• Published 1st May 2021
  • 3,131 Views, 79 Comments

Enter the Spider... or Whatever I Am's Web - Autum Breeze

My life's taken a major downward spiral. I've turned into Miranda from W.I.T.C.H. and have to deal with ponies

  • ...

Chapter 9

Chapter 9


“Uh, Will…?” Taranee asked uncertainly as she glanced around. “Where have you Folded us to?”

“I… I honestly don’t know,” Will said, glancing around herself.

“It… it looks like we didn’t even leave Earth, but…” Hay Lin murmured.

“Earth doesn’t have people with pastel skin tones,” Irma interjected.

It had been about half an hour since W.I.T.C.H. and the Regents of Earth had jumped through the Fold Miranda had opened to kidnap Cornelia’s little sister.

However, while they’d all expected to end up in a world similar to Meridian, a place more like Earth’s Middle Ages, they’d found themselves, somehow, on a world that seemed nearly identical to their own.

Buildings with similar designs, cars and other vehicles driving on roads, people walking around wearing fashions that only those on Earth could possibly come up with… but there were several distinct differences.

The most obvious, as Irma had pointed out, were the skin tones of everyone they passed.

Nowhere on Earth would you see people with bright pink, orange, indigo or cyan skin, but, whatever this world was, pastel coloured skin seemed normal as not a certain person was batting an eye at the bizarre range of colours on display.

“Good thinking going civilian mode there, Will,” Matt said, Mr. Huggles and Napoleon riding on his shoulders.

The group were all in their regular forms now, Will having turned her and her fellow Guardians back when first leaving the Fold, having mistaken this world for their own, Matt and his fellow Regents doing the same.

True, this world wasn’t theirs, but it was similar enough that it was probably best to not reveal themselves as magical beings.

Far as they could tell, this world was as blissfully unaware of magic as their own and it was probably best to keep it that way.

Cornelia was looking around frantically, her anxiety plain as the nose of her face.

Will stopped and put a hand on her friend’s shoulder, making her jump.

“Don’t worry, Cornelia. We’ll find Lilian,” she said reassuringly. “Miranda won’t do anything to her while she’s still useful to her.”

“Why did she even take her?!” Cornelia almost yelled, tears in her eyes. “Matt, Mr. Huggles and Napoleon have her power now and it’s not Halloween. She can’t take the Heart of Earth from her by herself.”

“Worst case scenario?” Matt suggested. “Either she puts us in a position where me and the Regents have to willingly give up her power in exchange for her life or Miranda will force Lillian to order us to give Miranda the Heart.”

“Either way, Earth’s Heart is lost,” Taranee murmured.

“Can’t we ask anyone if they can help?!” Cornelia looked around frantically at the group. “This isn’t just Earth’s Heart we’re talking about here. It’s my little sister!”

“We know, Cornelia,” Will put her hand on her shoulder again. “I promise, we’re going to get Lilian back.”

“Though, I don’t think just asking anyone in this world about it will help much,” Hay Lin looked around, failing to notice the odd look a girl with pale yellow skin and two toned turquoise hair in ponytails and wearing glasses gave them as she passed by.

“Yeah,” Irma nodded. “It’s not like we can just ask “hey, have you seen a little girl who actually turns into a kinda spider monster holding another girls hostage?” without sounding like loonies.” She spun her fingers around her head, making a goofy expression.

Will put a finger to her chin, thinking, before her eyes lit up and she snapped her fingers. “We can’t ask any people,” she looked around at several parks cars, “but we can ask the machines.”

“Oh! Good idea, Will!” Hay Lin cheered, before quietening down at several looks they received from other passers-by.

Will moved over to a blue car with white trims. “Uh, hi? Can I ask you a question?”

The car make a sound of surprise, before speaking in a rather posh British accent, its lights flashes each time it spoke.

“Well, hello there, Miss. I must say, I never expected to be greeted so formally by a stranger before. Yes, you may ask a question. Might I, in turn, ask you one after?”

