• Published 15th Jun 2021
  • 2,135 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond In The Rough - Deltorix

A boy named Jake get separated from his family but gets a new one. That being the crystal gems, Can Jake rise to the position of a leader at the age of 16, or will he and his new friends be destroyed by a strange yet familiar enemy?

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Chapter 5

Ok so this is my second entry into this journal I think pearls right written down my thoughts now and then would be good for me would also be good practice anyway, what happened after last time was we thought Nightmare Moon or more specifically me and the gems fought a new gem called the Deoxys.

I look up to see said gem watching me as I write and sigh before continuing.

She was under the control of Nightmare moon the six mares manage to purify Luna with the elements of harmony while me and the gems proved Deoxys freeing her of mind control however what we found out later is that the gems do exist in this reality and there are more diamonds in this world then there were in Steven’s universe. But I fear that just a few of us won't be able to protect this world if the diamonds decide to take this world, and they don't have a connection to pink diamond as she does not exist in this universe.

I tap my chin then look out the window to see the town in the distance getting an idea.

But maybe we don't need to fight alone, if these six mares were able to stop Nightmare Moon, someone who could control a whole moon then maybe they could help defend this world from other gems if I fail at talking them down...I kinda wish I could speak with steven and learn how to talk things out better like him, but then I wouldn't be me I guess. Well, I’m gonna end this entry and try to make some friends in that nearby town till next time, this is jake quartz diamond signing off...god I’m a dork.

I chuckle and shake my head before standing up and putting my journal in my gem then look to Deoxys. “I'm gonna head into town, maybe make some friends tell the others for me please.”

Deoxys nodded her head, “Ok, but be careful.” she said to me, giving me a quick hug.

I nod and chuckle. “I will be, but I am a lot harder to hurt than a normal person.” I give her a hug back then jump out the window and do a rolling landing. ’Sweet I made the landing.’

I start walking through the woods not scared of it any more thanks to Zecora teaching me what plants and areas to avoid. It isn't long before I get to the village and look around. I see a blue blur fly around over my head and grumble.

I decide to head in the opposite direction and that takes me to what seems like an apple farm. I look at the thousands of trees in a row then decide it might be a good place for me to use my strength and get some money until I can make contact with daring do’s publisher.

I follow the fence to the entrance of the farm and head in not seeing any keep-out signs. It isn't long I see Twilight, Applejack, and a third person that is about my height and looking more masculine. ’At least I won't be completely surrounded by girls now.’

I wave at them and put on a smile. “Hey girls, I was just looking around town and saw this apple farm, think the owners could use some help?”

“Well, you’re talking to one of them.” Applejack said,

I have a look of mild surprise on my face. “Oh? I could tell from your outfit you were a farmer. I just didn't want to assume you owned this one. You know what they say about assuming.” I say with a shrug and smile.

“Yep, assumption always leads to trouble, anyway, I don’t know if you can help, being a bit young to help out.” Applejack said,

I chuckle and have a confident smirk on my face. “If you're worried I don't have the strength to keep up don't worry, I'm a LOT stronger than I look.”

Applejack chuckled as she ruffled my hair, “Sure you are Jake.” Applejack said,

I frown and look at the wagon Twilight is pulling with her magic and walk over to it and grab the axle and lift the whole thing filled with apples with one arm. “Remember your own words on assuming, miss Applejack.”

Applejack and Twilight stared at me in shock, “H-how?” Twilight asked me,

I chuckle and set it down carefully. “I'm half gem, we are unbelievably strong when we need to be, now about a possible job miss applejack?” I ask sweetly but smugly.

“Uh, r-right, well shoot, I guess I can hire ya.” Applejack said with a smile, “You’re just full of surprises aren’t ya?”

I smile and thumb my nose. “Yeah you could say that, so what do I have to-” I am cut off as the boy next to us starts coughing before he burps up two scrolls making me blink in surprise. “Did he just burp up paper?”

Twilight giggles as she catches them and opens the first one. “Jake this is Spike, my number one assistant, and part of the dragon clans. His personal magic lets him send and receive letters from...P-P-Princess Celestia gave me two tickets to the Grand Galloping Gala!” she yells the last part making me cover my ears.

“And what is this grand galloping gala?” I ask but by the looks on twilight’s and applejack’s faces, I feel like I asked something stupid.

“What’s the Grand Galloping Gala?! Why it’s the only most important and biggest ball ever!!” Twilight said,

I take a step back and raise an eyebrow. “Not from this country miss twilight, I wouldn't know this.” I look over to the boy and hold out a hand. “I'm Jake, it's nice to meet another guy.”

“What do you mean by that?” he asked me, accepting the handshake.

I chuckle and say. “Ever since getting to this area all I've seen have been women.” At their confused looks I rolled my eyes and corrected myself. “Mares.” They nodded in understanding.

I look over to Twilight who hasn't opened the second scroll. “So miss twilight if you don't mind my asking what does the second letter say?”

“It’s actually for you Jake.” she replied, handing me the letter.

“Oh? That's odd.” I take it and open it up with two tickets falling out and I read what's on the scroll.

