• Published 4th Sep 2012
  • 11,433 Views, 334 Comments

Restraint - Habanc

For Rarity, the words left unsaid are often the most meaningful.

  • ...

Chapter 8

A knock echoed throughout the Carousel Boutique as somepony banged on the door. “Coming!” Rarity called, making the final touches of rouge on her face. ”Perfect,” she thought, tussling her mane in front of the mirror.

In one smooth movement, she got up from the stool she was sitting on, and walked gracefully over to the door.

“Hiya there, Rarity!” Pinkie Pie answered as she opened the door. “Ooh, you look pretty, are you going to a party?”

Rarity chuckled. “Oh, something like that, I guess you could say... Anyways, how are you, dear?”

“Fantastic! I just wanted to come over and ask you if you've seen Fluttershy lately.” Pinkie Pie looked around. “I wanted to ask her to check on Gummy for me, but I haven't seen her anywhere. Since, like, you two are really good friends, I thought you'd know.”

Rarity tapped a hoof to her chin. “Huh... Come to think of, I don't believe I've seen the girl either in the past week. That's odd.”

“I know.” Pinkie Pie almost poked her head through the doorway. “That's why I want to find her! And you're going to help me!”

Rarity shook her head. “I'm sorry dear, I can't. I already have plans for the night.” She instantly felt guilty from the dejected look on Pinkie's face. “But, can't you just rely on your special twitches or whatnot?”

“Oh, well yeah, usually!” Pinkie Pie nodded. “But it's not working.”

Rarity feigned a gasp. “Your Pinkie Sense? Failing?”

“No way! It still works for most ponies, but for some reason, it's like Fluttershy has found a way to block me!” The party pony nodded, looking very confident in the notion.

“Are you sure?”

“Why of course I'm sure! When have I not-” Suddenly, the pink mare's legs gave out from under her. Before Rarity could do anything, she appeared to be having some sort of violent seizure, writhing on the ground sporadically. And yet, as soon as it began, it ended, with Pinkie Pie staring up at the fashionista with her tongue lolling out.

“Pinkie, are you okay?!” Rarity picked her up with her magic, setting her on her hooves.

“Never better!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed. “See, that just showed you my Pinkie Sense is working!”

“S-so...” Rarity tried to process this new bit of information. “You know where Fluttershy is?”

“I wish! No, that one was for you.”

“What was it about?”

Pinkie Pie giggled and snorted. “Oh, just about acquiring fortune. Anyways, I'd love to stay and chat, but I gotta go!”

Rarity's eyes opened. “Really? F-fortune?!”

“Something like that!” Pinkie called as she departed from the store.

Rarity closed the door, her heart fluttering. ”Fortune? Wealth, riches, and money? The things I would do! The stuff I'd buy!” She let her mind wander over the limitless potential now in front of her. ”All thanks to Pinkie... Pie.

Something seemed wrong. She frowned.

”This seems really out of place, now that I think of it. After I just turned down the mare, she suddenly has a 'feeling' that I'm going to come across a lot of fortune. I... I don't think I believe her. She's probably just playing one of her little pranks with Rainbow Dash. Typical Pinkie.”

Rarity shrugged as she walked over to the mirror. She had bigger things to worry about today. Her and Twilight had been dating for a week now, and tonight was the first time Rarity would be taking her out somewhere nice. In the days past, they had been spending time together, whether meeting for lunch or helping Twilight with library with Spike still in Canterlot.

Twilight had been growing worried, wondering what her baby dragon assistant was up to. He was well looked after, assigned a room in the royal castle and escorted by a palace guard to and from his destinations within the city, but it still had been much longer than it should have, and that was enough reason to worry for the lavender mare.

She sent a letter to him a few days ago, but without a dragon to send it instantly, it had to run through the Equestrian Mail Service, not known for its expedite qualities. Canterlot was geographically very close to Ponyville, but even still it would have taken two days to get there.

