• Published 19th Oct 2020
  • 3,239 Views, 127 Comments

The Road of Courage - PrismaGalaxy514

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Chapter 6: Operation: Healing Light

In the centre of Ponyville, everyone was gathered. Every mare, stallion, filly, colt and even foals were here, looking confused as of why they were gathered.

"Why are we here? Why did they tell us to go there?" Those are the questions, that they asked to themselves.

"Hey! Listen up!!"

They heard a voice and looked at the centre, only to see Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie stood there on pedestals. Rarity was also holding some copies of Johnny's diary entries. Then the snow white unicorn gave them a speech:

"You maybe be asking as of why we gathered you here. And we're sorry for interrupting your schedule. But the reason why we did it is because of a very tragic story of a new pony arriving in Equestria. He has been suffering his entire life back in his former world, because of the horrible, horrible monsters abusing him! So much so, that his spirit has been broken!!"

"And who is the pony in question? The great and powerful Trixie wants the answer!" The blue unicorn, known as Trixie Lulamoon, felt impatient.

"Well his name is Radiant Thunder! But we call him Johnny." Pinkie Pie answered.

"Do you have the evidence?" A mare, who is also the mayor of Ponyville, asked to the three ponies.

"We have. Rarity has the copies of his diary entries, which she will read it for you. Those will make you understand, how crushed he has become." Rainbow Dash answered.

The white unicorn started to read the first entry, which was written on Monday and contained his troubled life in school. At first the ponies were confused, but when she read the entry written on Tuesday, which contained his life on home being hellish, they start to feel a bit worried. And it wasn't until the entry on Wednesday, which raised an alarm:


It keeps hurting... During school, I was I involved in a fight between Bumper and his goons. Why? Because they love making trouble. After a long time of bullying and with no weapons whatsoever, I fought back and punched at his face with my anger. Obviously, we were sent to the principal's office. Normally, the principal is quite a nice dude and very caring. Unfortunately, he was sick on that day and someone has to fill in. And fucking hell, it's that damn teacher... Idk why they chose him over others, then again, ALL of the teachers are mean. And to my shock, he suspended ME, instead of Bumper! He got away scottfree? How unfair is this!??!? They seriously don't care about my suffering! And on home, I didn't even bother to go inside from the door, so I have to climb to the window of my room. However, my sisters were already here with a coupon. And I have to test something again. This time, I had to drink a portion to have a beautiful look. Why? They want to make Gil notice them, even though it will NEVER work. And Dukey warned me, but at the same time, I felt pressured so I did it. Needless to say, something went wrong and even after I got cured, my body felt weak. After that, my best friend carried me to the bed, so I can rest. However my dad heard from my suspension and was obviously pissed, even though it was wrongfully done! But he doesn't care. He just doesn't. I was caught in his shouting when he entered my room. Because of my weak body, I didn't have the power to explain. As if that wasn't enough, I was later tied up on a pole by my dad, just because I refused to brush my teeth! Why do they only care for their expectations and not my well-being!?!?

This caused outrage from the community. Especially parents. They know, that kids don't want to brush their teeth, even though it's good for them. However, tie them to a pole?? That is too far.

"How dare they?!?!?!" One angry mare responded.

"It's only the tip of the iceberg." Said the prismatic pegasus.

As she continued to read the remaining copies, the outrage grew. They can't deny it. Everyone was so mean to him. They also feel sorry for him, for dealing through the pain and anguish.

"How could they to the poor thing? This is sick and twisted!!!" A stallion was really angry.

"Hey! I know, you're as outraged as we are. But we have to do it, because we can help him! It crushed him so hard, that he attempted suicide! We have to work together to get him out of his sorrow! Are you ready??" The pegasus mare asked.

"Yeah!" The crowd agreed. They want to help him.

"Let's go!" She confidently replied.

And thus, they worked together on a plan to save Johnny.

Everything was black for a while, until the eyes opened a bit and a voice can be heard:

"Twilight, Celestia, Luna!! He's waking up!!"

As the sight became sharper and the eyes opened further, we see the four princesses, Celestia, Luna, Cadence and Twilight looking worried.

