• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 1,059 Views, 187 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Civil War - Masterob

An internal battle between The Avengers and The Elements of Harmony threaten Equestria's future.

  • ...

Words to Guide

Another day had come and gone, things not looking so well for the team led by Captain America.

In the pursuit to liberate Equestria from Tony's Accords, so far Manehattan took a blow with losing two heroes, Fillydelphia, Baltimare and Griffonstone had hardly budged. No new recruits, instead more enemies made.

Cap's team were currently camping out at the edge of a forest area, the leader looking through the map and deciding his next course of action.

"Let's see, further south, across the Celestial Sea is the Dragon's Lair, that's where Hercules is stationed," Cap noted. "Beyond that there's The Kirin Grove, to my knowledge Tony's Accords haven't reached there, though it was something he was actively working on," He looked even further down "If we continue going south past the Bad Lands, we'll arrive at Mount Aris. Who was...?" Cap took a moment to recall. "Oh yeah, those two kids, Rumble and Princess Silverstream. I wonder if..."

"Hey Steve," Bucky said, getting the Captain's attention.

"Need something Bucky?" Steve replied.

"Food's ready, we're having fish," Bucky said. "Well the humans are, the ponies are sticking to some edible plants they found."

"Be there in a second," Steve said, still checking over the map.

"Steve, I know you're worried and all, but you really need to eat, not good to plan on an empty stomach," Bucky said.

"I can handle it," Steve said. "It's more important to plan our next move, Baltimare wasn't exactly a success and Jen showed that Griffonstone won't be much different. The next place we go needs to be in our favor, otherwise we'll end up outnumbered."

"Hey come on, our only enemies right now are Iceman, a bunch of Pegasus ponies, a frilly unicorn, a kitty and She-Hulk," Bucky said. "I mean, yeah, She-Hulk's actually dangerous but everyone else doesn't seem so bad."

"Iceman froze us all in an instant, he's much more powerful than most people give him credit for," Steve said. "In battle, you never underestimate an enemy, regardless of appearance."

"Even so, we got guys like you and me, plus The Human Torch and even Sandman," Bucky said. "I say our team has a bigger advantage, but I do agree with you on the underestimating part, wouldn't mind paying Iceman back for that freezing technique."

"I figured you'd like the cold, I mean, you are The Winter Solider," Steve teased. "Personally I'm glad I was freed within seconds, and not have to wait another span of decades to thaw out."

"Imagine that happened, and the next time you woke up, Alicorn Prince Tony Stark was ruling Equestria," Bucky joked.

"Alicorn Prince Tony Stark?" Steve started laughing a bit. "I honestly believe he wants to be an Alicorn, it would explain why he designed his suit to resemble one in this world."

"The guy probably wishes he was God, of course he wants to be an Alicorn," Bucky said. "Sometimes I don't get how a guy like you could be friends with a guy like him."

"Come on Bucky, we both know Tony usually has a good heart, even if recent decisions hint otherwise," Steve said. "Tony's the type of guy who puts on an act to seem tougher than he is, but deep down, I know he's better than that, I know he's better than all this. I understand why he started The Accords, it was out of guilt. There were people we couldn't save back home, ponies we couldn't save here. Tony thinks about that all the time. He knows the pain of losing loved ones."

"Like his parents, right?" Bucky asked.

"Yes, anytime he sees someone who lost a relative, he can't help but empathize and relate," Steve said. "Then came that incident years ago with The Green Goblin."

"He took your mind on a joy ride," Bucky said.

"Lucky you weren't there," Steve said.

"Wouldn't be the first time for me anyway," Bucky said.

"That happened to us not once, but twice, Tony hates knowing he was indirectly responsible for so much destruction, that even when he's in control and fails, he takes it seriously, like any hero would," Steve said. "The Accords were meant to keep ponies safe, and hopefully people, but he focused too much on the long term and didn't look at what was happening before his eyes. That's why I had to do what I did, I needed to wake him up."

"By breaking the law," Bucky said. "Not some goody two-shoes hero now, are you?"

"I never was, I am not Captain America because I follow the American Government, I follow The American Dream," Steve said. "I believe in Freedom, that's why I joined the Super Solider initiative, to maintain freedom. Not just for America, but for all places that need it. Equestria is one such place, and I will not allow it lose that freedom, nor will I stand by and allow Tony Stark to become something out of Hydra."

"Well aren't you the passionate one?" Applejack said, getting the attention of the two. "Forgive me fer intruding, when Bucky didn't come back with you, ah figured I'd come get you mahself. Dinner's gonna get cold and you really need to eat up."

"Told you," Bucky teased.

"Sorry Applejack, I just need to plan a few steps ahead so things don't go sour," Steve said. "The way I see things, going south isn't the best idea."

"Well let's go somewhere else, ah mean it's one thing to try to go to each town and convince the heroes, but maybe you should focus on the biggest hero influence," Applejack said. "Aside from you and Tony Stark, who can you talk to that can help? Who's the biggest hero registered on The Accords?"

"You really think Captain Marvel can be reasoned with?" Bucky asked.

"Ah ain't talking about prude Captain Marvel," Applejack said. "I'm talking about Peter."

"Peter?" Bucky asked. "You mean Spider-Man?"

"She's right," Steve said. "Peter has a lot of influence over the ponies, if we can reason with him, then that would give us a huge advantage."

"Exactly, Ponyville ain't too far away from here, and we'd have better luck there than going down south," Applejack said. "Ah mean, aren't Dragons further down? Ah don't think we should take a chance with them, aside from Johnny, ah don't think anyone here is fireproof."

"Those dragons can't be as bad as Fing Fang Foom, can they?" Bucky asked.

"Fing Fang Who?" Applejack asked.

"A space dragon, Tony fights him on occasion, and I think even The Guardians of the Galaxy have had a few run ins," Steve said.

"Well, point is that we're better off heading west, plus Appaloosa's not too far from here, we can meet with mah cousin Braeburn, he'll give us some temporary shelter," Applejack said.

"That would be great, but will he be comfortable with that?" Steve asked. "We are technically law-breakers."

"Oh he won't mind, for us apples, blood is thicker than applesauce," Applejack said. "Plus once Braeburn hears us out, he'll wanna help. Maybe get more apples on your side, really take it to Tony Stark.."

"So like a bunch of cowboys?" Bucky asked.

"Let's not drag too many of your relatives into this battle, I don't want to risk them getting hurt," Steve said. "Bad enough your cousin came along. I get she wants to help but-"

"Don't worry about us Apples, we're as tough as they come," Applejack said. "So, what do you say? Wanna head to Appaloosa?"

"Hm...sure, but can you answer me this one question? It's not a dealbreaker but it's imperative that I know this detail," Steve began.

"Uh, sure, what is it?" Applejack asked.

"...Does anyone there make a good Apple Pie?" Steve asked. "I wanted to check during that Buck Ball game but...things went sour."

Applejack blinked a few seconds in surprise, "Well, yeah, there should be plenty. Apple Pie is our family specialty."

"Oh good, I really like Apple Pie," Steve said. "There's nothing more American than that."

Applejack couldn't help but giggle, even the most serious heroes have their delicacies, "I'll make sure you get the plumpest pie."

"So, you got a lot of relatives in Appaloosa?" Bucky asked.

"A few, The Apples live all over Equestria," Applejack explained. "Babs came from Manehattan, where mah Aunt and Uncle Orange live too."

"Orange? Say are there any other fruits you're related to?" Bucky asked.

"That's a funny way of putting it, but in a way, yeah," Applejack said." My mah's a Pear."

"A Pear?" Bucky asked. "They are similar to apples I guess, must have really been an easy click."

"Oh no, Apples and Pears hated each other," Applejack informed.

Bucky raised his eyebrow, "Wait, really?"

"Sure do, fer years the Pears and the Apples were bitter enemies, but mah maw and paw couldn't stand being away from each other," Applejack said. "They got together despite the odds."

"Sounds like the story of Romeo and Juliet," Bucky said. "Star-crossed lovers."

"Well it's good that they got together, they deserved that happiness I'm sure, anyone does," Steve said.

"Appreciate that," Applejack said, looking up at the sky. "Sometimes I still miss them a whole lot, ah wonder what'd they think of me now, and my brother and sister, not to mention mah husband and mah own kids."

"I think they'd be happy to know their daughter's grown up so well," Steve said. "From what I've seen Applejack, you're a responsible young mare who takes good care of her younger sister and is a great wife to a great man, and a good mother to such loving kids."

"That's kind of you to say, Cap," Applejack said.

"You can call me 'Steve', we're friends after all."

"Alright, thanks Steve," Applejack said. "Now, can you please come and have dinner, ah don't like the idea of you being hungry. It's an Apple Family thing."

"If you insist, we'll be going to Appaloosa anyway, might as well get something to eat," Steve said, placing away the map and going to enjoy his dinner.

That same time, Twilight is seen tucking Mayday into bed, and the young filly wasn't alone. Also getting tucked into the same bed was Franklin, the young boy looking very worried at the moment.

"Is my uncle gonna be alright?" Franklin asked.

"Your uncle will be fine, Peter and I won't let anything happen to him," Twilight said. "Try to get some sleep, but if you need me or Peter, we're only down the hall."

"Alright Mrs. Parker-Sparkle," Franklin said.

"You can call me 'Twilight'," the mare said, rubbing the boy's mane. "Goodnight Franklin."

Twilight stepped out the room where Peter was waiting, the hero glancing back inside, "So, we're babysitting?"

"Susan went to find Johnny, and it sounds like Reed's going to be very busy himself, I figured we could watch over Franklin so he doesn't feel too lonely back home, plus I really like him, he's sweet.

"Well I'm sure Susan appreciates you looking after her son, and he is a good kid, I like how close he and Mayday have gotten," Peter said.

"She actually didn't want me to at first, she didn't really go into detail, other than him needing to learn control over his powers," Twilight said. "I stopped by Canterlot to consult with Reed and he said he was able to keep them suppressed. Curiously he asked me about Wanda Maximoff, and when I told him she stayed with us, he seemed less worried. He just says to keep him feeling safe, and he's always happy when he's with Mayday."

"What does Wanda have to do with Franklin though?" Peter asked.

"Well, she's a powerful mutant," Twilight said. "According to Susan, Franklin himself is a mutant, not just because his parents have powers, but he has the X-Gene that Logan and the X-Men have. So I guess having experience with mutants of any kind helps."

"That reminds me, we never got Mayday tested for any superhuman abilities," Peter said. "Though, she might be developing something, recently she's told me that her head kept buzzing, I'm thinking it's the Spider-Sense but I need to test it out first."

"How so?" Twilight asked, a bit worried by what Peter meant.

