• Published 30th Mar 2021
  • 1,060 Views, 187 Comments

Spiders and Magic: Civil War - Masterob

An internal battle between The Avengers and The Elements of Harmony threaten Equestria's future.

  • ...

Embarking for Change

It's been a full day since The Pony of Shadows had come to Ponyville. While the situation with him was resolved, a bigger situation bloomed in its place.

Right now, everyone on the Accords had their mission, to find and apprehend Steve Rogers, along with his allies. This was obviously a very uncomfortable mission for many of the heroes. None of them couldn't imagine Captain America as an enemy.

Things were already bad enough, given how many heroes were taken in for violations of The Accords, a mark that resonated with their friends and families.

The Apples were worried about Remy and Applejack of course, Big Macintosh taking it hard with knowing that his little sister was taken in like she did something wrong and is now on a list of ponies to apprehend. Cheerilee worried for her in-laws, along with Sugar Belle, who also got wrapped up in this. Plus there's Apple Bloom, who believed her sister would never do anything wrong, and believes all this to be a terrible misunderstanding.

Rainbow Dash waited at home with her daughter, both her parents visiting to check up on her, knowing this is hard on her. She could not understand why any of this had to happen, first with her and Johnny being blamed for the destruction of a Manehattan building, now Johnny being taken in and basically fired for violating his probation. For the first time, Rainbow Dash started to hate The Wonderbolts, and wondered why she even wanted to be part of their group so badly.

This had of course reached Manehattan, with Night Glider worrying for her friend Sugar Belle, hoping she was alright. Of course, she also knows that if she finds her, she had to bring her in, and she wasn't sure if she could handle doing such a thing. Bobby was also surprised with what Rarity and Daredevil told him when they got back.

Back in Ponyville, Peter was seen contemplating his situation as he sat on top of his Balcony. He knows that Captain America is not a bad guy, and he knows he would never intentionally cause trouble. He figured there had to be a misunderstanding.

Of course, he knows calling a prison break a misunderstanding is a stretch longer than even Reed Richards could manage. When Steve ran off, he didn't just take those who were recently arrested, he even allowed several villains to break out.

According to Tony, while he and Luna managed to round most of them up, a couple had escaped themselves and could be anywhere. Peter needed answers, and to do that, he needed to find out where Steve went.

Even now more than ever, he's happy that Autumn Blaze didn't get into any trouble for attacking Martin Li, he'll keep that a secret for her sake.

"Peter?" Twilight said, getting his attention.

"Hey Twilight," Peter greeted. "Need something?"

"Not in particular, though I did want to check up on you," Twilight said. "After what happened yesterday, I could imagine just how surprised anyone would be right now. First, you fight some monster, then the person you rescued from that monster got taken in for actions he could not control, plus the rest of our friends, then that thing with Captain America."

"Nothing makes sense anymore," Peter said, sighing heavily as he looked into the sky. "I mean, the Accords were supposed to help Equestria, seems like it's just been making everyone miserable."

"Yes, those rules certainly are flawed, restricting heroes is typically a poor idea, especially when the damage done to town was actually not too bad," Twilight said.

"I'm gonna need another word with Tony then, though I can't imagine he's in the best state of mind either," Peter said. "I mean, he and Cap are like best friends, so this is obviously upsetting to him."

"Oh! Maybe I can help!" Twilight said. "Friendship is my expertise after all. I can help Tony and Cap with their troubles."

"Well, we'd still need to find Cap," Peter said. "Plus, I know you're good when it comes to Friendship, but this goes well beyond what you have done in the past."

"Please Peter, I've helped worst," Twilight said. "After all, I helped Starlight Glimmer and her friend Sunburst. I think that was a bit worse than Tony and Cap, I mean Starlight was an actual villain, so if I helped her then I think I can help a pair of heroes."

"Well, you are great at social communication," Peter said. "Alright, we can try your plan, first thing's first, we need to find Cap. Problem is, I have no idea where he went."

"Does anypony have a clue?" Twilight asked. "Like anyone in Canterlot?"

"Not to my knowledge," Peter said. "But knowing Cap, he wouldn't take them to a town where heroes are stationed, at least I don't think he would."

"So it's best to search towns where no one is patrolling," Twilight said. "But how many places could that be?"

"Last I checked, no heroes were assigned to Appaloosa, after the chaos after the Buck Ball game, they decided they wanted no hero shenanigans," Peter said. "Also King Thorax never signed on with The Accords.

"They could have retreated to Starlight's old village, especially since Sugar Belle's with them, they might be hiding at her house," Twilight said.

"Then there's the Yaks, they're not fully on board either, they believe they can protect themselves," Peter said. "Very gusty bunch."

"There's also Klugetown, which is a shadier place to hide at," Twilight said.

Peter tapped his chin, trying to rack his brains, "There's gotta be more to it than that though, I feel like Cap wouldn't go anywhere that feels too obvious."

“Those places are a start," Twilight said. "We should let Tony know."

"Yeah, good idea, hold on a sec, I'll call him right now," Peter said, grabbing his radio. "Tony, you there?"

"Yeah Peter, what is it?" Tony asked, the hero looking over the Canterlot Balcony.

"Any update regarding Cap?" Peter asked.

"Not yet," Tony said. "Why, do you have any leads?"

"No, but Twilight and I were brainstorming places he could have gone," Peter said. "Ideally he'd want to go somewhere there aren't any heroes."

"Yeah, that much makes sense," Tony said. "Our Accords didn't reach that far out, unfortunately. Got any places you'd like to suggest?"

"Twilight believes they could have ended up at Starlight's old village since that's where Sugar Belle lives," Peter said. "There's also the possibility of Appaloosa since Applejack has family there. But if I'm being honest, Cap might expect those places to be checked first."

"Couldn't hurt to try, though I do see your point, Steve's not a fool," Tony said. "This is such a pain, I still can't believe Steve would just run off like that, with a bunch of prisoners no less."

"Some of the villains we've captured over the years were with him too right?" Peter asked. "Didn't he break a bunch of them out?"

"Yeah, though we managed to catch a good chunk of them, so only a few got away," Tony said. "Taskmaster, Sandman, The Lizard ,and Black Cat are out there too, and so is Elektra. Now we have more to worry about. Anyway, we're sending those other villains back to Earth, let Fury deal with them now.

"Probably should have done that in the first place," Peter said.

"We didn't think this would be much of a problem, plus it was less paperwork to deal with," Tony said. "Not to mention, they should have been well guarded here."

"Well no use dwelling on the mistakes," Peter said. "Anyway, I'm gonna go out and look for Cap myself, since I'm one of the only heroes who can explore outside his town."

"Yeah, you do that, Twilight too if she can," Tony said. "At this point, I might as well deputize some other heroes. I know several of the X-Men are at that school of Twilight's but, if any of them could help, that'd be great."

"If they even want to, not all of them want to get involved," Peter said.

"Yeah, that's a pain," Tony said. "Well, I think I can at least get Reed to help too since his Brother-in-law is one of the people we need to find."

"Tony, if I'm being honest, I really think Carol screwed up yesterday," Peter said. "She went way over the line, treating everyone like they're nothing but garbage. I mean, I get that Remy and Sugar Belle technically violated The Accords, and maybe Johnny should not have violated his probation, but it was still too much."

"Look, if Johnny had not run off like he did, the two of us could have worked something out," Tony said. "I can't speak for Remy or Sugar Belle. I mean I told Remy before not to involve himself, and Sugar Belle should have known better."

"What about Stygian? Or even Applejack!" Peter said. "Applejack is an Element of Harmony, she's kind of important to Equestria."

"I...Yeah, I agree that might have been crossing the line, and I will have a word with Carol about that," Tony said. "But, she is on the run, and she is technically breaking the law, if she gets caught, I can't promise a slap on the wrist for her or any of them."

"Tony, I'm worried, I don't know if these Accords are a good idea," Peter said.

"Peter, I get your concern, but you have to bear with me, things take adjusting and getting used to, nothing changes overnight," Tony reminded. "I promise, we'll find them and figure this out. This is hard for me too, I don't want to arrest Steve, but I have to do what's right for this world, and you know that too."

"Yeah, of course," Peter said, rather reluctantly.

"I'll figure out a fix for this, I need you to trust me though Peter," Tony said.

"Sure thing boss," Peter replied.

"Also, don't call me 'boss'," Tony said. "Just see if you can find Steve and hopefully we can work this out peacefully."

"Yeah, on it," Peter said, hanging up his receiving, still feeling a bit disappointed. "What a pain."

"Sounds like the conversation didn't go over well," Twilight said.

"Tony wants to talk things out reasonably, but honestly, the fact that Cap even resorted to these measures makes me wonder if that's even possible," Peter said.

"Hey, it's possible, I mean it wouldn't be my first experience with mending a broken Friendship," Twilight said. "Of course, if any of the villains set free did really bad damage, well that might be a bit harder to fix."

"I'm gonna go round everyone up, maybe I can get Logan to help out, I know he doesn't care for The Accords but he would want to be part of this," Peter said. "From there we can spread out across Equestria."

"I'll help too of course," Twilight said. "I'll have to round the girls up too, see if they want to help."

"Considering Applejack is one of the ponies with Cap, I'd say they'd be more than willing," Peter said. "Plus, Rainbow Dash would want to find Johnny."

"Rainbow Dash...she must be so heartbroken right now," Twilight said.

"Of course, not just her either, The Apple Family probably isn't taking this well either," Peter said. "Applejack and Remy are on the run too, along with Sugar Belle."

"Like they don't have enough to worry about with Apple Bloom expecting a child," Peter said. "Ugh, Carol really screwed up, this never should have happened! If Tony doesn't get through to her, I just might have to."

"Not without me, after what she pulled, she has a lot to answer for," Twilight said. "We should start planning."

"Yeah, let's head inside," Peter said. "Oh, is Sue coming by?"

"She should be, not just for Franklin, but because she's probably worried about Johnny," Twilight said. "Speaking of which, did you find time to talk to Mayday?"

"Yeah, she seemed really upset," Peter said. "Looks like it had to do with those students."

"This isn't even the first altercation Mayday's had with them," Twilight said. "I really don't know what it is about them that causes this. They're normally good students."

"They have caused trouble, like that that Bug Bear prank," Peter said. "I mean, I'm all for pranks but cutting school I can't get behind."

"At the very least, I think they learned their lesson from those experiences," Twilight said.

"They're improved, I think they're good students, but it sounds like there's still a mean streak to worry about," Peter said.

"I'm worried about that myself, Franklin himself seemed a bit distraught," Twilight said. "Seems like one of the reasons for the fight was because of Mayday's lack of interest in joining the school."

"Oh come on, like hearing it from my friends wasn't enough, I hope none of them put those students up to peer pressuring Mayday to join," Peter said.

"I doubt it, none of them would want to upset Mayday," Twilight said. "Well, except Bobby but he'd want to do it himself, plus he's not even in town, unless this was just some elaborate prank."

"I'll question those students too, but it sounds like they need some extra lessons in knowing how to talk to children," Peter said.

"So what did you tell Mayday?" Twilight asked.

"I told her to just not talk to those students," Peter said. "She didn't set out to cause trouble, if anything she felt like they were picking on her. So we don't need to ground her, at least not for a long period. She should still be able to spend time with Franklin, he's a good influence on her."

"He is, I do like that boy, I'm glad he and Mayday are friends," Twilight said.

"Mayday's happy too," Peter said. "Anyway, I might need a word with those students myself, make sure they know what's up."

"I should run that by Starlight too, if I'm gonna find Cap and our friends, she's gonna need to watch over the school," Twilight said. "That means keeping an eye on those students."

"I think she can handle it, let's hurry now," Peter said, as he and Twilight went to round everyone up.

Meanwhile at Ponyville Hospital, Rumble was checking on Silverstream's wing. "Does it still feel sore?"

"Not as much as yesterday, I think I can fly with it," Silverstream said.

"We'll check it out later, I don't want you doing more than you're able to and risk injuring yourself even more," Rumble said. "A bad wing could end your career in flying."

"That would be terrible, losing my career before it takes off," Silverstream said.

"Sorry I let this happen," Rumble said.

"You didn't hurt me though, The Pony of Shadows did," Silverstream said.

"Yeah, but it's my job to keep you safe," Rumble said. "I should have been able to move us to safety, I know I was faster than that."

"It took us by surprise," Silverstream said. "Look, what matters is that we're both alright, and my wing will get better, so we can go to Mount Aris. I'd love to introduce you to my family."

"Your aunt's a Queen right? Do I need to be like, fancy or something?" Rumble asked.

