• Published 19th Oct 2020
  • 3,239 Views, 127 Comments

The Road of Courage - PrismaGalaxy514

  • ...

Chapter 8: Retribution and Euthanasia

"Johnny, stop!!!"

Those were the words of the teenager, named Gil, who witnessed Johnny about to end his own life. He tried to reach him, however the distance keeps going farther and farther. Hell, he tries to walk faster, but to no avail. Soon, a demonic voice can be heard, sending chills to his spine.

"Ha! You thought, you can save him?? My my, you have such a colourful imagination. Shame, that it will never come true!!"

"Fuck you!" Gil barked at the air, since the demons can't be seen.

Suddenly, he was surrounded by multiple versions of Johnny committing suicide in several ways. Some even bloodier than before. Hanging, stabbing himself, cutting his wrists, poisoning himself, falling from a dangerous height, shooting himself and the most horrifying of all: sobbing, while he's strapped to a bomb and as soon it exploded, all of the gory parts flew everywhere, with Gil being splattered by his blood. The horrifying sight, coupled with demonic figures laughing, dancing and even disrespecting Johnny's deaths made the teenager scream in horror and waking up in his room.

"Fuck...it's getting worse..." Gil was shaken from the bloody nightmare. It's been the third time, that this happened.

He went to the sink to wash his face off with water, in order to freshen himself up a bit and to bring himself at least back to the reality.

Ever since he watched the video, Gil became much more anxious and worried about Johnny's well-being. It didn't help, that the searches were unsuccessful and his family probably lied to save themselves.

"Ugh! I can't get it off from my head! I need to know, where the hell he is!!?!" He screamed in the room alone and later sat down on his bed to calm down for a while.

Suddenly, he heard banging on the door. At first, he thought, the men would like to visit him. So the teenager approached forward a bit. However, that thought was quickly shattered, when the door got broken down and the sight, that greeted him, is something out of a horror movie. It was the Test sisters, looking pretty psychotic and unstable with their hair being messy and twitching. Gil slowly backed off, but the sisters went closer.

"Gil..." They both spoke in unison. They sounded deranged and obsessed.

"Get away from me!!" He yelled, but it got on deaf ears.

As they got closer and closer, he looked around for an opportunity to escape. Eventually, the opportunity came in form of a hanging lamp. Gil jumped and swung himself from the lamp above them and ran outside. But it didn't take long, till they started to chase him. He ran through the halls and seveal security people as fast as he could. The teen tried his best to escape from the lunatic twins, so he ran even faster than before.

Suddenly, he was blasted by something and soon, he couldn't move.

"No!!! I can't move!! Somebody help me!!!!" He yelled around, hoping that someone would save him. Unfortunately, the sisters eventually caught up to him. Gil could feel the fear inside and it worsened, once they pulled out long and sharp knives. He tried to plead for his life with no success.

"If we can't have you...." Susan raised her knife, aiming at his head.

".....No one can!" Mary finished the sentence and raised hers too, aiming at his chest.

At this point, there was no way out of this. Gil is paralyzed and the sisters were about to stab him to death.

But then...

Before they even have the chance to stab him, a massive amount of electricity surged into their bodies for a while, until they fell down to the floor unconscious. Gil looked forward, only to see The Shadow holding two tasers.

"Trust me....I'm not here to harm you." The Shadow promised.

"Who are you?!?" Gil was still panicked from the ordeal.

"It's none of your goddamn business. By the way, if I were you, I would've hidden somewhere, where nobody can find me, like going underground." It took the unconscious bodies of the sisters and was about to go, when Mr. Black and Mr. White returned, now in their black suits.

"What the hell happened?!?" Mr. White was shocked and confused.

"Those lunatic girls tried to kill him. But thankfully, that didn't happen. Ugh... it seems like, their sanity has been broken. Like remember the time, when Gil was angry at them?" It asked.

"Well, we only came at the right time and even stopped the whole chaos, before it even erupted into much worse." Mr. Black answered, while his partner comforted a scared Gil.

"Well, that ordeal made them insane. And if I can remember, there was a school girl from a game, that if being rejected or something, she would snap and kill her crush before turning the blade on herself. Unfortunately, they were so close to bringing that moment to reality." The Shadow explained.

"Oh my god...." Mr. Black was horrified about their mental downfall.

"That's why I recommended him to go underground." It looked at them.

"Wait a minute, what about our mission?!?! We can't abandon it, otherwise we will never know, what happened to Johnny!" Mr. White shouted. Then the Shadow gave them two heavy suitcases and spoke to them with: "Inside of those suitcases contain very helpful tools and instructions on obtaining that goal. Now would you excuse me, I'll take them back home and try my best to stabilise their sanity a bit. " Then it vanished in a puff of smoke.

Meanwhile, Mr. White used a needle, that contained the antidote, on Gil, making him move again. However, he was still paralyzed, but this time in fear. The agent tried his best to calm him down.

"So, if what the Shadow is saying, is correct... then that means, that Gil is in serious danger and we really need to go underground!" Mr. Black explained.

"Although, how can we get Gil and those suitcases into Area 51.1 undetected?" His partner asked.

"Well, remember the time, where we put Johnny and the others into a crate and went through the base and to the elevator?" Mr. Black asked.

"Are you thinking, what I'm thinking?" Mr. White asked to his partner and he nodded.

