• Published 1st May 2021
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Enter the Spider... or Whatever I Am's Web - Autum Breeze

My life's taken a major downward spiral. I've turned into Miranda from W.I.T.C.H. and have to deal with ponies

  • ...

Chapter 13

Chapter 13


“Now, Will will be in most of your classes, so, if you’re having any problems you can speak to her or Dea— Professor Colins,” Mrs. Vandom says, looking at me through the rear-view mirror as she drives us towards Sheffield Institute. She then looks to her side. “Right, Will?”

Will gives a half fake exasperated sigh. “Yes, Mom. Okay? I get it.”

I just give a meek nod, it being fair harder to keep my act up than Will is.

Her mum hasn’t stopped reinforcing this since we got up this morning… not helped by the fact that Harley, Will’s alarm clock, decided to wake us up two hours earlier than the alarm was set to make sure we weren’t late for my first day.

Yeah, like the other Guardians, now that I’m linked with them, I can hear and interact with any device with an electric current too and it got old REALLY fast.

Will is wearing jeans, a long-sleeve pink shirt under a purple tank top shirt with a collar, like what she wore in episode three of season two, C is for Changes.

I’m, annoyingly, wearing an identical set of clothes, Will’s mother saying it will help everyone know who I am and who to contact if they see anything going wrong.

Will and I share the sentiment that it just makes it look like she’s making me a Mini Will so people just associate me with her, which will make it harder to stand out as my own person.

“Oh, and, if you need to contact me, this is for you,” Mrs Vandom reaching into her purse, then into the back, passing me a black phone. It reminds me of the old Nokia 100 phones I used to use shortly after leaving high school in the real world.

I can tell this is a really cheap model though, even for the time period of this Earth, but say nothing.

“Don’t use me too often. Especially not during class,” the phone says, her voice sounding like Daring Do, of all voices. The heck?

I simply give a small nod, put the frog designed bag Will was told to lend me over my shoulder and step out of the car, Will following suite.

We walk through the gates into the school, myself glancing over my shoulder and watching as Mrs. Vandom’s car drives off, myself doing my best to keep my pace that of someone unsure of where they’re going… though that isn’t half lying.

In all honesty, I am nervous about starting school here. Not because of the normal reasons, of course, like being in a new school, worrying about bullies or whether I’ll be able to do well.

I’ll be in either grade. Sure, eighth grade sucked for me before, but that was because of the shitty Home Room teacher I’d had that year, who was also my science teacher, maths teacher and Society and Environment teacher and I’d have him for doubles of all those lessons once a week each term.

And, whenever I didn’t understand a question or aspect of a lesson and asked him to explain it a different way so I could get a better idea of what he meant, he’d just repeat it the way he did the first time, the way I hadn’t understood, expecting me to somehow magically understand it then.

Plus, the first detention he gave me, my first ever high school detention, had been for reading a freaking school library book IN THE SCHOOL LIBRARY!

No way are any of the teachers at Sheffield going to be that bad.

No, my worries are how I’m going to be able to keep up the act of being the nervous cousin of Will’s.

Anyone who knows me knows I’m very straight forward a person. If you say something I don’t agree with, regardless of whether you’re above me in any rank or not, I’ll call you out on it.

It was why my last eighth grade teacher and I were always butting heads. He’d always acted like I’d just fall in line, taking his shit without question, only for me to turn around and call him out every. Single. God damn time.

And that hasn’t changed. I’m going to have to keep myself in check or else risk blowing my cover.

Will and the girls assured me they’d help, Matt too, but I just know I’m going to slip up somewhere and everyone will suddenly see Will’s “timid and scared cousin” cussing like a sailor and beating on anyone who messes with her.

Not exactly a great way to keep my head down when I need to more than ever.

“Will, Mel!” we smile as the girls come over, myself frowning slightly in confusion as I glance from Will to them.