"I'm not gonna endanger her or anything, the Spider Sense can react to anything potentially dangerous, even something as minor as a bump to the noggin," Peter explained. "I still want to see if she can potentially develop other abilities, otherwise she's gonna wake up really confused one day."

"That reminds me, what about everyone else's kids?" Twilight asked. "Have they developed anything?"

"Nothing yet, everyone's keeping a close eye out," Peter said. "According to the X-Men, the X-Gene can develop as late as the teen years, but it's possible for them to develop sooner, such as age ten, which Franklin currently is."

"That would explain why she's worried, it's likely a recent ability," Twilight said. "Maybe you can help in some way, you're not a mutant but you did have to get used to having powers."

"I'll do what I can," Peter said. "We'll both do our best to teach him."

"Speaking of teaching, we still have to discuss the school," Twilight said.

"Yeah...I figured as much," Peter said. "I'm really sorry if I upset you."

"No, I should be sorry, I reacted very poorly," Twilight said. "I should have heard you out and not stormed off, it was childish of me, and I should know better than to let myself get emotional like that. I'm just really stressed out lately."

"You're not overworking yourself again, are you?" Peter asked.

"A little, but I have to get work done, between my Princess duties, being head mare, helping Starswirl, my plate is full," Twilight said. "I don't mind really, I like working and I enjoy my roles, I just get tired sometimes."

"Maybe you should take a break, let me and the others handle Cap and you focus on what you can do," Peter said.

"No, I need to be part of this, this involves my friends, especially Applejack," Twilight said. "I need her to be safe, not even because she's an Element, but because she's my friend and I want to be sure she's alright. Plus I promised the Richards Family I would help with Johnny, I care about him too after all."

"Well maybe let Starlight handle the school for now at least, she's done well before and I think she has a natural talent for it," Peter said. "But we do need to address the curriculum. Now, the school is a good idea of course, the Friendship classes, not so much, but you're on the right track."

"Just tell me what you think should be done, we'll figure it out together," Twilight said.

As the two talked that night, elsewhere Logan was setting up camp with help from his family while Deadpool and Pinkie Pie observed from nearby.

"So, what should we do now?" Pinkie asked.

"We wait for the right moment to make our presence, right now Logan might be on guard, once he's relaxed then we'll go in and be like, 'Yo, what are you all up to? Defying the rules? Not cool'," Deadpool explained.

"But, should we do this? I mean they could just find Cap and then we make our move," Pinkie said. "Then we use our words to talk things over, make everyone friends again, and go back home and live happily ever after."

"Well, maybe waiting until they find Cap can work, but I make no promises on Happily Ever After, they still broke the law," Deadpool said.

"I don't want to get confrontational though," Pinkie said. "I came with you to help you resolve this peacefully."

"And we will, Pinkie, but I still need to do my job, I need Tony Stark to take me seriously," Deadpool said. "This way I'm not just the former trouble making mercenary, but an actual hero who's actually worth something."

"You're worth something to me," Pinkie said, garnering a look of admiration from Deadpool.

"I love you, so much," Deadpool said, then focused back on the task. "Alright, I'll try to compromise, but that all depends on Logan."

"That's fair enough," Pinkie said. "But I'd like to hope that things turn out well."

"We just have to wait, luckily I don't think Logan's spotted us yet," Deadpool said.

Meanwhile at the campsite, Laura is looking over to the bush that the couple were hiding near, "So how long are Deadpool and Pinkie Pie gonna wait before showing their faces?"

"Give them time," Logan said. "Plus, we still got one other guy following after us."

"Oh yeah, should I get his attention now?" Laura asked.

"Try not to hurt him," Logan said.

"I'll do my best," Laura said, jumping behind a nearby rock, where a scuffle could be heard.

"Hey! What in the world!?" came Thunderlane's voice, the Pegasus tossed and landing near Logan, with Fluttershy and Lightning Dust also being taken by surprise.

"Looks like we got a new friend," Lightning Dust commented.

Thunderlane tried standing and then felt the force of Laura landing on his back, "Start talking, why were you following us!?"

"I wasn't originally, I was trying to find Cap," Thunderlane said., groaning in pain. "Then I saw you and got curious, also you're kind of heavy."

"Oooh, never tell a girl she's heavy," Laura sinisterly stated, showing off her claws matched by her devilish grin. "It makes her mad."

"Laura please don't kill him," Logan said. "Also get off his back."

"Fine," Laura said, hopping off. "Still, he was being sneaky."

"Sorry, I wanted to say something sooner, but I wasn't sure how, I was actually rehearsing in my head on how I would do it," Thunderlane said.

"Dork," Laura said.

"Be nice," Fluttershy scolded, then focused on Thunderlane. "Did Tony Stark send you to find Cap?"

"I asked him, but only because my ex-girlfriend is with him too," Thunderlane said.

"You mean Felicia Hardy?" Laura asked. "The girl you knocked up?"

"Yes..." Thunderlane sheepishly admitted. "Which is why I need to keep an eye on her."

"Not really, she's your ex," Lightning Dust said.

"Yeah but she's the mother of my daughter, I owe it to Felicity to make sure her mom's safe, even if she's a lousy mom," Thunderlane said.

"That's very Kind of you," Fluttershy said.

"Real big of you, Black Cat's a lucky girl, even if she's not currently dating you," Lightning Dust said.

"Thanks. So, it looks like you're off to find Cap too, were you sent as well?" Thunderlane asked.

"You could say that," Logan said. "We're doing our part as well."

"So we're all on the same team," Lightning Dust said.

"Sweet, the more the merrier," Thunderlane said. "So...um, setting up camp?"

"Sure, wanna join us?" Lightning Dust asked.

"Sounds nice," Thunderlane said, taking a seat with the Howlett Family, forming something of an alliance with them.

Ponyville morning, Peter had stepped outside his home, still having a lot to figure out in regard to the Captain America situation. There was one thing he had to do today first before anything else, and that's reassure the situation to a lot of the ponies.

He first stopped by Town Hall, making his way inside to find the mayor of the town. "Hey! Mayor Mare! Are you in here!?." Peter looked around more for the oddly named Pony. "Wonder if that's even her real name. Was she born into this? Is it like the thing with The Smurfs? Like what's the deal?"

"Spider-Mane?" Mayor Mare called, this getting the hero's attention. "Oh, this is a surprise, what brings you here?"

"Hey Mayor, I need to set up a town meeting, I feel like ponies should know as much as they can regarding this situation with Captain Equestria," Peter explained.

"Oh, yes, that is a good idea, some ponies are worried, especially after what happened with Applejack and her husband," Mayor Mare said. "Those Accords rules are quite strict."

"That's less The Accords and more of Captain Marvel misusing her power over something stupid," Peter said. "How fast can you set a meeting up?"

"Give me an hour, two at max," Mayor Mare said.

"I really appreciate that," Peter said, making his exit from town hall.

"Wonder if he can also address those robots patrolling around, those things freak me out a bit," Mayor Mare admitted.

Peter sped over to Sweet Apple Acres, landing on top of a barn and overseeing the land. He spotted Big Macintosh pulling a cart. "Yo! Big Mac!"

The eldest of the Apple siblings turned his attention to the hero, "Howdy Peter, what brings you here?"

"Came to check on the farm, make sure everything's alright," Peter said.

"We're fine right now, lots of volunteers came by to make sure we stay on track," Big Macintosh said. "It's more the worry that bothers us rather than the work."

"Yeah I don't blame you," Peter said. "How's Apple Bloom been doing?"

"Great, holding it together at least," Big Macintosh said.

"How are things with her and Rumble?" Peter asked.

"Last they spoke, they cleared the air about some things, but she's expecting him to prove himself worthy of being the father to their baby," Big Macintosh said. "But she sounds like she has faith in him. Rumble's a bit troubled but mostly a good kid."

"He's just really misguided, he grew up under weird conditions," Peter said. "At least he's a Wonderbolt, a good steady job is always a great first step."

"Normally yes but these days, ah can't be so sure," Big Macintosh said.

Peter had an idea why Big Macintosh would not care much for the Wonderbolts, "Hey, we're gonna fix this situation with Applejack, she'll be back on the farm soon. You have my word."

"Ah appreciate that Peter, really do miss mah sister, Remy too," Big Macintosh said. "Apple Bloom misses them, Cheerilee does, and their kids too. Rebecca's too young to understand but Oliver knows his parents ain't around. Granny keeps him calm, but there's only so much she can do."

"How is Granny Smith holding up?" Peter asked.

"Aside from the stress of her granddaughter being on the run, not too bad," Big Macintosh said. "She's an optimistic mare, and she trusts that Applejack will be fine, especially with Remy by her side. That won't stop her from worrying of course."

"For what it's worth, she's surrounded by good folk whom she can rely on, including Johnny," Peter said.

"Right, Johnny Storm is on the run too," Big Macintosh said. "How did this even happen? Ah mean, none of them did anything really bad, did they?"

"No, nothing at all," Peter said. "That's why Cap broke them free, because they deserve Freedom."

"What does this mean for The Accords?" Big Macintosh asked.

"Hopefully some changes," Peter said. "Anyway, I have a speech to go prepare for the upcoming town meeting. Bring your family by if you want to."

"Will do," Big Macintosh said.

"Oh, and before I go, you should know that Babs was seen with Applejack," Peter said, to the surprise of Big Macintosh. "Not sure why, but it sounds like she joined with Cap and his team."

"What is that girl thinking?" Big Macintosh wondered. "Well, ah appreciate the heads up, hope she doesn't do anything too foolish."

"She'll be fine, your sister will keep her safe," Peter said. "I'm off, and remember, if you need help, you know where to find me."

Peter swung away, leaving the farm behind.

"Ah do hope Peter knows what he's doing," Big Macintosh said. "Granny's been really worried about Applejack, and so have I. At least she has Remy with her, so she ain't alone, but ah might need a word with that Tony Stark fellow about this."

"Scanning," came the robotic voice of a Patroller Robot. "Name, Big Macintosh-"

"For corn sake, don't you have anything better to do ya rickety thing?" Big Macintosh asked.

"Please do not sass the robot, thank you," the Patroller Robot said, earning a face hoof from Big Macintosh.

Peter had swung over to the School of Friendship as well, the hero taking in the sight of the entire facility. His opinion on the school did not go over so well with Twilight, and while she's calmed down from their argument the day prior, she is still a bit bothered to know of his lack of faith in the school, at least in its current standing.

"Taking in the sights Peter?" came the voice of Trixie, the mare trotting over.

"Hey Trixie, still helping out here?" Peter asked.

"As per usual, I was asked to fill in for Rainbow Dash and her Loyalty class since she's taken a leave of absence," Trixie said.

"Gee, wonder why," Peter smugly asked.

