• Published 15th Jun 2021
  • 2,136 Views, 27 Comments

Diamond In The Rough - Deltorix

A boy named Jake get separated from his family but gets a new one. That being the crystal gems, Can Jake rise to the position of a leader at the age of 16, or will he and his new friends be destroyed by a strange yet familiar enemy?

  • ...

Chapter 8

We soon arrive home and step out of Ship. “Alright, I think we should tell everyone what happened, would you please bring everyone to the courtyard?” I ask Pearl while I walk in that direction.

“Sure thing Jake.” Pearl said, walking inside the castle, a few minutes later, everyone was in the courtyard.

“What is this about Jake? I’ve Warp Pads to build.” Peridot said.

“Come on Peri, if Jake wants us all here, it must be for a reason.” Amethyst said next.

I nod then stand up on a piece of a broken wall so everyone can see me. “Alright, the reason I called you all here is to tell you, the leaders of this country now know about us. I had a meeting with them and told them everything about us. This was necessary in order for us to develop our work pad network as well as help us find other gems. My theory is that since Peridot and the gems from the human zoo are here then there must be other gems from your universe here as well. We need to find as many of us as we can, but we have to follow the rules of this world, we are visitors.”

“As for the gems from the human zoo, I've asked Pearl to work with one of the locals to create a list of rules for all of you, so please stay near this castle till you see them, but know this, I may be a diamond but I am not going to force you to do anything you don't want to do.” I finish and look at everyone. “Any questions?”

“I got one.” A Jasper, who I recognized as Skinny, said. “What will happen if Homeworld comes here? I mean, we already saw that one of them was trying to create a super weapon.” She pointed her thumb at Deoxys.

I nod my head and sigh. “We...we fight, those of you who want to, that is, I won't force you in fact if they do find this world and you don't want to fight, I will get you a ship for y,u to run.” I tell them and then make a platform and stand on it. “Like I said, I'm not like the Diamonds of old.”

They all looked amongst each other before an Amethyst stepped forward. “I’m not sure fighting Homeworld is a good idea, but I’ll stay and fight, after all, you helped us out when we needed it, you can be sure we’ll return the favor.” She said as the others voiced their agreement.

I smile and lower myself to the ground. “Thank you all, and I will try to talk with them first if it comes to it, now you are free to go about your day till the rules are finished.”

“Jake, I need to talk to you about a recent discovery that I had found.” Peridot said, showing me the crystals I had made as Diamond Head.

I look at the crystal then back at Peridot. “Ok, so what about it? I know it's really hard.”

“Well, I was doing some tests on it and came to a conclusion that these crystals will replace most of what I needed for the warp Pads to work.” Peridot said. “In fact, with our current supplies, plus these crystals, the Warp Pads will be finished sooner than expected!”

“Really? Wow, how many pads can you make with what you have now? I can make more for you if you need it.” I say with an excited grin.

“Well, according to my calculations, I’d say the amount of Warp Pads that we can make will be around, ten or twelve. But if you are able to make more than that would be great!” Peridot said happily.

I smile and nod and activate the Omnitrix turning it to Diamond head and pressed it down transforming in a pink flash. “Diamond head! Alright, Peridot, where do ya want the crystals?” I ask, smiling at her.

“Well they can go just right outside the lab me and Miss Sparkle are working at. That way, we won’t damage the castle, it won’t get in the way of others and it could serve as a training ground for the Amethysts.” Peridot said, leading me to a wall where the lab was on the other side of, she made an x on the ground with her foot. “Right here should suffice.”

I nod and put my hand on the ground and more crystals start to grow and I make it huge enough that it reaches the ceiling. “There you go, I want to save some power so that's all I'll make right now.” I tap the Omnitrix and change back to myself.

“This is more than enough Jake, thank you.” Peridot said. “I’ll be sure the Warp pads will be finished in no time!”

“That's good, keep me informed. I'll head to ponyville and wait for Twilight then send her here as soon as I can.” I smile and start heading to town. I wave at some of the gems as I pass them and once I cross the bridge I make a bubble around myself.

I travel through the forest along what is becoming a well-used path. I see a family of lions with scorpion tails. They see me and watch me but I just keep walking and they don't attack. Once I make it to town I pop my bubble shield and walk through town looking around. Then my arm is grabbed by someone and I'm turned around.

