• Published 11th Sep 2021
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Dear Princess Twilight - Test4Echo

Luster Dawn has been dispatched to follow in Twilight's hoof tracks to her old hometown of Ponyville. And, like Twilight did with Celestia, she has homework. Consistent friendship updates are expected, although they may not always come on time.

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Dear Twilight,

Thank you for the words of encouragement. The letter you sent was much appreciated.

I understand that you had an emergency meeting with Prince Rutherford and his advisors. Nothing is acknowledged, but I have heard that we're close to war, and I pray that things will improve. With your wisdom, I'm sure the yaks will see reason.

I hope for that even more now, because there's a new mouth to feed in the Dawn household.

Yes, that's right. Starry Dusk is here. He's out, finally. Oh, I'm tired, but I wanted to write this now before I forget anything. Kaiser is here, too, but he's sleeping like, well, a newborn foal. I'm not sure who was more tired by the end of things, to be honest.

It's funny. Such a small thing can change so much. When I first found out I was pregnant, I thought it was too soon. Kaiser and I were not even three years married, and we were going to be raising a foal in another year? Hah, the old me would have probably broken down right there and then.

Do you remember when I said that I never wanted children? Oh, how times have changed.

Yeah, times have changed.

What hasn't changed, however, are my friends. When I was in labor, all of them waited for him outside the hospital room. Kaiser had to run out a few times, probably to check with them that he didn't forget anything or something. That, or maybe he was getting squeamish, I'm not sure.

It was a bit rough, Twilight. Starry was pretty comfortable in there, I think. Eventually though, he started coming, and the doctors were able to safely deliver him. Thankfully Kaiser was there to see him delivered.

It's only been a few years, but it seems like he's aged so much. After I told him I was pregnant, he dropped his classes and took on another job with a construction company. On top of that, he helped me look for a place of our own and then renovate the home that we found near the school. He's been running ragged for months now, and I hope that since Starry's here, he'll slow down.

He keeps telling me that he's all right, though. But he has wrinkles where there used to be none, and his mane is already beginning to gray a bit. Of course, I'm not quite as young as I used to be, too. I think I found a gray hair of my own last week.

When Starry was born, oh, it was like falling in love with Kaiser all over again. If he smiled any harder, it would have left his face and begun dancing all over the room. While the doctors were checking on Starry’s health, he was jittering so much he could have bounced and hit the ceiling.

“Is he okay?” “How much longer?” “They better not mix up my son with somepony else’s kid.” For minutes, he kept muttering to himself. I was just too tired to care at that point.

After the doctors brought Starry back into the room, Kaiser was practically on his knees begging to hold his son. It was adorable, honestly. He got to hold Starry after I had my chance.

Before I knew what was happening, my friends were in the room, too. I guess I might have blacked out for a few minutes, because it felt like I was being watched by doctors before my friends were suddenly in their place.

Bonfire was the first to say anything. She took Starry from Kaiser and cooed a bit at him. During my pregnancy, she took many trips to Ponyville, usually bringing one of her three daughters with her. She kept going on and on about what Inferno did that week, or how Smokey was improving at her school, or what trouble Pirelight was causing.

Honestly, it gave me hope that things would turn out right when the time came.

Without a doubt, Bonfire’s help during the summer was invaluable. Not that Kaiser wasn’t busy preparing a room for Starry, but Bonfire went about everything like a well-oiled machine. Blankets and little comfort items for the foal? Bought before I even thought of it. One of those new foal-monitoring devices (the ones that run on magic crystals instead of spell matrices)? Purchased on sale in Fillydelphia while on her trip up. I swear, she thought of everything.

For the last month, I was sweating like a pig. Carrying a foal adds a lot of extra body heat, and this summer would have been scorching even if I didn’t feel like a beached whale. By the way, could you talk to your weather teams about the heat? I think quite a few ponies would appreciate fairer summer weather.

It’d be great if we didn’t have a few summers in a row where the cobblestones in town felt like they were on fire. If I didn’t know better, I’d believe my hooves were melting into them. Just a thought.

Anyway, it's hard to believe that she was such an airhead when we were younger. She's matured into a wonderful friend, even if, from time to time, she does let out a few bad jokes. But those jokes are still funny, if only because we've spent so long together.

Bonfire gave me a hug after she passed Starry to Barnard. I think I may need to dig out the anti-kirin spray, because her mane stunk of smoke and I think it got on me. But that's okay, friends are friends, after all.

Barnard wasn't having a good time with Starry. As soon as he touched the "super-puny pony," Starry began bawling his eyes out. I'm not sure if I saw a yak move so fast and with such panic.

Later, Barnard said to me how he didn't get the interest in foals and that "yak calves better suited for survival." I just don't think he gets children. Ironic, isn't it? He loves everyone as family but doesn't get having his own family.

Anyway, when Barnard passed Starry to Midnight (I realize now how cheesy that sounds), my son instantly stopped balling. It was amazing, really. Midnight must be some secret foal-whisperer or something. He tried looking into Midnight's eyes. I'd never seen Midnight that awestruck outside of when she helped her mom escape Maar's influence. I didn’t know a griffon’s eyes could go so wide. As she watched Starry, I saw her pupils dilate to the point where you’d swear they swallowed her irises! It was like she was taking in every little detail of Starry.

