• Published 11th Sep 2021
  • 1,636 Views, 43 Comments

Dear Princess Twilight - Test4Echo

Luster Dawn has been dispatched to follow in Twilight's hoof tracks to her old hometown of Ponyville. And, like Twilight did with Celestia, she has homework. Consistent friendship updates are expected, although they may not always come on time.

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Mom is dead. We buried her yesterday. She's now forever resting next to Aunt Trixie. Oh, Trixie's been dead for a few years now, too. Guess you haven't kept up with us much, have you?

I'm okay, if you care. Mom passed away last week surrounded by her family, mostly. At the end, she could barely see anything. It did mean a lot to her that you were able to visit and that Spike was able to, too. Even with her bad eyesight, she could see the caring eye of him looking through the window. I think he made her feel protected, more than ever before.

I suppose, though, death was inevitable. When Aunt Trixie died, Mom and Dad took it really hard. Mom especially. What do you do when one of your best friends dies suddenly? One day Trixie was her normal, if old and rickety self, and then you discover she died in her sleep.

When you visited, that was the first time you've seen my parents in, what? Fifteen years? I remember when they came to me talking about the great time they had with you in Bales looking through the recently opened ancient library. I don't know if they kept up with you after that.

I was there when Mom died. She let me know how proud she was of me. I suppose she knew her time was up, and she wanted me to not get caught up in all the pain. Well, I'm afraid I disappointed her on that end.

Dad's devastated. Sixty-one years. That's how long they were married. Do you know what it's like to lose a pony whom you've been with for so long? Do you know what it's like to lose your literal other half? Well, I don't know either, but I can guess from how Dad has taken things.

Despite being almost ninety, the doctors had to get five staff members to combine their strength to get Dad away from Mom. Tears were everywhere, Twilight. He doesn't have much of a beard left, but it was soaked by the time the hospital staff pried him off.

Soon, I'll have to go to another funeral, I think. If Dad makes it to the end of the year, I'll count myself lucky. Already, he isn't responsive to much, he just sits around their apartment and looks through photo albums. Occasionally, he might say something to myself, Kaiser, or Starry (one of us is always around to make sure he's okay) about the memory triggered by a picture, but it takes a lot just to get him to eat, let alone engage with us.

I know that this would have happened eventually. I was prepared for it. After all, it is natural for a daughter to outlive her parents. I'd hate to think what Mom and Dad would have been like if I had died in some freak accident or when I was off saving Equestria a few times.

However, what isn't natural is a mother outliving her children. Starry is a full-grown stallion now. Been married for a few years, too. It wasn't nearly as fancy an affair as Kaiser and mine's. Out of the princesses, only Flurry Heart was invited and attended.

There's so much of me and Kaiser in him. On the outside, he may look more like Mom and Dad, but he's grown into my hoofsteps so much. On the odd day, I look back at him, his wife, and my new granddaughter with pride. Then I remember.

I remember that I'll be stuck here, watching Starry grow old, his newborn foal, Glimmer Burst (he was such a suckup to Mom and Dad), grow old, her foals grow old, their foals grow old, ad nauseum. What kind of existence is that for a family matriarch? I should be allowed to pass on the torch at some point, should I not?

While I'm writing this, Kaiser is working with Dad on a game of Knowledge Quest. They're having to take frequent breaks, as many questions make Dad break down. I guess that game has special meaning to him.

Kaiser is getting old, too, Twilight. He's been fully grey for a couple of decades at this point. I swear the wrinkles are going to cause his eyes to sink into his skull. But he perseveres. Although he had a rough time growing up, and that definitely has affected him physically now, he's still the same generous pony I married all those years ago.

It's not just him, though.

Bonfire has had an empty nest for years. Her husband died about five years back, and, well, she hasn't taken it the best. For years, I haven't seen her crack a smile or try to tell a corny joke. She may occasionally try playing one of her instruments, but from what I can see, she never plays one for more than a few minutes before putting it away.

Barnard has it probably the worst out of all of us. He's alone up there in Yakyakistan. His brothers died in the Northern Wars, and his parents passed forever ago. Without a wife and kids of his own, he has to wait for the day his family legacy burns out. On top of that, he's having a harder and harder time remembering who we are.

Yakyakistan hasn't fully recovered yet from its wars, and its medical prowess is one of the casualties. I don't think he'll be around for more than a couple of years. Even if he is, I don't believe it will really be him, just a body responding to base stimuli.

Finally, Midnight. Midnight is doing okay, actually. Her husband is still alive, and they have a few foster kids that have grown up and left their roost. Now she tries to make time every month or so to travel from Aquilea to here. She always brings something from there, even if it's just a bit of food that we eat within the first day.

Age hasn't slowed her wit at all, Twilight. Maybe she's hunched over from the pain her body causes. Maybe her one wing has atrophied to almost nothing but bone and a few loose feathers. Maybe she's half-blind and one eye is permanently shut from shrapnel during the Griffonian Empire's unification wars, but her mind is still there.