“What are you doing out of school at this hour young colt?” A dark pink mare with light pink and white mane and tail says to me wearing a skirt down to her knees and a white blouse.

I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms. “I don't go to school here, and I'm busy at the moment please let go.”

“What do you mean you don't go to school?” She asks me.

“I'm from far away and just moved to the area.” I looked up at her. “Now please let go, I would rather not use force.”

The mare looked a bit surprised, but let my arm go. “Sorry, but a young colt like you should be in school, where are your parents?” She asked me.

I scratch my neck. “That's complicated, my guardians are back at home getting some projects ready. I'm heading to the library to wait for Miss Twilight.”

“Well, I’m afraid I can’t have that, all fillies and colts need to go to school.” she said.

I frown and sigh. “Look, I'm 16 yes, but I'm also the leader of my people, and I'm not even from this country.”

The mare just gave me a look that said there’s no point arguing, I’m going to school. I frown and sigh. “You're going to make me go no matter what aren't you?” I rub my face. “Fine but I don't have time today.”

“That’s fine, I need to fill out the paperwork to get you in, also, I’ll need your guardians to fill out some paperwork as well.” The mare said, giving me a stack of papers. “Oh, I should have asked this before but, what is your name? I’m Cheerilee.”

“My name is Jake, Jake Diamond.” I sigh and put the papers in my gem. “Anyway I need to go now, I have to catch Miss Twilight.” I turn and start walking seeing ponies around the market but I notice a hooded person in an alley for a split second but shake my head.

'Maybe I need more sleep.’ I think and get to the library seeing a closed sign I knock on the door. Just before the door opens my Omnitrix starts beeping.

“Uncataloged DNA detected.” It said, just as a dragon opened the door. “Scanning now.” Then the dragon let out a shout as a yellow beam scanned him. “Scan complete, wielder now able to access new transformation.”

“Whoa what was that?” He asks as he blinks at me.

I rub the back of my head. “Just..a scan, is Twilight here? I need to speak with her.”

“Uh, yeah, she arrived not that long ago.” The dragon said. “I’m Spike by the way.”

“Jake, sorry if I'm rude, I haven't had the best experience with dragons.” I say as I look inside. “Mind if I come in?”

“Sure.” Spike said, letting me in and I saw that books were scattered across the floor. “Sorry about the mess, it’s been like this since she started working with this gem Research and Development place.”

“Good to see she is taking this job seriously.” I say then I look up the stairs. “Hey Miss Twilight, it's Jake, we need to talk.”

We got no response until I heard Spike sigh. “Twilight if you are buried under books, send up a magic flare.” He said, then from a pile of books a small purple orb shot up.

I shake my head and walk over and help Spike dig her out. “Geez, I'm glad this was at your place and not mine.”

Soon enough, we managed to get Twilight out, who looked like she might have gotten hit in the head by a book. “T-thanks.” She said.

“You are welcome Miss Twilight, I have good news, better news, and some bad news.” I tell her and help her stand up as Spike runs off to another room. “Which do you want to hear first?”

“How about all three in that order?” Twilight asked,

I nod and list them off. “Well, the good news is I have another job for you, I need you to work with Pearl to make a list of rules for the new gems that are joining us, the better news is Peridot made a breakthrough with the warp pads and will most likely need your help, and the bad news is I have to go to school sometime soon.” I cross my arms in annoyance.

“What’s wrong with school?” Twilight asked me.

I look at her then the books on the ground and sigh. “Let's just say human school is more annoying than helpful, especially if you're intelligent. The jocks usually bully the smart kids. Not to mention kids especially teenagers are usually cruel to those who are different from them.”

“That’s horrible! Why would anyone bully someone else just because they are different!” Twilight said,

I shrug and tell her. “One of the theories is that it's a mob mentality type of thing, you're either with the group or you were a threat. Basically a bit of leftover from our time as cave people.” I wave my hand dismissing the thought. “So do you think you can help Pearl and Peridot?”

“O-of course I can, I’ve been researching different types of spells that can be helpful.” Twilight said, “And also coming up with rules.”

I nod and smile. “Good to see you are working hard, want to head back now, or do you want um...finish up here first?” I say looking at the books all over the place.