Briefly I think I saw a few tears shimmer in her eyes, but she turned away to look at my friends before I could tell for certain. When she did turn back to me, she had the biggest smile on her face. She got to experience something that she’ll never get herself: holding her newborn—or freshly hatched, in her case—child.

She never said anything, but I don't think she needed to. After holding Starry a bit longer, she passed him to me, and I could finally take a look at him without being blinded by birthing pain.

You know, when I was young, Mom would pester me about growing up, getting married, and having foals. Back then, I thought that foals (and especially colts) were “icky.” But, she’d just laugh and say that she used to think that, too. Then she reunited with Dad and had me.

Well, Mom was right. Starry is just so adorable. And, it's incredible realizing that you created a new life. I'm not sure if there are any words that can really describe the feeling.

But he's just so cute! His little cheeks squish right now as he's sucking on the tip of my other hoof. His fur feels finer than silk, and his tiny, wispy mane is just fun to rub. I really hope you can visit soon, Twilight. I'd love for you to see him like this.

Unfortunately, Mom and Dad haven't been able to see him yet. They were planning to, but the ponies they've been training to replace them have been, well, less than stellar when it comes to performance. Heh, even when they're trying to slow down, they can't stop being busy.

Well, thankfully Aunt Trixie has been here to help. She retired last year, and although she's never had a kid herself (not that she didn’t have ample opportunity to have one, according to her), she's spent a lot of time helping me and Kaiser with things around the house as we were getting ready for Starry.

She actually just left. I've never seen her get very emotional, but today was like a river of tears. When she came in, she ran to give me a hug and then started fawning over Starry. Instantly, she began calling him her "little sparkle." Honestly, I think she would have made a good parent, but maybe that's just the tiredness setting in again.

Oh, someone's knocking on the door. I'll finish writing this later.

Mom and Dad just spent some time here.

Oh Celestia, Mom was a wreck again. But not like when I first returned to Ponyville. No insults were thrown today. It was never said, but I think she never expected to be a grandmother.

Mom's crying woke up Kaiser, who decided to give us three (four, I guess) some time alone.

I think the entire time Mom was here she was holding Starry. For a few seconds, Dad did hold him, then Mom yanked him, carefully, to herself and started playing with him. Deep down, I think she's trying to make up for all the time she and Dad didn't spend with me. Hopefully when they're retired they can visit frequently, it'd be a nice change of pace.

While Mom was busy with Starry, Dad placed a hoof on my shoulder and said, "We're so proud, proud of you, you know." I remember when his beard was flowing and full of color, but now it's dry and peppered with gray. Both of them look old, now that I think of it, Twilight.

How old are they now? I think in their mid to late fifties, right?

Dad always looked younger than Mom, but even he has visible wrinkles behind his spectacles. And I think, somehow, those spectacles have gotten bigger over time. I don't quite know how that's possible, they look like they’re two giant hunks of glass at this point. Dad probably has the strongest nose in all of Equestria!

Now that I think of it, Mom is looking a lot grayer too. Her mane's highlights are beginning to turn silver, and she's getting a lot of wrinkles on her muzzle and around her eyes. Have you visited them recently? I would hope so, but you're all so busy, so maybe you haven't.

Anyway, Dad went on to say that I've learned so much since I left for Canterlot. I mean, after I was sent to Canterlot, I just stayed buried in my books. I didn’t want anything to do with other creatures. Of course, you know that. Now, I teach about friendship, and I’m married to one of my best friends. Oh, and I now have a foal with him? Who would have guessed?

I suppose you did, all those years ago. Thanks, Twilight. You believed in me when nopony else did.

It looks like Starry is going back to sleep. He has Kaiser's eyes, you know. And he has Mom's hair, and Dad's coat. I don't exactly know where I fit in. Maybe I was just the incubator!

Foals are so strange, really. They're blank slates. They can be whatever they want to be, it all depends on how they're nurtured. I hope that Starry reflects peace.

There's a whole world right now that's on the brink of chaos, Twilight, but I know that you can do it. You're not just my mentor, but you're my friend, and I'm proud to call you one. As a friend to a friend, I know that things may be crazy with the yaks, and the Griffonian Empire might be on a resurgence, but when all is said and done, harmony will prevail, and my son will know a world of peace.

You know, when I wrote to you from my honeymoon, I said I was afraid of change. And yeah, buck it, I still am. It's going to be a challenge to raise Starry right. Between my work and Kaiser's job and resuming studies, there's barely going to be enough time for Starry. But we'll find a way. We always have.

With my friends and family around me, I know that I won't fail my responsibilities! And if worse comes to worse, I even have you to fall back on if everypony else fails me.

Good luck, Twilight. I hope to hear from you soon,

Your friend,

Luster Dawn

P.S. You wouldn't happen to know if the Canterlot library has a series of books on how to raise a unicorn foal, would you?

P.P.S. I haven't had to say this in years, but sorry, Spike. I know that sending pictures is even more painful for you than letters, but Twilight needs to see Starry.