• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 11,433 Views, 334 Comments

Restraint - Habanc

For Rarity, the words left unsaid are often the most meaningful.

  • ...


“Wow, Azure, this is... Wonderful.”

Fluttershy stared in awe at the sight before her, a golden orb of light teetering over the far treeline, soon to dip beneath the horizon. Before it, stretched gentle waves of blue, lapping against the rocks in rhythmic simplicity. Wisps of clouds were painted with the rest of the sky in a gradient of orange, red, and purple.

“I'm glad you like it,” Azure replied with a smile. “Lake Greenhoof is one of my favorite places.”

Sitting on a small dock, the two arranged themselves on pillows, enjoying the luxuries of wine and nature as the sun set. A hundred yards off the shore, up a steep hill that overlooked more of the lake, sat a tiny cabin. With only a kitchen, a bathroom, a bedroom, and one tiny bed, it was just enough for the two of them.

“How did you manage to get this place for the weekend?” Fluttershy asked before sipping at her drink.

“Oh, I just called in a few favors from my sorority days.” Azure chuckled and shook her head. “It turns out I saved more than a few mares from getting gypped on their student loans. It figures, being the only one studying interest rates when everypony else is horn-deep in magical theories.”

“You were in a sorority?”

“Are you trying to say I don't look like party pony material?”

“Of— of course not,” the pegasus backtracked. “I just remember you telling me about studying so much in college. I never went to anywhere after flight school, but I always thought that sororities... you know, partied all the time.”

Putting down her glass, Azure placed her hooves together and looked out over the lake. “Here's the best way I can put it. You always have work that needs to be done—that's something that will never change. But at the same time, you need to try new things every once in awhile, or else life will get stale and repetitive. I'm not saying repetition is a bad thing, as long as you put a new spin on it every so often. For me, I just didn't want to be stuck with a routine, you know?”

“Sure,” Fluttershy responded.

“Well, being in a sorority helped me with that. First I met all these wonderful ponies within, and they got me out doing new things, and then I met more new ponies, so on and so forth.” Azure sighed. “I enjoyed it back then, even though I still hunkered down most weeknights and studied over noodle soup and cheap tea. See, that's why I joined, because if I didn't, I would have been sucked into the routine of college itself.”

“If I understand correctly, you do new things to keep life interesting and meet new ponies?”

“Yeah!” Azure smiled.

Fluttershy frowned. “So, you're with me just to keep things different?”

“What?” Azure's expression popped. “No! That's not it at all! I've— I've discovered after so long that constantly changing isn't so great either. I need something—somepony—to keep me on my hooves, to always be there for me, to—“ she stopped. Her eyes studied the other mare intently. Leaning towards Fluttershy, she asked, “Is that a smile I see? Fluffers, are you teasing me?”

The mare in question blushed at her pet name. “What, me? Oh no, I'm much too shy to do that.”

Azure put her face up to hers, drawing a hoof against her chest. “Aw c'mon, just tell me. I promise I won't do... much.”

Fluttershy looked to the ground, testing her proverbial hooves in its newfound water. “I- I don't know. I can't, um, remember if I was.” She forced her gaze back up and held it with Azure's. “If you keep telling me what you were saying before, maybe I could, you know, remember.”

Azure's jaw hung agape. At long last she whistled, moving back into an upright position. “Wow, look at you.” She chuckled. “Well now, I guess I have no option but to tell you.

“Fluttershy,” Azure continued, looking her in the eyes, “I need you. You seem to know just what to say or do when I feel lost or down. When the world is going crazy, when I feel like there's nothing I can do, you're always there for me.” She paused for a moment to nuzzle her. “I couldn't imagine a day without you, you always manage to make me happy and I love to watch you laugh, no matter how silly or stupid I looked.” Azure held her hooves. “I just want you to remember that, no matter what, I am yours.”

Fluttershy smiled. “I know. Since you've moved into the cottage now, I see it on your face every morning when I wake up.”

Azure sniffled and wiped at her eye. “Really? Even with my drooling and messy bed hair?

The pegasus giggled, trying in vain to cover it up with a hoof. “Yes, even with your adorable, messy mane. Don't worry, I know you love me, you've told me so many times before.”

“I— I'm not being clingy, am I?”

“No, of course not,” she replied. “You're being you, and I like it that way.”

Azure's worry melted. “Aww.” She leaned in and kissed Fluttershy on the cheek, before resting her head against her shoulder. “You're amazing.”

Fluttershy nodded, “Oh... Oh I know.” Looking sheepishly at Azure's flabbergasted expression, she added in with a whisper, “And yes, I was teasing you.”

Author's Note:

A big thank you to Willsons for editing!


Surprised, aren't ya? Exactly 360 days went by before I released this, and I caught you all napping. Why? Because I'm a sorry writer who forgets to write things. Hah!

