• Published 11th Sep 2021
  • 1,636 Views, 43 Comments

Dear Princess Twilight - Test4Echo

Luster Dawn has been dispatched to follow in Twilight's hoof tracks to her old hometown of Ponyville. And, like Twilight did with Celestia, she has homework. Consistent friendship updates are expected, although they may not always come on time.

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Dear Twilight,

Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh! Is this for real? I'm not dreaming, right? This isn't an elaborate prank like how Flurry told me Celestia and Luna liked to play?

Me? An alicorn? I don't know what to say! Uh, thank you, I guess. No, that doesn't sound right. How do I ever express what this means to me?

When you took me into that, I don't know what to call it, that ethereal plane, I thought I had died! It'd be nice if a pony got a bit of warning first before they were blessed with becoming an alicorn. Does that make me a princess now? I bet it does!

So, what would I be? Cadance is still the Princess of Love, and Flurry said herself she wasn't ready for her mother's responsibility. Are... are you stepping down from being the Princess of Friendship? Oh my Celestia, you can’t be serious?

I swear on Luna's svelte mane oh I shouldn't write that. Uh, this is a lot to take in. Twilight, thank you again! I promise that I’ll be the best Princess of Friendship, or any title you give me, ever!

Who would have thought dealing with some issue with your kid would be the catalyst, huh? I wish it was something fancy like what you did, Twilight, but I guess we can't all be the one to fix one of Star Swirl's spells.

I'm going to have to write to all my friends! They need to see this. Should I keep it a secret, or should I share it in my letters? I know you'd say to share it, but I want to see their reactions when they see me, and I don't want to spoil the surprise.

Well, I guess I could share it. I got two reactions already.

After you took me through that list of my memories and returned me home, Kaiser was frantic because I had been gone for hours. He froze when he saw me, like he had seen a ghost. I guess I was in a way.

At first, I didn't feel any different. But I guess that my body wanted to try out the new wings and they expanded on their own. I didn't really need the one lamp anyway. Or the antique vase. The flowers were dead already.

Kaiser's eyes went even wider than they already were when my wings stretched. His hug hurt. Okay, it hurt a lot. However, it's not like either of us knew that one shouldn't compress new wings suddenly. I think I might be feeling that for a few weeks.

Twilight, you don't know how good it felt to be held by him again. It might have been only a few minutes for us, but with all the changes, it felt like it was a lifetime. Maybe it's heightened alicorn senses? Do we have those?

Anyway, Kaiser held me for a bit longer. I didn't hear everything he mumbled to me, but I did catch that he was happy for me. When he finally pulled back, I saw some wet streaks on his face. Why would he be crying, Twilight? Tears of joy? But he didn't look joyous. His muzzle was pulled into a tight grin, but... it wasn't his normal self. I guess the change is just something he needs to get used to.

Starry has been practically bouncing off the walls. When he saw me he ssss___

Ach! Sorry, I'm writing this basically after everything happened. Starry just startled me. The little prankster was poking one of my wings with his horn. Colts, I swear.

Speaking of Starry, do you know what he said? The first thing after he saw me was, "Does that make me a princess now?" I guess he hasn't heard of Prince Shining Armor.

The energy of colts, though! I may feel more alive than ever, but he just jumped right into other questions: "Are we gonna move to Canterlot?" "Where will you sleep?" "Will get them (the wings)?" "Are you gonna rule over everycreature?"

He just kept going! Although, eventually, he tired out when I couldn't keep up with the questions. I don't know what his cutie mark will be, but it'll probably be something in running his mouth.

In any case, when I tucked him into bed, he wanted me to explain what being an alicorn would mean for me. To be honest, I didn't know, and I still don't know. However, a parent has to put on a brave face, so I told him that nothing will change right now, but I will probably be a bit busier.

Not much will change, right, Twilight? Well, one thing that won't change is Starry's bedtime, which is right now. I'll be right back. Why do I need to tell you? I don't know, but it just feels proper.

Okay, I'm back. Before I left he said that he can't wait to brag to his friends about his mom being a princess. Heh, colts. He's three years old now. Hard to believe, since it just felt like yesterday I was writing from the hospital to you.

