• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 1,054 Views, 187 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Civil War - Masterob

An internal battle between The Avengers and The Elements of Harmony threaten Equestria's future.

  • ...

Faith Diminishing

The following day out in the east part of Equestria, Team Captain America had just rested up comfortably at their campsite, their numbers growing after a recent adventure. With Daredevil, better known as Matt, and Night Thrasher, better known as Dwayne having joined them, alongside Babs Seed, Applejack's city cousin.

Steve kept his eyes and ears open for any sign of potential danger. So far no sign of The Heroes or The Wonderbolts. Of course he wasn't alone, this was a task both Bucky and Sam shared, especially during their campout that night.

At the crack of dawn, the group had continued on toward Baltimare, where the next batch of Heroes were and Wonderbolts were.

"Pick up the pace y'all," Applejack encouraged.

"Ugh, how can you be so full of energy this early in the morning?" Felicia whined.

"It takes a lot of getting used to," Johnny said, wiping his eyes. "Being in The Wonderbolts helps."

"Well I'm not a morning person, I'm more of a nighttime lady," Felicia said.

"I'm in a similar boat," Dwayne said. "I'm Night Thrasher after all, not Morning Thrasher."

"Y'all would never make it as farmers with that type of mindset," Applejack said.

"We're not interested in being farmers," Felicia said. "That job is way too dirty for a girl like me."

"Less chatting, more walking," Bucky said. "You can sleep all you want later once we find a place to stay at."

"We could have stayed at Fillydelphia," Felicia said.

"You mean where Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail are stationed?" Bucky reminded. "Keep in mind that Daredevil knocked them out cold, which means next time they see us, they're gonna want payback."

"So going to a town that they guard over isn't the smartest move," Sam said.

"Alright fine, hopefully we'll have better luck at Baltimore," Felicia said.

"Baltimare," Matt corrected.

"Same thing, just ponified!" Felicia snapped.

Stygian himself seemed to be walking while dozing off, accidentally bumping into Taskmaster.

"Hey watch it!" the villain warned, waking Stygian up a moment.

"My apologies," Stygian said. "I'm afraid I do not do well in early mornings myself, rather I am very out of practice."

"It sucks for me too, this is why I ain’t in the country," Babs said as she trotted in a woozy way.

"Hang in there," Steve said. "It won't be long until we reach Baltimare.”

"You think Tigra will side with us?" Bucky asked.

"I can't be sure," Steve said. "This is a risk we need to take, if we can't get her to join us, then weakening that town will be difficult."

"Is weakening the towns even a good idea?" Johnny asked. "I know Stark got carried away with this Accords stuff, but he did do this for a reason, to protect Equestria."

"I'm aware Torch, but until we get Tony's attention and get him to change his mind about the way he's doing things, we're still going to be in a vulnerable position," Steve said. "Tony is trying too hard to place security on the world, that's going to backfire in a bad way."

"I knew that power would one day corrupt Stark's mind," Taskmaster said. "Don't matter how noble a person is, once power corrupts, there ain't no going back."

"I won't let that happen," Steve said. "I'll save Tony from himself, before it's too late."

"It probably already is," Taskmaster said. "Tony Stark is corrupted with power."

Steve grumbled in annoyance, though he himself began to wonder if Tony's moral character truly has taken a hit, or if there's a way to help his wayward friend.

"Hey once we get to that town, what then?" Felicia asked. "How do you even plan to talk to this girl?"

"Preferably like a friend, I'd hope not to treat her like a foe," Steve said.

"Considering that we greatly outnumber her, I think we'll be fine," Taskmaster said.

"We will be, as long as you let me do the talking," Steve warned.

"Keep in mind that she has two Wonderbolt allies," Johnny said. "Pickle and Barley are young but very talented, they've been doing professional flying since they were kids."

"Do you know them personally?" Sugar Belle asked.

"Well I did help mentor them, so did Dashie," Johnny said. "They actually grew up admiring her, hearing about all of her daring escapades. It was an honor for them to meet up with her."

"Good kids those two are," Applejack said.

"Yeah...wonder how Rainbow Dash is doing right now?" Johnny said, thinking about his wife.

"Miss your wife, Torch?" Sam asked. "Silly question, I know. What man wouldn't miss the woman he loves."

"I remember the look on her face when Carol had me arrested, she was heartbroken," Johnny said. "She already had her hopes dashed when Spitfire placed us under probation over that accident in Manehattan, now she has this to deal with. Didn't help that her Wonderbolt start was a bit of a disaster, with her getting stuck with an annoying nickname. Then there’s getting pregnant, but that had a happier outcome for us, even if she got no fanfare when she got back.”

"Your wife is quite the attention hog, isn't she?" Felicia teased.

Johnny could not fully deny it, but he didn't appreciate Felicia's comment, "Maybe she does like attention, but I think she's earned it. She's done way more than any other Wonderbolt, even her captain. Yeah Spitfire has a few championships to her name, and has helped fight off villain armies, but Rainbow Dash fought the toughest baddies, from King Sombra, to Albert Wesker to Magneto. Dashie is more suited to being the Wonderbolts Captain than Spitfire honestly."

"That's nice of you to say Johnny, but if ah know Rainbow Dash, being Captain would have gone to her head," Applejack said.

"Come on AJ, you know Rainbow Dash is better than that," Johnny said.

"Gotta be honest," Applejack said.

"Well I still say she'd be a better captain than Spitfire," Johnny said. "Actually Sam, you're a pro flyer, maybe you'd be better at leading The Wonderbolts."

"I don't have time for something like that, but I appreciate the offer," Sam said.

"Speaking of Wonerbolts, I'm kind of worried, about Night Glider," Sugar Belle said. "I think our Friendship is in danger."

"I know what you're feeling, I'm surprised I even had to fight Bobby," Remy said.

"Rarity ain't gonna like this either," Applejack said. "Ah hope we don't regret anything."

"I'm sorry you're all feeling worried, I am too," Steve said. "But, we have to exercise caution, keep in mind that anyone on Tony's team may see us as an enemy. Hopefully we can avoid too much fighting, but it will depend on the other side and anyone under Tony's employment. Daredevil and Night Thrasher chose our side, but unfortunately, Iceman and Night Glider did not.”

"Then they got their asses kicked for it," Taskmaster said.

"Will you put a lid on it?" Sandman scolded. "This is hard enough on everyone here, we don't need you making things worse."

"I must concur, don’t make things difficult," Lizard said.

"I’m just being brutally honest, like that farmer chick said," Taskmaster explained.

"Ah ain't that brutally honest, also the name's Applejack," The Apple Farmer said.

"Applejack?" Taskmaster said. "I swear, getting used to these ponies names is gonna be tough, most of ya's got weird sounding names."

"Isn't your name kind of ironic too?" Sandman said. "Your name is Tony Masters, and you are the Taskmaster."

"Got me there," Taskmaster said.

"I still wonder how Night Glider's doing," Sugar Belle said.

Back at the edge of Manehattan, Bobby, Rarity and Night Glider were on their way out of the city, alongside Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail.

"What do we do once we catch these traitors?" Sky Stinger asked.

"Orders are to keep them in place and contact Tony Stark," Bobby explained. "Either he, Luna, Captain Marvel or Spitfire will come and pick them up and figure out what to do with them."

"I still can't believe Sugar Belle would turn against us, I mean, I thought we were friends," Night Glider said.

"I have a few words for Applejack myself," Rarity said. "I am quite disappointed in what she's done, she should know better than this."

"We'll get answers, even if we have to go through hell to get them," Bobby said. "Just be aware of what they can do. Sandman's got incredible power, Taskmaster can memorize moves, Johnny's heat will give you more than a tan, and Cap is an old pro who's been at this for years. Don't underestimate any of them."

"We won't," Vapor Trail said.

"We have your back," Sky Stinger said.

Bobby grabbed a radio, contacting the hero in Fillydelphia, “Tigra, we’re on our way to your location, has Captain America arrived yet?”

“He hasn’t, we’ll be ready if he does,” Tigra said.

“If that’s even possible,” Pickle lamented nearby.

“Hey come on, how bad can it be?” His sister Barley asked.

“He’s got a large group, including villains, and they’re ready to fight if they have to, don’t let them past you, we’re on our way,” Bobby said.

“I think I got all the names, we’ll hold them off, hopefully bring a couple down,” Tigra said.

“Just do your best,” Bobby said, then switched his radio. “Hey Jen, has Tony contacted you?”

“This morning, he believes that Cap and the others are on their way to Fillydeplhipa,” She-Hulk said.

“Griffonstone is right across the lake isn’t it?” Bobby said. “If so, we may need you as well. Did Tony give you clearance to come by if needed?”

“I’ll be ready, and so will Wind Sprint,” She-Hulk said.

“Good, keep an eye out just in case Cap tries to change route to Griffonstone instead,” Bobby said.

“If he does, I can take him,” She-Hulk said. “Even if he slips past me through some miracle, might be hard if he keeps going down south, that’s where Hercules and the dragons are. But I think we’ll have them caught long before.”

“The dragons…” Bobby thought them over a bit, knowing how bad things could get if Steve reached that area. “Let’s hope it doesn’t get that bad.”

“It won’t, at least I hope it won’t,” She-Hulk said. “Good luck out there.”

“You too,” Bobby said, turning off his radio. “Dammit, this is ridiculous. Why would Cap do this? Why is Remy siding with him? What’s gonna happen to the future of heroes?

A bit later in Ponyville, Peter was holding a meeting with Twilight, Susan, Derpy, Autumn Blaze, Rainbow Dash, Scott Lang, Gilda, Bon Bon, Spike, Janet, Deadpool, Pinkie Pie, Firestar, Fluttershy, Logan, Trixie and Starlight.

"According to a report that Tony got from Bobby, Cap's team showed up in Manehattan last night," Peter said. "They were trying to get the heroes there onto their side, which Daredevil and Night Thrasher agreed to."

"Bobby and Night Glider refused to join and tried to apprehend them, with assistance from two Wonderbolts that flew in from Fillydelphia," Twilight said.

"So if Captain Equestria was trying to recruit them, that would mean that he went to that town for a reason, and not by accident," Starlight said.

"Makes sense, he knows that town is guarded, he wouldn't have gone in without a plan," Rainbow Dash said.

"He knows that all the towns that are guarded," Peter clarified. "Any place he ends up with that has heroes is no accident."

"Does that mean he's going from town to town and recruiting heroes on his side?" Spike asked. "What's he planning?"

"Is this a rebellion?" Starlight asked.

"Sure looks like one," Peter said. "I really don't get it, even if he doesn't care for The Accords, I don't think he would just do something like this."

"It ain't too surprising," Logan said. "Consider all the drama that's been happening since The Accords started, from Appaloosa, to Manehattan, to Las Pegasus, even this situation with The Pony of Shadows. It's clear that Stark doesn't know what he's doing, Luna and Spitfire are just blindly following after him, then you got Carol Danvers making things worse than they should be. I don't blame Cap for drawing the line at Danvers having Torch and the others arrested just for protecting the town."

"Steve probably broke them free because he didn't believe they should have been imprisoned," Janet said. "But that doesn't explain why those villains were set free."

"Maybe it was by accident," Starlight said. "Felicia Hardy was set free as well, maybe in the process the other villains broke out."

"Have the villains gotten out of the city?" Scott asked.

"Tony managed to apprehend Rhino, Vulture and Scorpion," Peter said. "Two of them were sent back to Earth, the latter Carol flew off with, not sure where."