With her marefriend a little upset, Rarity offered to take her out for a nice evening to get her mind off it. In fact, she had set up reservations for an old favorite of hers, perhaps the one trendy place within Ponyville. “Progressive Pedigree,” the small town's little slice of Canterlot, sported some of the latest fashions and newest cuisine that could be found. Not as cutting-edge as the capital, but as close as any other place could get.

Looking in the mirror, she gave herself one last look-over. Twilight was due to be here at any moment, and she wanted to look her best.

”Is my mane okay? What about my eyelashes? Oh eww, I put too much mascara on. What about this dress? Do I look fat in it? Does it hug my stomach too much? No, I don't think so. Thank Celestia for all those yoga sessions finally paying off when I need it... Does it make my flanks look big?”

She was about to turn around when another knock came from the door. “One second!” She called. Quickly, she turned around and stole a peek before trotting over to the door.

“My my, you look simply gorgeous.” Rarity complimented Twilight as she opened the door. The lavender mare giggled abashedly, looking down at her attire.

“Thanks...” She looked up and pecked Rarity on the cheek. “Anyways, where are we going tonight? I put on a dress just like you asked.”

“My favorite restaurant in all of Ponyville, dear.” Rarity magically grabbed her purse and walked out next to Twilight, closing the door behind them. “Just a fair warning though, you might get a lot of questions about what you're wearing.”


“Because that dress looks simply divine on you! Even better than I thought when I was making it.”

Twilight grinned sheepishly. “Oh, you're just saying that.” She shifted slightly. “Besides, it's kinda tight.”

Rarity nodded. “That's the point! A slimming dress can make a pretty pony sexy.”

Twilight blushed. “R-right... Well, should we get going?”

“That's a fine idea. I know it's only six, but the place gets crowded early, and I want to grab something before we get seated.”


Already, ponies were working their way into the “Progressive Pedigree,” underneath the waning rays of the winter dawn. Wrapping a hoof around her, Rarity led Twilight inside. They were instantly greeted by a large, aero blue wall fountain, as organic designs seemed to lurch straight from the ground. An usher was waiting for them, a smile on his face.

“How can I help you ladies tonight?” He asked in an effeminate voice.

“Belvedere, it's me!” Rarity replied, smiling back. “Don't tell me you forget your favorite lady now too!”

“Oh, of course not!” He exclaimed, laughing. “Rarity, darling, how are you?” He reached in and gave her a hug.

Out of her eye, Rarity could see Twilight with a perplexed look on her face. “Bel, I am simply wonderful lately. My clients simply will not leave me alone, always asking for something new and fresh. For once, finally, I've managed to get out for the night.”

“You must simply come over earlier sometime and give me all the juicy details.” The stallion glanced to her date. “However, I see you've brought company.”

“Oh, how rude of me!” Rarity cried, turning to look at Twilight. The mare's expression hadn't changed, still utterly confused. “Bel, meet Twilight. We're going out for a fun night, and I decided here would be the best place!”

Belvedere smiled at the lavender mare. “It is so nice to meet you! A friend of Rarity is a friend of mine, so please, enjoy yourself tonight!”

“T-thanks.” Twilight muttered.

“Anyways, sorry to ask this, but I wanted to stop at the bar for a minute.” Rarity continued. “Problem is, we have a reservation set for six-thirty, which is any minute now. Is there simply any way you could come over and let me know when our table is ready?”

“Oh, but of course! Don't you worry, I'll let you know as soon I hear it open. Go on in, girls!” He smiled again, pointing to the side of the enormous wall fountain.

“I do not know what I'd do without you, dear!” Rarity thanked him, before leading Twilight around the aquatic fixture. Twilight gasped slightly as they got to the other side, causing Rarity to smirk.

“Progressive Pedigree” was just that, progressive. Bright lights shone down on the onyx floor as it gave way to wide, open staircase, leading up to an eating area with queer, fluid, modern furniture and tables. The entire place was filled with buzzing waiters, waitresses and busboys, dashing from table to table like worker bees.

