• Published 15th Jun 2021
  • 2,135 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond In The Rough - Deltorix

A boy named Jake get separated from his family but gets a new one. That being the crystal gems, Can Jake rise to the position of a leader at the age of 16, or will he and his new friends be destroyed by a strange yet familiar enemy?

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Chapter 9 A diamond, a Goddess and a Raven vs the insane time villain

I stared at Gwen in shock, she was so much older now! I wonder how long has it been since I went to her Equestria? If she’s this much older, then it must have been a really long time!

“Gwen, what happened? How long has it been? And why did you attack me?! We are friends!” I say relaxing my stance a bit.

She stared at me, then gave me a friendly smile. “Jake! I didn’t recognize you! Oh wait, I did.” She said. “And as for how has it been since coming to my Equestria, well I would say about, ten years. As for why I attacked you and what happened to me, well, you’re gonna love this.” Her insane smile returned. “I’m actually from the future! And in the future, I couldn’t get over my insanity!” She then began to laugh. “Isn’t that just hilarious!?”

My eyes widen and I gulp and force myself to smile. “So you came back to get my help?” I ask in hopes she didn't come to kill me.

She laughed again. “Well, not exactly.” She said in a sing-song voice. “I actually came for the Omnitrix that is currently on your arm, you see, mine kinda stopped working as I progressed into insanity. Eventually, nearly all my powerful aliens are locked. So if you would be so kind as to give me the Omnitrix.”

I frown, getting a sense of déjà vu. ’Why does this sound familiar?’ I think to myself as I get fully into a fighting stance. “Sorry Gwen, you gave me this Omnitrix as a gift. It would be rude to return it, but I am willing to use my healing powers on your mind.”

Her eye twitched as she smiled, though it gave me the chills. “Heal my mind? Heal my mind?!” She shouted, firing a purple beam at me, I dodged it and watched as it turned a piece of stone into dust, and I realized she fired a time beam, and I only know one person who could do such a thing.

I look back at her with wide eyes. “You're not Gwen, at least not the one I know! You're her version of Eon!” I frown, then smirk. “You are Gweon!”

She smiled darkly at me. “Took you long enough to figure it out, but seriously, Gweon? That’s dumb!” She said, firing another time beam at me.

I jump out of the way and summon a bubble in my hand, then grow spikes on it before throwing it at her. “You're here to steal this Omnitrix! How unoriginal, at least try not to copy your own villains.”

“Hey! Eon and the others wanted it for different reasons, I just need it!” She said, easily catching the spiked bubble shield, and threw it away. “So hand it over or else!”

I land on a wall and summon a hexagonal shield. “Sorry Gweon not gonna happen, you will obviously use it to destroy your world even more. I won't let that happen.”

She growled as she fired multiple time beams. “Stop calling me Gweon you little shit!!” She shouted, some of the time beams missing me and hitting the area around me, then one time-beam I saw was heading towards Star Ruby.

“No!” I use my super speed and get between Star ruby and the beam then close my eyes summoning a shield, when I feel the beam hit it and peek and am shocked. “In front of me blocking the time beam is my gem weapon, a round shield with a spiral design on it with a rose in the center.

I smirk and hold the shield up. “Looks like gem weapons are immune to your time beams Gweon.” I chuckle as I continue to use the name to annoy her.

She glared at me, then she smirked. “Let’s just see about-Gagh!” She shouted in pain as one of Garnet's gauntlets hit her, I looked and saw all of the Crystal gems at the door of the library, armed to the teeth.

I shake my head as I throw my shield at Gweon as hard as I can. “Stay back! She can fire beams of time energy and age things to dust!” I look back at Star ruby. “Stay with them!” Then I ran after Gweon with my speed.

She glared at me as she aimed both of her gauntlets at me, both sparking with energy. “I’LL TURN YOU TO DUST!!” She screamed, firing a large beam at me.

I summon my shield back and am pushed back by the beam. I am slammed into a wall and it starts aging behind me. “D-damn it! She is too strong.” I hold my arms out to keep my shield up and spot my Omnitrix. It is still red but I get an idea.

“I really hope this works, Omnitrix activate voice authorization passcode 0000, call Gwen 10 now!” I yell to be heard over the time beam I'm holding back as the wall around me turns to dust and I start sliding back again.

“Passcode accepted, calling Gwen.” It said, then automatically switched to the hologram of Gwen before the dial pressed down, and in a flash, a pink portal got in between me and the time beam, causing a backlash that hit Gweon.

I pant as my shield shrinks down to normal size and moves to my arm. “Man am I glad that worked.” I say as I watch the portal.

Then I heard laughing, the kind of laughing I’m glad to hear as Gwen jumped out of the portal, still laughing. “Wow, what a ride!” She said happily.

“Glad to see you again Gwen but I have a big problem and so do you.” I say pointing at Gweon. “Gwen, meet Gweon.”

Gwen looked at the Eon version of her. “Gweon? That’s a stupid name!” Gwen said, laughing. “What problem do you have with her? If she’s me then she shouldn't be a threat. I think.”

“Like most Ben 10 villains she is after my Omnitrix. Also, she is an insane version of you. Her Omnitrix doesn't work anymore but she does have time powers.” I frown and step up next to Gwen. “Oh and I use the name Gweon to piss her off, a mad villain is a dumb villain.” I whisper to her.

“Ain’t that the truth!” Gwen said smiling, looking at Gweon. “So, this is me in the future? I must say, I’m kinda loving the look. But unfortunately, I have to kick your ass, or is technically me kicking my own ass?”

I look Gweon over and then say. “She is probably a parallel time version of yourself. I don't see your ship anywhere on her, meaning you don't grow up to be her. Now then I guess it's hero time!” I look at my Omnitrix but see the hourglass is gray. “Huh? Hey, my Omnitrix is grayed out.”

“Oh yeah! I totally forgot to mention, if we use both of our Omnitrixs, we run the risk of a malfunction. So your Omnitrix is currently locked until I leave.” Gwen said, smiling. “But don’t worry, I’ll provide the Omnitrix for this battle.” She then popped up the dial and began to go through aliens.

I nod and smile and glow brighter. “Right, then good thing I'm just as strong and fast as some of your transformations!” I run at Gweon and throw my shield at her as a distraction. When she knocks it away I use a mix of my speed and strength to give her a powerful uppercut knocking her into the air. “She is all yours, just try to keep the fight away from town or the castle.”

A pink flash and a blue blur hit Gweon into the wall before landing, revealing Gwen as XLR8. “No problem!” She said, still smiling as she rushed at Gweon again, sending her through the wall and outside.

I follow them and see Pearl and the other gems. “Pearl, get any gems with long-range attacks a safe distance away and take potshots at the one with the coat, me and Gwen are going to fight her head-on, you'll be our long-range support.”