They’re all wearing the clothes from C is for Changes. Cornelia, a pink jumper and pants with a yellow belt. Irma, a green long-sleeve shirt and white pants under a blue skirt. Taranee, a pink short-sleeve long T-shirt and orange pants. And, Hay Lin, a blue hoodie with a purple collar and purple pants that stop just under her knees.

Weird coincidence.

“So, how’s our newest member settling in?” Cornelia asks as we start heading inside.

“Fine,” I say, glancing away. “Though, Will’s mum, I mean, Aunt Susan, is being very protective of me.”

“Considering the cover story we had to go with to explain your existence in this world with no proper records, is it really that surprising?” Irma asks bluntly.

We all murmur to ourselves at that.

“I wasn’t going to say anything, but I’m in the wrong backpack back here,” a voice suddenly speaks up.

At once, I freeze, before looking around frantically.

The heck? What’s here doing here? This isn’t a DC universe, let alone the Young Justice one.

“Mir-Mel, what’s wrong?” Taranee asks as Will seems to be reaching for my backpack for some reason.

I don’t answer, still wondering what the heck the Chaos Lord Klarion is doing in the W.I.T.C.H. universe.

“Sammy, don’t startle her like that,” I look to Will to see her holding a calculator and, after a pause, feel my body sagging with relief.

Sheesh, that was more nerve-wracking than I’d like to admit. Last thing I need to be worrying about is a loose cannon like Klarion here while I’m dealing with everything else.

Guess the same person who voices Klarion also voiced Sammy in this world’s show. Talk about your odd coincidences. That’s too odd coincidences in one day.

Though, this is a coincidence I could’ve done without.

“Who’s this jitterbug?”

I immediately deadpan at the voice, but take a deep breath and put on a nervous face, turning around, while moving closer to Will.

Walking towards us down the hallway is Uriah, the school bully, and his two all muscle, no brain lackeys.

These three are definitely going to provide a challenge for me. Not because I couldn’t handle them. Even before I obtained the Heart inside me, I could’ve handle these three with ease. Bullies like them were never an issue for me.

No, the challenge will be keeping my cool around them long enough that I don’t blow my cover.

“She’s my cousin, Uriah,” Will says, giving him a firm look. “If you mess with her, I promise, I’ll make you regret it.”

Uriah makes a mocking worried face. “Ooh. I’m so scared.”

He and his cronies laugh.

He points, leering. “What’re ya gonna do, Wil-ma?”

A clearing of a throat makes the three look behind them to see Matt standing there.

“Is there a problem with my girlfriend’s cousin, boys?” he asks, raising an eyebrow.

The three grumble, before slinking off, Uriah making sure she shove me with his shoulder as he passes.

I’m the one who has to make sure I let him pass me by. My strength may have lessened since the power of my Heart spread out among the Guardians, but I’m still more than strong enough to resist a shove from someone like Uriah.

If I just took his shove, he’d have fallen back from the resistance, without me even needing to try.

“So, how’re things holding up… here?” Matt says, only now seeming to notice Will and I are dressed exactly the same. “Um, why…?”

“Mom,” Will says flatly.

The bell rings for class, so we all head off, myself going with Will and Cornelia for history class.

Now, history wasn’t my best subject, but, I do pretty well. This Earth’s history isn’t all that different from my Earth.

It is odd, the weird memory blank Miranda’s actions left me with.

I can’t remember it… but I can. It’s hard to explain.

It’s like, when it comes to my personal memories, I’m always drawing a blank. Anything else though, is clear as day. It’s very weird.

Like, I remember that horrible teacher from my last time in eighth grade and the reasons why he was horrible, but I don’t remember him specifically, or the school I was going to where he taught.

It’s a very bizarre mismatch of memories.

In fact, the class itself wasn’t the hard part. It was being introduced as Will’s cousin to the whole class that was the hard part.

If not for the psychic link we all have, I don’t know if I’d have been able to keep up the act for long while standing in front of the class.

Will isn’t in my next class, but Alchemy, Elyon’s best friend is and she’s sitting right next to me in the computer lab.

As we do, she gives me an odd look.

