• Published 15th Jun 2021
  • 2,136 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond In The Rough - Deltorix

A boy named Jake get separated from his family but gets a new one. That being the crystal gems, Can Jake rise to the position of a leader at the age of 16, or will he and his new friends be destroyed by a strange yet familiar enemy?

  • ...

Chapter 10

Raven gave me a confused look, as well as a tired look, “Oh, and what do you mean by that?” She asked me.

“I mean I know what made Gwen snap all those years ago and YOU are the key to fixing her!” I say with a big grin and pointed at her.

She had her eyes close as she leaned on the doorway. “That’s nice.” she said yawning, as she closed the door, only to immediately open it again, wide-eyed and awake. “Wait WHAT?!”

I nod and smile. “I have an ability that lets me enter other people's minds when I sleep and I get pulled into her head, to make a long and scary story short Gwen’s mind is split into emotional fragments, and Anger is fused with a demon. Also, mind scanning me in case it left part of itself on me?”

“Sure, just give me a minute,” her hand glowed dark purple as the same glow covered my body, she frowned as I felt something being pulled from me, then a small orb came out of my chest, blood-red eyes glaring at me. “Yeah, that thing definitely left this on you.” We looked at it for a moment before I shook my head and heard Raven mumble something. The orb shook as she kept mumbling then there was a blinding flash and when I could see again I saw Raven had destroyed it.

“Wow, I guess I was tricked, I had thought at the time it was just the embodiment of Gwen's anger and pain so I offered a hug and actually did hug me but I guess that was just a trick to put that on me.” I was surprised.

“Demons are very tricky things, it’s best to always be cautious of them.” Raven said, sighing, “Tell me this plan and how am I the key to fixing her after I got into my normal attire.” That's when I noticed she was just wearing a robe instead of her usual attire.

I blush lightly and look away. “Sorry, um well Gwen's Logic said you were the key because Raven knows all about demons, so maybe you do too.”

“Well that’s true, ever since I got sent to Equestria, I decided to do some research on the subject in case some sort of demon appeared.” Raven said, “Now if you excuse me, I need to change so that way we can talk.”

“Right I’ll be in the living room.” I say then head to the living room. I then put my hand on the control panel and made a hole open up right into Amethyst's room. Looking down into it I called out. “Amethyst, I need the replicator.”

Soon enough, the Replicator was thrown to me, I easily caught it, and looked down again. “Thanks, Amethyst!” I wave at her as she goes off to do something else and set it down on a table before closing the hole. “I love this room.”

“I’ll have to agree.” Raven said as she walked over, back in her normal attire. “So, what is this plan of yours?”

“Well, to be honest, I am only doing what I was told would help her, getting your help, from what the other Gwens have told me, the demon fused with her embodiment of anger and fueled her rampages but when the royal sisters tried to remove it using the elements of harmony it only latched on even tighter.” I explain everything I know.

My eyes widen. “Oh I'm not sure if it makes a difference but two more things, first this all happened when Gwen was messing around with a spell and two the demon looks kinda like how the ponies see her, check their books and you'll see what I mean if you haven't already.”

“Blood red eyes, jack-o-lantern like smile?” she asked me,

I nod. “Exactly, is that a demon or just what it chose to show itself as?”

“Hmmm, hard to tell really, it could be what it chose to look like, or it could be a demon that takes the form of its host.” Raven said, holding her chin. “But enough about why it looks like Gwen. What is your plan to help her?”

I sigh and order a cup of hot chocolate. “Like I said, my only plan was to ask you about demons, if we can find a way to get the demon out of her then maybe my healing powers can start her mental recovery.”

Raven nodded her head, “Well, the demons I had encountered time from time are all evil beings, either wanting to conquer the world/universe or cause suffering to others.” Raven said, “This demon is most likely trying to cause suffering to others.”

“Yeah, that lines up with what the Gwens said, the problem is it is getting stronger, and almost got loose when I was in her mind.” I frown and look down. “I think Gwen is running out of time.”

Raven nodded, “I see, then we have to do something fast. I can separate the two, but it might hurt Gwen.”

I nod. “Logic Gwen also said that we should first get Gwen out of alien x just to be safe, but after that what can I do?”

“You just do what I tell you, this type of thing is a very tricky thing to do, especially if the demon is latched onto Gwen for so long.” Raven said, “I’ll also need some materials.”

I motion to the replicator. “Go ahead and make anything you need.”

“Right, you just get Gwen, I’ll meet you later.” Raven said,

“Right, well I'll go check on Gwen then.” I stand up and walk to Gwen's door and knock.

A moment later, Gwen opened the door, but she was no longer Alien X, “Hi Jake!” she said happily, a huge smile on her face. “What’s up?”

I smile and wave. “Hey, Gwen do you remember anything from last night?”

“Hmmmmmmmmm, nope!” she said, “Not a darn thing!”

I sigh and hold out my hand. “I think me and Raven found a way to help you, but it will hurt, do you trust me?”

“Of course I do!” she said, “Why wouldn’t I?”

I smile and lead her back to Raven. “Gwen is up, should we do this outside?”

“That would be a good idea.” Raven said, a dark orb floating beside her, “I got the necessary items that are needed.”