"Okay then. It's a plan!" He confidently agreed. They now have a plan to protect Gil and continue their mission at the same time.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville...

In the Sugarcube Corner, Pinkie Pie was teaching the stallions on how to bake some cupcakes.

"Excuse me, how is baking supposed to be relaxing?" Dukey asked.

"Well, it always brings a smile to my face, when giving my cupcakes to my friends!" Pinkie grinned.

The guys were really unsure. Back then, they were terrible at baking stuff and the end results would turn out to be......strange and gross. But Pinkie had strong faith on making them smile with baking, even if they are inexperienced.

"Uhm....We can't bake that well, Pinkie.." Johnny sighed slightly.

"Don't worry! I'll show you, how to do it!" the joyful Heroine of Laughter giggled and showed them steps on how to do it, accompanied with a song.

Pinkie Pie

All you have to do is take a cup of flour!
Add it to the mix!
Now just take a little something sweet, not sour!
A bit of salt, just a pinch!
Baking these treats is such a cinch!
Add a teaspoon of vanilla!
Add a little more, and you count to four,
And you never get your fill of...
Cupcakes! So sweet and tasty!
Cupcakes! Don't be too hasty!
Cupcakes! Cupcakes, cupcakes, CUPCAKES!

After so much trial and error, the cupcakes have finished baking and it's time for decorating.

"Okay! It's time to add the frosting!" Pinkie Pie had the frosting prepared with all of the beautiful colors and sparkling glitter. She put them in three bags and gave the two to the stallions.

"Okay! Try to mimic, what I do, okay?" She smiled at them.

"Uhm....k?" The guys were unsure.

Pinkie showed the stallions on how to put the frosting on the cupcakes. She held the bag with her mouth and slowly and gently squeezed them out to each cupcake in perfect shape.

"You know, what? I have a different idea!" Since Dukey is a pony/dog hybrid, he grabbed the bag by his paws and slowly and gently squeezed the frosting on his tray of cupcakes.

"Aw, man...." Johnny sighed. He was never good at baking and coupled with fact, that he is a pony, brings up a obvious disadvantage: He can't use his hooves, without losing balance and fall down to the floor. So he grabbed his bag with his mouth and tried to apply the frosting on his tray. But, because he was not really a precise being and that was his first time attempting, he squeezed the bag too hard and too much frosting came out. Not to mention, because of the pressure from the hard press caused the bag to burst in front of his face.

"Damnit! This stinks!!" The pegasus was frustrated and threw the bag in rage.

"Don't worry. It is your first try. There is always time and chance to improve!" Said the pink mare, while cleaning up the mess. At the same time, Dukey was finishing with the decoration.

"Eh....could've been better..." the hybrid was unsure about his end result, since the process was kinda rushed to make it ready. The frosting was decent, but since it was the first time, he decorated on a cupcake, it came out sloppy and shaky. He then looked at his best friend, whose face was still covered in frosting, so the hybrid proceeded to lick it off.

"Dude...." Johnny was peeved.

"Sorry. I just couldn't resist. The frosting did taste delicious though..." Dukey scratched his head in embarrassment. Pinkie Pie couldn't help, but to giggle at the sight. Johnny however, sighed, realizing that the whole cupcake thing was complicated.

At the same time, Twilight and the rest of her friends went inside of the kitchen to see, what Pinkie is doing with them.

"Hey, Pinkie Pie. We just came here to check on the progress." Said the purple Alicorn.

"Turns out, that Johnny and I are not suited in baking." Dukey scratched head in response.

"Why? Yours look decent." Rarity commented about his tray of cupcakes. Rainbow Dash took one of the tray and took a bite out of it for testing.

"Eh, it's...alright, I guess." Rainbow shrugged.

"Thanks for the critique." He sighed.

"I actually got the idea of baking, in order for them to find the joy within." The peppy pink mare explained to her friends.

"I'm not sure, if that would've helped, Sugarcube..." Applejack responded.

"Plus, Johnny's tray of cupcakes being unfinished and a bit burned, speaks for itself." Rainbow added, which Johnny groaned in annoyance.

"Hmm...Maybe we can think of other ideas to help them." Twilight spoke to her friends.

"I can continue teaching Johnny, so he can improve his skills." The prismatic mare suggested.

"And I can help them find their inner peace." Fluttershy quietly added.

"That would be good ideas." Twilight agreed.

"Hey, Johnny! Wanna improve your flying?" She smirked.

"Yeah. It is better than this mess." Johnny sighed, referencing his failed attempt at cupcakes.

"Come with me!" She replied and the blue and black pegasus flew outside.

However, Dukey became scared by an illusion of that nightmare monster, circling around him and laughing evilly. Thankfully, it vanished, as Applejack noticed the hybrid in panic and put her hoof on him.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright, pal." The southern mare assured.

The heroine of Kindness also went to the hybrid to comfort him.

"There there..." she quietly mumbled. "Why not go out for a walk?"

"I'll accompany him, just in case." Applejack replied.

"I suppose, that would work...I guess." He looked at them. Applejack smiled and together with Fluttershy, they went out for a walk. In the meanwhile, Rarity was speaking with Twilight about the progress and some concerns.

"Uhm, Twilight? I'm not sure, if our efforts would work well. I mean, there are a few issues about them, like there were some spirits of the past lingering around." Rarity was worried.