Anyway, I dearly do love Restraint. It's something I can look back on, scroll a few pages through, grimace at all my errors, and remember all the fun it was to write. I hope you all enjoyed this psychological, slice of life roller coaster I took us through too, because that's the point, isn't it? If it isn't fun or enjoyable, why do it? So, going back to my roots, I conjured up this little bit of adorable, teasing fun to tie up some loose ends.

I won't say this is "technically" the end of Restraint, because I'm a fan of bonus chapters, so should the stars align and the moon turn blue and wink at me, something else might pop up. But don't count on it. The mere fact that I forgot to write an Epilogue for this story—for nearly one whole year, at that—shouldn't brand me as a reliable writer. Just in case, though, y'know?

Okay, enough rambling. Everyone who read the story and gave me feedback, you're awesome. Whether you're still reading/writing actively or not, I just wanted you to know that.

Do what makes you happy. Because that's what matters.

Luv you all, bai! :3


Comments ( 34 )

I can't remember what the heck this story was about... Could you remind me? :unsuresweetie:

Didn't expect to see a new update on this one.

May need to re-read this again.


Rarity's psyche, I think? Iunno.


Aww, no then I'd feel bad. I just found the beginning of the epilogue written and decided to finish it up.

You are the author for buck's sake xD You should know :derpytongue2:


Meh. I guess I know.

Alright, so pretty much Rarity has a crush on adorkable lil' Twilight. But, as much as she wants to pursue her, she's also held back by the stigmas ingrained in her since childhood (foalhood, whatever). Marrying some noble stallion, living in Canterlot, etc. have been dreams of hers that everybody around her knows. As their relationship grows, she's reminded of ponies watching her, casting glances, and with it the expectations she feels she bears. Rarity feels like ponies expect her to marry some dashing Canterlot steed and live a life of luxury or whatever, but here she is with Twilight, an academic, book-worming mare.

The tension between expectation and desire manifests itself into social and emotional restraint, where Rarity is so conflicted she can hardly function and nearly loses Twilight. But then, y'know, you don't know what you had until it's gone, and so Rarity dashes off and throws caution to wind and decides to do what makes her happy. The End.

Odd, it sounds somewhat thought out and decently-construed when I put it that way. Really, this was some self-indulgence in shipping (and maybe weaving in some of my emotional woes), with -5 planning done beforehand. All I did was have them do some cute moments, drink wine and read together, eat food (half of my life right there), and tease eachother. And then I was like, "Oh wait, people are reading this and this should be a story." So, "Quick, throw in some plot devices and a conflict! Maybe they won't notice!" And now I'm like "What the hell happened here..."

But I love my little stories. Coincidental plot lines is magic!

I... I think I remember now. I can't remember when the hell I read this, but it does ring a bell now that you explain it to me.

Hm, thanks for the bonus chapter.
But I think the Tragedy tag is wrong for this, considering the tone of the ending. :twilightsmile:

Sorry I wasn't able to help much, regardless I still really liked the chapter.


I'll take it! Thanks!


No no, don't apologize! You did a perfectly fine job, so don't worry either. And thanks!


I'm kinda excited

Reread the whole thing! Thanks for the emotions!

I was about to yell at you for using a Rarity pictures filled with artifacting, but now I can see it's just sparkles.

Carry on.


Aww, your caps lock flatters me. Get hype! :3


You're welcome! Emotions are awesome!


Those would be some pretty damn big artifacts. O.o

4094134 the bar surrounding your name is blue! what sorcery is this!?!

4097857 It's because I'm staff.


What a nice shipping. I love it! :heart:

I'm read "Renaissance of The Moon" yesterday and i can truelly say you improve great. :raritywink: "Renaissance of The Moon" was lovely, "Restraint" is perfect.

I really appreciate your character of Twilight, Fluttershy and Rarity. Raritys inner tumult was a great writing job and i love every second of it. Other Twi-Rarity authors have now a hard time. :rainbowlaugh:


So I was glancing at the comments on this page and couldn't help but notice that you said you didn't have this all planned out beforehand. I think Pinkie can some up my thoughts on that:

Seriously, you fooled me. I remember anxiously awaiting updates to this last year. It was a greate ride from start to finish!


Aww, thanks! I hope to provide more quality writing in the future. :D

ok, definitly had to chuckle at :twilightblush:'s remark to :trollestia: on her showin up earlier then she did :rainbowlaugh: but, otherwise i'd enjoyed this ride u gav with it's ups n' downs all t same :ajsmug:. Now bout this epilogue :duck:? it was simply adorable to see dear :yay: havin a good time with her marefriend azure :pinkiehappy:

Gotta say, your improvement as an author is quite clear in this final addition to the story. I enjoyed reading it overall, but, as you mentioned in the A/N, it could use a lot of cleanup. Still getting a fav and like from me, but if ever the mood struck you to fix it up, I'd be thrilled to be able to read a rewrite.