When she was younger, Midnight was never much of a talker. Now, talking is the one thing she can do easily. Kaiser and I can spend hours talking with her about old times, developments of the world, the hope of newer generations, whatever, and it never feels tiresome. Some days, I'm amazed that we still have so much we can talk about.

And then there's me, Twilight. Not-so-little, not-so-old me. Probably I now rival Cadance in terms of height. Maybe I'm a bit shorter. I've been feeling so empty lately, like I can always eat more and like there's this gaping hole in my being.

Physically, I suppose outside of growing somewhat, I've remained unchanged. Buck it, I've probably aged in reverse! Despite my increased appetite, I have more energy than ever now. It feels awful to just lay in bed next to Kaiser, unable to sleep because I'm not tired at all. Sometimes I go for weeks between naps let alone a full night's rest.

Mentally, well, I feel old. I mean, I feel like I've lived enough for five ponies' lifetimes, instead of just one. All this knowledge, all this responsibility, being seen as better than everypony else because I have wings and a horn, it's not for me. I've had to deal with so many friendship issues that could have been resolved if creatures just talked with each other. I don't know how I could have kept going if not for my friends and family.

Frequently, I find myself thinking back to when you brought me back to Ponyville. Meeting my friends for the first time, meeting Kaiser, learning about friendship. They're good memories.

I can't go on like this, Twilight. Aunt Trixie and Mom were the first to go, but I can't keep going on while my family and friends slowly disappear around me. Dad will go next, I'm positive, but then who? Will it be Barnard? It seems most likely, but it could be any one of my friends; it could even be Kaiser!

And what would be expected of me?

"Move on, Luster." "It happens, Luster." "We're sorry for your loss, Princess Luster."

I'd be expected to just take the punches and roll with them. Well, I won't! I will cry, I will mourn, I will show all the emotions an alicorn never should! Ponies think that us alicorns are the pinnacle of stoicism. Well, they’ll be in for a rude awakening. Their Princesses are not unfeeling, immovable stones: we’re ponies, too. We act like everything is fine just so the common ponies believe they’re safe.

Because that's what all alicorns are good at, aren't they? Pretending the world is fine, ignoring the warnings, and letting creatures get too complacent.

I'm sorry, that was cruel of me.

I know that when Fluttershy and Rarity passed that you had national days of mourning for them. Of all the ponies to last, I never thought Applejack would be among them. At one hundred years old, I still see her strolling around Ponyville occasionally!

Was it hard, Twilight? Did you finally get a wake-up call? The other old Elements are dying, you must see that. How much longer will you expect them to be alive?

Knowing all that you do, would give up your status and return to being a unicorn? Are there days you wish for that? What would you do? Growing old with your friends and seeing them age with you, that's been my desire for decades now, and you've ignored it.

Please! We were friends once! I ask you to release me from this curse. If not for my sake, for my mom's sake, for your friend Starlight's sake. Ponies aren't meant to live forever, Twilight. It takes a special soul to be able to bear the burden of immortality, and, well, I'm not it.

Looking back at that day in Canterlot when you summoned me: I was so scared. I tried hiding it by being brash about my beliefs on friendship, but I was honestly afraid. Afraid that I failed you, that you were upset that I wasn't interested in friendship. I thought that if I was straightforward, you'd forgive me and respect my decisions.

Honestly, I'm glad that you didn't.

If I could travel back in time to when you summoned me and talk to my younger self, would I warn myself of the consequences? No, I don't think I would. I'd instead tell myself about all the wonders I was going to experience. Friendship. Love. Adventure. Family.

Because of you, I have mended things with my parents. Because of you, I met the love of my life. Because of you, I made lifelong friendships that showcase the best in ponies and every creature on Equus.

If it weren't for you, I never would have had a handsome son who's become such an influential pony. If it weren't for you, I never would have gotten this far in life.

Thank you, Twilight, truly, for everything you've done for me. You believed in me when I didn't, when I wanted to hide away from the world and dedicate myself solely to magic. But then I learned that friendship is magic. It's more magical than any spell that has been created by ponykind.

I'm rambling again, but you know what, too bad. Let's ramble a bit longer.

I'm not the right pony for this, Twilight. Maybe you made a mistake, or maybe I thought I was ready when I wasn't, but I can't keep going on as an alicorn. Maybe I never learned the true spirit of friendship, but my friendships are true now, and I don't want to lose them. I want to grow old and watch them flame out naturally: as we all take our final breaths and go to Celestia knows where, I know one thing. I know that my friends and I will be together.

Surely, there must be a way to reverse the spell? I urge you to reconsider what you told me almost twenty years ago when I found out about my immortality! There has to be a way to return me to being a unicorn!