Remembering my character, I pretend to be nervous, glancing at her several times, before shrinking down and asking in a shaky tone, “Y-yes? D-do you want something?”

Though, I am actually a little weirded out by Alchemy. She’s wearing the exact same green sweatshirt and marron pants as the episode everyone’s wearing today. This is seriously throwing me off.

It’s not just her and the Guardians, though. It’s as if everyone, even the faculty staff, chose to be wearing the exact same clothes today as from that episode.

Is this just a massive coincidence or is the universe trying to send me some kind of message here?

Alchemy seems to realize she was staring and starts, waving a hand. “Oh, n-no. Sorry. You just remind me of someone a friend of mine mentioned from while she was on vacation.”

I blink. Huh. So, without mentioning the part about her being a monster, Elyon had talked about Miranda to Alchemy at some point. I’ll have to remember that.

“Who… who was your friend?” I ask, before remembering I’m supposed to be Will’s cousin from Australia. Didn’t one of the girls mention Australia as one of the places Elyon and her family were “vacationing” in?

Wait, that happened in C is for Changes too. What the heck is going on here?

Still, at least I might be able to work with that, depending on Alchemy’s next sentence.

Alchemy gets a sad look in her eyes as she smiles. “Elyon Brown. She and her family had to move away a couple months ago. Before that, they went missing, only for us to learn they’d been on vacation. A really long vacation,” she finishes that with a small laugh.

I try to hide the smirk that wants to form on my face. Yes, I can work with that.

“Ely-on?” I say, making an effort to look like I’m trying to remember something. “I… think I’ve heard that name. Did she go, um, to Australia? During that vacation, I mean?”

At once, her eyes light with recognition. “Yeah, she did. Did you meet her while she was there?”

Thinking fast, I shake my head. “I… I was in town and I heard someone call out the name. I… was grocery shopping my mum at the time, so I didn’t pay much attention. But, I recognize the name.”

Alchemy’s eyes light up. “Whoa. You’re from Australia?”

I nod. So far so good.

She smiles at me. “I’m Alchemy. What’s your name?”

I look down at my desk, fiddling with my hands underneath it. “M-Melinda. I’m… I’m Will’s cousin… from Australia.”

The last part is redundant, but I’m playing up the nervous act.

It works, as Alchemy gives a light giggle. “I kinda figured that’s where you came from.”

She keeps giggling and I join in slightly.

Man, it’d be a lot easier just to outright laugh along with her instead of having to pretend to be so nervous.

“Well, well. Nice to see your getting along with our newest student, Miss Alchemy.”

The sudden voice behind us genuinely makes me jump, the room suddenly going dark for a moment, as if the light turned off and I quickly look behind me as the light returns to see a man with short blonde hair, a stubbly beard and wearing circular glasses over blue eyes… causing my eyes to widen in recognition.

Holy shit. It’s that guy from the season two finale. What was his name? Sil… something?

“Oh. Of course, Professor Sylla,” Alchemy smiles, blushing, completely oblivious to the stunned expression I’m wearing. “I’d be rude not to be nice to Will’s cousin.”

“Yes, Miss Will Vandom’s cousin from Australia,” he turns to me, giving me a smile that’s too friendly for my liking. I’m not acting anymore. I’m genuinely nervous. He gives me a look up and down. “How odd, isn’t it? I remember hearing something about a girl named Melinda and Miss Will and her friends before and she looked just like you. And you were in the vicinity of Miss Elyon Brown while she and her family were on that extended vacation? Odd, isn’t it?”

“Y-y-yeah,” I say, immediately shrinking as much as I can into my seat, trying to look anywhere but at him. How’d he hear that? Alchemy and I weren’t talking that loud. Was he eavesdropping on us? “V-very odd.”

Fuck. I’d always suspected there was something up with this guy when I saw him in the finale. I even remember he was in the last scene of the show and suspected he’d have played a role in the next season had the show not been cancelled... and now I’m involved in whatever it was he was going to be a part of.

Not only that, but he mentioned a girl named Melinda, who was just Miranda at the time trying to frame the Guardians for a crime they not only didn’t commit, but never happened.