But across from the staircase was Rarity's destination, a long, boomerang-shaped bar that had at least four different ponies working behind it. Seemingly scores of customers seemed to be waiting around it, calling out for drinks or sitting on tall, black stools. Taking her by the hoof, Rarity led Twilight up to it.

Amazingly, they arrived just as a mare and stallion had left, taking their spots. A bartender glanced at Rarity and came over to her, obviously acquainted with the fashion designer.

“What would you like tonight, Rarity?”

“The same as always, darling. An appletini, please.”

Twilight turned to Rarity. “Hey, did you notice anything different about the stallion at the entrance?”

Rarity smiled knowingly. “What do you ever so mean?” She asked, toying with her.

“Well, he just seemed a little, umm...” Twilight waved her hoof, trying to come up with the most politically correct phrase. “You know, uhh...”


“Yeah, I guess that's it.”

Rarity giggled. “Yes, he is. I've known Belvedere for a few years now, and he's one of the the funniest ponies I've ever met. He works his nights here part-time,” She explained, “but he often spends most of his days up in Canterlot as a journalist. It's from him I hear about much of the city's newest fashions.”

“But if he pretty much lives in Canterlot, then why does he come down here to work in a restaurant?” Twilight asked. The gold dazzled off her dress as she turned to face the white mare.

“I honestly don't know. I think it's because he needs the bits, but I can't ever be sure.” She shrugged to Twilight, before a martini glass appeared before her. “Oh, thank you dear!” She said to the bartender. Taking a sip, she threw her head back slightly and sighed. “Finally! You can't tell how long I've been waiting to have one of these!”

Twilight raised an eyebrow. “Are appletinis really that good?”

“Usually, I hate them.” Rarity laughed. “But there's something in the ones here that makes it unbelievably good.”

“Well, what's even in one?”

“Mostly vermouth, vodka and apple cider. Why?”

“You know, coming from Ponyville, they probably use Sweet Apple Acres' cider.” Twilight pointed out. After a second, she asked, “Do you mind if I taste it?”

Rarity passed it over to her. “Not at all! You're probably right, by the way, seeing how good the cider is that the Apple family is known for.”

Twilight lifted the glass to her mouth and tried it. Instantly her face contorted, before finally managing to swallow it. “Oh Celestia, that is awful!” She passed the glass back.

“I had a feeling it wouldn't fit your tastes.” Rarity giggled, looking over. “Oh, here comes Bel now! Come on Twilight, let's get up and follow him to our table.”


“Here you are! This one opened up the same time yours did, and I figured you girls would like it more. Enjoy!”

“Thank you!” the two replied in unison, being left by Belvedere at a corner booth.

Rarity slid in, moving aside to leave room for Twilight. As her date sat next to her, she sighed and shuffled uncomfortably.

“What's wrong?” Twilight asked, looking over to her.

Rarity looked down at the booth cushion. “Oh, it's just this annoying fabric. When I slide across it, my dress keeps riding up my flanks.”

“Oh.” Twilight made a considerable effort to keep her eyes leveled at Rarity's face.

“Anyways,” Rarity transitioned, “I think our waiter should be showing up soon...” She looked around the room.

With a grin, Rarity glanced back to Twilight, who had her eyes gazing over her rump. “Gotcha.”

Twilight's eyes flashed back up to hers, and she recoiled back with a blush on her face. “I- umm... It's not what it looks like!”

Rarity rolled her eyes. “Darling, I take it as a compliment. If you like looking at my butt, that means I probably did something right.” Twilight put up a hoof in protest, but she cut her off. “Besides, since you got to embarrass me a bit on the last date we went on, I think I have a turn now.”

Twilight couldn't help but sigh in defeat. “Oh, fine. I guess that's fair.” Then she giggled, realizing that Rarity really was right.

“Anyways, I've always wanted to ask... How do you do it?” Rarity began. “How do you manage to be so cute all the time?”