"I may have an idea, but my mind is on the other three villains," Twilight said. "Taskmaster, Sandman and Lizard escaped and were spotted with Cap."

"Peter, you know at least two of them pretty well, don't you?" Spike asked. "Can you explain why they would have joined Cap?"

"Sandman isn't too surprising, I mean he was never really a bad guy. He has fought alongside heroes," Peter said.

"He was even part of The Avengers at one point," Janet said.

"A villain was a superhero?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"My that's quite intriguing," Trixie said.

"It's not surprising," Peter said. "Gambit used to be a thief, so did Hawkeye."

"I was a thief too at one point," Scott pointed out.

"I ain't exactly got a clean past myself," Logan said. "I was a Horseman for Apocalypse at one point."

"Someone explain this to Starswirl, see if that messes with his head," Janet teased.

"My point is though, Sandman is a crook but he seems like the type of guy who's just down on his luck more often than not and unfortunately turns to crime," Peter said. "I feel bad for him, not that it’s an excuse for breaking the law."

"He did try wrecking Ponyville a couple years ago, so yeah, some sympathy but not a lot," Janet said.

"What about The Lizard?" Twilight asked.

"Lizard's a pain too, but before he transformed, Curt Connors was a good man and a brilliant scientist," Peter said. "The Lizard thing was meant to help people actually, not turn them into Lizards, but to help humans gain regenerative properties. One of his experiments just mucked up his head, but I think he has some control from time to time."

"So at least two of the villains that are with Cap have some good in them," Twilight said. "What about the last guy? The one known as Taskmaster."

"Whom I helped defeat I might add," Trixie said, getting a few side-eye glances.

"I can answer about Taskmaster, I know the guy personally after all," Deadpool said. "Compared to Sandman and Lizard, I'd say he's a lot less nice, but he's not really an evil guy per say. For the most part, he just wants to get paid. I doubt he has that much of an ulterior motive, he said he came to Equestria just because Discord told him there would be a reward."

"How do you know this?" Starlight asked.

"Oh I visited him when he was imprisoned in Canterlot," Deadpool said. "Yeah we had some good chortles together."

"Did you say 'chortle'?" Peter said. "Well anyway, so you think he's alright with Cap and the others?"

"Taskmaster may be a thief but he's not that underhanded," Deadpool said. "He has nothing to gain from betraying anyone, at least I don't think so."

"If he causes trouble, Johnny can take him down, no sweat," Rainbow Dash said.

"Alight, moving on, so Cap's basically done in Manehattan, he got the heroes there on his side," Peter said. "If he's really going to these towns then we gotta find a town near Manehattan that has heroes stationed."

"I have the map of Equesria here," Twilight said, spreading it across a table. "This one is updated to show some of the lands beyond."

Peter looked over the map, treading down from Manehattan, "The closest city is Fillydelphia, where the two Wonderbolts flew in from to help."

"Rainbow Dash, do you know who those Wonderbolts were?" Starlight asked.

"Probably Sky Stinger and Vapor Trail, two newer recruits with a good load of talent," Rainbow Dash said. "Sky Stinger's a bit full of himself but Vapor Trail keeps him mostly down to Equestria."

"The next town is Baltimare, which is where Tigra guards,” Peter said.

"Not just her, a couple of Wonderbolts are there too, a pair of twins," Rainbow Dash. "Pickle Barrel and his sister Barley Barrel. Really talented kids."

"So Cap's team may find themselves dealing with a real pickle," Peter said, chuckling to himself, getting some groans and head shakes.

"Really Parker?" Logan said.

"Yeah, come on Peter," Twilight said.

"Eh, I thought it was clever," Autumn Blaze said.

"That’s why you’re my new best friend Autumn," Peter said.

"Hey! I thought I was your best friend!" Trixie quickly pointed out.

"So it's not Johnny then?" Rainbow Dash asked.

“What about me and Bobby?” Firestar asked.

"Hey I can have more than one Best Friend, having friends isn't a contest," Peter said.

"Tell that to Scootaloo, she mentioned creating an army of friends to prove she's better than that Sandbar guy," Rainbow Dash said.

“That might need to be addressed later," Peter said. "Right now though, we agree that Baltimare might be next."

"It might, but across the water there Peter," Gilda said. "My hometown is right across from Baltimare, that could be within Captain Equestria's goals too."

"Good point, if I recall that's where She-Hulk is stationed," Peter said.

"Along with a Wonderbolt named Wind Sprint," Gilda said.

"I’ll touch base with Tony, see how much of this he may have figured out himself," Peter said.

"According to this map, if they keep going down, they may even encounter the Dragons," Autumn Blaze said. "That's if they end up going to Griffonstone right after."

"If they go to the Dragon Lands, then that means likely running into Hercules," Wasp said. "He's a literal God, so he might be a tough challenge for them."

"That reminds me Janet, we should probably head back there soon," Spike said. "If anything we can try to intercept Cap before he gets there."

"Question, if Steve's team does get stopped and brought to Canterlot, what will happen to Johnny?" Susan asked. "What will they do to him?"

"It depends, the lightest he'll get is being fired from The Wonderbolts," Peter said. "But he could also be banished from Equestria if things really get serious."

"Worst is if they imprison him," Rainbow Dash said. "Getting banished is one thing, but at least he'll be safe, for the most part. Of course, if he leaves Equestria, then so will I."

"Huh? But Dashie, we don't want you to leave," Pinkie said.

"I don't want to leave either, but my Loyalty is to my husband first and foremost," Rainbow Dash said.

"That won't happen, I'll see what I can do to make sure of that," Peter said. "Right now, all we can do is try and find Steve and his team. If they're going to Baltimare, then that's where we go, if they end up in the Dragon Lands, we'll do there too."

"My home is actually south of The Dragon Lands," Autumn Blaze said. "If they try retreating to the Kirin Grove, Rain Shine can report on this."

"That's a great idea, but I don't think she has any way to do so, Kirin Grove isn't signed with The Accords yet," Peter said.

"Oh yeah!" Autumn Blaze shouted. "That just reminded me of why I came to Ponyville the other day! I was gonna tell you something, but then I ran into that weird pony who looked like this black void, almost like a Nirik but I don't think he was one-"

"Autumn," Peter said, getting her attention, snapping her back into the conversation.

"Right sorry, anyway Rain Shine said she'd be alright with The Accords, assuming me getting hurt didn't make her want to change her mind or anything, but I doubt it would since I’m a big Kirin and I can take a punch," Autumn said. "She just has one suggestion, she'd rather the town protects itself without the need of a hero there."

"Any reason she doesn't want a hero there?" Twilight asked.

"We're not used to outsiders just yet, and she wants to basically dip her hooves in before going in full force," Autumn Blaze said.

"That's understandable, but I can't promise that, Tony would rather at least one hero or Wonderbolt in town, just so he can keep an eye on things," Peter said.

"More like so he can have better control," Logan brought up. "All I'm hearing is that he don't trust anyone unless they're fully on board with how he wants things run."

"At this point, do you even want someone on The Accords in that town, you're probably better off without it," Susan said. "All The Accords seems to mean is giving Tony Stark an iron grip around whatever freedom you think you might have."

"Whoa, that's a bit heavy Sue," Peter said.

"Well that's what it is so far, isn't it!?" Susan said. "Give me one good reason my brother was placed on probation and placed under arrest just for trying to save lives!"

"I mean...yeah I can't justify that," Peter admitted.

"The Accords isn't helping anyone Peter, in the long run it's going to do more damage," Susan said. "I can't think of anything good that's come out of it."

"Look, I know it's not perfect, I'm still working on it with Tony," Peter said.

"Peter, it's been weeks, you can 'work it out' with Stark all you want, but nothing's gonna make a difference," Logan said. "I mean, does the guy even hear out your concerns?"

Peter thought back a bit, truthfully Tony has often brushed off concerns, constantly insisting that The Accords were helpful while dismissing a lot of the flaws, referring to them as kinks that needed to be worked out.

"Alright, I guess you have a point," Peter said. "Still, talking to Tony is all I can really do. Not like I can make him listen."

"Aren't you also close with Princess Luna?" Starlight said. "Maybe she can help too."

"Oh, that's a good idea," Trixie said. "Then Luna can talk things out with Tony."

"In the meantime, let's start making plans to set out and find Captain Equestria," Fluttershy said.

"I might be able to track them, anyone want to join me?" Logan asked.

Before anyone could offer assistance, Deadpool took the time to speak up, "Whoa, hold on there shorty. I don't think you can actually go out and find anyone."

"And what is that?" Logan asked.

"Well, you're not exactly, you know, registered on The Accords," Deadpool pointed out.

Everyone was immediately speechless, out of everyone here, Deadpool was the one to point out the rules.

"Uh, since when did Deadpool become a voice of rationality?" Twilight asked.

"Is it that hard to believe? I do have a family now Twilight, I kind of have to be responsible once in a while," Deadpool said.

"I don't disagree, I'm just surprised you managed to come to that realization on your own," Twilight said. "I mean, you're usually so carefree, I don't think anyone expected you to take your role in The Accords seriously," Twilight said.

"Well, we all gotta grow up at some point," Deadpool said. "This is my chance to prove that I can be just as much of a hero as Spidey, Torch and even Iron Man himself," Deadpool said.

"Wade's really been taking his new role seriously," Pinkie said. "Being a father really opened his eyes."

"I'm still kind of speechless, this world really is full of surprises," Scott said.

"Point is that Logan, you can help track down Cap and the others, but you gotta sign on with The Accords first, this could be your chance, we could use a guy like you," Deadpool said, then turned to Scott. "Offer's open to you too Ant Man."

"I ain't joining The Accords, I don't trust Stark or his rules," Logan said.

"It's a shame to hear you say that Timber-Wolverine," Bon Bon said, finally speaking up. "Regardless of what you may think, he would trust you to keep our world safe."

"The Accords will always say otherwise. Fact is that he's creating this false sense of security for Equestria out of belief that control equals safety. Well it doesn't, even things disguised as good turn out to be more trouble than it's worth," Logan said, this statement somehow catching Peter's attention. "He wants others to trust him? Let him earn that trust first.”

"Sounds like you have some deep issues," Bon Bon said. “Not very professional Timber-Wolverine.”

"What are you, a therapist?" Logan said. "Also, would ponies please drop the 'Timber' from my name? It don't roll off the tongue well, and it's unnecessary."

"That reminds me, what do ponies call me?" Scott asked. 'Ant Mane? Ant Stallion? Ant Pony?"

“Do I have a pony name?” Firestar wondered.

"It doesn't matter if you're not signed with The Accords, you might as well just be plain Scott," Bon Bon said. "Like Deadpool said, only those signed on The Accords may join in this pursuit of Captain Equestria. Moral support is fine, but that's where it ends."

"So I can't find my brother unless I'm part of The Accords?" Susan asked. "Is that what you're telling me?"

"I understand your frustration Mrs. Richards, but rules are rules," Bon Bon said.

"Of all the nerve..." Susan said, frustration seeping in.

"Don't worry Sue, I'll personally go out and find Johnny," Rainbow Dash said. "I mean, I gotta be off probation by now, Stark, Luna, Danvers and Spitfire need all the help they can get."

"It's honestly ridiculous that you had to be placed on probation in the first place, all because you did your job as a hero," Susan said.

"Let's not delve into this again, it's just going to cause more grief," Peter said. "And as much as I hate to do this, I do have to enforce rules of The Accords.”

