• Published 11th Sep 2021
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Dear Princess Twilight - Test4Echo

Luster Dawn has been dispatched to follow in Twilight's hoof tracks to her old hometown of Ponyville. And, like Twilight did with Celestia, she has homework. Consistent friendship updates are expected, although they may not always come on time.

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Dear Princess Twilight,

Sorry for the lack of communication these last few months. I kept meaning to write, honest! My friends and I have been so busy with schoolwork, and then Mom, Dad, and I went on a camping trip last week, so I haven't written as much as I should.

Did you ever worry that you messed up by not talking much with Princess Celestia? Because I feel that way now. Hopefully you won't send me to the dungeon or anything, because I have been working hard on the tasks you've given me, I swear (and not on Celestia, this time).

Aside from school and family, I've been a bit... busy with Kaiser Roll. You remember him, right?

He's been living with me for the past month or so. Wow, I just realized how that could be interpreted the wrong way. No wonder my parents were a bit miffed at first.

Okay, so, he finished his classes at the school a couple of months ago, and since I still had all those remote classes at your school, I offered him to stay here in my dorm. The company's nice and not painful on the eyes. Oh, why do I keep saying stuff like that when I think about him?

So a week or so after the school year was out, my friends and I were grabbing something to eat at Hayburger Palace like we normally do on Fridays. Normally, Kaiser is at the till there, so he gets us our food (double hayburger for me, I need energy for studying, especially since I'm working on catching up on all my magical studies) and then gets a bit of time to talk with us. This time, he wasn't there, it was his manager instead. In fact, most of the employees weren't around.

It was confusing, to say the least, as his manager didn't say why so many ponies were missing. While we waited for food, Midnight took a look around, as she thought that he might have been assigned to another duty. She returned empty-clawed.

The entire evening we didn't see any trace of Kaiser. I We were getting worried since he always had a Friday shift. He said it was the highlight of his week.

When we got back to the school, we checked his dorm room, but it was empty. Emptier than normal, too. Usually, if Kaiser isn’t at work, he’s in his dorm room. It looked like he still lived there, since his stuff was still there and his bed was a mess, as it always was.

Barnard suggested we start a search party for him, and Midnight flew into the room and checked around. She searched through the piles of school papers and books on his desk. After a couple of minutes, she came back empty-clawed.

When she was unsuccessful, Barnard started bellowing about how he’d deal with whoever touched, “Small burger-flipper pony.” It took a bit of work, but we managed to calm him down enough to agree to head back to my room so we could figure out a plan.

None of us needed to wonder for long, though, because he was in the hallway when we left his room. He was a mess. There were huge dark circles under his eyes: I swear he probably hadn’t slept for at least three days. His mane was mussed up, and some of the fur on his face was matted from dried tears. It was a sorry sight, Princess.

Briefly, he explained that he didn't want to make everycreature worry, but he was terminated from Hayburger Palace because of the slowdown in the Equestrian economy. Since Tuesday, he’d been avoiding us. Whether it was pride or just a desire to not make us worry, I don’t know.

Either way, he said he couldn't live with his parents, because they barely were able to support themselves normally, and he didn't want to be a burden while he tried to find work.

He was so pitiful None of us really knew what to do. It was basically unheard of for a student at the school to have such problems. But I couldn't stand aside and let one of my friends suffer, so I offered to let him bunk in my room.

You should have seen his face, Princess. It was like I offered him to sleep in your bed. Not that I would ever do that! That's your bed, and it'd be rather, well, improper to suggest such a thing for anypony else to do and, oh Celestia, I should stop writing.

Mom, Dad, and Aunt Trixie, well, they know now but at the time, they didn't. Mom and Dad would have fits if they knew that a stallion was sleeping in the same room as me, but what they didn't know wouldn't hurt them, right?

Honestly, things went pretty well the first week. He found ways to keep himself entertained. The radio that I recently got from Canterlot provided hours for him to stay occupied, and it wasn't hard to tune out while I worked on some research projects.