I nod and take them back outside and we head out to the courtyard and see a few amethysts. “Sorry, but we need this area for now.”

“What? But why?” one of them asked,

“We are going to be doing something dangerous and I don't want any of you getting caught in the crossfire by accident.” I told them as I frowned. “If we screw up one of you could become corrupted.”

“No way I’m getting corrupted!” the Amethysts then left, “Just tell us when we can come back!”

I sigh and look down. “I Hate scaring them.” I look back at Raven. “What now?”

“Now, you hold this until I tell you what to do with it.” Raven said, handing me the orb.

I hold it and look down at it. “Ok, I'll try my best.” I look back at them.

Raven nodded as her hands started glowing, a rune appearing right where Gwen was standing, a few sparks came off of it as Gwen started to float into the air, I looked up and saw that thunder clouds had appeared as lightning danced across the sky.

I bite my lip trying not to distract them as I watch but I do make some Hexagonal shields surrounding the area to stop any gems from coming in.

The glow around Raven's hands then shot out to Gwen, I watched as half of her now resembled Anger, Raven then looked to me, the orb disappearing to reveal some sort of blade, except I can tell there was some sort of energy.

I look over the sword, then at Raven. “What now?” I ask making sure not to move just in case.

“The sword is made with a type of energy that can separate the demon, it won’t kill her, but it will sting like hell!” Raven said, then I saw that the ground the rune was on was starting to crack. “Just cut her in half already!”

I nod and jump over to Gwen and swing the sword down cutting her in half. “Done!” I yell over Gwen’s screams of pain.

“AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!!” Raven shouted, then a bright flash, that could most likely be seen from Canterlot, blinded me. Once it was gone, I looked and saw Gwen was passed out on the ground.

I blink my eyes as I walk up to Gwen and put a hand on her. “Did we do it? Is she free?”

I heard Raven groan as I looked and saw that she had a dark slime-like substance in her magic, “Yeah, she’s free, this little bastard is no longer a bother to her.” she said, frowning at the demon.

I nod and lick my fingers and rub Gwen’s forehead then stand up and walk over to Raven looking at the demon. “So that was the cause of all the trouble?”

“Yep, and I realized what kind of demon this is.” Raven said, “It’s a parasite, that likes the pain and suffering of others. It always goes for the strongest host it can find, and thanks to the Omnitrix, Gwen is the strongest host.”

I frown and cross my arms. “So it is similar to nightmare moon?”

“Worse than her, Nightmare Moon mostly focused on Luna’s emotions instead of its own desires, but this thing thinks for itself.” Raven explained.

I shiver and hug myself as the shields drop. “It feels cold even from here, how are you gonna get rid of it?” I ask and hear a groan from behind me and look to see Gwen moving.

“W-what happened?” she asked, then she went wide-eyed, “I’m not hearing constant thoughts of pranks, or destroying things. But how?!”

I smile and kneel down and put a hand on her shoulder. “Gwen, welcome back to sanity, I probably haven't fully healed you but I did put the pieces back together in one room, now it's up to you and your friends.”

Gwen had tears in her eyes as she smiled, then hugged me, “T-thank you! Thank you so much!” she said,

I smile and hug her back and pat her back. “Your welcome Gwen, anything for a friend.”

I then helped her stand as she looked around as if seeing the world for the first time, “Wow, it's much more different when I’m sane.” she said,

I pat her back. “I think you should take some time and rest with friends, no Omnitrix for a week.” I say as I wag my finger like a doctor scolding his patient.

“Yeah, I could use a break from it anyway.” Gwen said, then frowned, “I can’t believe after so long, I’m finally sane, no more thoughts of messing with everyone, it’s so different now. But there is one thing I’m gonna miss.”

“What's that?” I ask as I walk Gwen over to the table. “Raven, go ahead and take care of IT and I’ll watch over Gwen.”

Raven nodded as she walked away, just as Gwen spoke, “Crazy, even though she kept messing with the ponies, she still helped me when we were ALien X, she kept me from feeling sad all the time.” she said, smiling.

I pat Gwen's back and smile sadly. “She may still be a part of alien x, we don't know. but even if she isn't that just means she fulfilled her purpose and kept you from falling deeper into madness.” I then look up at the morning sky. “You can always keep her memory in your heart and play small pranks now and then.”

Gwen smiled, “Thanks Jake.” she said,

I smile then my eyes widen. “Crap!” I jump off the table and run to the temple door. “Sorry, Gwen I forgot to wake Star ruby!” I open the door and chuckle sheepishly seeing her waiting at the door. “Um, h-hi Star.”

“Hi.” she said, looking down at the floor.

“I'm sorry, I was just in a hurry because me and raven found out how to help Gwen get better.” I hug Star and feel the warmth in my chest again.

“It’s fine, I know you like to help others in need, just maybe let me know when you are leaving next time?” Star said, hugging me back,

I nod and smile at her. “Of course. Come on, you can say bye to my friends before they leave.” I take her hand and lead her back to Gwen and I see Raven is back.

When we got to them, I can see Gwen, who was in her four arms form, and Garnet were currently fighting, though from their grins I can tell it was a quick sparring session, both of them trying to land a blow on the other, but it was like fighting a mirror, their fists kept connecting and thanks to Garnets speed, she was able to block all of Gwen's fists.

