• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 1,059 Views, 187 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Civil War - Masterob

An internal battle between The Avengers and The Elements of Harmony threaten Equestria's future.

  • ...

Battle of Ragnarök

In Asgard, Thor and his team stood ready for the coming battle against those who would threaten the safety of Asgard. Of course with him were Lady Sif, Beta Ray Bill and The Warriors Three; Volstagg, Hogun and Fandrall.

"Thor Odinson," Came the voice of his other ally, the gatekeeper Heimdall. "Loki draws closer."

"I trust our Asgardian Troops are prepared for his arrival," Thor said.

"Of course, my sister is making sure of that. Be assured that your soldiers are ready and willing to die for Asgard," Heimdall said.

A solemn Thor looked down, feeling bits of worry and slight guilt, "Hopefully, that won't be too many. But, in war, nothing is a guarantee."

"Those who fall, will find peace in Valhalla," Heimdall reassured.

"That they shall, my friend," Thor said.

"Thor!" Came the voice of Thor's half-brother Balder. "A word please."

"What is it Balder?" Thor asked.

"These allies from the other worlds, is it wise to let them join the battle?" Balder asked. "Forgive any ignorance but I they may not be ready for what awaits them."

"You need not be too concerned," Thor said. "While this will be a testament to their abilities, I have no doubts they can live up to the task. We are allied with power magic users and strong warriors.”

"If you are confident in them, then I shall be as well," Balder said.

"As we all shall be," Sif said. "Those who choose to fight on our side, despite the odds, are warriors worth praising."

"Indeed..." Heimdall said. "Are the Valkyrie stationed?"

"Yes, their leader is ready to lead her troops into battle," Thor said. "I pray for their success."

Fandrall gestured over his shoulder, "Our allies arrive."

Thor looked to see Sunset, Goku, Strange, the Square duo and the Capcom Group making their way over, ready for battle.

Many of the assisting heroes were all equipped with Asgardian armor, and a few weapons in their possession. Of course heroes like Dante, Strider and Cloud maintained their traditional swords, Dante did help himself to a few daggers, as did Strider. While Chris stuck with his guns, he had a bow and arrow equipped as well. Sunset had a sword herself, along with a pair of handguns and a crossbow while Tifa had some gauntlets to help her pack more of a punch.

"You look like true Asgardians Warriors," Thor commented.

"For the most part at least," Sif said.

"Thank you Thor," Sunset said, aiming her sword into the distance. "We shall fight for the glory of King Odin."

"Speaking of whom, isn't the King meant to be battling with us?" Ryu asked.

"He is on his way," Sif said, gesturing to the All-father himself, The Asgardian King, Odin.

"Father," Thor said, bowing down.

"Oh, it's great to see you, your Majesty!" Sunset greeted, kneeling out of respect, everyone else doing the same, aside from Goku who seemed confused. "Goku! That's a King! Kneel!"

"Oh, um, alright," Goku said. "Wait, why do we need to kneel?"

"Haven't you met a King before?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, my wife's father is a King, then there's King Kai, oh and King Furry, even Grand Zeno," Goku said, this just confusing Thor's group and somewhat embarrassing Strange, Square and most of Capcom. "I still don't get the kneeling thing."

"Just bow down!" Chun-Li ordered.

"Don't bother," Odin said. "The formalities are not important right now."

"Sweet, well it's nice to meet you old timer," Goku said, earning side-eyes some allies.

"Uh, likewise," Odin said, then focused on Thor. "Loki is almost here, correct?"

"Yes father, we suspect he will arrive at any second, and with an army strong enough to oppose Asgard," Thor said.

"With allies from outside this realm to boot," Strange said. "Ones many here know well."

"There's Akuma, the warrior who threw away his humanity for power, and is now a demon of a man," Ryu said.

"Sephiroth, fallen hero, believes himself a being of legendary abilities, including the ability to speak to the planet, but is just a deluded warrior," Cloud said.

"Mystique, mutant from Earth, has the ability to shapeshift," Chun-Li said.

"The Storm King and Tempest Shadow, two beings from my world," Sunset said. "One is a being who wants power, the other is a Unicorn with a broken horn, taking the form of a human."

"One of our enemies is a Unicorn?" Fandrall asked.

"Yes, I trust you know what one is," Sunset said.

"Of course, mythical creatures of great magic," Volstagg said.

"It is said they can only be approached by a maiden of pure heart," Hogun said.

Sunset raised her eyebrow at that remark, "First Pegusai and now Unicorns? What is it with these myths about them preferring women over men?"

"I mean it would explain why toys of such creatures are marketed toward young girls," Strange said.

Sunset shook her head, "I can't speak for every dimension but I know for a fact that there are Unicorns that don't mind the presence of males, myself included."

"Wait, you're a male?" Volstagg asked, Sunset's eye angrily twitching.

"NO! I'm a Unicorn! At least in Equestria!" Sunset said.

"It is true, in her homeland, she is a Unicorn, and takes the form of a human after leaving said land," Thor explained.

"Wait, why is that?" Sif asked.

"I am not sure," Thor said. "Sunset, is there a reason for that?"

"I've never been able to figure it out," Sunset said. "Honestly, my theory is that ponies were at one point human but a spell was cast in that dimension to cause us to change form into what we are there, and that spell becomes obsolete when we leave that dimension. It would also explain why it is difficult to reach that world, and why time at one point moved differently between Earth and Equestria."

"What could have caused you all to turn into ponies I wonder?" Chun-Li asked.

Before long, Goku became fully alerted by a strong new power, "That'll have to wait! Loki's here!"

In the distance, a giant ship could be seen flying into the Asgardian skies across the Rainbow Bridge.

"Guile, take your team and head into town, warn them about Loki and tell them to stay safe," Chun-Li instructed.

"You got it, let's go squad!" Guile said, leading his team of Cammy, Carlos, Leon and Roll into town.

"Valkyrie, go assist him," Thor ordered.

"Yes sir," Valkyrie called to her sisters. "Come! We shall protect Asgard!"

As she flew off, Loki's ship had landed nearby, settling near the edge of the road, to the curiosity of the defending heroes.

"This is a bit suspicious," Dante said.

"What could they be planning?" Mega Man asked.

Thor grumbled in annoyance, "I don't intend to wait around and find out, come. If they won't come out, we'll bring the fight to them."

"Wait Thor, it could be a trap," Sunset theorized.

"Maybe, but hesitation could lead to destruction, I'd rather go in ready to fight than wait and lose the battle before it begins," Thor said.

"We have your back," Chris said, readying his gun. "Jill, stay out here and keep an eye on things."

"You too Trish," Dante said.

"It might be better of Heimdall stays behind as well, we'll need all the outer protection we can get," Sif said.

"I have no objections," Heimdall said.

"Me neither," Jill agreed, Trish doing the same.

"I'll hang back with you four," Ken said. "Ryu, Thor, Sunset, go kick some ass."

"Of course, come my allies," Thor said, leading his team toward the giant ship, cautious as possible in doing so. Thor used his hammer to blast through the front door, immediately calling out, "LOKI!"

"Wow brother, that was a bit uncouth," came the voice of the mischief God himself as he made his presence known. "All you had to do was knock, I would have gladly opened the door for you."

"Spare me your wit, Loki," Thor said. "I have no time for games."

"Come now brother, I thought you'd be happy to see me after so long," Loki said. "You even brought father. Oh how I wish mother were still around for this joyous reunion.

"Do not mention her, she would be appalled to see what you have become," Odin said.

"Yes, she'd be appalled to see how much her husband had failed his second child," Loki said. "Of course we both know that Thor has always been your favorite, so I might as well have not existed! I do not know how Balder puts up with this nonsense.”

"We did everything we could for you Loki," Odin said. "We homed you, we clothed you, we fed you, and this is how you repay our kindness!?"

"No, father, this is how I'm repaying YOUR Kindness! Or rather the lack of kindness, don't you DARE feign innocence in all this, in the end, you had a part of the man I turned out to be," Loki said.

"Bite your tongue, knave," Sif warned.

"I shall do no such thing, I am still a Prince of Asgard! You follow my will!" Loki said.

"I'll do no such thing," Sif said. "I don't care for those who disgrace Asgard.

"So, where are your allies? I know you did not come here alone," Thor said.

"Clever perception, of course given the battle in Equestria some time ago, I suppose you would know of my allies, and you know what type of fight they can bring if tested," Loki said.

"We're not afraid of a fight," Sunset said. "Bring out The Storm King, or Tempest Shadow."

"You called for me?" Came the voice of Tempest, the woman marching over and standing above Sunset and her allies from the railing above. "Greetings Sunset Shimmer. I gotta say, of all the ponies who followed me to Asgard, seeing you is a disappointment, I was hoping it'd be Twilight Sparkle."

"Twilight has more important things to do than deal with you, Tempest," Sunset said.

"Oh, so that makes you her little errand girl, does it?" Tempest condescendingly asked.

"Watch it," Sunset warned. "I was a pupil of Princess Celestia! My skills in magic are only rivaled by Princess Twilight herself, I am no one's errand girl."

"If you're so great, why aren't you still Celestia's pupil?" Tempest asked. "Why aren't you Princess of Friendship instead of Twilight?"

"Discord filled me in about you, how you were this problem child for Celestia, your fascination with worlds on the outside made you a bit of an outcast," Loki said.

Sunset looked away in shame, "That was a long time ago, I've moved past that.”

"Have you? Seems you still have this multiverse fasciation," Loki said. "I mean, you're an Equestrian Girl, who's been living in Capcom, and currently have allies from Square, The Dragon World and those in Midgard, my Midgard of what you outsiders call Marvel."

"Honestly, how did one of you end up having a world called 'Square'?" Tempest asked. "Isn't that Earth lingo for 'lame'? To think my master would originate in such a world with a shameful title."

"Master? You mean The Storm King?" Sunset asked. "Isn't he from my world?"

"She means me," Sephiroth said, making his presence known. "Greetings.”

"Sephiroth!" Cloud gripped his sword.

"Cloud, it's a pleasure to see you," Sephiroth said. "How goes things back home?"

"I'm in no mood for a conversation," Cloud said, aiming his sword. "This ends today!"

"You mean, like every other day you've said that?" Sephiroth taunted. "Cloud, you should know by now, this rivalry between us, it will never die. You are drawn to me like a moth to a flame."

"No, you're wrong. I will be done with you, I promise that on my life," Cloud said. "Then you'll stay where you belong, in my memories."

"I will, never be a memory," Sephiroth taunted.

"You got that right, once Cloud here finishes you off, he'll move on with his life and leave your legacy in the dust," Dante taunted.

"Master, I leave your former pupil's demise to you, personally I want my hands on Sunset Shimmer," Tempest said. "Unless, you wish to join us, after all, you and I probably aren't so different."

"Don't start that trope with me," Sunset said. "I am nothing like you, I've overcome my past, and I embrace Friendship. I mean, why don't YOU come with us? Why can't you embrace true Friendship? What could have turned you into this? I mean, you're a pony like me."

"Yes, and like you, I have suffered, but I guess not all of us can be saved by a Superhero, now can we?" Tempest asked. "You think Celestia truly cares about the Magic of Friendship? I wouldn't be surprised if she only did it just to generate the power she wants, to mold ponies into what she believes they should be, and leave ponies like me out in the dust. I mean, I bet deep down you too despise Equestria for what it truly is! That's why you still travel the multiverse, because seeing Princess Twilight is just a cold and hardened reminder of your failure."

"That's not true! I love Equestria, and I love my friends!" Sunset said.

"You poor naive girl, the truth is right in front of your face, but your denial is what's keeping you from seeing the light," Tempest said. "You call it a trope, I call it fate, you and I, are one in the same."

"Don't listen to her, Sunset," Ryu said.

"It's time you learn a lesson...it's time that you understand..." Tempest began. "Don't ever count on anybody else, in this or any other land."

"Did she just rhyme?" Dante asked.

"I once hoped for Friendship, to find a place among my kind," Tempest continued. "But those were the childish wishses, of someone who was blind."

"Don't tell me..." Chris lamented.

"Open up your eeeeeeyes! See the world from where it stands," Tempest leapt down to face the heroes. "Me among the mighty, you caged at my command..."

"This is unorthodox..." Loki commented.

"Open up your eeeeeeeeyes! Give up your sweet fantasy land," Tempest said, stroking Sunset's chin. "It's time to grow up, and get wise. Come now naive one, open up your eyes...."

Goku whispered to Thor, "Hey you've been in Equestria a while right? Is this normal?"

"Yes, it's not uncommon to express yourself through song, something about that place just makes a person want to sing, even I felt that temptation," Thor said. "It's merely their way of expressing themselves, personally I do not see that as a bad thing, every culture has something unique."

"Uh...alright," Goku said.

"Well Sunset? Do you have a rebuttal?" Tempest asked. "Or is the truth just too brutal?"

Sunset took a breath, before speaking out herself, "Power...Was all I desired, but all that grew inside me was the darkness I acquired." This began to surprise her allies as she got into the song. "When I began to fall, and I lost the path ahead, that's where their friendship found me, and it lifted me instead."

"She's got a nice voice," Sif said.

"Yeah, I've heard her sing before, usually in private but her voice can be soothing," Ryu commented.

"Like a Phoenix burning bright through the skyyyyyyyyy," Sunset held her sword out. "I'll show there's another side to me, you can't denyyyyyyyy," a magical aura surrounding her sword. "I may not know what the future holds, but hear me when I say." She aimed her sword at Tempest. "That my past does not define me, because my past is not today!"

"Wow, that's kind of catchy," Dante said.

"Yeah, surprisingly I don't hate it," Chris said.

"Not a bad message," Tifa said.

"Can we do a duet sometime Sunset?" Felicia asked.

“Where’s the background music coming from?” Goku wondered.

"Well Tempest? What do you say?" Sunset asked. "Or has your heart truly lost its way?"

"As you take a first step, upon a path that's all your own," Tempest said, gently touching her scar. "You'll see it all so clearly, the best way to survive is on your own..."

"It's not though..." Sunset said, as the floor began moving up, Tempest leaping high as she too ascended with Loki and Sephiroth.

"Open up your eeeeeeyes! See the world from where it stands. Me among the mighty, you caged at my command..." Tempest continued as the floor rose higher, with Storm King, Mystique and Akuma coming into view. "Open up your eeeeeeeeyes! And behold the fading lights! It's time to grow up, and get wise. Come now naive one, open up your eyes...."

The floor reached the top of the ship, where the team could see more ships in bound, along with an army of Frost Giants.

"Oh no..." Sunset commented.

"Open up your eeeeeeeeeyes!" Tempest concluded as doom loomed over the land. "Well, anyone have something more to add?"

"Uh...Cha-La! Head! Cha-La!" Goku sang.

"Can it!" Dante scolded.

"What, I thought we were still singing?" Goku said.

"Loki! What have you done!" Thor shouted.

"You knew this was coming brother, soon Asgard will fall to the Frost Giants, where I shall become it's King!" Loki said.

"You're mad Loki," Odin said.

"No father, my head's never been clearer," Loki said. "In fact, I shall personally see to it that you do not draw breath after this day!"

"Insolence, I will not lose to the likes of-" Suddenly Odin was attacked by a wolf person, knocking him off the roof of the ship.

"Was that Fenrir!?" Sif shouted in surprise.

"Father!" Thor readied his hammer to pursue the wolf.

"Ok, maybe not entirely personally, I do believe my son Fenrir will get the job done quite well," Loki said. "For now, the invasion of Asgard will fully commence."

"Alright, let's get to it then," Storm King grabbed a blow horn. "Time to raid everyone!"

The ships landed and out of them came Chitauri and Storm Guards, all of them rushing toward Asgard, ready to fight.