"Don't be cute. Originally, I filled in for Applejack but apparently I wasn't the 'Honest Type', because some of them can't seem to forget what happened the first time I came to Ponyville, and my so-called boasting," Trixie said. "I was putting on a show, they were the ones heckling me just for trying to be entertaining."

"Yeah, some ponies are jerks," Peter said, then remembered something. "Uh, don't tell Rainbow Dash and the others that I indirectly called them jerks."

"I won't," Trixie said. "Just hearing you insult them is enough."

Peter groaned in annoyance by Trixie's comment, but decided to let it go, "So if you're not in the Honesty Class, who is?"

"That Autumn Blaze girl, Starlight figured she'd be a good fit, teaching the students how to be honest with their emotions," Trixie said.

"Great role for Autumn," Peter said.

"Hm, interesting praise given your not so kind words about the school," Trixie said. "I'm almost amazed to know you don't care for this place."

"It's not that I don't care for it, I just think it needs work," Peter said. "I mean, Friendship is important, and it's great that Twilight is trying to spread that message across Equestria and beyond, but teaching it like a subject in school just feels silly."

"Twilight's always done this however, like when that mare Wanda Maximoff was staying with us," Trixie said. "Twilight turned the whole library into a classroom with you, me, Mayday, Scott Lang and Wanda as her students."

"Yeah, it was funny, but I feel like Twilight got the wrong message from that," Peter said. "Wanda didn't learn Friendship in a classroom setting, she learned from going outside and trying to interact with others, and more importantly, just from Twilight being kind to her. Though, even now it feels like Wanda has a lot on her mind."

"No one's seen her in months, or the Brotherhood," Trixie said. "Where could they be?"

"I'm not sure, honestly I'm not too thrilled with them being out there unsupervised," Peter said. "I know they helped us stop Magneto but...well, they were villains once. Not to say I don't believe in second chances, I think they should have a chance to prove themselves. But, Wanda was struggling with some internal issues and after what happened with her father, I don't even think she's in the right state of mind. Twilight insisted she should explore, and I agreed with her then because I trusted her judgement. While I do trust Twilight for the most part, she can be a bit naive to certain things. I worry she acts too much based on her heart than her mind."

"Pfft, that is so ironic coming from you," Trixie said. "You, the hero who always thinks with his heart, talking about how his wife, who always uses logic, is being guided more by her emotions rather than her intellect."

"Hey come on, I'm not that bad, am I?" Peter asked.

"Peter, you're the type of person to wear your heart on your shoulder, you always see the good in others and you always try to help whenever you can, I mean if it wasn't for you, I'd probably be out there doing who knows what," Trixie said. "You also gave a chance to Starlight Glimmer, a girl who in some ways, is probably as much of an emotional mess as Wanda was. Not to mention how you seem very adamant on bringing Cap and his team back, not for justice, but for their own safety. You of all ponies should understand why Twilight was thinking with her heart, because you would have done the same thing, you know deep down that Wanda's a good mare."

"Wanda has good intentions at times, and she gives it her best effort to be better than she's known to be," Peter said. "But, even I know that Wanda could potentially be a ticking time bomb. Maybe I'm wrong, I mean she does care about Twilight and I think she wants to be better, I just worry something may cause her to relapse."

"Eh, I do worry myself, not something I want to think about with this whole Captain America situation," Trixie said. "Not to mention that Martin Li pony still being out there."

Peter's eyes widened in worry, "Martin wouldn't be that foolish, would he?"

"Hope he isn't," Trixie said. "But, that should be a priority as well, don't let yourself get distracted."

"I won't, but Tony...I'm not so sure," Peter said.

"Guess the heroes will have to pull double duty," Trixie said. "Though, did you rule out the possibility that Martin may have mind-controlled Cap?"

"Not quite, that's still a possibility, but I am nearly sure that this is of Cap's free will," Peter said. "Kind of want to go out there myself and find Cap, see if I can talk some sense into him or at least understand why he's doing this."

"And you think sending Logan after him will work?" Trixie asked.

"Uh...when did I send Logan after him?" Peter sheepishly asked.

Trixie side-eyed her friend, "Peter, I could tell what you were planning. You wanted Logan to go find Cap because you believe he's one of the best options given his ability to track."

"That and the two have an amazing amount of respect for one another," Peter said, dropping the act. "Perceptive as always, aren't you Trixie?"

"I am a showmare, I do have a knack to tell when someone's putting on an act," Trixie said. "Of course your acting was a little subpar. I wouldn't be surprised if Starlight caught on as well."

"Well I'm not exactly a Broadway star, but as long as things go according to plan," Peter said. "I was hoping Scott could go as well, I don't think he got my hint though."

"Oh he did," Trixie said. "At least I think he did, I saw him leaving town last night, unless he's going on a secret vacation."

"Hey if he understood then that's great," Peter said. "Plus Sue's out looking for Cap, or rather she's out looking for Johnny, so that only increases our chance of finding him."

"Is it a good idea, sending them out there?" Trixie asked. "I mean, they're breaking the law."

"Hardly, they're just out to find friends and family, not to cause trouble," Peter said. "So, kind of a loophole if you ask me."

"Ha, ever so sneaky," Trixie said, focusing back on the school. "I am a bit worried, with Applejack on the run, Rarity in Manehattan, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy going to find Cap, there aren't too many ponies to keep this school running."

"Twilight should have substitutes," Peter said. "Derpy even offered to volunteer, but I suppose a bit more help couldn't hurt. I'll rally some volunteers."

"Did you say volunteers?" Came a voice, the two turned to see Cozy Glow, the filly putting on the cutest face possible. "Hello!"

"Oh, hi Cozy Glow, on break from class?" Peter asked.

"Sure am," Cozy Glow said. "I couldn't help but notice that you wanted some volunteers, and since I have some experience already helping Starlight, I figured I could throw my name back in the hat for some extra assistance. I'd love to keep this school up and running, it's my most favorite place in all of Equestria."

"You want to help run this school?" Peter asked. "Pardon me for pointing out the obvious, but aren't you like twelve or something?"

"I'm fifteen actually," Cozy Glow pointed out, slightly annoyed by the incorrection. "Which according to Twilight, is the same age you were when you became a superhero."

"Comparing Apples to Oranges here, being a superhero isn't exactly the same as running a school," Peter said.

"I don't know, technically this job should be a piece of cake compared to everything you had to go through," Trixie said. "Plus it's not like she's going to be Headmare or anything, she could help Starlight with the paperwork. Like she said, she's done it before."

"It doesn't even have to be just me, I can get Sandy and the others to help," Cozy Glow said.

"Sandy?" Peter asked.

"Sandbar," Trixie reminded.

"Oh right, you call him 'Sandy'," Peter said. "Still, this is a big Responsibility for the seven of you, are you even up to the task?"

"We all love this school, we'll do anything for it," Cozy Glow said.

"Well, I could ask Twilight, in the end this is more her school than mine, but I guess if you've done it before," Peter said. "Just make sure you don't slack off on whatever it is you need to be studying."

"We'll be fine, we learned Responsibility from the best possible teacher, that being you," Cozy Glow said, flashing an innocent smile.

Peter raised his eyebrow at the filly, cute as this was, part of him could detect some mischievous nature behind her words. "Well, I hope so. Twilight will probably give the 'ok' since she likes you and your friends. But stay on your absolute best behavior, and please don't misuse this opportunity. I'll be sure to let those your friends know too."

"You worry too much, we got this," Cozy Glow said.

"It's my job to worry," Peter said, then checked the time. "I have a speech to prepare for, I'll let Twilight know about your offer at home."

Peter immediately thwipped away, Cozy Glow deviously smirking in satisfaction, quickly hiding it the moment Trixie turned her attention to her. "This is exciting."

"Yes, quite," Trixie said, she herself developing some suspicion to the filly.

At Mount Aris, Rumble was seen flying over the skies, keeping an eye out for any sign of danger. He wasn't alone, many of the Hippogriff guards kept watch as well, many stationed around the city. Among them he could see Silverstream's father Sky Beak, standing firm and ready for anything.

"This place looks really well protected, makes sense why Queen Novo was hesitant to let The Accords reach here," Rumble said. "Guess Silverstream really had influence, that and this place needed help from Doctor Strange once before, so they might need it again. Still weird that I'm the only pony here, how many even come by?" He continued to look around. "Not a lot happening, but seeing the Hippogriffs certainly is interesting, they don't seem too different than ponies. They're also really friendly, especially compared to the other species of creatures. Wonder if any of them would move to Equestria, if they haven't already."

"Hey Rumble!" Called Terramar, the boy flying over.

"Terramar?" Rumble said. "Need something?"

"Just wanted to check up with you, and see what your job actually requires," Terramar said. "I don't really see many Wonderbolts, nice suit by the way."

"Oh thanks, it's skintight so it offers less wind resistance," Rumble said. "I mean, being without it helps too but Wonderbolts gotta have a signature look."

"You're new to being a Wonderbolt too, right?" Terramar asked.

"Yeah, me and your sister started around the same time," Rumble said. "Where is she anyway? She's supposed to be patrolling with me."

"She's with Skystar, I think she was coming over and then they started talking and Silverstream got distracted," Terramar said.

"Well I don't blame her, she probably missed her cousin," Rumble said. "But we have a job to do, if she doesn't take it seriously then she could lose her position. Assuming Tony Stark would take that position from a Princess, or Captain Spitfire better yet since she's the actual Captain."

"Silverstream and I were raised not to think being Royalty made us better than anyone," Terramar said. "If Tony Stark or Captain Spitfire had a problem, she's on her own in that regard."

"She is very humble, I didn't even know she was a princess at first," Rumble said.

"You knew her in Ponyville right? Were you two always friends?" Terramar asked.

Rumble began to sweat a bit, wondering how to word his response, "Uh, hasn't Silverstream told you anything?"

"Not a lot, she just said the first time you two met was in Ponyville," Terramar said. "I think she mentioned you in a letter once, she said you're brave but a bit reckless."

"I'm not reckless!" Rumble insisted. "I just...don't hesitate. I mean a moment's hesitation could spell defeat and I'd rather not take that chance."

"Uh-huh..." Terramar said, not believing him. "My dad's a member of our Royal Guard, and while it's true that hesitating too much is bad, he also insists that caution should be exercised, not act without thinking. He tells that to my sister a lot, because she tends to act on impulse."

"She did get overly excited during training," Rumble said. "I had to reign her in on occasion. But I do admire her tenacity."

"Seems like you two have that in common at least," Terramar said.

"Well anyway, I wasn't really friends with your sister too much, we just co-existed," Rumble said. "For the most part."

"Co-existed?" Terramar asked.

"She had her friends and I had mine," Rumble said. "Then came the Academy, that's where we bonded. I was her lead pony and we got along great...after getting used to her style."