"Hmm.. We have to work harder and observe every single step to their road to recovery. If there are any setbacks, then we are not afraid of fixing them!" Twilight assured.

"I hope, darling..." Rarity sighed. But they have to continue, for their sake, so they exited the Sugarcube Corner and soon met with Starlight and Spike.

"How's the progress?" Starlight asked.

"Well, they had...let's say, a difficult time with cupcakes." Pinkie reported.

"Really?" Spike asked.

"I was trying to find the joy for them!" She responded.

"Anyway, we have to observe the progress and take action. That's the most efficient way of helping them cope. Johnny is currently with Rainbow and Dukey is with Applejack and Fluttershy. So we need to split up in two groups and keep helping them." Twilight explained.

"I suppose, that makes sense." Spike answered.

And soon, the group had split into two groups. Twilight and Spike went to the path, where Dukey took, while the remaining three ponies took the opposite path, where Johnny and Rainbow Dash went.

Elsewhere far from Porkbelly...

There exists a secret base, named "Area 51.1" , where secret experiments, projects and all other shenanigans reside, funded by the military.

Of course, since this is a secret base, we're talking about, it has the best security, known to man....most of the times. There are times, that a few people managed to get in, either through a close connection to a few or something. Or some of the employees are just plain incompetent.

Outside of the base, the agents in black were carrying a big, wooden box and were about to enter.

"You need to be quiet in this one, okay?" Mr. Black whispered close to the box.

"It's so hot.." Turns out, that Gil is inside of the box.

"Once we get to the elevator, you can come out. But now, we have to get to it first, without anybody detecting you!" Mr. Black responded.

"Fine.." the teenager sighed.

The agents soon entered the area, while carrying the crate. A lot of agents, soldiers and officers were there to discuss secret stuff, scientists experiment their projects and test them. Some of them actually looked at them and the crate, but they managed to make them go back to their usual jobs, by telling them, that they have some stuff to be taken to a secret warehouse. They were almost there, when a loud voice can be heard, that made them stop:

"Excuse me? What are you two doing?"

A general, who wears sunglasses and wearing too many badges, walked towards the men in black, looking kinda suspicious at the contents of the crate.

"Well, we are carrying secret supplies to the warehouse for safe keeping, sir." Mr. Black answered to the general.

"Hmmm...Are you sure, that there is nothing dangerous or suspicious inside?" He looked closer.

"No!" Mr. White immediately answered. He actually made a lie, in order to save themselves and the mission. A few minutes of suspicions silence occured, with the General still looking at the crates and the men in black, sweating in fear. Eventually....

"Ok. You can go now." The general shrugged and walked off. The men sighed in relief, now that they're left alone to continue. However, it wouldn't last, as they heard some struggles in the crate.

"Shit! We need to go now!" Mr. White is concerned and soon, they rushed towards the elevator, that leads to an underground bunker. They knew it too well, as they were underground before, back when the city was under attack by monsters, created by Johnny's mind, thanks to a monster-creating helmet. It didn't last, as they eventually found a way to destroy them and save the city.

Arriving at the elevator, they used their ID cards to grant access to the elevator and selected the option to go to the secret underground bunker. As the door soon closed, they immediately opened the crate and saw Gil getting out of it, while gasping for air and sweating.

"Gil, what happened??" Mr. Black asked.

"I was nearly suffocated, dude!!" The teenager was panicked and enraged.

"Why didn't you breath in with the oxygen tank?" Mr. White asked to Gil.

"Because I couldn't find one!!!" The teen yelled.

"We forgot the tank..." The men sighed and facepalmed, as they realized the mistake of not including a tube inside for Gil to breathe. It didn't help, that there were no holes on the crate whatsoever.

After a very quick ride (and by quick, I mean in a pace, where you felt squashed by the time, you've arrived.), the doors opened and soon entered the bunker. The agents activated the maximum security of the bunker and locked the door to the bunker for Gil's safety.

"Here we are again. Man, it surely feels like old times, huh?" Mr. Black remembered about last time, they were here.

"Yep. It surely does." His partner agreed.

"Can we just get it over already?" Gil was really impatient. He really wants justice for Johnny and more importantly, where he is and if he's alive.

"Right! Let's do this!" The agents agreed in unison and pulled out the suitcases, the Shadow gave to them and put on a table. They soon opened the suitcases and grabbed the contents out of them. They contained two laptops, various hacking tools, a note with an IP address, a radar to track down the twins, a monitor connected to the radar, that has a maps program installed, an alarm, a satellite and some instructions on how to hack computers and get surveillance footage.

"Wow. Never thought, that the Shadow gave us the essential tools for hacking someone's computer." Mr. Black was surprised. However, for their sake of their mission, they have to do it, by hacking and finding possible evidence, that are linked to Johnny's disappearance and the months before it.

They cracked their fingers a bit and started the hacking process. The agents typed down the IP address from the note and confirmed it. They worked really hard on hacking on that computer, while Gil was watching. They also looked at the monitor for possible suspicions activity of the two girls, in order to protect the teenager from future attacks and murder attempts.

After a while, the hacking process was successful and they were granted access on the computer's contents. It contained a lot of scientific projects, scans, surveillance videos, data about inventions and love notes to Gil. The agents shuddered. It was clear, that they had access to the laboratory's computer, which belongs to the sisters.

"Ugh...yep. Definitely belongs to Susan and Mary." Mr. White commented.

