• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 11,434 Views, 334 Comments

Restraint - Habanc

For Rarity, the words left unsaid are often the most meaningful.

  • ...

Chapter 3

Fluttershy looked taken aback for a second, staring at her. Then she giggled and smiled warmly. “Oh, well that's great, Rarity!”

The white unicorn in question gave her a surprised look. “S-so you're not shocked? Or angry?”

Fluttershy chuckled. “Why would I?”

“Why would you? Think about it!” Rarity waved her forelegs around. “I've fallen for a mare. Worse yet, it's one of our friends... That usually makes things awkward, right?”

“Well, maybe, I don't know. I've never dated any of my friends before, or anypony in particular for that reason.” Fluttershy blushed slightly, before continuing on. “Anyways, so what if it's another mare? Rarity, I know this sounds corny, but as long as you're happy who cares?”

“Happy?” Rarity cast depressed looks at the floor. “Fluttershy, I've been nothing but a mess for the past week. I don't sleep, I don't eat, all I do is worry and think.”

The pegasus reached in and gave her a hug. “Well, then you just have to come out and tell her, Rarity. Twilight's a very nice girl, you know that. Just pretend you're one of those colts you used to talk about, y'know the ones who had asked you out on dates when you were younger.”

“Oh... Them.” Rarity chuckled pitifully. “Those stories weren't totally true.”

“What?” Fluttershy was taken aback for a second. “Are you saying those colts were just made up?”

“Oh no, they were real.” Rarity gulped. “And yes, they did ask me out on dates... Except I always turned them down.”


“Because... Because I was too afraid to take that step, to take the risk.” She looked away. “I hated the thought of ponies talking about me behind my back.”

“Oh...” Fluttershy muttered. “So, it's more about the fact Twilight's a mare, right?”


“Hmm...” Fluttershy thought for a second. “Well, can you tell me why you're in love with her?”

“Well, for one...” The list went on for minutes. “...and lastly, she just makes me feel comfortable with myself. Like I could do anything and not be ashamed.”

Fluttershy stared at her for a second. “Wow, you really have thought about this a lot, haven't you?”

Rarity nodded. “Perhaps a little too much.”

The yellow mare put a hoof on her shoulder. “Rarity, if she means this much to you, then why does it matter so much if she's a mare?”

“I- I don't know,” Rarity stammered. “I guess I've always just have this lifestyle pounded into my head since I was young. To grow up, marry a handsome stallion, and live a life of class and high-standing was a dream for me as a filly.” She sighed. “And now, trying to have myself accept that it's not going to happen... Even though I'd much rather have it this way, is very hard to admit.”

“But you've already admitted both to me and yourself that you love her, isn't that enough?” Fluttershy replied.

Rarity hung her head in despair. “I wish. But even still, something within me protests and fights, and it's driving me mad.”

Fluttershy patted her on the back. “Hey, don't worry, alright? I'm sure we can get you through this.”

“We?” Rarity picked her head up, looking her friend in the eyes.

“Umm, yes? I mean, I'd be happy to help you finally build up the courage to tell Twilight, but if you don't want to, that's okay too.” Fluttershy shrunk back a bit.

“Oh, uhhh...” Rarity stopped to think. “Sure, dear, I think that'd help a lot.” She smiled and gave her a hug. “Thanks.”


”Okay Rarity, just like Fluttershy told me, 'Just be yourself and it'll be fine.' “

Rarity had been repeating the same phrase in her head on the entire walk over to the Carousel Boutique. It didn't help that she had to go a bit slower due to her shoulder. Fluttershy made sure it had been iced and heated the entire night, and even gave her a painkiller before she left. Even still, it had been rough, her muscles aching in dull throbs.

”I can't be too abrupt though... I don't want to scare the girl. I got to play this smart.”

The white unicorn turned stiffly onto her own walkway towards the door.

”I need to be tactful and clever. I want her to know, but also kind of not know. I want her to... to...”