Susan groaned in annoyance, "This is nonsense, I'm going to have a word with Reed about this."

"He should be at home with Doc, I can take you there," Derpy said.

"Please do," Susan said, storming off with Derpy. "I really hate these Accords."

Trixie sighed in disappointment, "What a shame, our friends are out there, seen as villains to an extent, and there is so little we can do to help them."

"There's plenty we can do within The Accords, so long as ponies actually have faith in them," Bon Bon said.

"Are you even signed on The Accords?" Gilda asked.

"Yes, me and the Agents of S.M. I.L.E." Bon Bon explained. "Which, is technically classified information, I trust I don't have to worry about you blowing my cover."

"I believe everyone here can be trusted Bon Bon," Peter said. "Or, would you prefer Sweetie Drops?"

"Call me what you want, just be sure everyone knows the rules of this game," Bon Bon said. "Like Deadpool, I have a family to think about as well, of course now Lyra wants to join Tony's Equestria Avengers Division."

"Lyra wants to be an Avenger?" Twilight asked. "I never would have expected that."

"Well there's a lot of things you can learn about Lyra, if you bothered to remain in contact with her," Bon Bon said.

"Huh?" Twilight replied. "Remain in contact?"

"You and Lyra were foalhood friends right?" Bon Bon asked. "Before Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Applejack, you had Moon Dancer, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, Minuette and Lyra. Amazing how little contact you have with your childhood friends while holding the five you made here in high regard, and now one of them is considered a traitor to Equestria."

A brief but somber silence fell over everyone present, Peter being the first to speak up on his wife's behalf, "Being a little unfair, I mean Twilight does see her friends, including Lyra, she's just been really busy as of late."

"Not too busy for her Ponyville friends though. I can understand Twilight not being able to see Moon Dancer since she lives in Canterlot, but Lyra lives in Ponyville, what excuse is there on that?" Bon Bon asked. "Peter, even you've spent more time with Lyra than Twilight has, maybe not as much lately but your first few months, she was practically one of your closest friends, she and Octavia were very fond of you. But she can't even get that from a foalhood friend?"

"It's not that I don't care about Lyra, she's more than welcome to come see me at home or the school," Twilight said.

"Yeah, I mean we both made it to your wedding," Peter said.

"A wedding that Twilight was barely involved in, she wasn't even a Bridesmaid, Minuette was more supportive while Twilight stayed with her Ponyville friends. Given the weddings she helped plan for them, the least she could have done was give my wife the same treatment. If that's too much, at least a proper toast," Bon Bon said. This really stuck with Twilight, she hadn’t really thought about how her relationship with Lyra had barely evolved despite how long she knew her.

"Any reason this is being brought up now? Kind of in the middle of an emergency," Trixie said.

"Very well, I'll let Twilight get back to her friend, the one she cares about enough to maintain contact with," Bon Bon said, making her way to the door. "You know Twilight, Lyra doesn't say it much, but she really misses when you two were closer."

With an abrupt exit, Twilight sadly sighed in disappointment, wondering if she's hurt yet another old friend without realizing it. Many in the room weren't sure how to respond, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie feeling the most awkward. They contemplated speaking up, but didn't out of fear of making things worse for Twilight, yet they each felt annoyed by Bon Bon's rant and did want to drag her back in and make her apologize for her remarks.

"Listen, we still have a lot to figure out, maybe I'll call each of you later and we'll figure out how to reach out to our friends," Peter said.

"Yeah, sure thing," Gilda said. "Come on Dash, maybe we can fly over to The Wonderbolts Academy, see if we can convince Spitfire to lift your probation."

"If that's even possible," Rainbow Dash joked.

"I can be quite persuasive when I need to be," Gilda said, stretching her talons. "I mean seriously, Johnny's your husband, you damn well have the right to bring him home yourself if you need to."

Rainbow Dash tapped her chin, grinning somewhat sinisterly, "I do have the right to bring him home, don't I?"

"You planning something Dash?" Gilda asked.

"Come on G, I have a lot to fill you in on," Rainbow Dash said as the duo made their way out of the house.

"Looks like our Dashie is eager about something," Peter said.

"We should go too," Fluttershy said. "Ready Logan?"

"Sure," Logan said, then turned to Peter. "Good luck on yer mission."

"Thanks, and I know you want to help, and I wish I could give you the authority to, but I can't do that, so I have to trust that you know what that means," Peter said.

"Huh?" Logan replied, Peter's tone seemed a bit unusual.

"I can't tell you to, go find Johnny, that's the rules, I can't give you that permission," Peter said, his tone showing signs of hints. "But if you wish to find peace with that decision, maybe go out for a bit, travel, get some fresh air, who knows what you may find."

It took Logan a second, but he seemed to have an idea of what Peter was saying, "Guess yer right Peter, maybe I'll take you up upon that offer."

"Take this," Peter said, handing a radio to Logan. "I have a spare, contact me if you find anything interesting, maybe I can check it out myself later when I have the time, I may do some traveling myself."

"Can do," Logan said.

"Family trips help too," Peter said, gesturing to Fluttershy. "Why go alone when you have a lovely wife by your side, unless you think she's not up to travel."

"I'll leave that up to her," Logan said, glancing at his wife, winking at her while flashing a coy smirk.

"Huh?" Fluttershy seemed so confused.

"Talk later, let's go," Logan said, leading his wife outside.

Deadpool seemed a bit suspicious by this recent banter, something told him to keep an eye out for anything suspicious.

"Keep an eye out for anything suspicious," a voice said.

"Yeah, I think I got that from the narrative," Deadpool said, then pulled Pinkie Pie to his side. "Well I should go too, unless there's something more you need to say there web-head."

"Not right now, I'll keep looking over the map and see if there's anything more I can find to help us out," Peter said. "Keep your radios on."

"Sure thing, Spidey," Deadpool said, trotting off with Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, am I missing something?" Pinkie asked.

"Tell you when we get off-screen," Deadpool said, taking his exit from the library.

"I'm going back on Patrol," Firestar said.

"And I'm going back home," Scott said.

"I'll call you later Angel, and Scott, offer is always there if you do decide to join The Accords," Peter said. "Unless you can think of other ways to help, I can't ask you to find Cap but you can make choices on your own."

"Uh, sure, alright," Scott said, making his exit, Firestar leaving as well.

"Janet, why don't you and Spike return to The Dragon Lands for the time being?" Peter asked.

"Sure, let me just check on Hope first," Janet said, making her way to Aunt May's room where her daughter was being babysat.

"Should I leave too?" Autumn Blaze asked.

"Why don't you go to the School of Friendship with Starlight and Trixie, they could use an extra helper," Peter said.

"We can?" Trixie asked.

"Oh! That sounds amazing! What can I do there?" Autumn Blaze asked.

"Starlight can think of something," Peter said, turning to the mare. "Right Star?"

"Uh, right," Starlight said, not sure what Peter expected, but she was not gonna let him down. "Let's go girls."

"Lead the way!" Autumn Blaze said, following Starlight with an annoyed Trixie joining them.

"Peter, are we really going to call Applejack and the others, 'traitors'?" Spike asked.

"Well, I'm not, because they aren't," Peter said. "They're still our friends, we need to have faith in them and hope we can resolve this issue."

"True friends would not abandon others in their time of need after all," Twilight said.

"Yeah, you got it," Spike said. "We'll stick with them until the end."

Janet came back down with Hope, the hero getting her husband's attention, "Alright Spike, we're heading off. Say bye to Hope."

Spike took his daughter in his arms, planting a kiss on her cheek, "Bye Hope, behave for Uncle Peter and Auntie Twilight."

"Bye-bye daddy," Hope said as Spike handed her to Twilight.

"Let's fly," Janet said, taking her Breezie form as she and Spike flew off, enroute to the Dragon Lands.

"That just leaves us," Twilight said. "What should we do now?"

"Wait until we hear any notification about Cap, Johnny, AJ and the others," Peter said. "I just hope whatever this is can be resolved easily, but something tells me we're gonna go through a bit of trouble in the process."

"Unfortunately you may be right," Twilight said, looking down at her niece. "Hey sweetheart, do you want to go back to Aunt May?"

"I want to play with Benjy too," Hope said.

"Well you know where to find him, go tell Aunt May," Twilight said, sending her little niece off.

"Spike and Janet have one cute daughter," Peter said.

"They hinted at wanting more kids," Twilight said. "More little nieces or nephews running around."

"Think we should have more kids?" Peter asked.

"Give it time, I need a break from being pregnant," Twilight said. "It's very exhausting."

"I can only imagine," Peter said. "So glad I'm a guy, and not a seahorse."

Twilight giggled a bit at Peter's response, "Nothing like a little science humor."

"Perfect calculation for fun," Peter said, getting a slight chuckle from them both.

Despite her good mood, Twilight slowly felt hints of disappointment, "Peter, do you think I'm a lousy friend?"

"Is this about Bon Bon?" Peter asked.

"Harsh as it was, she had a point, I rarely see my friends from Canterlot," Twilight said. "I haven't even talked to Lyra in forever, ask her how her marriage is, if she's planning on being a mom, if she needs help with that."

"I can stay out of that last one, right?" Peter said.

Twilight giggled at Peter's response, "I guess I can take added comfort that you have no interest in being with another mare." "One less pony to feel resentment toward." Twilight's eyes widened in shock, "Wait, where did that come from?"

"I like Lyra, but not to that extent," Peter said. "Still though, I don't think you're a bad friend, at least you care about your friends in Canterlot, plus didn't you and Moon Dancer make peace?"

"Yeah, but not a lot has changed," Twilight said. "I visit only once in a while."

"It's still something, you keep in touch with your childhood friends better than I do," Peter said.

"Your childhood friends are on Earth," Twilight said. "You have even more of an excuse. Me, once I moved to Ponyville, I hardly noticed my old friends, it's like the ones I made here just became my entire world."

"That reminds me, you came here because Celestia told you to make friends," Peter said. "Why would she do that if you already had friends? If Celestia was worried, shouldn't she have asked you to rekindle your old bond?"

Twilight was about to answer, though she needed a second to think, "I never thought of that, I barely thought about my Canterlot friends much when I came to Ponyville. Of course Celestia did want me to have friends so we could use The Elements of Harmony, maybe she didn't think my Canterlot friends couldn’t use them or something."

"Why wouldn’t they?" Peter said. "I mean, they're really nice ponies, I think they could have used The Elements if they wanted to. I hope Celestia didn’t just deem them unworthy or something.”

"I don’t think she would think that, it was something else probably,” Twilight insisted. "I always believed that destiny allowed us to be friends because we were supposed to, at least that might be how Celestia saw it, she believes that all of us have a purpose in life."

"Still, it did seem like she threw you into The Lion's Den and expected you to figure things out on your own despite the danger, just to make friends you technically already had," Peter said. "Actually she did something questionable twice, the second time being King Sombra."

"I suppose she did," Twilight said. "I just figured it meant she had trust in me."

"Celestia's a nice lady, I don't think she would have intentionally done something that could have gotten you hurt, but she has made a few odd choices,” Peter said. “I mean I still can't imagine why she hired Felicia as her personal agent.”

"That I don't get either," Twilight said. "All that did was cause a lack of faith since Felicia ruined a mission you and Luna went on, she basically got half of Las Pegasus destroyed."