"Oh no, not really," Silverstream said. "She's usually pretty relaxed, just don't do or say anything to annoy her. She isn't too trusting of those outside her Kingdom, not at first at least. Took her forever to trust Doctor Strange."

"Well I think I can pull it off, I mean even Princess Luna likes me," Rumble said. "Of course there's Twilight too, the mare who's like a mother to me."

"Speaking of mothers, you never mentioned yours, or your dad," Silverstream said.

"They aren't alive, my brother said they were involved in an accident," Rumble said.

"Oh...I'm so sorry to hear," Silverstream said. "Wow, so you’re an orphan, just like Cozy Glow."

"Yeah, it sucks," Rumble said. "But, I try not to let it get me down, I still have a family in my big brother, my niece, my foalsitters who are like older sisters, Peter and Twilight who are like a second set of parents, Trixie who's like my aunt, and of course Mayday, who's like a little sister. Now I have Benjy to be an older brother too."

"You seem so happy when you talk about Peter and Professor Sparkle," Silverstream said. "It's amazing you got to live with them."

"Best three months of my life," Rumble said. "Shame I had to move, but Cloudsdale is right above Ponyville, so I didn't go far. Have you gotten to spend time with Peter or Twilight?"

"Well, aside from them being teachers, not a lot," Silverstream said.

"Guess it makes sense, they're both busy nowadays," Rumble said. "Twilight has that school to run, Peter is off being a superhero, and they're both busy as parents. Plus now this whole thing with Captain Equestria is really gonna have their hooves full."

"I'm still confused, why would he do what he did?" Silverstream asked. "Break free some prisoners and make a run for it?"

"I mean, I almost can't blame him, don't tell anyone I said this but, I think it was wrong of Carol to do what she did regarding Johnny, Applejack, and the others," Rumble said. "I mean, Johnny Storm is one of my favorite heroe, and one of the best Wonderbolts in recent memory. Then there's Applejack and her husband Remy, the Apples are kind of a big deal in Ponyville, they do supply foo for us, and all of Equestria, what Carol did will not go over so well with some folks. Plus my girlfriend won't be too happy that her sister and brother-in-law got taken in like that."

"If I may ask, how are things with you an Apple Bloom?" Silverstream asked.

Rumble looked aside, feeling a bit ashamed, "Things could be a lot better. We talked about the night we had sex, seems like she has some regrets. I mean, I thought she wanted it, I asked her if she was alright and she agreed. But, I'm worried it was reluctant on her part because she seems kind of regretful. Doesn't help that she got pregnant, I didn't even know she was in heat. That might have been why she agreed to it, she wasn't thinking clearly."

"Well, if you asked her and she said yes, then it's not all on you," Silverstream said. "I mean, yeah she got pregnant but she took that risk."

"Regardless, her family's pretty peeved, and Apple Bloom isn't even sure she wants to stay with me now," Rumble said. "She told me that she doesn't think I'm mature enough to be her baby's father. I don't get it either, I'm a Wonderbolt, I am on the path to a very successful career. I was certain that I was making her happy, I had it planned out too! I stay a Wonderbolt for a few years, climb the ranks to Captain, reap the benefits, then propose to Apple Bloom, taking her in as my wife while we raised many children together."

"Sounds like you put a lot of thought into it," Silverstream said.

"Apple Bloom tells me I can be a bit of a pervert, and I admit I get excited around her, and other girls, but I really do love her, I would not have gotten intimate with her if I didn't," Rumble sighed in pity. “If all I cared about was sex, I would have done it sooner. I've seen how some girls look at me, especially Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, Dinky, Wind Sprint and Cozy Glow. I could have taken any of them to bed with no trouble. Apple Bloom was supposed to be special, my first true step to solidifying my future with her." The boy looked away, trying to hide a tear coming to his eye. "Some start this is, soon I may not even have a girlfriend, I'm gonna end up like my brother. Broken up with the mother of my baby."

"You don't know that, there's still a chance isn't there?" Silverstream asked.

"I think so, maybe if I prove myself as her boyfriend then she'll stay interested in me, but I can't even be sure if that will positively work," Rumble said. "You know, it's funny. Back when Peter and Twilight were dating, he got her pregnant well before the two got married. I remember he said that despite getting Twilight pregnant, he still gave proper proposal. He made it clear to Twilight that he wanted to marry her because he loved her, not just because they were having a baby together. His friends joked that he had to marry her, and that it was a given, but I know now that is far from accurate. Sharing a child does not equal love, if it did, my brother would still be with Felicia, and I wouldn't have to worry about whether or not Apple Bloom likes me or not."

"Love's tough, isn't it?" Silverstream said. "I'm sorry this is happening to you. I can't personally relate since I've never had a boyfriend, but I'm positive things will work out for you."

"I appreciate it, hopefully things will work out," Rumble said.

"Well, in the event that it doesn't, you can always come to me, I'll be sure to cheer you up," Silverstream said. "But, you're one determined boy Rumble, if anyone can figure it out, it's you."

"Thanks, you're a really cool girl Silverstream," Rumble said.

"You know, being in this hospital room, it reminds me of the time we fought the Weapon X team," Silverstream said. "We both got hurt during the fight, I was worried that my family would want me to come back home."

"I do remember you saying something like that," Rumble said. "That Weapon X team though, one reason I needed to get stronger, and it looks like you did too. We just gotta stay on top of our combat skills."

"Yeah, become unstoppable as a team," Silverstream said. "The best Wonderbolts duo since Rainbow Dash and the Equine Torch."

"Yeah...just let's not say that out loud, we might give the higher-ups the wrong idea," Rumble said.

"Well you know what I mean," Silverstream said. "Well hopefully I can get out this room soon, maybe see my friends again. I know they were worried."

"Yeah, Sandbar sure let me know that," Rumble said. "I get he's your friend but it was kind of a jerk thing to blame me for your injury."

"To be fair Rumble, you don't really get along with him well, and for a time, you really didn't like me," Silverstream said.

"Even so, I wouldn't wish harm on any of you, even if sometimes I want to clobber some of your friends," Rumble said. "I mean, I won't, mainly since I respect that they're your friends, and because I don't want to lose my Wonderbolts position but...I have to wonder, how are you friends with any of them?"

"I can't say, it just happened," Silverstream said. "One day the six of us hung out and suddenly we were all best friends. Something just clicked."

"I guess that's a somewhat understandable answer," Rumble said. "You said 'six' though, there's seven of you."

"Cozy Glow became our friend later, though I'd say she's more a friend to Sandbar and Ocellus," Silverstream said. "Gallus and Smolder don't like her, Yona's indifferent. I kind of like her, but she can be a bit bratty, and she gets upset too easily at times, and when she is, she usually runs to Sandbar or Ocellus. I mean, I thought it was cute, until I found out she was a teenager, she just looked small for her age."

"I thought she was like ten, maybe she has a growth defect," Rumble theorized. "It's not too bad, she's only a few inches shorter than me and the Crusaders. Well anyway, seems like you have another weird friendship situation."

"Well, I still consider Cozy one of us, maybe I'll get close to her too," Silverstream said. "Some things take longer to click, I mean, how fast did you make friends with The Cutie Mark Crusaders?"

"Well at one point, the Crusaders were barely my friends," Rumble said. "Sweetie Belle pretended to be my date so she can sneak off and hang out with villains while Scootaloo and Apple Bloom tried to beat me up once because Sweetie Belle ended up being at their mercy."

"Uh...I'm gonna need some serious context here," Silverstream said.

Elsewhere at Rainbow Falls, Steve is seen trotting toward his camp with the rest of the ponies he had freed. The area they were residing in was mostly unpopulated. According to Johnny, it is a spot normally used for teams to prepare for the Equestrian Games, but since that season was not yet in session, it was good for a temporary resting spot, but they would need to move soon.

It was at this point that realization began dawning on everyone, they were on the run from the law, and they knew that soon Tony Stark and the heroes would be after them. This was not a good situation for anyone involved.

Applejack was distraught, feeling very anxious about the situation she was in and what this would mean for her family's farm. She knows they're likely very worried for her, just like she is for them. She especially feels worried for Apple Bloom, her little sister was pregnant and now she couldn't be there to help her out. Granted she's gotten better emotionally; she'd still rather be around for her.

Remy did his best to calm her nerves, but he knew that would be difficult. He's no stranger to being on the run, even if he's very rusty. Sugar Belle also did her best to comfort Applejack, but she was too scared herself to do a good job. She hopes her actions won't have a negative impact on her friends.

Johnny was taking his mind off things by doing a few wing-ups, but nothing could alleviate the worry he now had for his wife. Spitfire may hold a grudge against Rainbow Dash for this, he had to go and find her before things really got bad. Only Felicia seemed to notice the tension he bore, she can't recall the last time she's seen him this stirred up, if at all.

Stygian was also very worried himself. Though free of the Pony of Shadows, right now he was paying for his sins. He's off in an unknown location with a group of ponies he doesn't even know, nor does he even understand what's happening. How he regrets allowing his anger at his friends to get this bad.

Bucky and Sam sat nearby, both aware of how bad this was for everyone, and wishing there was something either of them could to help everyone feel less worried. Of course the two were speechless and figured it'd be best to let Cap figure out what was next.

"Sam, Bucky," Steve greeted, getting their attention. "How are things this morning?"

"See for yourself," Sam said, gesturing to the camp. "Everyone's on edge right now."

"That's understandable," Steve said.

"I know you probably have a plan; I just hope whatever it is will be helpful to everyone here," Bucky said.

"I understand this is probably a gamble, but I had to do something to send the message to Tony," Steve said. "Everything he's doing is hurting the country more than it's helping it, and the last thing I wanted was for this to reach Earth."

"No one 's gonna want that, that’s for damn sure," Sam said. "What was Stark even thinking with these rules?"

"I'm not sure, none of this feels like something Tony would do, he would not have gone to these extremes," Steve said.

"Think Celestia or Luna got in his head?" Sam asked.

“I can’t say for sure," Steve admitted. "I know Celestia wanted order, and that Tony was just trying to find the best compromise. Every time I tried talking to Tony, or anyone else of high authority about this, it usually got brushed off, like they're not even thinking ten steps ahead."

"Unusual, given Stark's businessman etiquette," Bucky said.

"Figure it out later, we're burning daylight," Sam said.

"Yes, time to set a new course of action," Steve said, clearing his throat. "Attention everyone!"

Everyone immediately turned their attention to Cap, each of them curious as to what the First Avenger had to say.

"Got our attention Cap, go on," Felicia said.

"First off, I hope everyone is doing well this morning, or at least as well as you can be," Steve said. "I know yesterday was a huge leap in risk taking."

"That's an understatement, you basically freed a bunch of prisoners," Johnny said. "Not that we aren't grateful."

"It was wrong of any of you to be treated like prisoners, none of you had done anything wrong," Steve said. "At least, for the most part."

"I was better off in a cell, especially after all the trouble I've caused," Stygian said.

"Nah dude, you're good," Johnny said. "I mean you were just being possessed by that evil thing, it wasn't the real you."

"But it was my real feelings, I was so angry at The Pillars," Stygian said.

"Any reason?" Remy asked.

"Yeah, weren't you old friends or something?" Applejack asked.

"Once upon a time we were," Stygian said. "See, I was the one who brought them together, so they could keep Equestria safe with their combined talents."

"So, kind of like how Nick Fury brought The Avengers together," Johnny said.

"Pardon me?" Stygian asked.

"We'll explain later, go on," Steve said.

"Right, so after I brought them together, I helped them with all of their missions, including research on the beasts they did battle with," Stygian said.

"So not only did you Assemble them, you were also their tactician?" Sam asked.

"Yes, and it was great, for a while," Stygian said. "The more time went on, the more I wondered if I was truly any use to them. I never had power or great magic, so I was never truly one of them. They saw me as a subordinate than an actual friend, that realization pained me."

"You just wanted to be appreciated," Applejack said.

"Yes, I suppose so. Maybe it was a bit selfish. This happened because I tried making my own copy of their artifacts, but that led to a misunderstanding. Starswirl thought I was trying to steal their power when I just hoped for one of my own," Stygian said. "All I wanted was their respect, but I suppose that's something I was never going to get.

The entire campsite felt sympathetic towards Stygian, the poor pony being the victim of a terrible misunderstanding.

"Stygian, let me be the first to say, you are not selfish for wanting to be respected by yer friends, Applejack said. "Seems like you never meant any harm, yer friends jumped to conclusions."

"Yeah, that was seriously messed up of them to do," Felicia said. "You seem like a pretty nice guy after all, assuming your story is true."