I didn't realize how quiet he was when my group of friends were together. He said four sentences, Princess. Not for the first day, for the first week. Four sentences! I know I may ramble in letters, but I'm not nearly as talkative in person, and even I talk more than that.

It almost ended when Aunt Trixie came in to see how my magic studies were going. Thankfully Kaiser was in the bathroom, and Aunt Trixie only had a couple of minutes before one of her last counselling appointments.

I’m pretty sure it was a couple of minutes, anyway. It felt longer, as she kept going on and on about her plans for when she had finished her duties for the summer. While she was there, it felt like my heart was going to beat out of my chest.

Looking back, I don't know why I was nervous. Sure, when I finally told Mom and Dad, they were concerned and a bit peeved, but they were proud of me offering to help out.

Anyway, things went a bit sideways when I had to do a research trip to the Tenochtitlan Basin area to study how the ancient jungle ponies used magic. It was fun there, but boy was it hot and sticky! When I got home, I felt like a complete stranger in my room. While I was gone, Kaiser had reorganized everything.

I’ll admit it: I’m not much of a housekeeper. My room was messy, but it was organized chaos. I had everything exactly where I liked it! He tried showing me around, but, like, he touched my stuff! He may be cute He may have been sharing my dorm room for the time being, but it was my stuff!

Well, Mom's advice on deep breathing helped me from exploding at him, but I felt my face grow hot, and I probably gave her a run for her bits on scowling. I, admittedly rather sarcastically, thanked him for doing the reorganization. He didn't really notice my anger and just replied that he was happy to help.

And that's where things got a bit crazy. I should have just told him then and there that I appreciated the help, but he didn't need to do that. But, that's not what happened. Why would I be that smart?

The very next day, I woke up late (I got home late at night, and I spent two weeks in a hot jungle, give me a break). Normally, I'd grab breakfast at the cafeteria, but at the foot of my bed was a tray of food. Specifically, it was haybiscuits, sweet potatoes, and a few daisies.

Kaiser was lying on the couch and noticed me wake up and said that he thought I'd appreciate the food. Yeah, I would have, if I wasn't allergic to daisies. Between sneezing bouts, I managed to get it through to him that I couldn't eat anything there. I guess it was too polite, though, because later that day he tried helping me again.

So, about that research project that's due on Tuesday? Yeah, could I get an extension? By about three weeks? I don't think you need to guess why.

Kaiser helped. Or at least he tried to help. There's a reason why the school is for gifted unicorns, not earth ponies. I mean, in a way, it was rather impressive. The conduit that I was building seemed incredibly robust. Somehow, he managed to get iron to catch fire. I know, I know, it's technically possible, but not in just a dorm room condition.

Uh, I may have let loose on him a bit after that. Is it possible for a pony to deflate like a balloon?

He took off to the bathroom again. Doors aren't very good insulators, is all I have to say.

Oh, Princess, I'm not a very good daughter or friend, it seems.

Eventually, he came back out and got ready to leave. I had time to think, so I stopped him. After a few minutes of explaining and apologizing, I think we're back on the right hoof. First thing we did was tell Mom and Dad; they've been offering to help out Kaiser where possible, although he's refusing to take any money.

I always said he was a bit odd, but he's really been a help. Sure, there were those things that I mentioned, but he also has kept the room neater than ever, he's reminded me of due assignments, and he's gone above and beyond what a friend should for support during some stressful evenings of research. If he wasn't around, I probably would have starved by now because I'd be buried in a book!

He's a really adorable genuine stallion. I'm glad that he's my friend, even if he drives me nuts has a few quirks in how he expresses his gratitude.

Hopefully this time there won't be such a big gap between letters, and if there is, I should see you soon for my mid-term exam at the School for Gifted Unicorns.

Your faithful student,

Luster Dawn

P.S. Do you know any good relationship books? For research, I swear! I definitely am not interested in pursuing anything romantic with Kaiser.

P.P.S. I mean, he is pretty cute, and his muscle tone is off the charts and, oh Celestia, I'm rambling again and, oh Luna, I think I may be in love. Crap.