"Prepare yourselves!" Heimdall said, waiting at the gate with his sword.

"Trish, Ken, take some out!" Jill ordered, pulling out a pair of sub-machine guns and opening fire.

"With pleasure," Trish said, generating some electricity for her Maximum Voltage attack. "Take this!"

She began blasting them as Ken generated some power, "Time to turn up the heat! HADOUKEN!" The karate warrior sent out his fiery blast to a few enemies.

As a few got close, Heimdall struck quickly with his sword to take down any stragglers. Ones that got too close to his Capcom allies were taken down by them in quite manner, Jill using her kicks to knock a few back, Trish striking them down with her sword or Ken getting some strikes of his own.

"The invasion's kicking off in full force!" Chris said. "We need to-"

Loki then blasted the warriors off the ship, Doctor Strange quickly using his magic to ensure everyone landed safely on the ground.

"That was a dirty trick. I'm kinda mad now!" Felicia said, then took note of Thor and Odin doing battle against Fenrir. "Aw, cute puppy."

"Felicia!" Chun-Li scolded.

"Right, sorry," Felicia said.

“That fellow reminds me of Talbain,” Morrigan pointed out.

"We gotta protect the Asgardians!" Ryu said.

"Right, follow me into town everyone!" Chun-Li said, leading the charge as Ragnarök was under way.

"Mwahaha, in time, this land will become mind!" Loki boasted. "Odin, Thor, today you draw your last breath, alongside your foolish allies."

Ryu and his team of Chris and Dante were fighting off against Loki's forces, Ryu making full use of his Ansatsuken, albeit without the lethal force. Chris opened fire on some enemies, Dante doing the same with his guns, Ebony and Ivory.

"It's hell down here," Dante said, keeping the enemies at bay.

"That's war for you, keep an eye out just in case any innocent Asgardians need help," Chris said, shooting with his handgun. "Especially any children or elderly."

"Don't worry, I'm not letting any innocents die on my watch," Dante said, slicing an enemy that got too close. "Man, all this because of some family drama."

"Something you can relate to," Chris said, stabbing an oncoming enemy and kicking it back.

"Got that right, guess me and Thor aren't too different from one another," Dante tossed up his handguns, and pulled out a shotgun to blast a few enemies in the face before putting it away and grabbing his guns to shoot again. "Kind of feels like a fun little game, see how many enemies we can bring down."

"Wanna keep score then?" Chris asked as he fired his own shotgun. "Loser buys a round."

"You really wanna drink dude? Jill mentioned you had problems regarding that," Dante said.

"I have it under control," Chris said, whacking an enemy in the face.

"You don't need to be drinking Chris," Ryu said. "Give it some time before you pick up a bottle, the last thing you want is to not be able to put it down."

Chris groaned in annoyance, "You get drunk in a bar, one time."

"That's one too many," Ryu began charging up his ki. "I know you've been through a lot, we all have, but if we meddle is because we care. You're a great warrior, and we will not lose you to something as minuscule as a damn bottle!"

Ryu sent a powerful hadouken blast to clear a path before them, Chris amazed by that power, "You know, sometimes I wish I can do that, but that might be too much to handle for someone like me."

"Stick to what you know, you're still one hell of a marksman," Dante said, firing his guns. "Of course, I'm better."

"Alright that's it, you and me, right now," Chris said. "Instead of drinks, loser buys dinner."

"That all?" Dante asked.

"For Goku..." Chris added, Dante's eyebrows raising.

"Damn, high stakes, I like'em," Dante said. "You're on Redfield!"

Suddenly some nearby enemies were sniped, courtesy of a nearby Spencer, "I'll get in on this myself, hope you guys have fat wallets!"

"Oh hell no!" Dante said, grabbing his sword. "Time to go to work!"

Not too far off, Guile was fighting hard against the enemy forces, using his military training to gain the advantage on that. Cammy was doing the same, using her swift kicks to take her opponents down.

"Loki really went all out with this invasion of his," Guile said, hitting an uppercut. "I'm damn near impressed."

"To think such an event was prophesized," Cammy said, kicking enemies away. "This is truly Armageddon for Asgard."

"Flash Kick!" Guile hit a somersault kick to knock some enemies back, some colliding into each other. "Tell me about it. Too bad whoever predicted this didn't give much for us to go off, I mean does Thor even know how this is supposed to end?"

"Seems like a mystery to him, unfortunately," Cammy said. "Whatever it is, he's adamant on fighting fate."

A few were gunned down by Carlos, courtesy of his machine gun, "And we're here to help!"

"Got that right," Morrigan said, flying in with some drill kicks. "This is actually kind of fun."

"Fun's good, but remember that innocent lives need protecting," Calos said, blasting more enemies. "That's why we're here."

"Let's make sure of it then," Guile said.

Also nearby, The Warriors Three were battling hard, Volstagg using his axe to bring down some enemies, Fandral slicing through a bunch and Hogun using his mace to clobber them.

"It is as chaotic as prophesied, it's almost an honor to be able to fend off against Ragnarök," Volstagg said.

"We shall change our fate," Fandral said.

"And fight for the glory of The All Father," Hogun added.

The trio continued battling hard, but not alone. Cloud was nearby, slicing through enemies with his sword, something Fandral took note off.

"Thor really has some interesting allies," the swordsman stabbed an enemy that tried sneaking up on him without taking his eyes off Cloud. "I'm impressed by that boy's skill."

"He fights with determination, as if he were protecting his own home," Volstagg said.

"Thor mentioned one of his enemies was assisting Loki, he probably feels motivated to protect our world from his problems," Hogun said.

"An admirable trait," Volstagg said.

Cloud brought out his materia, readying its magic, "Time for a shocking turn of events!" He blasted several enemies with electric magic.

"A magical swordsman too," Volstagg said. "Such talent."

"He's not the only one," Fandral said, gesturing to Mega Man blasting enemies from a nearby roof. "Such a curious creature."

"I believe he is artificial life," Hogun said. "Created by mortals of Midgard."

"Do you believe he is associated with that Tony Stark fellow that Thor is partnered with?" Fandral asked.

Suddenly more enemies began to surround them, each of them taking a stance.

"Worry about that later, now strike!" Volstagg ordered.

Not too far off, Chun-Li was using her kicks to stun her enemies as she blasted them with a Kikoken while Lady Sif struck several down.

"You're a very talented sword fighter," Chun-Li said. "You're one of Thor's top knights, is that correct?"

"Something like that, hes just a good friend of mine that I wish to protect, same as my brother Heimdall," Sif explained. "What of you? How did you learn to fight so well?"

"Training from my father," Chun-Li said, striking another enemy with a strong punch. "Plus being a policewoman certainly helped.

"It's paying off," Sif said, striking an enemy down. "Always a pleasure to see strong warriors outside this dimension."

"I totally get that feeling," Chun-Li said. "Something we share in Capcom, and something we apparently share with Saiyans."

"Speaking of Saiyans," Sif gestured to Goku, who was seen battling against warriors in the distance while still in his base form. "That Goku is a talented martial artist."

"Yeah, he seems obsessed with fighting, enough to put Capcom to shame," Chun-Li said. "But it's being put to good use right now."

"Come on, is this all you got!?" Goku taunted as he continued striking down his foes. "I haven't even needed to turn Super Saiyan yet!"

"Goku! Don't get cocky! a nearby Strange warned as he used his magic to keep the villains at bay. "You're strong but you're not invincible."

"Sounds like something Whis would say," Goku said, blasting some enemies back. "That's fine, at least I'm getting rid of the bad guys."

Beta Ray Bill leapt into the air with his weapon, Stormbreaker in tow, slamming down and knocking back a bunch of villains. Many continued to oppose him but he took each one out with one mighty swing after the other.

"I will not fail Asgard!" Bill said, dashing through and clobbering through a group of enemies while a nearby Heimdall continued to defeat those who approached.

Sunset used her martial arts skills to bring some enemies down, using kicks she learned from Chun-Li, takedowns she learned from Ryu, and uppercuts she learned from Guile. She then pulled out her sword and began cutting through some enemies, using moves taught to her by Dante.

"Gotta keep fighting, for the sake of Asgard!" Sunset said, blasting some enemies with her magic. She looked to the distance, seeing more incoming, "I hope we don't get too overwhelmed. Might be time to use my secret weapon."

"Sunset! Behind you!" Strider called, immediately slicing through an enemy that nearby got Sunset from behind.

"Whoa, thanks Hiryu," Sunset said.

"You’re welcome, but you must stay focused, in battle any distractions could result in death!" Strider said, taking down a few more.

"Right, hey I'm gonna see if I can get us some help, I've been preparing for this chance," Sunset said.

"Fine with me, just be careful," Strider urged.

Not too far off, Leon had his shotgun out, blasting away any enemies that came close, "Bring it on you freaks!"

"Hi-Ya!" Roll said, using her broom as a type of bo staff to whack away her enemies. "I'm gonna clean up your act!"

"Good one," Leon complimented, shooting a few more, then took note of the giant wolf battling Thor and Odin. "That might be trouble later."

"Two Gods should be enough to beat it," Roll said. "Thor's really strong, and his father's probably stronger."

"It's amazing seeing this go down, at one point in my life I never would have expected to see a God doing battle," Leon said. "Of course I also never thought I'd be fighting B.O.W.s."

"Neko Punch!" Felicia shouted, knocking an enemy out with a rolling punch.

"Nice one Felicia," Leon said.

"Thanks, I'm trying to take a bunch down as fast as possible," Felicia said. "But they just keep coming."

"You get used to it," Leon said, shooting some enemies back. "It's about survival and helping those who can't help themselves."

"Beat Rush!" A nearby Tifa shouted, using her striking combos to take some enemies out. "Come on, who else wants some!?"

"She's quite the martial artist, bet she'd do well as a Street Fighter," Leon said.

Tifa looked to the skies above, "Another ship incoming!"

"Oh what now?" Leon said, pulling his gun out while Roll and Felicia stuck by his side as the ship landed.

The hatch opened, but instead of seeing more Chitauri, Storm Guards or Frost Giants, instead they saw a man in a brown jacket and a electronic helmet as hard rock music blasted from his ship. That man of course was Peter Quill.

'Here I am! Rock you like a Hurricane! Here I am! Rock you like a Hurricane!'

"Who's this guy?" Roll asked.

"And what's that catchy song?" Felicia asked.

"Looks like one hell of a party I stumbled onto," Quill used his boots to fly down as Drax, Gamora, Rocket and Groot followed behind him.

"A warzone!?" Drax excitedly grabbed his swords. "My favorite of all zones!"

"Easy big fella, we still gotta figure out just what the flark is going on," Rocket said, then took note of some of the aliens. "Wait, is that The Chitauri? The hell is the suckiest army of the galaxy doing here!?"

"Hey! Who are you guys!?" Leon asked.

"Who me? I'm Star-Lord," Quill said. "And we...are the Guardians of the Galaxy!"

"...Never heard of you," Leon said.

Quill looked immediately annoyed, "Dude, seriously!? What planet are you from!?"

"I'm from Earth," Leon said.

"To be fair Leon, we're not from this dimension," Roll said. "So saying we're from Earth isn't helping much."

"This Dimension?" Quill asked. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"It's a long story," Leon said. "Are you an Earthling too?"

"I am, not my friends though," Quill said, gesturing to his team.

"Wait, that Raccoon looks familiar," Felicia said.

"I'm technically not a Raccoon," Rocket said.

Gamora stepped out, taking a quick look around. "What's happening here?"

"War is what's going on," Leon said. "I take it you know Thor?"

"Yeah, tall guy, not that good looking," Quill said, earning an eyebrow raise from Leon, and the girls. "I followed his brother here; wait is he behind all this?"

"Yes, he's brought war to Asgard, we're here to help Thor," Leon said, taking a moment to shoot an oncoming enemy. "As you can see, he brought a shit ton of allies."

"Yeah I can see that," Quill said, grabbing his blasters. "Alright team, looks like we have a fight on our hands."

"Aw sweet, hey maybe the higher ups will reward us handsomely for this," Rocket said.

"I am Groot," came the voice of the Flora Colossus.

"Oh yeah, the reputation we'll have from beating Loki is even more impressive, it means more work," Rocket said.

"I am Groot."

"Yeah, I hope that guy with the large sword is here, freaking silver haired pretty boy," Rocket said.

"Wait, you met Sephiroth?" Tifa asked.

"That his name?" Rocket asked. "Tall guy, large black coat?"

"That’s him, wait when did you meet Sephiroth?" Tifa asked.

"A while back, talking with some hot chick with a scar over her eye," Rocket said.

"Sounds like you met Tempest too," Leon said. "Look just be careful, Tempest and Sephiroth are tough foes."

"I think we can handle them," Gamora said, bringing out her God-Slayer sword. "Let's go team!"

The Guardians rushed into battle, Quill firing his blasters, Rocket firing a minigun, Drax using his blades, Gamora using her sword and Groot using his natural tree abilities.

"Well, at least we have a few more allies," Tifa said, knocking an enemy out. "Let's keep going!"

Thor and Odin continued their brawl against Fenrir, Thor using his hammer to knock the beast back while Odin charged at him with his sword, plowing in into the leg.

The wolf knocked the All Father away, and focused back on Thor, the Asgardian God ready for more.

"I can keep this up for as long as I need to!" Thor, twirling his hammer.

"Yo Thor! Need help!?" Goku asked. He flew in ready to fight but Loki intercepted his path.

"Greetings Saiyan Warrior, I'm pleasantly surprised to see you again," Loki greeted.

"Can't say the same, I haven't forgotten the destruction you caused in Equestria," Goku said.

"You mean when YOU used that massive chi attack to destroy part of Equestria's Crown City?" Loki rebuted.

Goku grumbled in annoyance, "I won't make that same mistake twice! I hear you're really strong, why don't you actually show me your strength?"

"I'd be honored to, but it will take more than muscle to beat me!" Loki said, immediately blasting Goku, sending him flying back to a halt.

"Gotta be careful, he's probably as strong as Thor, and Thor's stronger than Lord Beerus, but in a way, it kind of excites me to go against someone this strong!" Goku immediately began powering up, entering his Super Saiyan Blue form. "Alright Loki, bring it on!"

"With pleasure!" Loki flew in, clashing his staff against Goku, the Saiyan putting up ki energy to block the incoming strike, the blow sending him flying backwards as Loki pursued.

Meanwhile Thor used his hammer to whack Fenrir across the jaw a few times, charging up with electricity to send him flying back, knocking him into the river. Thor readied energy from his hammer once again, intending to blast Fenrir in the river, then suddenly found himself blocking a strike from Akuma.

"You...the demon warrior of the Capcom Realm," Thor said.

"Hehe, there's nothing more fun than killing a God," Akuma taunted, going for another strike that Thor quickly blocked.

Thor leapt back, ready to strike when he noticed Fenrir emerging from the water. Fortunately Odin had shown up, ready for more.

"Son! I shall slay this beast! You focus on your own battles!" Odin said.

"Very well father!" Thor said, slamming his hammer down on Akuma, the demon warrior backflipping away. "To think you would work for my brother, I thought even you had more honor than that."

"Do not misunderstand, I couldn't care less of your brother's desires to conquer Asgard," Akuma said. "I just came to test my own power, and who better to do so with than a God of Asgard. Plus, it looks like that Cub Ryu is here, once I'm done with you, I can finish what I started with him. We'll see if he can do better job than his sensei."

"I will not let you harm others you cur!" Thor sent another blast at Akuma, to which the warrior punched the ground, sending up a wave of ki and Earth to soften the impact, the force still sending him flying backwards.

"GOUHADOU!" Akuma sent a wave of purple fireballs at Thor, the God flying through and hitting Akuma again, sending him flying towards the Rainbow Bridge, with Thor pursuing.