"Felicia..." Johnny scolded.

"Hey, just keeping everyone alert," Felicia said.

"It's fine, I suppose I have no proof to my claim, it's my word against Starswirl's," Stygian said.

"Honestly, that guy is stuck up snob, I wouldn't be surprised if he screwed up royally like that," Johnny said.

"Plus, ah can tell yer being honest, it's kind of mah specialty," Applejack said.

"I thank you, but I don't think any of this matters," Stygian said.

"It does, it furthers my point," Steve said. "The Accords was set to unfairly punish you, unfairly punish all of you. Stygian, you were just a victim of circumstance, that is not something to place blame on you for. Johnny, Gambit, Sugar Belle, you three stepped up to save others, that should not be condemned, but praised. Applejack, all you did was speak the truth, that too should be praised. Felicia, you may have made a mistake, but I know you did not mean the harm you caused, and even if I do agree that you being on that mission was a bit of a compromise, you too were unfairly punished for it. The system is flawed, and I aim to prove that."

"Tony's silly plans are done," Bucky said.

"The system is getting reworked," Sam said.

"I have a new goal, I am going to put an end to The Accords, and set this country back in the proper motion," Steve said.

"How are you gonna pull that off?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, do you even have a plan?" Felicia asked.

"I do, it may not be perfect, but it's the best chance we got," Steve said. "We'll need to return to Canterlot and confront Tony, but as we are now, it won't make a difference. No doubt Tony is ready for a fight, and while I' rather solve this in a non-violent manner, we need to prepare for a showdown, which means recruiting allies."

"Who's gonna help us?" Sugar Belle asked.

"How about Heroes in Equestria?" Johnny suggested. "I mean, some of them might dislike The Accords too, we know Daredevil is pretty outspoken about them."

"Some heroes ain't even signed up with The Accords," Remy said. "Scott Lang never did, neither did Wolverine."

"I don't suppose you have back-up from Earth," Felicia said.

"Only Bucky and Sam were in on this, I did not want to risk contacting anyone else," Steve said.

"Yeah, for all we knew, Stark could have gotten to any of them first," Falcon said. "Still, I say we could have at least asked Cable or something, he wouldn't have sided with Stark, and he could have brought The X-Force."

"Nothing against Cable but, I do worry about the Destruction he could have brought to Equestria," Steve said.

"Let's stick with who we got here then," Applejack said. "Ah say this is a pretty good start."

"One question though, what about our other friends?" Felicia asked.

"Yeah Cap," came the voice of Taskmaster as he trotted over with Sandman and Lizard. "What about us?"

"Wow, nice timing, were you waiting for this opportunity to show up or something?" Bucky joked.

"Good for a dramatic entrance," Taskmaster said, then focused on Steve. "Seriously though, you got room for us in your plans?"

"With all do respect, you are a criminal, and I don't think we would work well together," Steve said.

"Hey come on, it's thanks to us 'criminals' that you were able to make that getaway," Taskmaster said. "You could use us in this plan of yours to liberate Equestria."

"And why would you be interested in doing so, Masters?" Steve asked. "What's your agenda?"

"Yeah, why would you be so willing to help us, after what you did when you first got here!" Applejack said. "Don't think ah forgot about you shooting an arrow through mah leg."

"It wasn't anything personal," Taskmaster insisted. "I just came to this world to fight, mostly at the suggestion of some weird guy with white hair who did really crazy magic."

"Discord?" Steve asked.

"Yeah I think that was his name," Taskmaster said. "He told me he would pay me good money to raise hell in Equestria, so I did. Never got paid for it though, so I'm hoping to find that guy and get my due cash."

"Always after the quick buck, aren't you?" Steve asked.

"Hey, we all gotta get paid, that's life after all," Taskmaster said. "Look, you don't gotta trust me, but like I said, I have a lot of respect for ya. Even if we're usually on opposite sides, you bring the fight like a man, instead of hiding behind others like a lot of higher ups do. What Tony Stark is doing ain't right, you gotta let me help you out. You do that, I go back to Earth and I don't bother the ponies here, deal?"

Steve seemed understandably reluctant, Taskmaster is an enemy after all. But he always seemed to have a code of honor, though despite that, Tony Masters is a man with a greedy nature.

"If it's alright with you, I'd like to consult with my teammates," Steve said.

"Excuse me, but what about us?" Lizard said, getting their attention. "I believe we are all in this together now."

"Yes, of course, this goes for you as well," Steve said, then turned to his allies. "It's everyone's call, what do you think should be done?"

"Bring them along," Johnny said. "If any of them act up, I'll personally deal with them."

"I'm with Torch, it's safer to bring them along so we can keep an eye on them," Bucky said.

"Having a few extra allies couldn't hurt," Sam said. "Plus, Marko here was an Avenger once, wasn't he?"

"And Connors really isn't so bad, especially when he has better control over his transformation," Felicia said.

"I think they should get a chance to prove themselves, Equestria is about second chances after all," Sugar Belle said.

"I wasn't too different from them, but that didn't stop you from trusting and believing in me," Felicia said. "I freed them for a reason, aside from the diversion. But because I think they're pretty decent guys, even Tony Masters here."

"Very well," Steve said, focused on the three villains. "You three may join us. But, you will be under careful watch."

"Thanks Cap, we won't let you down," Sandman said.

"I trust you Flint, when push comes to shove, you can be a very dependable man" Steve said, then turned to Lizard. "Doctor Connors, you were well respected in your profession, I trust there is some goodwill in you as well."

"Of course sir, thank you," Lizard said.

"I know the two of you also have families back home, I hope after all you've been through, that you will consider going home and putting an end to this life of crime," Steve said.

"I wish I could make that promise, truth is I failed once, I might fail again," Sandman said. "But...that won't stop me from trying."

"That's all I ask Flint, I know you have it in you to put this behind you," Steve said.

"For my daughter's sake," Sandman said.

"And my son's," Lizard added.

"As for you Taskmaster, I'm going to trust you, please do not break that trust," Steve said.

"I make a promise, until this is over, I am completely on your side," Taskmaster said.

"Good, now we should get a move on," Steve said. "Bucky, you have that map I gave you?"

"Yeah," Bucky pulled it out. "Now, if we take a train to the east, the next major landmark will be Griffonstone, if we keep going down then we'll end up in the Dragon Lands."

"Griffonstone, that's where Jen Walters is stationed, and the Dragon Lands have Hercules," Steve said.

"That's one option, the other option is going south and we'll end up in Manehattan," Bucky said.

Sugar Belle looked over the map herself, "Oh, we're actually not too far from my hometown, it's actually on the way to Manehattan. The Accords don't reach there so we can stay there for a bit."

"Wait, if her hometown was nearby, why couldn't we have stopped there?" Felicia said.

"Even if we knew, it wouldn't have been a smart move," Sam said.

"Exactly, Tony may have had someone check that area," Steve said. "We can try passing through just in case if at least to get some supplies, but I think our next best move is going to Manehattan. We need to bring The Accords down, and one way to do so will be to turn heroes away from it. I feel like we will have an easier time in Manehattan with Daredevil, Iceman, Night Glider and Night Thrasher, plus that's more allies than if we just hoped for She-Hulk and Hercules."

"Speaking of Manehattan, what do you think is gonna happen with Elektra?" Johnny asked.

"Hard to say, she might get sent back to Earth, that's my best guess," Steve said.

"I wouldn't be surprised, I heard she got into a fight with Black Widow," Taskmaster said. "Of course me and the other captives were busy fighting Stark and that Moon Princess."

"What happened to the rest of them anyway?" Felicia asked. "How come only you three followed us all the way out here?"

"We got overpowered by the end," Taskmaster said. "Stark is tough but the power that Moon Princess had was more than even we expected. I managed to slip away, and I was joined by Marko and Connors. Sounds like Rhino, Scorpion and Vulture weren't able to make an escape."

"Almost feel sorry for them, Tony may not show any mercy," Johnny said.

"More than that, Luna may be without mercy too," Applejack said. "I'm kind of worried, ah feel like these accords are changing folks fer the worst."

"Unfortunately that's what happens when someone gets too much power," Bucky said. "Having power defines a person's character."

"That's why Peter always says 'With Great Power comes Great Responsibility," Johnny said. "Seems like neither Stark nor Luna are being responsible with that power."

"And neither is that skank Carol Danvers," Applejack said.

"Spitfire's certainly gone off the deep end herself," Johnny said. "Shame too, she used to be really cool. Man, you die a hero or you live long enough to become the villain. Feels like that's what's happening to the Higher Ups in the Accords.

"We'll stop this, not just for Equestria either, but also to free Tony, Luna, Spitfire and Carol from what they've become," Steve said. "Tony is still my friend, I'm not giving up on him, but now is the time for some tough love. Now come now, Manehattan awaits."

Steve led his team away toward the city, hoping to find a way to put a dent in the Accords.

Meanwhile in Canterlot, Tony is seen rounding up the villains from the previous day. After defeating them, they were placed back in their cells, temporarily.

"Time to send you to The Raft," Tony said as some S.H.I.E.L.D. agents from Earth escorted the group. "Good luck breaking out of there."

"At least I'll be a damn human again, I could never take you ponies seriously," Scorpion said. "This felt like it's own kind of hell."

"Yeah, yeah Gargan, just take a hike," Tony said.

"We'll be glad to be rid of you," Luna said.

"My only regret, I never got to kill that damn Spider-Man, that's the only reason I came to this stupid world," Scorpion said.

"You should probably put a clamp on that mouth of yours Gargan," Vulture said.

"Yeah, kind of raising the tension here," Rhino said.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you two have grown soft," Scorpion said. "Seriously, I'm just tired of things! I get sent here to take down Spider-Man, something I was glad to do! And for what? To get trapped in a damn cell for nearly two years, got blown off when Mysterio escaped, and when I get my second chance, things go to hell due to incompetent teammates!"

"Ugh, can we move this along? His complaining is already tiring," Luna said.

"Yeah, keep moving along, you three have caused enough trouble," Tony said.

"Oh, you want trouble Stark?" Scorpion warned, reading his tail. "I still got some fight left in me."

"Hey, did you damage your brain when we whooped your ass?" Tony said. "You couldn't beat us when Taskmaster, Sandman and Lizard were here, what makes you think you can do so now?"

"Because now, I don't have anyone holding me back!" Scorpion lunged into attack, but in a quick second, he was taken down by an oncoming Spitfire, who kicked him against a wall.

"Thanks Spitfire, but I had that under control," Tony said.

"I know you could have whooped him, I just needed to unload a bit," Spitfire said. "Nothing like kicking a bad guy in the face to calm some stress."

"Yeah it is therapeutic at times," Tony said. "Now someone drag his sorry self off to Earth."

"Hold up Tony," Came Carol's voice as she flew in, getting attention of everyone here.

"Carol, any sign of Steve?" Tony asked.

"No, not yet, we're still looking," Carol said. "However, there is something we need to address, it involves these villains here, and their escape."

"What about it?" Tony asked.

"For starters, you might need better prison security, a place prisoners can't easily escape from," Carol said.

"We had good security, we just didn't account for Steve breaking the prisoners out," Tony said. "I still don't even know why he did that."

Rhino took a moment to think, "Wasn't it Black Cat who-"

"He broke us out for Freedom! Because that's what Captain America stands for!" Vulture interrupted. "Be envious Stark, for you are dealing with a man twice your capabilities."

"Put a sock in it you old fossil," Carol taunted.

"I swear, no one ever explained about Magneto's age," Vulture said.

"Would you upset a guy like that? Figures it took his overpowered daughter to finally do him in," Rhino said.

"That reminds me, where is Wanda Maximoff and her friends?" Carol asked.

"After Toad recovered from his injury, the six of them went on a pilgrimage across Equestria, they've been gone for like a year I think," Tony said.

"You let a girl like that wander off? With her powers, she should be locked in a high-security room, she's too dangerous," Carol said.

"I mean...it was Steve and Celestia who wanted them free, mainly since she and her friends took Friendship Lessons from Twilight and the Elements," Tony said. "Wanna really isn't that bad, she could be worse. Plus she did save Equestria from Magneto."

"Still, I would find her, it's not even just Wanda I'm worried about, don't forget her brother, speedsters can be very dangerous," Carol said. "Find Wanda Maximoff and The Brotherhood, and bring them to me, I'll know what to do."

"Is that necessary? She hasn't done anything bad," Tony said.

"She might though," Carol pointed out.

"That's a bit extreme, isn't it?" Tony asked.