But they snapped out of the disgust and went straight to the surveillance folder, where all videos of the house, outside and inside and in different rooms, reside.

"Okay. Let's use these, that happened before his disappearance." Mr. White looked at the video files. They were recorded in chronological order. They started with the living room video, that was recorded on the last day, anyone saw Johnny, before he vanished. Thankfully, they have a programme, that allows them to switch cameras, allowing them for easy work.

In the living room section, the parents were upset. They talked about Johnny's misdeeds and actions, that was unacceptable for them and want to punish him. They thought of ideas, since none of the punishments did do anything and during which, his father was really outraged.

"I was really too easy on him and his dog. I even threatened him to take him away from Johnny, if he hadn't returned my camera! But as time went on, he hadn't really learned anything and ignored my warnings! He really left me with no choice!!" He yelled.

"What the hell does that mean?" Mr. Black asked, while watching.

They skipped some minutes, until they saw the parents set up a hidden trap and a plate of bacon as bait.

"Uhm, I have a bad feeling about this...." Mr. Black's stomach twisted at this sight.

A few minutes after the trap was set and the parents hid away offscreen. A sense of uneasiness and fear can be felt. They don't want to know, what's gonna happen next. And those following scenes would confirm their fears.

It shows Dukey, slowly sniffing at the scent of bacon and getting closer to the plate. Eventually, he reached the plate and ate the bacon. Suddenly, without a warning, a steel cage fell down on him and the parents, being dressed to completely hide their identities, jumped on them. Amazingly, Dukey fought back and tried to escape. That attempt brought them hope for a while, but ultimately it eventually crushed, once they knock him out with baseball bats.

"What the fuck?..." Mr. White whispered in disbelief.

With shaky hands, they switched the camera of the footage, this time, there are people from the animal shelter waiting. And before they see the parents give Dukey to them, the men immediately pause the footage.

"Uh-uh! Fuck that!" Mr. Black had enough of the ordeal.

"It was horrifying.... How could they!?!?" Mr. White was equally horrified as his partner.

"I don't want to see Johnny's reaction to that, when he finds out..." Mr. Black was reluctant to continue watching. Knowing this whole ordeal would break Johnny.

"But we have to....for our mission..." Mr. White gulped and skipped to the afternoon, when Johnny came back from school and switched the living room camera. They watched, as the family had a talk about Johnny's action. And as to be expected, when Johnny found out, what they did, as the ultimate punishment, needless to say, he was not happy. And that was a huge understatement. He actually snapped and let all of his anger out. Hearing Johnny yell at his own family with full emotion, made their hearts break. Despite being agents, seeing a child being sad is devastating. But to make matters worse, none of them even cared! And to add insult to injury, they witness Johnny being slapped to the ground....by his own father.

"Okay, what the fuck!?!?!?" The agents were outraged at this child abuse. And rightfully so.

They switched the camera section to Johnny's room and sure enough, when he locked the door tight, Johnny had suffered a mental breakdown. It was really painful to watch. What's worse is, that Gil watched the ordeal and immediately threw up in a nearby trash can.

"We're sorry..." the agents told to Gil.

"It seems like, we found out the reason of his disappearance." Mr. Black concluded and marked the three important evidence.

Then they heard ringing. There was a phone in one of the suitcases and Mr. White grabbed the phone. It had the symbol of the Shadow and as he looked at the contact icon, the same symbol can be seen.

"Hello?" Mr. White answered.

"Did you find the evidence? The Shadow asked.

"Yes." Mr. White answered.

"However. I'm afraid, that this was the tip of the iceberg. There's probably more incriminating footage on their computer."

"If you say so...." Mr. White answered and soon related the news to his partner, who began digging to the videos more.

Outside, in the surface, a big search group was going around the world, searching for Johnny's whereabouts. Europe, Asia, Australia, Africa, anywhere. But there was no sign of him. Still, the family, who ordered the massive search, never gave up.

Meanwhile, the Shadow was hiding in the bushes and observing the search group. So far, the sisters look sane around their parents. However, he knew, that when they arrived to the lab and found out , that their computer was being hacked, they would do anything to stop it. So, it came up with a plan. It had a phone and a voice changer on the hands, as well as a phone number on a note. It typed down the phone number on the phone and proceeds to call it, while activating the voice changer.

Back to the search group...

They were heading to Canada now, also known as the next possible destination for Johnny's whereabouts. He has to be here, they thought. However, the people were really exhausted. They've been searching for him everywhere, even in the most dangerous areas. But the family keep on insisting to continue searching, much to their annoyance.

"How long does this gonna go on?" Mary was exhausted.

"We will find him! I'm very sure of it!" Her father was really confident on his goal.

Suddenly, the phone of her mother was ringing.

"Mom?" Susan reminded her mother by pointing her phone.

"Oh. Hang on." She accepted the call. "Hello?"

"Hello? Mom? Dad?" A familiar voice can be heard, that shocked them, but gave them relief and hope. It was no mistake! The voice belonged to Johnny!

"Johnny? Is that you?! We were so worried!" Her mother was happy to hear her son's voice again. The twins's father grabbed the phone.

"Where are you!?" He asked.

"I'm stuck in the Antarctic. Got into some crazy stuff and now, I'm freezing there! Get me outra here!!" pleaded Johnny in a dilemma.