Many Archers on the gates of Asgard had opened fire on the enemies below, several falling to the attacks, except for Tempest and Sephiroth, the two menacingly approaching the gates. Warriors rushed in to attack but Sephiroth easily dispatched most of them with Flare attack, sending a bunch flying

The few that remained attempted to attack again but Tempest rushed in, using her take-down techniques to dispatch them with little to no trouble.

"Halt!" Heimdall ordered. standing before the two. "I shall not allow you to enter."

"I hope you don't think it will be that easy to get us to give up," Tempest said.

"I don't expect easy," Heimdall aimed his sword. "I am more than ready to remove you by force!"

"Fine by me," Tempest said, getting into position.

"Be cautious Tempest, Asgardians are a powerful group of individuals," Sephiroth said. "And I believe this one here is among the elites."

"I am aware, master," Tempest said. "Do not fret, you've taught me well after all."

"You are his pupil?" Heimdall asked. "To think one could mentor another in the path of villainy and treachery, such a waste of potential."

"Master Sephiroth didn't tell me anything about reality that I hadn't already learned for myself," Tempest said. "In the end, all a person can do is rely of their own power. After we conquer Asgard, I will use its resources to return to Equestria, and help The Storm King take over. Then he shall use that power to restore me to my former glory."

"She still hasn't picked up on his true colors, this poor girl's going to be disappointed," Sephiroth took a look around, seeing The Storm King not to far away, barking orders at his minions. "With any luck, he too will perish in this battle, what a useless king."

"If you were smart, you'd stand aside, unless you wish to die here and now," Tempest warned.

"I am not the one who is at risk of death if you continue to pursue this encounter," Heimdall warned.

Suddenly Sephiroth noticed an oncoming opponent dropping the sky, "Watch out!" He immediately stood before Tempest, using his Masamune to block an oncoming strike from Beta Ray Bill's Stormbreaker, though not without some effort.

"You're a quick thinker," Bill complimented, taking a leap back.

"Who is he?" Tempest asked.

"Another Asgardian?" Sephiroth wondered, taking note of Bill's appearance. "No, it couldn't be."

"You may call me Beta Ray Bill," the warrior introduced. "I am not Asgardian, rather I am of the Korbinite race. But, this is home to some dear friends of mine, as such I am here to fight for it, on behalf of The All Father Odin and his son, Thor."

"Wow, even outside of Equestria, people let Friendship make foolish choices," Tempest said.

"It is a multiversal thing," Sephiroth said. "Tempest, I will allow you to do battle against our Asgardian friend here, I will go for the Korbinite."

"Heimdall, anything I should know about them?" Bill asked.

"There isn't much I can tell you, all I know is that the man with the large jacket is from a version of Midgard, while the woman in the body suit is Equestrian," Heimdall said. "It surprises me, from what Thor has mentioned, Equestrians were supposed to be friendly creatures."

"I'm a lot smarter than a typical Equestrian, I don't believe in their Magic of Friendship," Tempest said.

"What a shame, I kind of liked knowing there was a least one world full of harmony, but I guess evil can exist anywhere," Bill said.

"Such is life, that is why we exist, to destroy that evil," Heimdall said. "Prepare for battle!"

"Tempest, fight hard, and don't die," Sephiroth said.

"I will Master!" Tempest said. She immediately rushed in for a punch that Heimdall blocked, the man using the helm of his sword to knock her back while Bill slammed his axe down again on Sephiroth, the former SOLDIER evading and sending his flare to blast Bill back.

Heimdall swung hard at Tempest, the woman being able to dodge exceptionally well and managed to get a kick to his head. This barely phased him as he managed to rush in with an elbow to her stomach and hit an uppercut to knock her back, the woman backflipping into place.

"Take this!" Tempest created a spark of electric magic that created distance between the two, allowing her a second to regroup.

Bill continued to strike at Sephiroth, trying his best to knock the sword away, but the top SOLIDER was quick to block and parry, though even he struggled to knock the Korbinite off balance.

"You certainly are no pushover," Sephiroth said, swinging his sword again with Bill blocking.

"Neither are you it seems, no wonder Loki recruited you," Bill elbowed Sephiroth back, trying again for another strike from his Stormbreaker, this one managing to connect with Sephiroth as he went flying. "Not unstoppable though."

Elsewhere as the Asgardian Armies fended off their foes, Mystique snuck through the battlefield from the sides, hoping to find one of the higher ranks. Before long, she came across members of The Warriors Three.

"Keep fighting! We must not allow harm to come to the civilians!" Fandral ordered.

Mystique quickly transformed, taking the form of an Asgardian native, "Sir! Please help me!"

"Yes ma'am? What is it?" Fandral asked.

"It's my child, I can't find him anywhere, he just disappeared!" the disguised Mystique said.

"Fear not, I shall help you," Fandral said, keeping his sword out, ready to strike. "Tell me, what does your child look like?"

"He's a young boy, a slippery little devil," Mystique said, slowly grabbing a dagger, ready to strike from behind.

"I do not see any children, stay close, we'll get you two reunited," Fandral said.

While fighting, Hogun noticed the dagger, and how the disguised villain readied a strike. "Fandral, behind you!"

Just as Mystique was about to attack, Cammy came diving in with a Drill Kick to the villain, knocking her out of her disguise. "Not this time Mystique!"

Mystique leapt to her feet, glaring at Cammy, "Of course a Street Fighter shows up, you bunch are just as annoyingly persistent as the X-Men."

"Quick, apprehend the shape-shifter!" Hogun ordered, though Mystique immediately transformed into a hawk, taking flight to avoid a fight.

"Don't let her out of your sight!" Fandrall ordered, following her. "Let's go!"

From a rooftop, Leon opened fire on the enemies below alongside a few archers, trying to reduce the numbers. Leon then grabbed a grenade and tossed it down, the blast sending several enemies flying off.

Despite this, Leon did not feel like he was doing much, "It just feels endless. Didn't think I'd find a situation worse than Raccoon City. At least zombies are more predictable."

"Leon!" Mega Man called, leaping onto the roof. "How's it going with you?"

"At this rate, I might run out of ammo before I even leave a dent," Leon said.

"Don't worry, we packed plenty," Mega Man said, tossing Leon a few boxes for different types of guns. "Keep at it, we'll push the enemy back."

"Appreciate it," Leon said, pulling out his shotgun. "Time to get back into it."

Mega Man himself leapt onto the ground, firing his Mega Buster at his enemies. A few tried to attack from above, but Rock turned his hands into needles and blasted his enemies with electricity.

He then grabbed his flame sword and started tearing down enemies, alternating between that and his Mega Buster, keeping all enemies at bay.

Nearby Ryu had sent a massive Hadouken attack while a nearby Quill was firing away with his blasters.

"You know, something about you seems so familiar," Star-Lord said.

"I've fought and teamed with The X-Men and The Avengers," Ryu said.

"No, it's not that...it's something else..." Quill tapped his chin. "How familiar are you with arcade games?"

"Huh?" Ryu asked.

"Like, you know Pac-Man, right?" Quill asked.

"I've met Pac-Man," Ryu clarified.

"Wait, you met Pac-Man?" Star-Lord asked. "Like, THE Pac-Man? The little yellow ball that eats ghosts?"

"Yes...why?" Ryu asked.

"I'm gonna need so much clarification on that," Quill said.

A few enemies came at the two, Star-Lord blasting them with his guns, while Ryu charged up his chi.

"MESTSU HADOUKEN!" He sent out a large purplish blast that took out a bunch of villains, to Quill's amazement.

"I swear, it's like something out of a video game!" Quill stated.

Sunset blasted a few more enemies as she reached the top of a building along with Doctor Strange, who himself used his magic to rebel the enemy forces.

"Alright, let's start small," Sunset said, focusing her magic.

"Remember, use your portal spells wisely, too much can be detrimental to the safety of Asgard," Strange warned, using his magic to shied Sunset.

"I got this," Sunset said, opening the portal with her magic. "Alright, time for a new team!"

As enemies fought down below, a young man with a red, pointy beard, blue shirt and backwards cap landed on the ground beside them, a few turning their attention to him. With a smirk, the young man held up his watch.

"Henshin a Go-Go, Baby!" Activating his watch, he began to transform into the Cinematic Hero, Viewtiful Joe. "Get ready evil-doers, for some Capcom justice!"

Many did not take this threat seriously, instead they focused their wrath in his direction, ready to bring him down.

Just then a few more heroes landed down, including a red-haired woman in blue spandex, a warrior in a white, spikey suit and a white headband, a swordsman with a black suit and white shirt and headband, and a blond hair man with blue sunglasses, a blue suit, a white vest with a yellow star.

Joe proudly stood before his team, naming them in order of appearance, "The Dinosaur Hunter, Regina. The Cyberbot Pilot, Jin Saotome. A powerful Star Gladiator, Hayato. And finally, the man himself, Captain Commando! We are, The Capcom Elite!"

"Wait, that's what we're going with?" Regina asked.

"Well yeah, no one seemed opposed to it," Joe said.

"I kind of was," Saotome said.

"Wait, if you were, then why didn't you say anything before!?" Joe asked.

"I mean, I thought we were still voting on it," Saotome said.

"I'm fine with the name," Hayato said.

"Yeah, I mean we are elites," Commando said.

"Yeah but I think our name should be a little more unique," Saotome said. "Like, the Capcom Combo, that works."

"Ryu's team uses that, though," Commando said.

"Ugh, Ryu gets everything, doesn't he?" Saotome said in frustration.

"I mean he is our best warrior, it's to be expected," Regina said.

"Um, excuse me everyone!" Sunset said, getting their attention. "I know you're having a team meeting, but there’s a more pressing issue ahead."

"Don't worry Sunset, we got this!" Joe reassured.

"How curious," Came a voice from nearby. Suddenly making their way over were a platoon of Rock Trolls, led by Ulik. "This is what Asgard has stooped to? Help from other dimensions?"

"Uh...who are you?" Joe asked.

"You may call me 'Ulik', your executioner!" Ulik said, gesturing his weapon. "Attack!"

"Take charge everyone!" Joe said, rushing in with this team to fight back the trolls and any other enemies in their way. Joe using his Henshin abilities for a speed advantage, Regina opening fire, Hayato striking with his sword and Commando dealing out quick blows.

Saotome readied for a fight himself, "Bring it on!" Using his abilities, he was able to battle against the oncoming enemies.

"So far so good," Sunset said, focusing back on the portal. "Do I have any more standing by?"

"You sure do!" From the portal came a kunoichi from the Glade of Ninjas. "Ibuki! On the scene!"

Also coming from the portal was the prized example of Rindo-Kan Karate, "Makoto, ready for a fight."

"And Sakura!" Came the schoolgirl dressed fighter.

"Oh, Sakura, you're here too?" Sunset asked.

"Of course, Ryu-san is out there fighting, so I'm going to as well," Sakura said, smirking sinisterly at Sunset. "I can't let you hog all of his attention now can I?"

"Uh, sure?" Sunset nervously said. While Sakura didn't hate her, over her time in Capcom, she could sense a budding rivalry for Ryu's attention.

"Is anyone else coming?" Strange asked, using his magic to repel some more threats.

Stepping through the portal next were a pair of wrestlers, the first one being a big, brute of a man, "So, this is Ragnarök. Just like in old stories, but real."

"Zangief! You made it!" Sunset said.

"Of course, I could never turn away those in need, plus it'd make me bad teacher for pupil," Zangief said, gesturing to Rainbow Mika.

"Whoo! Time to totally be a superhero!" Mika said. "Come on Master Zangief, show me more about Muscle Spirit."

"Dah, I do just that, and in time, you master Muscle Spirit as well," Zangief said, leaping below. "For Asgard!"

"Yeah! For Asgard!" Mika said, leaping down with the other girls.

"Wait for me!" Came a luchador dressed fighter, "A Cyclone is not enough to wipe away the evil of Asgard, you need a Hurricane! El Fuerte!"

Strange could only shake his head in embarrassment, "This is what it's come to. Ready to close that portal?"

"Hold on, more are coming," Sunset said.

"Who else did you get!?" Strange asked.

"Anyone I could talk to, I am training with a good chunk of these fighters after all," Sunset said.

Next came a newer fighter in the Capcom world, "It is I! Rashid of the Turbulent Wind." He looked down below at Asgard, "Sweet, it's kind of like an action movie."

"This is more than just a movie, this is real," Strange said.

"Indeed young master," Came the voice of his butler Azam. "This is Ragnarök, tales of mythology describe it as Asgard's Armageddon.

"I get that, and I got this under control," Rashid said, then turned to Strange. "Also, are you a wizard? Like in the movies?"

"Ask him later, you have people to save!" Sunset said.

"Let's go!" Azam said, Rashid leaping after him, flying on his wind.

"Do you train with him too?" Strange asked.

"Well he's newer so I train alongside him, really fun guy though, big movie fan, and a bit of a techno geek," Sunset said.

Next came a woman in green and yellow, "Am I late?"

"No, you're just in time Laura," Sunset said. "Hurry on down there."

"You got it, gonna give these fellas a shock!" Laura said, jumping down.

"...Is that quite all of them?" Strange asked.

Suddenly more popped through the portal, one by one.

"I will show them the divine in our class," came the voice of the Kazuki Estate Heiress, Karin.

"Asgard, a place for enlightenment, that is once we drive away our foes," Came the Yoga master Dhalsim.

"Owa! Aaaugh!" Came the voice of Blanka, the feral fighting leaping through.

"Looks like we can't handle this diplomatically," came the voice of the Metro City Mayor, Mike Hagger, who flexed off his shirt and jumped down with merely a pipe in hand.

"I hope no one's hurt too badly," Came the voice S.T.A.R.S. medic, Rebecca Chambers.

"Damn, this is quite the party," came the voice of an Anti-Umbrella agent, Bruce McGirven.

"I gotta find Chris," came the voice of Claire Redfield, the woman eagerly getting into battle as well.

"Trish! Dante! I'm on my way!" Came the voice of Lady, also rushing in to battle quickly.

"All weapons ready!" Came the voice of Zero. "Let's get to it X!"

"On my way," X said, coming through as well.

Another version Mega Man stepped through the portal, that being Volnutt, "We're here! Time to save the world."

"Wait up!" Came the alternate version of Roll. "I'll be close-by, call me if you need any repairs, same goes for Zero and the other Mega Men."

"Will do, thanks," Volnutt said, leaping down.

"Is that all, now!?" Strange asked.

Suddenly there was a wolf howling, that being Amaterasu. The wolf had made her way into Asgard.

"Amaterasu? You want to help too?" Sunset asked.

"Of course she does!" Came the voice of Issun. "The lady here has a ton of respect for Thor, she'd be more than willing to help."

"Well, that's great!" Sunset said.

"Come on Ammy, we have a world to save," Issun said, Amaterasu leaping into battle.

Sunset looked back to the portal, a look of disappointment on her face, "I guess Nero's not coming."

"Looks like no one else is coming at all," Strange said. "So why don't you-"

"Wait up!" Came the voice of Frank West, the photographer leaping through the portal. "My time to shine!"

As he leapt down as well, Strange scratched his head in confusion, "Uh...that looked like a regular civilian."

"He'll be fine, he's covered wars you know," Sunset said. She then closed the portal to Capcom. "Well that's one world down."

"That might be enough, you got way more than I expected," Strange said.

"But what about Square? They deserve a chance at Sephiroth," Sunset said, generating another portal.

"Ugh, fine, just make it quick," Strange said.

Using her magic, Sunset created a portal in which Barrett Wallace stepped through, the man ready for battle, "Thought you'd never make contact."

"I wouldn't leave you out of this," Sunset said. "You got the team ready?"