"I take fault in that too, I couldn't stop Celaeno, but to your point, Felicia got too comfortable with Celestia, now she's out there with ponies and heroes dubbed as 'traitors'," Peter said. "What really sucks is that Celestia completely lost control over this whole Accords things, I mean where has she been lately?"

"Tony said she's on vacation, not sure where," Twilight said.

"Is she there because Tony encouraged her? Or because she didn’t want to deal with things?" Peter asked. "Regardless of the answer, I feel like Celestia should be doing something in this situation rather than kicking her hooves back.”

Twilight furrowed her brow, not appreciating that crack at her mentor, "Celestia works really hard Peter, she had to run the country for a thousand years on her own, I think you're being a bit harsh."

"I don't mean to be, but I do have to call things how I see them," Peter said. "Celestia is not a terrible ruler, but she's not great either. She gets too nervous when it comes to trying new things, any time I show her something Mayday and I invented, she's usually hesitant and reluctant to allow it in Equestria. I mean, come on, what's wrong with phones? Or a lot of human appliances? I know some of it is dangerous, like the time I suggested cars, but Equestria can benefit from a lot of human stuff. I just hate when my daughter works hard on something and it gets rejected, then I have to make up some reason it got rejected."

"Well she might be changing her mind given the Patroller Robots," Twilight said. "That's progress."

"Wonder how Tony convinced her of that?" Peter said. "Still, then there's the issues with The Portals, like would she really start banishing heroes the moment things get bad? Even before The Accords we did a good job of keeping Equestria safe, or minimizing damage, honestly, things got worse then Tony tried controlling things too much."

"Peter what are you even saying?" Twilight asked. "Are you against The Accords now?"

"I just really want them to get reworked, things clearly aren't working out," Peter said. "Logan was right about a lot of things. Tony's making mistakes, Spitfire's getting carried away with her power, Luna is...I can't even figure her out, and now we have Carol throwing her weight around and Celestia basically left her post for us to figure out. I'm honestly kind of frustrated Twilight, and I need things to change, and they need to change now."

"Well, how would you go about it?" Twilight asked.

"For now, the most important thing is finding Cap, and then getting both sides to work their issues out," Peter said. "I do agree with Tony's vision to an extent, but his execution is off. I'll stick by him for the time being, but at this point, I don't think I'm fully on board with The Accords as much as I used to be.”

That was a heavy statement from Peter, something that took Twilight by surprise. To think he went from being an avid supporter of Tony to being a doubter. Twilight wasn't sure what to think herself, she wanted to believe in The Accords, but hearing Peter's faith being shaken did hurt her resolve a bit as well.

"Well, hopefully your plan can work," Twilight said. "I want things resolved too, I don't want our friends fighting each other. Maybe once this is resolved, I can try making further amends with my Canterlot friends, including Lyra.”

“Did Celestia even know about them?” Peter asked.

“She should have, we all went to the same school,” Twilight said. “But she probably knew I wasn’t speaking with them much at one point.”

“Why didn’t she ask you to fix that?” Peter asked. “I’m still trying to figure out this whole Friendship thing.”

“Well, it’s possible she didn’t think our friendship was working out, and she thought I needed friends with better chemistry,” Twilight said.

“Huh? That’s a weird way to put it, I mean not all Friendship Chemistry is the same, some people just express Friendship differently,” Peter said. "Thinking about it, has Celestia ever forced you into a social position where you weren't comfortable?"

"Huh? What does that mean?" Twilight asked.

"I've been thinking since yesterday, about Sandbar and his friends," Peter said. "And the things they've said to Mayday."

"What about it?" Twilight asked.

"Mayday is clearly introverted, we both know this, we know she's not good in social situations and she never had an interest in making friends," Peter said.

"Yes, that's true," Twilight said.

"We both agreed that it's fine right? That she isn't social?" Peter asked.

"Well, to an extent, I would like for her to have friends," Twilight said. "I mean, I still think about sending her to the school, she has education covered but the school still can teach her more about Friendship."

“We’ve been over this though, the school is not enough for her. You know, why does the school even exist?" Peter said. "Like, how do you 'teach' Friendship? That's not something you're taught in a school setting, it's something that happens organically. I mean you didn't make your childhood friends because a school told you to, you did it because you found common interests."

"Wait, are you saying that you don't think my school is a good idea?" Twilight asked.

"It's great that you have a school, and the name's fine, but you can't teach this stuff in a classroom," Peter said. "This is what social groups are for, the school should have that in addition to the educational system, not be part of it. Classes about Generosity, Honesty, that's not stuff you need to teach, that's stuff everyone should know."

"Not all ponies are capable of it, especially non-ponies," Twilight said.

"Come on, I doubt non-ponies have a hard time making friends," Peter said. "That brute Garble has friends doesn't he? Silverstream's family seem friendly enough, the Changelings have gotten better thanks to Thorax. I know Griffons and Yaks are 'typically stubborn' but even then I feel like that's blown out of proportion. Yaks are friendly once you get to know them, and Rainbow Dash didn't need a friendship school to bond with Gilda. You have a great idea Twilight, but like Tony's Accords, you need to work on the execution. The School of Friendship’s main concept just doesn’t work like you hoped it would, I mean I certainly have not seen much progress on it either, all the friends I’ve seen were just either pre-existing or they bonded after school and did things their way.”

"Peter..." Twilight began, some irritation in her voice. "If that's how you felt, why didn't you say anything sooner!? Why are you bringing this up now in the middle of a crisis!?"

"Because Twilight, when Mayday told me that those kids told her she needed friends to be happy, it kind of upset me," Peter said. "When Sandbar assumed she might be happier with friends, it really bothered me. Between Celestia sending you out to make friends and Sandbar's comment, I started to get worried about the direction of Friendship in Equestria. Even Pinkie Pie to an extent has this mentality, that everyone needs a friend. I mean, I get it, it's good to have friends but what would be bad is forcing the relationship instead of letting it happen naturally, such as her throwing parties and pushing ponies together. Gilda told me about the first time she met Pinkie and how obnoxious she was being, and while Pinkie meant well and Gilda didn’t handle it properly, I did understand the frustration. It’s a borderline unhealthy mindset.”

"First off, Pinkie Pie isn't that bad when it comes to socialization, at the very least she's not forcing it on her sister Marble," Twilight said. "Second, Sandbar meant well, he's not trying to be mean to Mayday."

"He still did something he shouldn’t have," Peter said. "Look, my point is that if ponies develop this mindset and it spreads to these other nations, it could backfire. Suppose it gets to a point where if you're not social, then you're some type of weirdo? What if it leads to ponies being outcasted? What if it leads to some type of oppression?"

"Oppression!?" Twilight shouted, the princess losing her temper. "How can you say that!? I do this to make ponies happy and you're telling me it's oppression!?"

"Tony started the Accords to help and in doing so, made mistakes," Peter said. "I'm just trying to make sure this doesn't lead to similar mistakes Twilight, I don't want ponies turning against you like they might turn against Tony."

"I can't believe you, my husband of eight years is doubting me and my ability to be a Princess of Friendship!" Twilight said, fully agitated.

"That's not what I'm saying!" Peter insisted. Much as he loved Twilight, he hated when she got like this, she can be quite stubborn to talk to at times. "Twilight, let me spell it out. You, have, the, RIGHT, idea...it, just, needs, work!"

This is ridiculous, I need some air," Twilight said, marching to the door.

"Twilight wait don't-" Suddenly the door slammed, leaving Peter annoyed. Peter grumbled in annoyance, "Oh for f-" He then noticed Mayday at the corner of his eye, Franklin beside her. "Fudge sake."

"Daddy, what's going on?" Mayday asked.

"It's nothing, mommy and I are just having a bit of a disagreement," Peter said.

"Oh, um, alright..." Mayday said.

Franklin gently stroked her back, "It's gonna be fine Mayday, my mom and dad have talks like that too, mom says it's good to get the frustration out of your system, as long as it's done properly."

"Yeah, that," Peter said. "Sometimes moms and dads argue but that doesn't mean we don't love each other, I know Twilight and I know she'll come around, it's not the first time we've argued, it won't be the last. At the very least we both know our marriage is more important than a petty disagreement."

"Things will be fine May," Franklin said.

"I hope so," Mayday said. "Daddy, I'm really sorry mom got mad."

"You don't need to be sorry kid, it's not your fault," Peter said, stroking her mane.

"It is, it's because I'm different than other kids," Mayday said, tearing up a bit. "I'm sorry I'm not a normal little girl like I should be."

Peter immediately furrowed his brow at that remark, feeling some frustration return, not at his daughter, but rather for her. "Mayday, you are fine the way you are, so don't ever apologize because you're different and don't ever say you aren't 'normal'."

"But Sandbar and the others say I'm unusual because I don't have a lot of friends," Mayday said, wiping a tear from her eye. "It's not just them, sometimes Bobby says it, I overhear Uncle Johnny and Auntie Rarity say that I should have more friends, I'm just not good at it. Maybe I should go to mommy's school, so I can fit in."

"Fit in where?" Peter asked, tilting his daughter's chin up to make her face him. "There's nothing wrong with you, and if Sandbar, Bobby, Rarity or anyone else say differently, well then shame on them. No one, and I mean NO one should tell you how to be. You're a good kid, you follow the rules, you don't set out to be mean to anyone or hurt them in any way. Maybe you're not like some other kids, but that's good. Whether it's Earth or Equestria, to be yourself when others try to make you something else is a great accomplishment Mayday. Don't ever forget that."

"Alright daddy," Mayday said, cheering up a bit.

"That's my girl," Peter said, then turned to Franklin. "That applies to you as well, be yourself."

"I'll try," Franklin said.

"By the way, I really appreciate you befriending my daughter," Peter said. "I do agree that Friendship is important and great to have, but what matters is that you two became friends genuinely, and if you're the only friend my daughter makes, well, quality over quantity."

"Well, I also have Flurry Heart, don't I?" Mayday asked. "Can she count as my friend?"

"Of course, cousins totally count, it does for Apple Bloom," Peter said.

"Speaking of Apple Bloom, how is she doing?" Mayday asked.

"I haven't spoken much with her since Applejack's situation, but she's a tough girl, and she has good friends of her own by her side, family too," Peter said.

"Can't go wrong with family, they're always there for you," Mayday said.

Peter shrugged it off, "Not to be a downer, but family is not necessarily always going to be reliable, I mean thankfully I haven't experienced that but my friend Harry has, and I think my old bully Flash Thompson went through something similar."

"Oh yeah, even that demon guy Dante has issues with his brother," Mayday said. "Also during the Storm King Invasion, I think I heard Mr. Wagner mention something about his mother, and his friend Ms. Jubilee seemed worried."

"There's a reason for that, one that thankfully you won't have to experience," Peter said. "I do feel bad for Kurt though, hope he's doing alright."

At the chapel in the School of Friendship, Nightcrawler was seen praying at the Altar, trying to find his inner peace. He would not be alone long, and would soon be joined by another. "Kurt?"

Nightcrawler stopped to face the student, "Greetings Ocellus."

The Changeling girl cautiously approached the X-Men member, still unsure what to feel. "You've been busy lately, praying a lot the last couple of days."

"I suppose so, I am quite worried about our friends, I worry for Captain America, a great leader and a true hero," Nightcrawler said. "I worry for Johnny Storm and the grief this may be causing his wife and daughter. I worry for Applejack and my X-Men comrade Gambit, this being hard on The Apple Family as well. I worry for Sugar Belle, such a kind mare with a good heart. I worry for the poor man who was corrupted by the darkness, and hardly given a chance to find redemption for his actions. I also worry for those others involved in this unfortunate situation, and I pray that God will help them find the light."

