• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 1,060 Views, 187 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Civil War - Masterob

An internal battle between The Avengers and The Elements of Harmony threaten Equestria's future.

  • ...

Troubles of the Past, Present and Future

In Canterlot Castle, the awkward reunion between Janet Van Dyne and Hank Pym continued, with others awkwardly standing there, except Spike, the Dragon looking ready for a fight.

The others present in the room felt the awkward tension as well, especially both Steve and Tony, who knew something like this could happen. Luna and Celestia were able to read the room as well, knowing that something potentially uncomfortable was going down.

Spitfire however seemed very curious and got somewhat impatient during the stare down, wondering what was happening. "So... what gives here?"

“This, Spitfire, is my ex-husband Hank Pym, whom I have not seen since my divorce several years ago,” Janet explained.

“Oh…that would explain the awkward silence,” Spitfire said.

“Janet, I know you must be a bit surprised to see me…” Hank began.

“Oh I’m, very surprised,” Janet said.

“Yes, of course,” Hank said. “You see, Tony contacted me recently because he had a spot for me on this little idea of his.”

“He got you for The Accords huh?” Janet asked. “I’m almost surprised, I didn’t think he would actually bring you over.”

“I was just as surprised, none of The Avengers really kept much contact with me, given my past mistakes, such as Ultron,” Hank said.

“That’s not your only mistake,” Janet quickly reminded.

“Yes, I am aware of that,” Hank shamefully admitted. “That’s why I’m here, to make up for all my past mistakes.”

“I know this might be awkward for you Janet, but Hank has a lot to offer as our ally,” Tony said. “But at the very least, your interaction with him will be minimal, if not non-existent.”

“Fine by me Tony,” Janet said. “Now if that’s done, I should get to Ponyville, Twilight’s due any day, so Spike and I would like to be present for when she gives birth.”

“Hopefully it’s as soon as possible, poor mare got sick yesterday,” Steve said.

Spike immediately grew worried for his sister’s condition. “Sick? How badly sick? Is there anything we can do!?”

“She just threw up, very common among pregnant women,” Tony said. “Though you should know since you got Janet pregnant years ago.”

“He did what?” Hank asked.

Janet started to feel awkward, “You don’t know that I remarried, do you?”

“Tony did say you moved on, I don’t think he clarified marriage,” Hank said.

“Well, I’m married,” Janet gestured to the dragon beside her. “And Spike’s my husband, and the father of my child, our daughter Hope.”

“Hi…” Spike weakly greeted.

“Uh, nice to meet you spike,” Hank said, feeling even more awkward. “So you two have a daughter?”

“Yes, I’d introduce you but she’s with Ember who is on her way to Ponyville,” Janet said, turning to leave. “Spike and I just came here on business, which is currently wrapped up, so if you don’t mind, me and Spike are leaving now.”

“See you later,” Spike said, walking quickly to catch up to Janet, though not without one brief glare to Hank as he muttered, “Or not.”

The two had left for Ponyville, leaving Hank in a feeling of confusion. Tony sensed his worries and quickly tried to ease them, “It’s going to take some time but I think you and Janet can make amends.”
“Yes, even if she found love elsewhere, there’s nothing saying you can’t be friends,” Luna said. “I mean, it’s better than nothing, isn’t it?”

“I guess…” Hank said. “I just…I regret so much, bad as making Ultron was, I did make a bigger mistake than that, I should not have treated Janet the way I did.”

“Hank, what matters is that you want to make things right,” Tony said. “That’s why you’re here, a new beginning. Equestria is the land of second chances, just start over and be the hero we know you can be. Remember, you’re one of The Avengers. I mean, say the word and I’ll help you get your suit back from Scott Lang, you’re the original and far superior Ant Man after all.”

“Thanks, but if I’m going to start over, I’m making a new hero identity,” Hank said. “I am Ant Man no more, it’s time for me to evolve.”

“Well, that’s good to know, I think,” Tony said. “Well let’s get you to work, I detect big things for the future. Spitfire, mind joining me?”

“You got it Mr. Stark,” Spitfire said, following after Tony and Hank.

As the three left, Celestia turned her attention toward Steve, “This is nothing to be concerned about, correct?”

“Hank’s a good man, but it would be better to keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn’t slip up,” Steve said.

“He and Janet seem to have a really not so pleasurable past,” Celestia said.

“It’s quite the shame really, Hank and Janet were such a great couple, when The Avengers needed assistance, we could always count on the amazing teamwork of Ant Man and The Wasp. But, sometimes mistakes happen, and things aren’t the same as they once were.”

“It must have been terrible for them,” Celestia said.

“I know what it’s like when you can no longer be with the one you love, it gets lonely, and seeing her with another, he hid it well but I can tell it broke his heart,” Steve said. “No one wants to see the person they love and admire with someone other than themselves.”

As Steve said this, all Luna could think of was how she could have had Peter if she said something sooner. Her situation may not be the exact same but similarly to Hank Pym, she lost out and has to live with that regret. If she could, she’d make things right for her, and get her happy ending.