Dear noble colt Jake.

I, Princess Luna hereby invite you and a guest of your choice to the Grand Galloping Gala in two months' time. Please have a formal suit and do not worry about payment we shall pay for anything you shall need for this night.

Her royal highness, princess luna.

“Huh...I guess I'm going to this party too.” I say and pick up the tickets before they are snatched out of my hand by Rainbow Dash.

“Like hay I would let you ruin such an awesome party like this!” She said holding my tickets.

“Rainbow Dash! Give Jake those tickets right now!” Applejack shouted at the mare,

Rainbow scoffs and crosses her arms. “And why should I? He is obviously a threat who plans on attacking the princesses at the Gala!”

I raise an eyebrow and shrug. “Well the only reason I want to go would be to see Luna, other than that it doesn't sound that fun.”

All three mares looked at me like I just said the sky is green. “What in tarnation are ya talking about?! The gala is the most amazing place to be and if I can go I’d sell so much of ma family food to buy so many new things we need for da farm!”

“And I can spend the whole night with Princess Celestia!” Twilight said, then Rainbow spoke next,

“And I can impress the Wonderbolts with my awesome moves!” she said excitedly, “I’ll impress them so much they’ll have to let me join!”

I raise an eyebrow. “I didn't know they let thieves join their team, whoever they are.” I say to her then smirk a bit when I see I pissed her off.

“Oh you son of a-” Rainbow was about to say then Applejack grabbed her by the ear,

“Oh no you don’t, no swearing at Jake got it!” Applejack said,

I smile and walk up and take my tickets back. “Thank you miss Applejack, now I think I should go before she tries to take them again.”

“Probably a good idea.” Twilight said, watching the two mares argue, “It might also give you some time to think of who to bring.”

I rub my chin. “Yeah, good idea.” I wave and start walking leaving the farm. After I get to town I see Amethyst and wave at her as I walk up to her. “Hey amethyst, not causing any trouble are you?”

“What?! Me? Noooo.” Amethyst denied, then laughed, “Ok yeah I am, but nothing too extreme just some small pranks. What are you doing Jake?”

I roll my eyes with a smile. “Well, I'm avoiding Rainbow Dash because she is trying to steal my tickets to the grand galloping gala.”

“What? Grand Galloping what?” Amethyst asked me,

I lift up the two tickets. “It's some kind of big party that the princesses are throwing.”

“Oh? And will anyone want those tickets?” Amethyst asked, and before I could think why she asked, I nodded my head, I immediately regretted my answer. “Awesome! Grand Galloping Gala tickets!” Amethyst said, loudly, catching the attention of everyone around us.

I look around at almost every pony looking at me. I gulp, then glare at Amethyst. “You're despicable.” Then I run as fast as I can as everyone starts to chase me.

I heard Amethyst laugh as I ran, making sharp turns, going through alley’s hell, I even jumped over a building yet the massive horde of ponies were still after me. I eventually turned a corner but saw I had run into the worst thing ever.

A dead end. I slowly turned around to see the huge horde of ponies slowly getting closer and offering me many things, one pink mare even offered me a date. Blushing I make a massive jump and look around for a safe place and see the library, but before I could land a group of pegasi grab me and take me over to a different part of town all offering me different things.

“ENOUGH!” I make a bubble shield around myself pushing them back and then start falling. “No one is getting my tickets!”

They got scared and backed up, I crashed into the ground and I popped my shield and ran to the library and managed to get inside before anyone saw me. “Damn, so many ponies want to go to that damn party.”

“I know the feeling.” I looked and saw Twilight glaring at her two tickets, “All my friends keep trying to do favors for me just to get these tickets.”

I pant softly and lean on the door. “At least you didn't have older women hitting on you for them, and besides you have an easy solution to your problem.” I tell her and then I look up and frown slightly when I see all of her friends standing on the second floor.

“Um Twilight, we want to apologize about that, we’re sorry for pestering you to choose one of us to go with ya to the Gala.” Applejack said,

“Yeah, it was uncool of us.” Rainbow said, then Pinkie,

“We were such big meanie pants for doing that.”

I cross my arms and watch but get a glare from Rainbow. Then Rarity stepped up. “It was very unladylike of us darling, please forgive us.”

Twilight gave a small smile, “Of course I forgive you girls, you’re my friends, though I believe somepony still needs to apologize to Jake for treating him like a threat.” Twilight said, looking at Rainbow.

Rainbow looks surprised then backs up into the air. “Wait what? But he came out of nowhere and knew all about Nightmare moon and even keeps her pet and ones like her around. How do we know he isn't the one that gave her that thing?”

“Because Dash, unless I’m mistaken, he also fought that so-called ‘pet’ so that we could get the Elements of Harmony, and that pet also held Nightmare Moon in place so that way she wouldn't try and run away.” Applejack said, “And that pet is sentient and has a name, Deoxys I believe.” Applejack said, looking at me to see if she got the name right.

I nod to Applejack and say. “That's right, and just because my friends aren't organic like you, doesn't mean they aren't people. They have fought for thousands of years to be seen as people and not things, and I won't let you belittle my family!” I say starting calm but getting madder and madder till I start glowing pink and have my teeth grit.