“I’ll clean up this place first then head over.” Twilight said, levitating the books and began to put them in their proper place,

I nod and rub my chin. “Alright, I think I'm gonna go look at the school so I know what I'm gonna have to deal with. See ya at the castle.” I wave as I head out the door and as I walk I look around the town trying to memorize it.

I eventually see a red building with kids all around it, most likely the school. I watch from a distance seeing all the kids a lot around my age playing in the yard. ’Huh doesn't look too bad and Luna always did want me to finish school, maybe it won't be so bad.’

I nod to myself and turn to head for the forest and start walking home mind on where I should look for more gems. I'm so distracted I end up walking into someone. Looking up I see Pearl. “Oh hey, Pearl.” I look around seeing I’m home already. “Sorry I was kinda deep in thought.”

“Maybe watch where you are going next time.” Pearl said, then looked at the Omnitrix, before walking away.

I raise an eyebrow at her odd behavior but just shrug assuming she is busy or concerned Twilight hasn't gotten here yet. I head inside and look around then go to the courtyard to see if anyone else is there. I'm surprised when I see someone there who isn't a gem. She is snow white with a pink mane and tail. I ran over and put a hand on her back. “Hey, are you ok?”

The mare jumped a little when I did, looking at me with a bit of fear, and I see that she was a combination of bug and pony, she had butterfly wings on her back and I see that she had holes on her legs, horn and wings, she wore a sky blue sweater with a light gray skirt, both of which were dirty.

I am about to say something when my Omnitrix starts beeping but I bubble it. “Damn thing, hey don't worry I won't hurt you, my name is jake what's yours?”

“S-St-Star R-Ruby.” she said, shyly,

I smile softly and feel my face get warm a bit. “Thats a nice name, do you need food or medical help?”

“F-food.” she said, looking away a bit,

I nod and smile. “We can give you anything you need, I have a device that can make any food you could need.” I say as I put my hand on her shoulder happy that she isn't sick.

“U-um.” she said nervously, “A-are you s-sure this device could m-make the food I need?”

“It's possible, what do you eat? If you're worried because you eat meat don't worry so do I.” I told her with a smile.

“I-it’s not that, I-I eat…..love.” she said,

I tilt my head. “You eat a...emotion? How is that possible?” I ask and she can hear the confusion in my voice. This does sound familiar to me but I can't place it.

“I-I don’t know, but t-that’s what Changelings e-eat.” Star Ruby said,

I think about it. “Does it hurt?” I ask while helping her to her hooves.

“N-no, but only i-if I take a l-lot,” Star said,

I nod and smile. “Ok then, as long as it doesn't hurt, take what you need...um, I guess I need to think of someone right?” I ask but my thoughts are filled with her and I can't think of anyone else.

Her horn glowed a bit as a pink energy came off of me, I can see that the holes on her were filling up, but not a lot, and she looked to be better.

I hold her arms as she feeds and she seems to get better soon she is able to stand on her own. “Hey your holes are closing is that good?”

She nodded her head, “Yes, t-thank you.”

I smile and feel a warmth in my chest. “You're welcome, now that you are feeling better would you mind if I use this to scan you?” I ask, showing the bubbled Omnitrix.

“Scan me?” she asked, tilting her head, which caused her to slightly blush when I thought it was cute.

“Oh um...well this device lets me scan new species that I've met and lets me turn into the same species.” I pop the bubble and let it beep.

Star Ruby Looked at the Omnitrix as it beeped, then she nervously nodded her head. I held it close to her as a yellow beam scanned her,

“Scan complete, wielder can now use new transformation.” I smile at her and give her a thumbs up.

“See all over, so star ruby if you don't mind my asking, what are you? and how did you get to my castle?” I ask her while slowly guiding her to a broken wall for us to sit on.

“I am a Changeling, and I was banished from my hive.” Star said sadly,

I frown and look down. “That sucks, why were you banished?”

“It’s because I’m an albino, Albino Changelings are seen as a curse among Changelings, and are normally…...killed right away.” Star said, a few tears in her eyes, “MY mother was the queen and I had until my fifteenth birthday to get some color, then she banished me.”

I frown and grit my teeth. “That isn't right!” I notice I'm glowing and sigh relaxing. “You are welcome to stay here if you want.”

