• Published 15th Jun 2021
  • 2,137 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond In The Rough - Deltorix

A boy named Jake get separated from his family but gets a new one. That being the crystal gems, Can Jake rise to the position of a leader at the age of 16, or will he and his new friends be destroyed by a strange yet familiar enemy?

  • ...

Chapter 3

I was walking down the hallway towards the entrance to the front gates, Ship bouncing by my side. ’Man what a freaky dream hopefully today won't be too eventful.’

“Yo dude!” I look and see Amethyst waving at me.

I hurry up and join her. “Whats up Amethyst?” I asked then I noticed she ate all the food from the basket and I gave her a flat look.

“What? I was hungry.” she replied, “Anyway, you ready to go?”

I sigh and rub my face. “Amethyst I get you're different from the others because of many reasons one being you like to eat but I know gems don't NEED to eat while I do, and in case you didn't realize we are in the middle of a forest with very few supplies on a strange planet I have no idea what safe to eat and what's not safe to eat what was in that basket was pretty much all the food I had.”

Amethyst had a guilty look on her face, “Sorry man, I just can’t help it, how about this, when we go into town to go to that library, I’ll help you find like a book on berries or something so you can find food here.”

I nod and sigh. “Thanks that would help a lot. Let's get going.” I got out the cloak and put it on then started walking outside.

“Ship ship!” I heard Ship, as he bounced in front of me, blocking my path.

I look down and smirk. “You want to come too huh?”

Ship nodded but I heard a beep coming from my phone, pulling it out, I saw a video message labeled, Tech Help 1. Raising an eyebrow I open the video and watch it.

I saw a lot of advanced tech that I saw before from Ricks's lab, “Hey Ship.” The Ship in the message looked at Rick, who held up two items, one was a bracelet with a blue gem, the other looked like an orb with red circuit-like lines. “These things will help Jake in his Equestria, so be sure to let him know.” Ship barked in reply, “Good boy. Now the bracelet is a cloaking device able to change one’s appearance into anything else, even able to create a new disguise.” he said as the Ship in the message absorbed the bracelet, “And this is a dimensional communicator, he’ll be able to call me when he needs help and can’t find me or Lapis’s Token. And Jake, good luck in your Equestria ok buddy? And don’t be afraid to make some friends.”

I smile and chuckle. “That Rick must think of everything, ok let's make this easy, when we get near the town you will shapeshift into a pony similar to Daring and I'll have Ship make me look like a pony too.” I say to Amethyst.

“You got it, dude.” Amethyst said, giving a thumbs-up, “Now let’s get to that town!”

I laugh a bit at how excited she is and then I pet ship and hurry up to catch up with amethyst. “Hey, you need to wait for me!”

“Sorry but not my fault you're a little slow.” she said, giving me a smirk.

I roll my eyes and lightly shove her. “This coming from the person that takes forever to clean their room.”

“Hey my room is clean, I even have a system of where things are supposed to be.” Amethyst said,

I chuckle and say. “There's a difference between organized chaos and what your room was, and the only reason your room is clean right now is that, well as far as I know you got a brand new room in a new temple so of course all your stuff is back at the old temple.”

“Eh whatever.” Amethyst shrugged, “I’ll just get some new stuff.”

I shake my head with a smile. “As long as you don't steal it I'm fine with it.” as we talk I follow my tracks I left the ground last night.

“Man, this forest is really freaky, I bet the town is just the same.” Amethyst said, jokingly.

“Amethyst be nice, it isn't that bad plus we don't want to accidentally make the locals mad.” I tell her and I start seeing the town between the trees. “Time to fit in, how long can you hold a shape?”

“Hmmmmmm, well I can hold it for a while, probably between half an hour to an hour.” she replied,

I nod and look to Ship. “Ok if you two are ready let's do this.”

“Ship ship!” Ship said, jumping and morphing around my wrist, till he resembled the cloaking device from the message, a bright light blinded me a little as Amethyst shapeshifted into a copy of Daring, except had her original clothes instead of Darings.

I pressed the gem on Ship, which was bright green instead of blue, and a moment later, I was tan Earth Pony with black hair with pink highlights,

“Whoa, that is awesome!” Amethyst said,

I look myself over and nod. “Yeah, and it seems with Ship’s help I can shapeshift kinda, and I'm not color locked like you guys.”