Outside Janet is seen walking to the train station, a lot on her mind during her travel. Seeing her ex-husband was not on her list of things to expect for the day. She honestly never believed she would see him again, but there he was, ponified and once again working with The Avengers. Part of her was upset at Tony for bringing Hank in, but she knew that despite their past, Hank is a valuable asset to the team. Though she did hope that Tony would have been just fine with Reed Richards and Doctor Hooves.

“Hey Janet, are you feeling alright?” Spike asked.

Janet shook her head, “Truthfully, I’m not. Seeing Hank after all this time just brings up bad memories. I really thought the two of us were unbreakable as a couple, for our relationship to fall apart the way it did put quite the damper on my views of trust.”

“I’m sorry you feel this way Janet,” Spike said. “I mean, I wish I could relate so I can understand better but-“

“You don’t want to relate to me Spike,” Janet said. “Be happy you’ve never had to go through what I’ve gone through.”

“Well truth be told, if I hadn’t met you, I think I would have gone through that heartache when Rarity got with Bobby Drake,” Spike said.

“Pfft, seriously Spike!?” Janet bluntly remarked. “I actually went through a wedding with Hank, believing we’d be happy together only to end up divorced after the terrible things he’s done, especially to me. You just had a silly crush that went nowhere, it would not have been the same!”

Spike looked taken back and surprised by his wife’s outburst, feeling a little guilty about setting her off the way he did, “Sorry Janet, I didn’t mean to upset you. I just wanted you to know how much you meant to me, I know it is a silly crush but I really would have been hurt by Rarity’s choice if I hadn’t already started falling for you.”

Janet started feeling like a jerk for the things she said. “No, I’m sorry Spike, I shouldn’t have gotten mad at you just because you’re trying to understand my pain. It’s what makes you a good husband, all a girl needs is for her man to be there for her, and that’s what you do for me every day.”

“Of course, I love you Janet,” Spike said.

Turning to kiss the Dragon, Janet replied, “I love you too.” She gestured away, “Let’s hurry, everyone’s going to be waiting for us.”

Spike quickly followed his lovely wife to the train, hoping to reach Ponyville fast.

Meanwhile at the School of Friendship’s library, the Student Six and Cozy Glow were catching up on their studies. The filly in question was off on her own, reading out of a book, looking almost annoyed as she couldn’t shake off what Peter told her about her being more similar to Spike, basically liking her to that of a sidekick who has a minor following in her eyes.

“There’s so much to research,” Gallus said. “Like does anyone even fully remember the history of Friendship?”

“I can’t even remember if King Sombra’s return was before or after Spider-Mane first arrived,” Silverstream said.

“Before,” Cozy Glow said, getting Silverstream’s attention. “Sometime after King Sombra and The Crystal Empire came back, Princess Twilight summoned Spider-Mane to Equestria.”

“Oh right, and which Earth was he a part of?” Silverstream asked.

“Marvel,” Cozy said. “When you think of the superheroes, you think how ‘Marvelous’ they are, it makes it easier to remember.”

“Ooh! Good one Cozy!” Silversteam said. “This should make it all easier to remember.”

“Guess we can all count on our special little assistant,” Gallus teased, Cozy casting a glare. “She really is our Spike, huh?”

“Come on Gallus, don’t be like that,” Sandbar said.

“Hey it’s a compliment, everyone could use an assistant,” Gallus said. “Not like I’m telling her to get me a donut.”

“Hey just because Peter compared you to Rainbow Dash doesn’t mean you have to be as arrogant as she is!” Cozy Glow said.

“Wow you’re sensitive, can no one take a joke?” Gallus asked. “Silverstream, you’re the Pinkie Pie of our group, what do you make of this?”

“Well, Professor Pinkie Pie would say that jokes are alright, as long as no one’s feelings get hurt,” Silversteam said. “Of course, Mr. Deadpool would insist that a joke is just a joke.”

“Let’s stick with Professor Pinkie Pie’s methods for now,” Ocellus said. “Gallus, I know you’re not trying to be mean but you are upsetting Cozy Glow just a little bit, would you mind dialing it back?”

“Fine, sorry Cozy Glow,” Gallus said, almost half-heartedly.

“Sure thing,” Cozy Glow said, not fully believing him.

“Look, let’s just focus back on our studies, we still have a test coming up and I’d rather not flunk,” Gallus said.

“I do need to brush up on some of my Superhero Philosophies,” Ocellus said. “Like, what does the term ‘With Great Power comes Great Responsibility’ mean to the rest of you?”

“That the more power you have, the busier you are because there’s more to do?” Smolder asked.

“I think it’s that I you have the ability to do something, you should do it,” Sandbar said.

“Something like that, maybe it also means that you have more to do when you’re a superhero, you have more creatures to protect and those with the power should protect them,” Silversteam theorized.

As everyone thought it over, Cozy Glow started thinking about what that meant to her, to have all that power and what it meant to be responsible.

“Maybe those with power have the responsibility to maintain that power, by any means,” Cozy muttered to herself. She began to smirk almost sadistically, “Those with great power, must know how to control it, it would be irresponsible to let that all go to waste. If only I had that power, then we’ll see who the ‘Spike’ is.”