"See for yourself," Barrett said, gesturing to the trio of Cid Highwind, Vincent Valentine and Yuffie Kisaragi. "You three ready?"

"Got that right," Cid said, readying a spear.

"Of course," Vincent said, loading his gun.

"Wonder if there's any good valuables?" Yuffie wondered.

"Behave Yuffie," Barret warned.

"Oh fine," Yuffie said, readying her giant shuriken.

"We got more coming Sunset, keep that portal open," Barret said.

"How many more exactly?" Strange asked.

"Just enough," Barrett said. "Let's go Avalanche!"

"Right!" the team said, following Barrett into battle.

"Hopefully it's not too much, we don't want to overwhelm Asgard," Strange said.

"If we don't do this, there won't be an Asgard," Sunset said, as more stepped through the portal.

"This the place?" Squall asked.

"Yeah, are you ready for a fight?" Sunset asked.

"I'll be fine, SeeD training is top of the line," Squall said, readying his gun blade as he leapt down.

Next came Lightning, a once unwilling chosen of the fal'Cie, "Hope I'm not too late."

"You're just in time," Sunset said. "Be careful down there."

"I will," Lightning said, leaping into battle.

"Wait for me!" Came the voice of Tidus, warrior and Blitzball icon. "Wow, Asgard, it's as cool looking as the legends say...minus all the fighting."

"With your help, peace can return," Sunset said. "As long as you are ready."

"Of course, I got this," Tidus said, leaping down.

"Tidus! Wait up!" Came the voice of his friend Yuna, also leaping into battle.

Next coming through the portal was Noctis Lucis Caelem, alongside his crowns guard, Promto, Gladious and Ignis.

"So, me defending another Kingdom against monsters, not what I was expecting," Noctis said.

"Think of it as training for the day you yourself become King of Lucius," Ignis said.

"Plus we're going against Asgardian Mythology, that's cool in its own right," Gladious said.

"This battle's going to look awesome in a photo album," Prompto said.

"Is that really all you're thinking about?" Gladious said.

"Hey how often do we get to go to Asgard?" Promto said.

"If things go poorly, this might be our only time here," Noctis said. "Especially with Sephiroth out there."

"Oh right, hey none of us ever actually fought him right? Even though he's a big deal back home," Promto said.

"Sephiroth is beyond our domain, but his legacy stretches across all realms and lands within our dimension," Ignis said.

"So...do you think we can take him?" Promto asked.

"We should be more worried about Loki, that guy's one of the strongest Gods in legend," Noctis said.

"There's plenty for you four to keep an eye on," Strange warned. "If you're going to fight, do so carefully."

"Oh we will magic guy," Promto said.

"It's Strange," the doctor replied.

"No, magic isn't that strange, I can do it too, we all can," Prompto said, agitating the sorcerer.

"Strange is his name, Doctor Stephen Strange," Sunset said. "And you remember me right?"

"Miss Sunset Shimmer, I could never forget such a kindhearted woman," Ignis said.

"Uh, thanks Sir Ignis," Sunset said.

"Formalities are not required," Ignis said.

"Yeah, it sounds weird," Promto said. "Anyway, talk later, lets go kick some butt!"

The four leapt down, ready to battle themselves as Sunset turned to the portal, "There should be more."

Next through was the Android 2B, along with her partner 9S. "This is a bit beyond my programming, normally I fight against robots."

"Yeah, but this is a new world, and they need our help," 9S said, then looked aside. "Hey, Sunset Shimmer, good to see you."

"Same, and 2B, I know this is unusual, but we really need your help here," Sunset said.

"It's fine, it's not the first time I've taken some liberties," 2B said, readying her sword. "Let's go 9S."

"Roger," the boy said, following the woman.

"Her clothes looked rather revealing," Strange said.

"Did you seriously just say that?" Sunset asked.

"I'm just making an observation!" Strange immediately defended. "You're the one quick to that assumption, so if anything it makes you look bad."

Sunset shook her head in annoyance, then took note of the next arrival, "Crono!"

"Yeah, I'm here, ready to protect Asgard," the warrior Crono said, leaping down into battle. "I won't let you down!"

"I know you won't!" Sunset said, then noticed another person coming through a portal. "Aya!"

"Hey, I made it," came the voice of Parasite Hunter Aya Brea. "This looks a bit beyond my expertise but nothing I can't handle."

"You're not alone, you'll do fine," Sunset reassured.

"Appreciate the confidence," Aya said, leaping down.

"It amazes me how many people you know," Strange said.

"I did a lot of traveling the last several months," Sunset said, looking to the poral. Within moments, a swordsman in purple stepped out, alongside a blue-haired man and a woman with a naginata and a large ponytail. "Eleven! Eric! Jade! You made it!"

"Sure did," Erik said, looking down. "And not a moment too soon, it's chaos down below."

"You think we should go back for Veronica and the others?" Jade asked.

"Nah, the three of us are enough," Erik said. "Though I wouldn't be opposed to bringing Serena in case we get hurt."

"If it gets bad, we'll find your friends, but we're trying to avoid cluttering Asgard up too much," Strange said. "We haven't exactly cleared a lot of this with the King."

"We'll let our actions speak for us," Erik said, leaping down.

"Let's go," Jade said, leaping down.

Eleven turned to Sunset, offering a thumbs up before leaping down as well.

"Alright, next world," Sunset said.

"No more worlds," Strange said. "Capcom and Square is more than enough, if you keep opening portals, you're going to risk an imbalance."

"Yeah but..." Sunset looked down, she could see even more invading forces, Loki really came prepared. "What about Asgard?"

"Quality over Quantity, we have all the help that we need," Strange said, leaping down. "Come on! Keep fighting!"

Sunset was about to leap, but she still had her doubts, "Things are still so intense..."

Thor was still battling Akuma, Goku battled against Loki across the skies, Sephiroth was clashing sword with hammer against Beta Ray Bill, Tempest was battling against Heimdall while Joe lead his group against Ulik and his trolls.

"Well, maybe it won't be so bad, I mean we have plenty of fighters as it," Sunset said.

Loki had whacked Goku to the ground below, the Saiyan suddenly surrounded by various enemies, "Back off!" Goku began fighting off the various Chitauri, Frost Giants, Trolls and Storm Guards.

"Everything's going according to plan, now for the next step," Loki snapped his fingers.

Thor was still engaged in combat against Akuma, using his thunder to blast the demonic man back, "Each punch is filled with such hatred. I must hurry, Father is still locked in a fierce battle against Fenrir, if I hurry-"

Suddenly a Giant Snake emerged from behind, trying to attack Thor, the but the God was quick to leap back, now amazed by what he has seen.

"My other son, Jörmungandr, the Midgard Serpent," Loki said as Goku flew back up.

"Uh, that's a giant snake, how is..." Goku shook his head. "Never mind, I'm not done fighting you!"

"Actually you've bored me quite a bit, begone," Loki said, using his magic to fling Goku aside. "Time to see my sons destroy my worthless father and equally worthless brother."

Suddenly Strange used his magic to latch onto Loki, taking the God by surprise as he was flung into a building. He generated more magic and sent a beam in Loki's direction, the God using his Tesseract Staff to block the attack.

"Bothersome mage," Loki used his magic to send Strange flying further back.

"Stephen!" Sunset shouted in worry.

Loki looked down below, taking note of the newer warriors, "I don't believe I've seen any of them, that sorcerer must be gathering help, not that it matters. He just brought these fools to their demise."

"Everyone watch out!" Sunset called. "Loki's above you!"

Noctis looked up at the God of Mischief, "So that's him."

"Don't like the look of that guy," Erik said.

"So he's the head bad guy," Joe said. "Which means we have to defeat him!"

"Easier said than done," Rashid commented. "Even I don't know if I can go against him."

"Just do your best, everyone," Morrigan encouraged.

As Loki began to descend, Strange flew in again, sending a magic attack to knock Loki back, then sent a disc attack to the God.

"Enough!" Loki used his magic to repel everything and flew in trying to whack Strange with his Tesseract, the Sorcerer blocking with a magic shield, though not without some resistance. "I must say, you certainly fight hard for a place that isn't your home."

"Well Thor's my friend, plus something tells me that after you're done with this place, you'll go after the other realms, mine included," Strange said.

"Very perceptive, and quite accurate," Loki said. "Perhaps I'll even go after the Equestrian Realm too, I still want that Crystal Heart."

"A prize you'll never obtain!" Strange said, sending a magic beam back, engaging once again with Loki.

Sunset still seemed worried, Loki was putting up quite a fight, not that she should be surprised. From the distance, she could spot Thor battling against the Midgard Serpent. "What in the world!?"

"Giant Snake!" Ibuki shouted, everyone turning their attention to the beast.

Rebecca's eyes widened in panic, terrible memories surfacing in her head, recalling her own encounter with a Giant Snake back in Raccoon City, a conflict that resulted in her friend Richard Aiken getting bitten by the poisonous creature.

"Rebecca, are you alright?" Ibuki asked, getting the medic cop's attention.

"Y-yeah, I'm fine," Rebecca said.

"Watch out!" Barrett jumped in front of her, blasting a troll with his gun.

"Wow, thank you," Rebecca said.

"Don't thank me yet, we got a battle to win," Barret said. "Keep fighting everyone!"

The Midgard Serpent did not go unnoticed by Chris either, "Of course there had to be a giant snake, like Yawn wasn't enough."

"Well this isn't so bad, I mean you have experience killing creatures like that," Dante said.

"That creature is probably ten times bigger though," Chris said. "Wait, didn't you encounter a giant Snake once?"

"Oh yeah, Echidna," Dante said, recalling the viper woman from Fortuna. "She's nuts but she wasn't too bad looking."

Chris furrowed his brow, "You can't be serious."

"Hey, gotta appreciate the beauty of things now and again," Dante said.

Sunset grew concerned as she saw Thor battle against Jormungand, the God using his hammer to whack him a few times, but the giant snake sent Thor flying with a whack from his tail.

"How many tricks does Loki have up his sleeve?" Sunset wondered, then heard some stomps. She looked to see some Stone Giants making their way over from the distance, "Oh no!"

"Whoa! Giant rocks!" Quill shouted, getting the attention of everyone nearby.

"Huh?" Cloud looked to see the Rock Giants making his way over. "Of course, just what we needed."

"Cloud Strife!" Lightning called, getting his attention.

"Lightning? When did you get here?" Cloud asked as she leapt to his location.

"Sunset Shimmer brought me over," Lightning said, then turned her attention to the new enemies. "This truly is war."

"Between Shinra and Pulse, this is nothing new for us," Cloud said.

"It sure isn't, doesn't make the situation much better," Lightning said, aiming her Blazefire Saber. "But that's life for us, we keep fighting, no matter the odds."

"It's what we're good for," Cloud said, aiming his Buster Sword. "Let's go!"

The two leapt into battle alongside their comrades, doing their best to repel the destruction of Asgard.

"Sorry Stephen, but I can't take any chances," Sunset said, pulling out a magic ring and tossing it create a new portal. "Time for you, Team Sega!"

Instantly emerging from the portal was one of the fastest creatures in the multiverse, Sonic the Hedgehog, the Blue Blur speeding through and immediately using his homing attack to take down a few enemies.

"So, this is Asgard," Sonic said, looking around. "Could do without the invading army, fortunately getting rid of evil armies is a specialty of mine."

"Sonic! Wait up!" his friend Tails called, the fox flying in with Knuckles and Amy Rose coming in from behind as well.

"Sweet, time to go to work," Knuckles said, throwing some punches.

"Leave this city you bullies!" Amy shouted, slamming her hammer.

"So glad you made it!" Sunset stated, getting Sonic's attention.

"Oh hey Sunset, of course we'd make it, we wouldn't leave this world hanging," Sonic said. "I even had a few buddies on standby."

Also coming through the portal were Akira Yuki and his best friend Jacky Bryant, alongside a boy named Ryo Hazuki, the trio from Basel, Zephry, Vashyron and Leanne, the chicken boy Billy Hatcher and the Umbra Witch Bayonetta.

"Is that all of them?" Sunset asked.

"No, there should be at least one more..." Sonic said. Within seconds, a young man with a black trench coat and white mask leapt through the air, landing down below with what seemed like an Anthropomorphic cat on his shoulder.

"Show off," Jacky commented, making his way over with his team.

"That was cool, Joker," the cat creature said.

"Joker! Morgana! You made it!" Sonic said. "Looks like your cognitive powers work here too."

"Thankfully," Morgana said, then took note of the oncoming soldiers. He immediately leapt off, ready to fight. "Too bad Lady Ann and the others couldn't be here right now, but we should still be able to provide backup."

"Come on, let's show these ruffians some manners," Bayonetta said, readying her guns.

"Let's blast through with Sonic speed!" Sonic shouted, spin-dashing into battle alongside his world's natives.

"Not bad..." Sunset looked to her hands, thinking some stuff over. "Maybe a few more couldn't hurt, the more allies we have, the easier it is to fight away Loki's army. Plus, I did ask for these heroes to be on standby, they're probably itching for a fight."

Goku flew over to the direction of the Rock Giants, charging his ki, "KAMEHAMEHA!" His beam pierced through some rock giants, but it was not enough to destroy them all. "Gonna have to get in close."

Goku flew in delivering some punches to the beasts, knocking them to bits. More enemies showed up, trying to bring down Goku, though Drax and Gamora were quick to slay them, sticking close to the Saiyan.

"You possess great abilities, warrior" Drax said. "What land do you hail from?"

"Uh...Mount Paozu, which is on Earth," Goku said.

"A warrior from Earth? I'm surprised," Gamora said. "I know Earth is home to many great heroes, you however I do not think I have heard of."

"I'm from another dimension," Goku said. "Technically I'm a Saiyan from Planet Vegeta, but I was sent ot Earth as a baby to conquer it. Then I bumped my head and forgot my mission, at least that's what my brother told me."

"I have never heard of Saiyans, if they're anything like you, then they too must be fine warriors," Drax said, slaying an oncoming enemy.

"Actually, the Saiyans I know were conquerors who takes over planets," Goku said, sending a few ki blasts. "I was actually ashamed be part of something like that."

"I know that feeling," Gamora said, slicing an enemy down. "You can't change your past, but you can change your future."

"Oh yeah, Sunset Shimmer said something like that, sort of," Goku said. "She sang about her past not being today."

"Who is this...Sunset Shimmer?" Drax asked.

"She's the bacon haired girl on the rooftop over there, the one trying to make a portal," Goku said. "Huh...wonder who she's summoning?"

"She is a summoner?" Drax asked.

"Sort of, she said she was finding allies for Thor," Goku said. "Wow, she's bringing some out now."

At the rooftop, Sunset had just opened a portal, this time to Namco, and revealed her first surprise, "You actually came."

Standing before her was Jin Kazama, the grandson of Heihachi Mishima and the son of Kazuya, "Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not doing this out of Friendship. I just need the practice."

Another girl stepped out of the portal, "Plus, I talked him into it."

"Thanks Ling," Sunset said. "Jin, I know you're training yourself so you can be strong enough to defeat Kazuya and Heihachi one day, but maybe some good deeds can cleanse your soul too, and maybe Chun-Li and the other Capcom Warriors will not think of you as some monster."

"I am a monster, but for now, I'm on your side," Jin said. "Plus...Kazuya's been missing for a while, and rumor is he left our world. I may need your assistance to track him down, so consider this my end of the bargain as well."

"Also I brought a couple of fighters to help," Ling said, gesturing to Marshall Law and Paul Phoenix.

"Time for some Kung Fu," Law said, getting into stance.

"Best in the Universe, at your service!" Paul boasted.