"Dukey, are you okay??" Twilight asked.

It turns out that it was Dukey, who is waking up and it took place in his perspective.

"Ugh....w..where am I?" He asked with a weakened voice.

"You're now in the Canterlot Infirmary. The guards brought you here after you collapsed to the ground." Princess Celestia explained.

"We want to know, why you collapsed." Luna was curious and so are the other princesses as well as Spike, who has just arrived.

Then something flashed in his eyes and remembered about something. He looked extremely worried and asked the princesses with: "Johnny!! Is he okay??"

At the same time, one of the guards arrived with a report, who gives it to Celestia. She read the whole report and was horrified.

"They said, that he felt dizzy and nauseous. Like something is damaging inside of his body. He even threw up on the floor and later passed out." Celesita responded with a sigh.

"Oh fuck! Fuck, it's getting worse!!!" The hybrid became panicked.

"Calm down! We are still doing the plan. We will assure you, that everyone will help him. It's gonna be okay." Luna assured him.

"I do have a question. Why are you so worried about your friend?" Cadence asked.

"Because I am his best friend. We've been through together through hard times, no matter what. He saved me from the animal shelter on his 11th birthday and he chose me over the other dogs. I never felt so grateful for a second chance of life until that the cage opened and being welcomed by him. Since he saved my life, I vowed myself to do everything to make him happy and save his life from dangerous situations. " he explained to the princesses, while telling about his story on their first encounter. They were moved by the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Even Spike was moved to tears.

"What he did was so noble." Luna replied.

"Indeed. He does have a good heart." Celestia agreed.

"Which was unfortunately shattered by those bastards...And that hurts. Speaking of which, I need to confess something." he told them to the royals.

"What is it?" Twilight asked.

His expression turned a bit sorrowful, when he began to explain:

"You see, I've been thinking about a stronger connection between me and Johnny since all the way back in the apple orchards, in which I witnessed him breaking down for the "first" time. Actually, I've seen it for the first time, but the painful ache in me wasn't. It was after I was sent back to the animal shelter, where I first felt it. It stung to my heart hard. I didn't realize that Johnny was in a mental breakdown until after I've seen it happen. As more breakdowns happened, the ache got worse. Then I remembered something: Every time where he was mentally tortured, I was there. And during which, I always had a twisting feeling in my stomach. So I tried to comfort him, like I always do. And god knows, if it worked. Not to mention, while I saw Johnny being in a panicked state in the skies, a memory flashed in front of me. A memory about those monsters blaming ME. That's right, they also blamed me as well, calling me a devil's accessory. That memory came up again, this time they had Johnny being badly hurt. I tried to charge at them, but I was paralyzed! Paralyzed by....fear. And as I was thinking about it and the connection during the visit at the Sweet Apple Acres, the Everfree Forest and even in the hospital, I came to a conclusion..."

"That you are a witness?" Cadence asked.

But Dukey rebutted the question with: "No, Cadence....In fact.....I'm as much as a victim as he is..."

The princesses gasped. They didn't know, that the hybrid was also a victim as well.

"How so?!" Spike asked.

"I've been also tortured by them, both mentally and physically. Why I endured all of it and still kept calm, is beyond me." he answered.

"It must take a willpower made of iron, to endure all of it.." said the princess of the sun.

"And as for your friendship with you and Johnny. Based on what you said, it seems like, you have a stronger connection to him than anypony else. Almost like brothers. Not to mention, I have a feeling, that the connection is also telepathically and psychically. Like if Johnny has a mental breakdown, you feel that painful ache. And if Johnny became sick from the trauma and passed out, that means..." Twilight assumed.

Dukey finished the sentence with: "....then that means my body also felt weak at the same time."

"Interesting..." Twilight was curious about that psychic connection.

"This would explain, why you passed out. Your friendship with him is much stronger and unbreakable than any friendships with other ponies, I've seen." Celestia wondered.

"We never witnessed a connection like this until now." Luna was also curious.

"I can't believe, he was also tortured much like his friend...How tragic..." Cadence was in tears, but Twilight hugged her sister-in-law.

"I feel the same thing, Cadence." Twilight responded.