“Who you talking to Cozy Glow!?” Yona asked.

“Oh! Uh, sorry, just thinking out loud!” Cozy nervously said, hoping no one heard her.

“You know you can come join us,” Sandbar said. “You’re our friend after all.”

“Yeah, we want you here with us,” Ocellus said.

“Uh, alright, if you don’t mind,” Cozy Glow said. She trotted over as both Sandbar and Ocellus made room for her to sit between them.

“There, that’s better,” Sandbar said. “One rule of Friendship is to always make others feel included.”

“I appreciate that, you’re really nice,” Cozy Glow said.

“Maybe you can help us too, you seem to really know your stuff, you must study on your own a lot,” Silverstream said.

“Of course, I do want to stay in this school, so I work hard,” Cozy Glow said. “It helps that Jubilee is really helpful too. She always gives me tips and life experiences. She’s really amazing.”

“Oh totally,” Sandbar said, a blush appearing on his face. Once he noticed everyone starting, he quickly tried to cover it up, “Yeah, she’s really friendly, same with Professor Wagner.”

“Got that right, he’s the best,” Silverstream said.

“He’s so relatable too, I mean he grew up with everyone hating him, just like what happened to a lot of us,” Ocellus said. “Especially me, being a Changeling and all.”

“Ironic that his mother can change shapes too,” Gallus said. “Still, you’re right about his past, I mean, no kid deserved to be treated that way.”

“Bad as it was though, he said that it just made him stronger, sometimes you need to have your morality tested, it shows what type of person, or creature you are in the end,” Ocellus said.

“Does Professor Wagner have any philosophy stuff?” Silverstream asked.

“Most of his philosophies comes from a book he read on Earth called ‘The Bible’,” Ocellus said. “I know he mentioned how tricky it was for him to refer to that book since it’s a basis of his Religion, one not common in Equestria.”

“Well maybe he can give us some private sessions, I’d like to learn more about his religion,” Sandbar said.

“Me too, it could be fun!” Silverstream said.

“Alright, we’ll make plans to see him later, for now let’s focus on what we need to study,” Ocellus said.

“You got it,” Sandbar said, everyone turning to their notes. Cozy Glow looked over her own notes, while at the same time, inching closer to Ocellus. Of all the students here, she was the one she felt the most comfortable around, and one she hoped would be her friend forever. A good friend like her is sure to help give her the magic she desired for her ultimate goals, and she could use someone to be side by side with when she enacts them.

As the day grew late, Rumble was on his way to Twilight’s library where he promised to meet his brother so he can drop Felicity off. On the way there, he spotted Rainbow Dash and Johnny Storm talking with two somewhat familiar ponies. An Earth Pony stallion with a Daring Do type shirt and a Pegasus filly that was holding a Buck Ball.

“Where have I seen them before?” Rumble wondered, trotting over to the group.

Johnny noticed Rumble from nearby, gesturing the boy over. “Yo Rumble! Over here!”

Rumble trotted over to the quartet, “Hi Johnny, Rainbow Dash.”

“Sup Rumble, you ever met my friend and fellow Daring Do fan, Quibble Pants?” Rainbow Dash said, gesturing to the Earth Pony in question.

“Oh so you’re Quibble,” Rumble said. “I think I’ve seen you around once or twice for fan conventions.”

“I attend many conventions, of course my favorite is Daring Do,” Quibble said. “But it’s a pleasure to formally meet you Rumble.”

“Likewise,” Rumble said, then turned to the filly. “And who might you be?”

“This is my step-daughter, Wind Sprint,” Quibble introduced.

“Nice to meet you,” Wind Sprint said. “So who’s the baby on your back? Your daughter?”

“Actually she’s my niece, I’m watching over her while my brother is in Canterlot trying out for The Avengers.”

“The Avengers!?” Wind Sprint asked. “Your brother is with The Avengers!?”

“Yeah, if it goes well, he can be a member of the Equestrian Division,” Rumble said.

“That’s quite fascinating,” Quibble said. “I hear to be an Avenger is the highest honor.”

“Aside from The Fantastic Four that is,” Johnny said. “We do just as much dangerous stuff as Cap and his buddies, the times we’ve faced off against Galactus is almost as massive as he is.”

“Have you met any of The Avengers?” Wind Sprint asked.

“Yeah, I’ve seen pretty much all of them, I even sat near some Superheroes during the Marvel vs Capcom Tournament back in Canterlot,” Rumble said.

“Ah yes, I remember that one,” Quibble said. “Spider-Mane put out quite a good showing, especially at the end against that Ryu guy.”

“I used to live with Spider-Mane and Princess Twilight, I was their adoptive son,” Rumble said.

“It’s true, they really treated him like family,” Rainbow Dash said. “Their daughter loved him a lot too.”

“Wow, that’s really neat,” Wind Sprint said. “You sound like a really lucky colt.”

“Yeah, so what about you? I see you have a Buckball, you play?” Rumble asked.