"Oh sweet, I was hoping to see you guys soon, I hoped you could give me some martial arts training, some Capcom Warriors suggested you two," Sunset said.

"Smart choice, if you can keep up..." Law muttered to himself, "And maybe pay a small fee," he spoke aloud, "We would gladly train you."

"Great, but first thing's first, we need to protect Asgard," Sunset said.

"Sounds good to me, hell after this, I might shift my goal, no longer best in The Universe, but best in The Multiverse!" Paul said.

"Just hurry up and fight," Jin said, leaping down with his team.

"Alright, who else?" Sunset said, awaiting the next person.

Next through was a former police officer named Jack Slate, the man wielding a pair of .45 handguns. "This where the showdown is?"

"Yeah...though I have to wonder, how experienced are you with fantasy type monsters?" Sunset asked.

"Well it's not my usual schtick, but I'll manage," Slate said, making his way down to fight.

"Alright, anyone else make it?" Sunset wondered.

Next through the portal was a somewhat familiar face, someone Sunset has seen before, that being Brave Vesperia member, Yuri Lowell.

"Hey, been a while," Yuri commented.

"Yuri, you made it!" Sunset said. "Did you come alone or with friends?"

"I brought plenty of friends," Yuri said, gesturing to some allies, those from his world like the Krytian Warrior Judith and the mage Rita Mordio. Others from outside like Lloyd Irving, Genis Sage Jude Mathis, Milla Maxwell and Velvet Crowe.

"This is Asgard?" Lloyd asked. "It looks so different than back home."

"Seems like appearances vary across worlds," Rita said. "Of course I haven't seen many examples of that."

Genis knelt over the edge, "Wow, this really is a war. Is it true that we're really fighting Loki's Army?"

"Yes, he's invaded to take the throne from his father Odin," Sunset said.

"Wait, if Loki's here, then so is Thor, right?" Lloyd asked.

"He's not too far away, but he is going to need our help," Sunset stated. "Loki's army is massive and getting worse by the second!"

"Guess we have a God to slay," Velvet said, readying her sword. "This is not how I imagined my day going."

"Same here, but I can't turn away anyone in need of help," Jude said.

"Since you know healing artes, you might be able to assist anyone who's gotten hurt," Milla said.

"Speaking of healing, sure wish Estelle were here," Judith said. "She'd be able to help with that as well."

"Same with my sister," Genis said.

"But not everyone can make it," Yuri said. "It's fine, we should be enough."

"Wahoo!" came the voice of a creature as he flew through a portal, followed by a yellow ball.

"Was that, Klonoa and Pac-Man?" Genis asked.

Next was a man with a giant sword, who spoke no words and simply went to join the battle. Rita seemed to recognize him, "That's Siegfried Schtauffen, wielder of Soul Calibur, interesting."

"You really came prepared, Sunset," Yuri said. "By the way, is that Spider-Man guy here?"

"Oh, that'd be great, he and his wife are very powerful," Rita said.

"They're back in Equestria," Sunset explained. "I'd love to take you there after the battle, but we need to save Asgard first."

"Alright, everyone, get ready for a showdown!" Yuri said, he and his team leaping into battle.

"That might be enough..." Sunset said, looking at her magic. "Buuuut...."

Taking her chance, she created one more portal, this time bringing in Terry Bogard from the SNK World, "Sunset?"

"Hey Terry, remember what I said about Ragnarök?" Sunset asked.

"Yeah, I had a feeling you'd contact me, so I had some friends on standby," Terry said, gesturing to Joe Higashi, Andy Bogard, Kyo Kasunagi, Mai Shinraiu and Athena Asamiya. "We're here to help."

"Great, this is perfect, we'll be able to properly fight back Loki's army!" Sunset said. "Alright, time for a fight!"

As Strange continued his battle, he started to sense alterations in time and space. Looking below he spotted several more warriors, such as Sonic using his homing attack on several enemies, Yuri engaging in combat and Jin using his electric strikes on his opponents.

"What in the world!?" Strange saw that Sunset had just helped the SNK Warriors enter this world, "Dammit, I told her to cease the portals! She's going to cause an instability!"

"You're distracted," Loki used his staff to whack Strange against a building. "Time to get back to some planning."

Nearby Mega Man was seen running through and blasting all enemies in his side, using his leaf shield to absorb impact as he readied his sticky bomb. "Take this!"

He created a minor explosion, but not enough to diminish the forces by much. He prepared another attack, but that's when Sonic rushed in with a blue tornado to send the enemies flying away.

"Hey Rock, been a while," Sonic greeted.

"Sonic, you made it! Awesome!" Mega Man said. "Are your friends here too?"

"Yeah, take a look," Sonic said, gesturing to Tails, Knuckles and Amy doing their battles. "I got a few more from my world to help too, thanks to Sunset Shimmer."

"That's amazing!" Mega Man said.

"Sure is, just as cool as seeing your own allies, especially the other fighting robots, we'll protect this world no problem," Sonic said.

Pac-Man flew right by Quill, the space warrior looking in awe, “It’s him!”

“Quill?” Gamora said, curiously glancing. “Who is that?”

“The Legend Himself…” Quill said, that answer just confusing Gamora even more.

Overhead, Bill was sent flying with Sephiroth in pursuit, hoping to end the Korbinite, but to even his surprise, his enemy had more fight than he anticipated, "He is quite stubborn to die."

"I will not let you bring Asgard to ruin!" Bill went right back into attack, Sephiroth blocking.

"Does saying those precise words fill you with hopeful determination? At some point, they just begin to sound like hollow threats," Sephiroth said, parrying Bill away and then sending a flare attack which sent Bill crashing through a building. "Truth be told, I would much rather see where Cloud is, I can usually rely on him for some entertainment."

In the skies, Loki continued summoning monsters to Asgard, doing his best to bring the world to ruins. "These fools don't know when to quit. Truth be told, I had hoped that Fenrir and Jormungand would have vanquished Odin and Thor by now, but it seems as if those fools are putting up a greater fight than I would have liked."

Suddenly some gunfire was sent his way, Loki turned to see it was courtesy of Leon shooting at him from a rooftop, "Come on...take the bait..."

"That foolish mortal," Loki said, using his magic to deflect the bullets away as he floated toward Leon. He then began to levitate Leon, attempting to crush him as he did so, "Did you really think that would do anything to me?"

"Flash Kick!" Came Guile's voice as he jumped in for a kick that took Loki by surprise. Once he was stunned, he rushed in to throw a few punches, ending with another Flash Kick.

"Great work Guile!" Leon praised.

"It's not over yet," Guile said, cracking his knuckles. He went to throw another punch, but Loki blocked and jammed the Tesseract staff into his chest, then blasted a hole through Guile, sending him flying off the rooftop.

"NO! GUILE!" Leon shouted in worry.

"Was that your plan?" Loki asked, whacking Leon across the face to the ground. "What a failure."

Guile struggled to lift himself up, the solider bleeding from the wound Loki inflicted, and out of his mouth, but he was undeterred.

"Guile!" Carlos ran over to check on him. "Hey, you alright buddy?"

"I'll be-" Guile coughed up some blood. "Fine..."

"Hey you gotta take it easy right now, you're in no condition to fight," Carlos said.

"Concerned for your ally?" Loki said, suddenly appearing before the two.

"Bastard!" Carlos opened fire from his machine gun but Loki had deflected away the bullets and sent a throwing dagger at Carlos's shoulder, injuring him long enough for Loki to fly in with a punch to his stomach and another whack from his staff.

"You mortals serve nothing of worth, I'm almost embarrassed that my brother has to rely on you to protect Asgard," Loki said. "Rather, it's insulting that you even believed yourselves to be a threat to me."

Suddenly he took a punch to the face, courtesy of a very injured Guile, "Don't you underestimate us!"

"I'm surprised you're even still alive," Loki brought out a blade and slashed Guile across the chest and sent another blast, this time sending him through a home. "That won't last much longer."

"Loki!" Carlos began firing again, this time throwing a grenade in the process, the blast engulfing the God. "Did that do anything?"

"Only irritate me," Loki said, appearing before Carlos and jabbing one of his daggers into his sides. Carlos reeled back to pull the dagger out but this just left him open for Loki to jam his tesseract staff into the mercenary's chest, sending a blast right through him, Carlos falling lifeless to the ground.

"Another fool who tested my wrath," Loki commented.

Nearby Ulik was still engaged in combat with Viewtiful Joe, the young hero moving a lot faster than he expected. Thanks to Joe's watch, his speed was letting him be more than a match for the evil troll.

"Ready to give up, evil doer?" Joe asked, getting into a pose. "Or are you still willing to fight a losing battle?"

"This is not over yet, tiny man," Ulik said.

"Heh, typical bad guy banter, didn't think I'd hear it outside of a movie," Joe said.

"Hey Joe!" Came Chun-Li's voice, the woman running over. "Oh wow, you're actually here! And you're winning!"

"Hey Chun-Li, it's nothing I can't handle, and my team's back there fighting the other trolls," Joe said, gesturing to Regina and the others.

"That's great, you were always so amazing Joe! It's a shame we never used you more, you're the true hero of our world," Chun-Li said. "You're almost as cool as Captain America."

"Wow, really?" Joe asked, blushing a bit. "Hey, you're not being flirty, are you Chun-Li? I mean I'm flattered but I have Silvia, honestly I wanted to bring her but...well, you know how family life is."

"Oh of course, I'm just blown away by how much you've grown," Chun-Li said, getting close to Joe. "Why don't you step aside for a bit though, let me take a crack at this ugly troll."

"Hey!" Ulik shouted.

"It's fine, you're needed out there, fighting against the bigger threats," Joe said, focusing on Ulik. "I'll fight this guy and join you later, no way he's going to beat me."

"You got that right..." Chun-Li said, bringing a knife out.

"Joe! Watch out!" Hayato warned.

Joe turned around and saw the blade coming down at him, but fortunately Hayato was fast enough to tackle her down. "What in the world?"

"This is not Chun-Li!" Hayato said, grabbing his sword. "Reveal your true form!"

"Damn, you Capcom fighters are not making this easy," the supposed Chun-Li turned into Mystique. "No more tricks then."

"How dare you take the face of our of our greatest warriors, you shall suffer for that!" Hayato went to attack but Ulik immediately blocked and punched Hayato in the stomach, knocking the wind out of him while Mystique threw a knife at his chest.

"Hayato!" Saotome turned his attention to Mystique, rushing in for an attack. "For that I shall make you suffer!"

He jumped in with a cyclone kick to knock Mystique back, but the woman rolled through and pulled out her gun to shoot Saotome in the leg. This did not deter the warrior as he activated a button to summon a giant robot from a portal, taking Mystique by surprise.

"Sweet! It's BLODIA!" Joe cheered. "This will turn the tide!"

"You gotta be freaking kidding me," Strange lamented from nearby.

Jin immediately tried to crush Mystique but the woman transformed into an eagle, taking to the skies and flying toward the top of the robot with Ulik leaping onto its arm and climbing up. Saotome punched and stomped around, nearby crushing some forces below.

"Jin! Be careful!" Chris called from below.

"Wait, when did he even get here?" Dante wondered. "And how did he summon his Cyberbot?"

"Sunset probably helped with that," Chris said.

Loki flew over to the robot and blasted it with some magic to weaken the machine, to which Saotome whacked the God away. Mystique still appeared at the top, trying to break into the pilot's pit but she was grabbed by his mechanized hand.

"If I vanquish her, that's one general down, and a step close to defeating Loki," Saotome said. "For Asgard, and the glory of Cap-"

Ulik appeared at the top, bashing the head of the robot, trying to distract him, "Come out and face me!"

"Begone!" Saotome said, swatting at Ulik.

An annoyed Loki used his magic to lift the robot, surprising everyone on board, both Ulik and Mystique jumping off while Saotome's robot was flung back, Loki using an blast to hit the robot in it's fuel tank, causing an explosion, completely destroying BLODIA.

"JIN!" Joe shouted in worry, his teammates just as concerned.

Ulik landed down in front of Joe, sinisterly glancing at the young hero, "Seems like your ally is no more, do not fret, for soon-"

Suddenly Hayato stabbed Ulik from behind, however this left him open for some gunshots from Mystique. Regina fired away at the shapeshifter, to which she quickly made her escape.

"You won't escape me!" Regina followed after her.

"Regina wait!" Commando called, following as well.

Joe checked up on Hayato, "Hey, are you alright?"

"Don't worry about me, go after the shapeshifter," Hayato urged.

"But..." Joe noticed Ulik trying to escape from his predicament.

"I will finish this troll off," Hayato insisted. "Just go! I will join you later!"

Reluctant as he was, Joe knew it he had a job to do, he had to help save Asgard, "I'll come back for you!"

Joe made his leave as Hayato fell to his knees, weakened from his injuries, "Sorry Joe, perhaps you will need new members for your team."

Ulik freed himself, and was ready to finish off Hayato, but Dante sped in with his sword and with one swipe, finally vanquished the beast.

"Hayato!" Chris rushed in to check on his ally.

"Chris Redfield, it was good to see you one last time," Hayato said.

"Don't say that, we can patch you up," Chris insisted. "We just need to-"

"Watch out!" A magic blast came down at the three, sending Chris and Dante flying, the former feeling more of the brunt. Dante stood up, glancing at where Hayato was, finding only his lifeless body.

"I'm not done with either of you," Loki said, readying more magic. Suddenly Cloud came in, trying to ambush Loki but he took a blast instead.

Tifa rushed over with the rest of their Avalanche allies, "Cloud!"

"I'm fine, take out Loki!" Cloud ordered.

"I got this!" Yuffie said, readying her boomerang blade. "Take this!"

The girl tossed the weapon at the God, which he immediately deflected, but this left him open for Cid to rush in with a stab from his spear.

"How do you like that, fucker!" Cid boasted. Suddenly Loki punched through his chest, taking him and his teammates by surprise.

"Cid!" Yuffie shouted.

"Holy shit..." Cloud said as Cid's lifeless body fell to the ground.

Vincent furiously glanced up at the God, "Bastard!" He began to transform into a monster and lunged at Loki, trying to bite the God's head off.

"Begone!" Loki grabbed a dagger and jabbed it into Vincent, loosening the fighter's grip and reverting to his normal form as Loki again blasted him, creating a hole in his body.

"You're crossing the line pal," Barret said, readying his gun and opening fire. "Take this!"

"You mortals reek of desperation," Loki taunted, sending another blast their way and scattering the Avalanche group.

"Loki!" Came Lloyd's voice, the boy leaping up and trying to take down the God, to no avail as Loki blocked with his staff.

"More of you? Where do you even come from?"

Lloyd landed down, glancing up at the God, "I've heard stories about you, Loki, to think you're actually crueler than what I've been told."

"What could you know of Gods?" Loki said.

"You're not the only divine being I've faced," Lloyd said.

"I doubt whoever you got lucky against is anything compared to me," Loki said, readying his magic. "Now die!"

"Fireball!" Came Rita's voice, the young mage beside Genis as she blasted Loki with fire. "Genis, I got him stunned, go for it!"

"Time to show him his powerlessness!" Genis said, readying his magic as a giant sword appeared. "INDIGNATION JUDGEMENT!"

A large spark of electricity hit Loki, sending him flying, to the delight of the two mages, Rita rubbing the young elf boy's head. "That was amazing!"

"Thanks, I'm kind of a prodigy," Genis boasted.

"Certainly not shy about admitting it," Rita teased. "Still, that might not have been enough but hopefully he's weak enough for someone to pick off. Right now we should go help Thor."

"I'll let Lloyd know," Genis said. He was about to talk to his friend when suddenly, he took a blast through his chest.

"GENIS!" Lloyd shouted in worry.

"No!" Rita caught the boy before he fell, and turned to see that Loki had already returned, and he looked furious.