"It's admirable that you care, it's what I always liked about you," Ocellus said. "You are a kind man and a true believer in your faith, and if there's one thing you've taught me, it's to always help others," Ocellus said. "Right now, I'm more concerned about you."

"There is nothing to be concerned about," Nightcrawler said. "I am doing quite well."

"You aren't though, you're hiding something, and I know what it is," Ocellus said. "I saw a glimpse of your true form."

"Perhaps you were imagining things," Nightcrawler insisted, hoping Ocellus would buy it.

"I wasn’t! I see through deception like it's second nature, because I grew up with it!" Ocellus said. "I'm a Changeling Kurt, and so are you!"

Nightcrawler groaned in frustration, trying to keep his composure, "There is nothing to discuss..."

"There is, I want to know why you kept that secret," Ocellus said. "Why wouldn't you show anyone before?"

"It's...nothing, nothing at all," Nightcrawler insisted.

"Did you just want to fit in? Is that it?" Ocellus asked. "Or do you really feel like being a Changeling is a bad thing? Am I a bad creature?"

"No, I would never say that," Nightcrawler said.

"All this time, you kept this a secret, why are you so ashamed of being a Changeling?" Ocellus asked. "Do you think the form's hideous!?"

"Ocellus, please," Nightcrawler said.

"Tell me Kurt, if you really are my friend, tell me why you tricked me!" Ocellus demanded.

"ENOUGH!" Nightcrawler shouted, a rare expression of anger on his face. "Ocellus, I like you but there are some things you should not pry into!”

Nightcrawler turned away, not wishing to face Ocellus. It wasn't long before he heard a sniffle, the mutant turning back to see a sad look on the girl's face, "All this time, you told me to not be ashamed of myself, that being a Changeling among ponies is great. Was that all a lie? Am I a bad thing? Am I a disgrace?"

Nightcrawler started to feel terrible, the last thing he wanted was for Ocellus to feel like she didn't belong, "No dear, I meant what I said. You have nothing to be ashamed of, you should be proud of yourself. It's me that is troubled, I am just ashamed of who I am."

"But...why?" Ocellus asked.

"You remember my mother, she has shapeshifting abilities, just like a Changeling," Nightcrawler turned his watch off, revealing his form in full. "When I came to this world and took the Changeling form, I felt ashamed, because I worried I would end up just like my mother. Angry at the world, and full of deceit. I guess I fulfilled that regardless, I tried hiding who I was instead of embracing it. This is not what God expects of me, he would want me to love myself as I love others. I was too weak, a disgrace," Nightcrawler wiped a tear from his eye. "I just didn't want you to feel that way, that's why I always told you to be happy with yourself, because I didn't want you feeling like me."

"Kurt..." Ocellus pitied the man before her, "I'm sorry you feel this way."

"Don't waste your sorrow, I am not worthy of it. It is I who should be sorry, for treating you so poorly, and trying to hide from my issues," Kurt said. "I have sinned, I failed to live up to God's teachings, and in turn, I deceived one whom I was supposed to educate. I am not worthy of being your Professor."

Ocellus shook her head, "Kurt, you made a mistake, you're allowed to do that. Doesn't God forgive mistakes? Won't he love you regardless of them? You always told me that God's love is limitless, that he always sees the best in others. You also taught me that when you're sorry, he forgives and forgets. Well, I forgive you for not telling me sooner, so I think God will forgive you too, he loves you just like I do. Don't you love yourself enough to forgive your own mistake?"

Nightcrawler chuckled to himself, amazed by what this young girl had to say, "You truly understand God's teachings, I feel ashamed to have forgotten myself that the Almighty one is capable of great love and forgiveness." Nightcrawler looked to Ocellus, eyes full of admiration, "Thank you, my friend."

"Of course," Ocellus said, standing beside Kurt. "If you don't mind, I'd like to join your prayer, though I don't think I'd be good at it."

"Praying comes from the heart, there isn't a right way to do it," Nightcrawler said. "But, I do welcome you to try."

Ocellus nodded her head, taking her place beside Kurt, the two deepening their bond through prayer and remaining optimistic for a better future.

Not too far away, Cozy Glow is checking through the library, trying to find any book that relates to Grogar, angrily muttering to herself, "Why do I have to look through this stuff, can't Discord just tell those villains what they need to know? He's old enough to know enough about Grogar after all, what a pain in the neck."

As she searched through the library, Sandbar had made his way inside, then overheard some muttering. He didn't fully understand what was being said but he did recognize the voice. He looked up and spotted Cozy Glow near the bottom shelf, searching through the books rather frantically.

"Hey, Cozy Glow?" Sandbar said, stepping forward, the girl still not hearing him as now he could understand some of what she was saying, mostly just her cruising the 'stupid book' she wanted to find. "Cozy Glow!"

"Ah!" Cozy Glow immediately ducked her upper body down. Moments later she turned around, looking directly behind her and seeing Sandbar.

"Sup?" Sandbar greeted. Cozy Glow looked a bit worried, like if she had gotten caught doing something wrong. "Uh, everything alright?"

Cozy Glow had to think of something, anything to break the awkward silence that would plague them in a moment. It took her a second to realize her backside was fully in the air and pointed at Sandbar, the boy noticing as well and turning away in embarrassment.

"Oh, were you staring at my butt?" Cozy Glow teased, shaking her flank a little as she propped herself up. "Naughty Sandy."

"Haha, real funny," Sandbar said, still feeling a bit embarrassed.

"Sorry, I couldn't resist," Cozy Glow said. "Still, I wouldn't mind you staring."

"Drop it," Sandbar warned.

"Oh fine, I will…" Cozy Glow teased. "Well anyway, did you need something from me?"

"Not particularly, I just happened to be passing through and saw you looking for something," Sandbar said. "Sounded like you were a bit frustrated by your search."

“Oh it’s nothing really, I was just trying to find a good book to pass the time, and something that would hold my attention,” Cozy Glow said. “But there’s nothing that’s catching my eye.”

“I can suggest a few ideas to you, wanna come to my room?” Sandbar asked.

Cozy Glow did a mock surprise gasp, “Sandy, inviting little ol’ me to your room? Where it’d be just the two of us? Oh I don’t think my heart can take such a thing.”

“Actually, Gallus will be there too,” Sandbar said, a little less than amused.

“Son of a…” Cozy muttered, then did her best to maintain her composure. “Well that’s fine, as long as he doesn’t bother us.”

“Or you can use this as a chance to get to know him, he’s a really awesome dude,” Sandbar said. “I know he’s a bit stubborn, and he runs his mouth a bit, but when it comes down to it, he’s the type of guy who has your back.”

“Sounds like you have a lot of faith in him,” Cozy Glow said.

“I have faith in all my friends,” Sandbar said. “That includes you.”

“Golly, that’s nice of you to say,” Cozy Glow said.

“You know I love you,” Sandbar said, though quickly caught himself. “In a friendly like manner.”

Cozy Glow pouted in response, not that she should be surprised, “Sandy, is there a reason you don’t like me as more than just a friend?”

“Well, you are kind of young for me, you’re still a teenager and I’m in my early 20s,” Sandbar said. “If you were a bit older then I’d think about it.”

“Well can’t you wait for me to get a bit older?” Cozy Glow asked. “Like how much older? A year? Three years? Five?”

“I mean, it’s just a crush, you had one on Rumble and you moved on, you might move on from me too,” Sandbar said. “Don’t spend your life waiting for me, just find another boy you like.”

That of course disappointed Cozy Glow, she wasn’t getting what she wanted, and it started to nag at her. “Well, what if the years go by, and I haven’t found anyone? Would you consider me then?”

“Well maybe, but there’s a good chance I might find someone,” Sandbar said. “I doubt a cute filly like you would have trouble finding a coltfriend through, that way we can both be happy with our true loves.”

“Oh yeah, totally, I think I will be happy with my true love,” Cozy Glow said, sinisterly grinning. “I just have to keep those other fillies away from my sweet Sandy, then he’ll be all mine, and no one will take him away from me.”

Meanwhile at Sweet Apple Acres, as promised Tender Taps brought most of the dance class to help on the farm. The colt himself was on the field with Big Macintosh, Bulk Biceps, Lily Valley and Pumpkin Cake, along with two newer students, Kettle Corn and Skedaddle.

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon were working as well, the former looking very reluctant to do so.

“This is lame, why am I working? I’m practically a Noble,” Diamond Tiara whined as she pulled a cart.

“Suck it up, will you? You could have turned it down,” Silver Spoon said.

“I wanted to, but if I did, no one would let me hear the end of it, plus daddy insists I help since my family and the Apples are really close,” Diamond Tiara said. “Of course I don’t see Laura Kinney or Lightning Dust anywhere around.”

“They’re probably helping Fluttershy and that husband of hers with this whole Captain Equestria situation,” Silver Spoon said.

“Knew it was a matter of time before those Earth heroes caused trouble,” Diamond Tiara said. “Thunderlane predicted this with Spider-Mane, Doctor Hooves and Bon Bon also sided with him, and that DJ pony until she changed her mind because Spider-Mane complimented her noisy music. I mean, didn’t ponies use to hate Spider-Mane too?”

“At first they didn’t trust him, seems like some still don’t but don’t wanna say anything,” Silver Spoon said. “You can’t deny that he saved the world many times, he and the other heroes. Plus doesn’t your dad work with Tony Stark?”

“Yeah you’re right, he does,” Diamond Tiara said. “So why am I stuck on this field!?”

“Because Apple Bloom needs our help, and it’s the right thing to do,” Silver Spoon said.

“It’s a pain in the flank though,” Diamond Tiara said.

“Hey! Silver Spoon! Diamond Tiara!” Sweetie Belle called. The girl was seen laying against a log alongside Dinky, Scootaloo and Apple Bloom. “This way!”

“Oh are they on break too?” Diamond Tiara muttered.

“Just go along with it Di,” Silver Spoon said as the two rich girls trotted toward the four fillies.

“Putting in some actual work, huh Diamond Tiara?” Dinky teased. “Guess you’re not some spoiled little princess.”

“Yes, I’m working, unlike you,” Diamond Tiara snapped.

“And you’re working really hard to, so take a break,” Apple Bloom said. “I’m about to get back on the field mahself. Big Mac hates when ah work but I still got plenty left in me and ah don’t want to gain too much weight during the pregnancy. Cheerilee gives me advice on how much I should exert mahself so I’ll be fine.”

“All I heard was ‘take a break’,” Diamond Tiara said, unstrapping and plopping onto the ground. “Can’t believe you do this every day.”

“Someone has to,” Apple Bloom said.

“Here you go Di,” Sweetie Belle said, using her magic to levitate some lemonade.

“You’re the best Sweetie Belle,” Diamond Tiara said, gulping it down as the unicorn girl gave some to Silver Spoon as well.

“And let me take care of this for you as well,” Sweetie Belle said, using her magic to wipe Diamond Tiara’s sweat with a towel.

“Thanks, I’m gonna need a spa day after this,” Diamond Tiara said.

“Spa day sure sounds nice, ah remember going with Rumble to the spa a couple of times,” Apple Bloom said. “Good way to relax yer muscles and work out any stress.”

“Too bad Rumble’s not here,” Scootaloo said. “He could be out in the field.”

“Yeah, seeing him using those muscles of his to buck trees and pull carts, working up a sweat, especially his mane,” Sweetie Belle said, the girl blushing a shade of pink.