“Yeah, my father was a big Buckball star,” Wind Sprint said. “So, in a way, I’m honoring his Legacy.”

“She’s really great, she was the star at her school, she might be close to going pro,” Quibble said.

“Funny, I was playing Buckball with some friends the other day, and I’m expecting a rematch, if they accept, I’d like to have a star player on my team,” Rumble said.

“Sounds good to me, I could use extra practice,” Wind Sprint said. “Are these friends any good?”

“They’re alright, some of them are mostly talk though,” Rumble said. “We’ll talk it over later, I have to drop my niece off to my brother.”

“Sure thing, see you around then,” Wind Sprint said, the others waving bye as well while Rumble made his way to the Golden Oaks Library. “He’s kind of cute.”

“He’s also taken,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Bummer, oh well, at least I can practice more of my Buckball,” Wind Sprint said.

“What’s important is that you’ll probably make some new friends,” Quibble said.

“That’s a plus too,” Wind Sprint said. “Hey Rainbow Dash, Johnny Storm, think you two might want to attend the game if there is one?”

“If we’re not busy,” Rainbow Dash said. “Somepony’s gotta help keep Equestria safe.”

“How many more heroes are coming?” Quibble asked.

“I don’t think we’ll get that many more, which is why the Avengers training is a thing in the first place, Tony Stark wants to create heroes right here in Equestria,” Johnny said.

“Once there’s enough, some of the Marvel Heroes might not need to patrol here much more,” Rainbow Dash said. “Plus being fully prepared for villain Invasions is a plus. Both in this world and outside of Equestria.”

“There’s no sign of those villains from Canterlot either, is there?” Quibble asked.

“None, they escaped with Loki,” Rainbow Dash explained. “Thor went to find them, and we’re hoping that Sunset Shimmer might find out some information of her own while traveling with Ryu and his buddies.”

“Then there’s those other villains, including that creep known as Sephiroth, and that Storm King guy, two relatively unknown villains,” Johnny said.

“The Storm King huh? I feel like I’ve read about something like that recently,” Quibble said.

“Hey if you ever want to talk to Twilight, be our guest,” Rainbow Dash said. “She’s trying hard to find out some other information, including details about Starswirl and his Pillars.”

“Starswirl? Pillars?” Quibble said.

“I already told her about Flash Magnus,” Rainbow Dash said. “She mentioned some others but, I don’t know much about them.”

“Oh, I’ve read tons about them, I can go talk to Princess Twilight right now if you’d like!” Quibble Pants said.

“You research ancient heroes or something?” Johnny asked. “Eh, guess guys like you are good.”

“Knowing about the past can shape the future,” Quibble Pants said.

“Sounds like something Reed would say, but sometimes looking up old heroes is kind of cool,” Johnny said. “It’s how I got my hero name, I’m not the first to call myself ‘The Human Torch’.”

“Well what are we waiting for!?” Quibble said. “Let’s go see Princess Twilight.”

“Sounds good to me,” Rainbow Dash said, then focused her attention to Wind Sprint. “Wanna join us?”

“I guess, at least Rumble will be there,” Wind Sprint said.

“It works out for us all, now let’s go,” Quibble said, everyone making their way to the Golden Oaks Library.

In Manehattan, Coco Pommel was getting ready to close up shop at the Stark Industries building located in that city. It was quite the busy day for her, like it normally is. After each day she goes home to soak up in a nice bath as she relaxes into the evening. Maybe see if her coltfriend had sent any letters her way during his travels.

On her way out, she was surprisingly greeted by a pony unknown to her. “Miss Pommel.”

Coco turned to see Martin standing nearby, curious by his presence, “Uh, hello. Do I know you?”

“I don’t believe you do, unless you have heard of my growing business, but we’ve never met formally,” Martin said. “I am Lee, I am a business partner of your former boss, Suri Polomare.”

“Oh, I think I’ve seen you two around,” Coco said. “It’s nice to formally meet you Lee, is there a reason you wanted to speak to me?”

“Just a business proposition, I know my business is barely getting off the ground but I think a pony of your skills is just what my company needs,” Lee said. “I’ve heard talk of how well you manage this building, one that belongs to a member of The Avengers. You might be just the pony I need to help my own business grow.”

“Do you really think so?” Coco asked. “Well I’m flattered but I’m very happy working for Mr. Stark, I don’t think I’ll be changing jobs.”

“It’s not because of Suri, is it?” Martin asked, getting an uncomfortable reaction from Coco. “I know you two had a falling out, but isn’t this world all about second chances?”

“I suppose so, but…” Coco felt conflicted. “I just can’t leave Mr. Stark’s company, it just seems so wrong, I’m not just an employee after all.”

“I see no reason to worry, a successful man like Tony Stark will make do,” Martin said. “But, I suppose this is sudden, and it’s something you should think about. In the interest of fairness, I will give you some time to think about it, I’ll get back to you in a day or two, depending on how progress of my own company is going. But I’d really love to have you working with me, and who knows, if you do well enough, you can quickly become manager at my company. You’d be just below myself, and possibly Suri. But this time, I don’t think you’ll have to do so many coffee runs.”