"Stupid children!" Loki said another blast, one hitting Rita and Genis point blank and causing a massive explosion.

"Rita! Genis! No!" Lloyd shouted in worry.

From a few roofs down, Judith took note of the situation as well," Yuri! Genis and Rita took a hit from Loki!"

"They what!?" Yuri asked, immediately striking down an enemy and running in the direction of the two mages. "Hang on!"

"Begone!" Loki sent another blast at Yuri's direction, then one at Lloyd, doing his best to rid himself of his enemies. "All of you will fall to my power!"

Nearby, Sephiroth was still battling against Bill, eventually parrying his axe strike and using his magic to send the Korbinite flying. "Powerful foe, kind of enjoyed fighting him. Now..."

He quickly dashed back toward the edge of the Rainbow Bridge where Tempest was still battling against Heimdall.

She had taken a bad blow from the Asgardian gatekeeper, knocking her toward the edge of the bridge.

"Surrender, and you will live," Heimdall warned. "Continue to fight, and you will surely perish."

"I'd rather die than give everything up," Tempest said. "Do your worse."

"Very well, at the very least, I shall grant you a Warrior's Death," Heimdall said, raising his sword. Before he could strike down, Sephiroth had stabbed him from behind, taking Heimdall by surprise. The warrior angrily glanced back at Sephiroth, "Very sneaky..."

Tempest looked very relieved to see Sephiroth, her master pulling the sword out and leaving Heimdall briefly subdued. She used this as a chance to zap him off the bridge, Heimdall falling to his demise.

"I'm sorry Master, if you didn't come, I surely would have fell at his blade," Tempest said.

"Don't waste your energy with apologies, instead use that sorrow to better yourself," Sephiroth ordered. "Now stand, our battle is not yet won."

"Yes sir," Tempest said, getting back on her feet. "Should we go after Thor?"

"I believe the Midgard Serpent is on that," Sephiroth said. "Follow me."

As the two went into town, Balder was battling against Akuma, the warrior sent flying across the Asgardian rooftops.

"Is this all you have, warrior!?" Akuma shouted, sending a beam of Dark Hadou toward Balder, destroying homes in the process.

"That guy's out of his mind," Sonic quipped.

"Akuma is one of our world's deadliest enemies," Mega Man said. "I mean, he's not as evil as someone like Wesker but when he's fighting, anything in his path is collateral damage."

"That's bogus," Sonic said. "Oh, rock giant, three o'clock."

"I got it," Mega Man said, blasting the creature. "Come on, we still have a city to clean up."

"Right behind you," Sonic said, resuming his battle.

Meanwhile Balder had dusted himself off. Akuma menacingly approached him when he found himself surrounded by Valkyrie and her team.

"Cease your actions demon," the woman warned. "Or face the wrath of-"

"Out of my way!" Akuma sent his chi blasts at the squad, blasting them out of the air, "Those who stand in my way will perish!"

"I do not fear you!" Valkyrie shouted. "For Asgard!"

"Valkyrie! Be careful!" Balder warned.

The woman flew in at Akuma, the demon fighter taking a stance. In a quick flash of light, he had delivered a massive blow to her chest, sending her flying to the wayside, then sent another chi blast her direction, resulting in a massive explosion.

"Valkyrie!" Balder shouted in worry, then turned his attention to Akuma. "Your violence comes to an end, demon!"

Balder rushed to attack when Akuma got into his stance. "DIE ONE THOUSAND DEATHS!" In a flash, nothing but violence ensued and when it was all said and done, Akuma was standing over Balder's lifeless body, "What a waste of time."

"Akuma!" Ken called, getting his attention.

"Oh its you, one of Gouken's brats," Akuma said. "Begone, you don't interest me in the least."

"We're not going anywhere," Trish said, appearing beside Ken.

"We will defeat you ourselves in need be," Jill said, also appearing.

"I just vanquished one of Asgard's supposedly strongest warrior, you have no chance against me," Akuma said.

"I don't doubt he was a strong guy, but I'm not one to be trifled with myself!" Ken rushed to attack, Akuma blocking his strikes and kicking Ken away.

Jill rushed in with a few kicks of her own that Akuma blocked and used a take down to subdue Jill. Trish tried attacking with her sword but Akuma kicked it away.

"Hadouken!" Ken sent a blast at Akuma that he immediately nullified and sent his own Gohadouken to Ken, sending him flying.

Trish and Jill attempted some double team maneuvers, they did nothing to stop Akuma as he sent them both flying with a blow.

"How weak," Akuma taunted.

"Try fighting me then!" Goku said, getting Akuma's attention.

"Ah, the Saiyan, your power intrigues me," Akuma said, getting into a stance. "Show me your power."

Goku could sense nothing but malicious energy coming from Akuma, the warrior wondering what manner of beast he was. "I'll make this quick, I probably don't even need anything higher than Super Saiyan!"

In his golden form, Goku speed in to punch Akuma, sending him flying but the demon halted to an immediate stop after a while and sent his blasts at Goku, the Saiyan guarding well against them.

"I'd take this seriously if I were you!" Akuma began to transform, his red hair becoming white and his body changing into a darker shade of red. "NOW DIE!"

The now transformed Shin Akuma rushed in with a massive blow to Goku's stomach, knocking the wind out of the Saiyan. Akuma then hit a mighty Goshoryuken uppercut to Goku and turned into a spin kick to the face.

Goku had backflipped, to the ground, the Saiyan amazed by what he was seeing, "He doesn't even feel human now, he feels so much different. Must be that dark energy Ryu mentioned. Throwing your humanity away for power though? Even I couldn't bring myself to something like that."

"GOHADOU!" Akuma readied a massive Ungyo Beam and sent it right at Goku, the Saiyan immediately blocking with both hands.

"Whoa!" Goku began to power up into his Super Saiyan 2 Form and deflected the beam away. He used Instant Transmission to appear beside Akuma, the demon immediately going for a punch that knocked Goku back. "Wow, he's stronger than I expected, or maybe I just need to step up a bit more."

"I know you have more power than this, SHOW ME!" Akuma shouted.

"You really want more? I don't know if you can handle it," Goku boasted.

"You dare to doubt me!" Akuma rushed in with a massive chop to Goku's sides, breaking a few ribs. "I will make you suffer!"

Akuma sent another blast, sending Goku flying into a building, then followed up with a massive beam that destroyed everything and everyone in its path.

This beam narrowly missed Proto Man, "Whoa...that was close."

"You alright?" Knuckles asked. "Where did that even come from?"

"Probably Akuma," Proto Man said. "This is getting dangerous."

"We knew what we signed up for," Knuckles said.

"You slowing down there, Knuckles?" Sonic teased.

"In your dreams," Knuckles slammed his fists together. "Come on, there's still more bad guys to take down."

Proto Man looked to the distance where Akuma was, "I still wonder how Loki talked him into joining, that guy must have a golden tongue."

Meanwhile Goku had crawled out of the wreckage, powered back into base form, "Probably should not have gotten cocky like that."

"Goku," Chun-Li said, helping him up. "Are you hurt?"

"I'm fine, but that Akuma guy, he's a monster," Goku said.

"Yeah, he is, that's one of the reasons Ryu trains to get strong, to surpass him," Chun-Li said.

"At least Ryu is doing so honorably, I don't even want to know what that other guy did to turn into a demon," Goku said.

"That's the risk of learning the way of Ansatsuken," Chun-Li said. "That technique was bread for battles to the death."

"I get that but...hey watch out!" Goku warned, Chun-Li suddenly blocking a strike from Tempest. Meanwhile Goku blocked a sword strike from Sephiroth by clapping his hands at the tip.

"Good reflexes," Tempest complimented, then went for a kick to Chun-Li's head. She followed up with another punch but Chun-Li had parried and spun into a back fist and then turned for a kick to the chest.

"KIKOKEN!" Chun-LI sent her chi blast at Tempest, knocking her further back, the woman rolling into a battle position once again and sending her own electric magic at Chun-Li, stunning her long enough for a follow up knee strike to the stomach and an elbow to the back.

"Come on, I thought you were the Strongest Woman in Capcom?" Tempest taunted. "At least that's what Loki said, would you prove a God wrong just to spite him?"

Chun-Li immediately stood up lunged up to back kick Tempest on the side of the head, then hit her Lightning Kick technique, striking Tempest across her upper body and ending with a double fist to the stomach. "That good enough proof?"

"Why you," Tempest and Chun-Li resumed their battle while Goku continued to fight Sephiroth.

"I will give you credit, you're probably the strongest warrior I've faced since Cloud," Sephiroth complimented as he went for another sword strike which Goku ducked.

"That's quite the honor," Goku said, flying in with a punch to the face, sending Sephiroth flying. "Soon I'll be setting a new bar for you, Sephiroth!"

"Just try it!" Sephiroth said, coming to a stop and clashing in air with Goku.

Things seemed to be going well for the visiting warriors, Sonic speeding around and knocking out any enemy that was in his way. "Piece of cake."

"Do try not to let your guard down," Bayonetta said, shooting oncoming enemies. "It'd be a shame if you got hurt out there."

"You're one to talk," Sonic teased. "How often do you start dancing in the middle of battle?"

"Enticed by my dancing, are you?" Bayonetta teased back. "Well I don't do it as often as you think, but I suppose I do show off a tiny bit."

"We're Sega, style is kind of our thing," Sonic said, gesturing to Akira and Jacky taking a few enemies out in a display of Power and Speed.

"Especially the new boy," Bayonetta said, gesturing to Joker as he slayed some enemies in the blink of an eye, then stopped to tighten his glove.

"You got this Joker!" Sonic cheered, the Phantom Thief giving a thumbs up.

"Yo! Bayonetta!" Called Vashyron, "Me, Zephyr and Leanne are gonna practice our gun skills in a little game, wanna join?"

"Oh, I had no idea you were itching to be emasculated," Bayonetta jokingly said.

"Hey I'll make you eat those words," Vashyron said.

Sonic chuckled to himself, "For some reason I'm thinking of Shadow now, kind of wish he came too."

"Ah yes, Shadow. He acts tough but it's hard to take him serious sometimes, he's just too adorable," Bayonetta said.

Sonic stifled a laugh, trying not too think too hard about his rival being adorable, "Wow...I mean..." Sonic stifled again, "Sorry I just did not expect to hear that. Shadow, adorable?"

"Oh come now, you're pretty adorable too," Bayonetta said.

Sonic turned away, awkwardly rubbing his nose, "Come on, don't joke around like that."

"Sorry, wouldn't want to make Amy jealous," Bayonetta said, gesturing to the hedgehog girl whacking an enemy into a group like bowling balls, garnering a seal of approval from the nearby Ryo.

"Yeah, just what I need too," Sonic said.

"Sonic! You're moving kind of slow!" Mega Man taunted. "You're not getting tired are you?"

"You wish!" Sonic said, rushing to destroy a bunch of enemies.

"To be young and so energetic," Bayonetta said, then noticed an oncoming flying fox. "My dear Tails, you look so troubled."

"I was just scouting the area, things are looking really bad for our side," Tails said. "Loki's a lot stronger than we thought he was, then there's that Akuma guy, and Sephiroth. Many of the Asgardian warriors are injured or...worse. I just don't know if-"

"Oh come now, even when things look bleak, you mustn't give up hope," Bayonetta said. "If you did, then that dastardly Doctor Eggman would have taken over your world by now. Or any world he stepped foot in."

"Guess you're right," Tails said. "Plus we have a lot of powerful allies, we'll be fine."

"Hey Tails!" Roll called. "There's more enemies coming our way! Let's try to cut them off!"

"You got it Roll!" Tails said, flying over to the robot girl.

Mega Man continued blasting some nearby enemies while Sonic homed in on them. As he fought, the Android 2B showed up and sliced through a bunch.

"Whoa!" Mega Man looked up at her, curious by her appearance. "Have I seen you before?"

"I'm from Cloud's world, you must be Mega Man, I am 2B."

"Oh right, that Android I've always wanted to meet," Mega Man said. "Kind of a lot I wanted to ask about your world, Cloud told me some interesting things."

"Another time perhaps, battle is not the place for idle conversation," 2B said, rushing back into the fight.

"Wow...she's kind of cool," Mega Man said.

"Is your heart smitten there, Rock?" Sonic teased.

"What!? No! Also don't talk about romance when you're no good with girls yourself," Mega Man said.

"Got me there," Sonic playfully agreed, then took note of one of the leading enemies.

"Come on guards, what do I pay you for!" The Storm King shouted. "Take those Asgardians out already! Take all those annoying enemies out! This world won't conquer itself!"

"One of Loki's men," Mega Man said.

"What a loudmouth," Sonic commented.

Storm King groaned in annoyance, "I gotta do everything myself, don't I?" He brought out the Staff of Sacanus and with magic he got from Loki, he used it to destroy a fleet of Asgardian Soldiers. "See, not hard!"

"What a scumbag!" Sonic said.

"Hey you!" Mega Man said, getting his attention.

"What do you want you...uh..." Storm King scratched his head. "What are you?"

"I'm a robot," Mega Man said. "And I-"

"Don't care," Storm King blasted Mega Man, much to Sonic's surprise.

"Not cool dude!" Sonic homed in and whacked The Storm King across a few yards.

"Ow! Dang!" Storm King said as Sonic got closer. "Hey! Back me up here!"

Some Storm Guards along with Chitauri blocked Sonic's path while The Storm King made his escape.

"Move it or lose it!" Sonic warned, taking several out with his speed.

Nearby, Eleven and Noctis were teaming up as well, taking out some enemies with their allies not too far away.

"You think Odin will give us a reward or something once we're done?" Erik asked.

"Is that really important?" Jade responded.

"Well, no, I was just curious," Erik said.

"Lets focus on saving people, I'd rather not see more Kingdoms fall," Jade said.

"Right, of course," Erik said. He turned over to see Gladious using his giant sword to slay some enemies while Promto took a few pictures. "Sure could use that big fellow on our team, that guy could put the King's Top Guards to shame."

Meanwhile Eleven began casting some magic, and used his Zap to strike several enemies with Lightning. More of them began coming, Eleven getting ready to strike.

"Ignis, instructions!" Noctis suddenly called.

"Of course!" Ignis began throwing some daggers, one hitting a Storm Guard, one hitting a Chitauri and one hitting a Frost Giant, Noctis warping to each enemy with a strike to bring them down.

"It never ends," Noctis turned his attention to Eleven. "Sorry if I took your kills." Eleven waved it off, not caring too much as he continued to fight while Noctis focused on his opponents. "At least it's not a competition."

"That's 20 more points for me!" Dante called nearby.

"20? How are you scoring this!?" Chris asked.

"With Style!" Dante said.

"You can't be serious, kill streaks matter more! Especially taking out several enemies in a row!" Chris said.

"No way, it's about the combos!" Dante said.

"It's about speed and consistency!" Chris said.

"Kind of hard to do both," Dante said.

"Not when you're disciplined," Chris pointed out.

Also nearby, Star-Lord was blasting away at enemies, "How many is that there, Rocket?"

"Don't get cocky, Quill!" Rocket said, blasting enemies with his guns. "It ain't over yet!"

"I am Groot!"

"Yeah you tell him Groot, we got this in the bag!" Rocket said.

"Hey! No help! That's cheating!" Quill said.

"The flark you mean by that? Groot and I are a packaged deal!" Rocket said.

"Well...so are me and Gamora!" Quill said.

"We're not!" Gamora replied, slaying an enemy.

"Do not worry Quill, I shall aid you in your meaningless conquest of points," Drax said.

"It's not meaningless! It's about proving ourselves!" Quill said, then gestured to a large group. "Look, let's just-"

"SHINKU HADOUKEN!" Ryu sent another massive beam that destroyed a group of enemies. "Hey! Focus on the battle! This is more annoying than what Dante and Chris do!"