“Lucky. Anyway, let’s get to that library.” Amethyst said, then shuddered, “Never thought I’d say that.”

I smirk and walk past her. “Oh come on, you could find something cool in fact, I was an amateur writer back on earth." I tell her as we leave the forest.

“You were a writer? But you’re so awesome and badass!” Amethyst said, shocked.

I chuckle and smile. “Amethyst let me ask you this, did you enjoy action movies?”

“Uh yeah, what kind of question is that?” Amethyst asked as we walked into town.

“Well it may surprise you but it takes people who write stories for a living to make those movies happen. They have to write down every detail to get the movie just right, from the big fight scenes down to what each character is wearing.” I explain and look around seeing ponies up and about making a market of some kind.

“Just because something takes patience to do doesn't mean it's a bad thing. In fact, I made my own um...fan fiction about you guys.” I blush lightly.

“What kind of fanfiction dude?” Amethyst asked me,

I sigh and rub the back of my head. “I made up a new Diamond and her whole court ….Mostly... And well one of her gems is sent to earth to um…. deal with you guys but she changes and joins you all teaching you all new techniques.” I said to her, kind of embarrassed.

“Sounds kinda awesome, who was the new Diamond and gem?” Amethyst asked me,

“It was Black diamond and Obsidian, we would have to ask Pearl for clarification if I'm right or not but in my story obsidian's were pretty much assassin's black ops that sort of job.” I tell her then I spot a huge tree in the middle of town and it looks odd so I start walking toward it.

“Cool, I’m sure Pearl will help with any questions you…..is that a building?” Amethyst asked, just as we walked up to the tree, seeing how it mostly resembled a house of sorts.

I look at it, noticing the living parts of it, then the artificial elements to it like windows and a door, then I see the sign and read it out loud. “Golden Oaks Library, huh I guess we found the library. Let’s get inside and hope it's empty.”

“Yeah, I’m tired of all the looks these guys are giving us.” Amethyst said, walking in.

We head inside and to my surprise inside is Daring do, holding a book and she looks up at us in surprise as well. “What in Celestia's name?!”

“Hey aren’t you that mare who broke into our home?” Amethyst asked her.

“Your home? What are you talking about and why do you look like me?” she demands.

I step forward after closing the door. “Daring I’m Jake from last night, this is Amethyst. We are in disguise so we don't scare the people of the town.”

“Oh.” Daring said, “Well I’ll have to believe you because you’re the only one I’ve shown my alter ego to.”

I lift my arm and speak to Ship. “Ok, ship you can rest for a bit while we look for the books.” Then I look at Daring. “What alter ego? What are you a superhero?”

“Nah, that disguise from last night remember? You see I not only go on adventures, but I also write my adventures for the world to read about.” Daring said,

I nod and smile. “Hey, do you do your own editing? Or do you have a company you work through?” I ask, getting an idea. Just then Ship turns off the disguise and hops off my arm.

“I have my own company.” Daring said, watching as SHip bounced around,

I smirk and ask. “Think after this Nightmare moon business you could help me get in contact with them? Maybe even a comic book company too. I have lots of stories that I could sell and get me and my friend's bits.” I look at Amethyst, seeing her looking bored.

“I’ll see what I can do kid.” Daring replied,

“Thanks, Daring, Amethyst get the books we came for if you're bored.” I say then start looking through the books.

“Sure thing.” Amethyst said, looking through each book and grabbing the ones we may need.

“Hey, what do you think you're doing?” Daring asks, looking upset.

“We need some info is all, kinda hard to find food in the forest.” I said to Daring,

She sighs and scratches her head. “I guess that makes sense, just be careful with these books, some of them are rare.”

I nod and give her a thumbs up. “Trust me once they get to Pearl they will be in safe hands.”

“Hey, are you saying I can't take care of a few books?” Amethyst says as one of the stacks of books she made falls over and I just look at her with a raised eyebrow.

“No offense but no. No, you can’t” I said to her,

Amethyst groans in annoyance and picks them back up. “Fine fine, I'm not that good with books whatever.”

I look back to Daring. “So what are you doing here?”

“Just looking up some information on Nightmare Moon, you know, just in case.” Daring said, closing a book, “But not a whole lot of knowledge on her.”