I step up next to Raven. “Wow, those two are having fun, but what happened to no Omnitrix for a week?”

“She couldn’t help it, she wanted to test out at least one alien to see how strong she was.” Raven replied, just as Gwen grabbed Garnet's arms with two of her arms and threw her into a tree.

I flinch and shake my head. “Just make sure she takes it easy for a bit ok? What did you do with that thing anyway?”

“Let’s just say it won’t bother anyone ever again.” Raven said, “And that’s all I’m gonna say.”

I shrug and smile watching the match start back up. “As long as you didn't just throw it into space, I'm fine with whatever you did.”

Soon after a few minutes of watching the two fight, they eventually stopped, both with smiles on their faces. “Man, that one heck of a fight, wouldn’t you agree?” Gwen asked Garnet.

Garnet nods with a smile and holds her fist up for Gwen to fist bump. “Not bad, for a human.”

“Ok ladies, I think it's time Gwen and Raven head home but, first.” I type out a message and send it to Ship and after a minute I get a reply. “Either of you have your phones or something that can hold data?”

“I do.” Raven said, holding up a phone, “Though our Equestria isn’t advanced enough for phones to work yet.”

“That's fine, here.” I hand her my phone with the information on its screen. “The blueprint for the replicator I'm sure with a few different alien transformations it will be possible to recreate it.”

“Thanks, this will make getting certain things easier.” Raven said, “Like food, supplies, and items for spells.”

“Yeah, I figured I should give you something seeing as the last displaced I met gave me something.” I say with a smile and watch as she sends the blueprints from my phone to hers.

“Say now that you are Raven, are all her spells those same three words?” I ask, raising an eyebrow.

“Yeah they are, it’s a bit of a pain, but it makes my enemies confused about what spell I’m using.” she said, “Gwen on the other hand, says the spell's name instead.”

“Oh? I wonder if I could learn either of your versions of magic, I know I can learn changeling magic while I'm a changeling but I haven't even started to try if I can learn magic in base form.” I tell her as I start thinking out loud. “Hmmm, I need to check in with Peridot soon too.”

“I can leave you a couple of my spell books for you to learn from.” Raven said, “And maybe a bit of my magic to help as well.”

“Same here, well except for the spell books.” Gwen said, changing back to normal, “Now that I’m sane again, I can focus on my magic.”

I nod and grin. “Cool! And maybe next time we meet we can see who has the better magic tricks.” I give her a thumbs up.

“Yeah, like anyone could beat me.” Raven said, smirking, “But you are welcome to try.”

I roll my eyes. “I was talking to Gwen.” I chuckle and smile. “You ladies ready to go home?” I ask as Raven gives me my phone back.

“Yep. I got some apologizing to do for my Celestia and Luna, as well as all of Ponyville.” Gwen said,

“Yeah, and I got some magic studying to do as well.” Raven said, “Though I believe only Gwen can send me back, as she was the one who summoned me first.”

“Oh right, I almost got you stuck here.” I laugh and rub the back of my head.

“It’s fine.” Raven said, and from her cloak, she pulled out a book and handed it to me, “One of my spell books, filled with beginner spells. And of course a spark of my magic.” she placed her hand on my chest as it glowed a bit. “There, you now have access to my type of magic.”

“My turn.” Gwen said, placing her hand on my chest as well, a pink glow covered her hand then my body, then it disappeared. “There, now you have access to two types of magic.”

“So cool! Thanks!” I say with a grin then hear some angry huffing and look back to see a mad Star ruby.

“I think somebody doesn’t like other girls touching her boyfriend.” Gwen teased,

I blush and look back at Gwen. “well you would be too if you were her.” I reach over and hold Star’s hand. “Well, I'll see you two sometime soon. Gwen say the thing please.”

“Right, our contract is complete, return to your lair once more.” Gwen said to Raven, just as the familiar swirling portal appeared, and just as Raven was about to enter it she turned to look at me.

“Good luck Jake, and see you someday..” she said then entered, the portal closing behind her.

I look at Gwen with a smile. “Well, Gwen I hope I did help a lot and will get better soon.” I put a hand on her shoulder. “Gwen our contract is complete but you are always welcome here.”

A portal appeared under her, and she looked at it in shock. “I feel like this is payback for the first time you came to my Equestria.” she said,

“Maybe!” I yell at her with a smirk as she falls through the portal. I chuckle and shake my head. “Good luck Gwen.” I then turn and walk to the temple door and see one of the amethyst. “The courtyard is safe now, have fun just don't get too busy. I may ask you all to move somewhere for a bit.”

“Thanks man.” the Amethyst said, running to the courtyard.

I shake my head with a smile and open the temple door to the lab and walk in. “Peridot you in here?” I ask as I look around.

“Yes, as well as Pearl and miss Sparkle.” I heard her say back, as I followed where the voice came from and saw the three.

“Hey you three, I am wondering if there is a way you could make a device for Star ruby here, to open the temple door to my room?” I asked Peridot while showing her Star ruby who is shyly hiding behind me.

