• Published 1st May 2021
  • 3,144 Views, 79 Comments

Enter the Spider... or Whatever I Am's Web - Autum Breeze

My life's taken a major downward spiral. I've turned into Miranda from W.I.T.C.H. and have to deal with ponies

  • ...

Chapter 15

Chapter 15


I’m stirred from sleep, slowly opening my eyes, blinking blearily.

At first, I don’t understand what could’ve woke me, before there’s a bright flash of light, illuminating the room, followed by a loud bang.

I sit up quickly, before turning to the window as the sound of rain hitting glasses reaches my eyes and I calm down.

“Just rain. Nothing to freak out about.”

Glancing around the room, I spot Harley displaying that it’s only 6:42am.

I deadpan. Great, I’m awake early. Well, at least it’s only a little more than fifteen minutes before we’d need to get up for school anyway.

Not sure what else to do, I decide to see how things are going in Equestria since I’ve been gone.

Getting up quietly so as not to wake Will, I reach into the draw I keep all my magical journals in, pulling out the white one.

Taking a pencil from the writing desk, I move back to my bed, opening the journal’s pages as I sit down and start writing.

Hey, Bluey. You up? I dunno how the time differences work between Earth and Equestria yet.

I wait a few moments, genuinely not expecting a reply, when words magically start appearing beneath my own.

Good morning, Mir I mean Melinda. I’m glad to hear from you, though I wasn’t expecting contact at this time of day.

How are things in that other world? Are they treating you well?

I write my reply.

Sorry about the timing. Did I wake you?

His reply comes quickly.

No, no, it’s quite fine. Our early morning jogs have somewhat hardwired me for early wake ups. You actually just caught me as I was returning.

I shake my head.

I’m doing fine here. Well, as fine as one can be having to live a lie in order to help preserve the safety of the multiverse, anyway.

His next reply takes a while to finish.

Hmm. That sounds good, I guess.

I do hope those Guardians are treating you as one of their own. After all, without you, they would be powerless right now. If they didn’t treat you as one of their own, I would think new Guardians would be needed.

I chuckle quietly at that. Yeah, it’d be nice if we didn’t have a repeat of the falling out the last Guardians had.

So, how was your first day of school? I imagine human school is rather interesting.

I frown, tapping the pencil against my chin as I think how to word my reply.

It was certainly an interesting first day, I’ll definitely say that. You know how I told you about that other world, the one where it’s like the human world, but every human is a human version of ponies and other creatures from Equestria?

He takes a moment to reply.

Hmm. I do remember you telling me about that, yes, he replies.

I write on.

Well, during lunch we got a surprise visit from Sunset Shimmer and her friends. Apparently they wanted to vent their frustrations at Will and the other Guardians for not explaining everything when they were looking for me, thinking I was Miranda. That and they were curious about how different my Guardian form is to the others.

Another quickly reply.

Hmm. Should I let Auntie know about that?

I shake my head despite knowing he won’t see it.

No. I don’t think it’s that important. Besides, if Celestia really wants to get in contact with Sunset, she can either borrow Twilight’s journal or go through the portal. Or, heck, Sunset can just Fold into Equestria… though, she’d probably rather use portal as well, since she won’t return to being a pony if she Folds into Equestria.

For some reason, Blueblood draws a nodding head, as if he thinks I need to know he was nodding in agreement.

So, aside from Sunset Shimmer’s surprise visit, did anything else interesting happen? What of Earth’s Queen? Is she doing well?

I think back to my last encounter with Lilian.

Lilian’s doing fine. Though, she was under the wrong assumption why I am staying on Earth.

Bluey simply replies with a question mark.

She’d misunderstood and thought I was coming to Earth to guard her. She didn’t realize I was coming to join the Guardians.

As for anything else… Well, there is one thing.

Another question mark.

Well, it’s one of the teachers, the computer instructor, Raphael Sylla. I dunno why, but I get this really weird feeling from him.