Rarity hung her head as she stepped up to the door. She sighed. “Oh, I don't know what I want.”


“Ahhhh!” Rarity jumped back, utterly frightened. Her face twisted as she landed on her left foreleg, her knee almost buckling. “Ow!”

“Oh my gosh, I am so sorry!”

Rarity looked up to see Twilight at the door frame. Suddenly, her shoulder didn't hurt as much as before. “Oh, h- hi Twilight...”

“Rarity, are you okay?” She stepped towards her, her eyes filled with worry.

“Oh this?” The fashionista glanced at her left shoulder then waved a hoof, chuckling. “Don't worry dear, it's fine.”

“Are you sure?” Twilight asked. “I know you hurt it yesterday.”

Rarity smiled and walked past her, overcoming her urge to grimace, “Yes, I'm sure. Fluttershy took good care of me last night and this morning.”

The lavender pony closed the door behind her. “Oh, alright. I just saw you in front of the door as I walked by, and I didn't know I'd surprise you.” She looked away. “Sorry.”

“Twilight, darling, you did nothing wrong.” Rarity walked into the largely unused living room in the back of the building. She sat down on a plush pillow on the far side of the room.

“Umm, if you say so.” Twilight muttered as she entered. “So,” she changed the subject, “did you like the stuff I got you?” She walked over and sat down next to Rarity.

“Oh, did I ever!” Rarity beamed. “Those strawberries were simply divine! Even Fluttershy had a few.”

Twilight Sparkle clapped her hooves together in delight. “Glad to hear it! How about the book?”

“Oh, I read a few pages into it, but I was up so late talking with Fluttershy, I was practically falling asleep on the pages,” Rarity lied. She never did get around to even opening the cover, her mind too frantic about the next day.

“It did look superb, I might add,” She included quickly, trying not to offend her friend.

“It did?” The purple unicorn tilted her head slightly in curiosity. “I mean, even you think most romance novels are tacky.”

“Yes, well... This one seemed, uh... Special.” Rarity gave a half-hearted smile.

“Really?” Twilight's interest seemed piqued. “Umm, Rarity?”

“Yes, Twilight?” Rarity looked into her eyes. Brief flickers of wild hope and far-fetched dreams flashed through her mind.

“I- I know this is kind of unlike me and all...”

The flickers became beams and rays.

“...but since you recommend it, could I borrow that book sometime to read it?” Twilight asked, scratching her head.

“Oh.” Rarity tried to hide her crestfallen feelings. “Well, I thought you didn't like romantic stories?”

“Yeah...” She fought to find the right words, “W- well maybe I just thought reading one couldn't hurt. I- I just think it'd be... Y'know, something new for me to, umm... Learn about. Since I learn through books.” Twilight blushed. Rarity wanted to melt into a puddle.

Suddenly, an idea tore into Rarity's mind. “Oh, of course!” She put a hoof on Twilight's shoulder. “I know that's how you learn dear, very book smart. How about we read it together tonight?” She suggested. “Because since we're both here, why not? I've read a few dozen already, so I could help if you don't understand something.”

Twilight's face was a mixture of pleasant surprise and shock. “Oh, really? You'd do that?”

Rarity smiled. “Absolutely, Twilight. It'd be a pleasure to introduce you to romance.”

”Good job, Rarity!” she told herself. ”That was actually pretty clever.”

The lavender mare reached in and gave her a hug. “Thank you!” She got up excitedly. “This will be so much better than having to do this on my own, it'll be just like learning from a teacher!” She turned to Rarity. “So where's the book?”

The white unicorn chuckled. “Oh, we'll get to it, don't worry. But first, I'm famished.” She lowered her voice, “Don't tell her, but Fluttershy isn't the best cook when it comes pony cuisine.”

“Oh, right.” Twilight looked at the clock perched high in the room. “Well, it's a bit after noon right now, so how about we head over to the café?” She smiled. “My treat.”