“Hmmmmm, it could be possible. It might take some time because Gems never thought organics would be able to use or tech.” Peridot said, “So it might be a while.”

I nod in understanding. “Ok, I understand. But I need everyone out of the castle for a moment I'm going to try something with my newest transformation but...well it may be a little risky.” I tell them.

“What transformation could possibly require all of us out of the castle?” Pearl asked,

I chuckle nervously. “You remember that Alien I told you about? The one that can change reality around it?” I ask, giving hints.

“You mean that one alien Gwen turned into?!” Pearl asked, going wide-eyed. “Alien Rex or X?”

I nod and point at Pearl. “Yeah, alien x, I plan on asking them to fix the whole castle, but I also want to meet them and try to get them to understand I don't want to use their powers unless it is the only choice, but I still need to use their power at least once to meet them.” I explain my thinking.

I see Pearl starting to panic so I hold up a hand. “Pearl, look the worst that can happen is they won't let me out, if that happens just press the bottom half of the Omnitrix.” I show her the faceplate. “And it will change me back.”

“A-alright Jake, I...I trust you.” she said nervously.

I nod and smile. “Ok get everyone out of the castle and once everyone is safe I'll transform.” I say then I remember something and pull out the paperwork. “Also you need to fill these out, apparently I am still young enough that I need to go to school.”

Pearl nodded her head as she grabbed the paperwork, “Well, this could take some time filling out.” she said,

I nod the shrug with a smirk. “Take your time.” Then I leave the temple and wait on the bridge. ‘I Really hope I can do this.’

I see that the Gems, including Twilight and Star had left the castle, with Pearl giving me a thumbs up, letting me know that everyone was out. I take a breath and activate my Omnitrix and turn the dial till I find Alien x and looking at my friends I nod and push the dial down and in a bright pink flash, I change.

3rd POV

Pearl covers her eyes from the bright flash and when it settles down she and all the gems look back to see a tall humanoid that resembles the night sky pitch black with spots of stars pink eyes a masculine frame and three horn-like protrusions from his head and the on the tricks on his chest with the yellow star pattern around it.

“Jake?” Pearl steps closer but Alien X lifts their head and looks at the castle.

“Motion carried, reconstruction of Everfree castle.” he says in three overlaying voices as he moves his right hand in a circle making a ring of energy then pushes it forward sending waves of energy at the castle and then as if time was flowing in reverse the castle starts pulling itself back together walls reconstructing themselves would returning to brand new glass pulling itself together and reassembling all damage is removed as if it never happened and the plants are regressed and did nothing but seeds.

After Alien X finished the castle was like brand new and he lowered his arm and stood straight with his eyes facing forward.

Pearl just stared at Alien X, hoping that Jake would make some sort of movement, but never did. Then Alien X turns to face Pearl and pats her head. “You have grown into a wonderful person.” Pearl’s eyes widen when she hears the voices.

“Those voices. I-it can’t be.” Pearl said, shocked,

Alien X reaches up and presses the Omnitrix and in a flash of pink Jake is back to himself. “That was one heck of an experience.” he said rubbing his head.

Jake’s POV

I looked at Pearl, who just stared in shock. “J-Jake, Alien X, I-I heard….” she said,

I sigh and put a hand on her shoulder. “I'll tell you what happened, but please breath and relax.” I then look at the rest of the stunned faces of the gems, Star, and Twilight. “The rest of you can go explore the castle but please don't destroy it.”

They all nodded their heads and ran to the castle, Twilight especially, I then turned to Pearl. I hold her hand. “Pearl what I'm going to tell you is a bit hard to explain but, Parts of Pink and Steven are alive as the other two personalities inside alien x.” I close my eyes. “This is what happened when I transformed,”

jake’s POV inside Alien X a few moments ago

I open my eyes from the flash and see nothing but blackness and start off in the distance. “Wow, so this is Alien X.”

”Hello?” I heard someone say.

I turn and my eyes widen as I see Pink diamond and Pink steven standing across from me. “How are you two...wait...are you two the other two parts of Alien X?”

”What do you think?” Pink Steven said, crossing his arms,

"Be nice.” Pink Diamond said, giving Pink Steven a stern look, before she turned to me with a smile, "So, I believe we haven’t met. I’m Pink Diamond.”

I nod amazed that I am meeting them. “My name is Jake, and well I suppose I can be considered your successor.” I lift my shirt showing my gem.

Pink Diamond stared at me wide eyed, ”W-what?”

“He obviously has our gem, which means Steven is dead.” Pink Steven said with his arms still crossed and looking unhappy.

“Well...I don't know about that, I just know that I bought the gems of the others and woke up on this world with my gem. I didn't even know you two were still part of the gem.” I tell them and as I tell them windows showing my memories appear and disappear.

They both just stared at me, ”That sounds……” Pink Diamond stopped, trying to find words, ”A bit crazy?”

I nod and shrug. “Welcome to the life of the displaced, I turned into Alien x to see if I can use the power to fix the old castle do you mind?”

”Do we mind what?” Pink Diamond asked me,

“Oh I guess you two don't know how this works, Alien X is a reality-warping alien but all three of us have to agree on something for it to happen. For example, I asked if we can fix the castle, so if you both agree we can do it but if one of you disagrees we can't.” I explain how alien x works to them.