“Me?” Twilight put a hoof to her chest, visibly surprised. “Wh-what do you mean?”

“Oh, come on.” Rarity grinned. “Those adorable giggles, the clumsiness and the blushes. All of that.”

“Well...” Twilight had a tough time coming up with a reason. “I guess I just do that naturally. I honestly never thought of myself as cute.” She blushed slightly at the notion.

“Start, then.” Rarity pecked her on the cheek. “A little birdie told me you thought I was hot, am I right?”

“Wh-who told you that?” Twilight asked, flustered.

“You did, remember?” The white unicorn suddenly laughed. “Oh wait, never mind, you were too drunk to do that.”

Twilight rubbed her foreleg. “Yeah, can we forget about that incident, please?”

Rarity shrugged. “I guess, provided you be a little more confident in your good looks. Deal?”

Twilight threw up her hooves and chuckled. “Sure, why not?”

Soon, a waiterpony came up to their tables and took their orders. It wasn't long before both of them were served their meals, placed on odd rectangle plates and decorated with equally odd arrangements of flora.

“So,” Twilight began, “I'll admit, this place is actually pretty neat.”

“Thanks!” Rarity replied. “Like I said before, this place has been my favorite for years, although usually I'm at the bar instead of eating here.”

Twilight took a bite out of her dish, chewing it carefully. “But why? I think the food here is really good.”

“Oh, without a doubt. But unfortunately, it's rather expensive.” Rarity sighed.

Twilight looked up. “Well, how much is a usual bill here?”

“Two hundred bits.”

“Two hundred?!” Twilight nearly dropped her glass. “Why didn't you tell me? I could have brought my own purse and helped pay.”

Rarity smiled and shook her head. “That's not how it works, dear. I'm taking you out on a date, so it's on me.”

“But still! That's a lot of money!” Twilight could not wrap her head around the price.

“Well, I don't like to brag, but hiring a fashion designer isn't cheap.” Rarity put her hoof on Twilight's. “Calm down... It's perfectly fine. All I want is for us to have a good time, and fussing over the bill is not how we're going to do it.”

“A-alright.” Twilight conceded.

“What was that? I'm sorry darling, I didn't quite hear you.” Rarity moved a little closer.

“Alright. Fine, I promise to have fun tonight and not worry about anything else.” Twilight chucked as her marefriend brushed up alongside her.

“Good girl.” Rarity concluded softly, nuzzling her.


“How was your dinner, ladies?” Belvedere asked as the pair went to leave the restaurant. It was well past eight now, yet neither was tired.

“Oh, excellent!” Rarity exclaimed. “Please, do tell Chef Varenne that I give him my thanks!”

“Yeah, I agree, it was fantastic.” Twilight put in skittishly.

The gray stallion smiled. “I'll gladly pass the message along.” He focused his eyes on the latter mare exclusively. “It's Twilight, right?”

She nodded.

“Well, I just wanted to say your dress looks fabulous on you. I don't where you got it from, but it's so vibrant and slim, showing off your cute butt so well, it's almost like somepony made it that way!” He waved a hoof and laughed.

Twilight stopped in her tracks, akin to a deer in the headlights. “Oh... Um, thanks...”

Rarity suddenly moved her date along, hustling her out towards the doors. “Thank you, Bel, but we really must be going! Bye bye now!” She faked a laugh as they left.

The two waited in silence for a moment outside the restaurant. The cool air wisped along their ears, the stars covered by clouds.

“Since your house isn't too far away from here, I'll walk you over.” Rarity suggested.

Twilight nodded, and soon the two started down the street. “You did make it like that, didn't you?”

Rarity laughed abruptly. “Me? Do that? Oh no, I never do that unless the client asks for it.”

“Rarity, do you know how long it took me to put this on?” Twilight giggled, looking down at her dress.

”Oh no... I remember those giggles.

“Come on, admit it. Your gay friend was right.”