"Do you trust her? Can you say with absolute certainty that she won't bring the world into chaos?" Carol asked. "You know how strong her magic is Tony, and in a world like this, she could be unstoppable."

Tony took a moment to think that over. It was true, Wanda's power was nothing to scoff at, but even he knows that locking her up for something she didn't do was crossing the line. "Look, we'll find Wanda and if anything, I'll convince her to join The Accords or something, that way we can keep an eye on her without going to any extremes."

"Have it your way," Carol said. "Now, about the security. I get that planning for Cap's betrayal wasn't on anyone's mind, even I didn't see that coming. I didn't think he had the guts to turn against us, but here we are. My suggestion to you Tony, is to find a better place for the prison itself. Now we could just send them to The Raft or whatever other prisons Nick Fury has in mind, but I was also thinking about better guarded locations."

"Like where?" Tony asked.

"Do you have access to The Negative Zone?" Carol asked.

"Uh, any other suggestions?" Tony asked. "I mean, that sounds a bit inhumane."

"How about Tartarus?" Luna asked. "We already sent a bunch of prisoners there."

"That's another good one," Carol asked. "Refresh my memory, who's currently in Tartarus?"

"Well, aside from most monsters, we did recently send the one called Mysterio there, along with some giant bug looking monster," Luna said.

"Annihilus, the leader of The Negative Zone," Tony said.

"Wow, if that place could hold him, then that is a better prison area," Carol said.

"I don't know, it still sounds inhumane," Tony said. "Isn't that place basically hell? At least according to Greek Mythology."

"Wow, you know your Greek literature?" Carol asked.

"Considering Hercules actually exists and isn't some myth like many Earthlings thought, then I'd say I know more than just literature," Tony said.

"Tony, if I may say, Tartarus is well guarded, and despite the monsters present, most if not of them are caged," Luna said. "It actually would be a better idea than holding them in a cell, I would argue that all who oppose us should just be sent there. I ran that by my sister, but she too believed it should be reserved for the truly dastardly. But, given the abilities of recent prisoners, I'd say just send them all there, it would be much safer for Equestrians."

"I'd say it's the best place to send Captain America and that group of traitors too," Carol said. "Let them rot with the monsters."

"...I guess, we should consider that, if it meant the safety of Equestria but..." Tony still seemed unsure. Much as he wanted to capture Steve, he couldn't handle the idea of treating him like a villain. "Just bring me Steve and we'll figure things out."

"So, what of these villains then?" Luna asked, gesturing to Rhino, Vulture, and a recovering Scorpion.

"S.H.I.EL.D. came all this way, let them have some of them," Carol said, then went over to grab Scorpion. "But since this one wants to run his mouth, I say we try this upgrade with him first."

"Unhand me!" Scorpion shouted, trying to break free.

"Tony, Luna, we should all stop by Tartarus later, see if we can make proper building plans," Carol said. "For now, I'll drop him off."

Carol flew off, Scorpion in tow as she made her way to Tartarus.

"A bigger prison could be a good idea, or a disaster waiting to happen," Tony said. "For now, time to focus on the bigger picture. We need leads to Steve."

"I suggest we search Klugetown, Felicia Hardy has some contacts there," Luna said.

"Alright, I'll get that done," Tony said. "Luna, you stay here and make sure this escort to the Raft goes smoothly. Also make sure the ponies don't freak out, I saw a few of them worked up not too long ago."

"As long as the Princesses stand tall, and the heroes, the ponies have nothing to fear," Luna said.

"Need me to join Stark?" Spitfire asked.

"I can handle it myself," Tony said. "You should regroup with The Wonderbolts, keep their morale high. In fact, why don't you try to have a night off, you work really hard and you could use a break."

"A night off huh? Well Soarin's been wanting to take me somewhere nice, but is that really alright?" Spitfire asked.

"I don't see why not," Tony said. "If there's an emergency, I'll contact you, or I can contact your third in command, assuming you and Soarin have that date."

"Fleetfoot is already ready for duty," Spitfire said. "Thank you Tony, you're a cool guy."

Spitfire flew off as well, Tony checking his virtual map, "Alright, set course for Klugetown."

"Tony, what about my sister?" Luna asked. "What will we do if she hears of this?"

"That, Luna, I don't have an answer for," Tony said. "After all this, she's gonna need another vacation."

"I might need one myself, I'd love to go to a beach resort," Luna said.

"You did that a few years back right? Back when Peter and everyone took a vacation?" Tony asked. "If I recall, Peter personally invited you."

"Yes, he wanted his family there, and he includes me in that," Luna said, fondly reminiscing. "Peter is very kind and lovely, I wish I had more time to spend with him, and his family."

"What's stopping you?" Tony asked. "You're allowed to visit once in a while."

"I do, sometimes," Luna said. "It just feels awkward sometimes. I worry that I still have feelings for him, and each time I'm there and I see his daughter, part of me wishes she was mine. I know that's a bad mindset to have, but Peter was the first pony I fell in love with. To this day I always wish I had said something first. He may have returned the feelings, he may not have, that I will never find out."

"Sounds like there's awkward tension then," Tony said. "Did it get bad when you two went to Klugetown?"

"No, mainly since Felicia Hardy showed up, acting like the third wheel on a date," Luna said. "I mean, not to call my time with Peter a 'date', but it was nice spending time with him. Does that make me a bad pony?"

"Being attracted to someone doesn't make you bad, even if that someone is married," Tony said. "It's probably not the best position to be in, but not too bad. What would make you bad is if you actively pursued a relationship knowing that he's happily married. If I were you, I'd get over these feelings, I mean, how long has it been?"

"Nine years they've been together," Luna said.

"Right, that's kind of a long time for unrequited love," Tony said. "Then again, you're immortal, so years to you must feel like days, but from a human perspective, that's too long. You really need to move on."

"Yes, I should," Luna said. "Still, how do I do that when I am constantly reminded of my mistake? I have considered relationships with others. I have thought about Thor, I have thought about Scott Lang, I even once considered Bucky Barnes."

"Given how Celestia feels about Steve, you four could have had one hell of a double date," Tony joked.

"I once went on a date with Lightning Dust, it was really awkward," Luna said.

"...Do you even swing that way?" Tony asked.

"Not really, I just went because I was bored and desperate," Luna said.

"Well, you still have options, I mean, Thunderlane's single," Tony said.

"I would rather not honestly, especially one who has been that intimate with Felicia Hardy," Luna said.

"Look, we'll talk about this after we catch Steve, I'm going to Klugetown, but remember Luna, you have all the time in the world to find someone else, you'll be fine," Tony activated his suit and levitated. "I'll be back later."

The Armored Avenger flew off, leaving Luna to herself and her thoughts. "Tony's charming in his own way, if he wasn't married, could we have...no, it wouldn't work."

Outside in the courtyard, Thunderlane is flying around and kicking down targets, using much more aggression than normal. He seemed to be in a very unhappy mood, one that Double Diamond and Party Favor noticed.

"Should one of us say something?" Double Diamond asked.

"Uh, he looks kind of mad," Party Favor said.

"Well, given what happened yesterday, I guess everyone's a little shook up," Double Diamond said.

"I know I am, I'm so worried about Sugar Belle, I hope she'll be fine," Party Favor said.

"You don't think she's an actual traitor, do you?" Double Diamond asked.

"Of course not, it's Sugar Belle, she's our friend, we both know she would never do anything bad, something else must be up," Party Favor said.

"Yeah, I want to believe that, but..." Double Diamond had his own worries.

"Sugar Belle will come back, I'll go find her myself if I have to," Party Favor said.

"Just tread carefully, last thing you want to do is potentially tick off the boss," Double Diamond said.

"I won't do anything out of line," Party Favor said. "Still, what about Thunerlane?"

"What about me?" Came Thunderlane's voice, the pony landing near the two. "Shouldn't you both be training right now?"

"Well, we're kind of lost since our instructor kind of turned traitor," Party Favor joked.

"Practice on your own, that's what I'm doing," Thunerlane said. "If you guys want to be Avengers, put the work in."

"We do, but we also can't help but notice that...well..." Double Diamond struggled to find the right words.

"You look angry and frustrated," Party Favor bluntly stated.

Double Diamond nodded, "What he said."

Thunderlane sighed in frustration, "If I were you, I'd worry less about me and more about getting better."

"We will, we're just kind of worried about you," Double Diamond said.

"I don't need anyone to worry about me, I'm fine," Thunderlane insisted.

"Are you sure?" Party Favor asked.

"Yes, I'm fine, I really don't care that the mother of my daughter is basically a traitor to Equestria, or that she ran off," Thunderlane said. "I mean, she's pretty much never been around in the first place, so why should I care that she's off doing something this stupid? It makes no difference to me, she's a grown mare, let her do what she wants, if this doesn't negatively affect my daughter...which it probably will because she's gonna be known as the daughter of an underhoofed mare who screws up every chance she gets!"

"Whoa..." Double Diamond said.

"I mean...Felicia, she's just so..." Thunderlane groaned in annoyance. "I mean, doesn't she realize what she's doing? It's like she doesn't care how our daughter's gonna take this. She's fine now, but in a few years, Felicity is gonna realize that her mother is a lousy pony, and is probably going to hate her. This means I need to work extra hard to ensure that she still grows up as well as she can. I have to work to fill the void her mother left behind because it seems like she doesn't give enough of a damn to fix her own flaws."

"Sorry you're going through this...is that why you're so frustrated?" Party Favor asked.

"Probably," Thunerlane said. "I'm just worried about my daughter, this is not what I envisioned when I became a father. I wanted a nice, happy, normal family, instead I have this. Me, a single father with a baby from a thief of a mother, while my brother is having relationship issues of own that's about to get much more serious."

"Well, is anything truly normal?" Double Diamond asked. "Some families are different than others, no such thing as normal."

"Yeah, what matters in the end is that you want to be a good father for your daughter," Party Favor said. "The best way to do that is to show your daughter that you love her, and that you'll always be there for her. Even if she doesn't have the best mom, at least she'll have a good dad."

"And your brother will be fine too, just look after him," Double Diamond said. "You got this, Thunderlane."

"I appreciate that," Thunderlane said, stretching his forelegs. "This is just a big surprise to me, I never expected any of this. I mean, I get it's tough for you too, Sugar Belle is your friend."

"Everyone's affected, us, you, Mr. Stark, Spitfire, even The Pillars," Double Diamond said.

"I saw Starswirl earlier today, he looked really unhappy," Party Favor said.

"Point is, we'll get past this, and make things right again," Double Diamond said.

"Yeah, we will, we have to. For now, I should get back to training, hopefully we can all get promoted soon. Given what's happened recently, I think some new spots have opened. We'll work together and bring our friends home."

"Yeah, you got it," Double Diamond said.

"Together," Party Favor added.

"Good," Thunerlane said, getting back into position. "Let's do this!"

Meanwhile Carol had tossed Scorpion inside Tartarus, "This is where you belong, don't worry, a new building will be made here, you'll be back in a cell in no time."

"You're out your mind you crazy broad," Scorpion said, then took a punch to the jaw, knocking him back.

"Watch your damn tone with me," Carol warned. "It's over for the likes of you. Between myself, Luna, Tony Stark and Princess Cadance, there is no hope against us, so if you want to stay alive, then don't do anything stupid."

Scorpion scattered off into the depts, away from Carol as this situation was observed by Adagio and Mysterio.

"Well, this should be interesting," Adagio said. "Should we let Discord know that your old pal Scorpion found his way to Tartarus?"

"I think he should be more aware of Captain Marvel's plans," Mysterio said.

"Guess you're right, let's go, but be quick, we don't want to attract that muscle head’s attention," Adagio said, scurrying off with Mysterio.

While Carol scouted the area, she contacted her sidekick in the Crystal Empire, "Kamala, any sign of Cap?"

"No, he didn't come up here," Kamala explained.

"Well, keep checking," Carol instructed.

"Hey, what could have caused Cap to do something like this? He's usually pretty cool," Kamala said.

"He broke the law, that isn't 'cool'," Carol said. "Remember he and his team are criminals now, they deserve no mercy."

"Uh, alright then," an unsure Kamala said. "Whatever you say Carol."

"Also keep an eye and ear out for Wanda Maximoff, be sure to let Cadance know as well," Carol instructed.

"Sure, will do," Kamala said.

"If you learn anything about her location, tell someone immediately, she may be too dangerous to allow wandering Equestria," Carol said. "Same with her team."

"Yes, you got it ma'am," Kamala said, turning off the radio.

"Kamala! Wanna see a drawing I made!" Came Flurry's voice.

"Oh you know I love your drawings," Kamala said, making her way over to the young princess.