Pink Diamond and Pink Steven looked at each other and then back to me, ”Alright!” she said, smiling,

Pink steven however opened a window to show him what was happening outside seeing Pearl looking at us worried. He seems to frown then looks over at the castle. “Fine I can agree, that castle is trash anyway.”

”Aw, don’t be like that. Sure it needs a little work but it’s not trash.” Pink Diamond said,

I nod and we all watch as Alien X lifts his arm and forms a circle and starts repairing the castle. Once it is finished I look back at them. “Thank you both, can I return to myself? I am sorry to say I won't transform into Alien X often, it is too much power for one person.”

”Alright, but before you do, are we able to talk to Pearl?” Pink Diamond asked me,

I nod and we look at the window to the outside and Alien X turns to face Pearl. “You have grown into a wonderful person.” her eyes widened when Alien X spoke.

“Those voices. I-it can’t be.” Pearl said, shocked,

I look at both of the Pinks. “Thank you, I don't know when I'll see you again but I hope next time I can learn a bit about you two.” I say as I start moving Alien X’s hand to the Omnitrix.

”No problem! And I hope we can see you next time as well.” Pink Diamond said, while Pink Steven just shrugged.

“And thats what happened.” I finished telling Pearl and the few that stayed to listen.

“That’s amazing. You saw Pink Diamond.” Amethyst said,

“Y-yes, it is...amazing.” Pearl said,

I nod and put a hand on my gem. “I think only the smallest part of them was left over, and the Omnitrix found them and turned them into the other two personalities needed for alien X.”

“But does that mean they are alive?” Pearl asked hopefully.

I look at her and see the hope and desperation on her face, but I shake my head. “From everything I know about gems and the Omnitrix they could be but most likely they were the leftover fragments of each after I got the gem. Plus the Steven in Alien X is pink Steven, so there is no human half. I’m sorry Pearl.”

“Oh….I see.” Pearl said, looking down sadly.

I sigh and hug Pearl. “I’m sorry, I know this had to have broken your heart all over again.”

“I-it’s fine Jake.” Pearl said, returning the hug with her own, “At least I got to hear their voices again.”

I pull away slowly. “I will give you some time, I think I'll bring Star to town to see if we can get her some new clothes.” I say and smile at Star.

“Alright, just be safe alright?” Pearl said to me, giving me one more hug before she walked towards the castle.

I sigh sadly as Star comes up next to me and puts a hand on my shoulder. “Why is she upset? Who are Pink diamond and Pink steven?”

“They are two people who are very important to her.” I said,

“Oh, I see. Are you sure it is a good idea to take me into town?” she asks me with a worried expression.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there with you the whole time.” I said to her,

“Ok if you say so.” she says and sticks close to me as we turn and start walking through the forest. “You don't have to do this, you know.”

“Of course I do, what kind of person would I be if I don’t help you?” I said to her, blushing a bit from how close she was to me.

She looks forward and leans her head on my shoulder. She was quiet for the whole trip and it was a nice walk. Soon we make it to the town and I point to the library. “Spike could know where we can go.”

“Or you could just ask me.” we turned and saw Twilight had followed us, “Honestly, I’m a bit hurt that you forgot I was at the castle.”

I chuckle a bit. “You looked so excited to explore the refurbished castle I was gonna let you have some fun.” I told her. “But seeing as you are here, where can we go to get some clothes?”

“That would be Rarity’s Boutique, I can take you two there if you want.” Twilight said,

“I'd love that, thank you miss Twilight.” I say with a grin.

“No problem, just follow me.” Twilight said, leading the two of us to the destination. We walk for a while and I gently squeeze Star’s hand when I see she is nervous. She smiles at me and Twilight asks me. “So who is this? I don’t think I’ve met her.”

“I-I’m Star R-Ruby.” Star said,

“That is a lovely name, are you an undiscovered type of pony?” Twilight asks as we walk through town.

“Actually Twilight, she is what's called a changeling, but if ponies have any records of them, don't judge her on their actions.” I tell her as we walk up to a tall two-floor building that is shaped like a carousel.

“Changeling? Hmmmmmm.” Twilight said, holding her chin in thought, “I’m trying to think if I’ve heard of them before, but I’m coming up with nothing.”

“That's because we have been hiding from almost everyone, most see us as monsters because of what we eat.” Star says looking down but I hug her close as I knock on the door.

“Coming!” we heard Rarity’s voice say from the other side, before she opened it, “Oh, hello darlings, what brings you here?”

“Hello, miss rarity I was hoping to get my..” I blush and look at Star before building the courage. “My girlfriend, some new clothes.”

“I see someone is a little shy in saying girlfriend.” Rarity said,

“I think you may be right Rarity.” Twilight said as the two started to tease me a little,

I blush and look away from them frowning. “Sh...she is my first girlfriend ok? Can you help us or not?”

“Well, I suppose I can make one or two more outfits.” she said, opening the door to let us in.

“Thank you miss Rarity.” we walk inside but Rarity stops me and points to the couch as she takes Star upstairs.