Will smiled, nodding. “Sure. Well, you see, my name is Will and these are my friends,” she indicated to everyone. “We’re looking for someone and are kinda new in town, so don’t really know our way around.”

“A pleasure to meet you Miss Will and company,” the car replied back. “My name is Wilkinson. Whom are you looking for, may I ask?”

“It’s my little sister,” Cornelia interjected. “She was kidnapped and we followed her kidnapper here, but lost track of them.”

“Oh, my word, how dreadfully unpleasant to here,” Wilkinson said, sounding aghast. “What does your younger sister look like, Miss…?”

“Cornelia,” she nodded.

“She basically looks like a younger Cornelia with shorter hair,” Irma said.

“She was taken by another little girl, who isn’t really a little girl, but looks like one, with black hair, wearing fancy clothes with green colours,” Will said, trying to keep on topic before Cornelia snapped for being compared to her sister. Worried for her safety or not, Cornelia was still Cornelia.

Wilkinson sighed. “I do apologize, Miss Will, Miss Corenila, but I have not seen such today. Can you provide any other information?”

“Yeah, that little girl who isn’t a little girl is actually a shapeshifting spider monster,” Irma snarked.

“Irma!” Cornelia and Will snapped.

Now was not the time to be joking around. Now Wilkinson would probably assume they were playing games and not help them at all.

“Oh, in that case, I’d recommend speaking with Sunset Shimmer at Canterlot High,” the car replied casually.

There was a very long pause, before the five girls rounded on him, yelling in unison, “WHAT?!”

“Oh, yes. I heard it from Ivy over there,” Wilkinson said, lit one light to point at a green motorcycle parked on the far side of the road they were near. “Her friend, Harley, used to race her, being ridden by a young girl who goes by that name. Apparently, ever since magic started seeming into our world, Sunset hasn’t had time to race anymore. Ivy does miss racing Harley”

“And… you believed her about the magic stuff?” Irma asked incredulously.

Wilkinson did what they had to guess was a car’s version of a shrug. “Very odd things have been going on around Canterlot since that night a beam of dark energy and a bright rainbow light shot into the sky. I’m afraid I can’t be of more help. Ivy knows more than I do, having caught up with Harley a few times whenever they were in the area.”

“O…kay?” Will said, before clearing her throat and smiling. “Well, thank you for the help, Mr. Wilkinson. It’s much appreciated.”

“My pleasure, Miss Will,” Wilkinson replied with a happy honk. His tone became gentler then. “And, Miss Cornelia, best of luck finding your sister. I do hope she is safe.”

“You and me both,” Cornelia murmured.

The group said their goodbyes to the car and started handing across the street to where the bike named Ivy was parked, outside what they now realized was a small convenience store.

“It’s so weird, seeing you all talking to a car,” Matt commented as they waited to cross the street.

“Matty boy, Huggles and myself can’t hear them, so it’s pretty weird,” Napoleon commented from Matt’s shoulder.

“Says the talking cat,” Irma replied.

“Touché,” Napoleon shrugged.

The group stopped by the bike, but making sure they couldn’t be seen from the store. Last thing they needed was Ivy’s owner to think they were planning on stealing her or something… or that they were all loonies for talking to a bike.

“Um, hi, Miss Ivy?” Will asked, bending down a little. “Can you help us out?”

“Well, this is a surprise,” Ivy replied back with a New Yorker accent. “Don’t exactly get many people talkin’ t’ me like they wanna conversation. What can I do for ya, lady?”

“Well, we’re looking for my friend Corenila’s little sister, Lilian,” Will indicated to Cornelia. “She was taken back a little girl with black hair who’s actually a shapeshifting monster in disguise. We followed them to this area, but lost track of them.”

“Oh, that’s horrible, dearie,” Ivy shifted to look at Corenlia. “I’m so sorry t’ hear that about yer sister, Corny. Not really sure how I can help, but what do ya need?”