“He was only partially right.” Rarity huffed. “Sure, it's tight for a reason, but not what you think. I only made it so it would bring out your curves and therefore you'd notice.”

“Which curves?”

Rarity sighed. “Have you been talking to Fluttershy recently?”


“Never mind.”

They remained silent for a moment, walking quietly towards the now-visible library.

“Hey, Rarity.” Twilight brushed up against her.


“You never answered my question.”

Rarity rolled her eyes, trying her best to hide her growing blush. She did not want to answer it. “Seriously, it seems like you become this playful, joking and unabashed pony whenever we are walking together.”

“Yeah? I don't notice anything different. Maybe it's just the exercise?”

“Maybe.” Rarity threw up a hoof in disbelief.

A few more awkward seconds passed in silence.

“Hey Rarity.”


“You never answered my question.”

“Umm, look! We're here!” Rarity pointed out. It was true, the two arriving at the library's doorstep.

“Oh, I guess so.” Twilight opened the door. “Come on in for a moment, will you?” Rarity nodded, following her inside. “Hmm, that's odd.” The lavender mare looked to the floor, picking up a neatly sealed letter. “I usually never get letters, unless...”

Twilight went into her reading room, envelope levitating beside her. Rarity tailed her, sitting on the couch as the other mare took an envelope opener from the bookshelf and opened her mail.

Settling down on the couch, she rested against Rarity as she scanned over the letter. The white unicorn tried to crane her neck and read it, but Twilight's head was blocking her view.

“Oh no,” she gasped.

“What?” Rarity asked. “What is it?”

“No, this can't be!” Twilight's voice sounded anguished. “This is horrible!”

“What?!” Rarity repeated. She shuffled, trying to see the letter. But the other unicorn let it fall to the ground.

“This is bad. I'm going to have start all over. I-I... I don't think I can do this.”

“Twilight, what is it?!” Rarity asked, frantic.

She barely seemed to hear her. “I don't think I'll go. They can't possibly expect me...”

”She's got to stop freaking out.”

She turned to Rarity on the couch, her brain finally processing what she had just been asked. “Oh, I don't think you'd understand. It's a lot of-”

Rarity grabbed the mare and kissed her, cutting her off. At first, Twilight tried to keep talking, but within a second even she had closed her eyes and kissed her back.

When they finally broke apart, Twilight still in her arms, Rarity asked softly, “What did it say?”

The purple pony sighed painfully. “It was a letter from Spike. He wrote to tell me that he had been working with 'The School for Gifted Unicorns.' They...” She looked away.


“They moved my seminar to their senior class to next month.”

Rarity almost fell off the couch, breaking out into uncontrollable laughter. She put a hoof to her chest, trying to stop in vain. “Hey!” Twilight cried, not finding any humor in the situation. “This isn't funny! This is serious!”

Rarity finally managed to calm down seconds later. Sitting back up, she took a few deep breaths. “Dear, you made it seem like the Princess had just asked you to serve in her stead.” She smiled. “Honestly, I don't see why you're worrying so badly. So what if it's a month away.”

“So what?” Twilight shook her head. “It being only month away is the whole reason why I have to restructure my entire speech! I have to compensate for the audience's earlier curriculum and their lack of studying for their finals!”

Rarity sighed. “Twilight, stop. You're an incredibly smart girl, I'm sure you'll figure it out. You just need to calm down.” She gave her a hug, rubbing her back. “Just relax...”

She could feel her breathing start to slow, and the mare's own hooves wrap around her body.

“But what if I can't?” Twilight asked slowly. “I mean, you're helping a lot, but it won't work for the entire night, even.”

“I think I know how.”


“'Soma Tavern?'” Twilight read questioningly. “Umm, this isn't exactly what I had in mind.”

“Yes, well, drastic times call for drastic measures.” Rarity sighed. It wasn't quite what she wanted either, but the other mare had been fidgeting the entire time on the walk over. She really needed to get out of the house and forget her troubles for awhile.