"Everyone! We found Johnny! He is in the Antarctic! We have to save him!!" He shouted the news to everyone. With Johnny finally being found, they immediately went to the Antarctic.

However...it was all just a rouse, as the Shadow turned the phone off.

"Heh....Idiots. Always listening to lies." The Shadow scoffed. It soon pulled out the main phone and called the agents. "Hey. I just created a distraction to keep them busy. So, have you found more evidence?" It asked.

"I'm afraid, we found much more. Including one with Johnny being tied up to a pole and having his teeth being forcefully brushed by his dad. It was that sickening. Other scenes included Susan and Mary testing painful experiments on Johnny. I know, the whole family is crazy, but all of this whole torture would scar anyone!" Mr. Black reported the findings.

"Yep. Anyway, now that you have the evidence, it's time to show the truth to everyone. You have the satellite, I gave you, right?" The Shadow answered.

"We have it." Mr. White answered.

"Good. Hack the broadcasting satellite and show it to the world. Do not fail on me!" The Shadow ended the call.

Back in the underground bunker, the agents got the call and immediately got to work. They collected all of the incriminating footage and edited it in one big compilation. Soon, they got an e-mail about a video from the Shadow as an intro for the compilation. They added it at the start. After a while, they finished making the video and prepared the satellite. There was no time to spare.

"Time for the ultimate task!" Mr. Black began hacking the broadcasting satellite.

"How long does it gonna take?" Gil asked.

"Not for long. We're almost there.." Mr. Black was sweating because of the work, yet he is confident, that it will soon be over.

After a while, they got access to the satellite and sent the video.

"Alright. The job's done...all we need to do is just sit and wait." Mr. White sat down on the chair.

"Yeah. If there are other problems, the Shadow would handle those" Mr. Black nodded.

"I just hope the nightmare to be over with..." Gil hoped.

Tokyo, Japan

A Japanese business man was doing his usual office work on his computer. Writing letters, calculating, the usual stuff. Suddenly, the monitor of his computer started to glitch and the PC started a video.

"Nani??" The Japanese man was confused.

Auckland, New Zealand

A couple was watching a romantic movie on their TV. Right before the couple in the movie started to kiss, the TV glitched and showed them the beginning of the video.

"What's going on?" The woman was confused.

London, England

A group of teenagers were watching funny videos on a girl's smartphone, laughing their asses off, when it also became glitched and the video began to play.

"What in the bloddy hell is that??" The teenage girl was outraged.

"I have no idea, gal." A teenage boy shrugged.

New York, USA

In Times Square, everything went like normal, when all of the monitors glitched and the video started to play by itself. The people were shocked and confused. Some even suspected of a cyber attack. But then, they heard a voice in the video and when they looked at the monitors, they saw a being completely in black. It spoke:

"Greetings. My name is "The Shadow". I'm not here to cause any harm to all of you people from around the world. I just want to show you the reason of one of the biggest mysteries up to date: The mysterious disappearances of Johnny Test and his dog, Dukey! Now, you may know it from the news or from the ongoing search parties. But, what you may not know, is that their disappearances were caused by his own family! Don't believe me? Watch this video and you will know the truth. But be warned, because there are some atrocious things in this compilation. With that said....Please watch it."

It then shows so many things happening to Johnny, including being zapped, stung with needles, mutated or like cut with extreme pain by his own sisters, his father giving him ridiculous punishments and even recently, the parents trapping Dukey, knocking him out and giving him to someone from the animal shelter.

Needless to say, everyone and I mean, EVERYONE was outraged. They couldn't believe, that the very family, that spread the news about their son's disappearance had actually caused it. Their anger was everywhere: Africa, Russia, Turkey, China, Mexico and more. Even the smart penguins, residing in Area 51.1 were really angry. And obviously it didn't take long, till the outrage reached to Porkbelly.

"You took Dukey away?!?!?" Susan was very angry at her parents.

"We HAD TO, because Johnny keeps ignoring my rules!!!" Her dad shouted.

"YOU DIDN'T EVEN TELL US ABOUT IT!!!" Mary shouted back.


The family looked back to see the search party being mad at them. It didn't help, that they had their torches and pitchforks ready.

"Obviously, we have a lot of bad ideas to do with you, criminals!" One man showed, while cracking his knuckles.

"Uh-oh..." The mother gulped.

Soon, the family ran off, with the search party turned mob, chasing behind. It spread around the whole town, park, pier, everywhere, until they were about to reach their house for safety. However, The Shadow, who was standing on a roof, had a blaster ready.

"Oh no, you won't!!" He aimed at the family and shot 4 beams at them. They were struck by those beams, before they could even reach the door and couldn't move, because the beams have paralyzed them. But when he saw the mob getting closer and raise their pitchforks, he became annoyed.

"Oh, for fucks' sake!" He then used a device to hack into their phones.

Before they can do anything with them, they heard the voice on their phones.

"HEY!!! Listen up! Let the police handle it, goddamnit!!! We want justice, not an execution! You people should've known the difference! Jesus Christ....Sometimes, you are really hard to listen to morals, do ya? Anyway, let the authorities handle the arrests. YA GOT THAT!?!?"

At the same time, the police have arrived and were ready to make the arrests. So the people backed off and let the police do it.

"Alright, everyone! Stay back! The criminals belong to us." The policemen and -women walked towards them with handcuffs ready.