Rarity took a restrained bite out of her salad. “So, I really don't mean to pry, but why do you want to read a romance novel all of a sudden?”

Twilight looked around anxiously after taking a sip of her lemonade. “Well, It's just something I haven't done, and you know me, I like to learn new things.”

“But Twilight, there are so many other things you haven't done either. Why not learn to play the violin or take up painting?”

“Ahh, fine, I guess you got me.” She glanced around again. “It's just ever since you told me somepony found me attractive, I've just paid more attention to... Well,” the words seemed to stick in her throat, “relationships and stuff like that.”

“Oh?” Rarity raised an eyebrow, beating back an urge giggle with delight.

“Yeah, and for once the nonfiction books in the library aren't helping me.” Twilight sighed, taking a bite out of her daisy sandwich soon after.

Rarity finally succumbed to her giggling. “Dear, you do realize that books can't help you understand everything right? I'm not trying to dissuade you from reading and learning from text, but sometimes you need other ponies to help.”

“So, are you saying we shouldn't read the book?”

“Oh no, perish the thought!” Rarity exclaimed. “All I'm saying is, is that sometimes you need other perspectives to give you a full picture.”

“I think I get it now...” Twilight still sounded skeptical. “So, like, asking them questions and formulating a hypothesis based on the answers you receive?”

“Well, yes, I guess that's a creative way of looking at it,” she conceded.

“Oh, good!” Twilight looked relieved to be on empirical terms. “So, Rarity, what are your views on romance?”

“Huh-uh wha-?” The question caught the unicorn off guard. “Twilight, I- I'm not sure that's the right way to go about it.”

“Oh... Well, what is?”

Rarity took a second to think that over. ”What does somepony do to seriously talk to her friends about romance? Surely my conversation with Fluttershy last night was a freak incident, right?”

“Oh, well, I... I'm not sure.” Rarity admitted hesitantly.

“Not sure? But Rarity, you know everything about this stuff!” Twilight proclaimed.

Rarity chuckled sarcastically. “Oh please, I don't know much outside books myself.”


“Would you like a glass, Twilight?”

“A glass of what?” Twilight asked, watching Rarity get up and head out of the living room.

“Wine, of course. A rich Cabernet to go with some dark chocolate.” She answered, continuing outside of the room.

Twilight sounded nervous. “But, I've never had wine before.”

Rarity opened a bottle in her kitchen, just outside the living room doorway. “Oh, don't worry then! They compliment each other perfectly!” She uncorked the bottle. “Besides, in my personal experience, it helps set the mood for this next chapter coming up!”

The sky was darkening now, as the two mares had been reading an over-the-top, sappy love story for most of the afternoon. The book itself wasn't too long, but Rarity had stopped multiple times to explain to Twilight how certain things worked in the book. Of course she didn't know from real experience, but previous novels had quite a pattern to them.

She poured two glasses, and then magically toted them and rich pieces of chocolate over into the living room. Twilight was lying on her stomach in the middle of the room, studying the last few lines of the previous chapter before flicking her eyes up towards Rarity.

Her magic faltered slightly, almost dropping the glasses, unable to stop staring. Definitely unladylike, but she couldn't help it.

“What, is something wrong?” Twilight asked.

Rarity shook her head back into reality. “Haha, oh no, everything's fine.”

”Dammit, control yourself, Rarity!”

She settled down next to Twilight, floating over her glass and a few pieces of chocolate. “Go on, try it.” She took her own sip of wine, and by Celestia, she needed it.

Rarity glanced over to Twilight, who sniffed curiously at the burgundy drink. Carefully, the mare lifted the glass to her mouth and sipped cautiously. Her face grimaced as she swallowed.

“Augh! How do you drink that?”

“Oh, you get used to it,” Rarity assured her. “Try some chocolate with it though, I assure you it tastes much better.” She herself broke off a piece and savored it.