Maybe, all of us alicorns need to work together to use the spell? Between you, Celestia, Luna, Cadance, and Flurry, there must be enough magic to return me to my previous state? And if there isn't, we can spend time finding a way! Anything is possible when enough minds are put to a task!

I, Luster Shimmer Shine Dawn, Principis de Amicitia, am requesting that you, Twilight Sparkle, Ruler of Equestria, Princeps Dei Solis et Lunae, release me from alicornhood.

If not... then this is my final letter. When the time is right: my friends are gone, my husband passed, my son and his family firmly established, then I will take matters into my own hooves.

Please, Twilight, listen to my plea. For old friendship's sake: the embers are still smoldering, don't let them die out by ignoring this. I beg you, let me go.

With a heavy heart,

Her Royal Highness, Princess Luster Shimmer Shine Dawn

Author's Note:

Whew, so that was a ride or what? This was written last year in June, shortly after I got back into writing things. Couldn't tell what emotions I was about G4 ending at all, right? :rainbowlaugh:

Once again, the editing has been done by EverfreePony, who has been a great aid to my writing since I've returned to making stories. The cover was done by the wonderful Julunis14 and I'm incredibly sorry that it took this long to publish this story after I commissioned her. Also, there may eventually be a sidequel for this, detailing Twilight's responses to all of Luster's letters. This is assuming I have the time to do it, though.

When I wrote this, I had literally zero knowledge that Luster's group of friends in the finale were already named. I'm not surprised, given this fandom, but by the time I found out, there were already two stories that I wrote with these names, and I kinda stuck with them.

For reference, here are the characters and their fandom names:
Kaiser Roll: Gallop J. Fry
Midnight: Georgia
Bonfire: River Song
Barnard: Yelena (don't ask me how I mistook a female yak for a male yak. I just did.)

Some of the lore expanding the world was inspired by Equestria at War, however, it was effectively only names and nations, plus one or two minor events. They have too good a world to not get inspired from!


Comments ( 10 )

Oof, yes, right in the kokoro, I'm gonna feel this all day :raritydespair:

This was a beautiful story, love the slow build-up from Luster being a young, bright-eyed student, to an adult. Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of alicorn luster or alicorn anybody for that matter, I mean it took Celestia centuries before she decided to ascend anyone, so if Twilight was going to ascend anyone it would be years and years down the line. But that's a matter of personal taste than a fault in your writing, you handled the matter tastefully and with the emotional weight it deserved, I really felt for Luster in this story.

And man, now I really do want a sequel, Twilight has got some explaining to do, dang it!

I'm glad that I delivered. :twilightsmile: It was something that I had a lot of fun writing, and there are indeed a few ideas bouncing around for Twilight's side. It wouldn't be as much a true sequel as a sidequel: having her side of the conversations, and perhaps adding a couple more after this last letter. But yes, Twilight definitely has her own lessons to learn still, and not being like Celestia is one of them.

That ending feels like an ending... but it also feels like an open book. I want to know what happens to Luster, but I don’t feel like that’s the point here. The point is that Luster is broken, and there’s no easy way to figure out how her story ends.

I would’ve liked more substance to the story, I feel like it moves too fast. While I understand why (reading the same complaints over again is a bit tiring), I would’ve liked more worldbuilding during the school bit. Other than that, however, this story’s pretty good.

Pow! Right in my feelbox. :applecry:

I hope we can at some point see Twilight's perspective on all this, why she made Luster an alicorn then flitted off to sky knows where, and why she hasn't been responding but at all.

What a ride it was. Bloody good stuff :heart:

Yes, there is a bit of interpretation for the reader for the last chapter, and Luster definitely doesn't have any easy choices ahead of her. There are a few ideas percolating here and there for a sequel, or as I replied to the previous comment, at the very least Twilight's side of the letter story.

Thanks for your feedback on the story. There's always the potential that if the second story pops up that Twilight responds to letters from earlier in Luster's life that never showed up here, like at the school. I'm sure she'd have some advice (maybe not the best, since she probably doesn't have the experience) on how to properly woo a stallion after Luster's first attempts. :pinkiecrazy:

And it looks like my aimed shot went right where it should have! I'll definitely be thinking about any good potential sequel/sidequel threads for this, and it will have a bit of Twilight's perspective on this. I'll add that for when I wrote this, I saw her as repeating the aloof mistakes of Celestia, after pledging not to. Have to have tragedy/drama on multiple levels!

This story is awesome!

My favourite chapter in the story is “To.”

I'm glad that you enjoyed it. That letter was one of my favourite to write as well.

"When I wrote this, I had literally zero knowledge that Luster's group of friends in the finale were already named. I'm not surprised, given this fandom, but by the time I found out, there were already two stories that I wrote with these names, and I kinda stuck with them."

You do know that fanmade anything doesn't count as actual fact, right? You're names are better anyway.

True, but the fandom has a habit of sticking with early naming conventions and getting huffy if they aren't followed. I'm happy to hear that you prefer the names I chose, though.

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