"Well I'm happy you two are friends, she had some difficulty making them for a short time," Terrmar said.

"Why? She's really friendly and she's a Princess," Rumble said.

"She's also clutzy, so griffs had little patience and only put up with it because she's a Princess," Terramar said. "And any friend she might have had may have only been interested in her being a Princess, rather than liking her for who she is."

"Wow really?" Rumble asked. "Poor girl."

"You know, she actually did mention you one other time in a letter, very recently," Terramar said. "She said she's happy to have met you and made friends at the Academy. It meant a lot to her and she really appreciates you helping her be better at flying and feeling accomplished. You did a lot for her Rumble, so thank you for looking out for my sister."

"Sure, no problem," Rumble nervously said. "Why am I feeling guilty? Not like I knew she was lonely for so long. Plus she had friends so it's all good."

"My sister really seems find of you, very fond in fact," Terramar said. "How close are you exactly?"

"We're just friends," Rumble said.

"That's it? Nothing more?" Terramar asked. "Are you and her...you know...dating?"

Rumble's eyes widened in shock, "No way! I mean, sorry if that sounded rude, but I have a girlfriend back home. She's pregnant too, I'm gonna be a father."

"You're gonna be a dad!?" Terramar asked. "You look so young tough."

"Yeah, me and her...you know...got busy, and well, she got pregnant," Rumble siad. "So she's gonna be a mom in close to a year, and I'm gonna be a dad. Which is why I need to make sure this works out, I want to be a father my kid can be proud of."

"Well that's admirable, though what about your girlfriend? Is she being taken care of while you're here?" Terramar asked.

"Yeah she..." Rumble's eyes widened. "Wait, Applejack and Gambit are being pursued by The Accords right now, along with their new housekeeper Sugar Belle. Is anyone taking care of her? There's Big Mac and Miss Cheerilee, but they have their own kid, and they're busy with the Apple Fields. There's also Granny Smith, but she's old as a fossil. Dammit, why didn't I think of this sooner? I mean, I got my big assignment but I forgot this important detail! Rumble you stupid dumbass! What kind of boyfriend are you!? Apple Bloom is your Number One Priority! Peter wouldn't do this! He would make sure Twilight is taken care of! Damn it all! I gotta do something before my relationship and my reputation are both totally fu-"

"Rumble!" Terramar shouted, snapping him out of it. "Are you doing alright?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, a lot ran through my head," Rumble said. "Question, is there like a hotel or a room a pony can stay at? Just for a little bit? Like maybe ten to eleven months? Maybe a little more? Except certain weekends and holidays?"

"You want your girlfriend to live here?" Terramar asked.

"Yeah, better here than on the farm," Rumble said. "Wait, farm, she's a farmer! The Apples have a business to run! She can't live here! Oh dammit, I really do act without thinking! How many other mistakes could I have made? I'm a bad boyfriend! Probably a bad Lead Pony! And now I'm gonna be a bad father!? I can't let Apple Bloom down! But I can't leave either, this is my big break! Plus what would become of Silverstream? Would she be fine? It's my job to look after her! She's my friend and after hearing how lonely she was, I can't just-"

"Rumble! Terramar shouted. "Can you please stop zoning out!?"

"Sorry, I just...so much on my mind," Rumble said. "I really might have goofed up on so many things!"

"Hey whatever it is, we can figure it out, you just have to tell us," Terramar said. "Silverstream can help too."

"Right, she can, we're buddies after all," Rumble said. "I just need a moment to clear my head, and think-"

"RUMBLE!" came a voice.

"Gah!" Rumble shouted, turning to the radio. "Fleetfoot? Is that you?"

"Yes it's me," Fleetfoot said over the radio. "Are you in Mount Aris currently?"

"Yeah, that's my station," Rumble said.

"Good, so you're not too far away from Cap's position," Rumble said. "Tony Stark and Spitfire have an order for you two. Leave Mount Aris and pursue Captain Equestria!"

"Huh? What about guarding it?" Rumble asked.

"This is more important! Steve Rogers needs to be brought in!" Fleetfoot said.

"Hey not to question orders, but what can me or my partner do against Cap?" Rumble asked. "He's not called The First Avenger for nothing."

"Bobby Drake isn't too far off, and we alerted The Dragons too, but we need strength in numbers! Get your flank in gear, newbie!" Fleetfoot ordered before disconnecting.

"Is that your boss? She's kind of mean," Terramar said. "Even my dad's not that way with the soldiers. Is it a pony thing?"

"No, it's a Fleetfoot thing," Rumble said. "And technically she's not my boss, but she is my superior. She ranks high in the Wonderbolts, just under Soarin and Captain Spitfire herself."

"Well it sounds like you gotta go find Captain Equestria," Terramar said. "Think you can bring him in?"

"I mean it sounds like we're gonna have a lot of back-up, which includes help from dragons," Rumble said.

"To think, actual dragons helping out ponies in Equestria," Terramar said. "How did Tony Stark get some fierce creatures?"

"Most of them are kind of dumb, and once you exert more power over them, they're easy to control," Rumble said. "Only their leader and Princess Twilight's assistant seem to use their brains more than their brawn. "

"Isn't Silverstream friends with a dragon back in Ponyville?" Terrmar asked. "Think she said her name is Smolder."

"I know her, not very friendly, to me at least, luckily your sister is good at making friends with even the grouchiest of creatures," Rumble said. "Anyway, I better find Silverstream and get to flying. Fleetfoot's very impatient, if we take too long, she'll tear us each a new one."

"Hey, if you'd like, I can see if my dad can help," Terramar said. "With the combined might of the Hippogriffs and Dragons, we should be able to capture Captain Equestria."

"That's fine with me, uh...here," Rumble said, giving Terramar a radio. "Call us when you get close."

"Cool...I don't know how to use this though," Terramar said.

"Hold on," Rumble started adjusting it until the radio was at a certain frequency. "Alright, it should reach your sister's radio. Each member of The Accords gets a radio, except for Starswirl and his friends but they've been gone for like 1000 years or something and don't understand tech."

"Isn't tech new to Equestria too?" Terramar asked.

"Yeah but we're still more technically advanced than they are," Rumble said. "Not the point anyway, just contact us when you're close, or if someone tries to contact you. Do not answer them, I don't think I'm allowed to give my radio away, so I'm trusting you."

"You can count on me," Terramar said.

"Also if you see Applejack, she's an orange pony with a blonde mane and a cowpony hat and apples for a cutie mark, make sure no one hurts her, I don't want my girlfriend mad at me," Rumble said.

"We'll be as careful as possible," Terramar said as Rumble flew off in a hurry. "Things seem so complicated in Equestria."

Later in the day, ponies started gathering in the center of town, as ordered by Mayor Mare through Peter's request. Twilight was front and center, alongside Starlight, Trixie and Autumn Blaze, along with Mayday and Franklin. She couldn't help but notice that all of her immediate friends were nowhere to be found. Of course she knew that Rarity was in Manehattan, Rainbow Dash went with Gilda to find Johnny and Applejack was on the run. Fluttershy's absence could also be explained as her going somewhere with Logan, since she kind of figured out Peter's hinting words. What confused her the most was the lack of Pinkie Pie.

"Starlight, Trixie, Autumn Blaze, have any of you seen Pinkie Pie?" Twilight asked.

"She wasn't at the school," Trixie said.

"Maybe she's running late," Starlight said.

"But the Cakes are right there," Twilight gestured to Carrot and Cup Cake, along with their twin children. "Not only that, Pinkie's twins are there too." Twilight gestured to Elanor and Lil' Cheese.

"Looks like Logan's daughter is with them," Trixie said, gesturing to Rina.

"That is strange," Starlight said. "Maybe Deadpool had somewhere to be, and Pinkie Pie went with him?"

"Or...maybe Peter wasn't as discreet as he thought he was," Twilight theorized.

More of Ponville's residents continued to gather, including the family of Doctor Hooves, his wife Derpy and their stepdaughter Dinky. Also present were the wife duo of Lyra and Bon Bon, the latter speaking into a radio, likely to Tony Stark. Also present were the husband-and-wife duo of Clear Skies and Quibble Pants. Next came The Cutie Mark Crusaders, alongside Granny Smith, Big Macintosh, Cheerilee and the Apple Foals. Flitter was also present in the crowd, holding onto Felicity. Octavia and Vinyl Scratch also attended, alongside Tender Taps and the Spa Twins, Lotus and Aloe. Diamond Tiara was present with her parents Spoiled and Filthy Rich. Many students from the School of Friendship attended, especially Sandbar and his friends, plus the likes of Toola Roola and Coconut Cream, alongside teachers like Jubilee, Kurt, Kitty Pride and Hisako. Firestar was also in attendance, though keeping an eye out just in case she needed to do her duty. Plus various other Ponyville residents such as The Flower Trio, Caramel, Cherry Berry, Moon Shine, Cranky Doodle, Matilda, Petunia Paleo, Carrot Crunch, Lily Longstocks, Button Mash, Golden Harvest and Berry Punch.

Mayor Mare was first to the stand, clearing her throat as she spoke to the crowd, "Residents of Ponyville, I present to you our town hero and a Prince of Equestria, the Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Mane, Peter Parker."

Peter took the stand amiss some cheers from the ponies in the crowd, the hero bashfully waiving, "Hey everypony, how's it going?"

"You rock Peter!" Scootaloo cheered.

"Blow our minds, bro!" Vinyl cheered

"Don't keep us waiting, we're very busy," Spoiled Rich said.

"Spoiled, honey, that's a Prince," Filthy pleaded to his wife.

"It's fine, sir, I know this is a bit inconvenient for a lot of you, so I'll try to get to the point as quickly as I can," Peter said. "Now, some of you may know but just to make sure we're all on the same page. Recently there was an incident in Canterlot regarding Captain Equestria. He and a handful of other heroes had broken the rules of The Accords and are currently on the run."

"Aren't those heroes supposed to protect us?" Spoiled Rich asked.

"Yes, I must ask what is happening with these rogue heroes?" Doctor Hooves asked.

"Hey Doc, uh didn't expect you to ask, you and Reed have been working pretty closely together, making all of these...lovely robots," Peter said.

"Yes, an invention Reed and I are quite proud of," Doctor Hooves said. "But I know as much as he does right now, and he's away so I can't ask him myself."

"Well to answer your question, a few heroes had been arrested due to a violation of The Accords, I personally thought it was bogus, and apparently Captain Equestria agreed and decided to break them free of their imprisonment," Peter said.

"That was done by that no-good Captain Marvel!" Granny Smith called. "That lady had the nerve to treat mah granddaughter and mah grandson-in-law like common crooks!"

"Not only them, but that nice Sugar Belle mare also got arrested for trying to help," Cheerilee said. "That does not send a good message Peter."