“On it.” Pearl said, just as I jumped out of the hole they made and landed outside the castle, watching as Gwen literally danced around Gweons time beams, angering the crazed time villain.

I watch their movements then throw my shield at the right time to hit Gweon in the back of her head. “Hey Gweon, how about you fight two speedsters!” I use my speed to run around her with Gwen, at close to XLR8’s speed.

Gweon let out a shout as she began to fire in every direction, each beam missing us or getting too close for comfort as we ran around her, Gwen suddenly went faster and faster, creating a small twister that pulled Gweon into the air. “Hey Jake! Let’s play duck hunt! And Gweon is the duck!” I heard Gwen say.

I grin and make lots of spiky bubble shields. “I like that idea here is your ammo.”

Gwen ran out of the twister and began sending the spiked bubble shields at Gweon, who was trying to stop herself from spinning, we thought the spiked bubble shields were gonna hit, until, “Stop!” I heard her shout, then the next thing I knew, me and Gwen were on the ground, covered in cuts and bruises, with Gweon standing not too far away from us.

I groaned as I stood up. “What the hell?! Did she just use a Final fantasy spell on us?”

“Nope, the bitch stopped time with her time powers.” Gwen said, no longer XLR8.

“Language.” I said under my breath, we heard Gweon laugh.

“You fools! How can you beat someone who has time powers?!” She shouted, smiling darkly at us. “When I stop time again, you’ll be dead.”

I growl and glow brighter focusing my power. “Then we will just have to move faster!” I start moving at hyper speed, and everything around me slows down. I leave after images of myself behind me as I run up to Gweon and punch her face then gut then sweep her legs but start to pant.

“What’s the matter Jake? Can’t use that power yet?” I heard Gweon ask me, before she punched me in the gut, and then kicked me away from her. “Face it, you two lost before this even began.”

“I wouldn’t be so sure about that.” I heard Gwen say as I looked at her, a raven on her shoulder, though something about it made me suspect it wasn’t a normal raven.

I stand back up next to Gwen and whisper. “Please tell me you have a plan.”

“Plan? What’s that?” She asked me as I facepalmed, then saw her hands were covered in dark energy. “Azarath Metrion Zinthos!” The raven then flew away from us before in a burst of energy, turning into a portal, I then realized that the raven was a Token, and from the dark abyss came a familiar figure. “Hi Raven!”

“Oh cool backup and a magic user too.” I smirk and turn to Gweon. “And that's not all.” Just then bolts of energy, rocks, lasers, and Garnet's gauntlets are all fired at Gweon hitting her and around her. “Gems never fight alone!” I look over to see Pearl firing energy bolts from her spear, the Amethysts throwing rocks and boulders with their strength, and weapons, Peridot using her limb enhancers laser, and Garnet firing her gauntlets like rockets.

As we watched the Gems attack Gweon with long-distance weapons, Raven walked over to us. “Can someone please explain what’s going on?” She asked.

“Oh it’s really simple, a future version of me, except way more insane came to Jake's world, the kid I told you about, and tried to take the Omnitrix from him, he summoned me and we fought her but we got our butts kicked, so I summoned you.” Gwen said, all in one breath too.

I blink at Gwen and raise an eyebrow. “That was kinda impressive, just don't teach Amethyst how to do that.” I then turn to keep an eye on Gweon.

“So she’s the future version of Gwen? Doesn’t look that impressive.” Raven said, just as Gweon let out a shout as she created an arc of energy and stopped the Gems from attacking her, causing most of them to poof. “I stand corrected. So, you need my help?”

Seeing the gems get poofed I roar with anger and run at Gweon and slam into her with my shield then use my bubble knuckles to start beating her face in. “No one hurts my family!”

I saw her gauntlet spark with energy and immediately grabbed it and destroyed it, but she blasted me with her other gauntlet, sending me flying, but a raven made of magic caught me and brought me over to Gwen and Raven. “Maybe you should take it easy with the anger.” Raven said to me.

I groan laying on the ground and glaring at her. “Yeah... I've been told.” I sigh and weakly get back up only getting a bruise. “Thank goodness for my increased durability, be careful she controls time.”

I see her and Gwen smirk. “And that’s supposed to scare us?” Raven asked as Gwen transformed into what I can tell was a Gwen version of Blitzwolfer as the two charged at Gweron, who fired a couple of time beams from her only working gauntlet, the two easily dodged as they proceeded to fight her, Raven sent a beam of magic at Gweon while Gwen ran behind her and kicked her towards the beam, causing her to scream in pain as she was sent flying.

I get up and run over to where I saw the gems and look for their gems while I make hexagonal shields to keep me safe from any stray shots. I find them all and smile then bubble Peridot's limb enhancers and see Skinny hiding behind a wall. “Here keep them safe.”

She nodded her head, then asked me. “Who the heck is that?” she pointed at Gweon, who blasted Gwen into a few trees before Raven hit her with a boulder.

“That is a time traveler from another timeline who came for this.” I hold up my Omnitrix. “But me and my friends can handle her, tell the others to stay out of the way. I don't want to lose any of you.” I then make my shields form spikes and throw the spiked wall at Gweon providing the perfect distraction.

She saw it and before she could do anything, the spiked wall rammed into her and the two soon crashed into the trees. “Thanks Jake!” Gwen said as she and Raven chased after Gweon.

I nod and jump down and use my speed to follow them. ’I need to get more training from the gems.’ I think to myself as I run through the forest following the sounds of fighting till I come to a clearing where everything looks like it is dead.

I heard a shout of rage and looked and saw Gweon, but she was now Heat Blast, as she tried to blast Raven and Gwen with her fire, but when the fire hit a tree, I saw that it not only got slightly burned, but it immediately turned to dust, which meant Gweon has access to her time powers even when an alien.

I heard Gwen yelp in pain as she got hit, I froze thinking that she was done for, only for a flash of pink and she was back to normal again. I rush over and stop next to her. “Are you alright Gwen?!”

“Of course I’m fine!” Gwen said, waving her hand dismissively. “I’ll be even better when I get payback!” She slammed her hand on her Omnitrix, only for nothing to happen, we both saw that it was red, meaning it needed to recharge. “Hey look at that, she sped up the time on it so I can’t access my aliens for a while.”

I look at her Omnitrix and nod. “It seems so, good thing you have magic too right?”

She smiled nervously. “Not exactly, I’m still learning.” Gwen said. “But I do know a few spells that could help end this sooner!”

I give her a thumbs up. “Good, me and Raven can hold her off while you get the spell ready.” I summon my rose shield and hexagonal shield on my arms then run at Gweon and throw the first one at her.

It managed to hit her side, causing her to yell in pain before she sent a blast of fire at me, but it was blocked by Raven's magic. “Don’t let up! Hit her with everything you got!” She said as she fired a beam of magic at Gweon, who countered with a blast of flames, keeping the beam of magic at bay but that left her open for an attack.