“Sorry, darling but this is for girls only right now, oh and Twilight, I believe Pinkie wanted your help at the Library.” Rarity said as she and Start go up the stairs I sit down on the couch. Twilight wishes me luck and leaves.

“Hi.” I heard someone say and looked and saw a teenage filly in a light purple dress, with curly pink and purple hair.

I blink surprised to see someone around my age. “Oh um hi, my name is jake who are you?”

“I’m Sweetie Belle, Rarity’s sister.” Sweetie Belle said, sitting on the couch next to me, “So what brings you to the Boutique?”

“I'm just getting some clothes for someone important to me.” I tell her with a shy smile.

“O-oh, and who is this important person?” she asked,

I smile and look to the stairs. “She is my girlfriend, we just met but...I feel a strong pull to her.”

“Oh, that’s nice to hear.” Sweetie Belle, and for a second, I thought she sounded a bit disappointed but thought it was my imagination.

I nod and rub my neck. “Yeah I'm a bit nervous about messing it up, it's my first relationship.” I told her. I smile and check my phone as I wait on Star.

“Well, don’t worry about messing up.” Sweetie Belle said, “Everyone makes mistakes.”

I look over to Sweetie bell and nod. “I guess that's true thanks.” I go back to waiting and soon Rarity and Star come back and Star is wearing a beautiful dress. “wow.”

I see Star blush as well, “D-do you like it?” she asked me,

“Yeah!” I say as I stand up with a smile. “You look beautiful.”

“Yes I do believe that dress fits her perfectly, oh Sweetie, be a dear and go help Twilight at the library.” Rarity says with a smile.

“Sure thing Rarity.” Sweetie Belle said, walking out of the Boutique.

I watch her leave then turn to Rarity and smile. “Thank you Miss Rarity, is there anything I can do for you?”

Rarity thought for a moment then nodded her head, “I can design some clothes for you as well Jake.” she said,

I scratch my cheek. “Well I suppose, I could use some winter clothes when it gets close to that time of year.” I say then nod to Rarity.

Rarity clapped her hands. “Excellent!” she said happily.

And in the next hour, Rarity had made me and Star some clothes, I left with a bag of clothes and Star ruby. We head to the library, when I open the door it's pitch black and Star grabs my arm as I feel for the lights before they flip on, and what seems like the whole town yells. “surprise!”

The moment I turned on the lights, the Mane 6, along with Sweetie Belle and two other fillies, had all shouted as a banner hung from the ceiling with the words ‘Welcome to Ponyville!’ on it.

I blink surprised. “Wow, is this all because I'm new in town?”

“Yipperunie! I throw a welcome to ponyville party to every new pony, but you're not a pony but still, you deserve a party so you can make lots of friends and-” Pinkie says all at once till her mouth is covered by Applejack.

“What she is trying to say is that she throws a party for everypony that comes to town, so this is yours, as well as your friends.” Applejack tells me.

I smiled, “Thanks guys. But you didn’t need to do all this for us.” I said,

“Nonsense, you helped us plenty of times.” Twilight said,

I smile and then say. “Well then before things get into swing let me message my friends.” I pull out my phone and send a text to Pearl telling her about the party and ask her to bring anyone that wants to come.

A few minutes later, Pearl had sent a message back saying that Amethyst and a few of the other Amethysts, along with her are on their way.

I smirk and look at Twilight. “Seems just the Amethystes are coming.”

“Aren’t they the much crazier ones of the Crystal Gems?” Twilight asked me.

I wiggle my hand in a so-so gesture. “More like easily excited, but think about what they have been through, they have been working at an um...isolated zoo for thousands of years. Any form of entertainment is like heaven for them.” I smile a bit.

When the other teenagers get closer my Omnitrix beeps. “Genetic damage detected.” it continues to beep.

“Genetic what?” Scootaloo asked, looking confused. Just before I can answer, my Omnitrix fires a beam of pink energy at Scootaloo surprising me and everyone. I grab my arm trying to move it away but the Omnitrix won’t stop.

“What do you think you are doing!” Rainbow said as she jumped at me and punched me in the face knocking me to the ground. I block her next punch and then make a bubble shield around myself.

She just kept punching and kicking the shield until Applejack pulled her back, “What the hell you doing Dash?!” she asked her friend,

“His freaky device did something to Scootaloo!” Rainbow said, struggling. I get up and stay in my bubble then look over to Scootaloo and see her wings growing.

“Um, I don’t feel any different.” Scootaloo said, not noticing her wings, “I feel the same really.”

A lot of the ponies gasp once they notice and I point at her. “Look at your wings.” this gets her and Rainbow to stop and look. Scootaloo’s eyes widen and she freezes.

“M-my wings! What happened to them?” she asked,

“Yeah what did you do!?” Rainbow said next,

I hold up my Omnitrix. “It is an automatic feature of the Omnitrix, when it detects damage to someone's DNA it will repair it. I guess she was sick before my Omnitrix fixed it.” I then cross my arms as I glare at Rainbow.

“Wait, so it fixed my wings?” Scootaloo asked me, spreading her wings and giving them a few test flaps.

I shrug and say. “I guess so, they seem to have gotten bigger.” After I make sure Applejack has a good hold of Rainbow I drop my shield and walk over to the food table.