Will! Will! I scream over the link, hoping it’s still up.

Whoa, whoa. Mel? What’s up? Taranee’s voice replies, sounding surprised and worried.

Bad news! Really bad news! I think to her. Online the others, ASAP!

I pretend to just start doing the day’s lesson plan, acting like nothing’s wrong, though I see Alchemy glancing at me out of the corner of my eye.

With any luck, she’ll just assume having Mr. Sylla suddenly behind me like that spooked me too much and I’m simply trying to distract myself to calm down.

She wouldn’t be half wrong.

What’s going on? Irma asks, sounding slightly annoyed.

Something’s up with this Professor Sylla, I say, typing some random question about Pitbull dogs into the search engine. He knows who I am!

WHAT?! the others all scream at once.

I mean, he doesn’t know who I am specifically, but he knows who I was, I correct myself. He knows Melinda and how she framed you all. He knows I have the same name and look exactly like she would’ve been described. And the Australia connection doesn’t help, since that’s one of the places you girls said Elyon and her family were.

Wait. You mean… Oh my God, he knows about Miranda when she was… okay, I’m gonna have to ask the Oracle why he chose that name for your cover, Will says, going from shocked to very annoyed.

Okay, Mel. Keep calm, Cornelia says soothingly. He doesn’t know you’re actually her… well, physically, anyway. Just keep playing naïve about it and things should be fine.

Cornelia’s right, Will affirms. Since he’s on the staff, he could’ve been informed about you and merely noticed a similarity. He could easily have stumbled upon the report about that time somewhere in the school’s files when he first arrived. As long as you stick to your cover, he should lose interest. We’ll meet up at lunch and talk this out.

I inwardly sigh, but nearly jump out of my seat when I feel a tap on my shoulder.

Turning, I see Alchemy is looking at my computer in confusion.

Moving me own gaze to it, I realize I’ve somehow, while distracted with chatting to the girls, ended up on a website for adopting stray dogs and had almost filled out an adoption.

Balking, I quickly exit the whole page, grinning sheepishly.


“Wait. You all think there’s something up with that Professor Sylla too? And have since before I even got here?” I ask in surprise as we all sit at a table in the cafeteria.

They all nod.

“He’s been our computer instructor for a few months now,” Cornelia starts as I take a bit of my orange chicken.

“I’m glad we aren’t the only ones who’ve noticed,” Irma shrugs.

“I know,” Hay Lin says, looking concerned. “All the girls in school have crushes on him.”

“And the boys just think he’s a super cool dude,” Matt says, arms folded on the table. “It’s like nobody else gets any weird feelings from him.”

“I think Alchemy might’ve caught on,” I say, lifting my head. “When he genuinely startled me and I clammed up, not able to think of anything, she seemed to notice how he didn’t seem to notice how uncomfortable I was.”

“Alchemy was always a kind girl,” Cornelia says, her eyes slightly distant. “If she thought you were uncomfortable, it makes sense she’s come to your aid.”

I sigh. “I just hope I’m wrong about this Sylla guy and it’s just my nerves getting the better of me.”

I don’t know if I’m in denial or just wishing for things to be less complicated.

“Hey, now! Turn that frown upside-down!”

The high-pitch, chipper voice makes my blood run cold even before I feel the hands on my shoulders, the feeling of which only slightly lowers my worries.

Whirling around, I stare in horror at the pink girl with puffy pink hair.

Before I know what’s going on, the room’s gone pitch black.

All the students start screaming, the sound of clanging metal from falling food trays echoing loudly as people start falling over each other in the sudden darkness.

“Pinkie Pie!” I hear a voice hiss, before I feel something wrap around me and yank me in the direction I think the doors were, cries from the girls and Matt telling me it’s not just me.

Suddenly, the darkness seems to part, as if moving off of me like water, revealing the hallway, where I see two humans I had not expected to see in this school as a purple glow vanishes from one of their hands and we land on our feet.