I use my speed to get close enough and punch her side then move to the other side and hit her there. Once she loses focus I put her into an air-tight bubble and focus all my strength into holding it together. “Raven help!”

Raven flew over and added her magic to the bubble, keeping the insane time villain trapped as she tried to blast her way out. I grunt as I feel my bubble about to give. “Gwen how much longer!?” But Gweon blasts through our bubble and I'm sent flying back.

Raven soon landed next to me as she was blasted as well, but still kept the bubble up with her magic, Gweon stopped blasting the bubble and she pressed the Omnitrix symbol on her chest, and in a flash of pink, she broke through the bubble as Four Arms, we both got up and prepared to fight, but she sent time beams from her gauntlets, me and Raven ducked under them and watched as they turned the ground behind us into a deep canyon.

“Holy crap! Yeah, I'd say she is pissed now. Listen we need to get close enough to hit that Omnitrix and change her back, that or make her keep changing till she times out.” I tell Raven and hit my fists together as I start glowing again.

Raven nodded her head as a raven made of magic formed behind her and we charged at Gweon, Raven sent the raven construct at Gweon, who punched it with two of her four arms, I used my super speed as best as I can and ran behind her, jumping up and hitting the back of her head, causing her to shout as she became disoriented. “Guys! You may want to get out of the way!” I heard Gwen shout and looked and saw that she was radiating magic energy.

I nod and while Gweon is disoriented I grab her four hands and tie them together using a bubble then grab Raven's hips and run back over behind Gwen setting her down. “Fire away Gwen!”

Gwen nodded with a smile. “Well it was nice meeting you, but it’s time for you to go boom!” She said, releasing her spell as a fiery phoenix flew at Gweon, I thought we had won, but that was before Gweon said one thing.

“Stop.” She said, and the next thing I knew, the phoenix hit a bunch of trees, causing a massive explosion, and Gweon held Gwen by her neck, holding her over the canyon with a gauntlet aimed right at her. “Another step, and she dies. I don’t have to worry about disappearing 'cause it’s like you said, I’m a parallel time version of her.” She said, her gauntlet sparking dangerously. “So what’s it gonna be? Try to fight and risk your friend dying? Or stay where you are and give up?”

I growl and grit my teeth looking down. I try to think of a plan. I get an idea and whisper. “Raven, when she lets go, get Gwen.” Then I look up at Gwen and start walking forward. “Fine, my Omnitrix for Gwen's life.”

Gweon held her gauntlet closer, causing me to stop. “Take off the Omnitrix, and throw it into the woods. Now.” She said, the gauntlet getting closer to Gwen. “And no tricks, unless you want me to stop time again and kill her. That’s all it takes, I don’t even need to say stop.”

I take a breath and hope she believes me. “I can’t remove it myself, I was worried it would be stolen so I told it to randomize the unlock code. But I'm sure a master of the Omnitrix like you could figure it out easily.” I hold my arm up slowly. ’Come on just a bit closer.’

Gweon looked at me with a studying gaze, then said. “Omnitrix, passcode 012, unlock." The Omnitrix beeped and unlatched itself from my arm, causing me to curse. “Now, pick it up, and throw it in the woods. And no bubbles or magic.”

I pick it up in one hand and look at it then close my eyes and enter hyper-speed rushing to Gwen, then I put a bubble around her before Gweon can stop time. I also quickly bubble the Omnitrix and tap it sending it to the temple.

Gweon on her part gave a shout as she punched me, or at least tried to if Raven hadn’t grabbed her arm with her magic, I quickly reached for Gwen and tried to get Gweon to let go of her, I nearly succeeded before she grabbed the back of my jacket and threw me at Raven, crashing into her, we both watched as Gweon gauntlets fired a beam at us, trapping us in a dome. “You couldn’t have made this easy, could you?! No, you had to play the hero! Well, heroes, time to face the consequences of your-”

“Hey Gweon, leave him alone, sure he made a dumb move but at least you gotta give him an a for effort right?” Gwen said, interrupting Gweon. “And another thing, Gweon is starting to rub off on me, so from now on, you shall be Gweon!”

“Stop calling me that!!” Gweon said, glaring at the girl. “I am not Gweon!! That name is stupid!!”

“GweonGweonGweonGweonGweon!” Gwen said rapidly, annoying Gweon. “Hey GweonGweonGweonGweonGweonGweonGweon!”

I watch this then look at Raven. “Can you open a portal out of here? We can't just let Gwen fight on her own.”

“I’m trying, but she threw you pretty hard, so when you crashed into me, I swore I heard one of my ribs break.” Raven said, holding her side. “But I’ll try to open a portal as fast as I can.”

“GweonGweonGweonGweonGweonGweonGweonGWeonGWeon!” I looked over and I saw that Gweon was covering her ears with her other arms, trying to block out Gwen's constant chanting.

“Damn I wish I had my healing spit under control.” I say then I make a bubble around us in Gweon’s dome and start making it grow trying to break it. “Come on!”

“Alright, that’s it!” Raven and I looked and saw that Gweon had a look of rage on her face, then we watched in horror as her gauntlet fired a beam right through my bubble around Gwen and through Gwen's gut, the beam soon stopped as Gwen stared at her gut in shock but still had that smile on her face.

“Didn’t think….you would….do it…..” Then Gweon tossed Gwen into the canyon, then she turned to us, just as I broke through the shield and charged at her with a cry of rage, wanting to make her pay, only for everything to stop again and I see that she had both me and Raven by our necks, squeezing slowly and blocking our oxygen,

“You should have just handed me the Omnitrix when you had the chance, now your friend is dead, cause you couldn’t listen.” She said, squeezing tighter. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna kill you, I’m gonna spare you and retrieve that Omnitrix you sent to your temple, then get that annoying brat's Omnitrix.” I looked at her shocked. “It’s amazing how much a fan of Steven Universe can know. Wouldn’t you agree?”

I gasp for breath before saying. “You are the fool, even if you get my Omnitrix and hers, the same thing that happened before will happen again, then again the definition of insanity is to do the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” I lift my hands to her face and make shields and slam them together on her head as hard as I can.

She grunted when I did, her grip loosening, and I used that opportunity to try and get free, only to hear a gasp as the hand holding Raven's neck squeezed tighter. “Try that again and I’ll snap her neck like a twig.” Gweon said, shaking her head. “Gwen was right about one thing, I should give you an A for effort, but in the end, it was all for nothing.” As she was talking, we saw something stand up from within the canyon, something big with pink eyes.

I smirk and cough weakly. “You forgot something important very about the Omnitrix Gweon.”

“And what would that be?” She asked me as Raven laughed.