“Well, I do like chocolate...” Twilight slowly broke off a piece of her own, chewed it, and took another sip of the Cabernet to wash it down. This time, her expression was more critical, trying to determine whether she liked it or not.

“So?” Rarity asked.

“Hmm, not bad.” Twilight admitted. “I can tell how this 'helps set the scene', as you said. It's so... Rich and deep, with a touch of bitterness.”

“Exactly!” Rarity agreed. “So, are we ready to continue on?”

“One second, I know one more thing that would help.” Twilight looked across the room, and magically levitated a nearby blanket towards her. She draped it over the both of them, just allowing their heads to stick out. “I always like to read under a blanket. Now we're good.”

Rarity nodded. “Okay, good idea.” She opened up the first page and read out loud:

~”Charity stepped out onto the balcony. A warm breeze ruffled her amethyst mane, as she gazed out upon the myriad of buildings from her hilltop estate. Somewhere out there, somewhere out in front of her in the city of Toulhooves, her love Bayard was waiting for her. She knew it, she could feel it...”~

Suddenly, Twilight moved in closer to Rarity, yawned, and leaned against her as she took a sip of wine. If it wasn't for the fact that she was between reading paragraphs, it would have seemed as if the white unicorn forgot how to speak. Eyes widening alongside an sharp intake of air, it took her a few seconds to continue on.

~”Charity felt her heart skip a beat, just at the thought of reuniting with him. They had spent so long with words left unsaid, and now, more than ever, they had to be revealed. The fact that he was lesser born did not deter her, rather, they filled her with a sense of pride. To disregard aristocratic expectations and pursue who she truly loved sent shocks of excitement and adventure down her spine.”~

“Wow, this is really is cheesy,” Twilight quipped, still leaning on Rarity. She broke off another piece of chocolate and chewed it slowly.

“Well, yes, I guess so,” Rarity replied. “But still, can you feel her emotions for him?”

“Oh, of course,” Twilight chuckled, “the gushy prose made sure of that. Although, it's not necessarily bad.”

“So, you're saying you like the book?”

“Well, the story itself is alright, but I like the feelings in it more.” Twilight admitted. “They're so... Compassionate and overwhelming, I can almost feel it.”

“It is nice, isn't it?” Rarity asked, her voice dropping to a sensitive level. She finished her glass of wine.

“Yeah...” Twilight sighed, leaning a bit heaver against Rarity. Her coat was soft and warm, and Rarity was only too happy to support her.

”If only I could just hold her...”

“So, uhh...” Twilight began, “who was that pony that told you she found me attractive?”

“Oh!” The question caught Rarity off guard. “Ah- umm...” She couldn't find what to say, remaining silent.

“Oh, just as I thought.” Twilight deflated, looking down to floor, “It was just a story, right?”

“No!” Rarity exclaimed. She instinctively wrapped a foreleg around Twilight, unable to see her like this. “Trust me dear, somepony definitely did.”

Her crush managed a smile. “Thanks, Rarity. I've just been so skeptical for the past week because it's hard to believe.” She zoned off across the room.

Rarity pulled her in just a bit closer. “Well, start believing then.”

Twilight looked to Rarity, but before she could ask anything, Rarity let go of her and stood up, shrugging off the blanket.

“How about we take a break from the book for a bit? I believe somepony promised me a makeover.”


Rarity was in a mess.

In a good kind of way, however.

She had been turned into a living canvas, with Twilight attempting all sorts of “experimental fashion” on her. Normally she'd be horrified, but now she couldn't stop giggling as Twilight brushed her frayed mane.

”Tonight actually hasn't gone too bad... We both had a great time, and I think she's beginning to get the message,” Rarity hoped silently.

“So, mind if I ask a question?” Twilight asked.

“Sure, what's on your mind, darling?”

“Do... Do you think I'm attractive?” She looked at Rarity through the mirror.