Out of nowhere, I felt a pair of arms around me and when I looked I saw Deoxys was the one hugging me. “Jake, calm down please.” she said to me, and I start to calm down.

After taking a few calming breaths my glow fades and I return to normal. “I’m ok now.” I say to her then turn to the ponies. “What you saw is what I call my pink form, think of it like a magic surge that can be controlled.”

“Amazing.” Twilight said, then shook her head, then looked at Rainbow, “Come one Rainbow, apologize.”

Rainbow had an angry look on her face, the begrudgingly said, “Fine, I’m sorry for saying you were a threat.”

I nod and offer my hand. “I honestly don't mind if you think that, just keep it to yourself unless you have proof, after all like the old saying goes, assuming makes an ass out of you and me.”

“Hey!” I look over to see a donkey lady over by one of the bookshelves looking upset at me.

“Um...no offense ma'am.” she huffed and left. “Well, that was odd.”

“Eh, I thought so as well.” Twilight said. "Also, how did she get in?” Twilight asked pointing at Deoxys, who was still hugging me,

“I came in through the leaves.” she replied, pointing up, and when we looked up we saw that there was a hole in the roof.

I frown and lightly hit Deoxys. “That wasn't nice, do not destroy other people’s stuff just to get to me.”

“Sorry.” she said, “But I was just flying around to see the town when I flew over this treehouse and sensed you getting mad so I rushed in to calm you down.”

I sigh and wiggle trying to get free. “Well...thank you for calming me down but you can let go now.”

“Awww, do I have to?” Deoxys pouted.

I groan as both Pinkie and Rainbow start laughing at me. “Deoxys I am fine, you don't have to keep hugging me, besides we need to get home soon, also could you go get Amethyst she's somewhere in town.”

“Ok.” she replied, letting me go and flying out the door.

I sigh and look at the roof. “Sorry about the hole she is still new around...people.”

“It’s fine, I’ll fix it up later.” Twilight said, “Anyway, I should probably write a letter to Celestia to decline these tickets.”

I blink then facepalm. “If that's what you want to do go ahead.”

Twilight looked a bit confused at my statement but shrugged her shoulders, “Spike.”

“Already ready Twilight.” Spike said, holding a piece of paper and a pen.

I sneak out while she is talking and shake my head and look up at the sky as it changes from day to night, the stars coming out and I smile. “I wonder who I should take.”

As I was walking I noticed that Deoxys was flying with Amethyst in her arms heading towards the castle, and it looked like Amethyst was having fun. I smile and shake my head and continue on my way home. ’Huh..only a week and I'm calling it home. Guess I must be quick to adapt.’

After a walk through the woods, I come to the castle and see Deoxys floating at the door looking worried. “There you are, why did you take so long to get here?” she asks me.

I shook my head and said, “Calm down, nothing happened to me, besides it’s a bit tricky to navigate through this forest at night, then again, it is during the day as well.”

She floats over to me and hugs me but I keep walking. “Have you seen Pearl?”

“She is in the library reading what books she can.” she replied, “The silent one is with her as well as the loud one.” It didn’t take a genius to know that she was talking about Garnet and Amethyst.

I turn and head for the library and turn my head to look at Deoxys. “Why do you want to hug me so much?”

“I don’t know, it just feels nice.” Was her reply,

I just raise an eyebrow but turn to look where I'm going. “I hope Amethyst didn't do anything to get the ponies mad at us.”

“Me too, though from what I’ve seen nothing too serious had happened.” Deoxys said,

“Good.” I say as we walk into the library and I see the gems sitting together as Pearl reads. “Hey Pearl, what are you reading?” I ask as I walk to her.

“Oh, hello Jake, I’m just reading a bit of a history book, at least one that is intact.” Pearl said,

“Ah, I see, well you may want to visit the library in town the books there are up to date and you'll need to know the local customs within a few months, because you and I are going to something called the Grand galloping gala.” I told her and showed her the two tickets.

“Grand Galloping Gala? What is that?” Pearl asked me.

I shrug and give her the letter from Luna. “From what I got from Twilight and Applejack, it's a big party that the princesses throw every year.”

“Oh a party, it’s been a while since I’ve been to one, but I’ll go.” Pearl said, looking over the letter,

I nod and smile. “I figured you would be the best choice, no offense to the rest of you guys but, Amethyst is a party animal and this sounds more like a noble's party which means it's not going to be a party at all more just talking around.”

“Eh, whatever, from what you told me, I’ll just die of boredom.” Amethyst said,

“While Garnet would be silent for most of the party, if she's able to hold her stuff together with all those different people around and it might make some of the ponies there nervous.”

Garnet just shrugged her shoulders.

“And Deoxys is a wild card, but Pearl was around when Rose was still Pink diamond so she must have been to some balls or other kinds of fancy parties.”

“That’s true.” Pearl said, but Deoxys pouted a bit.