It's actually pretty late now. Because of everything, Starry stayed up well past his bedtime, and Kaiser has gone to bed, too.

It's quiet here. Peaceful. But I'm not tired. Did you feel this energized when you ascended?

Well, time to turn on a light and get back to things, I was just using the glow of my horn to write the last few paragraphs, hopefully things aren't too messy. It feels a bit weird, Twilight. Everything feels a bit... smaller, but I can sense things I never used to.

Like, running between the lamp (the working one) to the wall is a small magical plug to power the matrices in the lamp. I knew that magic flowed from crystals imbued with unicorn spells at a plant outside of Ponyville, but now I can feel the flow. It tingles. When I put my hoof closer to the lamp, it gets stronger.

And then I hear things that I've never heard before. There's a faint breeze outside, but none of the windows are open. I'd never be able to tell that before tonight.

In the kitchen, it smells like burnt toast. Kaiser burnt that this morning when he was rushing to get Starry fed before I headed off to teach at the School of Friendship for Mom and Dad... right. They retired two months ago. Woops. Need to get that through my head.

So, what is expected of somepony who just ascended? Is it normal to sense all these new things? Do alicorns have heightened senses permanently, or is this just a temporary byproduct of the magic used to give me wings? And was this different for Cadance? She was a pegasus before she became an alicorn, right?

How does being an alicorn work? Physiologically, anyway. Princess Celestia was known for her cake eating, but she never really put on much, if any weight. And, admittedly, I am feeling a bit hungry right now, but I suppose that could be nerves.

Do alicorns have faster metabolisms? Will I need to eat a lot more? I don't think I ever noticed you eating more, but we never really had lunch much. If I need to eat more, will I eventually grow to your or Celestia's height? I already feel a bit taller; I just hope it's not going to happen fast.

And how did you learn to fly? These things feel like deadweights on my sides. At best, I can ruffle them a bit, but I don't know the first thing about flying. How do I preen them? What's the best flapping speed to keep from getting exhausted?

Is Rainbow Dash retired from the Wonderbolts yet? Maybe you could have her teach me.

And what about my magic? Is it stronger? I guess if I'm feeling the weak magic flowing through the house, the answer is yes.

What kind of possibilities are there for research now? If I'm stronger in my magic, what kind of spells can I create? Could it be possible to revolutionize healthcare with new healing spells? Like, regeneration! If a pony loses a limb, slap a patch on it, and it will grow back as the magic is absorbed into their body. Or maybe more efficient magic cells. Imagine magical batteries powered by alicorn magic! Our industry would reach new heights!

But that'd only be if I don't have new responsibilities, wouldn't it?

Twilight, I'm scared. I was scared when I married Kaiser, and I was a bit scared when I first knew I was pregnant with Starry, but I haven't felt this fear in forever. I mean, I don't think I've felt this scared since you brought me to Ponyville. My stomach is growling, and I swear I could eat an entire bakery. But, simultaneously, I want to run to the bathroom and throw up. There’s a giant lump in my throat, and it feels like it wants to escape at any minute..

When will I begin my new duties? I'm a teacher of friendship now, but what will I do as the Princess of Friendship? I don't think teaching someone about friendship is the same as being the undisputed "ruler" of friendship. Will I have to take a student like you did?

Those are questions for tomorrow, though. Writing this all down has started to make me feel tired. You're a great friend, even when you're not here in front of me. I suppose tomorrow I'll have a letter waiting from you explaining all my new duties and how to start getting accustomed to them.

Please make sure it's a list, otherwise I'll have to ask Dad to make one for you instead. Oh my Celestia! Mom and Dad! What are they going to think of this?


Wow, I can't remember what I was going to say. I nodded off for a minute there. Sorry for the messy letter, Twilight.

Before I pass out, I want to say thank you again for your confidence in me. I knew you supported me before, but I never thought I'd get this far. Sure, things ahead may be scary, but my friends are still there, and I have you and the other princesses for help if I need it.

Right! I'll end things here. I can't wait to see my parents' and friends' reactions when they see me!

Your friend (and fellow princess!),

Luster Dawn

P.S. Do you have any advice for, well, getting the wings down? They just decided to flop open again, and I can't really figure out how to put them away.