Sunset glares at Will, pointing with her thumb down the hall. “Outside. Now.”

We don’t argue, hurrying out, myself noticing the darkness in the cafeteria suddenly vanish as we do.

We follow Sunset, Sci-Twi and Pinkie down the hall and out of the school, going around the back of the gym, where we find the rest of the Humane 7 standing there.

They look our way as we get near, showing signs of both genuine relief and annoyance at the sight of Pinkie.

“Okay. Mind telling us why you just left us in the dark like that?” Sunset asks as we all group up.

The girls, Matt and I glance at each other.

“That… darkness wasn’t any of you?” Irma asks, pointing.

Sunset blinks in confusion, before shaking her head. “I’m not talking about that unexplained literal darkness in there,” she points at the school, “I’m talking about what happened in Equestria!”

I blink, before cocking an eyebrow, turning to Will. She and the others had mentioned they’d first gone to the EQG world and met Sunset and the others there before Folding to Equestria. I’d thought they’d already spoken with Sunset though.

Wait. Now I think about it, it was odd they weren’t at the meeting in Kandrakar. Did the council think it wasn’t something they needed to know about?

“I’d also like to know how Miranda’s good as well as evil,” Sunset indicates to me with a wave of her hand. “Your memories weren’t exactly clear on that detail.”

Again, I’m confused, before remembering Will mentioning Sunset had touched her arm and gotten all Will’s memories pertaining to the immediate situation at the time.

So, we have to spend the next couple minutes explaining the last couple of weeks… myself wondering the whole time why Sunset didn’t just speak with Twilight about this in Equestria or come while I’d still been there the week we were preparing for my move here.

By the time we’re done, Sunset and Sci-Twi look like they fully understand, while the others look like they mostly get it.

“But, how did get to our world?” Cornelia asks, confused. “Wouldn’t you have needed to Fold here. Melinda told us both your world and Equestria haven’t done Folding in centuries. Even that Princess Twilight is struggling to figure it out.”

Sunset merely holds up her hand and nods her head to the side, indicating to Will.

My mouth opens in a big O. Sunset got all Will’s memories at the time, including Folding and how to do it.

Makes sense as she’s…

My eyes widen and I round of Will. “Will, you found out Sunset was their world’s Heart and didn’t bother to tell her what’s been going on? Even after a week? With that Gregor and Miranda Folding to who knows where?”

Will blinks, before blushing heavily, giving a drawn out, embarrassed, “Oh.”

Sunset nods, still looking none too happy. “I didn’t even know I was the Heart of our world til you told me. And, with your memories, I put a lot of the pieces together.”

“Wow. That could’ve gone really badly,” Irma says, causing me to facepalm.

Yeah! What if Miranda and Gregor had Folded to Sunset’s world to hideout? They could’ve gone after her Heart with her having no clue that’s what was going to happen and we could’ve ended up with another Elyon in the Heart of Meridian like situation again.

“Look, I’m sorry we didn’t go back and explain things sooner,” Will says earnestly. “So much happened, so fast, I guess something was bound to be forgotten.”

“I know,” Sunset says flatly. “Twilight told me everything. And, if you’d waited for me to explain instead of just Folding straight to Equestria, I’d have explained the whole Miranda situation to you and you could’ve figured out it was all a trap and not lost your powers.”

I cock an eyebrow. Now I’m curious.

Sunset gives an exasperated sigh and Sci-Twi takes over. “When my princess counterpart replied to Sunset, she explained how… are you going by Melinda now or do you prefer Miranda?” she asks, looking to me.

“Melinda or Mel will do,” I nod, wanting to get this done.

She nods and continues. “She explained how Melinda here wasn’t the same as the Miranda you were all looking for. And, after speaking with her more recently, I think we’ve figured out why your powers stopped working when you went to Equestria until you all bonded to Melinda’s Heart.”

“Well, go on,” Corneila says, a little coldly, but also with interest.

“Will,” Sci-Twi looks to her redhead, “you mentioned something called the Flash Stone was among your fragmented memories of this Gregor fellow, correct?”