I look to Deoxys and sigh. “Look at it like this, you have a few months to bond with all of us.” I look at Pearl and smile sheepishly. “Thanks for coming Pearl, I don't think I'd be able to handle being around so many strangers without someone there I know.”

“No problem Jake, besides, this might also give me a chance to see more of this world's culture.” Pearl said,

“Oh before I forget this goes for everyone, no mentioning that we're not from this planet, if you have to mention where we're from, just say very far away or not from this country, try to be vague without sounding like you're trying to hide the truth.” I tell them all.

“Sure thing man.” Amethyst said, Garnet and Deoxys nodded their heads,

“Alright Jake, but don’t you think we should tell them someday?” Pearl asked me.

I nod and look at Pearl. “We will and most likely to the Princesses of this country first, you didn't have to worry about it on earth because humans were Not advanced enough to realize you were invading their planet in the first place, but these ponies are smart enough to believe that we are in invading force if they find out were aliens and it doesn't help the gems do exist in this universe for all we know they have been here before and the ponies have managed to push them away.”

Everyone nodded their heads grimly, probably thinking of what would happen if someone did find out. “It’s already bad enough that two of them could move the sun and moon! That kind of power would be bad news for us.” Amethyst said,

I nod and sigh. “Well for now I think we should continue fix-” I am cut off as a portal opens up below Garnet and she falls through it. “Garnet!”

I turn just in time to see portals open below Amethyst and Pearl and they fall through calling out to me, then just as I turn to Deoxys a portal opens below me and I fall through it. I look up to see Deoxys rushing to me but the portal closes on her before she can grab me. “Where the hell is this taking me and my friends?!”

I just kept falling, I couldn’t even slow myself down until eventually, I fell right on the ground. I let out a groan as I watched the portal close, I also heard someone laughing.

I look up and see a human girl, the girl had red hair, though more it was a bit of an orange color really, she was wearing a light blue shirt with dark blue sleeves with a dark blue cat that had the number ten on it, she also wore white pants that stop just below her knees, and she had a strange device on her wrist. “Oh man! I can’t believe that actually worked!” the girl said, laughing again.

I growl and stand up. “Where are my friends!?” I started turning pink, my eyes focused on the girl in front of me. “I already lost one family, I refuse to lose another!”

“Oh relax, they’re right behind you.” the girl said, not even bothered by my anger, I looked behind me and saw the Gem, though it was a bit funny to see how they got in this world, Garnet was upside down while her cube-ish shaped hair kept her upright, Amethyst had her head stuck in the ground while Pearl seemed to be fine, though she was currently wielding her spear and pointing it at the girl.

“GUYS!” I run to them and hug Pearl first then help Garnet stand upright and we pull Amethyst out of the ground. “You are all alright!”

“Of course we are dude, I’ve fallen off of things before, so this was nothing.” Amethyst said,

I sigh and then turn to the girl with a frown on my face. “Who are you and how did you get us here?”

“Calm down, I just found this!” the girl said, holding up me and the Crystal Gems Token, “I found it laying around and I heard the message and decided to bring you guys here!”

I look at it then calm down a little. “Oh you're one of those Displaced, Rick told me about.”

“Yep! Names Gwen 10!” Gwen introduced herself, then she turned and ran, “I’d run if I were you!” confused we looked behind us and saw a very pissed mare charging at us.

My eyes widen and I call out. “I don't know what's going on but for now follow the human.” and run after Gwen. Thankfully I am able to keep up with her and the gems easily.

“Why is that mare chasing us?!” Amethyst asked Gwen, who laughed.

“That’s the Rarity of my Equestria, and she hates the color green, so I decided to pull a small prank on her, and well, she might be a bit angry.” Gwen said, and I turned around to look at the mare and indeed saw that the mare did indeed look a bit like rarity, just completely green, even her clothes are green.

I groan in annoyance and look forward and hold out a hand once I get close enough and bubble Gwen's left foot making her trip. Then I stop and say. “She is all yours Rarity just leave me and my friends out of it.”

“Aw, now why do you have to do that? Luckily I know just the thing to get out of this!” Gwen said, pressing down on the device on her arm, and in a flash, some sort of creature stood in Gwen's place. “See ya!” the creature said, speeding away at speeds I didn’t where possible.

I blink and watch her run away and grumble. “Oh great and she is gone..” I slowly turn to look at Rarity.

“I hope you aren’t friends with that..that brat!” Rarity said,

I shake my head and sigh. “No we just met, she summoned us from another place and I think she is the only one that can send us home.” I get worried and look over at Garnet and she is shaking a bit but she gives me a thumbs up.

“Good.” Rarity let out a sigh of annoyance as she looked at herself, “It’s going to take me weeks to get this out of mane and coat. Oh, where are my manners, names Rarity darling, owner of Carousel Boutique.”

I hold out my hand. “Jake, and these are my friends, the crystal gems, Pearl, Amethyst, and Garnet.” I say pointing to each one.

“Such lovely names, what brings you here to Ponyville?” Rarity asked me, accepting the handshake, “And did you say that brat is the only one that can send you home?”

I sigh and nod. “To make a long story short, she summoned us, and the only way for us to go home is for her to send us home.”