“We were told you know a bike named Harley belonging to someone named Sunset Shimmer?” Taranee asked. “And we were told she’s been dealing with magic, so might be able to help us. We’re… kinda magic ourselves.”

“I figured that out easily enough there, hon,” Ivy replied. “Ain’t just any humans who can communicate with a motorcycle. Yeah, old Harley an’ I go way back. Haven’t been able t’ race her in a while, though. Ever since that night o’ Canterlot High’s Fall Formal months ago, Sunset’s been dealin’ with all kinds o’ crazy magic. If’n ya need help with some magical shapeshiftin’ monsta, you’ll wanna speak ta her.”

“Great,” Will grinned. “Can you give us directions to this Canterlot High?”

Ivy gave a confused grunt. “What, ya can’t look it up on ya phone?”

That caused confusion among the girls.

“Our… phones?” Taranee asked.

“Yeah, yer phones,” Ivy said, sighing. “What, did ya never learn how to work the map app?”

“App?” Hay Lin looked between the others, confused, pulling out her phone. “What’s an app and how would I never have known it was in my phone?”

“Whoa, nelly. That’s an old phone. Whatcha usin’ that for?” Ivy said, sounding genuinely surprised. “Haven’t seen one o’ those oldies in years.”

“Hey, that’s not very nice,” Hay Lin’s phone said, sounding depressed. “Hay Lin’s parents bought me only a few months ago. I’m not that old.”

“Nah, nah, I’m talkin’ ’bout one o’ those phones,” Ivy flashed her left rear light to at someone walking on the other side of the road, holding something in front of them.

“Wait. That’s a phone?” Irma asked, pointing at the guy. “It looks more like a thin screen. How is that a phone? Where’re the buttons? How would you even call someone on that?”

“What kinda place you all fr’m?” Ivy asked, sounding confused now.

“Well, since you believe Harley about magic,” Will said, grinning sheepishly, “would you believe we’re magical beings from another world. tasked with guarding the Infinite Dimensions?”

There was a long pause, during which Will worried they’d lost the one lead they’d finally got to getting some answers.

“Eh, makes as much sense as the other crazy stuff goin’ on round ’ere these days,” Ivy said casually. “Okay, so, if’n yer from another world, I’m guessing yours ain’t as advanced as this one?”

“I… guess so?” Taranee glanced back at the guy walking further and further away. “A world where technology has advanced to the point phones are just screens, like TVs? I never would’ve guessed that.”

“Infinite Dimensions, infinite possibilities,” Will nodded, turning back to Ivy. “So… about those directions?”


“That must be the place, right?” Matt asked as they all stood on the sidewalk.

Across the street was a tall building with walls in hues of purple, a six-pointed star on a window above the glass doors, with another glass panel depicting a horse rearing up above that.

“This… looks like the place you said that bike described,” Matt said, glancing down to the paper Will had written Ivy’s directions onto. “But… isn’t there supposed to be a statue of a horse in front of the school too?”

“All I see is a block of stone where a statue would be put,” Napoleon commented.

“Pretty sure this is the place,” Will said frowning as she looked at the windows. “Anyone else notice all the horse depictions around this town?”

“Seriously, what’s with all the horses?” Irma shook her head. “It’s like this town’s obsessed with them or something.”

“Whatever the reason, this is that Canterlot High place Ivy told us about,” Cornelia said, rushing across the street, everyone else hurrying to keep up with her. “This is where that Sunset Shimmer girl is. Let’s find her and get her to help us find Miranda so we can save Lilian.”

As they reached the other side of the road, kids around their age started coming out the doors of the school.

“Keep an eye out for a girl with yellow skin and blonde and red hair,” Will said, scanning each student they passed. “That’ll be Sunset.”

“Hi! Are you new?!”

They all screamed as a girl with bright pink skin and darker pink bushy hair was suddenly just standing right in front of them.

“Pinkie Pie, what have we said about not being so forward?” a rather posh toned voice said and the pink girl was pulled back by a girl with chalk white skin and dark-purple hair.

