• Published 11th Sep 2021
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Dear Princess Twilight - Test4Echo

Luster Dawn has been dispatched to follow in Twilight's hoof tracks to her old hometown of Ponyville. And, like Twilight did with Celestia, she has homework. Consistent friendship updates are expected, although they may not always come on time.

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Dear Princess Twilight,

Well, I guess you could say that I massively screwed up this whole weekend.

I'll start from the beginning. For the last few days, my parents have been insufferable. I mean, like, sure, I guess they were just looking out for me a couple of times when I almost slipped and fell in a puddle last week, but after that they've been doting on me like I'm the Crown Princess of Saddle Arabia or something!

So, after that, it started being the little things. If I nodded off during one of their classes, they ignored it. When I got in a little... spat with a few students who were making fun on Midnight, they instantly took my side. You know, little stuff. A bit of favoritism here, a bit of nepotism there.

Well, it came to a bit of a head when my friends and I were playing an admittedly intense session of buckball yesterday. It wasn't anything serious! I mean, we only ended with a few bruises. And I think Barnard might have sprained something, but aside from that, it was good, clean fun.

Okay, there might have been a bit of damage in the courtyard.

Anyway, we were all in the middle of the match. Barnard was just having a friendly wrestle with Kaiser, and myself and Bonfire were doing our best to cheer them on, when Mom showed up and grabbed all of us in her magic. She wasn't happy, and I swear, her veins were ready to pop right off her neck and strangle us.

She sent my friends to detention and then started fussing over me. And this wasn't like, "Are you okay? Did you break anything? No? Good, now go to detention with your friends."

She doted on me like I was a foal, Princess! It was like I had no agency of my own to choose what my friends and I did.

"Is my little sunshine okay? Can Mommy fix anything?" That sort of pandering. I haven't seen my grandpa in ages, but I swear she gave him a run for his bits there.

So, when I didn't say anything back, she took me to her office. Dad was already there. The two of them must share a mind or something, I swear by Celestia's big, fat bu.

Please don't tell Princess Celestia I wrote that.

When Mom brought me in, Dad started checking on me. I guess I had a couple of scratches on my face or whatever, because he slapped a bandage on my cheek. That, or they just wanted to go back to when I was a filly.

After I sat down, Mom and Dad both stood behind her desk and began saying how concerned they were for me. I was like, are you serious? You've barely spent any time with me, but you're concerned for me? What?

Apparently they thought that I was getting in with some wrong creatures as they had recently heard about Midnight's past. I guess what Mom saw in the buckball game was the last straw or something.

Well, I had a few words to say, and I probably could have said them a lot more pleasantly. I probably chewed them out for at least a couple of minutes before I started to calm down a bit. Who were they to talk about friendship when they barely saw me the entire time I was in Canterlot?

Celestia above. Mom's face.

Dad looked like he was ready to call it in, too.

I was still too upset at the time, and when they didn't answer my, well, tirade, I left. I didn't see them at all for the rest of the day.

Later that night, maybe around ten, I heard a knock on my dorm's door. I was busy studying, so I just opened it and let in whoever was there. A few hoofsteps entered, and I didn't care to see who it was. Probably if I did, I would have slammed the door in her face instead. That might have been kinder.

Mom visited. Her mane was a bit frazzled, and I could see streaks of mascara on her face, but she came to me apologetically. We stared at each other for a minute, and then she finally broke the silence.

"First off," she said. I could see that she was doing her best to hold back some tears. "Your father and I want to apologize for treating you, well, like a little filly. So," she sighed and couldn't stop from crying a bit, "to make it up, how about we spend a bit of time camping in Balesh countryside?"

She looked at me hopefully. Oh, Princess, that used to be my favorite place to go when I was a filly, but I was still so angry, the memories just curdled in my mind.

Trying to remember, I don't know what I said to her exactly, but the words weren't pretty. It was that face again, Princess. I don't know why it didn't get me then, but it does now.

Mom left pretty hurriedly after I said my piece, and well, I was so tired from yelling that I just went to bed. Isn't there a saying to never let the sun set on your anger, or something? Well, Luster Shimmer Shine (blech, still dislike that name) Dawn did exactly that.

When I woke up today, I heard some strong knocks on my door. It was sudden, so I yelled at whoever was on the other side to knock it off until I could get up.

It was Dad. He looked a lot more composed than Mom, but he was probably still hurting inside.

I could feel the glare I gave him, but I guess he ignored it and asked to come in. I don't know why I did, but I did, and he took a few glances around my dorm room. Strangely, he didn't mention how cluttered it was, that was one of the first things everypony said when they came in.

Dad got to the point. He said that he understood how upset I might have been yesterday, but he hopes that he and Mom could make up for it. Since the weekend was a long weekend, he suggested that I could come over to the castle and play a few games of Knowledge Quest.

For a minute, I did actually consider it, but that fire in my body was still smoldering from last night, so I said no.

Dad winced. But he didn't take it for an answer and suggested that he and I could spend some time researching some ancient Equestrian history or the like. We did that frequently when he had time; it's probably why I love books.

At that point, I remembered that I had planned a weekend to Galloping Gorge with my friends. Had marked it on my calendar and everything, yet I completely forgot until then!

So, it was then that I told him, rather curtly, I think, that I didn't want to do anything with them because I had plans with my friends. I think I might have added they were true friends, but I'm not sure.

Either way, Dad winced again and said that he hoped I had fun, then left.

And that brings us to now, Princess. My plans have gone kaput. Why? Because tomorrow is Parent's Day. There you go again, Luster. Burying yourself in schoolwork all week. Couldn’t have just looked at a calendar, or checked with your friends just once?! Oi!

It literally took Kaiser telling me at breakfast that everycreature thought I meant next weekend for me to figure it out. All of them are spending the extended weekend with their family. Which... which is something I should be doing, too.

When did I change, Princess? Right now, I'm looking at an old photo. I used to be so happy when my parents paid any attention to me, yet now I turn it away.

It's still not too late in the day, so I'm planning to go over to your castle Mom and Dad's and apologize. Now, I just realize they were wanting to spend time with me. Maybe they messed up at first, but I've been gone for so long, and we haven't seen enough of each other, they still see me as that seven-year-old filly who had the world ahead of her.

Right! It might be hard, but I swear not on Celestia's butt. Oh Luna! Why am I writing this?! that I'm going to spend more time with them. Maybe I'll still enjoy some of those things we used to do. Maybe we'll find something new.

My parents are still ponies like everypony else, and I realize now that they make mistakes, too. We all do. Hopefully they'll just be able to forgive mine.

Thank you for listening to my screw-ups, Princess.

Your faithful student,

Luster Dawn

P.S. Please let Princess Celestia know that I find her form very exquisite, and I am not at all trying to hit on her when I say she's voluptuous and still has it and she doesn't have a cake-eating problem and oh Celestia why am I still writing?