Coco suddenly had bad memories of her time with Suri, and for some reason she started to feel angry, unaware of Martin’s powers taking effect on her, “I should hope not, I’m a designer, not a barista.”

“And a remarkable designer you are,” Martin said, trotting off. “I will see you around Miss Pommel, and I do hope you accept my offer.”

In the midst of her frustrations, Coco suddenly shook her head, trying to rid her mind of her troubles, “That was strange.”

Not wanting to dawdle, Coco started making her way home, unaware of a trio of the Demon gang ponies watching from a distance, looking ready to mobilize. Their orders were clear, don’t hurt her too badly, but at least put a scare into her.

As they got close to Coco however, one of them got whacked on the head with a Skateboard, surprising his two allies.

“Gonna need you to stay away from that nice mare, if you don’t want an impromptu visit to the dentist,” Night Thrasher warned, taking a pose back on his skateboard.

“Get him!” the two ponies tried to attack but Night Thrasher had sidestepped and stomped his skateboard to hit a gang pony in the face, then ducked the other and hit him with an uppercut.

As this was happening, Coco turned around and saw the commotion in the background, “What in Equestria?”

This distracted her from a big brute sneaking up behind her, one that Night Thrasher noticed in the midst of his fighting, “Ma’am! Watch out!”

“Huh!?” Coco turned around and found herself being grabbed by the bigger pony. “Put me down!”

“Dammit!” Night Thrasher knocked a guy out the way and skateboarded over to the brute. “Hey pal! That ain’t no way to treat a lady!” He kicked flipped off the skateboard into a kick to the brute’s face, forcing him to release Coco.

“How dare you!” the brute tried to punch down on Night Thrasher but the skateboarding hero dodged out the way and used his skateboard to add pressure to a jump kick to his face, knocking him back. Night Thrasher finished it off by riding in and doing one final kick and then aiming his wrist and firing what looked like a type of taser to knock the big brute out.

“Fall back!” a gang pony said, everyone quickly retreating.

“Shit, they’re getting away!” Night Thrasher said, then activated his radio. “Elektra, Daredevil, spotted more of those gang ponies, I took one out a block down of the Stark Industries building but his friends are escaping.”

“On it, any victims we should know about?” Elektra asked.

“One mare, nearly got taken hostage but she’s safe now,” Night Thrasher said.

“Good work, Elektra and I will track down the thugs, we’ll get back to you,” Daredevil said.

As Night Thrasher put the radio away, he turned to Coco, “You feeling alright ma’am? Need me to escort you home?”

“If you don’t mind, that’d be great,” Coco said. “You’re another hero from Earth right?”

“Yeah, call me Night Thrasher,” The hero introduced. “Lately I’ve been working during the day though, kind of throws me off whack but a city as big as this one needs all the active heroes it can get. I’m hoping Stark sends more.”

“I think he’s having trouble, at least that’s what he told me last time he was here,” Coco said.

“You know Stark?” Night Thrasher asked.

“I work directly under him in his building here, I’m Coco Pommel, Stark Industries manager,” Coco said.

“Wow, big shot, probably why those guys were after you,” Night Thrasher said.

“Not the first guys after me, before this I was talking with a man named Lee who wanted to hire me for his new business,” Coco said. “I almost didn’t even get a chance to take him up on his offer.”

“Lee huh?” Night Thrasher found that a bit suspicious. “Funny…”

“Huh? What’s wrong?” Coco asked.

“Nothing, don’t worry about it,” Night Thrasher said. “Come on, let’s hurry to your place.”

Night Thrasher escorted Coco home as Daredevil and Elektra maintained pursuit of the Demons, hoping to be one step closer to finding out who’s in charge.

Back in Ponyville a bit later in the evening, Rumble was waiting at the Library, talking some more with Wind Sprint while Mayday and Felicity sat near them. Bobby and Rarity were also present with Spike and Janet, as well as Rainbow Dash and Johnny, the three couples taking while. Hope Van Dragon spent some time with Snow Gem. Peter, Starlight Trixie stayed to the side, both conversing and discussing various things.

Quibble meanwhile was talking with Twilight about the pillars, the Princess getting him up to speed on what she’s already figured out about the Pillars.

“I’ve studied Starswirl my whole life, so I’m very familiar with him,” Twilight explained. “All my friends told me about the other Pillars, except for Somnambula.”

“Well lucky for you, I’ve done research on her,” Quibble said. “Her legend began when an evil Sphinx began stealing crops from her town. She did everything she could to help her town, even selling her valuables to buy food for the villagers, but that wasn’t enough. She had to go and face the monster, and it tried every thing she could to stop her, first with a simple riddle.”

“A riddle? Do you remember what it was?” Twilight asked.

“Someone mention riddles?” Peter asked, making his way over with Trixie and Starlight.

“It’s a riddle from Somnambula’s days, Quibble’s about to explain it,” Twilight said.

“If my memory serves me correct, and it usually does,” Quibble joked. “The riddle was this, ‘I am there but unseen, it costs nothing to have me but it will cost you everything to be without me. What am I?’”