“But... You know me, I'm not very good with alcohol.” Twilight put in sheepishly. Apparently, thoughts of their “fun night in” had not eluded her either.

“Well, luckily for you, I am.” Rarity winked. “I'll make sure you stay on your hooves. And besides, it'll be fun. Chances are, we'll see somepony we know.” Taking her by the hoof, she led Twilight inside.

Immediately, the musty, rustic smell the tavern was known for hit their senses. It was a nice little place, with a simple, wooden bar that sat no more than a dozen and a few tables off to the side. But there were always friendly faces there you knew, not like the myriad of unknown ponies before at the “Progressive Pedigree.”

Rarity and Twilight found an empty spot at the counter, the bar almost full. It was run by a jolly, middle-aged pony by the name of Keg Stand. Rumor had it that he was a distant relative of the Apple Family, but Applejack denied it at every turn.

“So, do you know what you're going to get, Twilight?” Rarity asked curiously.

“I don't think so...” She looked at the rows upon rows of liquor on the shelves, the tap handles jutting up in front of them.

“Well, want me to order for you? You like sweet things, right?”

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.” Twilight shrugged. “Go for it, since I have no clue what to get.”

Rarity raised her hoof until the barkeep made his way over to them. “Good evening, can I have a margarita, and can I also get a mojito for my friend here?”

“Of course! Anything for a pair of pretty faces.” He laughed gaily.

Taking a second to look around, Rarity did notice a few ponies from around town. Big Macintosh and Ace were sharing a pitcher of beer at the corner of the bar, and Colgate was drinking with some other ponies she didn't recognize. Unfortunately, nopony she was really interested in chatting with.

“Here you two go.” Keg Stand said, passing them their drinks. Rarity thanked him and smiled, before raising her margarita.

“To an amazing night.” Rarity toasted, remembering their dinner from before.

“To an amazing night.” Twilight replied, touched her glass to her marefriend's. Cautiously taking a sip, it seemed from her face that she could take the taste. “Hmm... This actually pretty good,” she remarked, before trying it again.

“Good.” Rarity smiled. “It's usually a summer drink, but I figured you'd enjoy it.” She drank some of her own margarita. “Every pony has at least a few drinks they like.”

“Really?” Twilight asked, ears perked up. Half of her mojito was already gone.

“Oh, but of course!” She grinned. “Take Fluttershy for example. I haven't been out with her much – it usually takes a lot to get her to go out to a bar – but I know she has at least three or four drinks she relies on from time to time.”

“You're kidding me.” Twilight was flabbergasted. “Fluttershy drinks?”

“And thank Celestia she doesn't often.” Rarity chuckled. “That little mouth of hers opens right up when she does.”

Twilight snorted and giggled. “I somehow have a hard time seeing that.”

“Oh, trust me darling, you don't want to,” Rarity replied.

Twilight looked at her with a sense of raw curiosity and wonder. “So... Since you've been out so much, what kind of drinks do you think I'd like?”


“And that... That is why you never stay up for three nights straight studying for a test!” Twilight blurted out. “No lie, I just, wham!” she motioned with her hoof for dramatic effect, “I was out cold, right in the middle of the test!”

Rarity laughed. Giggles, snorting, haw-haw'ing and he-he'ing. In fact, she was laughing way more than she should have, because the story was hardly funny at all.

But that didn't matter now. Oh no, it didn't matter in the slightest! She was absolutely, irrefutably, definitely hammered. Somewhere between, “What kind of drinks do you think I like,” and “Hey, girls, I think you should go home,” it all went downhill ...Or was it uphill? Hell, she couldn't tell. All she knew was that Twilight was telling the funniest story in existence.

“Hey,” Twilight said as they got close to the library, where Rarity was going to drop her off.


“You never answered my question.”

“Huh?” It took probably a minute for Rarity's delayed brain to decipher quite what “the question” was. “Oh! Haha... You mean why I made the dress so tight around your butt?”

“Yeah, th-that one.”

