• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 11,434 Views, 334 Comments

Restraint - Habanc

For Rarity, the words left unsaid are often the most meaningful.

  • ...

Chapter 9

Temporary Foreword: Keep safe, all of you on the east coast! (Especially those of you, who, like myself, live in New England.)


Rarity sat up on the bed, glancing around the room. Breathing slowed, heart rate dropping, a welcome sense of calm washed over her. ”This just feels so surreal.”

It seemed as if the physical world had been subtly altered, her eyes and mind seeing it all in a new definition. The rays of light coming in through the window dappled across the floor, almost radiating with emotion as it naturally lit the room. Nearby smells flooded her nostrils: old book pages, newly-washed sheets, and the lingering of sandalwood and sweat. Even the tiny dust particles in the air seemed to dance before her eyes.

”The wake after the storm,” Rarity realized, coming to an epiphany. ”Except, this storm was both good and bad. Sure, I ended up accidentally sleeping with Twilight, and for the first few moments this morning we were both terribly confused and shocked out of our minds... But now that we've settled down a bit, it's easy to see all that's good; I slept with Twilight, and she's more or less back to her same old self, even after all that's happened. And I think... I think that means she's comfortable with me.”

She sighed in relief, the emotional weight finally lifted off her shoulders by her own thoughts. Finally reaching a valid conclusion for the whole affair, her mind no longer racked with regret nor her heart suffocating under guilt, she felt like she could breathe again. And that she did, as she rested against the headrest once more, staring off into space.

”This is... Nice. I'm in Twilight's house, sitting on her bed at nine in the morning after a night of drunken pleasure, and I'm okay with it.” A warm, cheery feeling elevated throughout her body. ”I'm okay with it... Even days ago I would have expected myself to run home, frayed mane and all, out of shame. But, I'm not.” She smiled to herself. ”I'm here, waiting for a lovely mare to bring back some coffee. I probably look like a disaster, my coat feels oily and stale, and this pounding headache still won't go away... And I'm okay with it.

Speaking of that pretty girl, where is Twilight? She left at least fifteen minutes ago, and I haven't even heard her moving downstairs... Well, I guess I wouldn't know if I could hear anypony from up here too well, since this is my first time in her bed.” Rarity blushed lightly and smiled, ”And while I admit only to myself that I wouldn't mind waking up here soon again, I don't think we should rush it. Last night was simply anomalous and-”

The sudden sounds of hoofsteps sounded as somepony started up the stairs. With a smirk, Rarity broke from her musings and focused her attention on the doorway. As hoped, Twilight poked her head into the room, carrying two white mugs along with her.

The unicorn walked over to the bed, settling down next to Rarity. “Here you go,” she said, giving the white mare one of the mugs. “You look better,” she remarked.

“I do?” Rarity was surprised. She felt it on the inside, but definitely not on the outside. “That's odd, I haven't moved since you left, just sitting here and thinking.”

Twilight grinned. “Are you sure you weren't remembering?”

Rarity sighed, rolling her eyes. She set down her mug on a nearby nightstand, before crying, “Oh, come here, you!” Wrapping up Twilight, who was now giggling, she pulled her close to her body and kissed her on the cheek. “You're too adorable to talk like that.”

Twilight stuck out her tongue at her. “I just call it payback for all the times you've teased me.”

“Fine...” Rarity chuckled. “So, away from me, how are you this morning, darling?” She kept her forelegs wrapped around Twilight's stomach, holding her up to her chest.

“Wonderful,” she purred. “For once, I'm not rushing to get something done. Even with the seminar coming up, I feel perfectly relaxed.”

“That's great!” Rarity nuzzled her. “So, I'm just wondering... Are you doing anything today?”

Twilight turned her head around to look at Rarity. “No, why?”

“I'm supposed to meet Fluttershy at the spa. If you'd like, you can certainly tag along.”

“Sure!” Twilight smiled.


Rarity held the door open for Twilight as they exited the library. Both of them had taken a quick bath, getting off all the sweat, oils and whatever else they had acquired on their skin, and giving Rarity a chance to repair her ruined mane. And while it was by no means perfect, it was enough to get her out to the spa where it'd be returned to its former glory.

The pair had donned scarves, the late-morning still sporting a chilly temperature. They had taken no more than a dozen steps out the door before Twilight pressed up against Rarity, their coats brushing together.

“Have I ever told you how warm you are?” Twilight asked.

“Oh, you might have told me something to that effect before.” Thoughts of the picnic on the grass passed into Rarity's mind.

“Yeah, well, you are. Hmm... I wonder if it's because you have really good circulation, or just because you have a naturally high body temperature.” Twilight mulled over the idea for a few seconds.

“How about we just accept the fact that I'm warm and leave it at that?” Rarity looked over to her marefriend and smiled. “I'd rather not have any pony delve into my physiology, it makes me self-conscious.”

“Why? You didn't seem to mind last night.” Twilight's toying smile was cut short by Rarity's glare. “Fine, I know I shouldn't have said that, but...” She sighed, trying to come up with the right words, “... I don't know, I'm just too excited to keep my mouth shut.”