“Well...” Rarity held herself. As much as she wanted to tell her “Yes, you're beautiful,” and kiss her, still the self-conscious leash reigned her in. However, she felt brave enough to give in a bit, partially thanks to the wine.

“Yes, I think you are.” She smiled. Twilight smiled. “Stop doubting yourself, Twilight. You're a very cute girl.”

“R- really?” Twilight looked flabbergasted.

“Of course.”

“Wow...” Twilight put a hoof to her own chest. “Thanks Rarity.”

Rarity shivered slightly as she felt Twilight wrap her forelegs around her, giving her a gracious hug. The faint aroma of something akin to sandalwood entered her nose, sweet and warm.

“Anyways,” Twilight continued as she let go, “How about we finish up the book now?”


Twilight sobbed as she poured the last of bottle into her glass. “I... I just can't believe... I just won't!”

Rarity was tearing also as they turned the last page of the novel. “I know!” Her cheeks glistened. “Why did Bayard have to leave her? They could have run off together!”

Twilight downed the entirety of her glass, sniffling. “Exactly! They were in love and that's all that mattered! Who cares what anypony else thought?”

Déjà vu weighted down on Rarity like an anchor. “R-r-right! De-definitely!” she stammered. Suddenly feeling guilty, Rarity followed suit and drained the last of her wine. Admittedly, she was a little buzzed, but nothing like her lavender friend.

Honestly, bringing out the entire wine bottle during the most intense part of the story was probably not the best idea. Even worse, she let Twilight pour for herself. It was bad enough that this was probably Twilight's first time drinking, even worse that it was her first romance novel. With that deadly combination of high emotions and a low tolerance for alcohol, without a doubt the poor girl would have a terrible headache the next morning.

Twilight continued on her uncharacteristic, emotionally-charged rambling. “If I were her, I would have held on to him!” She giggled. “Although don't tell Bayard that I think I like mares more than stallions.”

“What?” Rarity couldn't help a chuckle, “But you kept saying the entire time how perfect Bayard seemed and wishing there was a stallion like him in the world.”

“Well yeah!” Twilight snorted, “But I think mares look soooo much better.” She pointed a hoof at Rarity. “Like... For example, you're hot!” she exclaimed.

Rarity blushed a lot harder than she had in years. “Oh, y- you're just saying that.”

“Nah, I'm serious.” She shuffled close to Rarity, rubbing up against her. “A-and you think I'm really cute, right?”

“Well, ye-” Rarity stopped. Even under a fog of intoxication, she could tell this was wrong. That same sense of restraint which had held her back for the wrong things was now holding her back for the right thing. As easy as it could be to just have Twilight now, this was not how it was supposed to happen. This was not how Rarity wanted it to be, not how she dreamed of it being. The world snapped into focus.

“Well what?” Twilight asked, leaning over against her.

“Uhhh... Well,Twilight, dear, I think we should get you tucked into bed.” Rarity said, offering a hoof to help her up.

“Why? Do you not like me?” She looked downtrodden, and it broke Rarity's heart.

“No no no! Twilight, you are simply magnificent and beautiful, but it's getting late, don't you think?” The clock on the wall read half-past one.

“W- well, yeah, I guess so.”

“Come on then, I'll help you get upstairs.” Rarity let Twilight lean on her as she wobbled to get onto her hooves. Slowly but surely, they reached the extra bed in her design room. “There you go dear, try to get some sleep.”

Twilight nodded and slipped underneath the covers as Rarity left the room and carefully closed the door behind her. The white unicorn walked into the bathroom, turning on the sink and soaking her face with cold water.

”I've done the right thing, right?” she pondered. ”Surely it's more meaningful to confess to Twilight when both of us are sober?”

Ultimately, she couldn't come up with a definite answer.

Minutes later, she walked back into the design room to check on Twilight. The adorable mare was snoring cutely as her chest rose and fell, wrapped underneath soft blankets.

“Sweet dreams, Twilight.”

Rarity leaned in and kissed her on the forehead.