Not bad, but… well, I guess not good, either. Weirdest thing is, aside from the Guardians, Earth’s Regents and myself, no one else at the school seems to notice the odd vibes from him.

Blueblood takes his time before answering.

Well, and I promise I’m not trying to be rude, didn’t you tell me most humans are pretty clueless at times? Perhaps the fact you and those you mentioned aren’t normal humans helps you sense something off? Could he be magical?

I ponder that idea for a moment, before shaking my head.

Well, you might be right about why we’re able to tell something’s about him and others can’t, but I don’t think he’s magical. Not everything weird is caused by magic, after all, even in the human world.

We chat for a couple more minutes, catching each other up on current events.

The School of Friendship’s construction’s going along well and Twilight’s even considering requesting I be a part time teacher there, to give the students a broader perspective.

I am annoyed I’m hearing about the latter part second hand, but, then again, Twilight’s probably trying to figure out how best to ask me.

After all, if I go to Equestria, the other Guardians would need to come too. if I went on my own and was away from Earth when they needed to transform to fight Miranda or any other bad guy that shows up, it wouldn’t be ideal, so Twilight would have to figure out a schedule that would work for not only the students, but the six of us as well.

By the time Bluey and I are done chatting, it’s just before 7am, so I choose to get up and have breakfast.

Nothing fancy, a bowl of cereal and some apple juice.

Will comes out while I’m eating.

“You’re up early,” she remarks, getting a bowl and pouring some cereal for herself.

I shrug. “The rain woke me and I didn’t think it worth trying to get back to sleep.”

Will nods as a boom of thunder rings out. She deadpans. “So not looking forward to going to school in that.”

“Isn’t your mum… I mean, Aunt Susan, gonna drop us off?” I ask as Will adds milk and starts eating.

Will nods. “Yeah, but it’s afterwards that worries me.”

I shrug. “Hey. Maybe the rain will have stopped by then.”

“You girls are up earlier than I expected,” Mrs Vandom says as she walks out and sees us.

Will shrugs. “Blame the rain.”

We finish and head back to get dressed, where Will has a surprise for me.

A black sleeveless, similar to what she wore in the episode H is for Hunted, but, obviously, black with a white collar instead of pink.

“I talked with Cornilia and we did a little shopping when you went to bed early,” she smiles, handing it to me. “Had a feeling you would like your own style instead of just being dressed like we’re twins.”

I nod, thanking her.

When we leave, I’m now wearing the black sleeveless, jeans and sneakers.

When we get out of the car outside Sheffield, we share an umbrella and head inside.

Thankfully, the day goes by a lot better than yesterday.

I use several lessons where I don’t have to pay as much attention, having already gone through school in my old world, to practice my shadow powers.

Mostly small stuff; moving shadows around, using them to lift and move other objects, stuff like that.

During science class, I even use my shadow powers to make Uriah faceplant into the clay we’re supposed to use as part on an experiment after he insults both Alchemy and myself.

“I like you’re new clothes,” Alchemy says after class as we leave for our next.

I nod, a genuine smile on my face. “Thanks. Will thought I’d be happier if everyone didn’t keep comparing us.”

“It’s a good look for you,” she smiles.

The rest of the day is pretty uneventful after that, aside from Uriah being a jerk, though, with Alchemy’s help, I’m able to ignore him.

When school ends, Alchemy asks if I’d like to hang out.

I do worry how Will and the others might feel, not knowing if Will wanted us to do some more W.I.T.C.H. training after school, but she tells me it’s fine, though makes to Alchemy understands when Aunt Susan wants me back.

So, Alchemy and I split from the group.

We just walk down the street, heading for the park and sit down on a bench and we just listen to the sounds of the early evening.

“I know I said it looks good on you, but, aren’t you cold?” Alchemy asks suddenly.

Sitting up a little straighter, I look up, frowning in confusion. “Not… really, no.”