“It can save its wielder by changing into an alien best suited for their survival.” Raven said, just as Gweon went wide-eyed and turned around, seeing Gwen as Way Big, using the distraction to our advantage, we got free from her grasp and I slammed my hand on her Omnitrix, changing her back. Raven and I jumped back as a giant fist came crashing down on Gweon, when Gwen lifted her fist up, Gweon was on the ground, wounded, but not out as she tried to fire a time beam only to get crushed again, and again, and again until Gwen destroyed the cliff Gweon was on.

I fall onto my ass panting. “Holy crap that was close, thank god for that safety feature.”

“I know right?” Gwen said, smiling at us. “I am so glad for that, the moment she tossed me into the canyon, the Omnitrix changed me into Swamp Fire, healing the hole in my gut, then I changed into Way Big and well, you can see what happened after that.”

“But is Gweon out for the count?” Raven asked.

I shake my head. “I doubt it, Gwen mind taking care of her before-” There is a flash of light and when we looked in the crater she was gone. “-she does that…”

“Hey! Come back and fight me bi-” Gwen was interrupted when Raven made a giant hand that slightly hit her upside the head.

“Language.” Raven said simply, then sighed. “She’s most likely back in our Equestria, healing from her wounds.”

I look up at Gwen. “Seems you got a new bad guy to deal with now, at least you won't be bored anymore.” I chuckle weakly before falling onto my back.

“Jake!” I hear Star Ruby call and look over to see her flying this way.

As well as the Crystal Gems, all of them stopped when they saw Gwen, still as Way Big, they all pointed their weapons at her, Gwen on her part was not bothered by them, in fact, it was the total opposite.

“Aaaaw, they look so adorable when they’re small!” Gwen said, picking up Pearl. “They look like action figures! Watch me make Pearl dance!”

“Gwen please put her down and change back! They are not toys” I say, still laying on the ground. “I'll give you pizza or any other food you want.”

Gwen at first pouted but then smiled. “Okay!” She said happily, putting Pearl down and pressing the Omnitrix and changing back to normal, perfectly fine. “I’m hungry anyways! When do we eat?!”

I chuckle and Star Ruby helps me sit up. “Let’s head back to the castle first, oh and Pearl we may have some more company soon if-” In a flash of golden light Celestia and Luna appear wearing battle armor looking around.

“We felt powerful magic being used here, what has happened and who made that canyon?” Celestia asked.

“It's a long story, but if you come with us we can fill you in...Pearl would you mind helping me walk? I'm really sore.” I said and whined when I try to stand on my own.

“Sure Jake.” Pearl said, helping me up and helping me walk back to the castle, I can hear Gwen bothering the princesses but when I looked I can see they don’t mind her bugging them.

“They are treating her like an excited filly.” Raven said, walking next to me and Pearl.

I nod and smile. “Yeah, it's good for her too. I don't know if you know but her royal sisters and she had a falling out.” I tell Raven and Star Ruby came and helped Pearl. “She needs friends now more than ever or she will turn out like Gweon.”

“I know, I came from her Equestria as well, so I know what happened to her.” Raven said, sighing. “Forgive me, I didn’t introduce myself, I’m, well I guess Raven now.” She held her hand out to me,

I smile and shake her hand. “I'm Jake, nice to meet you.'' I look ahead to see the rest of the gems coming out of hiding. “Hey everyone, these are all friends, they won't hurt you, annoy you maybe, but not hurt.”

“She will annoy you, but not me.” Raven said, pointing at Gwen, who was currently talking with the two sisters.

The gems looked unsure but nodded and we got to a table, Pearl set me down and Star Ruby sat next to me. “Pearl I put the Omnitrix in a bubble and sent it to the temple please go get it for me, and Amethyst please go get the food replicator.”

“Sure/Alright Jake.” They both said, going to do the tasks I had given them.

“Wow! This is where you live?!” Gwen asked me, looking at the castle, “This place could really use some work!”

I frown at Gwen. “Yeah it’s a work in progress but we mostly live in the temple.” I sigh and smile as Star Ruby hugged my arm.

I see Gwen had a smile on her face, I knew what she was gonna do, but Raven thankfully covered the girl's mouth before she could say anything.

I blush lightly and mutter. “Thank you, Raven.” Soon Pearl and Amethyst come back. I take the Omnitrix and pop the bubble before putting it back on. “Thank you, Gwen go ahead and order whatever you want.”

Gwen's smile got bigger and she began to list off a ton of food items, when she was done, she had basically listed off everything, from pizza, burgers, hot dogs, hell, she even asked for ice cream.

I shake my head and chuckle softly and the replicator starts making her orders one by one. “To make a long story short, basically an evil version of Gwen's future self came here for this.” I show the princesses the Omnitrix. “And I called Gwen for help, we fought and won for now...speaking of which.” I look at Gwen.

“Gwen before you get too busy eating mind using alien X to protect my timeline from Gweon so she can't come back?” I ask as I try to get a slice of pizza but my hand is slapped away.

“No pizza for you!” Gwen said, giving me a look as she protected her food. “You can easily get this stuff! I have to stick with salads and stuff!” She then took a bite out of the pizza I was trying to grab. “But yeah. I can.” She then propped up the dial on her Omnitrix, and slammed her hand on it, in a flash of pink, a tall female humanoid who looked like she was made out of a star system appeared, her hair which resembled the rest of her body, blew in an unseen wind. “Alien X! The master of reality itself!” She said, and I thought it was weird as it sounded like there was only one voice.

I cross my arms and give Gwen a disapproving glare. “Gwen...did you somehow remove the other two personalities of alien X?”

“What?! Who me? Nooooooo.” She denied. “You trust me right?” If she could, she would be giving me an innocent smile.

I sigh and walk up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. “Gwen I do trust you but I also know you've had a troubled life when it comes to your mental health, please fix alien X, all that power should never be in the hands of only one person, that is why there are always three personalities in each celestialsapien.” I look up into her eyes with both concern and hope.

Gwen was silent before she sighed. “I didn’t get rid of them, they are just watching how I use Alien X, you see while I’m like this, I can think clearer, and make better decisions.” She let out another sigh. “Jake, I’m sane while I’m Alien X. My insanity became a personality, don’t ask me how, it just did.”

I nod and lower my arm. “I see, as long as the other two are there, and if I had to guess, it's because you are supposed to be the voice of reason that the Omnitrix took your insanity from you while in this form.”

I smile softly. “Gwen, I believe you can get better, and promise to help, not because you gave me an Omnitrix, but because you are my friend.”

“He’s right Gwen, you can get better, and no matter what, if you need our help, we’ll be there for you.” Raven said, smiling.

Celestia nods and walks over. “I do not know your story young mare, but I can tell there is a bright light inside you, so long as that light is alive you will be a wonderful mare, and friends help that light grow.”

“Thanks, I….I really needed to hear those words again.” Gwen said, she then snapped her fingers. “I just put a barrier around your dimension Jake, Gweon isn’t coming back here anytime soon.”