“What have you been able to get?” I ask as I sit down thinking back to that dream feeling it was more than a dream.

“Well not much, just how she came to be.” Daring let out a tired sigh, “I’ve been in here all day and almost didn’t find anything, it’s like ponies forgot about her, treated her like some myth.”

I rub my chin and decide to ask. “Does the name Luna have any importance?”

“Yeah, it was said that she was Princess Celestia’s sister before she became Nightmare Moon, how did you know about her?” Daring asked me,

I nod and rub my face. “This may sound crazy but I met her last night when I went to sleep, one of my abilities lets me dream walk into other people's dreams and I guess I was drawn to hers.”

“That’s……...well I would say crazy but I’ve seen plenty of crazy things, you and your friends are one of them.” Daring said, “So what happened?”

“She is trapped in her own mind, there was another person there too at first just a voice I think it was this Nightmare Moon you are trying to lookup. Anyway, Luna was chained down by negative emotions, I did what I could to help and even broke a few chains but just as Luna was standing up, Nightmare showed up and made things worse by telling Luna all the bad things ‘she’ did.” I tell her, adding air quotes.

Daring nodded her head, “I see. Nightmare Moons sounds more like a parasite than anything, which is all the more reason to prepare for her return.”

I nod as I'm starting to agree with her. “Yeah, maybe try looking at the books in the old castle, but fair warning some are so old they are falling apart just from touching them.”

“I’ll be sure to remember that.” Daring said, looking through more books until she pulled one out. “Elements of Harmony? I should probably look more into them as well.”

I look over and see Amethyst looking between a book and Daring. “Hey, do we have all the books we need?”

“Yeah, we got what we needed, strange how there was nobody here.” Amethyst said,

I nod and pet Ship. “Well if Daring is ready I think we should go before someone does come in and sees us.”

“Alright let’s go then.” Daring said, putting the book in her bag, “Let’s just hurry please.”

I nod and say to Ship and Amethyst. “Ok, you two let's get ready to go.” Ship jumps onto my arm and turns back into the bracelet and I turn back into a pony.

“I’m not gonna get used to that.” Daring said, just as Amethyst shape-shifted again, “Or that.”

I nod watching Amethyst. “Yeah, I can understand what you mean. Well let's get going, Amethyst do you need any help carrying all those books?”

“Nah I got 'em.” she replied, carrying the books with ease.

Nodding I turned to Daring. “Are you coming with us?”

Daring shrugged her shoulders, “Sure why not. I got some questions to ask anyways.”

“Just remember what I said last night.” I tell her as I start walking to the door.

“Yeah, that I can ask any question but you won’t answer most of them cause you don’t trust me.” Daring said, “LEt’s just get this over with.”

We all leave the library with Amethyst carrying most of the books and I lead us towards the forest when an orange pony mare wearing jeans, a plaid shirt, and a cowboy hat steps in front of me. “Hold it right there youngin, where do ya think you're going?”

“What’s it you?” Amethyst said to the mare.

“Now look here missy, y’all are headed for the Everfree forest, I'm just looking out for your colt here.” the mare said to Amethyst. “That place is filled with monsters and it just ain't natural.”

“She isn't my mom, she is my…” I look at amethyst for a second then back to the mare. “Older sister.”

“Yeah, and I can take care of some silly monsters. After all, it is a big sister's job to make sure their little bro is alright.” Amethyst said, patting my head,

The strange mare raises an eyebrow at me and looks between me and Amethyst for a minute before she moves out of the way. “Just be careful y’all like I said it's not safe in that there forest.”

“Thank you for the concern but as my sister said we can handle it in there.” I say then start walking again.

“Hey, do you think she was one of those mares that can use the Elements?” Daring asked me, her voice quiet,

I look over at her and in a normal voice, I say. “Possible, I haven't fully read the files yet but I did see that one of them wears a hat and besides you, she is the only pony in town I see wearing a hat.”

“I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Daring let out a sigh, “This whole Nightmare Moon thing is really stressing me out.”

“Well, so long as things work out then it's all good.” I say as we get to the edge of the forest. “So ladies, travel by foot or by bubble?”

“By foot.” Amethyst said, “If anything that wants to pick a fight with us I can easily take care of them.”

Daring looks between Amethyst and me before sighing. “I guess by foot then.”

