighting ponies... nor is he a pony.

My brain struggles to understand what I’m seeing at all.

Best I can figure out, as I can’t get quite a good look with how much they keep moving around, there’s an anthro version of Twilight, Starlight, Rainbow Dash, Somnambula and a human girl fighting it, the for mentioned ponies flying around, Twilight and Starlight blasting The Pony of Shadows with magic lasers, Dash and Somnambula distracting him and the human girl swinging around on ropes and aiming kick and punching whenever she can land a hit, it seeming to either slightly hurt The Pony of Shadows or simply annoy him.

The Pony of Shadows is anthro too, towering over the land like a freaking giant.

However, looking at the girl makes my brain go on strike more than the confusion of The Pony of Shadows, Twilight and the others being anthro now.

I recognize that girl. I’ve only seen her in one thing, but I’d recognize her instantly.

She has black hair and is wearing some kind of school uniform that consists of a white shirt under a black top with no shoulders, a black skirt, black socks and black buckle shoes.

“I’m… Peni Parker?!” I cry out, my eyes wide. “The fuck?!”

Peni seems distracted by my voice, glancing around, getting knocked aside by a surprise shadow tendril.

“That’s your cue,” the voice I heard earlier says cheerily and, without warning, I feel something long and scaly wrap around my waist, before I’m hurled towards The Pony of Shadows.

He turns his head towards me right before I find myself slamming into and through him, halting inside the shadowy mass.

“What in the world?” his voice cries out from all around me, before I hear him screaming.

At the same time, I feel a rush of energy flowing into me.

It takes a second for me to realize what’s going on. I’m absorbing The Pony of Shadows again.

But… how? What’s going on?

I feel myself getting stronger as The Pony of Shadows’ screams become more and more frantic.

Before I know it, I’m falling through the air, my body tingling even more than a few minutes ago when I first absorbed The Pony of Shadows.

“And that should do it,” the voice says again and I my eyes move down in time to see a Fold in front of me and fall through, slamming face first into hard concrete.

“What… the actual… fuck?” I grunt, pushing myself up with my good arm and looking around in confusion.

I’m… in Sheffield Park.

What the hell is going on around here?

“Two Ponies of Shadows purified and you weren’t even trying,” the voice from before says behind me. “Nice job. I’ll call when we need you to take care of ours, Melinda.”

I whirl around in my sitting positon as best I can in time to catch the silhouette of someone walking through a fold, waving.

“Say hi to Will and the girls for me when you next see them?” they call out as the fold closes, not giving me time to see their face.

I just sit there, staring at where the fold had closed.

Shadow Guardian, The Oracle’s voice would make me jump if I wasn’t flat on my ass. Meridian is in danger and the other Guardians cannot get there in time. Fold there yourself at once.

I… but…

What the hell is going on around here?!

Author's Note:

This... feels a bit odd, doesn't it?

I've tried to figure out how to handle this part but, every time i've tried, this is best outcome i could figure out.

Anyway, next chapter, despite still recovering from her injuries, Mel will find out why she needs to head for Meridian, before things start to fall a little into place.

You might have figured it out yourselves throughout the chapter along with both Cheese Legs' and Miranda true plans.

What those are, you'll have to wait and see as i've been at this since this morning and really wiped.

So, explanations for the long absence since my last update.

Basically, stuff's been happening IRL that, alongside the move to a new work location, has been sapping my will to write.

every time i wanted to start, my brain or IRL would slap me in the face and say "No, not now".

The only reason i think i was able to push passed that today is because, thanks to Cup Day this monday, it's a long weekend.

weather hasn't helped much, either. it's only recently started becoming more Autum weather here in Aus and the heat from before was doing me no favors for drive to write.

Hopefully, i'll be able to update a little more frequently in the future. not this week or likely even next week, but the next update should be sooner rather than later.

and, for that person who put my Haku story as canceled, perhaps now you'll understand i fully intend to return to it in due time, once I've fully got my head on straight again.

anyway, hope this was acceptable and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and see you (preferably soon rather than) later everybody