"Hey! We heard that!" Dante shouted from across the field.

"If you can hear me, then you're not fighting!" Ryu called.

Noctis groaned in annoyance, having overheard everything, "People are so loud."

"They're just getting into the spirit of things," Gladious said.

"Guys!" Yuffie called, running over. "This is getting bad, Loki just took several of our allies out! Cid, Vincent, some on the Capcom side, this is getting bad, you have to protect yourselves and each other well!"

"Don't worry, we'll guard each other with our lives," Promto insisted.

"Where's Cloud?" Noctis asked.

"I got separated from him, Tifa and Barret while fighting Loki," Yuffie said. "If we can find him, we can lead an assault to-"

Suddenly Yuffie was shot through the chest, taking Noctis by surprise, "NO!"

From the distance, Mystique opened fire again, everyone ducking out of the way. Promto grabbed his own gun and began firing at Mystique, to which she made a run for it.

"Someone stop her!" Prompto called.

Mystique kept firing to keep her pursuers away, but suddenly she took a gun shot of her own through the shoulder, courtesy of Regina, who had not stopped following her.

"This is where you die!" Regina fired again, trying to take out Mystique but the mutant fired back, getting her in the leg.

Suddenly Dante had his sword against her neck, "Don't move, or things will get bad for you."

Mystique then shapeshifted into Trish, turning around to face Dante, "Would you really hurt a friend?"

Dante looked a little taken back, hesitating to do much. However this plan failed as Mystique took some gunshots to the back, reverting her out of her form and falling over.

Walking over was Chris, having been the one to finish off Mystique, "That takes care of that."

Dante couldn't help but feel some sympathy, as his mind went to another, "This lady, wasn't she Nightcrawler's mother?"

"Yeah, she was, but she was also helping in destroy Asgard, she made her choice," Chris said.

"Plus, she killed Hayato," Regina said, making her way down. "She brought this on herself."

"I won't argue that," Dante said.

Just as he was about to leave, he heard Mystique calling to him, "Wait..." Dante turned to see the dying woman. "Please...I know we're enemies, but grant me one request."

"What is it?" Dante asked, kneeling beside her.

Mystique brought out a locket, holding in near Dante, "Please...give this to my son. Tell him I'm sorry."

Dante grabbed the locket, looking down at the item. He felt pity for this woman, but also anger in her actions, "Honestly, I don't even know if you deserve this favor. But, out of respect for your son, I'll do it. Still, you could have done better than this. All the sympathy in the world won't take back what you've done."

"Heh, I don't blame you, I just hope you won't hold this against Kurt, he's a good man..." Mystique said, her life finally fading away.

Dante sighed in frustration, "Evil or not, she was still a mother, Kurt's definitely going to be upset about this."

"No doubt," Chris said. "Come on, we still have a mission to finish."

With Yuffie, Noctis was still trying to check on her, "Yuffie, stay with me!"

"Do not bother," Ignis said. "She's gone."

"Damn..." Noctis pitied this poor girl. "So much for watching out for each other."

"Too bad Serena's not here," Erik lamented. "She could have helped."

"What's done is done, the best we can do is not let her death be in vain," Jade said. "Now let's keep fighting."

"Of course," Noctis said, grabbing his sword.

Far off, Sunset blasted some enemies from atop a roof, doing her best to help however she could. A few got in close to attack but she quickly used her martial arts training to fend for herself. Using kicks she learned from Chun-Li, strikes she learned from Guile, agility she learned from Cammy to dodge, allowing her to get the upper hand.

Once a bunch were piled together, she cupped her hands to generate magic with her hands, "HADOUKEN!" Mimicking Ryu, she sent the blast at the enemy soldiers, though one got in too close, to which she pulled out a gun and shot it in the face, following suit with a few others, emulating Chris's gun technique.

She eventually pulled out her sword, ready to take some pages out of the books of Dante and Strider and struck many of the enemies down, using her magic occasionally to provide assist.

"This isn't too bad at least, my training's paying off a-AH!" She had been knocked down and dropped her sword. She quickly scurried to grab it as the enemies got close, though she had help when Lady Sif showed up and slew those who threatened her.

"You alright?" Sif asked.

"I'm fine," Sunset said, standing up. "I was trying out some moves I had been taught, figured I could use them in battle."

"Experience makes the best training," Sif said. "Just be careful, after all-"

"Watch out!" Sunset said, gesturing to Loki.

"Sif, so nice to see you," Loki said, sending a massive blast in their direction.

"Watch out!" Sif leapt in front of Sunset and shieled her from the attack, knocking both off the roof.

"How noble," Loki said, landing down before the two. "Your time is up however."

"Not on my watch pal!" Paul shouted, rushing to attack. "Prepare for-!"

Loki whacked him aside, "Fool." Suddenly he took some gunshots from Slate, but they did nothing as the cop was sent flying from Loki's blast.

"Psycho Ball!" Came the voice of Athena as she sent a magic blast at Loki, one that immediately got deflected back at her.

"Ibuki! Go!" Makoto shouted.

"Got it!" Ibuki said, the two jumping into attack. However both girls were immediately dealt with by Loki and his magic.

"Got you now," Came the voice of Velvet as she tried to grab Loki with her Daemon arm. The God blocked her attempt, taking her by surprise, "I'm not done yet!" She tried to stab Loki with her wrist sword but he deflected that too and sent her flying.

"You really pulled a lot from these other worlds, haven't you?" Loki said to Sunset.

"Sunset, get to a safe distance," Sid said, pulling her sword out. "Now! Go!"

"But..." Sunset was hesitant to leave.

"I'll keep him distracted!" Sif tried to strike Loki, but in one fell swoop, he had sliced her left arm completely off, the woman crying out in pain.

"Sif!" Sunset shouted in concern.

"Foolish girl, of course what can I expect from one of Thor's friends?" Loki taunted. Sunset, despite the hesitation, tried to make a run for it, but Loki appeared before her with his magic. "Don't go so soon."

Sunset took a step back, breathing heavily as she pulled out her sword, "Stay back!"

Loki whacked it away. She pulled her gun out but that got whacked away too. He was about to strike down when Cammy came in with a Drill Kick to his back.

"I won't let you harm her!" Cammy went to attack again but Loki had brought out a blade and jammed it through her chest, Cammy coughing up blood as she fell lifeless to the ground.

"NOOOO!!!" Sunset shouted in grief. "CAMMY!"

"That could have been avoided if you weren't behaving like a fool," Loki said, aiming his blade. "Now for you."

Sunset began to panic, everyone was getting hurt or dying, and she felt so powerless to do anything to stop it. "No, I have to try harder, there must be something that I can do!"

In a moment of desperation, she began opening more and more portals across the multiverse, desperate to bring in the strongest warriors she could possibly find. This sudden boost of magic was felt by Doctor Strange, who knew what Sunset was planning.

"She can't! If she goes through with this plan, it could lead to the destruction of our worlds!" Strange had to find and stop Sunset, but within time, it would prove to be too late.

Sunset had opened portals accessing many parts of the multiverse, taking Loki by surprise. "What is this sorcery!"

Many warriors began to appear, the first being the Jedi Knight, Luke Skywalker, who looked around in confusion, "How strange."

Next came the wizarding prodigy from Hogwarts, Harry Potter, "This is unusual magic."

Next was the elf warrior from Middle Earth, Legolas, "What's happening?" Aragon!? Gimli!? Are you nearby!?"

Next was the Hidden Leaf Ninja Naruto, who was currently eating some ramen when he noticed his situation, "Uh...is this real, or some type of Genjutsu? I could have sworn I was at Ichiraku's Ramen just now."

Next was the half Viltrumite Superhero, that being Mark Grayson, better known as Invincible, "What's going on!?"

Nearby was another Superhero in red, white and blue, Japan's Top Hero, All Might, "Uh...I guess I am here now...wherever this is."

Next was the Captain of the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow, "Is there any treasure?"

Then came the archeologist extraordinaire, Indiana Jones, "This does not look like the temple I was exploring."

Loki could not believe what he was seeing, more warriors to worry about, "Sunset you fool, you may have just doomed your new allies."

"Huh?" All Might turned to Loki, "Uh...why do you look familiar, I feel like I've seen you in a book once."

"Silence, I will give you one chance to return to your world, or suffer my wrath," Loki said.

"Ok, I don't know who you are, but you seem like a bad guy," Mark said. "And superheroes like me, we beat up bad guys."

"You a pro hero?" All Might asked. "I don't think I've seen or heard of you."

"I'm kind of new," Mark said. "My dad recently trained me."

"Ah that's great, I'm all for new blood," All Might said. "Who is your father if I may ask?"

Before Mark could answer, Loki spoke up again, "Do you fools want to die!? Begone!"

"You're already getting on my bad side," Naruto said, placing his hands up. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!"

Suddenly there was an army of the ninja boy, taking Loki by surprise, "What is this sorcery!?"

"I'd like to know myself," Luke said, then turned to Loki. "But that can wait until after we rid ourselves of you."

"Dammit!" Loki flew off. "Army! Destroy them!"

Many of the soldiers went after the newcomers, each of them ready to fight.

"I don't know you men, but I trust we're all on the same side," Harry said.

"You trust well," Legolas said, aiming his bow and arrow. "I have fought at Helm’s Deep; I have plenty of experience."

"Never heard of Helm's Deep," Jones said, readying his whip. "I'll be sure to ask about it later."

"Here they come!" Sparrow said, taking out his sword.

"DETROIT SMASH!" All Might shouted, beginning the fight.

Sunset began to run, still summoning different warriors each time she used her magic. Warriors such as Spawn, John Rambo, Robocop, The Terminator, Kratos, Cole MacGrath, Nathan Drake, Gabriel Logan, Kat, Master Chief, Inuyasha, Liu Kang, Solid Snake, Sol Badguy, Ranga, John McClane, Maverick, The Doom Slayer and Shantae.

All of the were initially confused, but none hesitated to fight against the enemies they found themselves facing.

However, with each portal she opened, the more unstable the world became. Cracks started appearing, rifts opening, the world coming apart.

A few enemies lunged at Sunset, the girl instinctively opening more portals, this one summoning the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, all four taking down the enemies in a flash. Sunset found herself ambushed again, this portal summoning Yusuke Urameshi, who used his Spirit Gun to destroy a bunch.

"Sunset!" Strange called, taking a look below. Way too many portals have opened, bringing a bunch of warriors, confused, but still fighting. More rifts began to appear, Strange becoming more and more worried. "I gotta find her!"

Sunset had cornered herself, trying to hide from everything, fear building up as more enemies began to approach, them knowing she's nearby. Sunset had completely lost it, no confidence in herself as the enemies drew near.

Within seconds, they had all been taken out, likely by new arrivals. Sunset saw a hand reach out to her, which she hesitantly took. Looking up she spotted the Man of Steel, Superman.

"Are you alright, Sunset Shimmer?" The Kryptonian said as he helped her up.

"I'm fine, thank you," Sunset said. "Guess I brought you here too, you must want an explanation."

"You bet," Batman said, appearing beside her. "What's going on."

"Why are we in Asgard?" Wonder Woman asked. "From the looks of things, I can tell this is not the Asgard from our world."

"You're right, this is part of Marvel," Sunset said.

"Marvel? So the Thor here is the Avenger Thor," Superman said. "Where is he?"

"Uh, fighting a giant snake," Sunset explained. "I'm sorry about all this, I just wanted to help protect Asgard. I didn't mean to get this carried away summoning everyone here. I panicked and now-"

The world began to shake, taking everyone by surprise across all of Asgard. Thor himself, who had put distance between himself and Jörmungandr, felt worry by this change in development. "No..."

While he was distracted, Jörmungandr tried to sneak up on Thor, this snake being noticed by a nearby Indiana Jones, "You can't be serious, what type of hell is this?"

The serpent was about to strike, but Goku, who had separated from Sephiroth, used his Instant Transmission to appear before him, "KAMEHAMEHA!"

With one blast, the giant snake was vanquished, Thor being appreciative, "Thank you...but what is happening?"

"Wish I knew, things are just getting weird now," Goku said.

"Got that right," Came the voice of his Saiyan rival.

"Vegeta? When did you get here?" Goku asked.

"Whis just came back, did you really think I wouldn't want to be part of this? Hogging this battle to yourself," Vegeta said.

"Sorry, but you were busy, so I just took my opportunity," Goku said.

"You said Whis is back, he did not bring Beerus, did he?" Thor asked.

"No, but don't think he didn't want to come, I heard you messed him up good, his pride is what hurts the most though," Vegeta said.

"Not my problem," Thor said. "Asgard is still in danger, we must act quickly."

One more portal began to open, this one nearby Sonic, who had a smug look upon who he saw. "Well look who's here."

Indeed it was Sonic's rival Mario, alongside others from his world such as his brother Luigi, Link, Samus, Pikachu, Pit, Marth, Shulk, The Inklings, Little Mac, Chrom, Lucina, Robin, Rex, Pyra, Corrin, Min Min and Byleth.

"Wait, where's Kirby?" Tails asked.

"Uh, why are you asking?" Sonic asked.

"Because he could easily swallow up a lot of our enemies, making things so much easier for us," Tails said.

"We don't know where he is, sorry," Shulk said.

"Well you're here, so maybe you can help us save Asgard," Sonic said.

"Asgard?" Pit looked ahead, amazed by the sight. "Wow, the Legendary Asgard, feels so much different than Olympus."

"Seems like our help is needed," Chrom said. "Come on, lets save all we can."

Everyone agreed and rushed out to help, unaware that a Jigglypuff had also found her way here. The little creature looked around, trying to figure out her next move.

Jin himself looked a bit worried, the rifts were opening up everywhere, and some places were getting affected by it, "This isn't what I signed up for."

"Jin!" Xiaoyu called. "This world, it's-"

"Coming apart, I know," Jin said. "That Sunset woman might know what's happening, maybe she or that sorcerer can fix this."

"Good idea, come on, lets go find them," Xiaoyu said.

Also nearby Cloud and Tifa were fighting with assistance from Squall, the latter using his gunblade to its fullest while Cloud make quick work of his materia.

"We gotta find Yuffie and Barrett, I'm getting really worried about them," Tifa said.

"Lets focus on getting out of our own danger," Cloud said.

"Exactly, we can't help them if we can't help ourselves," Squall said.

A few more enemies ran to attack, but they were taken out with some fireballs, surprising the trio.

"Someone helped us out," Cloud said.

"Look!" Tifa said.

Nearby was the Keyblade wielding warrior, Sora, the boy doing a quick salute to Cloud and company before dashing off to fight more enemies.

"Well that worked out, come on, lets hurry," Squall said.

Loki had completely lost his temper, sending down blasts everywhere he could see, wanting to be rid of all those in his way, especially the newcomers, "Blast, I am so close to fulfilling my plans, I will not let this calamity hinder my progress!"

Sunset had rushed across Asgard with the Big Three of DC, then came across some enemies. Just as they were about to fight them off, Doctor Strange showed up and immediately decimated them, the Sorcerer looking furious.

"Oh, hi Stephen," Sunset nervously said. "How are-"

"Save it! I know what you did!" Strange scolded. "You deliberately disobeyed me and started summoning world after world here, all different warriors from the across the multiverse, creating a massive rift that I warned you could possibly happen! Did I not tell you about the Incursion."

"I mean, kind of, but I had to do something, people on our side were dying," Sunset said.

"So to counter that, you did something even more dangerous than what Loki was doing? That's poor logic Sunset!" Strange scolded. "I mean just a minute ago, I saw the freaking Power Rangers fighting those enemies! That's not supposed to be happening!"