At Sweet Apple Acres, Apple Bloom is seen leaning against a fence, looking into the distance, "Applejack, wherever you are, ah hope yer doing alright." She rubbed her stomach, thinking about her would be born baby, "Looks like yer auntie's got herself into a pickle. Hopefully this gets resolved soon."

"Hey Apple Bloom," Tender Taps greeted, trotting over to the girl.

"Hey Tender Taps, what brings you out here?" Apple Bloom asked. "Another dance lesson?"

"No, just checking up on you," Tender Taps said. "I could give you some private lessons if you want though."

"Maybe later, actually ah was thinking of inviting our class for some square dancing at the barn," Apple Bloom said.

"That sounds fun," Tender Taps said, leaning next to Apple Bloom. "Sorry about your sister and brother-in-law. How's your family taking it?"

"They're not taking it too well, at this point they're too distracted to work," Apple Bloom said. "It's fine, we have some reserves but soon we're gonna have to get back out into the fields."

"Hey if you need help, let me know," Tender Taps said. "That could be another class project."

"Well ah appreciate that, but we'll be good fer now," Apple Bloom said. "Ah still got some bucking in me, gonna stay that way fer a few more months. Plus mah friends can come help too, I'm not worried. I'm more worried about mah sister, mah brother and our friend Sugar Belle."

"I think they'll be fine," Tender Taps said, then turned Apple Bloom to face him. "If you ever get too worried, I'm here for you."

Apple Bloom blushed a bit, turning her head away, "Thanks."

"I don't suppose that, if you're not busy, the two of us can go out some time," Tender Taps said.

Apple Bloom giggled a bit, "Uh, you know ah have a boyfriend. I'm carrying his baby."

"Oh, right," Tender Taps said. "I guess, you know, the rumors and such, and I-"

"Listen, let me squash those rumors," Apple Bloom said. "Ah haven't broken up with Rumble, we're still technically dating. We're just working out some issues. Until ah say otherwise, he's still mah boyfriend."

"Yeah, of course," Tender Taps said.

"Besides, would you really date a girl who's pregnant?" Apple Bloom asked.

"Well, yeah," Tender Taps said. "If she's pretty. I mean, you're one of the prettiest girls in Ponyville, top three."

"Who else is there?" Apple Bloom teased.

"Well, there’s Princess Twilight, she's absolutely beautiful," Tender Taps said.

"Won't argue that," Apple Bloom said.

"And there's Laura, she's kind of adorable, especially when she gets kind of mad," Tender Taps said. "I think she's having her own relationship issues though."

"Who? With Limestone Pie?" Apple Bloom asked. "Are they even still dating? Were they even dating at all? Or just experimenting, because it looks like that experiment is failing."

"I can't be sure," Tender Taps said. "Anyway look, I won't ask you out again, but if things do fall apart between you and Rumble, I just want you to know that you being pregnant isn't a bother to me. I would love to take you on a date regardless. And when you have that baby, I'll help you take care of him, or her."

"I'll keep that in mind," Apple Bloom said. "Rumble's a nice guy, but we did definitely rush things, and I'm paying fer it. Ah want this to work between us but, ah need to see growth from him, otherwise, it's going downhill."

"Well, I wish you luck on that," Tender Taps said. "Hey, if you don't mind, I can help with some farming, I'm not busy and I could use a little workout."

"Let mah brother know, he'll tell you what should be done," Apple Bloom said. As Tender Taps trotted off, the girl looked back at the boy, "Thinking about it, he is a nice boy...no, ah gotta be fair to Rumble. It's his baby, and ah should be patient with him, ah owe him that much."

Outside at the school of Friendship, Sandbar and his friends had finished up and were making their way toward the center of town, on their way to the hospital.

"Think Silverstream's feeling better?" Smolder asked.

"She insists the injury wasn't bad, so hopefully she's going better," Sandbar said. "Maybe it was just a minor scruff."

"She's tough, I mean given what she's been through before, I think she'll be fine," Gallus said.

"She has heart of warrior," Yona added.

"Maybe we should stop by Sugarcube Corner, get her a nice treat," Smolder said.

"Oh yeah, she'd like that," Sandbar said. "Everyone down for that?"

Totally, only the best for our pal," Gallus said.

"We show her what good friends we are," Yona said.

"That sounds neat," Cozy Glow said.

"Uh-huh..." Ocellus said, barely uttering a word, the Changeling feeling distracted.

"Huh?" Sandbar turned to his friend. "Hey Ocellus, are you feeling alright?"

"Huh?" Ocellus looked up. "Oh, yeah, I'm fine. I just have a lot on my mind."

"Is it that issue with Captain Equestria?" Sandbar asked.

"Y-yeah, that..." Ocellus said. While she was concerned about that, it wasn't what was bothering her at the moment.

"I'm still confused, is he a bad guy now?" Gallus asked.

"No, at least, I hope not," Sandbar said. "Maybe it's a misunderstanding."

"Seems like a major one then, he basically fled town with a bunch of prisoners," Smolder said.

"To be fair, it seems like those prisoners were unfairly punished," Sandbar said. "I mean, taken in for protecting the town? That's majorly bogus."

"He's not wrong, I mean would anyone consider Sugar Belle to be a threat?" Gallus said.

"Or the Apple Family," Yona said.

"Yeesh, the Apples, I feel so bad for them now," Gallus said. "You know, we should go by the farm and check on Apple Bloom some time."

"Wow, that's oddly kind of you, Gallus," Cozy Glow said.

"How is it odd!?" Gallus shouted.

"Gallus!?" Came a voice from the air. Landing nearby was a griffon that Gallus immediately recognized. "Huh, I guess I shouldn't be surprised to see you."

"Gilda?" Gallus said. "Uh, what are you doing here?"

"I heard about what happened to Johnny Storm from one of the heroes in Griffonstone, so I came by to check on Rainbow Dash, make sure she's holding up alright," Gilda said. "Still, good to see you, and you actually have friends too."

"I mean, that's why I was sent here, for Friendship and stuff," Gallus replied, almost sarcastically.

"Well I'm just happy you made the effort, and it paid well," Gilda said. "I got kind of worried when one of the Wonderbolts talked trash about you, but then mentioned some friends so I became less worried, but more curious."

"A Wonderbolt was talking trash about me?" Gallus asked.

"Yeah, young filly named Wind Sprint," Gilda said. "I'm kind of amazed she is a Wonderbolt, she looks really young. In fact, I think she mentioned being a teenager, that's impressive."

"Well I could have been a Wonerbolt myself, but I decided in the end that I did not want to put myself through that," Gallus said. "One of my friends is a Wonerbolt, we're going to see her now."

"Good to know, well I should go check on Rainbow Dash," Gilda said, turning around before seeing another surprise. "Oh cool, I see Spider-Mane and some other mare."

"Huh?" Sandbar looked up to a nearby roof, seeing both Peter and Angel conversing with one another. "Oh that girl is Firestar, she and Spider-Mane were friends back on Earth."

"She's got heat powers, similar to The Equine Torch," Ocellus said. "Except his is more fire-based, I think hers has different elemental properties."

"He also nice, normally don't like Spiders, but Peter is good spider," Yona said.

"Dash has a lot of nice things to say about him too, you know it's funny, it's thanks to him that me and Dash ended up on speaking terms again," Gilda said.

"What happened?" Ocellus asked.

"Well when I first came here, I tried catching up with Rainbow Dash, but Pinkie Pie kept getting in the way of that, which soured my first impression on her. Then an incident regarding pranks occurred at a party that Pinkie Pie hosted, and I got mad and left, which hurt my friendship with Rainbow Dash," Gilda said. Apparentlyy Peter found out about that day and encouraged Rainbow Dash to come to Griffonstone and put the past behind us. It was quite an adventure but over time, we made peace with each other and now we're friends again. I also made peace with Pinkie Pie, and she promised not to be as annoying as she was that day."

"Aw, that's so nice. It's great that Peter helped save your Friendship with Rainbow Dash," Ocellus said.

"Peter's quite the guy I should say, fitting that he's married to The Princess of Friendship with those skills," Gilda said.

"And that he helps at the School of Friendship," Ocellus said. "He's really great at capturing the attention of the students."

"Especially the girls," Gallus joked.

"Well, yeah, he is a pleasant treat for the eyes," Ocellus said, blushing a bit. "But, he's also just nice and charming."

"Good father too, any of you meet his kids yet?" Gilda asked. "His daughter's cute, and pretty sassy. I know his son was just recently born as well."

"His daughter definitely is sassy," Gallus lamented. "She has such a mouth on her."

"She's a spoiled brat," Cozy Glow said.

"Gallus, Cozy, behave," Sandbar warned.

"Right, sorry, probably shouldn’t say anything since she's still a kid...one that infuriates me," Gallus said.

"I hope you're minding your temper, Gallus," Gilda warned. "Don't do or say anything to upset her parents. Twilight went out of her way to get you into her school, and we both know how troubling it was for her. The last thing I want you to do is cause a scene."

"Hey, she bad-mouthed me first," Gallus said.

"It's true, she said some weally mean things to us," Cozy Glow said.

"She's eight, how bad could it have been?" Gilda said. "My point is, even if she's being a brat, don't make things worse. Just let her parents know and let them handle the discipline."

"But they barely do," Gallus said.

"Gallus, give it a rest, it's not worth getting angry about it," Sandbar said. "Professor Sparkle already scolded her for what she did."

"But it keeps happening," Gallus said.

"No one changes that fast Gallus," Sandbar said. "Look, we might have to put up with it a bit more but it's better to just ignore it."

"Mayday need School of Friendship more than anypony right now," Yona said. "Wish Peter send her there."

"He doesn't want to," Smolder said. "Plus do we really want her as a classmate? Might make things awkward."

"Man, how bad did it get between the six of you and Mayday?" Gilda asked.

"To be fair, a good chunk of it was also fueled by Rumble getting in her head," Sandbar said.

"Rumble? Who's..." Gilda thought a moment. "Wait, is he a gray Pegasus with slicked back hair? An older brother who has a mohawk?"

"That's the one," Sandbar said.

"I think I remember him, saw him during the Wedding Week," Gilda said. "I almost thought he was a filly."

"Heh, filly face kid," Gallus joked.

"Well I don't know Rumble that well, so I can't say anything but just try to get along better with Mayday," Gilda said. "Can you do that?"

"I'll do my best," Gallus said.

Gilda could already tell this may not go well, Gallus has always been stubborn, something not foreign to Griffons. She hoped being at the School of Friendship and being surrounded by friends would improve his attitude and at least make him aware of when to be forward or when to hold back, but that is taking longer than she hoped. Of course, even she took a long time to get better, so she can't judge too much.

"Hey Gilda!" Peter called from the roof. He jumped and landed down beside her. "Good to see you."

"Hi Peter, I saw you earlier talking with a friend, so I didn't want to interrupt," Gilda said.

"Oh you saw Angel? Too bad, I would have introduced you, but she had to go patrol. I just needed to catch up with her on, certain issues," Peter said. "Not sure if you know what happened."

"That's actually why I'm here, I know about Captain Equestria, and Johnny Storm, so I came to check on Rainbow Dash," Gilda said.

"She'd be sure to appreciate that, she was really depressed last night," Peter said.

"Dash acts tough, but she's a big softie under that hard shell," Gilda said.

"Huh...starting to see why she liked having a pet Turtle," Peter commented. "Well I'll let you be off."

"Sure but first," Gilda gestured Peter away a second, speaking in a hushed tone. "How has Gallus been doing?"

"Uh, fine, for the most part," Peter said.

"Has he been bothering your daughter?" Gilda asked.

"Uh, well, they certainly haven't been getting along," Peter said. "Actually, I did plan to speak to them about it."

"Gallus is blunt and kind of immature, but he's really nice when he wants to be, so I hope you don't judge him too harshly," Gilda said.

"I won't, they're all nice in their own way, everyone makes mistakes, I just need to correct those mistakes," Peter said.

"Good to know," Gilda said, then turned back to Gallus and company. "I'm off now, take care."

Gilda flew away, leaving Peter behind to face the students, "So, how's it going?"

"Good," Sandbar said. "We're off to get a treat for Silverstream."

"That's really kind of you," Peter said. "So...how are you taking this whole thing?" Peter asked. "Regarding Cap and the others."

"It's very surprising," Ocellus said. "We never would have expected something like this."

"Well just so you know, everyone is hard at work in finding them, we're hoping to resolve this peacefully," Peter said. "Cap has always been a good man, and the captives he was with, well they're our friends. We know they're not a bad group."