Rarity quickly checked to make sure nopony was in earshot, and then lowered her voice as well for good measure. “That's perfectly understandable darling, but if you want to talk about it, then let's do that when we're alone. I'd rather not have the fact that I had sex with Twilight Sparkle be the town's latest gossip.”

Twilight blushed, nodding understandably. “Alright.”

They neared the spa. “Now, let's just act normal and hopefully Fluttershy won't notice anything,” Rarity whispered in Twilight's ear, before opening the door and stepping inside. The yellow mare was indeed waiting, her face brightening when Rarity entered, then tinged with surprise as the lavender mare followed her inside.

“Twilight? What are you doing here?” Fluttershy asked delightfully, eyes widening.

“Oh, umm, Rarity asked me if I wanted to go...” She shrugged. “I decided we all need to be pampered now and then, right?”

“Exactly!” Fluttershy agreed, before walking up to a nearby counter and informing one of the spa ponies that she would have another pony with her. The spa pony simply smiled and handed her three robes. “Here, take one,” she said to her friends, handing them out. “I already got the key for our room.”

Minutes later, the three entered a room with a trio of massage tables.

“Fluttershy, darling, I must ask where have you been recently? Ponies have been looking for you, you know.” Rarity hoisted herself up onto one of the tables, followed by the other two mares nearby.

“Oh, you know, just out of the house,” Fluttershy replied, looking away. She didn't seem like she was about to give a clearer answer.

“Hmph... Well anyways, Pinkie Pie wanted to know if you could look at Gummy for her.” Rarity said, passing along the message she had received yesterday.

“Alright, thanks for letting me know.” Fluttershy smiled. She turned to the other pony in the room. “So, Twilight, how are you doing?”

The mare in question grinned. “Great, actually.”

“Rarity isn't bossing you around, is she?” Fluttershy giggled. Rarity glared.

“She?” Twilight asked, pointing a hoof at her marefriend. “Oh no,” she laughed, “if anything it's the other way around.”

“That's not true!” Rarity cried.

“Isn't it?” Twilight raised an eyebrow. “When I made you dance with me last week on the grass, did you really try to put up a fight?”

Rarity downcast her eyes and mumbled, “Well, no...” Twilight shot her a victorious look.

“You two are cute together,” Fluttershy broke in. Immediately after she shrunk back, realizing she had been more forward than she wanted to be. “I mean, umm... You two are a nice... couple.”

“Thanks,” Rarity replied, smiling at her. As she said it, three masseuses came in through the door. “Now, I do believe it's time to get this recent ache in my back worked out.” She laid down on the massage table, sighing deeply.


Twilight slid into the hot tub, sitting down with a relieved sigh. “Wow... I have to hand it to you girls, you sure pick a great place to meet each week.” She closed her eyes and rested her head against the crest of the tub. “For once, my neck doesn't feel stiff... Probably from all the reading I do.”

“What have you been reading about lately, Twilight?” Fluttershy asked.

She peeked one eye open. “Not much, actually,” she replied matter-of-factly, shrugging.

“No reading? Twilight?” Fluttershy seemed shocked. “W-why?”

“I've been out with Rarity a lot lately, when I'm not working as a librarian.” Twilight replied, blushing slightly. She looked to her marefriend, who was listening with a grin on her face. Rarity shot her back a smile.

“You two really are close, huh?” Fluttershy asked, partially in awe, giving each of them a glance.

“Well, I guess you could say that.” Twilight said sheepishly.

“This,” Rarity broke in with a chuckle, “is coming from the queen of snuggling over here.” Twilight's blush only intensified as she tried to sink into the water, as the white mare continued, “But anyways, enough about us. Have you talked to Azure at all?”

Fluttershy squeaked. Twilight popped back up from the water, tilting her head in curiosity. “Azure?”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Oh, it's just a pony who has seemed to have taken a liking to our pegasus friend over her.” She motioned a hoof towards Fluttershy.

Rrreally?” Twilight looked pleasantly surprised. She turned to the mare in question. “So, have you?”

“Well, umm...” Fluttershy shrunk back. The other two ponies watched her with expectant eyes. “...Maybe?”

“Maybe?” The other two said simultaneously. “What does 'maybe' mean?” Twilight asked.

“Well... She might have...” She gulped. “She might have approached me in town.”

Rarity clapped her hooves together, leaning forward in excitement. “And?”

“... And she asked if I would mind if she walked with me for awhile,” Fluttershy revealed, flustered. “I didn't really understand, s-so I said okay. We talked for awhile- well, she did most of the talking.”

“I wouldn't have expected that,” Rarity commented sarcastically. Fluttershy blinked.

“A-anyways, she asked if I was hungry... And I kinda guess I was, so we stopped in by Sugarcube Corner for a bit. We both talked a little more, and then she said she had to get going... That was about it.”