“I see, then it shouldn't be hard to find her, just follow the trail of chaos, though if you want to find her quickly, I’ll take you to Twilight, she might know a way to track her down.” Rarity said,

I think about it and look to the others. “I think it's best if we find her as fast as possible, one of us was left behind and she will be worried.”

“Then follow me. The library isn’t far.” Rarity said, then proceeded to walk towards the town.

I nod and we start following her. I look to the gems. “Keep the other Equestrias a secret, for now, we don't know if this Gwen has told them or not.”

The gems nodded their heads, and as we were walking into town, we saw the chaos that it was in, ponies houses were flipped upside down, some had their manes styled into crazy things, and there even were doubles as well, causing much confusion. I heard Rarity sigh in annoyance, “Forgive the state Ponyville is in darlings, ever since that brat came here, it’s been one prank after another. They were small at first but then they started to look like this.”

I frown and cross my arms not liking this at all. Then Amethyst speaks up. “Pranks are one thing but this place looks like I came through here.”

“I sincerely hope you aren’t a prankster as well, one is bad enough.” Rarity said, “But if there were two I believe everypony would pack up and leave Ponyville.”

“She is a prankster, but she knows when to stop, and Pearl and I can keep her in line while we are here,” I say pointing at Amethyst. “But how can a human girl do this? And how did she transform like that?”

“Just try telling her to stop, she never does, she waits for us to clean up the first prank, only for another to be waiting, as for how she does this and how she transforms, it’s that blasted device on her arm. I don’t know much but Twilight should be able to fill you in.” Rarity said, just as we reached the library, “Word of warning though, she might be a bit upset after the girl's last prank on her.”

I nod and walk to the door. “I will be careful but how bad can it ….be…” I opened the door to see that everything, every book, every piece of furniture was all on the ceiling due to some sort of pink slime.

I look at everything one more time before looking to Rarity. “Ok under different circumstances I would be very impressed.”

“Rainbow Dash would say the same thing if she wasn’t stuck to the ceiling in her own home as well, and the brat managed to do this while Twilight was sleeping, how she didn’t make a sound is beyond me.” Rarity said, walking in, “Twilight, I brought some guests that need your help.”

“I’m up here.” we all looked up and saw that Twilight had one foot stuck in the pink goo while she hung upside down.

I cover my mouth as I try not to snicker but Amethyst busts out laughing and falls over. “H-hold on, I'll try to help, Garnet mind giving me a lift?” I look and she nods, lifting me up and I put a hole near the goo and make a bubble shield around Twilight freeing her from the ceiling.

Pearl managed to catch the mare before Twilight got out of her arms. “Thanks, now what do you need help with?” she asked us, then I noticed a piece of paper that had a picture of Gwen on it, though she was making a silly face, I grabbed it and realized it was a wanted poster.

I frown and look at the poster closer, specifically the device on her arm, ’It looks familiar but I can't place it.’ I shake my head and look up to Twilight. “Well to put things simply we need Gwen to send us home.”

“You need her to send you home? Good luck with that, if anything she might try and prank you instead of sending you home, but if you really want to go home then I know a spell that can find out where she is.” Twilight said, using her magic to pull a book free from the pink goop, “All I need is something of hers then I can find her.”

I nod and look back at the wanted poster, that's when the memory clicked. “That's the Omnitrix!” I suddenly blurted out in shock.

“The what?” Amethyst asked, just before Twilight answered.

“You mean the Gauntlet of the Trickster?” Twilight said, “That thing lets her change into different creatures that help her pull pranks on us. I think I got a book on her history somewhere.”

I frown at the poster. “The Omnitrix is one of the most powerful tools in the multiverse, and it's in the hands of a child...guys..” I turn to face my friends. “We need to try to get through to her that what she has isn't a toy, if..when a power threat comes here for it she will treat it as a joke and die and so will everyone here.”

“Well we still need to find her, luckily, I found this!” Twilight said, holding up a piece of fabric, “It’s most likely from her shirt, so I can use this to find her then we can track her down.” Twilight said, then handed me a book, “You may want to read that, it has info on her so that way you can know what to expect.”

I look at the fabric then the goo and say. “You could also use the goo, it is from one of her forms.” I say then I open the book and start to read.

’Long ago, during the reign of Discord, the Spirit of Chaos and Harmony, a creature from another world appeared, and the first thing that they did was battle and defeat Discord, this hero was praised for their heroics, but it was revealed that they were just getting rid of the competition, and chaos once again spread across the land, though not as extreme as Discords.’ I read,

“I see she defeated discord, I don't know who that is but I want her side before I judge her, after all, history is written by the victor.” I say out loud and look up to see Pearl speaking with twilight and seem to be learning magic. Then I go back to reading.

’The creatures' pranks were harmless and made a few laugh, even the princesses, but eventually, they started to become much more dangerous and frightening, earthquakes that caused villagers to leave their homes in fear and monsters scaring travelers from land, sea, and air. The creature had made a name for themself, Gwen 10, the Goddess of Mischief and Monsters.’