I nod and smile then look over Alien X. “Say...can I get Alien X from you? It could be useful if I come across a powerful and dangerous displaced.”

Gwen held her chin in thought and then nodded her head. “Sure, but just to let you know, the more power you have, the more powerful an enemy will appear to counter your strength.” She said.

“I don't plan on using them if I can help it, sort of a 'just-in-case' kind of thing.” I say and hold up my Omnitrix that beeps a few times.

“Uncataloged DNA detected, scanning now.” It said as a yellow beam went over Gwen's body. “Scan complete, wielder now able to use Celestiosapien transformation.”

I smile and look up at Gwen. “So what is it like as Alien X?” I ask as I sit down and take a chilly dog.

“Well, it’s pretty amazing, the ability to do whatever you want, like let’s say.” She then looked around until her eyes landed on me. “I wanted to change someone into something else.” She snapped her fingers and then suddenly I felt different, I heard a few gasps and snickers and looked around.

I see them all looking at me. “What?” my eyes widen and I touch my neck then slowly look down. I then see breasts on my chest and I blush bright red. “Gwen!”

“What? I was only giving a demonstration.” She said. “Besides, I always wondered what Nora Universe would be like if she was born instead of Steven, now I know.”

I frown and cross my arm then blush when I feel my arms press against my new breasts. “Not cool, please turn me back, as ….interesting as this is I'd rather be my own gender.”

She snapped her fingers again, changing back to normal. “So yeah, I can do that, and many more.” She said.

I sigh, glad to be back to normal and then I ask. “Aside from what you just did, what else have you done as Alien X?”

“Well, not much, when I change back I keep myself from becoming Alien X again, that’s due to the insanity taking over again, but when I do become Alien X, I just hang around, seeing what I can do, I even turned an entire mountain into diamond once.” Gwen said, laughing a bit. “You should've seen the looks on everyone's faces when I changed it back to normal.”

I chuckle and shake my head. “That would have been one hell of a shock, what is the insane personality like? how did you get both personalities to cooperate? And what is the second personality like?”

“Oh well, she is like insane, but also funny and knows when to bring me up when I’m down, she even gave herself a name, Crazy.” Gwen said, laughing loudly. “Sorry, Crazy just said something funny.”

I raise an eyebrow. “Oh? Bet it was something about how I looked pretty as Nora.”

“Yeah, it pretty much was. As for how I got her to cooperate with me, I just tell her that she can do one prank on the ponies as long it isn’t too extreme, that was when Vilgax first came to my Equestria, after we sent him to the Null Void as a statue, she turned all the cake in Equestria into salads, and no matter how hard bakers tried, they would only get salads instead of cake. It is basically a prank for Tia.”

Celestia gasps horrified and I roll my eyes. “I can see it being funny for a bit but maybe you should undo that one as a peace offering to your Celestia.”

“I already did a long time ago Jake, back when Celestia and Luna enjoyed my pranks, the ones that didn’t cause, you know, the ones that got stoned.” Gwen said.

I nod and say. “Good, hmm I hope they see you need friends not enemies soon.” I look over to Celestia. “Actually I have an idea, what if my Celestia and Luna write yours?”

Gwen rubbed the back of her head nervously. “I….I don’t know Jake, but it might be worth a shot.” She said.

I look at Celestia and Luna. “Would you two mind? She did do some bad things a long time ago but that is because she was sick, and still is, but she is getting better and needs friends more than enemies.”

Celestia and Luna both looked at each, then back to Me. “We agree with you Jake, from what she has told us, she needs friends now more than ever, we will write the letter.” Celestia said.

I smile brightly. “Thank you both, and Gwen, Raven would you like to stay the night?”

“Sure, it could give me time to heal after that battle.” Raven said while Gwen was excited.

“Really?! Are you sure I can stay the night?” She asked me, stars in her eyes.

I nod and say. “Yeah, I’ll add some extra bedrooms to my room. It should be able to handle a few more rooms.”

Gwen immediately pulled me into a hug. “Thank you thank you thank you!” she said.

I blush and Star Ruby hisses at Gwen. “U-um Gwen, do you mind?”

She looked at me confused, then let me go. “Sorry, it’s just I’ve never been to another Displaces Equestria, much less stayed over.” She said, just as Star Ruby latched onto my arm.

I blush lightly and pat her arm. “Well like I said, I don't mind if you stay, just don't do anything too big.” I smile and add. “Hey if I turn into alien X could you turn me back if I get stuck?”

“Sure thing.” Gwen said. “And if I do try to do anything too big, I got Raven to keep me in check.”

I nod and smile. “Then go ahead and talk with my friends and family, I'm gonna meet my Alien x but if I'm not out in an hour change me back please.”

“Okay.” Gwen said with a smirk.

I nod and smile walking over to the middle of the room and tried to activate my Omnitrix but it is still gray and I groan. “I forgot it is locked, damn.”

“Took you long enough.” I heard Raven say. “As long as Gwen is in this Equestria, your Omnitrix isn’t gonna work.”

I sigh and sit back down. “Right, I forgot.” I picked up a cupcake and took a bite. “So how long have you been on Gwen's world Raven?”

“Hmmm, I think roughly around two days.” She replied. “But it feels like I’ve been there forever, the spells Raven uses, I know them all like it’s second nature to me.”

“Oh? That's lucky I'm still learning how to use my powers.” I said to her.

“Huh, well, I guess I am lucky, or maybe I’m supposed to know them to keep Gwen out of trouble.” Raven said, sighing. “Honestly, the sooner I find a spell to help her with her insanity, the better for her.”

I nod and smile. “If you need my help just call me, I do have healing abilities.”

“I’ll be sure to remember that.” She said, then yawned. “Wonder what time it is.”

I look up and see the sun is close to setting. “Well I should set up the guest rooms and the princesses can go home.” I say and get up with Star Ruby sticking close to me, making me blush.

“Someone’s got a girlfriend.” Raven said, causing me and Ruby to blush. “Don’t worry, I’m not like Gwen, so you won’t hear any teasing from me.”

I look at her. “Thank you, w..we kind of just started dating.” I say shyly and chuckle. “But enough of that let's make you some rooms, it was nice seeing you princesses again, have a safe trip home.” I say as I show Gwen, Raven, and Star Ruby to the temple door and my gem lights as it opens to my room.

“Nice. I should get me one of these.” Gwen said, still Alien X.

“I’ll make you one when we get home.” Raven said, rolling her eyes.

“Or you could ask Pearl how she made it.” I say as I walk to the ‘living room’ stepping on the control pedestal and begin adding three extra rooms making them just simple rooms with beds, closets, and a bathroom each. “There we go, now you all have your own room...Hmm, I should find a way to let Star Ruby open the temple door.”

“Let's worry about that later, for now. I’m gonna get some sleep.” Gwen said, walking to a room, but before she entered, she let out a sigh as her hand hovered near the Omnitrix, but didn’t press, then she went inside the room. “Night.”