I nod and keep walking and look at Daring. “Now that we're far enough away what are your questions?”

“Well for starters, where did you guys come from? Did you come from some far away land that ponies haven’t discovered yet?” Daring asked,

I scratch my chin. “Yeah, our last home was called Beach city. It is very far away, in fact, we don't even recognize any of the stars in the night sky.” I tell her half-truths.

“I see, odd name, but still interesting, so you guys come here for something?” Daring asked me, ducking under a low-hanging branch, “Or are you just visiting?”

I shake my head and sigh. “An unknown person teleported us here, we are completely lost. If I hadn't found my friend Rick’s token we would have just stayed in the castle not even knowing you ponies existed.”

“Token? And who’s Rick? Know what, if he’s a friend of yours, I kinda don’t want to know.” Daring said, shaking her head.

I smile sheepishly at her. “Sorry if I'm a bit confusing, I still don't understand everything myself.”

“It’s fine, at least we agree on one thing, we’re both confused about things we don’t understand.” she replied, watching as Amethyst just football kicked a cockatrice, sending it flying.

“Why don't you tell me about this place some, that orange mare said this place is unnatural, why?” I ask, then blink and ask. “It isn't rude to describe a pony by their coat color is it?”

“Well of course it’s unnatural, pegasus make the weather while this place just does it on its own, and the animals and plants take care of themselves. It’s just pure chaos.” Daring said,

“Really? From what you told us, ponies are control freaks, back home all those things you said about this place happens there as well.” Amethyst said,

I nod and point to Amethyst. “I agree, and there is an order in the chaos if you look hard enough, everything has its cycles, the animals are born, they grow up, have children and pass off becoming food for the plants, and the plants feed the next generation of animals. It's all a delicate balance between order and chaos, harmony if you will.”

“That…..was kinda poetic and beautiful.” Daring said, staring at me,

I chuckle a little nervous and look away. “Thanks, my people study the world around us to understand everything we can.”

“That’s pretty cool.” Daring said,

“Thanks, so how many different kinds of ponies are there?” I ask.

“Well, there are three types, you have the Pegasi, they control the weather, Unicorns who use magic, and then the Earth Ponies, but the princess is a combination of all three tribes, she has the strength of an Earth Pony, flight of a Pegasus, and the magic of the Unicorns.” Daring said,

“Huh, sounds neat, gems are...more complex than just a handful of subspecies, each kind of gem is its own species kinda, for example, Amethyst here back in the old days would be part of the soldier class of gems, while I am technically a Diamond.” I told her and explained a little.

“And Diamonds are like elite soldiers or something?” Daring asked me, just as we were approaching the bridge to the castle.

I rub the back of my neck. “More like...um our leaders.” I say a bit sheepishly.

“Wait what?! But you’re just a kid! Were you training to be a future leader or something before you came to Equestria?” Daring asked me, giving me a shocked look.

I give Amethyst a look that hints to just go with what I say then turn to daring. “It's more complicated but my mother was...well she was the original Pink diamond, but when she gave birth to me I got her gem.” I lift my shirt enough to show it to Daring.

“She no longer exists because of that, and before she had me she had a...big argument with her family, the other diamonds and well she lost all of her power politically speaking, but eventually the diamonds found out about me and things work themselves out for the most part.”

“I….see. I’m sorry if I had to bring up some bad memories.” Daring said, putting a hand on my shoulder.

I nod and smile at Daring. “It's ok, things have happened but I worked through most of them.”

“Hey, Jake what do you think the Diamonds are doing now?” Amethyst asks me.

“I honestly don't know, I just hope they keep following st...my example and stopped with their… expansion.” I told her.

“Expansion? What does that mean?” daring asked me, raising an eyebrow.

I rub the back of my head. “Let's just say before I came along the diamonds kept growing their territory in every direction.”

“I see.” Daring replied, just as we walked inside the castle.

I look to Amethyst. “Take the books to Ruby and Sapphire please.” Then I look at Daring. “Look I can understand what I've said is kinda scary but we don't plan on doing anything against this country.”

“Look, I haven’t known you guys for long, but something tells me to trust you.” Daring said with a sigh,

I smile softly and nod. “Thank you, now let's see if there is anything that can help you in this library.”

“Right, care to lead the way?” Daring said,

I nod and lead her to the old library and look around at the old books. I turn to see Pearl come in just as Ship jumps off me. “Hey, how are you feeling?”