I hadn’t really thought about it before, but we are still in the colder months. Shouldn’t I feel a bit more of a chill? Are Miranda’s species more adaptable to the cold or could it be something to do with the Heart inside me.

“Well, well, isn’t this a nice surprise?”

Alchemy’s eyes widen, as do mine.

That was my voice, but she was looking right at me so knows it wasn’t me.

We both look up to see Miranda standing in the branches of the trees above, leering down at us.

“Mel, you never mentioned you have a twin sister,” Alchemy says in surprise.

“I don’t!” I yell, throwing myself at her, sending the two of us tumbling to the ground as Miranda jumps down, landing firmly on the bench.

I whirl around, glaring at her.

“Oh, now that’s not very nice, Mel,” she sneers. “And we used to be so close.”

“Too close for my liking,” I growl, standing up and between her and Alchemy.

I should tell her to run, but I don’t know if she’d be able to get away before Miranda gets to her. She could even be waiting for her to run.

Miranda leers. “Oh, I don’t think we’ve been close enough. But don’t worry. I can think of a way we can stay together forever!”

With that she transforms, causing Alchemy to scream in terror.

“Sorry,” I say, whirling around and thumping Alchemy on the head in a spot I know will knock her out.

I grab her in my arms as she passes out and jump out of the way as Miranda lunges.

“You know you can’t defeat me alone,” Miranda taunts, walking slowly towards me.

I smirk. “Oh, really? That’s not how I remember our last fight.”

She snarls, lunging forward.

I dive, keeping a firm hold on Alchemy.

Could really use a Fold right now… wait.

Reaching into my pocket with one hand, I pull out the Mage’s Ring. I’d held onto it in case I ever needed a quick Fold getaway.

Now was as good a time as any.

I try to focus on Equestria and aim the ring.

A beam of light shoots from the gemstone on it and opens a Fold.

I dive through, the Fold closing behind me.

I slump to the ground, gently lowering Alchemy and take several deep breathes.

Okay, that was too close for comfort.

After what Sunset said, I’d thought Miranda might’ve left Earth, but it seems not.

“What was that?” a familiar voice calls out.

I glance around, realizing we’re surrounded by tones of apple trees.

I guess I Folded right into Sweet Apple Acres?

Leaning down, I lift Alchemy over my shoulder and start moving to what I now recognize as the CMC’s voices.

I’m about to call out to them to let them know it’s just me, when I spot them from around a tree and dive back, my mind confused by what I saw.

It is the CMC… but not as I bloody know them. These aren’t the CMC I came to know. For one, these ones are anthro, with patches cut out of their clothes around their hips, showing their Cutie Marks. They look about our age.

What the heck? That doesn’t make sense. Did I Fold to a completely different Equestria by accident? How’d that happen?

Then again, you’ve never Folded before. Better get Will to teach you when you get back.

Not wanting to alert the strange anthro CMC that I’m here, I move several feet away, before trying to use the ring to Fold again, this time, focusing on Will, keeping her firmly in my mind.

When I exit the Fold, it’s to find myself literally in the living room.

Will, who was sitting on the couch reading a book, leaps up in shock and then panics.

“Mel, this is our house! What if mom sees the Fold and…? Wait. Since when can you open Folds? And why’s Alchemy over your shoulders?!”

I breathe a sigh of relief, lowering the girl onto the couch as Will closes the Fold. “That’s a long story Will. But, first, I think we should get Alchemy back home.”

Author's Note:

Man, i'm in more of a slump than i thought.

Is this really the best i could come up with?


anyway, at least things have moved forward a little.

don't really know what else to say. though, Mel got quite the surprise with those anthro CMC. i wonder what this means.

Does Miranda also know about that Equestria? Was getting Mel to Fold there part of some plan?

You'll have to wait and see.

don't really have much else to say, really. just feel kinda out of it, so i'll stop so i don't just rumble on for fifty words or something.

hope you enjoyed this small chapter and, til next time, stay safe, stay clean and see you later everybody