"Golly, I sure hope not, that would be so terrible," Cozy Glow said. "Who knows what they could do to Equestria. Especially with that much power."

"I know them well Cozy Glow, you have nothing to worry about," Peter said.

"If you say so..." Cozy said in an almost sing-song type voice.

Peter raised his eyebrow at the filly, for as cute as she was, she seemed to have a mischievous side to her. "Anyway, moving on. Mayday tells me you had an altercation with her yesterday."

"Y-yeah, there were some disagreements," Sandbar said. "We didn't mean any harm."

"I know you didn't, but there was harm," Peter said. "Mayday was really upset when I got home. More than that, she was crying because of what happened."

"Crying?" Ocellus asked.

"Were they real tears or fake ones?" Cozy Glow asked. One glare from Peter freaked her out and caused her to latch onto Ocellus, "Hold me!"

"Cozy..." Ocellus lamented in annoyance.

"You know we didn't mean to make your daughter cry, right Peter?" Sandbar asked.

"Of course, you're great students and Twilight always speaks fondly of you," Peter said. "It doesn't change the fact that you did upset my daughter. So let me set a few things straight. First off, understand that my daughter does not want to go to my wife's school. It's her choice, one that Twilight and I are fine with. She doesn't need the school, she has me and my wife to teach her everything she needs to know. Even Starlight tutors her on occasion, she has the resources, and she feels more comfortable learning at home than in a classroom, and her education is more important than going to school."

"That's an unusual way to say it," Gallus said.

"Dude, not now," Sandbar scolded.

"Second, I know it's not easy to take insults in stride, and Mayday should not have said some of the things she said, I let her know that, but remember that she's a little girl, and she's emotionally sensitive," Peter said. "Mayday is not good with social situations, tough as she acts, it's just to hide her discomfort. She gets really shy around others at times, especially if she doesn't know them. Going to Twilight’s school isn't going to 'fix' that."

"It worked for Ocellus," Gallus said.

"Please stop interrupting him," Sandbar said.

"Yes, Ocellus has friends, but she's still shy by nature," Peter said.

"It's true, I'm still not too comfortable around others," Ocellus said.

"Introverts can make friends, it's just harder, and I'm fairly certain Ocellus would rather just stick with the six friends she has now than venture off to make new ones," Peter said. "Which is fine, not everyone can be like Pinkie Pie and make millions of friends. My daughter is working on the idea of Friendship, and she has a good start with Franklin Richards. The closest she's had to friends prior to him was The Cake Twins and her cousin Flurry Heart. She's slowly understanding this, but it needs to be at her own pace, and you need to understand and respect that."

"Yeah, we understand," Sandbar said. "We're sorry if we came off impolite, we just thought it would help if she went to the school, we thought it'd make her happier."

"You had good intentions, but they were misguided," Peter said. "Next time ask if someone's happy and not assume they aren't just because they don't have a lot of friends. Don't think that just because Twilight is the Princess of Friendship means that Mayday has a bar to reach. Even Twilight had trouble making friends in her youth."

"Hard to imagine," Smolder said. "She seems to like everypony and every creature she sees."

"Well that's because Celestia sent her on a journey to make friends because she thought it would help her..." Peter began to have a sudden realization. "Wait a minute..."

"Uh, what's wrong?" Sandbar asked.

"Nothing, it's just...I don't know, something dawned on me," Peter said. "Never mind it, look for the foreseeable future, maybe just limit your interactions with my daughter."

"Wait, so we can't talk to her?" Sandbar asked, looking very confused.

"If you're in the same room and you want to say 'hi', then that's fine," Peter said. "If you pass her in the park or something and say 'hi', that's fine. Just try not to engage in conversation for a bit."

"Fine with me," Gallus said.

"Good, now I should be off, stay out of trouble," Peter thwipped away on his web.

"Well that felt weird, guess we have to avoid Mayday for a while," Gallus said.

"This is so ridiculous," Sandbar muttered.

"Is it really that bad? I mean do you even like Mayday?" Gallus said.

"Gallus, you still have so much to learn about not saying certain things," Sandbar said. "That goes for you too Cozy Glow."

"I just asked an honest question," Cozy insisted.

"Cozy!" Sandbar shouted, causing her to flinch. Seeing her look scared did calm Sandbar down a peg, frustrated as he was, he couldn't handle upsetting Cozy Glow. Gently he stroked her mane, getting the girl's attention again. "Just promise me you won't make things worse for Mayday."

Cozy looked up at Sandbar, her cheeks turning pink as she took in the sight of what she considered to be a very handsome pony. "Sure, I promise."

"You're a cute kid Cozy Glow," Sandbar lifted her mane so he could kiss her forehead. "Just show that inner cuteness to. Sound good?"

Cozy's face turned completely red as she began giggling to the point of fainting, confusing the students around her.

"Cozy Glow!?" Sandbar shouted in worry as everyone surrounded her.

Smolder rubbed her chin as she began observing the situation, "You know Sandbar, I'm getting the feeling that Cozy Glow has a crush on you."

Ocellus could tell that Cozy indeed felt something for Sandbar, she found it adorable. She used her magic to levitate Cozy onto her back, "Let's get a move on."

"Right..." Sandbar said, feeling more awkward now. "By the way, has anyone seen Kurt at all today? He hasn't been outside the little Church room."

"Guess he's been busy praying due to this whole Captain Equestria situation," Smolder said. "He'll be fine, once he finds comfort again he'll be the cheerful guy he always is."

Ocellus again grew worried, the girl having a feeling as to why Kurt did not want to be seen.

At the Capcom world, Sunset was communicating with Twilight through their spell, the Princess informing her friend of everything that had happened.

"Captain America ran off!?" Sunset shouted in disbelief.

"Yeah, it's quite a surprise," Twilight said. "No one expected him to just run off like that, and with a small little group too."

"I mean, it sounds like they were unfairly arrested, and maybe Cap thought they deserved better," Sunset said. "But it sounds like he went to quite the extremes. Like, is there any reason he could have done this?"

"Well, Peter did spot his enemy Mr. Negative yesterday, and he has the ability to change your personality, make you the opposite of what you are," Twilight explained. "That's my theory as to why Cap acted this way."

"Think things will get better?" Sunset asked. "Do you need me to go back to Equestria?"

"No, we have this under control, or at least Tony Stark and Princess Luna should be on it," Twilight said. "If things really get bad, then maybe we'll need your help. Until then, we should be good."

"Well I'm only one call away," Sunset said. "I trust you will have things under control."

"I hope to," Twilight said. "By the way, I don't suppose you've heard any updates regarding Thor. I know he's in his own world but has he passed by Capcom by chance?"

"No, but I know everyone here is curious about that whole Ragnarök thing, we'll definitely let you know if we do anything regarding that," Sunset said.

"Alright, well I'll let you get back to your training," Twilight said.

"Thanks, good luck with this Captain America situation," Sunset said, ending the call.

"What Captain America situation?" Came the voice of Chun-Li, the girl joined by Nathan Spencer and Strider Hiryu.

"Oh, hi Chun-Li," Sunset greeted. "There’s some trouble back in Equestria, it almost sounds like Captain America started a rebellion of sorts."

"He did what?" Spencer asked.

"Should we be concerned?" Strider chimed in.

"Twilight says Iron Man and Luna have it under control," Sunset said. "But I told her I would go back to Equestria if I needed to."

"We can definitely make another portal...I think," Chun-Li said. "If not, we can go there through Marvel."

"Speaking of Marvel, Twilight asked us about Thor, should we do something about that soon?" Sunset asked.

"We can give it a try later, but I do know that Thor is awfully protective of Asgard," Chun-Li said.

"He is, he even seemed reluctant to let me join, but I still want to check up on him, make sure everything is alright," Sunset said. "Plus with Akuma and Sephiroth being potentially involved, I'm willing to be that Ryu and Cloud would want to lend their assistance as well."

"She's got a point, plus Thor knows how tough we are, we can take whatever gets thrown at us," Spencer said.

"I'll try to contact Thor later, for now Sunset, your training must continue," Chun-Li said.

"Got that right," came the voice of Tifa, the girl walking over and cracking her knuckles. "Hope you're ready Sunset, I'm coming at you full force."

"Sparring against Tifa huh? This should be fun," Sunset said. "Alright, let's get to the training ground."

Meanwhile in Equestria, Twilight had put her spell mirror away and heard a door knock. She opened to reveal Susan, Derpy and Franklin. "Oh good, you're here. Mayday's beenwaitingg."

"Well, I'm here for another reason of course," Susan said. "I'm going to find my brother, and bring him back."

"Yes, of course," Twilight said, then turned to Franklin. "Mayday's upstairs, go say 'hello'."

"Yes ma'am," Franklin said, running up to find the girl.

"Come inside, let's talk," Twilight said, gesturing the mares in.

Upstairs, Franklin knocked on Mayday's door, the filly opening to see the boy she's grown fond of, "Frankie!" She pulled him in for a hug.

"Hey Mayday, got anything planned for today?" Franklin asked.

"Tons, come on," Mayday said, pulling the boy into her room.

Elsewhere, Thor was making his way through Asgard, making sure that everyone was prepared for the big event. Sif seemed ready, the Warriors three seemed ready, he just needed to prepare the forces and build some battle tactics.

"Loki is still out there and Ragnarök is upon us, this may not bode well for Asgard, if we're not careful, we could lose our entire civilization," Thor said.

"Yo! Thor!" Came Goku's voice, the Saiyan getting Thor's attention.

"Yes Goku, what is it?" Thor asked, somewhat annoyed.

"Sorry to bother you, I know you're busy because you're worried your brother might come by, I just wanted to know if there was any place nearby that I can train," Goku said.

"Didn't Heimdall bring you to Ymir to do battle against Frost Giants?" Thor asked.

"Yeah, and it was pretty fun, but I need a bit more," Goku said.

Thor rubbed his forehead in frustration, "How long do you even plan to stay if I may ask."

"Not too much longer, I still need to get back, Beerus has a big fight set up for me," Goku said.

"Beerus..." Thor remembered the God of Destruction. It was he and Whis who had brought Goku to Asgard after Goku told them abut Thor. It was amazing that Whis's Cube could even make it to this realm. "I wonder what he's doing now?"

"Last I saw, Beerus along with Whis were trying out some Asgardian delicacies," Goku said. "Good thing he likes the food here, otherwise he might destroy this place."

"As if I would let him," Thor said. "Or my father for that matter. Strong as Beerus is, even he would struggle against the might of Odin, even if his lifespan is nearly at an end."

"It's amazing the strength Gods can possess, usually at least," Goku said. "Even your brother seemed pretty strong when I went against him."

"Yes, my brother is powerful, with some underhanded tricks," Thor said. "It takes more than just strength to defeat him."

"Is there a reason that your brother is like this? I mean I know my brother was evil because he was raised like a typical Saiyan, he conquered worlds for a living," Goku said. "But Asgardians look more peaceful than Saiyans."

"I can assure you that we are not a peaceful people, in fact my father has waged wars against other realms, it is how Loki came to our family," Thor said. "My father had killed his and took Loki in as his own son. Loki and I were close once, we were truly brothers. But father seemed to favor me more as Asgard's successor, and in general, which led to my brother feeling hate and resentment due to his feelings of neglect. It did not help that he was prophesied as the instigator of Ragnarök, all that hatred led his eventual fall into darkness."

"Sounds rough," Goku said. Sorry that happened, you know it's funny, despite finding out I had a brother, I felt almost nothing for him. I never knew him, and the first thing he did when he came to Earth was trying to kidnap my son. You however, you knew your brother, and you felt the sharp pain of betrayal, that's gotta be awful."

"It truly was," Thor said. "Some days I wish Loki would put aside his villainy and come back home. He has good in him, I know he does, I just wish he knew that too."

"Well, Loki may not know it, but he's lucky to have a brother who cares," Goku said. "But it sounds like the issue also boils down to your father."

"Yes, perhaps," Thor said. "Once we defeat Loki, hopefully we can be rehabilitated, but it would take some time. Perhaps Twilight Sparkle can help me with that, she is very good at making friends."

"Twilight Sparkle, she's the purple pony with a horn and wings, " Goku said. "Wonder how she's doing lately?"

"I wonder myself, perhaps she has given birth by now, I hope to see her child for myself," Thor said. "You never met their oldest child correct? Their daughter Mayday?"

"Uh, I think I saw her at the castle, never actually spoke to her," Goku said.

"She's a bright young girl, I sense a great future ahead for her," Thor said.

"Does she fight?" Goku asked.

"Uh, no, she's more of an aspiring inventor than an aspiring warrior," Thor said.