“Wow, that’s a tricky one,” Trixie said. “Peter, Starlight, any ideas?”

“Uh, I’m thinking…patience,” Starlight said.

“Responsibility for me, mostly speaking from personal experience though,” Peter said.

“Both great guesses, but the answer is ‘Hope’,” Quibble explained.

“Hope?” Twilight asked.

“Yes, she had such a strong believe in Hope that she took on one of the challenges blindfolded, and because of the faith she put in, she was successful and eventually drove the Sphinx away,” Quibble said.

“That’s amazing,” Starlight said. “Wow, the power of Hope.”

“Sounds familiar to me, Hope is especially great if you’re a space warrior fighting an evil Empire,” Peter joked, getting no reaction from the others. “No one gets it?”

“Should we?” Quibble asked.

“Peter likes referencing things from his world, even if nopony in Equestria understands it,” Twilight said.

“Is it a hero from your world?” Quibble asked.

“Pfft, I wish, I don’t think they actually exist,” Peter said.

“Nopony thought Daring Do actually existed, until a few years back that is,” Twilight said. “Maybe these warriors of yours exist too.”

“I doubt it…” Peter said.

Meanwhile in a Galaxy Far, Far Away…

A warrior with a green Light Saber looked into the distance beside a two-foot-tall blue and white robot by his side, “I sense someone who wishes to believe in the power of The Force…but where could that person be?”

Back in Equestria.

“Well that’s the story of Somnambula, and fun fact, the town she’s from is said to be where Daring Do lives and has many of her adventures!” Quibble said.

“Oh, that’s so neat!” Twilight said. “I’d love to go there personally one day.”

“We’ll make that a vacation spot,” Peter said. “Still, the idea of Hope saving the world. That’s actually a great message, seems like each of these Pillars had something they fought hard to achieve. Rockhoof achieved Strength when it seemed unlikely for him, but just when his village needed it. Mistmane’s true Beauty shined when she gave up her physical beauty for the sake of others. Mage Meadowbrook defied odds and achieved magic despite being an Earth Pony, and Healing those who needed her the most. Flash Magnus showed incredible Bravery when going against a Dragon with nothing but a shield, and on his own too. Somnambula is all about that Hope and how it can be a tool for survival. Then there’s Starswirl, master of Sorcery. In a way, they kind of mirror the current Elements.”

“Yeah you’re right…could The Elements of Harmony be successors to Starswirl and his Pillars?” Twilight wondered. “I have to look into this more, hopefully find out what happened to them.”

“It’s funny, I was just telling Sandbar and his friends how they reminded me of you and your friends, Twi,” Peter said. “Sandbar is like you, Silverstream is like Pinkie, Ocellus is like Fluttershy, Smolder is like Rarity, Gallus is like Rainbow Dash and Yona is like Applejack.”

“You think it means anything Peter?” Starlight asked.

“Possibly, maybe they’re meant to be your apprentices or something,” Peter said. “What do you think Twilight?”

“They’re remarkable students, but it’s too soon to tell,” Twilight said.

“Well it’s nothing you should worry about right now, you’ve still got plenty of good years ahead of you as an Element of Harmony, unless you’re ready to retire,” Trixie said.

“Not quite,” Twilight answered. “But it’s nice to have the option.”

“Maybe I should find a sidekick,” Peter said. “If I’m lucky I’ll find another up and coming hero with Spider powers.”

“What are the odds of that though?” Trixie asked.

“I am not sure,” Peter said. “I just think it’d be neat.”

During this talk, Rumble was making his way over with Wind Sprint and the fillies, not in full audio range of their conversation.

“But still, I thought that Rumble and his friends would be the successors as Equestria’s protectors,” Trixie said, confusing Rumble

“Huh? What does that mean?” Rumble asked, Wind Sprint shrugging.

“Well counting Rumble and The Cutie Mark Crusaders, there’s only four,” Starlight said. “Sandbar has five friends.”

“Six, Cozy Glow’s there too,” Peter said. “But I see her more as the group’s ‘Spike’.”

“That’s adorable, she already is a great little helper,” Twilight said. “If she and Sandbar mirror the relationship that Spike and I have, I’d say it’d come along naturally.”

“Sandbar?” Rumble said. “Wait, are they…”

“Still, I think Rumble hoped to one day be in that light, a protector of Equestria,” Trixie said. “But maybe he can be if he becomes your sidekick Peter.”

“I did consider that once, but he needs to work on his combat abilities, and not rush into things like he’s been doing recently, like with Magneto,” Peter said.

“I don’t rush into things, I go in and protect others, like a stallion should do,” Rumble said. “I can totally be a protector of Equestria.”

“I think you can be too,” Wind Sprint said.

“Thanks, good to have support,” Rumble said. “Still, Sandbar and the others as the new Elements? If all me and the girls need are two more then I can find two more. Wind Sprint, you want to be one of my Elements?”

“Uh, sure, I guess,” Wind Sprint said.