“Wait does this mean I can fly?” she asked,

“As far as I know, you are now one hundred percent physically healthy, so I don't see why not.” I told her before taking a bite out of a cupcake.

“Awesome!” she said happily, then hugged me, “Thankyouthankyouthankyou!”

I blush and chuckle nervously and hear Star huff a bit but she doesn't look too upset. “Um, you're welcome.”

“Well how about that, it looks like Jake’s watch helped Scootaloo, and it looks like somepony owes him an apology.” Applejack said, giving Rainbow Dash a stern look,

Rainbow looks around at everyone then at Scootaloo, then she turns to me and crosses her arms. “Fine! I was wrong, happy?”

“Come on Rainbow, you punched him in the face!” Applejack said, “Accusing him is somewhat tolerable but attacking him?! So apologize properly.”

Rainbow grumbles but sighs. “I'm sorry for punching you in the face.”

“It’s fine, I know you were just looking out for her.” I said,

Rainbow looks away and heads over to a different part of the party. I shrug and finish eating my cupcake. “She needs to relax, I don't mind if she is suspicious of me, but she could at least wait until she has evidence to act.”

“That’s just the way she is really, always hard-headed and quick to judge.” Applejack said with a sigh, “That type of attitude gets her in so much trouble if we weren’t around to keep her from rushing into danger so fast.”

I chuckle and smile. “I can think of a few people like her, who knows maybe she just needs to get some.” I smirk as I take a drink of some punch.

Everyone blushed after I said that, “Jake! You shouldn't say things like that!” Fluttershy said,

I look around confused. “What? I'm a teenager and a guy, of course stuff like that is on my mind sometimes.” I shrug not seeing the big deal.

Everypony was silent until there was knocking, Twilight went to open it and I could see Pearl and the Amethysts on the other side.

“Yo! Time to party!” Amethyst said as she and the others came in. Pearl came over to me with a smile.

“Hello Jake, having fun?” she asked me. I nodded as I finished my drink.

“Yeah I am.” I said to her,

“That's good.” She smiles and I pat her back before me and Star head over to some chairs and sit down and talk for most of the party. Time flies as the party starts to die down. That Scootaloo pony spent the rest of the party trying to fly but even I can tell her wings are moving out of sync with each other.

“She sure is trying to fly huh?” Star said, watching as Scootaloo tries to fly again.

I nod and tap my Omnitrix. “Yeah, but if I’m right she didn't have the chance to fly before now, thanks to this she can finally fly...well once she learns how to.”

Star nodded her head as we both let out a small laugh at Scootaloo's attempts to fly, Rainbow Dash encouraging and coaching her a bit. I smirk and take a bite of a cookie. “Good at least Rainbow can help someone.”

I scratch my chin. “Say, do you think you should enroll in school with me?” I asked Star.

Star tilted her head at me, “Are sure that’s a good idea?” she asked me,

I shrug and smile. “You don't have to if you don't want to. I'm just asking if you want to, then we can be together for most of the day.”

Star thought about then nodded her head, “I guess I can give it a shot.” she said, smiling a bit, “Besides, it might be fun.”

I smile and blush as I hold her hand. “I’ll ask Miss Cheerilee for more papers for you.”

“Thanks.” she said, giving me a small hug. I smile lightly then hear some giggling, I look around and blush more seeing lots of ponies looking and I frown.

“What's so funny?” I said, a bit annoyed.

“Nothing.” they all said, some of them still giggling.

I sigh and look away from them but keep hugging Star. “Whatever, say Star, did you like the room I set you up in?”

‘Yes, I did. Thank you for that Jake.” she replied,

“No problem, if you want anything added just ask.” I smile and reach for a cupcake but it gets taken by a pink blur.

I heard Twilight laugh a bit, “You gotta be quicker than that when Pinkie’s around.” she said, handing me a cupcake,

I smirk and take it. “Thanks, and trust me at my top speed she would be standing still.” I take a bit, not knowing the huge mistake I just made.

“Really?!” Scootaloo asked me, getting in my face, “You can go so fast that Pinkie would be standing still?!”

I nod with a smirk. “Yeah, at my top speed I move so fast everything slows to a crawl.”

“That's such a lie!” Rainbow said, crossing her arms, “No one is that fast. Except for me.”

I sigh and stand up then take a breath as I start glowing pink and use my hyper speed to move behind Rainbow and drop some ice cubes down her shirt and then back to my seat and then lean on the table panting as I stop glowing. “That fast enough?”

Rainbow let out a shout as she tried to get the ice out of her shirt, and everyone in the room laughed. I chuckle and sit down. “Damn I need to work on that more.” I watch Rainbow then sigh. “She will not be happy about that but whatever.”

“No she won’t, never seen somepony move so fast before, but be careful, Dash might want to race you later.” Applejack said,

I sigh and shake my head. “Even if I want to race her, I can't move that fast for long, a few seconds if I'm lucky.” I rub my chin. “Though one of my transformations can move around three hundred miles per hour I think.”

Applejack nodded her head, “Dang, that’s fast.” Applejack said,

I chuckle and nod. “Yeah, there are a lot of strong forms. I can be thankful for this.” I look at my Omnitrix.