“Ah know that feeling, I’ve seen it, it really gets the heart beating,” Apple Bloom said. “But he’s off being a Wonderbolt, trying to be a hero just like Peter.”

“If anyone can be as great as Peter, Rumble can,” Scootaloo said.

“Oh totally, Rumble’s talented and dreamy enough to match Peter in the perfect heroic charisma,” Sweetie Belle said.

“So who’s cuter between the two?” Dinky asked. “My money’s on Peter.”

“Same, Rumble’s nice but Peter is really cute,” Silver Spoon said.

“Rumble’s obviously cuter, I’d like a night with him” Diamond Tiara said.

“Blunt much?” Apple Bloom said. “But ah pick Rumble, we’re already dating and Peter’s more like a brother.”

“I’d pick Rumble too, Peter’s a handsome guy but Rumble just seems more my speed,” Scootaloo said. “What about you Sweetie Belle?”

“Um, hard to decide,” Sweetie Belle said. “I’d like both of them, just to live out my greatest fantasy.”

“What fantasy?” Apple Bloom asked.

“Oh…nothing,” A sneaky Sweetie said.

Not too far off, Tender Taps passed by with some apples, the colt glancing at the mares, “Hey girls, on break?”

“I’ll be out there in a sec!” Apple Bloom said.

“Take your time, pretty girls like you really should be letting tough guys like me do the work,” Tender Taps said.

“Pfft, who’s he calling ‘pretty girl’?” Scootaloo said. “I mean, I am an attractive filly, but I can put in the work.”

“He doesn’t mean anything by it, he’s just trying to be smooth,” Dinky said. “Really does seem like he tries his hardest to pick us up, especially you Apple Bloom.”

“Well he’s wasting his time, I’m already spoken for,” Apple Bloom said. “Like ah told him yesterday, I’m still dating Rumble.”

“I mean, you can still give Tender Tap a chance, not like Rumble has to know,” Diamond Tiara said.

“Don’t go and say something like that, I’m not gonna cheat on Rumble, he wouldn’t do that to me,” Apple Bloom said.

“Can you be sure?” Diamond Tiara asked. “I mean, much as I like Rumble, I can’t see colt like that resisting urges. Who knows how close he may have gotten with some other fillies, he and Wind Sprint went to the Wonderbolt Academy together, didn’t they?”

“Well yeah, but she’s just a friend,” Apple Bloom said.

“I mean, she does kind of like Rumble though,” Dinky said, getting a concerned reaction from Apple Bloom.

“Wait, she does?” Apple Bloom asked.

“You never picked that up? Since she met him she’s seemed kind of interested in him. I can’t blame her, he is cute, any other time I would have gone for him myself, but I wouldn’t do that to you,” Dinky said. “None of us would, but Wind Sprint is newer to our group. While we may be hesitant to hurt you like that, Wind Sprint may not have that restriction.”

Somehow Sweetie Belle showed signs of nervousness, as if she knew Dinky wasn’t entirely on track. Fortunately no one seemed to suspect her true feelings.

“Well…even so, Rumble would know better,” Apple Bloom said. “Plus it’s just Wind Sprint, he and her barely flew together and they’re in different towns.”

“Yeah, with another girl,” Diamond Tiara said. “What if Silverstream gets interested?”

“Silverstream? But he doesn’t really like her much, remember our rivalry with Sandbar and his friends?” Apple Bloom said.

“He did seem concerned when she got hurt the other day,” Scootaloo said. “Regardless of how he feels about Sandbar or the other ponies he’s with, he may have grown a soft spot for Silverstream.”

“Still, that’s not enough,” Apple Bloom said. “Ah trust Rumble, ah know he wouldn’t cheat. He’s a nice guy, well he has bad moments but the pros outweigh the cons. Plus remember, he wants to be like Peter, and we all know how much Peter loves Twilight.”

Again Sweetie Belle grew nervous, immediately remembering the time she, her sister and their friends were invited to see Peter’s memories, especially those revolving her future self. Seems like Apple Bloom either forgot or did not take into consideration. Of course Peter’s situation was much different, it still showed it could be possible. Sweetie Belle was older now too, and more resembled her future self, just without the skin-tight black suit, though she had to admit, she looked really good in black.

“Look, we don’t want to worry you, and we do think Rumble’s usually a great guy, but even you admitted he was a bit immature,” Scootaoo said. “Not saying he would do that, in fact I really hope he doesn’t and I want to believe he won’t.”

“Yeah, we don’t mean to worry you, it’s probably nothing too, I bet Rumble’s in Mount Aris right now thinking about how much he misses you too,” Dinky said.

“I hope so,” Apple Bloom said, standing up. “Better get to work.”

As she trotted off, Diamond Tiara flipped her mane back, “I still say she should give Tender Taps a chance, if she doesn’t like him, she dumps him. What Rumble doesn’t know won’t hurt him.”

“Do you really mean that, or do you secretly hope he does find out so he breaks up with her and you get him for yourself?” Dinky asked.

Diamond Tiara did a mock gasp, “I would never say that. The nerve of your accusation.”

“Come on, let’s not talk like this, Diamond Tiara deserves more credit than that,” Sweetie Belle said.

“Why thank you Sweetie Belle,” Diamond Tiara said, hugging the Unicorn. “You are such a good friend…oh and your fur is so soft, what shampoo do you use?”

“Something Rarity sent me from Manehattan,” Sweetie Belle said.

Diamond Tiara nuzzled against her, “You’re like a soft pillow, I could take a nap on you right now.”

“Thanks but that sounds really abrupt, so can you…” Suddenly she heard some snoring, Diamond Tiara really did fall asleep on her, making the filly feel awkward. “Are you freaking kidding me?”

“You’re like a cuddly marshmallow,” Dinky said.

“DON’T…call me that,” Sweetie Belle said. “Seriously, why does everypony call me and my sister ‘Marshmallows’?”

“I’m gonna go back out there myself, gotta get the apples ready,” Dinky said.

“Same,” Scootaloo said.

“I still got some energy to work,” Silver Spoon said. “Sweetie Belle, you stay here with Diamond.”

“Not like I can do anything else,” Sweetie Belle said, glaring down at the rich filly.

“Great, see ya,” Silver Spoon said, trotting off and leaving Sweetie Belle behind.

“What a pain,” Sweetie Belle said, looking down at Diamond Tiara. Looking around quickly, she began to hug her closer. “But, I suppose this is kind of cute, and it’s not really so bad. As long as-“

“Aw, that cute,” Came Yona’s voice, Sweetie Belle awkwardly turning to the Yak.

“Why are you here?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Came to help with Apples, make enough for Ponyville, maybe send some back home to Yakyakistan,” Yona said.

“Go talk to Big Macintosh, now go,” Sweetie Belle said, gesturing the yak away.

“Ok, me go see big pony,” Yona said, making her leave.

“She better not tell anyone or I’ll destroy her,” Sweetie Belle said, then turned back to Diamond Tiara, stroking her mane. “Well I suppose I shouldn’t be embarrassed, Di is my friend after all, and I do care about her. I just wish this was Rumble. Wonder how he feels about black suits, not that I know where I can even get one.”

Meanwhile with Rumble, the colt was at Mount Aris with Silverstream, taking in the large sight of the place, “Holy whoa.”

“Pretty cool right? This is my home,” Silverstream said.

“Wow, your home is amazing Silver,” Rumble said, taking a look around. “I really get to stay here?”

“Yeah, that’s what it means to protect it,” Silverstream said. “Of course you can go back to Cloudsdale on your breaks and stuff.”

“Yeah, totally…” Rumble said, still marveling at the sight. “This place is pretty, I would love to show my family this.”

“Oh you probably can…one day,” Silverstream said. “My aunt, the Queen, she’s a bit reluctant, which is weird because she’s friends with Princess Celestia, so I don’t see why she’s that worried, could be the Storm King or whatever, still, it’s a work in progress. You’re the first real step to Queen Novo trusting those outside our Kingdom.”

“Hope I can earn it then, but still, I feel so important now, like I’m representing ponies everywhere,” Rumble said.

“That’s how I felt in Ponyville,” Silverstream said.

“Well, we should probably check in with the Queen, hope she’s not too scary,” Rumble said.

“That depends,” a voice said, that belonging to Queen Novo. “As long as you stay on your best behavior, you have nothing to worry about.”

“Queen Novo!” Rumble shouted in surprise, then immediately bowed. “It’s an honor ma’am, I’m Rumble, Silverstream’s partner.”

“And my best friend,” Silverstream said. “One of them at least.”

“Yeah, totally her friend,” Rumble said.

“That’s good to know,” Novo said. “I hope this friendship is genuine though, I mean, my niece is a princess, and everyone wants to be friends with royalty.”

“Oh he’s used to royalty, he’s close with Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Silverstream said. “He’s super nice, I think you’ll like him.”

“Hm, super nice huh?” Novo said. “You should know Rumble, some of my subjects went to a game recently, a Buck Ball game, I trust you’re familiar with that sport.”

Rumble gulped, the boy feeling nervous, “Y-yeah?”

“You beat my niece in that game, didn’t you?” Novo said.

“I…suppose I did, yes,” Rumble said.

“It was a fun game, even if we lost,” Silverstream said. “Rumble’s a great athlete.”

“Was he also a good sport?” Novo asked.

Now Silverstream grew worried, “Uh…well, he was pretty…ok.”

“Ok huh?” Novo said.

“Look, auntie, I don’t know what you heard about that day but, it doesn’t reflect the now,” Silverstream said, placing her talon on her partner’s back. “Rumble’s my friend, and he means a lot to me. He looks out for me and he cares about me. Please, judge him now for who he is, not for what he’s done. I mean, maybe he wasn’t perfect but he didn’t do anything that bad.”

“Hm, very well, just stay on your best behavior Rumble,” Novo said. “Princess Silverstream, I’m trusting you to keep an eye on him.”

“Yes auntie,” Silverstream said.

“Yes, QUEEN,” Novo corrected.

“Right, yes Queen Novo,” Silverstream said.

“Good, now I’m off to get my pedicure,” Novo said, flying off.

“Phew,” Rumble wiped away some sweat. “Thanks Silver.”

“Nothing to it, you would have done the same for me,” Silverstream said.

“You really think that? I haven’t always been nice to you,” Rumble said.

“Like I told my aunt, that’s in the past,” Silverstream said. “You’re a good friend, and I hope one day you’ll like all my friends too.”

“That’s gonna take some work,” Rumble said. “I mean, are you sure they’re good friends? They’re not just taking advantage of your kindness?”

“You worry too much,” Silverstream said. “I know I can be a bit…ditzy, but I’d like to think I have a good judge of character. I did it with you when you seemed difficult, I knew you were nicer than you acted. Please trust my friends.”

“I’ll…do my best, but regardless, there’s always room for you in my group of friends,” Rumble said. “I really like you Silverstream.”

“Yeah…me too,” Silverstream said, hiding a blush. “Just as a friend of course.”

“Huh? Well yeah of course, I don’t like you that way,” Rumble said. “Uh, not that you aren’t pretty or anything, but I have a girlfriend and I love her a lot. Honestly, this place looks like a great place to marry her.”

“Marry?” Silverstream asked. “You’re gonna ask Apple Bloom to marry you?”