I frown softly. “I wish I could help her more.” I look to Raven and Star ruby. “Sleep well you two if you need anything just wake me up.” I smile softly and head to my room.

I hear Raven and Star say goodnight to me as they head into their rooms, I lay down in my bed and yawn as I look up at the ceiling and slowly fall asleep.’Wish I could help Gwen.’

Darkness, that’s all I saw as I kept walking, ’How did I get here?’ I thought to myself, looking around, seeing nothing but darkness, I eventually see something, it was too far away but I definitely see it, it looked like a house?

I start running to get to it faster and I seem to move faster than I thought possible till I stop at the front door. ’Huh, what is this place?’ I knock on the door.

I got no reply, I knocked again and this time the door swung open slowly, letting out a creak that echoed all around me. “Hello?” I call out and hear my voice echo. “Is anyone here?”

I got no reply again, so I walked in and started to try and find someone here, as I was walking through the house, I saw that there was hardly anything here, no pictures, barely any furniture, and it was creepy as hell. I then jumped when I heard something, it sounded like footsteps.

“Come on don't be all spooky, I just want to know what's going on here.” I say backing up slowly looking all over the room.

I heard the footsteps again, this time followed by laughter, I froze as the footsteps had gotten closer. “Fuck this shit I’m out.” I said, running down a hall, the footsteps following me while the laughter got louder and closer, I eventually came to the worst thing ever, an intersection, both paths were dimly lit. I heard the laughter again, this time way too close for comfort.

I look both ways then go left. “Damn it! I hate horror movies!” I run down the dark hallway and my body starts to glow softly lighting the way.

I kept running and running, but I stopped when I realized that the laughter and footsteps stopped, no wait, they were still at the intersection, and I could hear faint whispering. “Not that way. Turn back.”

I look in the three different directions and decide to ignore the whispers and choose to go right this time. “I really do not like this, where the hell am I?” I ask myself as I run.

I realized that everything was starting to get darker, and all the more scary, as I started to slow down, looking around and stopped, hanging on the walls were pictures, well more like paintings, each one showing ponies and monsters? No, not monsters, but something else, they looked familiar but I couldn’t figure out where I have seen them before. I accidentally bumped into something and looked and saw it was a door, with the words 'Turn back! Death lives here! Nightmares begin!' I looked at the door, and immediately turned to go back, only to freeze when the lights at the end of the hallway started to go out, even my glow was starting to dim, and I wasn’t even making it dim.

I looked at the probably death door, and the rapidly darkening hallway, and made my decision. I open the door and rush inside and close the door and pant before turning around and looking around. “Now did I jump into the frying pan or fire?”

I then see the room was well-lit, and it didn’t look the least bit horrifying, in fact, it was actually pretty nice, there was a piano in the center of the room, and a few paintings that looked friendly, I then heard something fall, looking over I saw a canvas, a blank canvas at that, walking over to it.

The closer I get the more the blank canvas changes first it was a picture of a person in the woods, then it changed to a battle between some sort of creature and another creature, then it changed again, what I can assume were ponies were currently running in fear of a giant destroying a village, then it continued to change, showing me various monsters terrorizing ponies, it just kept showing me these images, and I swear I could hear whispering, until, it stopped.

I frown and scratch my chin. “I swear these creatures look familiar, but I just can't remember why.” I lightly hit my head trying to think.

Then I saw the canvas start to change again, but instead of images, there were words. “My claws sharper than the sharpest blade, my teeth like scythes, for those who wish to show their enemies true fear, you need only let me out.” I read the writing, watching as the words then turned into an all too familiar picture, the jak-0-lantern like smile and blood-red eyes were not hard to recognize as the image of Gwen, the image of how Ponies saw her. “Jake!”

I look around for the source of the voice. “Who's there?” I look back to the canvas.

Only to see it was gone, the whole thing gone, I then noticed a bit of movement and looked and saw the canvas, just hanging on the wall, the same image of Gwen staring at me, a shadow around it even though the area had plenty of lights, I slowly backed up, my eyes never leaving the painting, “Run!” The lights then went out.

“Nope! So much nope!” My aura lights up again and I run for the door.

Only to see the door was gone! My aura then started to dim, but I saw that there was a flashlight, quickly grabbed it, and tried to turn it on, only for it to not work, panic rising as my aura was soon gone.

“This is like a….a nightmare.” I say finally realizing this is a dream space. I close my eyes and will my aura back and stronger than ever filling the room with pink healing light.

Only to hear something creak behind me, followed by growling, quickly turned around only to see nothing, “Whatever you are, I’m not scared of you. So show yourself.” I said, looking around, seeing nothing I turned around again.

Only for the demonic image of Gwen to screech in my face, sending me flying and hitting the wall, I watched as it stomped towards me, I threw the flashlight at it, hitting its head, and saw the door, I then ran out of the room. Its screech still echoed around me as I ran.

I frown and run faster, starting to bend the dream to my will, and reach out for a door to appear and I open it, go through before I slam it closed adding a pink glow to it. “There, that should hold off her nightmare self, now then.” I look around. “Gwen, it's jake come out please.”

There was banging on the door, followed by the nightmares screech, I glared at the door, willing it to stay closed when I felt a hand suddenly covered my mouth as I was dragged into a closet. “Stay quiet, and maybe it won’t find you again.” I heard Gwen say. “You think this is the Dream Space but it’s not, it wants you to think that.” A loud crashing sound was heard as I saw through the cracks of the closet door the nightmare walking in, looking around. “Whisper, don’t speak loudly.”

I nod and cross my arms looking through the crack then back to Gwen. “This is inside Alien X, isn't it? I must be astral projecting and accidentally ended up in your head.” I whisper just loud enough for Gwen to hear me.

She nodded her head, her eyes never leaving the creature outside the closet doors. “Yes, and you must leave at once, 'cause once it finds you…..” She then went quiet as the nightmare got close to the closet, then walked away. “You’ll never be the same again.”

I look at the door and frown. “You have just as much control here as her, right?” I whisper coming up with a plan.

“Not here I don’t, we are in its territory now, and the only way out is through the door that keeps it from ever coming out.” Gwen said. “Jake, we need to get you through that door, it doesn’t care about me, so it will come after you.”

I have a theory but want to hear it from her. “What is she?” I ask in a soft voice and put a hand on her shoulder a small glow coming from my palm.

She just remained silent. “I don’t know if it’s a demon or something else, all I know is that it is a terrible thing to ever walk the face of Equestria.” Gwen said, breathing hard. “I don’t know if it was a failed magic spell or a dark creation of black magic, but I know it’s some monster….a monster that won’t stop till it gets what it wants.”

I frown and close my eyes. “I see...Gwen, do you trust me?” I ask as I stand up and face the door.