“Really? A-are you sure?” she asked me,

I nod and smile warmly feeling that warmth in my chest again. “Sure, though we will have to make a way for you to get in and out of the temple.” I say and rub my chin.

“Yo, jake! Who's your little friend?” Amethyst calls out as she walks in.

Star Ruby hid behind, looking at Amethyst nervously, I patted her arm then looked at Amethyst. “She is a changeling, and she is going to move in with us.”

“Whoa! Dude, she looks like a, uh, man what was that called again, oh yeah!” Amethyst said, “She looks almost like a butterfly!”

I smile softly and look at Star and nod. “Yeah she kinda does, say Amethyst has Twilight gotten here yet?”

“Yeah, she teleported here, scared Pearl quite a bit when she did!” Amethyst said, laughing, “Anyway, what’s her name?”

“Her name is Star Ruby.” I say with a smile on my face and a light blush. “Uh..mind showing her around for a minute. I want to check in on Twilight, Pearl, and Peridot.”

“Oh yeah! I was supposed to come get you cause Twilight, Pearl, and Peridot got something to show everyone.” Amethyst said, “They want everyone in the courtyard.”

“Perfect saves me a trip.” I smirk then look at Star ruby. “Hey there is gonna be a lot of people coming here soon but they are friendly I promise.”

Star Ruby looked a bit unsure but nodded her head, “Ok, if you say they are nice, then I trust you.”

We then waited for everyone to arrive, pretty soon, the Amethysts, Deoxys, and Garnet soon walked in, “Wonder it’ll be this time?” one of the Amethysts said to SKinny,

“Who knows.” she replied as they waited for Twilight Pearl and Peridot to arrive, soon Twilight and Pearl stood on top of a piece of rubble,

I pat Star ruby’s hand then go up and join them. “Hello everyone, as I said last time, I asked Twilight and Pearl to make a list of rules, for you all to follow.” I look to Twilight and nod. “As long as you follow these, you are free to do as you wish.”

Twilight and Pearl then began to speak, “Alright everyone, we have carefully made these rules so that way, we can live peacefully on this planet, without causing too much trouble.” Pearl said,

“Rule number one is, and it’s the most obvious, don’t go around causing trouble.” Twilight said, “Second, and this thanks to Pearl, don’t treat everyone like the ones on the Zoo, third, no fighting, defending yourself is fine as long as you don’t use lethal force.”

“Fourth rule is don’t take things from others, even when you don’t know if it belongs to someone, don’t take it. If you are gonna rough house, do it away from the organics, treat all sentient life like the way you wanted to be treated.” Pearl said,

“And no barging into anyone's homes.” Twilight said, as she gave a small glare to Deoxys, who just shrugged. “And that’s pretty much it.”

I smile and clap my hands. “So there you have it, those are the rules we have. Now we may add more if things come up that we didn't predict, but we will try to be understanding, and I do have an idea of having an area made for you to spar in if you want to.”

“Thanks dude!” One of the Amethysts said,

I have a thought and tap my chin before speaking out loud. “And for all you Amethysts I would like it if you chose nicknames for yourselves so if I call for an Amethyst not all of you come running.” I say with a sheepish chuckle.

“Sure thing dude, we can see how that can get annoying.” An Amethyst said, just as Peridot stepped forward,

I smile and chuckle softly. “Ok, Peridot the stage is all yours.” I hop down and move over to Star ruby.

“Thank you Jake, as some of you may know, me and miss Sparkle here are currently working on Warp Pads to get around easier, and I’ve also just finished something that could be useful to us as well.” she said as a FLask Robonid walked up, “As you can see this is a FLask Robonoid, normally they would be used to repair Warp Pads, but after some modifications, they can now help create Warp Pads.”

The gems clap and some cheer a bit. “That is cool Peridot, how soon can we get the first two warp pads made?” I ask.

Peridot smiled, “We can have the first two up and running in three hours.” she said,

I grin and fist pump. “Excellent me and Twila will go meet with the mayor as soon as possible so we can have a spot cleared for us in town.” I say then I look over at Star ruby. “I'll have to do something important, but I'll be back after ok?”

Star Ruby nodded her head, “O-ok.” she said,

I smile at her and then walk over to Twilight and Peridot. “Twilight mind taking me to see the mayor while Peridot sets up the first warp pad?”

“Sure thing Jake.” Twilight said, “Do you want me to teleport us there?”