"It doesn't, and believe me when I say, I will have this straightened out," Peter said. For the Apples, I promise that Applejack and Remy will be back soon, along with Sugar Belle. I do not believe any of them did anything wrong, everything Remy did was to help protect this town, because he is a true hero, and that's something he instilled onto Sugar Belle. Applejack should not have been arrested for speaking on behalf of her husband, that is a violation of free speech, which I believe is a right for all Equestrians."

"Can that be said for Johnny Storm too?" Scootaloo asked. "Is he coming back?"

"I'll get Johnny's name cleared as well, anyone involved with this I will personally speak on their behalf," Peter said.

"Peter, what about those villains?" Bon Bon said, garnering concern from some of the ponies. "I know you know about those villains that Captain Equestria break free."

"Did she say villains?" Cherry Berry asked.

"What's going on?" Caramel asked.

Peter furrowed his brow at the secret agent, taking a light sigh, "Currently there are three villains with Cap. But, as of now, none of the have caused any major damage."

"So attacking heroes doesn't count?" Bon Bon asked. "Steve Rogers and his team have gotten into combat with heroes on The Accords, both Avengers and Wonderbolts. They've even manipulated a few onto their side, I'd say that's pretty worrying."

Peter could see that some of the ponies had mixed feelings, looks of concerned etched onto their faces, "Captain Equestria is making a few questionable decisions, but-"

"Questionable?" Doctor Hooves asked. "Breaking prisoners free and attacking heroes is a bit beyond questionable, I certainly hope you aren't trying to make any excuses for them."

"Doc, what are you doing!?" Dinky muttered.

"Yeah, this is too much," Derpy said.

"I must agree with Doctor Hooves, Peter, Steve Rogers has blatantly disobeyed the rules that Tony Stark laid out, the ones you promised to follow yourself," Bon Bon said.

"Or are the rules allowed to be bent to your liking?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Sure, do what you wish, any order you hope to achieve will fall apart in minutes. For heroes trying to protect us from villains, this stuff seems a bit villainous in its own way."

"See here ma'am!" Big Mac warned. "Peter Parker is a good and honorable pony, everything he does is for our safety."

"Do you mean that? Or are you just desperate to see your sister again?" Spoiled Rich asked, earning a glare from The Apples.

"Please Spoiled, remember the Apples are our friends," Filthy Rich said.

"Yeah mom, don't upset Apple Bloom," Diamond Tiara said.

"I'm just being honest, that is an Apple Family tradition after all," Spoiled Rich said.

"Lady, there's being honest and just being a prude," Peter said. "Remember if it weren't for the Apples, you would still be Spoiled Milk!"

Nearby Firestar stifled a laugh, "Wait, was that her name before she got married?"

"She isn't entirely wrong though Peter, you can't justify what Steve Rogers has done," Bon Bon said.

"Hey I'm not saying he did things the right way, I'm just saying that I understand why he did what he did," Peter said.

"Yeah, which was break the law!" Bon Bon said. "Right now Steve Rogers is out planning who knows what, this right after he attacked heroes at Baltimare, as if Manehattan wasn't enough. Two towns Peter, attacking heroes and destroying property. How long before they end up here? Years ago a band of villains attacked this town and destroyed nearly everything, who's to say Steve Rogers won't do worse?"

"Steve Rogers is nothing like the men who did what they did to this town, he doesn't take pleasure in hurting others, that's what separates him from the villain you're trying to label him as," Peter said.

"What about that other fellow with them? The one who was the Pony of Shadows?" Doc asked.

"You mean Stygian?" Peter asked. "The evil that possessed him was defeated. I don't know why Carol arrested him too, there's a lot about Carol I don't know about, only that her time of the month is every day of the month."

"Peter! Really!?" Firestar said.

"Feels like we're missing a joke," Quibble noted.

"So where is Cap now?" Kitty asked. "Does Tony know where he is?"

"We know he was just near Baltimare, probably going further south, though that's only a guess," Peter said. "As of now, my friend Bobby, who you all know as Ice Mane, is tailing him with some Wonderbolt allies. Tony is taking every precaution possible."

"Peter! What about Black Cat!?" Flitter asked. "When are you gonna drag her useless butt back home so she can be a proper mother!?"

"Asking way too much of Felicia Hardy," Twilight said to herself, though not unheard by Starlight, Trixie, Autumn Blaze, Mayday or Franklin.

"I can't control what Felicia does, she needs to make that choice on her own," Peter said. "Hopefully she makes the right choice."

"She better," Flitter said.

"Are you seriously worried about a criminal who's negligence caused the destruction of Las Pegasus?" Bon Bon asked. "Peter, you continue to disappoint us."

"Bonnie, that's harsh," Lyra said.

"Bon Bon, regardless of what you may have heard, what happened to Las Pegasus was not solely Felicia's fault, she would never willingly hurt another person, or pony for that matter," Peter said.

"She still caused damage, accidental or not, that's cause for concern," Bon Bon said, many ponies in the crowed murmuring to one another.

Peter had to think of something before the ponies really began to worry, "Just be assured that superheroes of Earth, along with The Wonderbolts are on the job, Tony Stark keeps in constant contact with them alongside Princess Luna and Wonderbolt Captain Spitfire."

"What about Princess Celestia!?" Lily Valley asked. "What has she been doing."

"Crap, Celestia. Tony and Luna kept that a secret, they're gonna flip if they ever find out," Peter had to think of something quick.

Fortunately Twilight took the stage, diverting attention to her, "Your concerns are valid and I know there is only so much our promises can do for all of you right now. Is this a bad situation? Yes, it is, I won't deny that. Will it be resolved? That is something we are striving towards. We know it's not easy and that you are very much worried, but I do ask that you trust me and my husband to maintain the situation, because in the end, your safety will always be our top priority. Peter's worked hard to keep you safe in the past, be it from the likes of The Green Goblin, King Sombra, Albert Wesker, Sabretooth, Magneto, even recent ones like Loki, Sephiroth and The Storm King. This won't be any different, that I can promise you. There hasn't been any challenge he could not overcome, he won't stop now, and neither will I. Remember, We Got This, Together!"

"Do we really though?" Spoiled Rich asked. "Can Spider-Mane really help us?"

"Of course he can!" Apple Bloom said. "Peter cares about all of us, y'all should know that by now. He's the type to not give up until things are at peace again."

"Peter can do anything, all you all need to do is believe in him," Scootaloo said. "Even when things were tough, he always fought hard."

"After all he's done for us, it's the least you can do," Sweetie Belle said. "Believe in Spider-Mane!"

Sweetie belle continued to cheer until soon other ponies in the crowd following suit on the chant, the support eventually overflowing. Peter seemed relieved to know the ponies still believed, even if he could see that Doctor Hooves, Bon Bon, Spoiled Rich and a few other ponies with doubts on their faces. He could also see some uncertainty from Cranky Doddle, though that Donkey is hard for Peter to read at times.

"I too believe in Spider-Mane, and I believe in our future!" Mayor Mare said. "Keep on believing and he will keep us safe!"

With one final ovation, the ponies began to scatter, ready to go about their day as Peter stepped off the stage, relieved to have some order for the ponies. All he had to do now was maintain that order in some way or another.

"Nice speech Peter," Trixie said, getting the hero's attention.

"Thanks, though we both know it could have gone really bad," Peter noted.

"It could have, but it didn't," Twilight said. "Let's be grateful for that at least."

"Good thing ponies love you, huh dad?" Mayday said.

"For the most part," Peter said.

"Peter!" Sweetie Belle called, running over to hug the hero. "You did so great out there, really took charge."

"Thanks, Sweetie Belle," Peter said, taking a step back as the Crusader received a side eye from Mayday. "I appreciate your help as well. You and the girls helped keep everyone hopeful."

"It's the least we can do for ya," Apple Bloom said, making her way over with Dinky, Scootaloo, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon. "Twilight did really well too."

"Oh yeah, she really saved the day at the end," Sweetie Belle said.

"Day's not totally saved until we find Captain America," Twilight said. "Along with everyone else he's with, especially your sister, Apple Bloom."

"Not just her, sounds like Babs got mixed up in this," Apple Bloom said. "It's all so confusing though, like ah appreciate what Cap did fer mah sister, I'm just confused as to why he even did it this way."

"Right now, all we can do is guess," Peter said. "Having answers would help though."

"I'm more worried about the consequences," Starlight said.

"I haven't forgotten that, but I really don't think we have that much to worry about," Peter said. "Tony comes off as strict but he's a very reasonable man."

"Yeah, I mean, I've done some pretty not nice things, and I'm just fine here," Starlight said. "Sure I had to be placed under watch for a while, and I technically can't leave town without an escort of sorts but, hey, it's better than rotting in Canterlot's Dungeon."

"Right, like Applejack may go through that too, not allowed to leave town or something," Peter said. "Wow, that's kind of a bummer thinking about it. Especially when she didn't really do anything wrong."

"These laws are confusing," Mayday said.

"Yeah, they sure have their faults, too bad Tony Stark couldn't see that sooner, probably why Cap rebelled like he did, to teach him a lesson," Trixie said.

"Ah just care that Applejack doesn't get banished or something," Apple Bloom said. "Same with Remy, and Sugar Belle to fer that matter. She's a really nice mare, probably too soon to say but she started to feel like family."

"That stuff can happen pretty fast," Peter said.

"Well for now, Peter, maybe we should consider going to find Cap ourselves, and not just wait for others," Twilight said. "For starters though, I have to make sure the school will be fine."

"Just leave the school to Starlight, she's done well with it before, mom," Mayday said. "I really think you and daddy should focus on finding Uncle Johnny, Auntie Applejack and the rest of their team."

"Yeah, I can totally handle the school...with my new helpers..." Starlight said.

"Helpers? What helpers?" Twilight asked.

"Us helpers!" Came Cozy Glow's voice, the filly showing up with her six friends.

Mayday immediately took some steps back, hiding behind her dad with Franklin going to join her, taking her hoof in an attempt to provide comfort. Peter noticed his daughter's reaction, keeping an eye on the students to make sure this didn't get awkward.

"Cozy Glow, what's happening?" Twilight asked.

"Well, I happened to overhear Peter and Trixie saying you might need help with the School of Friendship," Cozy Glow began.

"So Cozy Glow here thought it'd be super neat to ask us to help," Gallus said.

"She kind of volunteered us," Sandbar confirmed.

"Oh...well, that's really nice of you," Twilight said. "But it's a big responsibility, and you're still students yourselves, can you handle it?"

"Hard to say, none of us expected to do this," Smolder said.

"We do our best though," Yona said.

"Plus, we'll have teachers like Kurt and Jubilee helping," Ocellus said.