“I do Jake, but……” Gwen said, just as the nightmare screeched again, tossing something against the wall. “I’m scared.”

I nod and put a hand on Gwen's shoulder. “Then believe there is a chance you can be good.” I then open the door and walk out and start glowing again only focusing on healing. “Gwen you can come here, I am your friend.'' When I see the shadow run at me I open my arms and catch her in a hug letting my healing glow brighten. “You aren't a monster anymore Gwen you need to forgive yourself.”

The shadow didn’t move, but eventually hugged me back, I looked and see Gwen with a sad look on her face. “Jake, this thing isn’t what I see myself…….it’s something I’m keeping imprisoned.” She said, tears in her eyes. “So it doesn’t get what it wants….. others' pain and fear.”

The nightmare screeched as its claws scratched me, I flinched as I am scratched but I kept hugging. “Gwen, she is a part of you, you need to come together. She was your past mistakes, you can't deny she was ever a part of you, accept her and grow as a person or keep her locked away till she breaks free and goes on a rampage because you haven't grown and learned from the past.” I sigh and pat the shadows back.

“I'm not trying to scald you, but you need to hear this.” I let go of the hug and held out my hand to the scared Gwen. “From what I see, you are the part of Gwen that is a scared girl trying to hide from her mistakes, while she is your anger and pain.”

She kept staring at me then looked at the nightmare version of herself, which still clawed at me and screeching, Gwen hesitantly took a step forward but immediately turned away. “I’m sorry I just can’t do it!” The nightmare soon got free and sent me back a bit, growling at me as it pounced, only for a chair to hit it as Gwen grabbed my arm and ran, the whole time I could see the tears in her eyes.

I sigh and run with Gwen and say. “Gwen, please promise to think about what I said, I am sure I am right.”

“Jake, you’re not right! I can never forgive that thing for what it did!” Gwen said the nightmare’s screeching not too far behind us. “That thing is the reason why Crazy was born, the reason why all those innocents died! I’d rather lock it away than accept it as a part of me!”

I shake my head and frown. “Then history will repeat itself, it is only a part of yourself just because you accept her as your mistakes does not make what she..you did right. By accepting the past you can move to the future.” We make a turn.

“I have a gut feeling that she is your pain and anger, while you are your fear and regret, so where is the rest of you, Gwen?” I ask as we get back to the first room I entered.

She doesn’t answer as she barricades the door where we walked in from, the nightmare banging against it, Gwen then starts looking for a way out. “It has to be here! It has to!” She said.

I sigh and make my aura brighter. “What are you looking for...fear.”

“The door to get out of here! Otherwise, that thing is going to kill you!” Gwen or Fear said, just as the nightmare banged against the door, small cracks forming. “That thing got rid of it. That damn thing knew we were gonna come back!”

“Then let me try something.” I walked to the barricaded door and put a hand on it. “Anger...please let us out, I wish to speak with the rest of Gwen, I promise to try to help you pull yourselves together, I just ask for a chance.”

The banging stopped for a few seconds before it continued. “Jake!” I heard Fear say and I looked and saw the door appearing. “The damn thing actually listened?! No, it’s a trick!”

“Thank you, Anger.” I say to the door and then I take Fear’s hand and walk through the exit having faith in my friend.

I heard crashing and looked behind us and saw Anger had gotten through, but it just glared at us as we left, the door slowly closing behind us and locking. I looked forward and saw we were in the hallway that first brought me to Anger’s domain.

I look to Fear. “Ok, now please start talking and take me to the other pieces of you.”

“I told you everything I know!” Fear said, giving the door one last look before quickly walking away.

I put a hand on her shoulder as I walked with her. “Fear, I get that you are scared but the complete Gwen trusts me, so give me a chance and take me to the others.”

Fear looked at me, then nodded her head. “This way.” She said as we began to walk through the halls, eventually reaching the first area I had walked in. “This is where we hang out, most of us anyway.”

“I see, how many of you are there? Is the complete Gwen here too?” I ask as I look around.

I heard footsteps followed by the same laughter that chased me to Anger. “Well, I see you already met one of us when you first arrived.” Fear said, just as another Gwen fell out of a hole in the ceiling, still laughing, this Gwen was like a hyperactive child, her hair was all crazy and she had dirt stains on her.

I smile softly. “I'm guessing you are either happiness or the one called crazy.” I said to her.

“Who’s crazy? Not me!” She said, laughing. “But yeah, I’m Crazy alright!”

I roll my eyes and cross my arms. “Well...thank you, if you hadn't of chased me, I never would have known Gwen was suppressing her anger.” I sigh and look at more footsteps.

The next Gwen to appear kinda reminded me a bit of Blue Diamond from how sad she looked. “Um, w-who is that?” She said, hiding behind Fear, which meant this Gwen was her sadness and her shyness.

I gently hold my hand out. “It’s me Jake, it's nice to meet you sad Gwen.”

She hesitantly shook my hand. “I-it’s nice to meet you t-too Jake.” She said.

I nod and ask. “So that's Fear, Anger, Happiness, and now sadness. Who else is here? Maybe logic?”

“Oh, you mean a smart Gwen? Well, that would be the one who is mostly in control of Alien X so she won’t be here!” Crazy said. “And I’m not happiness I’m craziness!” She then laughed, and I just rolled my eyes.

“I see, well could you gather any that aren't here right now? I want to speak to you all about anger.” I say as I start to float in a crossed-leg position.

Crazy laughed as she jumped up and climbed into a vent. “HEY!! We have a visitor! Get your fat butts moving on the double!!” I heard her shout in the vent as she moved away.

A few minutes later, a couple more Gwens showed up, one looked to be extremely happy, just not as hyper as Crazy, meaning that Gwen was Happiness, the other Gwen however was giving me a loving look which meant that Gwen was love. “Well, looks like Crazy was right. We do have a visitor.” The Love Gwen said, walking over to me. “So, Jake I believe your name was, how did you get here in Gwen’s mind?”

I nod to her and say. “Yes jake is my name, and one of my gem powers is to astral project into other people, now is every Gwen here...I mean besides logic.”

“We are just waiting for Crazy to get out of the vents.” Happiness said, just as Crazy came out of a vent from the wall beside me. “There she is.”

I nod and look at all of them. “I asked to see you all because I’m worried that if Gwen keeps anger locked up the way she is, she will eventually blow and go on a rampage in the real world, you are each a part of Gwen that includes Anger, there is a time and place for her yes but to lock her up like this will not work in the long run.”

“Please try to come together, you need to become the whole Gwen again or I fear she may never be fully healed mentally.” I say looking down.

All of the Gwens looked at each other before Fear spoke. “It’s not like we don’t want her to be healed, it’s just anger is too monstrous that if we let her out, she’ll cause pain and suffering for others.” She said. “Let me start from the beginning, we were a whole, all of us was just one Gwen, but then she started poking around with things she shouldn’t have and a spell went wrong, and now we are stuck with a literal demon, that demon has taken form in the shape of her anger, we let that thing out. It’ll be like all those years ago when she started those disasters.”