I nod then smile. “Maybe someday I can learn how to do that.” I say as I step next to her.

In a flash, we were suddenly in front of a large building. “I’ll teach someday.” Twilight said as she walked in, I grin softly and follow her inside. We see an older-looking mare wearing a business suit and some glasses, she has a gray mane and is doing some kind of paperwork.

“Yes, what is it? I'm very busy today.” she said not looking up from her papers.

I clear my throat and smile. “Hello, ma'am I was hoping I could use a spot of land in the town.”

She lifts her head and looks me over before sighing. “No, I am not giving you a spot to build your clubhouse or whatever it is.”

I frown and close my eyes and breath a few times to keep calm. “Maam, I am not here for a clubhouse, I need a spot for what's called a warp pad, it will be a form of transportation that even Princess Celestia agreed I'd be able to place all over Equestria.” I lean forward with a smile. “So I ask again, may I have a spot of land please?”

The mare gave me a look that meant she was seeing if either I was lying, or if I’m being serious. “Ma’am, I was there when Princess Celestia let him build his Warp Pads, so I can vouch for him.” Twilight said,

The mayor sighs and turns around and digs in a drawer. “If you vouch for him, then I will have to believe you miss Twilight. Here is a map of the town where do you need this...warp pad?” she says as she turns around and lays a map out on the desk.

I looked at the map in thought, I wanted the Warp Pad to be close to town yet didn’t want it to interfere with the lives of the ponies living in Ponyville. I point at a spot that is at the edge of the town but between the forest and Applejack’s farm. “Here, out of the way but close enough to be safe.”

“Alright.” the mayor said, “And when will this ‘Warp Pad’ be built?”

I shrug and smile. “In a few hours if my tech expert is right.” I say then look at the map again. “Thank you, Miss mayor.”

I walk out of the office and Twilight follows. “I want to see this, let's go to the ponyville warp pad spot!” I say with a grin and run off excited.

“Hey wait for me!” Twilight said, her phone in hand, “I have to tell Peridot where we are setting up the Warp Pad! And I can’t do that if I’m running after you!”

I groan a bit but slow down. “Right sorry, I've just never seen one made before.”

“I know, I am just as excited as you.” Twilight said, typing something on her phone then put it away, “Just sent Peridot the location, now let’s go see a Warp Pad construction!”

“Heck yeah!” I got an idea and made a bubble shield around me and Twilight and jump, making us fly over the town. “yahoo!”

Twilight let out a shout as we soared over Ponyville, eventually reaching our destination as we landed, well more like crashed, I made the bubble shield disappear as Twilight gave me a small glare, “Never do that again.”

I chuckle sheepishly. “Sorry, I just wanted to get here faster and I knew I could slow our fall.” I say to her and look over to see the robot coming along with Peridot but she is flying using her helicopter fingers.

“Is this the correct spot?” Peridot asked as she landed next to us.

I nod and smile. “Yep, out of the way of the town but close enough it isn't troubling to get to.” I watch as she forms a screen with her fingers and starts tapping on it.

Then the Flask Robonoids legs started spinning and it drilled into the ground, once it was done, it floated up and released the goop that was going to make the Warp Pad, filling up the hole, and soon we had a Warp Pad, “And that’s the second Warp Pad ready, I had already taken the liberty of making one by the castle while I waited for you to find an area for this one.”

“Perfect, now who wants to test it? Also….how do I use a warp pad?” I ask looking between the two of them.

“You just think of where you want to go, and the Flask Robonoid should be the one to test it, as I can always make another one, but I can’t make another one of us.” Peridot said, pressing a few buttons on her Limb Enhancer, and the Robonoid walked onto the Warp Pad, and in flash, it was gone, “I still am connected with the Robonoid, which means the Warp Pad works, having it return to us...now.” another flash and the Robonoid was back, not a scratch on it.

I smile and clap. “Well done! Say,” I kneel and poke the robonoid. “How far can you send this thing on its own? We may have to send out lots of them to different parts of the country and then eventually the world.”

“Well I can send it quite far, so it’ll be easier for Warp Pads to be built in no time in other countries.” Peridot said,

“That’s great, the sooner the better.” Twilight said,

I nod and step onto the warp pad. “I agree, hey Twilight want a ride with or are you gonna head home for the day?”