"I-I can explain.." the father tried to explain, but was soon cuffed by the cops and watched, as his wife and daughters were also placed in cuffs as well.

"Yeah yeah. Explain that to the judge!" The female cop pushed him towards the cars. On their way, they were soon met with angry faces from everyone. But for the sisters, the most devastating happen to come from their own professor!

"I am so disappointed of you. Criminals never deserve wisdom!" The professor scolded.

"But...but..but-" Before they can explain, another female cop cut the sentence off.

"No more buts. You definitely belong to jail and not in a laboratory." She looked at them with a glare.

Finally, the family were put in two different police cars, separating the sisters from their parents and as they were driven off, they witnessed the other cops confiscating the trophies and medals and gave them back to the professor.

In the underground bunker, the trio celebrated their victory.

"We did it! We did it!" The agents did a high five in joy.

"It's finally over..." Gil was in tears, but he was relieved, that the culprits were finally caught are now facing justice. "Johnny, bro...if you can hear this, then you are free... " he whispered.

Suddenly, the phone rang and Mr. Black answered it.

"Since they're finally arrested, you guys can go to the surface again. But here is one more thing: Meet me inside of the base. I'm close to a secret portal with a locator built in. Don't ask. Just meet me there. Ok? See ya." Said the Shadow before ending the call.

"What does it mean?" Gil asked.

"Well, we can finally exit the bunker. But we also have to go to the room, where our secret portal device is." Mr. Black told to the teenager.

"Don't ask. I don't know, how he found out." Mr. White on the other hand, was puzzled.

The agents and Gil went to the door and with their ID Cards, exited the secret bunker and went back to the surface world or rather the base. After some turns, they soon arrived at the portal, where "The Shadow" was waiting.

"Thank you for helping us! Without you, this mystery would never be resolved!" The agents thanked it.

"Hmph. No problem." It responded.

"But...why did you decide to help us?" Gil asked a very important question, to which the Shadow replied:

"I helped you, because I want to make up a big mistake, I did."

The agents were confused at first, but then the Shadow soon added with this information:

"By the way, Johnny and Dukey are still alive. They just went to a different universe."

"Wait, what!? How do you know that?!" Mr. Black asked in shock.

"Because....the portal, he used..."

As the Shadow spoke, he slowly took the helmet off and showed the true face in front of the three. The agents were shocked about the true identity of the Shadow. It was actually an obese boy with brown hair and freckles.

"....belonged to me." He finished.

"Wait, is that Bling-Bling-Boy!?" The agents shouted in unison out of shock and disbelief. They couldn't believe, that he was actually responsible for helping them complete the mission.

"Wait, aren't you supposed to go after-" Before Mr. White completed the sentence, BBB cut him off.

"Do NOT mention her name ever again!" He glared.

This came as a shock to everyone. For years, BBB, known as Eugene, has been chasing for Susan for a long time and wanting her by any means necessary. But now, he doesn't want to do anything about her anymore.

"I beg your pardon, what?" The agents were dumbfounded.

"That's right! I'm officially done with Susan Test!" He snapped.

While the agents were frozen, Gil asked him a question:

"Uhm, what do you mean by, he used your portal?"

BBB took a deep breath and explained his reason:

"You see, shortly after I came back from my vacation with my mom, the news have about Johnathan's disappearance have reached everyone, myself included. I immediately went to my lab and watched security footage of the days before he was gone. This is when I came across at a point in the footage, where the portal was activated. And even though I couldn't see him, I could clearly see his shadow, alongside with the shadow of his dog. Knowing, that something was wrong, I immediately went to research about what's going on. I remotely hacked into his computer and watched the video, which sent chills down my spine. At this point, I want to solve this mystery, but at the same time, I couldn't do that as Bling-Bling-Boy, so I had to come up with a hidden identity. This is when 'The Shadow' was born. I was roaming around the town, looking for answers, when I stumbled across you, the neighbor, yelled at her and her family. Then the agents came and I came to a decision to help you guys, after witnessing that moment. And by the by, witnessing that murder attempt had disgusted me to the point, that my love for her was completely shattered. And it didn't help with the compilation. Instead, it helped me on my emancipation."

"Whoa...." Gil was surprised.

"I know, right?" The agents agreed in unison.

BBB soon went to the portal and turned it on. He also activated the locator.

Welcome to the locator. I can find anyone, anywhere.

He then pulled out a blond hair sample, placed it on the scanner and activated it. It scanned the hair and tried to match the sample to the being. Then, it would locate his current whereabouts. After a few minutes, the results came in:

Subject name: Johnny Test
Current location: Equestria

"Equestria?" The teenager was confused.

"Never heard of this place...You?" Mr. Black asked his partner.

"Uh-uh. Not a single clue." Mr. White answered.

"So now we know, where he currently is, we have to go there indefinitely. We will not come back." BBB was serious.

"What!? Why!?" Mr. White was surprised.

"Think about it. The reason, why he vanished is because, the system has failed him. I mean, how many times did anyone try to lift up his spirits, other than his dog?" BBB asked.

"Well, uhm..." the agents thought of an answer.

"Is it no one?" Gil guessed.

"Correct. Nobody gave a single shit about his problems and only care about what they expect from him and being part of their society. I mean, sure we do care about him, but the thing is, we are a minority. And nobody gives a shit about that either! So, I hope, the system in Equestria is better than this one!" The rich kid looked away.