I frown even more after that and think to myself. ‘Ok, the earthquakes could have been her as Waybig, and obviously the monsters are her different transformations but I don't understand why she would do this. I have to speak with her and try to understand her point of view before I fully judge her.’

I continue reading the last part, ’Having enough, the princess demanded Gwen to cease her destruction, or face punishment. But the so-called Goddess laughed at their threat and chose to continue her so-called pranks. The princesses having no choice but to use the Element of Harmony to incase her in stone. To this day, one could still hear the laughter of the child when visiting her statue.’ below the text was a picture of Gwen and the different aliens she could turn into, the picture of her was all black while she had blood-red eyes and jacko-lantern like mouth, apparently laughing as chaos and destruction was in the background. Seeing it kinda made me shudder a bit in fear and anger.

I slam the book closed and glare at the grown ponies. “Ponies trapped her in stone....for a thousand years? Do you have any idea what that level of isolation can do to someone's mind?!” I yell looking at Twilight.

“It’s not like the princesses had a choice, her so-called pranks were becoming more and more destructive and dangerous, she was lucky nopony died or got hurt, and they gave her a chance to stop.” Twilight said,

I glow pink lightly. “I am going to speak with her, I want her side. For all I know she was fighting some bad guys when those ‘pranks’ were going off.” I turn to face the door. “I will be outside when the spell is ready.”

“Well, you don’t have to wait long.” Twilight said, the piece of cloth glowing purple and floating in the air. “Just follow that and it should take you to her.”

“Thank you, come on guys.” I take the cloth and start following it out of town.

We kept following the cloth until we reached the edge of the Everfree Forest, I then heard Pearl speak, “The Everfree? I can actually see why she would be in there, the ponies are afraid of that place and it offers a lot of cover.”

I nod and look into the forest. “I agree, one of the reasons I chose to stay in the forest back home, let’s go find her, only defend yourselves. I want to talk with her first.”

“Alright Jake, but if she tries to harm us, what should we do then?” pearl asked me, then Amethyst spoke up,

“I know, you can tell us what you know of this Omnitrix, and we’ll come up with a plan to easily capture her without hurting her.” she said,

I shake my head. “Our best chance is to talk this out, if it comes to a fight then we have to run, especially if she turns into a form that looks like the night sky, that form can literally erase us from existence.” I say then take a deep breath and step into the forest.

“Wait what?!” Pearl shouted out, before walking next to me, a scared look on her face, “She has a form like that?!”

I nod then say. “Yes, but we are in luck as that form also comes with two other personalities one of aggression in one of compassion you need all three personalities to agree to do anything while in that form even move.”

I heard Pearl let out a sigh of relief, “Thank goodness, I’d hate to have to fight that form.”

“Yeah, an alien that can wipe us from existence? That’s awesome! If not totally terrifying.” Amethyst said.

“She could still control just about any other aspects of reality with other various forms there's one that looks like a walking clockwork robot that can control time around itself there's one that looks like a meteor that can control gravity and I'm pretty sure that there's one that can control space.” I tell them as we keep walking. “But she has to touch that device on her arm to change, so if it comes down to a fight don't let her touch it.”

The gems nodded their head in understanding, I saw Amethyst give a cocky smile, “How hard can it be to keep a kid from touching a button?” she asked,

I look back at her. “Must I remind you of Onion? Don’t underestimate a human especially one that has the capability of magic.”

“She can use magic?! Is there anything else you would like to tell us?!” Pearl asked me, eye twitching

“I said she has the capability of magic. I don't know if she can use magic or not, if she is a copy of the original Gwen then she will have the capability of magic but she'll have to sit down and study how to use it.” I tell Pearl and move a branch out of my way.

“I see, well let’s just hope she doesn’t know magic.” Pearl said, just as the cloth led us to a cave then stopped glowing as it fell, while a purple mist left it and into a bush, confusing me and the others.

“Ok...this could mean one of two things.” I say as I turn to face the bush. “Either, she is in that bush, or she can use magic and is blocking the tracking spell.”

I moved towards the bush and moved the leaves and saw a strange device, it kinda resembled a Null Void cannon, except there was a container with different colored mists, most likely magic. On the side was the name, ‘Magic Absorber.’

’Well...that's not good.’ I attempt to put it in a bubble but it sucks the energy from the bubble and it pops. “Damn, it isn't her but is one of her devices.” I stand up and look back at my friends.

“Interesting.” Pearl said, taking a closer look at the device, “It seems to take any form of magic and store it in this container, but for what reason I have no idea, check the area, we need to make sure there aren't any more of these things.”

“But be careful about it, it could try to drain you too.” I say as I stand walking into the cave and open my senses. I walk into the darkness listening for any movement.

Then I heard something, it was faint but I definitely heard it, following the noise, and making sure there weren’t any more of those devices around, I eventually came into a large room, there were lightbulbs and a few chests around the room.

I look around and sigh. “Gwen, I'm not here to fight you, I want to talk.” I call out hoping she is here.