“Oh, I’m fine thanks to you.” Pearl said, hugging me, then looked nervously at Daring.

I awkwardly pat Pearl's back hugging her then look to see where she is looking. “Daring is there anything you'd like to say?”

“I’m...sorry for hurting you last time I was here, I didn’t know who you guys were, so I just panicked.” Daring said, looking down.

“Oh um… well thank you for apologizing.” Pearl said.

I nod happily that I could be a little like Steven. “Ok Daring is going to look through these books in hopes of finding more information on this Nightmare Moon person. While she is doing that, mind if I ask you a few questions Pearl?”

“Sure.” Pearl replied,

“Well, I’ll see you later then.” Daring said, walking towards a bookshelf.

I watch her walk away then look back to Pearl. “First I'd like to apologize if I say anything stupid or offensive, I only know what was shown in the show, so I may ask something strange.”

“Um alright. Go ahead and ask anything you want.” Pearl replied,

“Well, I know that when you, Amethyst, Garnet, and Steven fused it made obsidian but are there any obsidian gems on their own without fusing, and if so what were their jobs I guess.” I ask.

“Well Jake, there are obsidians without fusions, but their jobs are usually elite guards for the Diamonds.” Pearl told me.

“Huh that's neat, well are gem weapons made of hard light like their bodys?” I ask.

Pear taps her chin. “Well technically yes they are why?”

“Well, I had this idea that if they are made of hard light like your bodies then could you change the weapon into a different form?” I explain my thoughts.

“Well, we could try.” Pearl said,

I nod. “We will have to do some experimentation to see if we can but we should probably wait until after the nightmare moon thing.”

“Alright, is there anything else you want to ask me?” Pearl asked me.

I think for a moment and hug Pearl. “No I'm good for now but I am sorry if you were ever treated badly because you are a Pearl.”

Pearl hugged me back, “It’s fine Jake.”

I smile and then say. “Good, oh I told Amethyst to bring the books to Ruby and Sapphire, could you go make sure nothing bad happens, maybe do some studying yourself?”

“Sure, I could use some study time to learn about the culture of this world.” Pearl said,

“Oh and Pearl, think later you can teach me how to make holograms of myself?” I ask as she is turning to leave.

“Of course Jake.” Pearl said, laughing a little, “Just make sure you don’t have any hologram troubles like Steven did.”

I scratch my head. “The only time I remember seeing Steven have trouble with a hologram was when your own hologram poofed you.”

“Yes, I know.” Pearl replied,

“Well, thankfully I'm more able to fight back than he was back then. See you later Pearl.” I wave, then go looking for Daring as she went deeper into the library.

I eventually found her reading a book, while several other books, as well as a few dust piles, were around her. “Hey, any luck so far?” I ask.

She jumped a little, “Fuck kid, don’t do that.” Daring said, “Anyway, not so much.”

I chuckle sheepishly for scaring her. “Sorry, and damn find anything interesting at least?”

“Just the history of this castle is all, plus a few victories the princesses had before Nightmare Moon, like this one describes them battling against a draconequus named Discord. He literally bent reality to his will.” Daring said, handing me the book.

“Really? Wow, they must have been very powerful.” I say looking at an image of Discord.

“Well, they did move the sun and moon.” Daring said,

I blink and look at Daring. “I'm sorry they what?” I ask, shocked.

“Yeah, didn’t your friend Rick tell you? Celestia moves the sun while Luna moved the moon.” Daring explained.

“No, I don't think he did. Then again most of the time he was here we spent talking about something else and training me.” I say then mumble the last part.

“Well that’s what the two princesses do, they make sure the sun and moon orbit around our world, but with Luna becoming Nightmare Moon and being banished onto the moon, Celestia had to move both for a thousand years.” Daring said,

“Wow, that is impressive.” I say and lean back in the chair I'm sitting on. “Well seeing as you found nothing, how about I let you read the files on my phone but only about the elements and Nightmare.”

“Sure, I could use the help.” Daring said,

I take my phone out and open it holding it. “Only what we agreed on.”

Daring nodded her head and took the phone, “I know, only on Nightmare Moon and the Elements of Harmony.”

I watch her for a moment then look around. “Hey, I hope this isn't rude but what is the average level of technology for this country?”