“Well, I have thought about it,” Rumble said. “I didn’t plan to do it this soon. My goal was become a Wonderbolt and Avenger, rake in success, make lots of money, then once I had enough to support her, ask Apple Bloom to marry me. But, since she’s pregnant with my child, I kind of want to do it now, that way the baby will be born to parents who are married.”

“Well, does it matter if you’re married? Being together is more important,” Silverstream said.

“I know, but I just really expected to have been a father after I got married, not before,” Rumble said. “Though I’m afraid to ask now, she might think I’m only asking because I got her pregnant.”

“She won’t think that, I mean you love each other, don’t you?” Silverstream said.

“I love her, I just hope she loves me still,” Rumble said.

“I think she does, you just have to rekindle that spark,” Silverstream said. “Tell you what, you make sure you stay on my aunt’s good side, and I can set up a date for you and Apple Bloom here, she’ll remember how much she loves you.”

“That sounds great, thanks,” Rumble said. “If this woks out, then I’ll return he favor and help you find someone, I know some guys back in Ponyville that could be a good fit, though they might be a few years younger than you.”

“As long as they’re at least older than Cozy Glow,” Silverstream said. “I think she’s about 15 or something.”

“Wow really? She looks like she’s 10, can’t believe she’s only two years younger than me” Rumble said.

“We were all surprised, she’s a bit petite for her age, isn’t she?” Silverstream said.

“She sure is,” Rumble said. “Well, anyway, we should get to patrolling. Especially with Captain Equestria going rogue, not sure if he’ll end up here.”

“Well he knows about this place, still I can’t believe he turned traitor,” Silverstream said. “Unless there’s more to it than that.”

“I can’t say, what really worries me is knowing I would have to bring in Applejack and her husband Remy, and I don’t think Apple Bloom is gonna be too happy with that,” Rumble said.

“Right…well I can handle those two, plus with your influence, maybe you can help get them out of any type of punishment,” Silverstream said.

“I don’t think I have enough influence…but Peter and Twilight do, I just have to use my connection to them to help my girlfriend’s family. That could help our relationship too! Oh this could turn out great, let’s get to planning,” Rumble said.

“Yeah! Let’s do it!” Silverstream said. “Oh, but first, can I introduce you to my brother Terramar and my cousin Skystar? I think you’ll love them!”

“Uh, sure, I guess I should get closer to your family too, and all your subjects if I want to single-hoofingly bring ponies and Hippogriffs closer,” Rumble said, following Silverstream to find her relatives.

Later on, Team Cap had finally arrived at Baltimare, and there was no time wasted in a showdown. Steve and his team were standing across from Tigra, the hero with both her Wonderbolt allies by her side.

“Seeing them up close like this, it’s actually kind of terrifying,” Pickle nervously said.

“Come on, toughen up,” Barley scolded, then faced Team Cap. “Your reign of terror has gone on long enough!”

“What reign? We haven’t really caused any trouble,” Bucky said.

“We know about your Manehattan fight! You’re going down, villains!” Barley said.

“Barley,” Johnny spoke up. “Do I look like I’m a villain? I’m the same guy who’s trained you after all.”

“And I am very disappointed in you, Equine Torch,” Barley said. “You broke my heart!”

“Enough of this,” Tigra said, then focused on her rivals. “Cap, you know as well as I do that I have to turn you in.”

“Come on Greer, you know I don’t want to fight you,” Steve said. “I just want to reason with you.”

“There’s nothing to reason with, you broke the rules, don’t make this tougher than it needs to be,” Tigra said.

“I know I broke the rules, but I had a reason to,” Steve said. “The Accords aren’t working, they’ve been flawed for so long and it’s caused more misery than satisfaction. I have to put an end to this and show Tony that this isn’t the answer, this whole hero location thing, these restrictive rules, they’re not the answer.”

“Steve, you not only broke prisoners free but you ran,” Tigra said. “Then you went to Manehatten where you engaged in a fight with Iceman and some Wonderbolts, how is this any better? You can’t mask illegal actions under your way of justice, two wrongs don’t make a right.”

“I know what I did was risky, but I had no choice,” Steve said.

“Neither do I, sorry but I was given the trust to keep this town safe,” Tigra said. “I really don’t want to fight you though, don’t make me do something I’m gonna regret later.”

“Forgive me, but I can’t surrender, not until I make things right,” Steve said.

“Then you leave us no choice,” Tigra said. “Pickle, Barley, get ready.”

“Lady, we have five times more ponies than you,” Taskmaster said. “If you ain’t joining us that’s fine, but don’t think for a second-“

“Shit, watch out!” Sam shouted as a big blur of green and purple came crashing down, creating a shockwave that knocked everyone back, some like Steve, Applejack and Sandman still standing while Johnny and Sam took to the air.

“Steve, it’s great to see you,” She-Hulk said.

“Jen?” Steve replied.

“This is where it ends, you have to stop this little adventure of yours,” She-Hulk warned. “Please, before I have to hurt you.”

“Jen don’t, we’re not the enemies!” Johnny said.

“Sorry Johnny, but rules are rules, even for friends like you,” She-Hulk said.

She immediately rushed in to attack, with Steve stepping in with his shield and blocking her punch, though the force of the blow did knock him back. Taskmaster rushed to attack with his own shield but he took a blow that knocked him against a house.

“Looks like we gotta fight,” Remy said, readying his bo staff. “Who wants some!?”

“I’ll answer that call!” Tigra said, rushing in and attacking with her claws, Remy quickly using his staff to block, and allowing Applejack to tackle her away.

“Speed formation!” The Barrel Twins flew in to kick the Apple duo, then immediately flew away from the oncoming Lizard.

Tigra shook off Applejack’s tackle, then quickly found herself blocking a strike from Black Cat.

“Ready for a cat-fight?” Felicia asked.

“Honey I’m a Tiger!” Tigra said, kicking Felicia away. In came Sam who tried going for some kicks, Tigra’s reflexes keeping him at bay.

Meanwhile She-Hulk again tried engaging with Steve, the hero fighting back with his shield. Though she held back a bit, it was still a tough situation for Steve, he had to think quick As she went for another punch, he quickly grabbed her foreleg into a judo toss position, elbowing her stomach a couple of times to weaken her, but she was able to knee his back and send him flying forward.

“I’m coming Cap!” Sugar Belle said, using her magic to ready some dirt into cupcake styled projectiles and sent them flying at She-Hulk, which did nothing. “Sometimes I really don’t know if I’m cut out for this.”

“Probably not,” She-Hulk said, stomping over. “Now you seem like a nice lady, how about you-“

In an instant, Bucky came in with a punch to She-Hulk’s face, knocking her back. He turned his attention to the baker filly, “Don’t worry, I got ya.”

“Who says I’m worried?” Sugar Belle said, blushing at the sight of The Winter Solider.

She-Hulk came right back in with another punch, Bucky blocking with his arm, but the force was stronger than he hoped and he went flying into Sugar Belle, colliding hard.

“Jen!” Johnny sent some fire balls at her but her agility allowed her to dodge out the way. He attempted to pursue but suddenly his path was blocked by newcomer. “Wind Sprint?”

“Sorry Torch, I can’t allow this to continue!” Wind Sprint went for a kick but Johnny effortlessly blocked and knocked her aside. Suddenly the two Barrel twins tried to attack but Johnny created a fire shield that stopped them in their path.

“You two are way below my league,” Johnny said. “Be good kids and surrender!”

Suddenly Wind Sprint headbutted him in the back, then all three flew around in a circle in an attempt to tornado him.

“Come on, we got this!” Barley said.

“Oh you don’t got nothing!” Johnny blasted everyone back with his fire, light enough not to cause permanent damage at least.

“I got it from here,” Sandman said, using his abilities to form a monster big enough, trying to grab the kids from the air.

“Stay out of his reach!” Wind Sprint said, trying to dodge.

Nearby Tigra was fending off Matt, the hero fighting aggressively and trying to knock Tigra off balance, though one slip up allowed her to kick him away, sending him through a nearby window.0

Applejack and Remy then rushed to attack Tigra again, the tiger lady leaping to a roof, out of their reach. She tried jumping back down to attack but Remy managed to whack her aside, the mutant lady quickly getting back on her feet.

Near her Steve was again engaging with She-Hulk, the two trying to match power. Steve leapt back once Sam flew in with another kick all the while, Stygian stayed to the side and out of the fight, but amazed by what he had seen.

“Such a display of power,” the unicorn remarked.

It was around this point that Taskmaster tried to grab Tigra from behind, the woman evading and kicking him aside. Dwayne tried for a sneak attack with an ollie kick but Tigra kicked the skateboard out the way through another window and hit Dwayne with an uppercut.

Meanwhile She-Hulk knocked Sam out the air and punched away Lizard, both hitting the walls of nearby houses. Even Babs tried to attack with a tackle, big mistake, the mare was lifted up by the tail and flung away.

Sandman managed to catch Babs and bring her to safety, then grabbed both Tigra and She-Hulk, diverting his attention away from the Wonderbolts for now, “That’s enough out of you!”

“Let them go!” Wind Sprint shouted, flying in with the twins to kick Sandman, to no affect.

Bucky quickly made his way back to Cap, helping Sugar Belle along the way, “What’s the plan now Steve? They don’t seem interested in joining us.”

“We should move on, no point in prolonging this battle,” Steve said, taking a look around. Some of the houses had some damage on them. “Damn…”

“Come on, let’s leave before things get worse,” Bucky said.

“They might,” Sugar Belle said, pointing to the distance. “Is that Ice Mane?”

Coming in was the group led by Bobby, and he did not look happy, “Cap!”

“Oh boy,” Remy said, readying his cards. “Go! I’ll keep him back!”

“I’ll help,” Sandman said, turning to fight with Remy. He rushed in to attack but Bobby completely froze him, though this left him open for Remy to toss cards and knock him off balance.

“Sugar Belle!” Night Glider flew in at her old friend but Bucky’s quick thinking allowed him to shield the mare with his metal foreleg and attack with his regular one, a punch strong enough to daze Night Glider while Felicia jumped and kicked her away.

“Come on y’all!” Applejack said, about to leave when Rarity create a shield that stopped her.

“Applejack, that’s enough!” the mare warned. “This is getting ridiculous!”

“Forgive me for this Rarity,” Applejack grabbed a nearby garbage can with her lasso and flung it at the fashionista, who quickly put her shield up to block it.

“Applejack!” Rarity shouted in frustration.

“Everyone, take cover!” Johnny said, creating a huge ball of fire. He then rolled it across the ground like a bowling ball, hitting all the opposing ponies and stunning them long enough for his team to run. “That’s a Strike!”

Johnny joined his teammates as they made their escape, Team Cap’s recruitment plan failing this time, much to Bobby’s annoyance.

“Dammit, they won’t escape that easily!” Bobby said, standing up and grabbing a radio. “Yo, Hercules, Team Cap is going further south, they might be right across from the Dragon’s Lair.”

“Very well, I shall do my part,” Hercules said, while in the middle of arm wrestling with a purple dragon named Clump, the dragon struggling despite the hero being very relaxed. “How curious, seems like Cap managed to slip past Tigra and her forces. I should let Dragon Lord Ember know.”

“Hey! Focus on me! Clump whined, desperately trying to win. Bad enough he struggled, he hated that Hercules barely put in an effort, and it showed.

“Forgive me,” Hercules said, abruptly ending the game by pinning the other arm down, knocking Clump down with him. “Well, I have a duty to return to. It is truly a shame I must track down Captain America, but, I gave my world to protect this land. Of course, I would like to see for myself why the good Captain is doing what he’s doing.”