“I think I’m gonna see if I can use the Warp Pad as well.” Twilight said as she got on the Warp Pad, horn glowing, “After all, we need to see if organics can use it.” in a flash of light, we were at the castle, “Interesting, so my theory was correct, if organics use a small spark of magic, we can use the Warp Pads as well.”

“Interesting I will make note of this.” Peridot said writing on her screen.

I smirk at Twilight. “Good work you two, especially you Miss Twilight. I am impressed that you were able to figure out how to use the warp pad without a gem or a warp pad whistle.”

“Yep, it was pretty easy.” Twilight said, I heard Peridot snicker,

“That’s not how I remember it being, you were practically pulling out your hair from trying to figure out how organics can use the Warp Pads.” Peridot said,

I smile and shake my head. “Alright next I would like you two to work on making a map of where the best spots for warp pads would be, then send letters asking permission to put the warp pads in those areas. As for me, I have a new friend to hang out with.” I grin and start walking into the castle to look for her.

I eventually found her talking with Pearl in the library. I smile and watch them and can't stop thinking of Star ruby. I’m so caught up in watching Star Ruby that I can't even hear what they're saying and eventually pearl waves as she leaves.

Star Ruby watched as Pearl left, then said, “Jake, I know you were watching, I can kinda sense you.” Star said, causing me to freeze.

I slowly came out of the doorway and chuckled nervously. “Oh hey sorry, I um...didn't want to interrupt.” I get an idea and smile holding up my arm with the Omnitrix. “Want to help me learn how to be a changeling?”

“Sure,” Star said,

I smile and with a light blush on my face, I grab her hand and take her to the courtyard. Once we are there I activate the Omnitrix and turn the dial to the changeling and press it down and in a flash of pink light, I am turned into a changeling. I open my mouth to shout but then snap my mouth closed. “Huh...I guess I need a name for this form.”

I looked at myself in hopes of figuring out a name, I was mostly green with my stomach being pink, and my hair or I guess mane, was black, so no difference there, I had a few spikes on my shoulders and knees, making it look like I had armor, and I had a scorpion tail, I also saw that I still made my clothes, though my jacket was bit bigger, looking like a trench coat. “Hmmmmm, how about Sharp Shifter.”

Star ruby smiles. “I like that name, and you look amazing.” she looks me over and circles me making me blush and I see a light pink mist coming off myself. “Huh? What's this?”

“That's your emotions.” she told me and giggled softly.

“Oh, and what emotion does the pink mist represent?” I ask her,

She looks down blushing lightly. “That depends on the shade of pink but it can mean anything from embarrassment, to love, to lust.” now it was my turn to blush.

“I-I see.” I said, “Um, w-we should probably s-start my training as a Changeling.”

She nods and lights her horn and lifts a rock and it floats over to me. “Try to light your horn and lift this rock, simply focus your will through your horn and around the rock, but be careful not to use too much.”

I nodded my head as I tried to light up my horn, seeing that it was glowing pink, I then focused on the rock, willing it to move. For a few minutes nothing happens but me staring at the rock. I groan and sigh. “This is harder than it looks.” I look back at the rock and glare then a pink glow starts to cover the rock and I start to grin but the rock shoots up into the sky. “oops.”

“It’s okay, practice makes perfect.” Star said, levitating another rock over to me, “Just try again.”

I nod and practice lifting the rock and soon I can lift it with no trouble. “Cool! I got it down, what next?”

“Next is shape-shifting.” Star said, in a flash, Pearl stood in her place, “This should be easy as young Changelings are able to shape-shift with ease.” her voice sounded exactly like Pearl's.

“Wow, that is so cool! I could think of so many uses for an ability like that.” I say as I close my eyes and think of Peridot and when I feel something warm cover me I look and see pink flames covering me from my feet or hooves up changing me into Peridot. “This is so cool! I even sound like her.”

“Great work! You successfully shape shifted, well mostly.” Star said as she pointed behind me, confused, I looked and saw my scorpion tail.

I chuckle a bit embarrassed. “Oops, well still good for my first time.'' I look at my tail and back to her realizing something. “Say, why is my tail different than yours?”

“It’s just how Changeling Kings or Princes are.” Star said,

I blink and think about it for a minute then shrugged. “I guess that makes sense, you said your mom was the queen so that makes you a princess and I got the DNA sample from you.”