"Wait, what about our stuff?" Mr. Black asked.

"We'll manage. Besides, the people there can provide that." BBB shrugged.

And so, the four were about to enter the portal, when...

"Hold up! I want to come with you!"

They looked back, only to see a green-haired girl, wearing pink clothes, walking towards them.

"Jillian? What are you doing?" Mr. White was confused.

"I'm done with my dad! He just couldn't learn from anything and never accepted my decisions! Not to mention, that he brainwashed my mom. It was enough reason to get out of this shitty place! That and I want to apologise to Johnny." She snapped.

"You're not the only one, young lady."

Another voice can be heard and it came from a old man.

"Aren't you the principal of Johnny's school?" Mr. Black asked.

"Not anymore. I quit my job shortly after the whole controversy started. Not to mention, that I felt partially responsible for his disappearance. So I want to make things right."

"Us too!"

It came from an old man, looking like a farmer, a teen with blue skin and ice as hair and an anthropomorphic mole king with his army.

"You too???" The agents were dumbfounded. They did not expect a reformed man and two of Johnny's enemies come forward.

"You see, Johnny has changed our lives. He helped us during hard times. Heck, thanks to him, I changed my ways." The old man, formerly known as "The Bee Keeper" , responded.

"Huh...I never thought, Johnathan's disappearance would cause an even bigger impact, than I thought." BBB was impressed.

"Okay. You guys can come with us. But if any of you two plot something evil, then we will not show any mercy!" Mr. White agreed, but warned at the mole and the ice boy, known as Zizrar and the Brain Freezer respectively.

"We won't. That's why, we came here unarmed. Plus, the whole abuse had changed us. Believe me." Brain Freezer answered.

"Oh my god...Can we just go?" Gil was really impatient.

"Oh, yeah. Right. Remember, we will not come back to this world anymore, because the world has failed us." Mr. Black reminded the group.

"Any objections?" Mr. White asked.

With no response, the group closed their eyes and went into the portal. This was the point of no return for them. Before Mr. Black got in, he starts the countdown of closing the portal.

Closing the Portal in 10...9...8...7...6...

During the countdown, the general ran towards the portal.

"Hold on! I'm coming!" He yelled and jumped into the portal. Shortly after, the penguins from Area 51.1 also jumped to the portal.


Suddenly, at the last second, a blur, running at sonic speed, jumped into the portal.

Portal shutting down...

With that, the portal was shut down....

In Equestria...

Gil opened his eyes and saw many ponies having a good time.

"Whoa..." he was surprised by the location. However, when he looked at the others, he screamed.

"Gil, what's going on?" Mr. Black asked.

"Look at yourselves!!" He was shaken.

When they opened their eyes and looked at each other, the impossible happened: They've been turned into ponies!! Understandably, they panicked at the sight: Gil was turned into a aqua-colored earth pony, Jillian into a pink unicorn, the Brain Freezer into an icy-blue unicorn, the principal and the Bee Keeper into earth ponies, BBB into a obese, white unicorn and the agents into...unicorns? They looked too different from the other ponies, since they have hands on the front and beaks, like birds. Also, they have wings.

"What happened to us?!?! We're ponies!!!" BBB was panicked.

"Uhm, hello?" Zizrar was confused. Surprisingly, when they looked at him, it turned out, that Zizrar and his people were unaffected and therefore, still in their original forms.

"Wait, Zizrar and his people are still looking like themselves. What's going on?" The Brain Freezer was really confused.

"We have no idea..." The agents sighed.

Suddenly, another pony came out of the portal, alongside with penguins. He was a green earth pony, wearing sunglasses and a hat. What's interesting is, he has no mane and tail.

"Are those... Penguins?" Jillian was dumbfounded.

"Sir? What are you doing here?" Mr. Black asked to the general.

"I decided to go there to make amends." The General answered.

"Uhm..." the agents were puzzled.

"We have to find him! That's an order!" He barked.

"Yes, sir!" The agents nodded and went off with the general.

"We should better follow them." Gil looked at the group.

"Yep." They agreed and they followed the three.

Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash was flying around the clouds and soared, while Johnny followed her. He got a little bit better at flying, but he still had issues like balance.

"Keep trying, buddy!" Said the prismatic mare.

"I'm trying, okay?!" The black pegasus responded.

He tried to adjust his balance, while flying and also improve his stamina and coordination. Of course, flying with Alicorn wings was something different. With Rainbow gaining speed, he did the same thing. It surely gave him an adrenaline rush, but he still had to work out with the kinks.

While this was going, Twilight and Spike observe them, while taking notes.

"Just in case, he would have another panic attack, we will intervene." Twilight noted.

While Johnny was flying, he suddenly saw illusions of the demons.

"Heh heh heh...."

"No! Leave me alone!" He yelled and increased his speed so hard, that he flew past Rainbow Dash in a blur.

"Oh no!" Rainbow Dash began to chase him. And so did Twilight and Spike.

Rainbow increased her flying speed, in order to reach Johnny. However, he was too fast.

"Johnny, wait!!" She shouted and flew even faster.

After a while, thanks to her experience, she managed to catch up to him and grabbed him.

"It's okay, I'm here!" The prismatic mare assured. "Just try to slow down!"

"I can't!!!" He was scared.