Back in Canterlot, Tony along with Luna and Spitfire had gotten word of Steve escaping Balitmare, and they did not seem pleased.

“Steve’s really making this hard,” Tony lamented. “Even Jen couldn’t stop him, does he have too many on his side?”

“Perhaps a different strategy is needed,” Luna said. “If we know where Cap and the others are going, it shouldn’t be hard to send more Heroes and Wonderbolts to track him down.”

“Yeah, we might need to, but that might not be enough,” Tony said. “I sent that Thunderlane guy out to see if he can help, but I still need more heroes, which means calling Earth and making deals.”

“Didn’t you have trouble getting them to agree?” Luna asked.

“Well I don’t have a choice, maybe they won’t stay in Equestria but that doesn’t mean they can’t show up even for a little bit,” Tony said. “I’ll make the calls, until then, be ready to go out there.”

“Oh I’m ready sir, I’m more than ready to get things done!” Spitfire said. “I’m so ready, I can probably take Captain Equestria on myself!”

“Whoa, easy there, I like the enthusiasm, but don’t get too carried away,” Tony said. “This is still a team effort.”

“Yeah, team effort, we do this as a team! Show those maggots who they’re messing with!” Spitfire said. “No one messes with The Accords! We run Equestria!”

“Spitfire, please, compose yourself,” Luna said.

Spitfire cleared her throat, a little embarrassed, “Sorry, got too excited, but I just feel kind of invigorated like, I really can’t explain.”

“How good was your date last night?” Tony asked.

Spitfire turned away with a blush, “Pretty good, Soarin is quite the romantic guy. I mean, I’m not delicate by any means but wow, he really makes a mare feel quite special. Really should have given him a chance much sooner.”

“Why didn’t you?” Luna asked.

“He had a crush on Rainbow Dash once, and I thought I was just gonna be a rebound girl,” Spitfire said. “Boy was I wrong, I can tell he wanted me, and I kind of want him. Tony, you get what I mean, you have Pepper Potts after all.”

“You bet I do, so glad I settled down with her, she’s a great woman,” Tony said. “Of course Rhodey did help me see just how amazing…wait, Rhodey! Oh it was so obvious, he can help too! We’ll get him back in the suit, and he can help me find some others, maybe Fury can help, he’s got some good heroes, like that one girl, Daisy Johnson, she’d definitely come in handy, or that Chris Powell guy, hopefully Clint doesn’t mind a hero with a similar name to his. I gotta brainstorm, you do the same Spitfire, see if you can think of other good Wonderbolts.”

“Two words, Misty Fly,” Spitfire said. “She slipped under the radar a bit, but she’s got talent.”

“Excellent,” Tony said, then heard a radio go off. “Think that’s yours Spitfire.”

“Huh?” Spitfire answered. “Yeah, what is it?”

“Spitfire, its Fleetfoot, Rainbow Dash is here asking about her probation, and she brought a Griffon with her,” the Wonderbolt said.

“Right, she would ask,” Spitfire said. “Just lift it or whatever, we really could use more help.”

“Think she’s a good fit? I mean, this involves her husband,” Fleetfoot said.

“Something tells me that even if we don’t, she’s gonna go out there anyway,” Spitfire said. “Lift the probation, if she helps us then that’s great, if not, well at least she won’t take us by surprise.”

“What about The Griffon?” Fleetfoot asked. “What do I do with her?”

“Uh, just tell her to go home or something, unless she wants to join The Wonderbolts, actually offer her a membership, we could use another recruit,” Spitfire said.

“Eh, alright, Fleetfoot out,” the mare hung up.

Spitfire sighed in frustration, “This is troubling.”

“Worried about Rainbow Dash?” Tony asked.

“We don’t always see eye-to-eye but I do respect her skills,” Spitfire said. “She has it in her to be great but she’s too emotionally driven sometimes, so I’m tough on her to help her sort that weakness out. Maybe I’m not doing a good job, I just hope me lifting her probation is a start to building trust again.”

“Rainbow Dash is Loyal to Equestria, for the most part,” Luna said. “But, her Loyalty to her husband may be troubling.”

“I both understand that, and worry for it,” Spitfire said.

“Well, maybe this is a good thing? I mean, if Steve can see how effective this is from the outside, maybe he’ll change his mind and be more understanding,” Tony said, getting looks of confusion from the mares. “I’m just trying to be optimistic here.”

“Let’s hope he realizes before Carol makes her move, I know she’s on our side, but sometimes, she worries even me,” Spitfire said.

“Yeah, same here,” Tony said.

At the Crystal Empire, Carol is seen relaying information to Cadance, “Seems like Cap has just left Baltimare, and it heading further down south.”

“Are you going to intercept him?” Cadance asked.

“I’m trying to get something built for Tony, anyway let the other heroes try, it’ll be a good way to figure out which one is worth their cape and which one is the weakling that doesn’t belong,” Carol said.

“Isn’t that a bit harsh?” Cadance asked.

“Princess, part of being in charge is seeing what works and what doesn’t,” Carol said. “You have to understand how to make things work to your favor. Being a Princess isn’t too different from being a hero, it involves tough choices.”

“Right, tough choices,” Cadance said.

“That’s something we have to instill into the future,” Carol said, looking to the side as Kamala was seen talking with Flurry. “Your daughter needs to see the strong will of a proper Princess like yourself, just like I need to show Kamala what it means to be aa hero. To truly show what true strength means.”

“Yes, of course,” Cadance said.

“That includes showing no mercy to those who break the law, if you’re easy on the punishment, then the flaws will not cease,” Carol said. “A strong woman can make the tough choices, show your daughter what it means to be just that.”

“Yes, me and Shining Armor will do what we can to help Flurry grow into a strong individual, just like you are, and what Kamala will be,” Cadance said.

“Right, of course,” Carol said. “Where is that husband of yours?”

“Oh a new comic book came out recently and he rushed to get it, he’s really excited to show Flurry, and I think Kamala likes them too!” Cadance said. “It’s really cute actually.”

Carol groaned in annoyance, but feigned a smile, “That’s…nice. I should go now,” Carol flew off, shaking her head, “That guy sounds more like an imbecile every day.

Things continued to progress through Equestria. Janet and Spike had arrived at The Dragon Lair, ready to meet up with Ember and Hercules to discuss strategy.

Elsewhere Luke Cage, Iron Fist and Jessica Jones also prepared for the eventual arrival of Team Cap, though currently on the other side of the land, they know a meeting is inevitable, and they must brace for it.

In Manehattan, Coco Pommel is sorting through many of Tony’s materials, hoping to keep everything in tip-top shape. Tony could use some order in his life, and that includes his business. However, as she was sorting, she accidentally came across a secret button on his desk, her hoof hitting it and the room changing.

“Huh?” Coco looked around and saw the walls turn, revealing a silver metallic suit, “That must be one of Mr. Stark’s pieces of armor…” She cautiously approached it, curious by its design, “I shouldn’t but…” She gently grabbed the end placing it over her hoof as it strapped up, her eyes glowing in excitement. “Oh wow…This is…incredible…”

Elsewhere, Thunderlane was flying over Ponyville, ready to find Cap when he took curious notice of Logan and his family. “Hm, wonder where they’re going?”

Logan, joined by Fluttershy, Laura and Lightning Dust, were going East, knowing that’s where Steve was. Between him and Laura, Logan was confident they could find whom they were looking for.

“Is this really alright?” Lightning Dust asked. “What if we get caught?”

“You can go home if yer worried, I won’t make you take a risk,” Logan said.

“I’m not afraid of a risk but…I’m more worried about you three,” Lightning Dust said.

“I’m not afraid of risks either,” Laura said.

“Same, doing the right thing is more important,” Fluttreshy said.

“It shouldn’t take more than a few days, hopefully,” Logan said.

“At least The Cakes were willing to foalsit Rina, which was really nice of them,” Laura said. “Though is it me or were Deadpool and Pinkie Pie acting strange?”

“When are they not?” Lightning Dust joked as she continued to travel with her family.

They continued to march while Thunderlane kept an eye on them, unaware of another duo who seemed to be on their tail.

In Ponyville itself, Twilight had made her way back home, having taken a long time to think. Upon arrival, she spotted Peter on the Balcony, the hero with a lot on her mind. She flew up to him, getting his attention, “Peter…”

“Hey Twi…” Peter greeted. “I missed your pretty face.”

“Save the charm for now, we have a lot to discuss,” Twilight said, making her way inside with Peter following.

Outside their Dimension, Sunset was still training, this time sparring with Chun-Li while Spencer, Strider, Guile, Barret and Tifa observed.

“She’s really improved,” Guile said. “She already had some talent but this is incredible stuff.”

“Sure is,” Tifa said. “Soon we’ll be putting her to the test, seeing how well she does against martial artist of this world, and maybe some others.”

“She’s alright, but she still lacks that fighter’s instinct,” Barret said.

“Well Sunset was raised in a world of Harmony, maybe it’s harder to show that instinct,” Tifa said.

“You might be right, but, that can be a deterrent to her being a strong warrior,” Guile said. “Of course the Equestrians seemed to survive so far, even with invasions from our world and the Marvel world. So maybe it’s different for them.”

“Everyone has their own way, and I doubt The Equestrians have anything to worry about,” Spencer said. “Sunset will be just fine.”

“I will agree, she needs to show a little more aggression, it’s as if she’s afraid to go all out,” Strider said. “A mental block perhaps.”

“Wonder what that is?” Tifa said.

As Sunset and Chun-Li continued to spar, the latter raised her hand to end the fighting.

“What’s wrong?” Sunset asked.

“We’re not alone,” Chun-Li said. “And I’m not talking about the spectators.”

“Someone’s here?” Sunset asked.

Everyone else felt a little worried, almost as if they knew someone or something powerful was nearby.

“Be ready,” Strider said.

Suddenly Goku appeared nearby Chun-Li, “Yo!”

Chun-Li freaked and kicked Goku in the face, knocking him over, “What in the world!?”

“Ow!” Goku held his face in pain. “What on Earth was that for?”

“You snuck up on me! I thought you were an enemy!” Chun-Li said.

“Sorry about that,” Goku said, shaking off the pain. “Huh, you know this is the first time I’ve been to this world, and my first time seeing you as a human. Your legs are really huge!”

“Don’t make me kick you again,” Chun-Li warned. “What do you want? Is Vegeta here too? Does he want a rematch?”

“Well, no, I just came because Lord Beerus wanted to see this world,” Goku said.

“So far it’s unimpressive,” Beerus said, making his way over with Whis. “Where are the warriors Vegeta fought? Furthermore, what about the warriors you fought Goku? Couldn’t you have brought me there instead?”

“Well, I don’t think their princess wants outsiders,” Goku said, then gestured to Sunset. “Though that bacon hair girl might know if it’s alright to go to Equestria.”

“Bacon hair!?” Sunset asked, checking her hair. “It’s not bacon, what are you talking about!?”

“My, that’s an interesting nickname,” Whis quipped.

“Who the hell is this guy?” Guile asked, gesturing to Goku.

“That, is Son Goku, a powerful Saiyan Warrior,” Tifa said. “Hm, this might actually be interesting.”

“So…where’s the food?” Beerus asked.

Chun-Li raised her eyebrow in confusion, “The what?”

As this was going down, the lead up to Ragnarök was fast approaching, Thor had to be ready to protect Asgard, and would not rest until he wss fully prepared for waht was to come.