“Good job Fluttershy!” Twilight smiled at her. “So, what do you think about her? I mean, if you don't mind me asking.”

“Oh...” Fluttershy blushed, her voice level dropping to just above whisper. “I guess she's... Cute.”

Rarity put a hoof up to her ear, cutting off Twilight before she could say anything. “What was that, dear? I can't hear you.”

“I said...” Fluttershy began to hide behind her mane, “I guess she's cute.”

“Say again? Your hair got in the way.”

“I said I guess she's cute.”

Rarity winked to Twilight, who got the message. “You guess she's cute?” The lavender mare asked.

“Y-yeah... Isn't that what I just said?”

“Dear, you cannot simply guess somepony is attractive. Either they are or they aren't.”

Fluttershy sighed. “Alright, fine... Yes... I-I find her cute.” It only took Rarity a second to reach the yellow mare, giving her a tight hug. As if on cue, Twilight followed suit soon after.

“That's wonderful, dear!” Rarity exclaimed as she let go a moment later. “You should feel great, having such a cute and nice pony interested in you.” Twilight shot her an uneasy glance, her eyes almost flashing with a flicker of green. “I mean, uh, I should know. I have one right here.” Rarity grabbed Twilight by the waist, pulling her in and giving her a kiss on the cheek. The other unicorn giggled as her tempered expression dissolved.

“Yeah, well... It's not.” Fluttershy stated. “I'm actually really, really, really, really, really anxious. It feels like my entire stomach is hopping like a bunny rabbit.”

“That's entirely normal, dear. You saw me and what a mess I looked like before Twilight and I started dating.” Twilight gave Rarity a surprised look. “Oh yes, I was... All because I didn't think I could tell you. But once we started going out, it eventually went away.”

“Really?” Twilight asked with a grin. “I disagree, you seemed pretty shaken up earlier.”

“What? I was fine with you on the way over here-” She noticed Twilight was still grinning. “Oh.” Rarity pursed her lips and pouted. ”Sneaky, Twilight, quite sneaky. I'll make sure to get you back sometime, just you wait.”

“Wh-what happened?” Fluttershy asked cautiously. She seemed worried if there was a falling out between her two friends.

“N-nothing.” Twilight shook her head with a giggle, “It's just a joke.” Rarity still had her lips sealed shut, staring down her marefriend. “Anyways, if you want, I think we can help.”

“Help? With what?”

“You know, Azure. And all your anxiety problems. Stuff like that.”

“Oh! ...I couldn't possibly ask you to... Get involved.”

“Aww...” Twilight frowned slightly. “I had read about this thing in a book once-”

“Where have I heard this before?” Rarity broke in, chuckling, finally breaking her silence.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “- called a double date. You know, where two couples go out together. I thought that since you'd be with us too, you wouldn't feel as nervous.”

”Well, I have to hand it to her, that's actually a pretty good idea. I'm surprised I didn't think of it earlier,” Rarity mused. “Yes, I think that'd work nicely.” She looked over to Fluttershy. “Now now, dear, I know you might want to say no, but... I really think you should. As your best friend, I think it'd be nice for you to go out every once in awhile. Even if you, for some reason, decide you don't like Azure later on, it'll still be a lot of fun.”

“A-are you sure?” She asked, looking skeptical.

“Positive, darling.”

“...Okay. Only because you say so, Rarity.” Fluttershy gulped, quite unsure what she just got herself into.


Twilight rubbed up against Rarity, as they walked back to the library. It was going to be their last few minutes together after a hectic twenty-four hours, so they decided to take the scenic route through the market.

“Were you really a mess before we started... All of this?” Twilight asked.

“Well, umm... Yes. Yes I was dear, because I had a lot going through my mind at the time,” Rarity admitted, even if generally.

“Why?” Twilight looked up, her eyes filled with both curiosity and worry.

“Because...” Rarity sighed. “I couldn't decide how to handle my feelings. First, I tried to deny it. Then, I couldn't tell you. And after that, I tried to, but something kept holding me back, and that's what drove me simply insane.” Her voice slipped away as she finished, not comfortable with the subject.

“Rarity...” Twilight's eyes softened as her voice did. “You know you can tell me anything, right?”

“Yes.” She looked over to her. “But back then, I didn't. It felt like my mind was playing against me, not letting the right words come out.” Rarity looked at the ground, away from her marefriend's pitying gaze.

“Hey,” Twilight stopped her with a hoof, wrapping up Rarity with an embrace, “it's all over now. You can talk to me whenever you need to, okay?” She giggled lightly, trying to lighten her mood. “Also, you said I was the 'queen of cuddles,' so if you ever want somepony to hold, just let me know.”

Rarity gave an abrupt chuckle. “I... Alright. Thanks.”

Still hugging Twilight, she looked over her shoulder across the market. For a brief moment, somepony stared straight back at her, and then whispered to another pony nearby. They whispered...

Rarity felt a shudder of self-consciousness ride down her spine. ”...About us?”

She tried her best to shake it off, and yet it remained, regaining its throne in the back of her mind.