What can I say, I'm apparently a sucker for sappy love stories. At least, the ones that have cute ponies in 'em. :pinkiehappy:

Oh my gosh, this story was amazing. If I wasn't such a slow reader I probably would have finished this hours ago xD but that fine, it was totally worth the eye strain and neck pain.

Your a fantastic writer, only downside, and its really no big deal, but just as a future reference type thing, I can't picture Rarity saying Yeah or Anyways so much or at all, but I just pretended it was yes and anyway so like I said, no big deal, brilliant story. :pinkiehappy:

This story was very pleasant to read it was interesting watching the nightmare trying to claim our favorite dramatic fashionista.:pinkiehappy:
Need I say more?:raritywink:

Oh well, I expected a different epilogue, but seeing this - seeing how the trio left Rarity and Twilight in shambles and went about their own happy lives, without ever looking back, I can only assume Pinkie, Rainbow and AJ are no longer welcome in Golden Oaks Library and Carousel Boutique. So, this is the end of Elements of Harmony. Some malice and insensitivity can ruin any friendship permanently.

I really liked that story. almost as much as your LunaShy fic.
When they broke up it was really heart tearing and I still hate you for it ^^
I hated it that Rarity was so plagued by selfdoubt and fear and scared of what others think, but on the other hand it really fits her, which also made it so good.

It would be nice to see a bit more at the end of your stories, just a bit of daily life for them (maybe an other date or how they now handle their selfes around other ponies). That way you could really see that they now are together and they will stay that way.
(Your bonuses of the LunaShy story did that perfectly)

You really have a gift for writing these kind of stories and Im still debating if I should go to sleep at 5AM now or start the next one ^^

Wow...this story was amazing. Rarity and Twilight aren't my favorite characters(no offense) but I felt for them. I loved it from start to finish! :twilightsmile:

Late to the party again- but it's really not all that bad getting comments on older works, is it?- but this one spoke to me.

I'm from an Old-Money family of deeply religious midwesterners. My entire life I had it drummed into my head that love was something for family, or for a man and a woman, and that anything else was abhorrent. A perversion of nature. Something to be hated, feared, and punished.

So, naturally, when I fell in love with someone that happened to have some of the same parts as me, I nearly destroyed myself over it. Rather than go into details about it all, I shall simply say that the mental and emotional war I fought against myself was something out of legend, and reconstruction is ongoing even now, two years later. But I see a lot of it here. This delightful tale captures and relays some of the things I felt more clearly than I think even I could manage.

Simply put; This story is excellent. I'd give it a 10/10 any day. Thanks for writing it. It helped.
now i'm just going to keep watching. this story has doomed you to my gaze.

5526925 I'm an unabashed, rampant, never-sated devourer of feedback, so I love comments regardless of how old my story is.

So, with that said, thank you so much for your feedback. A huge part of writing these stories is, somehow, having to be empathetic with my characters' situations and conflicts that I personally have no experience in. It's something I struggle with and deliberate over profusely.

To know that I got it close means a lot to me. Thank you for sharing your own experiences and taking the time to post a comment! I'm glad I can help in whatever amount possible!

I deeply enjoyed this story, and I am a huge fan of the Rarilight ship. I hadn't been able to put it down since I started reading it today. It was well writen, paced great, funny, and the emotions, my gosh those were great. I felt what Rarity was going to, you really made the characters come to life and stay to their personalities from the show. You should do a sequel now. Like Rarity and Twilight meeting each others parents and going through that business. And Spike's reaction.

I think the only improvement that could be found, besides a few grammatical things here and there, is a pony actually having a issue with Rarity's relationship. Her friends sort of teased her about it, but not what I was thinking. I was thinking of a pony representing the "traditional" side of relationships. Everyone felt chill about it except for a few background ponies.

Anyways, I can't relate to the exact pain of Rarity, but I can understand the type of pain- being expected to live a certain way, or raised with certain expectations only to find that you don't want that path. It is a gripping and terrible pain when you are fighting with yourself over yourself. I can't relate to the bonus pain Rarity felt of agonizing over another, but you wrote this in such a way that I could feel it.

Your story has been an inspiration to me. Not just to pursue my own dreams and ideals, but to attempt to write a romance fic. Thank you for your excellent story.

5527760 do you plan in writing a sequel...please say yes

Sorry, but I don't think so. The story's in a good, tidy place, and there's no need to russle things up by making a sequel. Let sleeping dogs lie.

You discribed Raraty's fears in such a real way. Fear is not the one you want in the driver's seat, yet you find yourself going along for the ride. Bel was a godsend for Rarity and Celestia helped her see the light too. Excellent execution on a real world issue.

Great story

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