“Awesome, we just need a sixth pony, and a Spike,” Rumble said.

“Can I be Spike?” Mayday asked.

“You’re too precious to be Spike, you can be our Peter, that’s way better,” Rumble said.

“Me? Like daddy!?” Mayday asked, her eye sparkling. “I would love to be like daddy, he’s the best pony ever!”

“She’s adorable,” Wind Sprint said, then remembered the other filly with them. “What about your niece?”

“Too young to be anything,” Rumble said. “Anyway, I can ask Dinky Doo, I bet she’s decent with magic, if Sweetie Belle takes after her sister, we’d need magic and Dinky would be just as good.”

“Well you have your Elements, what’s next?” Wind Sprint asked.

“First we need to win the honor from Sandbar, and that’s where Buck Ball comes in,” Rumble said. “We challenge them to a game, winners become the successors.”

“That’s neat, I guess,” Wind Sprint said.

“Then it’s settled, we’ll show everypony just who the true Elements are,” Rumble said. “We can even go beyond, maybe The Avengers will see so much potential in us, we can be in their group. The Avengers of Harmony! That’s what we’ll be called! It will be glorious! Nopony can stop us!”

Rumble began to laugh in an almost sinister way, unaware that he was now attracting attention from everyone present, all of them staring in confusion.

“Yo, Rumble, having fun over there?” Peter asked.

Rumble stopped immediately, blushing in embarrassment, “Uh…I heard a joke?”

No one believed that, but they didn’t care, they just figured it was Rumble just being weird and they went back to their own business.

“Hey, Rumble, love your enthusiasm, but dial it back a bit,” Wind Sprint said.

“Right, sure thing,” Rumble said. He continued to wait for his brother, and make plans to take down Sandbar and his friends.

Speaking of Hope, in another timeline of The Dragon World, one boy was seen sharpening his skills with his sword. While his time had enjoyed relative peace from The Androids, he still had to be on guard, especially after having encountered a wizard and his henchmen trying to revive an ancient demon.

This boy was of course Trunks, the son of Vegeta. It was thanks to him that in another timeline, his friends and family are safe, and thanks to them, he has reached the strength he needed to go beyond his current capabilities.

Unbeknownst to him, evil still lurked in the distance, only he did not know where, or when it would come from. The Land of the Kais, despite being a holy and majestic place, had its evils, especially when one such evil has grown quite curious of a certain mortal by the name of Son Goku.

“No mortal should have that power,” the Kai Zamasu said. “I must rectify this at once.”

A mission had begun, that of the ultimate survival, a Godly encounter could affect not only the timelines, but different dimensions.

Meanwhile in Tartarus, a showdown was underway as most of the villains watched on as Electro and Adagio began their spar against Scorcher and Wizard, the latter two using an interesting method.

“You’re going down!” Elector shouted, sending a blast their way, but Wizard had blocked with a forcefield.

“Scorcher, set the ablaze, I will assist you from here!” Wizard said from within the forcefield.

“You got it!” Scorcher rushed out and began blasting the two with his fire. “You’re both going down!”

“This is your plan?” Adagio asked as she dodged, “Send your teammate to fight alone?”

“Poor strategy!” Electro shouted, zapping Scorcher back. “We’ll take him down and focus on you!”

“A true showman makes things entertaining in battle,” Wizard said.

“Can’t argue that logic,” Mysterio said. “Of course, I doubt that fire one will be able to carry this show on his own.”

“Don’t you underestimate me!” Scorcher said, tossing fire at the duo of Electro and Adagio.

“At least this will make good practice against The Human Torch,” Adagio said, then rushed in to tackle Scorcher back.

“Torch’s flames burn hotter than this poser,” Electro said, readying some electricity. “We’d be better off trying to find and recruit Pyro!”

As Electro began zapping again, Sonata turned her attention to Discord. “Are you going to recruit the Brotherhood?”

“I want to, I really do, but it’s out of my hands now,” Discord said. “If I go near Wanda, she’ll likely try to erase me, she is still not in a good mood about this whole thing.”

“That girl is way too emotional to be in our group anyway,” Shocker said. “No way we can trust her.”

“You have a lot of trust issues Herman,” Discord said.

“Hey pal, in New York you don’t trust anyone, if you’re not careful, you could get crushed, and I am not letting that happen to me,” Shocker said.

“Don’t you trust us?” Sonata asked. “We’re your friends.”

Shocker turned away in annoyance, he won’t admit it but he at the very least likes Sonata a little bit better than the others. “Eh…”

“You also trusted Lightning Dust when she was your teammate,” Discord said.

“And where did that get me? She betrayed us for Spider-Man,” Shocker said. “But I can’t blame her, Vega and I were thought to be dead, she had to protect herself somehow.”

"Maybe you can see if she wants to come back to us,” Sonata said.

“No way, she won’t give up what she has now with Wolverine and his family,” Shocker said. “Just forget her, it’s in the past.”

Scorcher got in another blast, knocking Electro back. “Still think I can’t take you on!?”

Electro got up and sent volts of electricity at Scorcher, sending shockwaves through his body and knocking him back again.