"Doctor Strange, with all due respect, Sunset did not mean any harm," Superman said.

"But she did cause harm," Batman said, surprising Superman. "Her heart was in the right place, but I agree with Doctor Strange, she did not handle things well."

"Thank you, Batman," Strange said. "Sunset, there's still a chance to fix this, but you need to do what I say, starting with sending everyone back before-"

Within seconds, more trouble began to emerge, but this time, from a local threat. In the distance was the Fire Giant, Sutur, clinging to Odin's castle and surprising everyone present.

"What in the world!?" Sunset shouted in concern.

"NO!" Thor shouted in dismay. "Sutur has come!"

Also seeing this was Chris, who alerted Dante and Regina to the situation, "That can't be good."

"Well we're probably screwed now," Dante said.

Even many of the nearby guardians were concerned, given that they had recently gotten separated from their Square allies in some chaos.

"What do we do now?" Regina asked.

"Quill, do you have a plan?" Drax asked.

"I sure do," Quill brought out his music player. "Guys, huddle up!"

"Huh?" Dante saw the Guardians coming together. "Should we..."

"Sure, why not, let's go," Chris said, huddling with the team.

"Now I know things look bleak, but we didn't become the warriors we are because things were easy, we became those warriors because we refused to give up in the face of adversity. The toughest battles are what separates us from the weak, so I ask you, are we weak!?"

"Flark no!" Rocket said.

"There is nothing we cannot handle!" Drax said.

"Damn right there isn't," Gamora agreed.

"I am Groot."

"Capcom, you guys seem tough, I can look at you and tell you got the bravery to get through anything," Quill said. "Will you fight with us?"

"To the end," Chris said.

"Of course," Regina agreed.

"Wow, you're a pretty damn good speaker," Dante said.

"Alright, it's time to be a Hero!" Quill said, playing his radio as he and his team began taking out whatever enemy remained on the battlefield.

Quill flew around blasting them with his guns, Dante used his Stylish Combos, Chris ket up his momentum in eliminating enemies with his various firearms, Gamora slayed them with her sword, Drax used his full strength to destroy his opponents, everyone did their best to fight their hardest, not just to save Asgard, but remind themselves who the best is.

Meanwhile Loki was fighting off Volnutt, X and Zero, the two doing their best to bring down the God of Chaos.

"You guys got this! Don't let up!" the older Roll said.

X and Volnutt sent a massive blast at Loki, nearly sending him flying, this just enraging the God. "I grow tired of this."

"GENMU ZERO!" Zero sent a massive beam at Loki, but he whacked through it and sent a massive blast at the opposing robot.

"Zero!" X knocked his friend out the way, taking the hit himself, completely destroying him.

"NO!" Zero shouted in despair.

"X!" Volnutt was ready to strike, but Zero had sent him flying, damaging the robot.

"Mega Man!" His friend rushed to help. "Mega Man, are you alright!?"

"You fools bore me," Loki said. An enraged Zero went to strike but he was grabbed from mid-air and sent flying towards Volnutt and Roll. Lamenting, he looked up at the impending destruction, "I really would have liked to have taken over before Sutur arrived. Time to call everyone back." He began to make contact, "Team, our mission is in jeopardy, everyone come back together."

"On our way," Sephiroth replied. He spotted Tempest still battling Chun-Li. Moving in fast, Sephiroth had knocked the woman away with his sword hilt. "Let's go."

"Yes sir," Tempest said. "Loki, we are coming your direction."

"Halt!" An injured Valkyrie ordered. Sephiroth merely charged up his flare and sent it right at the Pegasus warrior, effectively ending her existence as he and Tempest kept moving.

"Better make this quick," Akuma replied, walking past a pile of defeated warriors.

"Yeah, yeah, I'm coming," Storm King began moving as well.

Not too far off, Fenrir Wolf was standing over the injured Odin, "I will be there at once father." He began to leave when Odin called out to him.

"I'm not...done yet," Odin said, rising to his feet.

"You are strong, grandfather," Fenrir said, then used his blades to punch through Odin. "But I am stronger."

Odin's shout of pain was heard by Thor, "Was that my father!?"

"Huh?" Goku tried sensing for Odin's energy. "I found him." He quickly placed his hands on Thor and Vegeta, then used his Instant Transmission to bring the Thunder God to Fenrir and the injured Odin. "Oh no!"

"FATHER!" An enraged Thor readied some electricity and blasted Fenrir back. He leapt up and slammed his hammer to the ground, "MIGHTY THUNDER!"

Lightning began emerging from the ground in incredible burst, electrocuting Fenrir as Thor sent one more attack to completely vanquish his villainous nephew. "Father! I failed!"

"Fenrir!?" Loki got no response, he knew his son was dead. "Damn you Thor!"

Nearby Thor was checking on Odin, his father having taken a fatal blow, "Father..."

"Hang on, I might have a Sensu Bean," Goku said.

"It is pointless, I am not long for this world, Valhalla awaits me," Odin said. "Thor, my son...You must protect Asgard as its new King."

"But father, Asgard is falling, who's to say our home can even be rebuilt after all this damage?" Thor said.

"My son, Asgard is not just the land," Odin said, confusing his son. "Asgard is the people we protect. We can always rebuild, but the foundation of a Kingdom, is the King and its subjects. You will do well, have faith."

"Father..." Thor tearfully lamented as his father's life force faded away.

"I'm sorry, your father was a brave warrior, but as hard as it is, you have to keep fighting, your Kingdom depends on you now, Thor," Goku said.

"Be honored you got to see your father's final moments, that is something I could not experience for myself," Vegeta said. "I lost my Kingdom, but yours can still be saved, get to it!"

"I shall," Thor said, gripping his hammer. "For Asgard!" He and the two Saiyans flew toward the castle where Loki and his team were meeting up.

Various heroes did their best to stop the two, Legolas shooting his bow and arrows at Loki.

"Nice shot," Rambo said, assisting with his own bow and arrows.

"You too warrior," Legolas said.

"Begone!" Loki sent a blast at the two.

Spawn attempted to flank him, but Tempest stood in his way. "Lady, you do not want a piece of this."

She went to attack but Spawn sidestepped and knocked her aside. Sephiroth however rushed in with a sword strike to his sides, sending him flying.

Harry tried blasting them with his wand, Storm King put up a shield and knocked Harry away, while Sephiroth used his magic to send the Ninja Turtles flying.

"Hey, come on!" Came Terry, the martial artist standing before Loki.

"You can't be serious," Loki said.

"I'm very serious pal," Terry said, readying his attack. "BUSTAH-"

Loki blocked and sent Terry flying, "Imbecile."

Akuma fended off Rashid and Joe, the two wind users failing to overpower the demon while Sephiroth fought away Lightning and 2B. Even Sora tried and failed to take down Sephiroth, with Tempest being the one to knock him away.

Kratos then stepped forward, wielding his Leviathan Axe, ready to strike, "You are not the Loki I expected to see, but like the Gods of Olympus, you will meet your demise!"

"I am to believe you've gone against the likes of Zeus?" Loki asked.

Pit landed beside Kratos, "How about a guy who's fought against Medusa AND Hades!?"

"Boy, leave," Kratos said.

"H-hey, we're on the same side here," Pit said. "I've fought Gods before!"

"Listen you...watch out!" Kratos and Pit leapt back when Sutur tried to punch down at them. In the skies above, Goku and Vegeta rushed in to attack the Fire Giant, hoping to repel him.

"At least those Saiyans are proving somewhat useful," Loki said. "Now then..."

"Loki!" Thor called, the God stepping over with many of his allies.

"Thor...so you're still alive," Loki said. "I had hoped that Jörmungandr would have finished you off."

"He's dead," Thor confirmed, surprising Loki. "As is our father."

"Well...losing my son is not pleasant, but...to know Odin has fallen, almost makes it worth it," Loki said. "At the very least, I can go visit Hela, perhaps make a deal with her."

"You will be doing no such thing!" Thor shouted, aiming his hammer. "This ends now!"

The God leapt up and slapped his hammer against Loki's staff as his allies rushed to attack. Ryu went straight for Akuma, the two once again clashing their fists to determine what makes true strength, light or darkness. Cloud and Sephiroth had reignited their old rivalry, clashing their swords, one wanting to end a rivalry, the other wanting a good fight.

Even Sunset started doing battle against Tempest, the dimension traveler stuck mainly to her martial arts training to keep things from getting worse while Strange tried subdue The Storm King with his magic.

"I remember you, yeah you're the guy who interfered with my plan to take over Mount Aris!" Storm King said. "I'm so gonna destroy you for that!"

"Not happening," Strange said, using is magic to knock the Staff of Sacanus away. "How did someone like you even become King?"

"I had my ways," Storm King said, grabbing some dirt and trying to blind Strange, but the wizard blocked it easily and sent The Storm King flying. "You know what, forget this, I'm out of here. This is so not worth relying on irresponsible allies to take over. Gonna call my guards and..."

"King!" Tempest kicked Sunset away. "We can't surrender yet, we must not leave until the battle is won."

"Sorry, I have plans of my own," Storm King said, bringing some guards over. "You stay and die if you want, I'm going back to Equestria."

"Wait, what about my horn!?" Tempest asked.

"Not my problem!" Storm King said, trying make his escape.

"Wait! You promised!" Tempest called.

As Storm King tried to make a run for it, Vegeta appeared before him, the Saiyan not looking happy, "Uh, weren't you just fighting-"

"BIG BANG ATTACK!" Vegeta immediately did away with the Storm King, his crown sent flying towards Sephiroth, who grabbed it while still parrying a strike from Cloud.

Above, Goku was still fighting Sutur, but with help from Superman and Wonder Woman. "This guy's tough."

"Keep fighting!" Superman ordered.

"Asgard...will...FALL!" Sutur blasted the opposition back, this startling everyone below.

"Perhaps The Storm King had the right idea, this is not working out well," Loki said.

"Loki! Eyes on me!" Thor went for another strike, but Loki blocked and blasted Thor back.

"Sorry brother, but plans have changed," Loki said.

"I don't think so," Thor zapped Loki, about to go in with his hammer again, but Sephiroth blocked the strike with his sword. He leapt back alongside Loki, with Akuma joining him, as well as Tempest, who had gotten her hands on the Staff of Sacanas.

All four jumped at Thor as he held up his hammer. Loki struck the hammer with his Tesseract Staff while Sephiroth struck with his Murusama, Tempest with her own staff and Akuma with his bare hands, the might of all four immediately destroying Mjölnir from the impact.

Thor could not believe his hammer was shattered, the shock gave Loki a chance to blast Thor back, along with all the opposing warriors.

"I shall see you another time, brother," Loki warped what remained of his team to his ship, calling upon any surviving solider to join them.

Thor slowly rose to his feet, "Mjölnir...it is no more..."

The rifts began cracking open, more dimensions opening as the risk of more invasion began to seem likely. It was no longer heroes on their way over, now there ran the risk of villains as Sutur readied to deal a massive blow.

"Strange...what's going on!?" Goku asked.

"They're all coming through..." a worried Strange said ."I don't think I can stop it!"

"We need to retreat!" Vegeta said. "Everyone, make haste!"

The warriors began making a run for it, Sunset contacting everyone she came across, "Run! Flee Asgard before it's too late!"

"Get them to the ships!" Quill said.

"Is it going to fit everyone!?" Dante asked.

"I...don't know," Quill said.

Sunset looked to her hands, "Well, maybe I can open some portals to-"

"No! No more!" Strange said.

"But..." Sunset protested.

"My ship is big, it should fit plenty," Beta Ray Bill said.

"Hey! What about the other Asgardians!?" Chris asked.

"We have them!" Volstagg said, helping several of them flee. "Those other heroes are helping too!"

"This way ma'am," Mark said, assisting a woman with her children.

"I will get you to safety," Legolas said, to a group of girls who were happily following him.

"Quick! This way!" Sora said, helping some kids.

"You got this, come on," Terry said, assiting an injured solider.

"Come with me boys," Morrigan said, leading some men.

"Keep moving!" Squall ordered.

"We shall keep looking for more," Fandral said.

Sunset continued running, bothered by the rifts, "This wasn't supposed to happen..."

"Focus on escaping," Chun-Li said. "Worry about what happened later."

"An army blocks our path!" Drax said, gesturing to some remaining rock giants and trolls.

"I got this," Strange used a magic disc to cut through the enemies. A few got in too close but both Jin and Yuri teamed up to take them down.

"RASENGAN!" Naruto took an enemy out with his signature attack. "Got you!"

"Nice work," Mark said, high fiving the ninja.

"Die you bastards!" Spencer shouted, firing away at the enemies, using his Bionic Arm to whack a bunch back.

"TEXAS SMASH!" All Might said, knocking a bunch of enemies out of the way.

"That guy looks like a beast," Quill said.

"What do you mean? He is clearly Terran like you are," Drax said, Quill pitifully eying the oblivious Kylosian.

Not too far off, Whis was seen waiting by his cube, waving everyone over, "Oh greetings, how was the battle?"

"Dude, seriously!?" Dante asked.

"Once we fill the ships, we will locate on a nearby planet!" Strange instructed as everyone began boarding the various ships, focusing on getting the civilians on first before anything. Fortunately many of them survived thanks to the efforts of the heroes, little to no casualties. A bunch were placed in Whis's cube, while others were split between Bill's Ship and The Guardians'.

This meant more boarding but it was worth it as the heroes and warriors helped the civilians on board, but a few seemed to be missing.

"Where's Yuffie!?" Cloud asked.

"Cammy!? Are you nearby!?" Chun-Li asked. "Wait, where's Guile!?"

"Carlos!" Jill called.

"Where is Valkyrie?" Thor asked. "And Heimdall? Why haven't they come!?"

Sunset had a somber look in her eyes, wondering just how many may have fallen today, and wondering how much of it may have been her fault. She didn't have time to think much, Sutur had finished charging his energy, the land of Asgard about to be destroyed.

"We gotta fly!" Dante called.

"Wait, there's more coming!" Sif pointed out, gesturing to The Warriors Three and an injured Guile with a few other injured soldiers.

"We can't wait..." Strange said. "We have to go."

"No! We can't let them die!" Sunset said, readying her magic. "I'll just-"

With one strike, the land of Asgard was engulfed in flames and despite Sunset's efforts, she could not make a portal in time to save anyone else down below.

"GUILE!" Chun-Li shouted in despair.

"NO!" Sif shouted as well, seeing three of her finest warriors and friends engulfed in the flames as well.

Everyone else present on Bill's ship felt a solemn silence, the Capcom Warriors and The Square Warriors mourning their fallen comrades. Carols was gone, Guile was gone, Cammy, Yuffie, Cid, Vincent, Hayato, Saotome, X, alongside the Asgardian Warriors such as Volstagg, Fandral, Hogun, Balder, Valkyrie, Heimdall and King Odin. This probably not counting whomever may have perished from the other worlds.

With that, it was all over. The City of Asgard had fallen, Ragnarok had come and go. Despite that, Thor took pride in the efforts he made to protect his people, and wherever he rebuilt, it would still be Asgard, and he would still be their King, for now, they must recover from battle.

As they thought this over, another portal opened, a woman stepped that that Strange immediately recognized, "Clea?"

"Stephen, seems like we have a lot to discuss," the woman said.

While this was going down, another battle was commencing in Equestria, the fall out of Tony Stark's Accords matched against Steve Rogers's rebellion had taken its toll, heroes having picked a side and a grand battle was under way.

This was a Friendship Problem even Twilight Sparkle could not fix, the girl battling herself while Peter had his new suit on, ready for battle himself.

"Time to end this."

Author's Note:

A lot of cameos here. Don't expect them to play too large a role in the end, just showing off the multiverse.