I rub my chin and wonder out loud. “If she is a demon then where is the true emotion of anger?”

“That thing is anger! The demon had latched onto the anger in Gwen's heart, and trust me, she had a lot of it, why do you think we keep it locked away?” Fear explained. “Think of it like the deadly sin Wrath.”

“Hmmm is the Gwen I speak to in the physical world the whole or one of you?” I ask while trying to think of a way to help.

“It’s….complicated, she is whole but at the same time, not whole.” Fear said, then Sadness spoke up.

“Think of it like looking at a broken mirror.” She said. “Most of the pieces are there, but some are missing, why do you think the only thing she’s shown was insanity? She is too broken so we let Crazy have most of the control.”

I look up at them. “Can all of us including Anger, get to where logic is? I have an idea.”

They all nod their heads, and proceed to lead me where Logic is, after many twists and turns, we eventually reach a large door, Sadness stepped up to it and knocked, only for it to open and reveal a huge library.

“Wow, this is impressive, so I'm guessing she will be in the middle?” I ask as I step into the library.

“Be careful, she is very protective of her books.” Happiness said, walking in as well as the others.

“I wasn't planning on touching them.” I say as I walk through the library and look between each group of shelves.

Soon we heard someone talking and followed the voice, reaching what would be the middle of the library, with Logic Gwen surrounded by books, unlike the other Gwens, she wore something a bit different, she had a light purple cloak with the hood up, covering most of her face. “You are late.” She said.

“Late? You were expecting me?” I ask as I walk up to her.

“But of course, you are here about the mental illness that has befallen Gwen Tennyson, otherwise known as Gwen 10.” Logic said, not even looking at us. “One could easily tell why you had come to my domain. At least one with the vast amount of knowledge that is.”

I wiggle my hand in a so-so gesture. “Kinda, I came mostly to see if it is possible to use my healing aura and Gwen's magic to split Anger from the demon.”

“Ah yes, Anger, I know it fully well, you made the right choice coming to me, for you see, ever since the one known as Crazy took over Gwen, I wasn’t needed that much so I spent my days researching, but enough about that, the answer to your question is no.” Logic said. “The demon has been attached for so long that its very being has merged with Gwen, and no thanks to those Elements of Harmony trying to remove it, it only latched on tighter to Gwen. So can you use your healing powers and Gwen's magic to remove the demon? No.”

I sigh and cross my arms in thought. “Hmmm, then what can I do to help Gwen? I think I did get through to Anger for a few moments, she accepted my hug and even made the door reappear and let me and Fear leave.”

“She let you leave? I see, that demon is very tricky, it could have left a piece of it on you so that way when you return to your body it could possess you.” Logic said. “The only reason why it would accept a hug is for it to place a piece of it onto you. Of course, this is all a theory.

I sigh and look at my hand. “But if that is true then why not just act like she was the Gwen I know and get me that way?”

“Most likely because you are the first person to ever appear in Gwen's head.” Logic said. “Either that, or it didn’t care for acting to trick you.”

“Maybe, so there is nothing I can do to help put Gwen together safely?” I look back up to Logic.

“Safely? No, but there is a way to separate the demon from her, but it will be harmful to her.” Logic said, putting down her book and grabbing a different one, and showed it to me, the book was a dark purple with a small red gem in the center. Opening it, I saw that it was a book by Raven.

My eyes widen. “Raven is an expert in demons of course! Wait that was only the tv Raven. Is the displaced able to do it? And what can I do?” I look back up at logic.

“All you have to do is help her find the necessary things she needs to separate the demon from Gwen. Raven is an expert in magic, so it stands to reason she’ll know a bit about demons as well, considering who her father is.” Logic said.

I nod and hold the book tighter. “What does she need?”

“Not a clue, I may be Logic, but even I can’t predict what the sorceress would need to help Gwen.” Logic said. “You’ll have to ask her yourself, though I’m sure she will have most of the things she needs with her.”

I nod and look at all the Gwens. “If Raven can help, you all will fuse back together, I just hope Gwen can live with herself after what happened.” I remember something and ask. “By the way which one of you sent that note to me after my visit?”

All of the Gwens looked at each other before Logic sighed. “We...all did, it was the one moment that we all got together again, it was only for a moment but we sent that note together before we split once more.”

I nod and scratch my chin. “I see, well I will do my best to help you all.” I say as I smile at them.

They all smiled as well. “Thanks, we hope you succeed.” Fear said. “But please hurry 'cause Anger is really scary and nearly free!”

I nod and sigh. “Maybe I should figure out how to get back to my body. Then I can wake Raven, and tell her what she needs to do.”

“Crazy can take you to the exit of this place.” Sadness said. “She knows a ton of exits that we had to block off in order to keep Anger from getting free.”

I nod and smile softly. “Hopefully by the time I summon you back Gwen will be whole.” I then looked at Crazy. “I'm ready.”

“Okie dokie loki!” Crazy said, laughing, as we left the library, Crazy humming a happy tune.

I chuckle and smile at her happy attitude. “Will Gwen remember any of this?”

“No clue! Her mind is a huge mess ever since that demon tried possessing her, and since I showed up as well.” Crazy replied.

“Well, if you have control of Gwen please be a hero. Think of it like this, the more Gwen is a monster and seen as one, the more powerful the demon will be, while if she is seen as a hero it may get weaker.” I tell her as we walk through the hallways.

Crazy gave a pout. “Aaaaaaw, but if I do that, then I won’t have any fun!” she said, as we stopped in front of a wall.

“You can have fun while still being a hero, just be creative and unpredictable against the bad guys, plus you can have a bunch of fun by making fun of the bad guys and as I said before a mad bad guy, is a dumb bad guy.” I wink and point at her with a finger gun.

“I don’t know…...ah who cares, messing with bad guys sounds like fun!” Crazy said, drawing a door with a marker, then knocked on it twice as the drawing opened, revealing the dark space that I was first in.

I pat her back. “Thank you.” I then step through the door and find myself in the dark again.

“You’re welcome, good luck on trying to fix the others! Even if it might destroy me as well!” She said, and when I turned to look at her in shock, the building was gone, the sound of Crazy’s laughter still echoing around me, which either meant Gwen woke up, or somehow, the house moved.

I sigh but smile. ’Even though they are parts of her they all care for Gwen more than themselves, Gwen has the heart of a hero.’ I think to myself and close my eyes and try to wake up.

When I woke up, I looked around and saw that I was back in my room. “Damn, that was one hell of an experience.” I get out of bed and form my clothes back on and head out my door. I walk down the hallway to Raven's door and knock, once she opens it I simply say. “I know how to help Gwen.”