“Well we have phones, but they are powered by magic.” Daring said,

I hum and look at Daring. “Magic huh sounds useful, I wonder if I can use magic.”

“Who knows.” Daring said,

I rub my chin and think out loud. “I can look into that later, so what do you plan on doing with the information on my phone?”

“Maybe if those mares need a little help I was thinking I can offer some aid, hidden aid that is, as not to mess with anything.”Daring said, handing me my phone.

I nod and take my phone back. “I was gonna do the same but only within the castle.”

“Sounds like a good idea.” Daring said, holding her chin in thought, “Maybe I can offer aid from outside the castle, you know spring any traps Nightmare could have set up.”

“Sounds good to me.” I nod and get up. “Hey, while we have time, mind giving me some help, I'm an amateur writer and I have lots of stories for my home that I'd like to share here and it would be a good way for me to get some income. Are there any comic companies that would take my ideas and put them on paper?”

“I may know a few.” Daring said, “But first let’s hear these stories of yours.”

I smile. “Well, one that would fit for comics is a story of five teenagers given powers to fight evil in colorful suits. Then another story I have is about the secret life of toys.”

“Interesting.” Daring said,

I nod and smile. “The first one was a big hit back where I'm from.”

“Really? Please explain why.” Daring said,

“Well, its target audience was young boys but eventually that audience grew up and even their kids enjoyed the same show, the story always changed teams every once in a while,” I told her.

“Interesting, so what can these guys do exactly that got kids so interested into them?” Daring asked me,

“Well, each episode the big bad guy would send or make a monster that attacks the city and they fight it and end up destroying it, but then it would grow huge and the team would have to use a huge robot to fight it again.” I explain then think for a minute and get my phone out and show her a video I saved. “This is what I'm talking about.”

Daring watches the video I showed her, after it was done she had a smile on her face, “Well I can say this, your stories might be a huge hit, from this video alone, I can tell you're gonna go far kid.” she said,

“Cool, hope so or I won't have money for anything.” I sigh. “We don't have any of your money and I'm the only one of us that needs food.” I explain.

“I understand, but if you want I can give you some bits, you know, keep yourself fed.” Daring said,

“I would appreciate that hopefully one of the books we brought will have information on what's edible in this forest.” I say as I take my phone back and put it in my pocket.

“Hope so, you got some potential as a writer if you have these for inspiration.” Daring said, holding out a bag to me, I grabbed it and opened it, seeing gold coins inside, “100 bits in there. Should last you long enough.”

“Wow thanks, wait are these real gold?” I asked, surprised.

“Yep.” Daring said,

“Wow, that is cool, I have never seen gold in person.” I say as I take one out and rub it with my thumb.

“Really? What do you guys use for currency?” Daring asked me,

I look up at her. “Well I don't think gems have a currency but humans use paper bills that represent gold as well as coins made of various metals.”

“Huh, weird but I’ve heard weirder.” Daring replied.

I nod and put the coin back into the bag. “Well thank you and maybe after this Luna pony is freed you can help me get in touch with the people I need to talk to about getting my comic off the ground.”

“Sure thing.” Daring said, then smiled, “Just as long as I get the first copy that is.”

I chuckle and smirk. “Sure, so now that we have that sorted out what do you need to do?”

“Nothing much.” Daring said,

I look out a window and see the sun is starting to go down. “Well the sun is setting so you should head back to town unless you want to sleep here at the castle?”

“I’ll head back to town, no offense but this place is kinda a mess.” Daring said, getting up.

“None taken I agree, I'll see you later then stay safe.” I over my hand.

“See ya kid.” Daring said, walking out of the library.

I frown slightly as she leaves without shaking my hand but shrug and goes looking for the gems. “Pearl, Amethyst, Ruby, Sapphire, any of you nearby?”

“Over here, dude!” I heard Amethyst shout back, I follow the direction her voice came from and saw her, Ruby, and Sapphire reading a few books.

I smile and walk into the room. “How are you guys or..should I say, girls? That was always confusing to me.” I say then start to ramble.

“We’re doing good, hey, guess what?” Amethyst asked me,

“What?” I ask with a chuckle at how excited Amethyst is.

“We found a book about edible berries and stuff! I was thinking we can go and find some so you don’t go hungry!” Ruby said, causing Amethyst to nod her head.