"It's not even about teaching classes, it's more making sure the teachers themselves stay on top of their game," Sandbar said.

"And keeping things running smoothly," Smolder said.

"As long as you can handle it, but for the most part, leave the heavy lifting to Starlight and Trixie," Twilight said.

"And me, I'm helping too," Autumn Blaze said.

"Don't you have to go back home?" Trixie asked.

"Oh no, I can stay here as long as I'd like, and I'd love to help out Peter and Twilight," Autumn Blaze said.

"We'll make preparations soon," Peter said, though as he turned around, he remembered his daughter. "Oh wait, what about Mayday and Franklin? If you're at the school, who's watching them?"

"Your aunt, like she usually does," Trixie said.

"Aunt May's already going to have her hands full with Hope and Benjy, I don't want to overwhelm her," Peter said. "I'd ask the cakes but it looks like they have their share of kids to watch over as well."

"We can help!" Yona said.

"Oh, that would be perfect for them, wouldn't it Peter?" Twilight asked.

Peter turned to Mayday, the girl shaking her head in disagreement, "Guess it won't be."

"Mayday, don't you want these nice students watching over you?" Twilight asked, getting another head shake from Mayday. "I know you and them haven't really hit it off well, but this is your chance to make some new friends, won't that be great?"

"Twilight, they're kids in their 20s, and a teenager, not toddlers," Peter said. "Anyway if Mayday isn't comfortable then we have to move on, can't let just anyone watch over our daughter."

"Plus, we're probably not that qualified to watch over kids anyway," Sandbar said.

"Don't you have a little sister?" Twilight asked.

"It still wouldn't translate well," Sandbar said. "It's fine, really."

"I agree, your daughter seems pretty shy and she would definitely be more comfortable with someone she's familiar with," Ocellus said.

"Like us," Scootaloo said. "We in the Cutie Mark Crusaders can watch over Mayday and Franklin."

"Ah could use some extra practice watching over kids," Apple Bloom said.

"And, it would just be us assisting while your aunt handles the major stuff," Sweetie Belle said.

"That might work better, but Apple Bloom, what about your farm?" Peter asked.

'The farm will be fine, we have the extra help we need," Apple Bloom said. "And if things get bad, we won't hesitate to let you know. But remember, we Apples are not afraid of extra hard work."

"Your family's awesome. Alright, if you're fine helping out, I just gotta confirm it with Mayday," Peter looked to his daughter. "Are you alright with the Crusaders?"

Mayday had mixed feelings, while she didn't care for the Crusaders, she liked Sandbar and friends even less. Plus the Crusaders are Rumble's friends, which was an important enough detail for her. She nodded her head in approval, "Ok."

"Franklin, I trust you're fine as well," Peter said.

"If Scootaloo's as fun as Aunt Rainbow Dash, then sure," Franklin said. "I don't think my mom would mind either, especially if Dinky's there, my mom is friends with her stepmom."

"Technically she's more my adopted mom than stepmom but apples and oranges," Dinky said.

"Well if Mayday and Franklin are fine with it, then that's what we're going with," Twilight said.

"Do we get paid?" Dinky asked, getting a whack to the side from Scootaloo. "What? Fair question."

"I'll give you each five bits," Peter said.

"You don't have to pay me Peter, yer family to me. I'll do it fer free," Apple Bloom said.

"I can take her share," Dinky said, taking another whack to the side. "Ow! Quit it!"

"You're gonna leave your daughter in their care?" Gallus asked. "I can already sense the hijinks."

"Oh don't be like that Gallus, sure we're a little rowdy but we're not the same fillies we were when we were kids," Apple Bloom said. "You should have been around fer that, the things we did to earn our Cutie Marks."

"I actually know a griffon back home who's fascinated with them," Gallus said.

"Are you talking about Gabby?" Sandbar asked. "Is she still asking about Cutie Marks?"

"Yeah, it's annoying too," Gallus said. "I don't get Cutie Marks."

"It's a pony thing," Diamond Tiara said. "Not a whole lot of fan fair really."

"Excuse me!? You used to tease me, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle about them!" Scootaloo said.

"Yeah, only because having a Cutie Mark as a foal is cool, once you're an adult, it's just there," Diamond Tiara said.

Apple Bloom giggled at that response, "Only you Diamond Tiara. We still love ya."

"You better, I'm the one who's going to help you take care of your baby," Diamond Tiara said.

"We ALL are," Scootaloo pointed out.

"Well I'm going to be the baby's godmother," Diamond Tiara said.

"No! I am!" Scootaloo said.

"I thought we agreed that I'm the godmother," Sweetie Belle said.

"I should be the godmother, it's what Rumble would want," Dinky said.

"Can Yona be godmother?" Yona asked.

"NO!" Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky and Diamond Tiara shouted.

"None of you are the baby's godmother, Applejack is," Apple Bloom said, getting a groan of disappointment from her friends. "Ah do appreciate Yona's offer though."

"Yona happy to be of help," the yak girl said. "Want to be mother someday too, need find good mate."

"Well you got two nice, potential mates to consider," Autumn Blaze said, gesturing to Sandbar and Gallus, the two feeling awkward while Cozy Glow looked infuriated, the filly inching close to Sandbar.

"I'm not ready for that type of commitment," Gallus said.

"Y-yeah, me neither," Sandbar said.

"You will soon my dear, sweet Sandy, you and I are going to have the prettiest children after the most special wedding imaginable," Cozy Glow nuzzled against Sandbar's side, the stallion noticing and blushing from the contact.

"Well you can figure that out, I gotta go and check on my sister's shop," Sweetie Belle said.

"Oh! Mind if I tagged along?" Diamond Tiara asked.

"Me too, I really wanna see your sister's dresses," Silver Spoon said.

"Sure, but be careful if you want to try them on, don't get them dirty or torn," Sweetie Belle said. "Anyone else want to join?"

"Ah gotta get back to the farm," Apple Bloom said.

"Dinky and I got something to get done," Scootaloo said, Dinky nodding in agreement.

"What about you Cozy Glow?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I'm good right now," Cozy Glow said, leaning further against Sandbar.

"Shame, I bet you'd be able to find a nice dress to really look nice in, and there's a lot of pretty dresses there," Sandbar said.

Immediately Cozy was standing by Sweetie Belle's side. "Let's get going."

Gallus whispered to Sandbar, "Did you mean anything you said?"

"Well I like a girl in a pretty dress, but I like my space from Cozy Glow even more," Sandbar said. "I like her but she can be too..."

"Forward? Yeah, I've noticed," Gallus said. "Nice move getting her away from you though."

"Thanks, dude," Sandbar said, fist bumping Gallus.

Meanwhile Ocellus leaned in to whisper to Smolder, "Maybe you should ask Sweetie Belle if you could join her."

"Huh? Why would I do that?" Smolder asked.

"I think we both know why," Ocellus said, grinning smugly at the dragon girl.

"Come on..." Smolder said.

"Remember what Kurt says about being honest with yourself and loving who you are as an individual," Ocellus said. "I'll go with you if you want."

"You really think they'll let us? They don't like us remember?" Smolder said.

"If Silverstream can get Rumble to tolerate her, I think we can work with Sweetie Belle, come on," Ocellus said, leading Smolder over to the girls. "Hey, Sweetie Belle, you wouldn't mind if Smolder and I tagged along, would you?"

"Uh..." Sweetie Belle looked to Smolder, the dragon avoiding eye contact. "I can understand you wanting to come Ocellus, but Smolder? She's...what's a nice way to put it..."

"Not very girly," Diamond Tiara said, upsetting Smolder.

"That...though to be fair, neither is Scootaloo and she likes some of the dresses, even Rainbow Dash enjoys dressing up. But still, Smolder seems even more tomboyish than the two of them," Sweetie Belle said.

"I know, but I think it'll be good for her to come, and It would mean a lot, please?" Ocellus asked.

Sweetie Belle looked unsure, these were her rivals after all, but at the same time, Ocellus looked really nice, and somehow, she couldn't turn away her pleading eyes, "Sure, but make sure neither of you mess anything up, otherwise you'll feel my wrath."

"Uh, sure..." Ocellus nervously agreed. "Come on Smolder."

The dragon reluctantly followed, hoping she wasn't going to regret this.

Before the rest of the Crusaders left, Peter quickly made his way to Apple Bloom, "By the way, Susan did warn us that Franklin may have powers he's still developing."

"Oh, his X-Gene's kicking in?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Yeah, it should be, if anything weird happens, find Starlight immediately," Peter pulled out a radio. "And take this, it will reach me if you need it."

"One of them radio things?" Apple Bloom asked as she took it.

"Do you know how it works?" Peter asked.

"Sugar Belle showed me hers," Apple Bloom said. "Wait, maybe she still has her radio, you can just-"

"We already tried radioing Cap, there's no response," Peter said. "Still, call me if you need assistance, I will be back in an instant."

"Sure thing Peter," Apple Bloom said.

"Firestar's around too if you need any extra help, Twilight and I are gonna go pack and set out to find Cap," Peter explained. "Take care of yourself and your family in the meantime. Especially Oliver and Rebecca. Which reminds me, if you need to, you can bring them over to the house, same with your nephew. They can play with Benjy and Hope, but Mayday is very reluctant to talk to anyone outside her family, so try not to let them bother her, if she goes to them then that's fine."

"Ah know it's none of mah business, but is it alright that she's so anti-social?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Mayday just handles things her own way, Twilight and I do try to nudge her but when it comes to parenting, if you push too hard too fast, the kids will push back," Peter said. "It's better to plant the opportunities and let her decide for herself. That's one thing I wish Twilight taught at her school."

"Really wish ah could be in that school sometimes," Apple Bloom said.

"Eh, you don't need it, if anything that school needs you," Peter said. "You're really intelligent, maybe you can consider being a tutor, or join me in chemistry class, show off your potion skills compared to my chemicals."

"I'd love that," Apple Bloom said, then hugged the hero. "Ah won't let you down, I'll watch over yer daughter like you watched over me."

"I know you won't let me down, you're a great kid, and I'm proud of the mare you grew into," Peter said, returning the hug.

"Ah still have more growing to do though," Apple Bloom said.

"We all do," Peter replied.

Apple Bloom pulled back, taking a look around, "That reminds me, I wonder where Flitter went off to? Ah figured she could help as well, given her expertise in foalsitting."

"I'm worried myself, this situation is probably really stressful for her," Peter said.

"Daddy..." Mayday said, getting her father's attention. "Can I go back home now?"

"I can take her," Franklin said. "I think she's feeling overwhelmed."

"I'll take you both in a second," Peter said. "Where's Twilight?"

Mayday gestured to her mother talking with Gallus, Sandbar and Yona.