“Aw, but, Rarity, they’re new!” the pink girl whined.

“First Sunset Shimmer, then Pinkie Pie and now Rarity?” Irma whispered to Taranee. “What is with the names in this world?”

“What’s so “what is with” about our names, huh?” a brash voice asked as a flash of rainbow colours zipped down the steps of the school and Irma suddenly had a cyan girl with magenta eyes and the most impossible rainbow coloured hair glaring right in her face.

“Rainbow Dash, calm down,” a voice with a western accent said, a girl with orange skin and blonde hair hurrying down the steps, putting a hand on the cyan girl’s shoulder and pulling her back. “If’n they’re new round here, maybe names are different where they’re from.”

“Her parents were pretty spot on with that name,” Hay Lin whispered to Taranee.

“How about we take this down an notch before we cause a scene, girls?” a calm voice asked and they all looked as a lavender skinned girl with purple hair with a streak of pink, tied back in a ponytail and wearing glasses came down the steps, followed by…

W.I.T.C.H. and the Regents eyes widened at the yellow skinned girl with red and yellow hair and green eyes.

“Sunset Shimmer!”

Before anyone could stop her, Cornelia had shot forward as the two girls reached the bottom of the steps and she grabbed the yellow one by the shoulders.

“A monster named Miranda stole my sister and we’re not sure if she’s here in your world or not but we were told by a car and bike that you’re good at dealing with crazy magical things, so we need your help to find my sister before—”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa!” Will and Sunset said at once, the later gently pulling herself free from the worried older sister’s grip. “Slow down.” She looked around at them all. “I don’t recognize any of you. What’s this about a monster?”

Will sighed. “It’s a long…”

She stopped, glancing down to her chest.

“Will?” Matt asked.

Will reached into her top and pulled out the Heart of Kandrakar. It was glowing and really, really warm.

“That’s weird,” she said, glancing around. “The last time the Heart reacted like this was when we first went to Zamballa and encountered Kadma and the Heart of…” Will looked to Sunset Shimmer, a curious frown on her face.

“What?” Sunset looked from Will to everyone else, confused.

Will held the Heart out towards Sunset and it glowed brighter, the red pendant Sunset was wearing around her neck glowing too.

“No way,” Matt murmured. “Is she…?”

“The Heart of this world,” Will answered back, stunned.

“Whoa, wait a minute,” Irma held up her hands. “You’re telling me, in simply trying to find someone to help us find Lilian, we found a Heart bearer instead?”

“Okay, I am so lost right now,” the girl named Rainbow Dash said in exasperation. “Would someone mind explaining what’s going on?”

“I could try,” Will looked to Sunset, “but that could take a while to properly clear up and we don’t have a lot of time.”

Sunset nodded, smiling. “I can make this go by much faster.” She held out a hand.

Will cocked an eyebrow, this being a very odd time for pleasantries, but took the outstretched hand.

When she did, however, Sunset’s eyes turned pure white was several seconds, before they returned to normal and widen.

“Whoa,” Sunset stumbled back, the orange girl and Rainbow Dash rushing to catch her.

“You okay, Sunset?” the orange girl asked.

“I’m fine, AJ,” she replied, holding a hand to her head. “That was just… a lot to process.”

“Um… what just happened?” Irma asked, glancing around.

Sunset Shimmer took a few breathes, before standing up straight and looking at Will with a firm expression. “Okay, Guardians. I’ll do what I can to help.”

Everyone gasped.

“Whoa, hold up,” Taranee said, pointing a finger at the girl. “How do you know we’re Guardians?”

“I also know you’re here to find a shapeshifter by the name Miranda, who used to work for an evil sorcerer named Phobos and has kidnapped your little sister,” she pointed at Cornelia, “who is also the Heart of your world and… I’m… apparently the one of this world?” she finished uncertainly, as if she’d only really just realized the last part.

“But, how?” Hay Lin looked around in confusion. “We didn’t tell her any of that. Not properly, anyway.”