"Sounds like my friend Bulma," Goku said. "Speaking of who, I bet she'd find this place pretty cool, same with all my friends, and Vegeta."

"Vegeta is that other Saiyan correct?" Thor asked. "Where is he?"

"He went to train somewhere in space, usually he's on Beerus's planet but he needed some peace and quiet for a bit," Goku said. "So since I got curious, I decided to ask Beerus and Whis to bring me here."

"Shame, I am interested to learn more about him, he may have more insight into Planet Vegeta," Thor said. "I am curious about Saiyan culture."

"Well, he says that Saiyans like to fight, not sure if there's more to it than that," Goku said.

"Do you ever wish to know more about the Saiyans?" Thor asked.

"Sometimes, but I'm fine being an Earthling," Goku said. "I was not born on Earth, but I was raised there, so for all intents and purposes, Earth is my home, and it means more to me than Planet Vegeta."

"Respectable," Thor said. "Now, I must be off, I must meet with The Warriors Three."

"By the way, how long til this...uh, Ragged Rock event?" Goku asked.

"You mean Ragnarök." Thor corrected.

"Yeah that, how long until that happens?" Goku asked.

"I am not too sure, could be within the month," Thor said.

"Kind if wish I had a more concrete time, but that's fine," Goku said. "It seems like you might need help protecting your home, and I will be there to do so."

"I cannot ask you to risk your life," Thor said.

"It's no trouble, you seem like a nice guy and the people here seem nice too," Goku said. "I don't feel right leaving them to potentially die if I know I can do something to help. Like I said, I'm not a superhero, but I don't like seeing people getting hurt. Plus, it sounds like it will be a really fun fight."

"Ever the warrior," Thor said. "Perhaps we can work something out. Maybe even Lord Beerus can help."

"Not a chance," Came Beerus's voice as he walked over, picking some food out of his teeth. "This is your problem, not mine. Figure your own mess out."

"Come on Lord Beerus, Thor's a God too, isn't there some sort of Brotherhood?" Goku asked.

"Please, I wouldn't do anything even if was my actual brother," Beerus said. "I have more important things to do."

"What? Like sleeping for another hundred years?" Goku stated in a snarky tone.

"What do you know about my job, put a cork in it," Beerus said.

"In spite of his rudeness, Lord Beerus does have a point," Whis said. "While it's true that this is an event involving Gods, Beerus's duty is to Universe 7. He would only step in if this Loki fellow caused trouble in our Universe."

"Well that's a bummer, but fine, more fighting for me," Goku said.

"Speaking of which, it's time to head back, you've done enough sightseeing for two days," Beerus said.

"Aw come on, can't I stay a bit longer?" Goku asked.

"We will bring you back once Ragnarok starts, if you truly desire to help, but Beerus cannot stay in this realm long, and leaving you behind would not be ideal, plus your wife did ask that you not stay to far off in another realm, just in case she needed you back home," Whis said.

"Oh fine," Goku said. "Hey Thor, do you have anyway to contact us?"

"Not that I am aware of," Thor said.

"Here, use this," Whis said, manifesting a crystal ball for Thor. "This should work even between our realms."

"This is for the Ragnarök even only, do not bother us with anything else, or I will personally destroy this place myself," Beerus warned.

Thor clenched his hammer, as if ready to strike Beerus down now, but it wasn't worth starting a fight over a petty threat, "Very well."

"Let's go Goku," Whis said.

"Bye Thor, hey maybe I can bring my family here one day, after Ragnarök. Chi-Chi's been dying for a vacation," Goku said. "Plus I think my two sons and my granddaughter will love this place too."

"Very well, farewell Son Goku," Thor said as he flew off to meet with The Warriors Three.

"Such a fascinating fellow," Whis said as his group made it's way back to the cube.

In Manehattan, Rarity was busy with her clothing line, hoping to use it to take her mind off of the troubles that have emerged as of late. To imagine ponies turning traitor to the country, and that one of them was her dear friend Applejack, along with her husband and one of her friends' husbands.

This was equally disappointing to Bobby, some of those ponies were his friends too, now he had to seek them out and place them under arrest.

As she worked on her clothes, Bobby had come into the room, carefully closing the door behind them as to not wake their sleeping daughter, "Hey Rares."

"Oh, hello dear," Rarity said. "How was your patrol so far?"

"Alright, since Martin Li got exposed, there haven't been as many of the Demons, though we still get a few from time to time," Bobby said. "With any luck, we should be able to find him."

"That’s great to know," Rarity said. She could still feel some tension in the room, as evident by Bobby's lack of his usual relaxed tone. "So...have you located anything else?"

"Not yet, which really kind of sucks," Bobby said. "Honestly, I can barely focus Rarity, how am I supposed to accept the fact that our friends turned traitor like this, like what were they thinking?"

"I don't know, I wish we had more information, the suspense is unbearable," Rarity said.

"Tell me about it, I hate it so much," Bobby said. "I need answers, I need to know why Remy and Johnny did this, I need to know what Cap was thinking."

"You'll find out soon my dear," Rarity said. "We all will, with all the heroes scattered about, it's only a matter of time before we find Steve Rogers."

"Yeah, you're right, justice always wins after all," Bobby said. "Plus with those Patroller Bots everywhere, we should be able to find his exact location sooner than later."

"Exactly, we'll get to the bottom of this," Rarity said.

"What's gonna happen with Applejack?" Bobby asked. "Same with Remy or Johnny?"

"They might have a lot to answer for, but as their friends, we'll still be there for them," Rarity said. "I would never abandon a friend in a time of need."

"You're a stand up gal Rarity," Bobby said, leaning against the table she was working on. "Always know just what to say."

"I try my best," Rarity said.

"You know, maybe we should take our mind off the troubles, how about we go to that nice restaurant down the street later," Bobby said.

"Only if we can get a foalsitter for our little Gem," Rarity said, gesturing to the direction of their daughter.

"Think Coco's free tonight? Or I can go find Babs Seed," Bobby said.

"Uh, I don't think it's a good time to bother Babs, or any of the Apple Family relatives," Rarity said.

"Right, well we'll keep that in mind, worse comes to worse, we order out, we'll wine and dine here," Bobby said. "Maybe try giving our little Gem a brother or sister?"

"You would love to try, wouldn't you?" Rarity teased. "Do you think we can handle having another child?"

"Hey with the success of your stores and me being part of The Accords, I think we're financially able to support four more kids," Bobby said.

"I wasn't just talking about finance, the fact is we're both busy, I just want to be sure we'll have time," Rarity said.

"We'll make time, your call, but I still kind of want to have sex with you later," Bobby said.

"Oh I know you do, it's fine, I don't think I'm in heat anyway, so we can do it risk free," Rarity said. "Allow me to finish up here at least."

"New line?" Bobby asked.

"Sort of, nothing fancy," Rarity said. "Just some average clothes. By the way, how is my store? Suri hasn't been by, has she?"

"So far no, I did ask Daredevil and the others to keep an eye out," Bobby said.

"That's good, the less trouble the better," Rarity said. "At this point I don't think I have the patience for her."

"Who does? It's a miracle Martin Li even did," Bobby said. "Anyway I should go back out and patrol, you keep doing what you're doing."

"Of course my dear," Rarity said as Bobby made his exit.

That evening, Cap's team had arrived at Manehattan, it was a longer trip than they hoped. They had made their way down the mountains and briefly stopped off at Sugar Belle's house to grab supplies before venturing off again.

Some like Steve, Bucky, Sam and Johnny had the natural speed to help them through the journey, others like Sandman had assisted a few using his abilities, and everyone else trotted on foot.

"Wow that was a long trip," Felicia said, wiping some sweat off her head.

"It wasn’t that long, and we stopped plenty of times fer you to freshen up," Appleajack said. "You even rode on my back for part of the journey."

"I'm surprised you didn't take her hat and shout 'Yee-Haw' while riding on her back," Johnny said.

"Look alive everyone," Cap said. "Keep an eye out for any heroes in town."

"I hope this plan works, I don't think I have the energy for a fight," Sugar Belle said.

"Hopefully there won't be any fighting, this is a diplomatic mission," Steve said.

"Cuz?" the group heard. Applejack turned and saw Babs Seed. "No way."

"Babs, what are you doing out so late?" Applejack asked.

"It ain't that late, plus I'm nineteen, not a kid," Babs said. "Still, what are you doing in town? It's only been a day since you...uh, you know."

"Ran off with Captain Equestria?" Applejack said, Remy raising an eyebrow at that statement. "Wait, that came out wrong."

"I know what ya mean," Babs said. "Still, what happened?"

"It's a long story, just know that we ain't trying to take over the country or nothin'," Applejack said.

"Your cousin and friends were unfairly arrested, so I broke them free of captivity," Steve explained. "I know it wasn't the smartest choice but it was the only option I had left."

"Well, if I know my cousin, I know she wouldn't do anything to mess with Equestria," Babs said. "Plus you did save me and my family once Cap, you and that guy with the metal wings."

"You did?" Bucky asked.

"I remember, it was the day we found you in Equestria," Sam said. "We saved her and an older couple from the Demon Gang."

"Hey Babs, they still giving you trouble?" Applejack asked.

"Nah, since Daredevil busted that Lee guy, there haven't been as many Demons, and ones that do show up usually get their flanks kicked by the heroes here," Babs said. "Daredevil is awesome, but I think my favorite is the guy with the skateboard."

"Night Thrasher?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, that one, such a badass name too," Babs said. "Anyway, you're alright in my book, all of you are, I mean, I don't know some of you but if you're with Cap and my cuz, then you must be good."

"Do you know Sugar Belle at least?" Applejack asked. "She's the one who's been helping at the farm since around the time Apple Bloom got pregnant."

"She's also my apprentice," Remy said. "And makes a good pie."

"It's nothing really, I just like baking," Sugar Belle said. "It's a good back up if I can't cut it as a hero."

"I appreciate you doing that for Apple Bloom, can't believe Rumble knocked her up," Babs said. "He's taking responsibility, right?"

"He is, at least he's trying to," Applejack said. "Apple Bloom is rethinking their relationship, but ah do think it's great that Rumble genuinely cares. Good kid, just kind of scatterbrained at times."

"So are we done here yet? You've been babbling on forever," Taskmaster said.

"Huh? Who's this guy?" Babs asked.

"An ally," Steve said.

"Call me Taskmaster, you need a job done, I'm your guy," the villain greeted.

"She needs no job done," Steve said.

"Wait, why does that name sound familiar? I think Apple Bloom mentioned it in a letter," Babs said.

"Don't worry about it right now," Steve said. "But to his point, we should get going, we have heroes to find."

"They might find us, check it out," Felicia said, gesturing to some Patroller Robots.

"Scanning...scanning..." Suddenly alarms rung out, startling ponies nearby. "Danger! Traitors of Equestria spotted!"

"Traitors? Not cool dude," Johnny said.

It wasn't long before the heroes in the city began honing in, starting with Night Thrasher, then Bobby, then Night Glider, and finally Daredevil.

"Were you all nearby?" Johnny asked.

"I was actually at the other side of the city, but I'm pretty dang fast," Night Glider said.

"Cap..." Daredevil said, stepping forward and facing off against Steve.

"Daredevil..." Steve replied.

"I'm almost surprised to, see, you here," Daredevil said, a statement more metaphorical than literal.

"Uh, weren't there five of you?" Babs asked.

"Elektra got fired," Bobby said. "Too violent for the job."

"Aw, bogus, she was really cool," Babs said.

"Let's cut to the chase, why did you come Steve?" Daredevil asked.

"This place is my first step to setting this country free," Steve explained.

"Excuse me?" Daredevil asked. "Setting it free?"

"Daredevil, tell me, do you believe in The Accords?" Steve asked. "Do you think they are in the best interest for this country? Do you think this will keep anyone safe?"

"What's he going on about?" Night Glider asked.

"Tony's Accords have caused trouble for months, Daredevil," Steve explained. "His Accords placed Johnny Storm and Rainbow Dash on probation after they fought hard to save ponies in Tony Stark's building. They got Felicia Hardy arrested just because she wanted to help Peter fight off some pirates. They tried arresting everyone here just for saving Ponyville from an evil shadow creature, and even wanted to exercise punishment on one of the shadow's captives."

"All that really happened?" Babs asked. "Dang, that sounds rough."

"Daredevil, I know you've been looking into change, this is your chance," Steve said. "Help us change Equestria for the better, if we don't, not only will this world suffer, but so will ours."

While this was going on, Bobby had contacted Canterlot, "Tony? Spitfire? Luna?"