“Oh, because I wanted to. Y'know, because it matches you so perfectly... Cute, and-”

”Oh hey, look, she's kissing me. Maybe I should kiss her back.

Rarity was in the process of ineptly kissing her marefriend when the door clicked.

”Whaaaaat? Since when were my hooves moving?”


Birds chirping. Headache. Sunlight. Headache. Sandalwood. Headache. Warmth. Headache. Fuzzy Lavender. Headache.

With her eyes barely open, Rarity exhaled deeply.

“Good morning, Twilight.” She muttered drowsily.


Rarity shot up. Or at least tried to, before her hoof got caught. Looking down, she noticed what she had feared.

One particular mare was snoring cutely under the sheets. With Rarity's right foreleg trapped beneath her.

Breathing quickening, adrenaline rushing, and god dammit her head pounding, Rarity tried to make heads or tails of the situation.

”This isn't good... This is definitely not- Well, I guess it isn't bad either, but still not good. This isn't... This isn't...”

”This isn't what I wanted. Everything was rolling along just perfectly, and then I had the brilliant idea of taking her out to a bar. What was I thinking! This is moving way too fast.”

She didn't even dare venture to recall the memories leading up to now. Sometime in the future, sure, but right now she really wasn't in the mood to find out just how her and Twilight-

She squeaked. Twilight's breathing stopped for a second, the weight on her hoof lightening. Time seemed to stop as the pony rolled onto her back and looked up at her.

“Morning, Rarity...” She yawned. “What are you doing here? Did you come over early to wake me up? Ow... Why does my head hurt so much?”

“N-now, Twilight,” Rarity's voice shook, “I don't want you to get scared or anything, but I think... I think I've been here the entire night.”

Twilight yawned again. “Oh, that's nice- WHAT?!” She nearly hopped off the bed. Wrapping the sheets around her, she stared at Rarity as crimson flooded her face.

“Yeah...” Rarity went to scratch the back of her head, and then found out her mane was a mess. She groaned, not needing any more evidence against her.

“I... You're joking, right?”

“I wish I was.” Rarity sighed. “It's all my fault, I shouldn't have taken you out drinking last night...”

Twilight remained still, forcing herself to breathe for awhile. She flopped back, resting against the headboard.

After a few moments, Rarity joined her, both of them zoning out at the far wall.

“Oh, just about acquiring fortune.” Those prophetical words from Pinkie Pie really made sense now, even if just synonymously.

“No... I don't think it was anypony's fault.” Twilight admitted. She rubbed her temples with her hooves. “Even through this headache, I... I can remember pulling you inside... But I can't believe it.”

Rarity chuckled. “If it makes you feel any better, I refuse to acknowledge it even happened,” she remarked, still staring across the room.

Twilight giggled. “Thanks.” This was good. She turned to Rarity, “Hey, do you think we can just pretend this all just didn't happen, or at least just not tell anypony about it?”

“Oh my, I don't know what I'd do if Rainbow Dash or Applejack found out.” Rarity turned to her and laughed.

Just as her blush was winding down, it flared up again. “Yeah...”

They remained silent for a few seconds.

“Hey, I just wanted to say thanks, for last night,” Twilight resumed.

“Wait, wha-” Rarity started, perplexed.

“Not like that.” Twilight giggled once more. “I meant for the date and all the support you gave me. It was really nice.”

“Oh...” Rarity let it sink in. Maybe things weren't as bad as she thought. Sure, they both had a big slip-up, but already, they were recovering easily. It wasn't nearly as awkward as she had feared. This was really good.

Twilight got up with a start. “So, do you want coffee?” she asked.

Rarity shrugged. “I guess it'll help with the hangover.”

Twilight nodded. “Alright, well I'll be back up in a bit. You just stay put, alright?” She almost walked out of the room, before stopping. She turned around, with that cute, innocent smile on her face. She giggled.

”Oh no.'

“Or, from what I can remember, somewhere along the lines of what I said last night... Keep still.”