I heard laughter coming from a door that was next to a chest, opening it and walking in, I saw that Gwen was sitting on top of a pile of gold and all kinds of gems, a golden crown on her head as she gave a big smile upon seeing me. “A visitor, why if I had known I would have cleaned up my home!” she said happily.

I look her over and see she is a bit unhinged. “Gwen, I don't know the full story of what happened a long time ago, but I can tell you this, if you keep destroying the lives of the ponies they will try to turn you to stone again, and if they Succeed this world will be left defenseless with no Omnitrix welder to stop the threats that will come for the Omnitrix.”

Gwen gave a pout, “Aw you’re just like Tia, talking about responsibility and all that, well I already took care of Vilgax like a really long time ago. Want to know what I did?” she asked me, a smile on her face once again.

I get a bad feeling but nod. “Yes, and you know he wasn't the only threat Ben faced.”

“I know that now hush as I reveal what I did to Vilgax.” she said, “I turned him to stone as Alien X! Kinda like how the princesses did with that Discord guy, I also sent mister tentacle face to the null void, but don’t worry, I made sure he was in a safe place where he won’t get shattered. I’m not that crazy.” Gwen said, “Though I can see the irony when I got turned to stone as well.”

I sigh a bit then nodded. “So all the destruction back a thousand years ago was you fighting bad guys?”

“Oh no, none of those guys are here yet, it was only Vilgax.” Gwen replied.

I raise an eyebrow but decide to get her to help us. “Tell you what, how about I tell you how to make a token so other displaced will call you and you could meet other people? And in return, you send me and my friends home.”

“Awww, now why would I want to do that? You see I just got free and it’s been sooooo long since I’ve seen anyone else that wasn’t an anthro pony.” Gwen said, “We can play games and all sorts of things!”

I sigh and rub my neck. “Look I need to defend my world, and you need to stop being so destructive, pranks are all well and good but you're destroying their lives. then again I guess what they say is true: either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

“A villain? Moi?” Gwen asked in mock hurt, then gave a small laugh. “I’m no hero nor am I really a villain. I’m the Goddess of Mischief and Monsters.”

I frown and start to glow pink. “Mischief does not involve destroying buildings with an earthquake or hurting innocent people, you say your not a villain but to me, you are no better than Eon.”

“Oh, and are you gonna do something about it pinky?” Gwen asked me, giving me a smirk. “And besides, I made sure those earthquakes were just little tremors to scare them a bit.”

I think about everything I know about the Omnitrix then remember something and it would work with an old skill I used to annoy my sister. “You are too strong for me to fight head-on, at least as long as you have that.” I point to the Omnitrix then reach up and squeeze my throat in a way to change my voice and in her voice I say. “Omnitrix begin self-destruct passcode 0010.”

Though nothing happened, I tried again but still nothing, Gwen laughed, “You honestly think that stupid self-destruct feature would work? I had asked Azimuth to change it because Vilgax knew the same code when he used it against me when we first fought!” Gwen said, smirking.

I frown and drop my arms. “Gwen I can't stay here, but if you send us home I'll do two things, let you scan me and I'll use my healing power on you.”

“What you think something is wrong with me? Sure I caused a bit of destruction back then, but that was my own free will. Not from me snapping and going nuts.” Gwen said, “But I will scan you to humor you.” she held the Omnitrix close to me, letting a yellow beam scan me.

Just as the beam passes over me I lift my hand and make a bubble over her Omnitrix. “Gwen I don't want to fight you or try to control you, I just want to hear you say you'll try to be less destructive and send us home.”

Gwen let out a groan of annoyance, “Geez, didn’t you see Ponyville? I’ve learned to keep my pranks from getting out of control, heck, I even let Tia and Lulu turn me to stone! I felt like I needed a bit of time to think.” she said, giving me an annoyed look.

I look at her then turn slightly and lift my shirt and project an image from my gem, the image is the drawing of Gwen from the book I read. “This is how they see you…”

“What you don’t think I haven’t seen that before? I’m the one who wrote the damn thing in the first place!” Gwen said, walking over to her pile and pulled out a book, it was the same book that I had read not that long ago, “I mean someone had to write the truth, if the ponies did they would have said I was a spawn of Discord. Though the drawing might need a bit of work.”

I blink and drop my shirt. “I just don't understand you, if I had the Omnitrix I would be a hero for sure and sure as hell wouldn't hurt anyone that doesn't deserve it.”

“Well, that’s the difference between you and me. A hero’s job is never done, someone is always in trouble, and I have to help them out, I never get any time to myself. But if I just spend my time pulling pranks and stuff then do hero work then so be it.” Gwen said, “But if you are so keen on having me go on the path of the hero then I guess I could do that instead.”

I nod with a smile. “That's all I ask, and no one says you have to solve all their problems, just step in when there is a threat their forces can't handle for example I will have to step in when the diamonds eventually find my world, but I don't plan on catching bank robbers or something.”

Gwen laughed, “Oh geez you actually believed me? Man, you need to work on your gullibility dweeb.” she said, smiling,

I groan and cover my face. “You know what...do whatever you want but first send me and my friends home, or else.” I start glowing bright pink.