Will nods.

Sci-Twi looks to Sunset, who continues for her. “Well, we believe you somehow came into contact with the Flash Stone and that’s what caused your powers to stop working.”

“Huh?” we all say.

“But, our powers come from our Aurameres,” Hay Lin points out. “How could this Flash Stone have enough power to cut off our connection to them?”

“I don’t think it did. Not exactly,” Sci-Twi shakes her head, folding her arms. “I think there was more at play here than we’re aware of. I think coming into contact with the Flash Stone, plus some other factors we’re still unaware of yet, could’ve put some kind of restriction upon you. Like a promise or something.”

“The Flash Stone, being an Equestrian artefact, acted like a contract so, when it sensed you enter Equestria, it was as if you’d broken that contract, so it was able to block your powers,” Sunset says, frowning. “Had you simply never entered Equestria, your powers would’ve never been taken from you. Though, how the Heart of Shadow returned your powers, I still don’t understand.”

There’s a long pause, before Sunset notices we’re all looking at her in confusion.

“Um, what Heart of Shadow?” Irma asks sceptically. “We’re getting our power from the Heart inside Mel now, not shadows.”

Sci-Twi nods. “Yes, but Mel explained to the council about where her Heart came from, didn’t she? A world being ruled by…?”

“Shadow,” I put a hand to my mouth. “A being called The Pony of Shadows had taken over that world and it was in a strange form of darkness. I could still see… though, maybe that’s because of Miranda’s species?” I look to Will, who shrugs, looking uncertain.

“And, if’n what we saw through the cafeteria window is anythin’ t’ go by, that’s yer power, Miss Mel,” Applejack chimes in.

I blink, before my eyes widen again. “Wait. I did that thing with the darkness in there?” Wait. Is that what happened in computer class? Did I cause the room to go dark there too?

Sunset nods, folding her arms, pointing to Hay Lin. “We Folded here and spoke with your grandmother, the one at your family’s restaurant.”

Meera’s the one cooking for the school, so she must mean Yan Lin.

“She told us everything and Sunset tele-transported us here, Darling,” Rarity says, flicking her hair back, before frowning at Will and myself. “Why are you both wearing the same attire?”

Will and I speak at the same time, both flatly.

“Her mum.”

“My Mom.”

“That’s not exactly what matters here, Rare,” Rainbow Dash says, stepping forward, hands on her hips as she looks at me. “We’re talking about the Heart of Shadow?”

“But, if Melinda’s Heart is the Heart of Shadow… isn’t that a bad thing?” Hay Lin asks nervously, before she gasps. “Does that means we’ve all become Shadow Guardians?!”

I facepalm. Hay Lin, don’t give the negative side of the universe ideas. We’ve enough problems right now as it is.

Sunset shakes her head. “No, you don’t understand. Melinda’s is the Heart of Shadow, not the Heart of Evil. There’s a huge difference.”

“Shadow can’t exist without light and vice versa,” Sci-Twi states matter-of-factly. “Like how harmony can’t exist without chaos. They’re two sides of the same coin.”

“Which would also explain why Melinda and Will have become co leaders,” Sunset looks between the two of us. “At least for now. One is Shadow, the other Life.”

“Yin,” I look to Will.

“And Yang,” Will follows.

“If it’s not too much trouble,” Sci-Twi grins a little sheepishly, pulling our attention to her, “would you mind all transforming? I kinda wanna compare.”

Cornelia raises an eyebrow. “Compare?”

The seven girls smile at each other, before putting a hand to their respective geode. They all glow their respective colours, taking on their Ponied Up forms from Forgotten Friendship and onwards.

The others all stare, slack-jawed.

I roll my eyes. “What? You know you’re not the only ones who can transform.”

Sunset smiles at Will and myself. “Now, how about you?”

I look to Will and we nod, her lifting the Heart of Kandrakar up. “Seems fair, if only for a bit. Guardians, unite!”

Nothing happens.

My gut drops. What? No! What happened?

“Maybe you need to say it together?” Pinkie says, pointing between Will and myself.