“Sunset has the power to see the memories of those she touches,” the lavender girl replied, adjusting her glasses. “I’m Twilight Sparkle, by the way.”

“Nice to meet you, Twilight,” Matt said, stepping forward, turning his eyes to Sunset. “Then, Miss Sunset, you know why we’re here.”

“You need our help,” she nodded, slinging her bag of her back and pulling out a book. “I’ll contact Princess Twilight as well. She might have seen something.”

There was a pause as Sunset started writing, though she stopped when she noticed the odd looks the other worlders were giving her.

“What?” she asked, glancing around.

Irma pointed to Twilight Sparkle. “Why do you need to contact,” she did air quotes, “when she’s standing right there next to you? And why are you writing in a book instead of just talking to her? And how are you the Heart of your world if she’s the ruler?”

The seven multi coloured girls blinked, before dawning came to their faces.

“Oh, no, I’m no princess,” Twilight giggled, waving a hand. “Sunset’s talking about my counterpart in the world beyond the portal. She’s a princess and that journal is a magical connection between our two worlds that we used to communicate with Princess Twilight.”

The Guardians and Regents just looked at each other.

“And I thought us saying “we’re magical beings from another world” would sound weird in this world,” Irma shook her head.

“How long until this Princess Twilight responds?” Will asked Sunset as she stopped writing.

“It depends,” Sunset said, closing the book. “Sometimes she replies almost right away, other times it can be days before she even know I contacted her.”

“By which point, even she can, Sunset will already have gone through the portal to talk with Princess Twilight directly,” Rainbow Dash folded her arms, grinning.

“Wait. You still use portals?” Will only just realized what they’d been saying. “Don’t you use Folds?”

“Folds?” it was the other girls’ turn to look confused.

“No, we don’t, Will,” Sunset shook her head. “I’d never even heard of Folding until I saw your memories. I doubt even Princess Twilight knows about them. They’re clearly a lost form of travel we never knew was lost to begin with.”

Suddenly, the book Sunset had written in begun glowing purple and vibrating, like a phone.

“What does she say?” Hay Lin asked, a mixture between eager and worried… though worry became far stronger from the look on Sunset Shimmer’s face.

“Miranda’s already in Equestria?!” Sunset cried out as her eyes scanned the pages. “And she’s in Ponyville?!”

“WHAT?!” everyone cried in alarm.

“Equestria?!” Cornelia looked to Will, her eyes wide with fear. “That’s where Lilian said she Folded to before. The world with all those ponies?”

“Okay, since we don’t know where your portal is, we need to Fold there, now!” Will took the Heart in her hand. “Who knows this Ponyville?”

“Um, we do,” Twilight held up a hand while using the other to point to Rainbow Dash. “But, how does that—”

“Just hold my hand and think of Ponyville!” Will said, grabbing the other girl’s hand, causing her to blush.

Twilight did, looking like she clearly didn’t understand why, her eyes widening further as Will opened a Fold right in front of them.

“Let’s go!” Cornelia yelled, running for the Fold.

“Guardians, unite!” Will yelled, the Heart flaring.

“No, Will, wait—” Sunset’s voice shouted, sounding alarmed, but her voice faded away as the eight of them went through the Fold.

Author's Note:

And done.

Been a few days since i got back from my family Christmas vacation at a beach house, but i'm finally somewhat back in the game.

Yes, it was always my intention for W.I.T.C.H. to end up in the Equestria Girls world first. that wasn't a sudden thought, i'd been planning that since the prologue.

It's amazing what can happen in eight hours, huh, Twilight? :twilightblush:

So, Miranda went to the Equestria's World, but seems to have used it as a trick to keep the Guardians and Regents occupied longer. That can't be good.

And Sunset is the Heart of the EQG world? Who could've seen THAT coming?

Now, i've actually got another chapter i'll be uploading right after this one because i wrote for so long, i thought it was too much for just one chapter, so feel free to hope right into that one when your done reading this chapter

Hope you enjoyed this chapter and, since the next is already up, see ya in a bit