“Huh, that device sure is amazing.” Star said, “Shall we continue?”

I nod and look at her with a stupid smile. “Yeah, so what next?”

“Well, now it’s time for you to learn how to feed on love.” Star said,

I blink and blush a bit. “Ok so how do I do that?” I ask as she steps closer.

“W-well, you know that mist earlier? Well, you have to magically grab it and breathe it in.” Star explained,

I blink and look around seeing only a few veils of mist. “Which one is love? I see light pink and some I guess normal pink?” I scratch my head.

“Regular pink is love, light pink is embarrassment.” Star said,

I look at the mist and use my magic to grab the pink mist and pull it to me and open my mouth and breath it in after a minute. I blink and lick my lips. “Huh, tastes like chocolate.”

“That’s why Changelings love the taste so much, well besides it keeping us fed.” Star said,

I nod lightly and rub my chin. “That makes sense I guess, so what next?”

“That’s pretty much it.” Star said, smiling, “Congratulations, you now know how to be a Changeling.”

I smile but look between myself and her and ask. “Why don't I have holes? Yours started to close when you were feeding, is there a way for me to give you what I have?”

Star Ruby blushed after I said that, eyes wide as she stared at me before she began to speak. “U-uh, you s-see, giving love freely t-to another Changeling is c-close to a...marriage proposal.” She said the last part quietly that I couldn’t hear.

I tilt my head and step closer. “I didn't hear that but I'd like to help you, please?”

“It’s considered a...m-marriage p-proposal.” She said, loud enough for me to hear as I widened my eyes in shock.

I blush bright pink and stare at her but I finally realize what that warmth in my chest is and take her hand and smile. “I see, well I still want to do this if you'd like?”

Star’s blush got brighter as she smiled. “Y-yes.”

I smile and that warmth gets hotter and she puts her hands on my cheeks and we kiss and slowly close my eyes. As we kiss I feel the warmth in my chest grow but also leave my body and into hers.

After a few minutes, which felt like a few great hours, we pulled away from each other, both of us blushing. I look at her and blush more seeing all her holes have closed. “Wow, all your holes are closed how do you feel?” I ask her but she starts wobbling and starts to collapse but I catch her and gently put her down on her knees.

“I...I haven’t been this full before, i...it’s unbelievable” She says with a smile and looks up at me.

“Aaaww, how sickenly sweet.” A voice said, and before I or Star could react, two beams hit us and sent me a few feet, but Star went flying, crashing onto the ground.

I groan and look at who hit us and frown as my Omnitrix starts beeping and flashing red. “Who are you?!”

“I am someone you don’t want to piss off.” The voice said again, and I swear it sounded a bit robotic like someone was talking through a radio. “Then again, I’m always pissed!”

In a flash of red, I'm returned to my normal self and stand up frowning. “Look I don't know who you are but we haven't done anything to you, just leave us alone.” I yell as I get into a fighting stance.

“Oh? But you did do something to me.” Then suddenly, something grabbed me by my jacket and slammed me against the wall, nearly knocking the wind out of me and nearly destroying the wall.

I looked and saw a pair of eyes glaring at me through a purple screen, a metal mask covering my attacker's mouth, which probably explained the robotic-like voice, I then saw the rest of my attacker's appearance, they wore a dark purple trench coat with their hood up, covering most of their face, a pair of familiar gauntlets sparked with purple energy, knee-length pants and they wore a pair of high heeled combat boots. “You took the Omnitrix before me!!” The figure shouted.

“The Omnitrix?! How do you even know about that?!” I frown and start gathering my strength ready for a bubbled punch.

“It doesn’t matter how I know about it!” The figure said and I could see that their eyes were the size of pinpricks, giving them an insane look that felt familiar somehow. “Just give me the-” I immediately punched them in the face, causing my attacker to stumbled back as the visor and mask went flying before hitting the ground, breaking. “No!” The figure shouted, covering their face with their hands.

I take a breath and start glowing pink so I'm ready for anything. I watch them trying to hide their face. “What's the matter? Is your face ugly or something?”

The figure froze, then stood up straight, their back facing me, they then turned around and I froze, not believing what I saw, or to be exact, who I saw. Because glaring at me with an insane smile, was none other than Gwen 10.