I cock my eyebrow, while a hum from Matt makes us look to him.

“Sunset and the Oracle did say you’re both coleaders now,” Matt points between us. “Maybe you both need to be saying it together.”

“That’s what I said!” Pinkie pouts, fists at her sides.

I look to Will and she me. “Well…”

“It’s worth a try, at least,” Will shrugs with an uncertain smile.

She holds up the Heart and we both called out, “Guardians, unite!”

At once, a light glows from within the Heart, spreading out into six spheres, blue, red, green, light-blue, white and black, each sphere going to Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, Hay Lin, Will and myself respectively.

As each of us take on our Guardian forms, we say our Element, almost like a prompting from the Heart.

“Water,” Irma says, a wave forming behind her.

“Fire,” flames hover around Taranee’s hands.

“Earth,” Cornelia says, flower petals billowing around her.

“Air,” Hay Lin cheers, her hair moving in the breeze created by her powers.

“Quintessence,” Will says firmly, electricity sparking around her.

I stand there, shadows billowing around me like water and sneer, “Shadow.”

Once the transformation is completely, I’m wearing a very embarrassed and nervous expression. “Do we always have to say the name of our power when we transform? I literally scared myself with how I said Shadow!”

Will shakes her head. “Not always. I think the Heart was just making a point for Miss Sunset.”

“Just Sunset will do, Will,” Sunset remarks, while Sci-Twi moves closer, examining me.

“Strange,” she says, circling me, lifting one of my arms. “The rest of you look older when you transform, but Melinda stays exactly the same age. And her clothing looks like Will’s only with darker colours. Not mention these fangs and her eyes.”

“So, now that we’re all caught up, shouldn’t you lot be heading home?” Matt asks, pointing.

We all look to him.

He shrugs. “We have to get back before lunch end and, while I’m not one to talk, they kinda stick out. Not many people in our world have bright orange or lavender skin.”

There’s a long pause, before Sunset and Sci-Twi facepalm.

“Right,” Sunset turns, waving a hand in a fluid motion, a Fold opening before her.

“Whoa!” the girls cry out.

“How’d you do that so easily?” Hay Lin asks.

“Yeah, took Will months to get it right,” Irma adds, causing Will to glare.

Sunset nods to Will, then her own hand. “I got her memories, remember?”

With that, the seven walked through the Fold, Pinkie actually needing to be dragged by Applejack as she waves frantically at us, a huge grin on her face.

When the Fold closes, we all heave a huge sigh.

I groan, rubbing my head. “Can we just get this school day over with so I can go to bed. I feel like I need to sleep for a week.”

“Sorry, Mel. No can do.”

I give Matt an annoyed sideways glance. “Why?”

“My sister wants to speak with you,” Cornelia says, sounding just as tired as I feel.

“And, since she now knows she’s Earth future Queen…” Matt says.

“Refusing her outright without a good reason wouldn’t be the best idea,” I grumble, running a hand over my face. Great.

I’ve nothing against Lilian, but after the info dump we all just got, this really isn’t the best of timing.

Author's Note:

Melinda's already realizing keeping up the shy girl act isn't going to be a walk in the park.

and, learning what her powers are certainly isn't helping that mental awareness.

At least she might've made a new friend outside the W.I.T.C.H. main group in Alchemy... though Elyon's gonna be PISSED when she finds out:twilightsheepish:

So, what does Mr. Sylla know exactly? How wary are Melinda and the girls going to have to be around him?

Anyone who's read the comics will have some idea, though i'm gonna see how i can play with it:raritywink:

What does Lilian want to talk with Melinda about?

Will the EQG girls visit again? How will Melinda handle having Shadow as her power?

You'll have to wait til next week at the earliest. I've been at this all day and I. am. Beat.


huh. maybe that's why Melinda and Cornelia ended up so tired. i was unintentionally speaking through them?:applejackunsure:

Might take some time off to recharge before continuing the story.

Anyway, hope you enjoyed this chapter and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and see you later everybody