"I really appreciate you three offering assistance, I know the school's probably going through some changes," Twilight said.

"It's all good Professor, the subs aren't too bad, of course it's only been a couple of days," Sandbar said. "Still, we're fine."

"Just focus on finding Cap, the sooner this is resolved, the sooner things go back to normal," Gallus said.

"Indeed," Twilight briefly glanced over to her daughter. "By the way, I'm really sorry that my daughter doesn't seem too fond of you, I hope it's not a bother."

"No feather off my back," Gallus said.

"I guess we just made a bad first impression," Sandbar said. "We just thought she'd be a good fit for the school."

"She is very shy and Peter insists that home education is more important, and I can't disagree with that," Twilight said. "Maybe one day she'll grow to appreciate you. I think you're all amazing, and I'm proud of how hard you work."

"Think nothing of it, Professor," Sandbar said.

"Yeah, we like School," Yona said.

"just one concern," Gallus said. "Suppose the EEA finds out about Professor Applejack and the others, what happens then?"

Twilight was about to answer when she realized, even she didn't know how they would react to knowing one of their teachers got branded a traitor to Equestria, something told her this would give Neighsay quite the advantage if he wanted to try shutting her school down again. "I...don't know."

"Is everything alright here?" Peter asked, trotting over while Mayday stayed close behind, trying to avoid making too much eye contact with the students, Franklin gently stroking her back.

"I'm here with you," Franklin reassured, getting a nod from Mayday.

"There might be troubling matters with the school," Twilight said. "I might need to go check in with the EEA."

"What about Cap?" Peter asked.

"This is more important Peter, I don't want my school getting shut down," Twilight said.

"I know you care about the school, but Cap, Johnny and Applejack should take higher priority," Peter said. "If we don't resolve this conflict, things could get worse and the residents of Equestria and beyond may panic."

"Just...let me handle this Peter, I can't lose this school," Twilight said, immediately flying off.

"Twilight!" Peter shouted, groaning in annoyance. "Great..."

Sandbar and the others were left feeling pretty awkward, not sure what to say now. The pony of the group felt a bit brave and decided to speak up, "So...quite the dedicated teacher, huh?"

"Yeah, no doubt," Peter said. "Well, you three have an even bigger responsibility soon if you want the school to stay up."

"We got this," Sandbar said.

"Say, um, if the school didn't exist, would you seven still be friends?" Peter asked. "Just curious."

"I mean, the school brought us together, I don't think we would have met any other way," Sandbar said.

"But if you did meet another way, would you be friends?" Peter asked.

"I think we would, I mean, my friends are pretty cool," Sandbar said. "Knew the moment we started hanging out after class."

"So you became friends the old fashioned way, good to know," Peter said.

"What going on?" Yona asked. "Something wrong?"

"Don't worry your pretty little Yak face about it, Yoka," Peter said. "For now, I gotta get Mayday and Franklin home, come on kids."

Peter trotted off with the two kids closely following, leaving the three confused.

"Wonder what that was about?" Sandbar asked.

"Heh, he call Yona pretty," the Yak girl couldn't help but blush. "Peter the only spider Yona like."

"Also, his daughter was oddly quiet, normally she wouldn't shut her mouth, but because daddy's around she wouldn't dare say anything bad," Gallus said.

"Dude, don't stay that out loud, Starlight, Trixie and that Autumn girl are nearby," Sandbar said. "Also stop letting that girl get under your skin, she's eight."

"Also she cute, Yona no want to make her upset," Yona said.

"Fine, whatever you say," Gallus said. "Let's get back to Campus."

Meanwhile in the world of Capcom, Sunset continued her training, this time using a wooden stick to simulate her sword training as Spencer, Strider and Chun-Li overlooked her progress.

"What do you make of her skills Strider?" Chun-Li asked. "Has she improved?"

"Yes, quite well in fact," Strider said. "She shows the heart and determination needed to weird a weapon. She still has a lot more progress to make however."

"Dante will be pleased once he gets back from work," Chun-Li said. "Maybe this time he'll actually bring Nero along."

"I hope not, that guy's a little punk," Spencer said.

"Gotta train the next generation as Ken would say," Chun-Li said. "Dante has Nero, Chris has that Ethan guy."

"Don't get me started on that loser," Spencer said. "Like, what the hell's happening to our world? All the newbies think they're the greatest thing in the world, like what the hell have any of them accomplished. Times like these I feel like I judge Mag way too harshly, she's full of herself too but at least she works hard."

"Is this also about that Luke guy?" Chun-Li asked. "Gotta say, I saw some of his fights, and he really is no joke. Bit of a punk but he can back it up."

"He just needs someone to put him in his place," Spencer said. "Bet you could do it, or Ryu. Hell, send Dhalsim in there, bet he'd mop the floor with him. I would even cheer for Dan over that guy."

"Dan? Wow, you really don't like Luke," Chun-Li said. "I mean, neither does Dante so you're not alone."

"Damn right I'm not, that kid needs to get humbled, and I'll do it myself if I have to," Spencer said. "If things are that bad here, I can only imagine other worlds having this problem. Ever wonder what the new generation of Marvel superheroes will be like?"

"I certainly don't have to wonder," a voice said, the trio turning around and coming face to face with the Sorcerer Supreme.

"Doctor Strange?" Chun-Li asked. "What are you doing here?"

"I came because I've been sensing some strange disturbances in time and space lately," Strange said. "I know portals were opening up all over my world and this world, and that it was connected to Equestria."

"One of their villains was messing with the portals, so Princess Celestia shut it down," Chun-Li said.

"It still hasn't stopped the anomalies," Strange said. "As I was investigating, I detected more suspicious travels, involving a world I am not too familiar with. Just recently I believe this world got new visitors."

"You must be talking about Goku," Chun-Li said. "He should be nearby."

"Is that him?" Strange asked, gesturing to an oncoming Goku, the Saiyan rubbing his stomach.

"That was a great meal," Goku said, being joined by the confused and concerned group of Carlos, Guile and Cammy.

"This guy ate a meal that could feed an army," Carlos said. "Like, literally, an entire army! Of gorillas!"

"I've never seen someone eat so much," Cammy said. "Also the lack of manners. Blanka composes himself better, and he grew up in the jungle."

"Looks like Goku's coming, where are those Gods that were with him?" Chun-Li asked.

"If you're talking about Whis and Lord Beerus, they're right behind us with that girl with the ginormous boobs," Goku said.

"If you mean Tifa, then please refrain from calling her that," Chun-Li said. "It's rude."

"Girls really don't like it when you comment about their bodies," Goku said.

"You are so dense," Chun-Li said. "How did you even get married?"

"When I was a kid, Chi-Chi made me promise to marry her, so I did," Goku said. "I never break a promise."

"Wow...how romantic," Chun-Li commented.

"And I thought me and Emily had such a nice wedding proposal," Spencer sarcastically stated, subconsciously rubbing his metal arm.

"Goku! Wait up!" Tifa called, making her way over with Beerus and Whis following.

"That damn Saiyan's always in such a hurry," Beerus said.

"Are those the other Gods?" Strange asked.

"Yes, that's Beerus and Whis," Chun-Li said.

"It's 'Lord' Beerus, lady," the God replied. "Just because I'm not from your dimension doesn't mean you can address me so casually."

"Fine, LORD Beerus," Chun-Li said. "You know Thor doesn't give me this much grief."

"Thor? You mean that guy with the puny hammer?" Beerus asked. "Bring me a God who can fight with his bare hands and then I'll consider acknowledging him."

"You really don't know Thor well, do you?" Strange asked.

"Huh?" Beerus took note of Strange. "Who's this guy supposed to be?"

"I am Doctor Stephen Strange of the Marvel Universe," the Sorcerer introduced. "In my dimension, I reign as the Sorcerer Supreme."

"So, you're a magic guy?" Goku asked. "Are you strong?"

"Is that your first response to everything?" Chun-Li asked.

"I don't think we're in position to talk, we're a very competitive bunch after all," Guile said.

"Not to brag, but I am quite powerful," Strange said. "I am not interested in a fight however."

"What are you interested in?" Sunset asked, the girl making her way over.

"Sunset Shimmer, the multiverse enthusiast," Strange said.

"Uh, yeah, that's me," Sunset said.

"Perhaps you have knowledge of these strange anomalies, months ago something big happened in Equestria, care to explain?" Strange asked.

"Sure, well for starters, we were attacked by a guy who called himself, The Storm King, he brought over villains from across the Multiverse, like Loki and Mystique from your world, Akuma from here and Sephiroth from Square," Sunset explained. "After the battle, and some unfortunate damage, Princess Celestia has the portals closed, including ones I formed to Marvel, Capcom and Square, even the Dragon World that Goku is from."

"Hm, The Storm King, I do remember him from the time I helped the Hippogriffs of Mount Aris," Strange said. "What is their location?"

"I'm not sure, they escaped, but Thor theorizes that Loki will be in Asgard soon, as part of Ragnarök," Sunset said.

"Ragnarök huh? I believe I've heard of that, it was originally a story in Norse Mythology, though as we all know, it's more than myth now," Strange said.

"I would like to help but, I don't think Thor wants to burden us with his problems," Sunset said.

"Thor is a proud man, but if worse comes to worse, he might need all the help he can get," Strange said. "Loki's allies are likely not in this just for the fun of it, this could affect other worlds if whatever Loki's planning is successful. If you really do want to help, you're going to need to really insist on it. This goes beyond Thor's pride, especially with this villain that's still popping portals open across the multiverse."

"I'll do whatever I can to help," Sunset said.

"Me too, sounds like there's gonna be a lot of strong guys," Goku said.

"I'd be more than happy to help Thor," Chun-Li said.

"Of course, you would," A smug Spencer said, earning a glare from Chun-Li.

"But, Capcom, I would advise you take it easy with your own multiversal travels, the realms are sealed off for a reason, there's still a lot about the multiverse that we don't know about," Strange said. "It is a very risky endeavor."

"We are aware of the risks, and we take precaution," Chun-Li said.

"I hope so, even travelling internally can be detrimental," Strange said. "If the barriers weaken, instability occurs. Worlds will begin to fall apart and reality will alter in a terrible way. Capcom, there are many that consider you a threat to reality, if you are not careful, action can and will be taken."

"Us? A threat to reality? That's kind of harsh," Spencer said.

"Is this because of their travels to Namco, Sega and SNK?" Sunset asked.

"Very possible, I don't know much about these locations myself, but I imagine there must be something about those worlds that stand out, and could be considerably dangerous to another," Strange said. "Now, not to say it's always dangerous, so far you've been responsible, but always check to make sure it stays stable."

"This multiverse stuff is confusing," Goku said. "Like what is a multiverse? Is it basically just the twelve universes?"