"Yes Bobby?" Luna answered. "What is it? I see alerts showing up for Manehattan."

"Yeah, Cap's team just got spotted, they're in the city right now," Bobby said.

"Really!?" Luna said. "This is perfect. Is the team there assembled?"

"Yes, and it almost looks like Cap is trying to talk to Daredevil about something, not sure if he's buying time or what," Bobby said.

"Try to capture them, I will have allies sent to your location soon," Luna said.

"Will do," Bobby said, slowly making his way into view.

"Daredevil, I implore you, help me do away with the Accords, the two of us can snap Tony out of this mindset of his and retore Equestria to its former glory," Steve pleaded.

"I..." Daredevil wasn't sure what to do. He knew Steve had a point, but doing this did spell risk. Of course, what is risk without reward, he isn't called Daredevil for nothing. In the end, he knew Steve was right, and he knew this was the only way to break the control of The Accords. "When you put it that way-"

"ICE BRIGADE!" Bobby shouted, sending an avalanche of ice to cover everyone in Steve's team, taking them by surprise.

"Bobby! What are you doing!?" Daredevil shouted.

"My job, same as you should be doing," Bobby said. "Look, Steve's just trying play divide and conquer right now, and you nearly fell for it. I already contacted Luna and she'll be sending back up so we can get Steve back to Canterlot and resolve this situation."

"Isn't that kind of harsh, I mean some of them are your friends," Night Glider said. "More than that, one of them was my friend!"

"Your friend shouldn't have been part of a group of traitors, but with any luck, maybe Luna will go easy on them," Bobby said. "Look, it's not like I wanted to do this, but I had to, we can't let our personal feelings interfere with our work."

Suddenly part of the ice began to melt as Johnny freed himself from his icy prison, "Did you really think that would work!? I'm the Human Torch! Even your ice isn't a match for me."

"That's what you think!" Bobby sent an ice beam at Johnny, to which he countered with fire. "You may be heat incarnate, but even you can't melt my ice!"

Johnny tried pushing back, but Bobby was a lot stronger than he anticipated, for all the fire he put out, Bobby matched with more ice. Johnny had to be careful, there were ponies nearby and he didn't want to risk endangering them with his heat, something Bobby probably knew too.

"Just give it up Johnny! Surrender peacefully and I promise Luna will take it easy on you!" Bobby shouted. "Think of your daughter! Do you really want to make things worse!? Imagine how this will impact her!"

"Bobby! Stop"! Daredevil ordered. "Don't fight! It's not worth it!"

"Daredevil, pick a side, are you with me or them!?" Bobby said.

Johnny had to act quickly, so using his powers, he was able to free some of his allies, including Steve, Bucky, Sam, Lizard and Sandman.

Steve quickly rushed in and tossed his shield at Bobby's head, knocking him for a loop while Bucky ran in and punched him against a pole.

"Well we know who's side he's on then," Sam said. "What about the rest of you?"

"I'm..." Night Glider had to think quickly, while she's happy to be a Wonderbolt, she also doesn't want to fight her friends, at least not Sugar Belle. Despite that, she couldn't just break the rules, she couldn't turn against those who gave her this opportunity, a chance to really let her skills shine. "I'm sorry, but I can't, I have to stop you!"

"Night Glider hold up!" Night Thrasher said, but too late, the mare rushed to attack.

Sam flew up and kicked her in the face, then knocked her out of the air.

Johnny had freed everyone else, Sugar Belle rushing over to check on her friend, "Night Glider!"

"Watch out!" Sam flew in and to snatch Sugar Belle out of the way before Bobby had a chance to attack again.

"Bobby! Stop this!" Remy called.

"It's my job Remy, you should have surrendered!" Bobby said, ready to attack. He then found himself surrounded by sand. "What the hell!?"

Sandman had enlarged himself and grabbed Bobby to throw him through a nearby building.

"Easy, mind the ponies!" Steve urged.

"Cap..." Night Thrasher said, standing in front of the hero.

"Dwayne, what will you do?" Steve asked. "Fight with me? Or against me?"

"I.." Night Thrasher thought it over, before concluding. "Do you really think this is the right call?"

"Yes, I believe it is," Steve said.

"Well then...I-" Night Thrasher's answer was interrupted by Night Glider getting back up and fling in for a kick to Steve.

"Enough! All of you need to surrender!" Night Glider then dodged an attack from Falcon but was left open for her friend to magically restrain her. "Sugar Belle!?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you stop Captain Equestria," Sugar Belle said.

"But, we're friends! How could you!?" Night Glider asked.

"Please forgive me," Sugar Belle tearfully said as she flung Night Glier into the same building Bobby went, the two colliding against each other.

"That's gonna cause some dramatic tension," Felicia teased.

"Not funny," Sugar Belle said.

Steve had pulled himself up, once again finding himself face to face with Daredevil, the hero still looking conflicted. "Matt?"

"Steve, what makes you so confident about this?" Daredevil asked. "What makes you so sure that this is the right thing to do?"

"I can't make any promises, but I will try my hardest to abide by them," Steve said. "What I'm asking for is risky, and you don't have to join me. I could never force someone to really put themselves in danger. Even if you do not side with me, that doesn't mean we have to fight, not unless you give me a reason to."

"Well, I may have to fight," Daredevil said.

Not too long later, two Wonderbolts, Sky Stinger and Vapor Trails had landed nearby.

"Wonderbolts reporting from Fillydelphia," Sky Stinger said.

"Fillydelphia? Wow you were fast getting here," Daredevil said.

"We are top on the line in speed, we're Wonderbolts after all," Sky Stinger said.

"Looks like you've found the traitors," Vapor Trails said. "Captain Equestria, as per the rules of The Earth-Equestrian Alliance Accords, I'm afraid we must ask for your surrender, failure to do so will result in force."

"Is she serious?" Taskmaster said. "After what we did to Iceman and that other pony? Honestly I didn't even have to do much, that's how easily we dispatched them."

"Well, they aren't us, so don't give us a reason to show you our awesome teamwork capabilities," Sky Stringer said.

"Final warning Captain, surrender or we use force," Vapor Trails said.

"I got this," Daredevil said. "No need for you to use any force."

"Thanks, but we cannot take any chances," Vapor Trails said. "Now then Captain, will you-"

Suddenly Daredevil whacked her in the head with his rod, surprising Sky Stinger.

"Hey what in the-" Suddenly he took a whack to the face too, both Wonderbolts knocked out.

"Huh, didn't expect that," Steve said. "So, are you in?"

"Yes, I'm on your side Captain," Daredevil said.

"Good to hear," Steve replied. "That just leaves Night Thrasher."

"Hey I'm with Daredevil, so you can count on me Cap," Night Thrasher said.

"Excellent, now let's keep on the move," Steve said.

"Where to?" Johnny asked.

"If we keep down south, we'll find another town, Balitmare," Steve said. "Last I checked, that's where Tigra was assigned, and I believe she also has her own pair of Wonderbolt assistants."

"Probably the Barrel Twins," Johnny said. "I know they recently got located into one of these nearby towns."

"We should be careful, according to the map, it's right across the lake from Griffonstone," Applejack said.

"We'll keep an eye out," Steve said. "Let’s go everyone."

"Yeah, those damn robots are coming," Sam said, gesturing to the Patroller Robots.

The team made their exit, on their way to the next town.

Meanwhile Babs had looked over the area, seeing the damage done. Not too much to worry about, some property damage but nothing that couldn't be quickly fixed. She spotted a pony with a blue mane.

"Hey! Blueberry!" Babs called.

"Huh?" Blueberry Curls turned to the young girl. "Oh Babs, what happened here?"

"Big fight, listen I saw my cousin earlier and I gotta talk to her, tell my family I'm gonna be gone for a while," Babs said.

"Your cousin!? Wait you mean Applejack!? Was she here? Was Captain Equestria here!?" Blueberry asked.

"Just do it, I'll be back later!" Babs said, rushing in the same direction as Applejack.

"Babs wait!" Blueberry called to no avail. "Oh, this could be trouble."

Not too long later, Bobby had recovered from the attack, looking a bit frustrated as he contacted Luna, "Hey, small problem, they got away."

"They escaped!?" Luna shouted in annoyance.

"Yeah, looks like it. Sorry, I thought I had it, my powers should have contained all of them, even Johnny, but they one-uped me," Bobby said.

"What of the two Wonderbolts that I sent your way?" Luna asked.

Bobby looked out the window, he saw the duo getting up, "I see them, guess they got beat up too."

Sky Stringer looked up and waved to Bobby. "Vapor, I see Ice Mane."

"Good, he should know what's happening," Vapor Trails said, flying up to greet the hero.

"Cap got the upperhand on you as well?" Bobby asked.

"Yeah, after we got betrayed," Sky Stinger said. "That hero in red knocked us out!"

"He did what!?" Bobby asked.

"Bobby, what's happening?" Luna asked.

"Apparently Daredevil's on Cap's side now," Bobby explained. "He totally betrayed us!"

"You have got to be kidding me, what of Night Glider and Night Thrasher?" Luna asked.

"Night Glider's here, she took a beating too, but I don't see Night Thrasher, either he's out of my sight or he turned on us too," Bobby said.

"He probably did," Night Glider said, sitting up. "Steve Rogers was talking to him about switching sides, guess he took him up on his offer."

"Alright, that makes two traitors," Bobby said. "I'll search around just to be sure but this is getting worse Luna."

"How unfortunate," Luna said. "Well, you did your best at least, we will contact you again. Tell the two Wonderbolts you're with to return to base, I will see if I can make any replacements for you in Manehattan."

"Don't worry about replacements, I can take the Demons by myself if I had to, and Night Glider is more than enough of a partner, just find Cap and the others," Bobby said. "We'll keep an eye out just in case they return."

"Very well," Luna said.

As Bobby turned the radio off, he could see the rage on Night Glider's face, "Hey, you alright Glide?"

"Sugar Belle...I can't believe she would just turn against me," Night Glider said. "After all we've been through! She turned against me! Then Night Thrasher ditches me!? Why would Dwayne do something like that? He was my Partner of the Night!"

"I know how you feel, I'm upset about Applejack and Remy, and Rarity won't be too happy about this either," Bobby said as he held his hoof out to her. "We'll fix this, together."

Night Glider took his hoof, "Yeah, together."

Meanwhile Luna had contacted Stark, letting him know the situation, "Tony, we have a problem. Daredevil and Night Thrasher have betrayed us, Cap's team led an attack on Manehattan, they got past Bobby Drake, Night Glider, Sky Stinger and Vapor Trails."

"Are you serious!?" Tony shouted in annoyance. "Damn, now things are going to get more complicated, It's fine though, at least we have an idea on where Steve is, well get that side of the country better guarded."

"Indeed, so how are things in Klugetown?" Luna asked.

Tony, who was in his armor, had just knocked out a resident, "They could be better. I couldn't find Felicia's old contact, but that's fine, he's useless now."

"Uh, were you in a fight per chance?" Luna asked.

"They attacked first, but I doubt they'll retaliate, they don't have the guts to go against an Avenger," Tony said. "Not anymore at least. I'm on my way back to Canterlot."

As Tony left, Capper, who was hiding nearby, stepped out to take in the view, "Dang, that armored pony beat the tar out of everyone. Still, it sounds like my girl Felicia's been up to trouble, after what happened between her, Spider-Mane and Celaeno, things have gotten even more chaotic." Capper tapped his chin, "Come to think of it, I haven't even seen Celaeno around for weeks, Klugetown's gonna lose a good supply of goods, at this rate I might need to skip out. Where to go next though, don't want to go crawling back to Abyssinia, not yet at least. Eh, I'll figure it out."

Tony made his way back to Canterlot, hoping to further fix this underlying issue of Steve and his team. Deep down, it still nagged at him to even consider Steve a traitor, but rules are still rules, he has to do what's right, for the sake of Equestria.

Meanwhile, Steve's team was still making their way to the next town, unaware of the friend that would be joining them.

"Hey wait up!" Babs called. "Wait for me!"

"Babs?" Applejack said.

"Don't tell me she wants to come," Remy said.

"Looks like it," Steve said.

"Hey! You need some extra muscle right!?" Babs said. "Count me in!"

"Dang it Babs..." Applejack said. "Like we need another bad apple."

"Hey, we're the good guys," Remy said. "But still, Babs, this ain't safe."

"Well, I'm joining ya's regardless, I'm ready for duty Captain!" Babs said.

Steve couldn't help but get a laugh in, he respects her tenacity, though he hopes this wouldn't be one recruitment he wasn't going to regret later.