“Yeah, I can be thankful for it too when you turned into that big creature and fought that dragon.” Applejack said,

I smirk and point at a few of the Amethysts that are dancing. “I didn't fight him alone, they helped too.”

“True, but still I am thankful for that thing.” Applejack said,

“I'll Be sure to tell my friend who gave it to me.” I tell her and see that some of the pegasi start leaving looking like they are in a rush.

“Wonder what got into them?” Star asked,

I shrug not knowing but grab her hand and smile at her. “Who knows, seeing as the party is starting to die down, how about we read some.”

She smiled and nodded her head, “Sure!”

I chuckle at her good mood and get up and walk over to a corner and she sits next to me. I pull out Raven’s spell book that she gave me and open it to the first page. While I read I notice Star reading something, and the rest of the ponies seem to be leaving.

“Looks like the party is close to being over.” Star said,

I nod as I look up from the book. “Yeah, seems so. If you want you can head back to the castle. I want to study this spell book for a bit.”

The next thing I knew, Twilight was immediately in my face, “Did you say spell book?! Which one?! And where did you get it?!” she asked me,

I flinch and almost punch her in the face but thankfully I stop myself. “Geez miss twilight I almost punched you.” I sigh and show her the book. “A friend of mine gave me this spell book and I wanted to see what I could do with it.”

“Really? Can I see what type of spells there are in it?” she asked me, eyeing the spellbook like a little kid would a piece of candy.

I sigh and hand it over. “Sure, just be careful with it, there is only one of this book.”

“Thank you!” she said, grabbing the book and looking at the pages, “I can’t wait to-” she went wide-eyed and her horn lit up as it was in a box with a bunch of chains around it.

“Whoa! What happened?” I ask, surprised.

“That book has dark magic in it! A forbidden type of magic! It should be locked up or better yet destroyed!” Twilight said, then the box was covered in a dark-colored glow then exploded as the book emitted the same glow.

I grab the book and frown. “I don't see why it should be destroyed, magic is a tool, it isn't good or evil.”

“But dark magic is evil. I don’t even want to speak of what it can do.” Twilight said,

I raise an eyebrow. “Well, this magic is mine and I trust my friend. She can use this magic for good, I don't see why I can't.”

“Jake, this magic is dangerous, and when you said the one who gave you this spell book is a friend, I’m starting to question what kind of friend she is.” Twilight said,

I roll my eyes. “She is like me, a displaced. She was turned into a character that is half demon that uses her magic to protect the world and stop crime.” I tell her then pull out the other spell book. “And this is from my other friend.”

“You mean the girl who turned into the creature who looked to be made of the night sky? Gwen?” Rarity asked,

I raise an eyebrow and nod slowly. “Yes, but how did you know about that?”

“I told her. I saw the fight and told Rarity as well as the others about it.” Twilight said,

“Ah, I see. Well yes, the second book is from Gwen.” I tell them as I open Raven’s book and get back to reading it.

“Jake stop reading that! Didn’t you hear a word of what I just said?!” Twilight said,

I roll my eyes and look up at Twilight. “Do I look like I'm being corrupted? No, and besides I've seen the good this magic can do.”

“Alright, but the first sign of corruption and we’re blasting you with the Elements while I say I told you so.” Twilight said,

I raise an eyebrow. “I doubt they would do anything to me, I have no plans of being evil.” I look back at the book and hum. I look up and smirk holding my hand out to a plate of cookies and say. Azarath Metrion Zinthos” a black energy covers my hand and the plate then it floats over to me slowly.

I smirk and take a bite out of a cookie before saying sarcastically. “Oh no evil cookies whatever I will do.”

I hear a few of the others trying to keep themselves from laughing while Twilight had an unamused look on her face. “Not funny.” she said,

I chuckle and eat the east of the cookie. “They seem to think it was.” I say pointing at the few that are still here.

“Whatever, just try to remember what I said about dark magic.” Twilight said, “And what is gonna happen if you get corrupted by it.”

“That is a big if, miss Twilight.” I told her, then went back to reading.

I saw Twilight shake her head and started talking with Rarity. “Are you sure it is safe?” Star asks me looking and sounding worried.

I nod and smile. “Yeah it is safe, and even if things go back I just need to call Raven to come fix me.” I told her, then squeezed her hand.

“Alright, I just don’t want you to get hurt.” she said,

I smile at her and shyly look around before I lean over and kiss her cheek. “I'm not going anywhere.”

“That’s good to hear.” she said, kissing my cheek. “I’d hate to lose you.”

I blush and smile. Just as I'm about to say something, Pearl comes up to us. “Jake, we are heading back to the castle for now, stay safe.”

“Alright Pearl, have a safe trip.” I said to her,

She smiles and gives me the paperwork then she and the Amethysts leave. Not too much later almost all the other ponies leave as well leaving me, Star, and Twilight alone. “Hey miss Twilight, do you mind if we stay here to study a bit?”

“Sure. I don’t mind at all.” Twilight said,

“Sweet.” I say with a smile and go back to studying. I read through the whole first chapter before there is a loud boom as a wet Rarity and Applejack come in. “what the?”

Author's Note:

Sorry about the late post