“Oh fine.” Gwen said, pouting, then walked over to her pile of gold and gems before digging in it, she eventually pulled out my Token, “How exactly do I do that?”

I relax a bit. “You say, our contract is complete, and if you want to make a token, take something that represents you, channel some of your energy into it and speak a creed, a small message for whoever picks it up.” I tell her then turn my head to the doorway and call out. “Guys we are leaving!”

The Gems walked in, though they had their weapons out, as if expecting some sort of surprise attack, “So we all good? No fighting or anything?” Amethyst asked me,

“Wow, you expect me to double-cross you and keep you here against your will so soon? That hurts my feelings.” Gwen said in mock sadness, she even wiped her eye as if there was a tear there.

I sigh and cross my arms. “I didn't know what you would do when we came here, they are just being cautious, I'm sure you would be the same way without your Omnitrix.”

“Not really, I can just study magic, I mean I got a few books in the other room.” Gwen said, smiling, “Oh well, guess this is goodbye, hope to see you guys again sometime soon, I still want to play games with ya.”

I nervously laugh and nod. “Yeah maybe someday and you can meet Ship, oh and a word of advice before we leave, if you get bored of this world just use alien x’s powers to travel to another universe.”

“Nah, this one is too much fun, besides there are still some bad guys I want to have fun with.” Gwen said, smiling,

I nod slowly. “I see, well please say the phrase and we will be on our way, oh and Twilight knows how to track you now.”

Gwen let out a scoff, “I know, why do you think I had those Magic Absorbers placed all over the Everfree? I may be crazy but I’m not stupid.” she said, “Besides, let her track me, it just makes things much more fun!” and before I could say anything, she said, “Our contract is complete, bye!” she waved as portals opened above us and we were sucked into them again, I looked down and saw Gwen was waving with a smile, though I can see in her eyes the sadness she was trying hide.

I sigh sadly I couldn't help her but soon the portal closes and me and the gem end up back in the castle library. “That was a strange experience, I want to help but I think what she needs is..company!” I yell as I get an idea. “Ship come here, I have a request!”

“Ship?” Ship said as he hopped over to me, just as another portal appeared, this time not above or below us, thankfully. A small device fell out and the portal closed. I picked it up[ and saw it was a replica of Gwen's Omnitrix, it beeped as a projection of Gwen appeared, still smiling, “Hiya! I’m Gwen 10, Goddess of Mischief and Monsters, though I think I might change mischief to chaos as that's what I mostly cause, anyway! If you want to summon me for anything but hero work, then just turn the dial until you see me! But I might help you out with some hero work. Anyway, that’s all I have to say, bye!” the projection disappeared,

I blink and smile. “That makes this easier, Ship this will be a hard request but could you make a copy of yourself and send it through this token to another displaced?”

“Ship.” Ship said, then turned into a puddle as a smaller piece of him moved away, before morphing into a smaller copy of Ship,

“Does that answer your question?” Amethyst asked me,

I roll my eyes and look at Amethyst. “Making a copy is the easy part, the hard part will be having him travel through the void through a token.” I look back to the copy of Ship. “think you can do it, little guy?”

The copy tilted its head at me, then bounced up and down, letting out a chirp in happy response, I looked at Ship and he nodded his head. I hold the token to the copy and smile. “Tell Gwen, that I hope having a friend helps her not feel so lonely.”

The copy let out a chirp as it jumped on the Token, then glowed a bit before disappearing. I blink and smile looking at Ship. “Did it work or do you know?”

Ship looked down for a bit before looking at me and shrugging, “Shp.” he said,

I sigh but smile. “Well, I choose to believe it worked, thank you for giving part of yourself for this Ship.” I pet him then stand up and hold the token over to Pearl. “Pearl do you want to hold onto the token?”

“Um, I think you should Jake, you did try and help her, so it’s only fair you hold onto it and, Amethyst, you have something on your back.” Pearl said, I looked over and saw that there was a piece of paper taped onto said gems back.

I nod and put the token in my gem for now then pick the paper off her back and look it over, seeing it was a note from Gwen. ’Hi Jakey! You’re probably wondering how I got this note on your friend's back, well Alien X is useful wouldn’t you agree, but I did think about what you said, and the truth is, I actually did snap, those pranks were just ways to try and get my sanity back, but it got out of hand, I wasn't kidding when I said I let Celestia and Luna stone me, some small sane part of me knew that if I spent some time to myself my sanity would return, but it didn’t help, it just got worse. I wanted you to use whatever healing power you had on me but a small part of me just wouldn't let me. I guess I got too used to being insane that I didn’t want to be normal. I hope you can forgive me for my attitude, as my Token said, I might do some hero work, not just another Displaces Equestria, but in mine as well. Hope we can be friends the next time we meet. Sincerely Gwen. P.S, thanks for the new pet!’

Attached to the note was a picture of Gwen with the small copy of Ship, and some more writing as well, ’Also, my Token will let you change into a designated alien I had chosen for fifteen minutes, just thought it might be useful for others who need it.’

I chuckle and smile. “She got the little Ship and thanks me for trying to help, among other things.” I fold the note up.