“Step aside Scorcher, it’s my turn,” Wizard said, placing Scorcher behind a protective field. He readied his own electricity, “Take this!”

He sent a blast at the two, both easily dodging out of the way.

“You can’t hurt me! I am the embodiment of Electricity!” Electro said. “Allow me to demonstrate my superiority to you, Free of Charge!”

“Lame!” Aria said.

Electro was about to attack when suddenly he felt strange, the villain holding his head, “What’s happening!?”

“Hey Max, what’s with you?” Adagio asked.

Wizard used his helmet in an attempt to mind control Electro, “Fall to my command, use your powers for my gain, use them to destroy this puny little horse.”

“Horse!?” Adagio asked, somewhat offended. “Buddy, I’m a siren!”

She then used her singing to do her own mind control on Wizard, the villain trying to resist. “It’s no use, I will not succumb to your alluring call.”

“~Oh, now it seems like you can’t tell~” Adagio said. “~That you’ve fallen right under my spell~”

“Oh no, you’ll fall under mine!” Wizard said as he tried to direct his mind control on Adagio, the two struggling for dominance.

Unfortunately for him, Electro had recovered and used his electricity to destroy Wizard’s helmet, stunning him enough for one final blast that knocked him out of the fight.

The forcefield was down, Scorcher was ready to make a quick surprise attack. “Time to burn!”

Just before he could strike, Adagio stepped in and began to transform, to the surprise of everyone around.

“What’s she doing?” Shocker asked, looking just as surprised as everyone else.

“Reverting to her true form,” Aria explained. “What we really look like when we’re not resembling ponies or humans.”

Appearing before them was the monstrous Adagio, the beast lifting Scorcher up and slamming him down a few times before finally punching him toward a wall and ending the fight.

“My, what a spectacle!” Mysterio said. “Our allies put on a five-star performance.”

Adagio transformed back, taking a quick breath, “Whew, I need something to eat. Those guys probably feel the terrible sting of defeat, maybe I’ll snack on their shame.”

“Save some for me!” Sonata said, trotting over with Aria by her side.

“I could use a little power myself,” Tirek said, going over to steal some of their energy.

“Looks like I won’t be recruiting those two,” Discord said.

“I can’t believe you considered them in the first place,” Green Goblin said, making his way over with Chrysalis and Annihilus by his side. “Wizard I could understand, even if our allies already have what he has, between the electricity, the mind control and that showman personality, but Scorcher? You can do better. We have plenty of guys you can work with, I mean look for Ultron, or Doctor Doom. If you really want damage done to this world, find Dormammu.”

“I could Norman, but I need people we can trust,” Discord said.

“You can trust them, we all have a common goal,” Goblin said. “You’d be amazed how well villains can work together when we have an enemy to crush, though teamwork isn’t my favorite thing, I’m willing to work with whoever I can to defeat Spider-Man, as long as I get the final blow.”

“Funny you should say that, see I had someone in mind but I wasn’t sure if you’d be thrilled with the idea,” Discord said.

“I’m a flexible guy, I mean who did you get that you thought I wouldn’t like?” Goblin asked. “The Hobgoblin? If anything, I can show him up, let him see what a true Goblin can do.”

“No, not him,” Discord said. “He should be here momentarily, in fact I see him coming down the halls now.”

“Oh good, I’ll greet him personally,” Goblin said, making his way past Tirek and the Dazzlings as they stole the magic they needed. “Now where is…wait, YOU!? But how!? I thought I-“

Suddenly Goblin found his neck wrapped by a large metallic tentacle, surprising the others nearby.

“Hey what’s-“ Adagio was grabbed as well, same with the Sirens as Tirek quickly got away. Soon all four were dangled in the air by four separate tentacles as one mysterious pony made his way over, walking on the latter two.

“He’s alive!?” Electro asked. “But how!? I was there when he bit it!”

“I’m not one to be held down by something as minuscule as death,” the man said.

Shocker was in awe for a second, then realized something troubling. “Sonata!” He ran over to the man. “Otto, put Sonata down! You’re gonna hurt her!”

“I would prefer if you put all of them down Mr. Octavius,” Discord said.

The nefarious villain himself, Otto Octavius, better known his world as Doctor Octopus, obliged by gently placing the Sirens down, but aggressively tossing Goblin out of the way.

“Forgive me, I was just a bit excited,” Octavius said.

Shocker checked up on Sonata, “Hey, are you hurt!?”

“I’m fine,” Sonata said, Shocker helping her up. “Thanks Herman.”

“Uh…” Shocker realized he showed too much concern and tried to brush it off, “Don’t get the wrong idea, I’d rather not lose a teammate, at least not one that’s somewhat useful.”

“Growing soft Herman?” Octavius asked.

“What are you even doing here? How are you alive?” Shocker asked.

“Seems like I have a fair bit of explaining to do,” Octavius said, a sinister smile etched on his face.

Author's Note:

Don't take the Star Wars part too seriously. Inching closer to the conflict, but sometimes you gotta plant a decent amount of seeds and see how each grows.