"We're beyond those Universes Goku, those twelve just exist in our section of reality," Whis said.

"Section of reality?" Goku asked.

"It's a confusing topic Goku, even I don't always get it," Sunset asked. "If there's different versions of Earth, why are some called 'Marvel', some 'Capcom' and stuff? How do they get these names?"

"I believe I can explain to the best of my ability," Strange said, bringing some cookies into existence. "Pretend the multiverse is like cookies."

"That reminds me, I haven't had dessert," Goku said.

"Are you serious?" Carlos asked.

"Let's stay focused," Sunset said. "Go on Doctor."

"Right," Strange made the cookies float together. "See, each world is like a piece of a cookie. The Chocolate chips represent the different realms of reality. Let's start off with Marvel. One chip represents Earth, where I'm from. The others could represent planets like Venus, Mars, Hala and Skrullos. Then you have the insides of the cookies to represent the various dimensions, and so on. Get another cookie, it looks similar, but it's not exactly the same, it's a different version of Marvel with different possibilities. Maybe I'm not a Sorcerer Supreme there, I could still be a surgeon. Spider-Man could still be just plain Peter Parker, or there could be a different Spider-Man, those do exist after all. As long as it has the same basic structures, it exists as one section of the multiverse, basically alternate realities and alternate futures. Creating a new timeline is sometimes like creating a new cookie, it looks the same, but it won't affect the previous cookie."

"Sounds like Trunks," Goku said.

"Who?" Beerus asked. "Wait, isn't that the name of Vegeta's son?"

"I'm talking one from another timeline," Goku said.

"...Another timeline? Have you mortals been messing with time?" Beerus asked. "That is forbidden even among Gods."

"And Sorcerers too," Strange said. "But things happen."

"Equestria has its own timeline as well, where Changelings destroyed everything," Sunset said. "So, that's basically another cookie, Doctor?"

"Yes, for you at least," Strange said, popping in some more. "Pretend Equestria is like this Sugar Cookie. It's a cookie like the chocolate chip ones, but a different type. That's what the multiverse is, different worlds, some more unique that others. Each Sugar Cookie represents a different timeline in Equestria."

"Alright, I understand a little better," Sunset said.

"It goes the same with other Universes, like you Capcom, your branches are cookies, but they're more Oreos than Chocolate Chip," Strange said, showing off the cookie in question. "These types are a favorite for another superhero, The Martian Man Hunter, though in his world, they're called Chocos."

"I remember him, founding member of The Justice League," Chun-Li said.

"From a different branch of cookies," Strange joked. "But that's the multiverse, if you step into another world, you're either going into another timeline, another dimension or a whole different world."

"I think I get it now," Goku said.

"Just know that traveling is alright, but just be careful, because there's another reason I used cookies," Strange said, using his magic to turn a few into crumbs. "The multiverse can be just as fragile as these delicious treats, tread carefully."

"Yes, of course Doctor," Chun-Li said.

"That being said, Ragnarök is soon, I suggest you get ready if you wish to help," Strange said.

"Don't worry, we have plenty of friends," Chun-Li said. "And we'll do our best not to crumble any cookies while recruiting them."

"Multiversal travel can a good advantage, but even that strength can become a weakness," Strange said. "Celestia may have not been too far off in thinking it's dangerous, but I am trusting you to use this responsibly."

"You have nothing to worry about, Stephen, we'll save our worlds," Chun-Li said.

"I may see if anyone in Equestria can help as well," Strange said.

"Uh, they're dealing with some personal issues, mostly involving some new set of rules that Tony Stark has been trying to enforce," Sunset said.

"Gee, bet that'll turn out just fine," Strange said. "Hopefully he figures something out, right now our Earth is being left in the care of a bunch of irresponsible kids who expect to be just as loved and respected as the heroes who came before them."

"See, their world too!" Spencer said. "Let me guess, the heroes there are little shits like the fighters in this world are turning out to be."

"You really don't want to see what's become of my world as far as heroes go, I used to think Captain Marvel was annoying but, Lord Almighty, you would probably hate some of these kids," Strange said. "One of them can punch holes through the multiverse at will, and she does it all the time, one day she's gonna end up here, that is if she doesn't cause an incursion with her recklessness."

"Hey I'll straighten her out," Spencer said. "We all will."

"Especially if she's that irresponsible," Strider said.

"I shall be off," Strange said. "But I will be back to check in on you."

Strange left through his portal, leaving the heroes left behind to consider their planning.

"So, how do we go about this Ragnarök thing?" Guile asked.

"We let our allies know," Chun-Li said. "Ryu, Ken, Chris, Leon, Dante, Trish, Rock, anyone we can think of who would want to help."

"Cloud too, along with Barrett, Yuffie, Squall and other heroes from my world," Tifa said.

"Some of our guys even formed a wannabe Avengers type team," Spencer said. "This can be their big break."

"Get the portals ready, contact heroes from SNK, Namco and Sega," Chun-Li said.

"What about the Big N themselves?" Spencer asked.

"If they want," Chun-Li said.

"As long as we don't overdo it, remember what Doctor Strange said," Sunset reminded.

"We won't," Chun-Li said. "Sounds like Goku here wants to help too."

"I already promised Thor, I can even ask Vegeta to come by as well, maybe even my son, Gohan," Goku said.

"Didn't your son give up being a martial artist to focus on being a father himself?" Beerus asked.

"Yeah, but it comes back to him really fast sometimes," Goku said.

"Alright, let's get to planning," Chun-Li said.

Back in Equestria, Cap's team were still on their way to Appaloosa, hoping to find refuge away from The Accords while they planned their next form of strategy. Not too far off, heroes were still in pursuit, including a team led by She-Hulk, consisting of Tigra, Wind Sprint and The Barrel Twins, along with Bobby's team of Rarity, Night Glider, Sky Stinger and Vapor Trails.

"We're closing in on Cap, Tony," She-Hulk said to her radio.

"Good to know," Tony said from back in Canterlot. "Keep at it."

"We got this Tony, we're not gonna rest until they're caught," Bobby said.

"Love the enthusiasm," Tony said.

Spitfire checked her radio, "Fleetfoot, how's your progress?"

"Me and my team are in pursuit as well," Fleetfoot said, looking to her squad of Misty Fly, Angel Wings, Pizzelle and Cloudchaser.

"How about you Hercules," Tony asked.

Coming in with Garble, a couple of his friends, Ember, Spike and Janet, Hercules was ready for battle, "I am also in pursuit. Though I must admit Tony Stark, I have qualms about doing battle with Captain America."

"I get it bud, but things need to be done, just try to make it quick so we can resolve this issue," Tony said, powering off the radio.

"Is it a good idea to be sending this many heroes after Cap? Kind of defeats the purpose of having order," Spitfire said.

"This is an emergency, plus many of them are nearby anyway, might as well get the job done," Tony said. "Anyway, we have nothing more to worry about, I contacted Darkhawk and Quake, they should be here soon, hopefully they won't be the only ones. I mean I'll send Hank out there if I need to, or Reed."

"Well I hope there's no trouble anywhere else," Spitfire said.

"Oh what could happen?" Tony asked.

Meanwhile in Manehattan, Coco, who was once again messing with Tony Stark's stuff, decided to fully put the armor on, only to lose control and fly out the building, damaging it in the process. "Oh no...I should have just-AH!" The machine started flying off, the girl heading into the distance, "How do I turn this thing off! Oh Mr. Stark's gonna fire me for sure! If I live long enough!"

Back with Tony, this time he was contacting Carol, "Captain Marvel, how are things at The Crystal Empire?"

"Fine, no sign of danger," Carol said. "You know, I can go after Cap myself."

"I know you can, but the Crystal Heart needs contact protection, that's why I assigned you there," Tony said. "I don't want anyone taking advantage of our situation and stealing it from under our noses, just hold out a little bit more."

"I don't blame you for being worried, the guards here are inept, I blame their Captain, I don't know what Cadance saw in him," Carol said.

"I...can't fully disagree, the guards in Canterlot suck too, Shining Armor is brave but it's clear why his sister is the leader of the Elements," Tony said. "Still, he does a decent job of guarding the heart."

"Baron Mordo, Loki and Magneto say otherwise," Carol said. "Plus Wesker also took over this town once under his watch.

"Let's not delve into this," Tony said, knowing where this was going. If not for Carol's power, he would have fired her by now given her bad attitude. But unfortunately he is desperate for help. "If things really get bad, you can go after Cap yourself, once I do some relocating at least."

"At least try sending Kamala, she's stronger than she seems," Carol said.

"I know she's strong, I'm more concerned about her experience," Tony said. "Give her some extra battle training first, then we'll talk sending her out."

"Fine with me," Carol said, hanging up the radio.

"Is that Kamala girl really strong?" Spitfire asked.

"She's alright, but she's still learning her abilities," Tony said. "She got exposed to something called Terrigen Mist not too long ago, it created some powerful heroes in the past, such as our ally Black Bolt and his wife Medusa."

"If they're strong, can they come to help?" Spitfire asked.

"Well they're King and Queen, so like T'Challa, they have their own Kingdoms to worry about." Tony said. "Kamala needs to prove herself before we send her on any missions though, in the hero world, you earn your rank, you don't just get given it, no matter how talented you are."

"Or how Royal, something that we had to remind Silverstream of," Spitfre said. "Speaking of whom, I should make sure she and that Rumble boy are enroute as well. I also need to contact Soarin, see if he's done scoping out the damage in Baltimare."

"And I gotta contact Natasha," Tony said, checking his radio. "You really have us all bent out of shape Steve."

"I hope Luna's been having better luck," Spitfire continued to make her calls too.

On the roof of the castle, Luna looked to the distance, wishing her abilities could find Steve and company. She looked all around Canterlot, spotting citizens such as Fancy Pants and his wife Fleur, along with the hero Vision. She did recall that as she traveled through dreams, she had come across the ones of those once close to Twilight and her friends.

"Somewhere out there, Wanda Maximoff, her brother Pietro and their friends still remain, likely in an unguarded town" Luna commented to herself. "If I can locate them, that could give us an advantage, or prevent Steve's team from having one of their own."

Off in the distance, Wanda indeed seemed to reside in a hero free town, standing in an open field of Pears.

"Wanda, food's ready!" Pietro called, his sister following him, ready to eat.

Not too far from the town of Appaloosa, Cap had stopped his team, much to their confusion.

"Hey what gives? Why'd you stop?" Taskmaster asked.

"We have company," Steve said, gesturing to the Dragons, joined by Janet and Hercules.

"Captain..." Hercules greeted.

Steve knew this was going to be trouble, he hoped to avoid The Dragons, but now it seems like he has no choice. Unbeknownst to him, more were coming, and Team Cap had to be ready to fight hard if they wanted to avoid capture.