I smile and laugh in relief. “Thanks, guys, just be careful out there. I'm gonna go to bed, so if you need me I'll be in my bedroom.”

“Alright Jake, goodnight.” Sapphire said, hugging me.

I smile and hug back then wave at the others before heading to my room. ’Man they are so accepting of me already I should try to think of them as my new family, but I won't forget my old family.’

“Ship ship!” Ship said, bouncing up to me, followed by Pearl.

I smile then look up at Pearl. “Hey Pearl, what's up?”

“Oh nothing much, me and Ship were getting to know each other, he is a very fascinating creature, the ability to morph into tech he’s absorbed, why it’s amazing!” Pearl said,

I nod and smirk. “Yeah he is cool, and believe it or not but originally he was just a piece of a bigger galvanic mechamorph.” I pet Ship then smile. “He is from a completely different show where a human gets a device that lets him transform into any sentient life forms as long as its information is put into the device. I bet it could even scan Gems.” I add nodding.

Pearl looked at me wide-eyed, “Incredible! The fact that such a device lets one do that is beyond what gem tech can do! And you said Ship is just a piece. He can become a giant starship! No piece can do that!” Pearl said,

I chuckle and explain the first part. “Well the Omnitrix, that's what it's called, by the way, is twelfth level technology while earth’s average is one. So that tells you how advanced it is. As for Ship, as I said originally he was, if my memory is right, just the arm of the original galvanic mechamorph that made him.”

“Amazing!” Pearl said,

I nod and smile. “Yeah, oh Pearl Daring left to go back to the town and the others are reading. I'm about to head to bed, I know Steven sometimes asks you to hold onto things. Do you know if you have anything of his?”

Pearl held her chin in thought, “Hmmmmm, I’ll have to check.” Pearl said,

I nod and say. “Alright you can tell me in the morning, but I also want to do some learning tomorrow so please don't let me forget.” I wave as I turn to the temple door. “Good night Pearl, Ship.”

“Goodnight Jake.” Pearl said, “Sweet dreams.”

“Ship ship!” Ship said, then started to bounce down a hallway, Pearl following him.

I smile and enter my room in the temple and look at the pictures as I pass them. Once I get to the bedroom I take my clothes off and jump in bed and sigh as I fall asleep easily.

I open my eyes and see darkness around me again but this time I see statues of the gems and even Ship around. As I explore I see statues of ponies further away and as I get closer I swear I saw one wave at me before going still.

I shake my head then I hear an angelic voice coming from high and far away. I look to see a huge statue of a white mare with wings and a horn behind a mountain. When I get closer I hear what she is saying, or I should say singing.

♪Fate has been cruel and order unkind
How can I have sent you away?
The blame was my own; the punishment, yours
The harmony's silent today
But into the stillness I'll bring you a song
And I will your company keep
Till your tired eyes and my lullabies
Have carried you softly to sleep♪

♪Once did a pony who shone like the sun
Look out on her kingdom and sigh
She smiled and said, "Surely, there is no pony
So lovely and so well beloved as I"
So great was her reign, so brilliant her glory
That long was the shadow she cast
Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved
And grew only darker as days and nights passed♪

♪Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space
Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
Forgive me for being so blind♪

♪Soon did that pony take notice that others
Did not give her sister her due
And neither had she loved her as she deserved
She watched as her sister's unhappiness grew
But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly
Takes hold of the mind of its host
And that foolish pony did nothing to stop
The destruction of one who had needed her most♪

♪Lullay moon princess, goodnight sister mine
And rest now in moonlight's embrace
Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth
Through cloud, and through sky, and through space
Carry the peace and the coolness of night
And carry my sorrow in kind
Luna, you're loved so much more than you know
May troubles be far from your mind
And forgive me for being so blind♪

♪The years now before us, fearful and unknown
I never imagined I'd face them on my own
May these thousand winters swiftly pass, I pray
I love you, I miss you all these miles away♪

♪May all your dreams be sweet tonight
Safe upon your bed of moonlight
And know not of sadness, pain, or care
And when I dream, I'll fly away and meet you there
Sleep... sleep... sleep...♪

At the end of her song, I find myself crying and I sniffle and jump up onto her statue’s shoulder and put a hand on her cheek. “Your sister will be home soon and then you two can be together.”