Rainbow Dash tried her best to slow him down by flying towards him on the opposite path. Both clashed, with neither of them stopping.

"You need to stop!!!" The prismatic mare yelled.

But he couldn't. So Rainbow kept flying faster, in order for him to stop. However, with the clashing speed caused a sudden electric explosion, that caused both ponies crashing to the ground.

"Guys, are you okay!?!" Twilight checked on them, after she arrived.

"Whoa. Never thought, he can fly that fast...." Spike was amazed, yet puzzled.

"Yeah, I'm fine." The prismatic mare stood up and they check on Johnny. Thankfully, he was fine.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Well, you had another panic attack." She explained.

Soon, Pinkie, Rarity, Fluttershy, Applejack, Starlight and Dukey came back, after hearing the boom.

"What's going on?! I heard a boom!" Dukey asked.

"It's something to do with them clashing at each other at full speed." Twilight assumed.

"Weird..." Applejack responded.

"You can say that again." Dukey agreed.

"Ooh! A boom! It surely reminds me of fireworks!" Pinkie smiled.

"Except it was unexpected and more....well...not good." Fluttershy told to the pink mare.

"You're nearly scared us!!" Rarity snapped.

"Calm down, Rarity." Starlight told to the white unicorn mare.

As the mares, Spike and Dukey went to the black pony for comfort and checking any injuries, they suddenly heard a voice:

"Thank goodness, we found you!'

They look at the direction, where it took place and it came from a group of ponies and non-ponies. Johnny and Dukey immediately recognized the group as the General, the agents, Gil, BBB and a few others.

"What are you guys doing here?" He asked with an annoyed tone.

"Look, before you make assumptions, couple of things! One: We are not here to take you back. That's out of the question. And two: We're sorry for not helping you sooner..." Mr. Black looked at them.

"Why did you take so long?" The dog/pony hybrid was not happy and demanded an answer.

"Because we lived in fear, dog!" BBB answered.

"Do you know them?" Twilight asked to the guys, in which they nodded.

"Listen, Johnny. We had no idea, that you were suffering in pain, until after you left. It wasn't after watching the video, which was originally on your computer, that we realized the truth behind this pain. So we worked with Gil and Eugene, to find evidence and get your family, who were responsible for the torture, arrested. And it worked. Now, they are facing justice and you can finally be in peace." Mr. Black spoke to Johnny.

"Please, bro...We care for you...Hell, I was so worried, that I had nightmares of you killing yourself in many ways and those monsters disrespecting your death... and me witnessing them... It was that horrible...So I had to take action, alongside with them....I mean, we had to....just to give you peace..." Gil was in tears, while confessing.

"Please, Johnny....We all care for you." The principal softly responded and everyone looked at him with sad eyes, even Zizrar, Brain Freezer and the penguins.

Eventually, after a while of silence....

"Okay. I believe in you. I mean, you guys truly cared for me in those hard times." Johnny smiled and when he saw Gil being close to crying, he hugged the earth pony. The stallion began to cry shortly after and everyone witnessed it.

The mares were touched by that scene, especially Rarity, who had tears in her eyes. Eventually, she broke down crying.

"Come here, Rarity.." Applejack hugged the unicorn mare.

After what it felt like hours, the crying soon became silent.

"So...uhm... I heard, you guys like this place." BBB spoke to the duo.

"No doubt about it. It's fantastic!" Dukey smiled.

"You know, the village is quite peaceful." The principal commented.

"Indeed." Twilight agreed.

"Well, I think, it's time." Johnny looked at the sky.

"For what?" The agents were confused.

"To throw away our past and start anew! We can all live happily in Equestria, without any problems!" He smiled.

"That makes sense. I mean, we all need a new start." BBB agreed.

"Yeah. I seriously need one, after dealing with my dad's bullshit..." Jillian strongly agreed.

Soon, the others agreed, however a few of then were a bit sceptical.

"Although, where should we continue doing our duties?" The General asked.

"We'll manage." Twilight answered with a smile.

Everyone laughed with each other. Twilight assured, that with the help of her and her friends, they will get new lives as new beings. Meanwhile, Johnny and Dukey couldn't help, but smile. Their new lives as ponies have changed them for the better. In order to be completely free is to shed anything related to the past...

Meanwhile, in a forest...

Something had crashed down from a portal...But we can't see, who it was, since dust has covered the whole area. Who crashed down from the portal? Only time will tell....

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hey, guys!

I'm sorry about the long ass delay of this chapter. 2020 was extremely ass and I need time to recover from that hell of despair. Unfortunately, more despair would soon come because of Lockdown: The Sequel.

Let's hope 2021 would not be another year of great despair again...

Also, I decided to keep the names of Mr. Black, Mr. White and Brain Freezer, since they also dual as pony names. The General and the Principal....they don't have names and as for Gil, Jillian, BBB and possibly The Bee Keeper, do need new pony names.

So I let you guys decide. The best ones will be decided in the next chapter and would get a free shoutout!

Good luck!

In the next chapter, there is something with Johnny, that makes him feel left out and the Mane 8 and the princesses have to find out, what is missing from him and how to fix it.

In the meantime, after arriving on Equestria, Gil, the men in black and several others were about to adjust their new lifes there, with some help of course. Little did they know, that someone also arrived in Equestria and with it, strange things would happen.

Find out next time on Chapter 9: The Missing Piece!