"We all do. However, if we stick together with our plan and get his friend out of the darkness and into the light, then he would get the closure, he deserved." Princess Celestia assured the others, that things will be okay.

"You're right, sister. We need to be strong!" The princess of the night agreed.

At the same time, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy and Starlight Glimmer came back from their mission to spread the news. They were confused as of why Dukey is in the infirmary.

"There is a simple explaination for that." Twilight explained to her friends.

She explained about Dukey's strong and psychic connection to Johnny and his confession, all of these were the reasons as of why he passed out. The ponies were shocked. They didn't know, that Dukey was sharing the same pain as Johnny.

"Oh my goodness..." Rarity was speechless.

"You too!?" Rainbow Dash asked to the hybrid, in which he nodded.

"I can't believe it..." Fluttershy was worried.

"It's sadly true, Fluttershy..." Twilight sighed.

"How is the progress?" Celestia asked.

"We managed to convince everyone to helping us with the plan. Although it takes a lot of convincing for the dragons to get on our side." Starlight answered.

Then the hybrid starts to tear up. The whole time, he was keeping himself together for Johnny's sake, despite the shared pain. Now, cracks were beginning to show, as tears streamed from his face. Cadence was the first one, noticing him like this and hugged him. As Twilight watched, she felt sorry for the earth pony hybrid.

"Girls...?" She pointed at Dukey being hugged by the princess of love. Soon, they all engaged in a big group hug. As he felt the warm embrace by everyone around him, he got more and more emotional. At this point, it has reached to a point, where he couldn't take it anymore. All of the same pain and abuse and all the time, that Johnny has to suffer all of it, caused the hybrid to burst into tears instantly.

"It's okay...We're all here." Fluttershy softly spoke to him.

His cries echoed throughout the walls and the whole area. Loud and clear. The ponies suppressed their tears, since they already shed some thanks to Johnny and his confession. They need to be strong, because Johnny and Dukey need them. They need their care, love and guidance. And if they want to succeed, they have to work hard...together. They need to get them out of the sorrow, the monsters have caused and guide them to a better future full of light and genuine happiness.

After what it felt like hours, the crying soon got quieter, until it became silent. Everyone looked at him wiping his tears away and looking at them.

"You're all very caring and nice..." he spoke.

"Hey, that's what friends are for. Ah swear to my honesty for that." Applejack smiled warmly.

"We're all here for you and your friend with all of our kindness, guiding you." Fluttershy nodded.

"We're making sure, you can smile with laughter!" Pinkie Pie smiled brightly.

"And giving you something special in the act of generosity." Rarity added.

"We'll always be there for you, guys. No matter what. This is true loyalty." Rainbow Dash smirked.

"And finally guiding you with the spark of magic. After all, as the guardians of harmony and friendship, we're making sure, we will help anyone from a shattered bond or even from a broken past. And I, Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, will do our best to help you and your friend guiding to a new future!" Twilight finished the combined speech.

"And no matter how hard the situation is, we can do it, as long as we get together." Starlight smiled.

The whole speech from the ponies, along with the warm smiles from the princesses, made the hybrid feel grateful for them. Soon, his body was filled with confidence and determination to help Johnny and be there for him until the end. Now, there was no time to spare.

"Okay. With that out of the way, let's get it started! Time for Operation: Healing Light!" He spoke to the ponies.

"Oooh! I like that name!" The joyful earth pony jumped in excitement with a smile.

"Okay, everypony. It's time to enact our plan now. Twilight, Cadence, Starlight, Spike, make sure, the crystal ponies follow our plan. Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Rainbow and Applejack, go to the other worlds and do the same thing. As for Dukey, Luna, Rarity and I, we will go to Ponyville to prepare for it. This is for Johnny's sake. We gather all of them to Ponyville in order to make it work. And when he arrives, we will give him the most care, he needed." Celestia spoke to everyone about the plan.

"Exactly. However, he has to be released from the hospital first, but the guards will keep an eye on him for his safety, both physically and mentally." Luna added.

"And if we managed to get him out of it, he can finally feel loved!" Dukey nodded.

"We'll see." Cadence answered.

"Let's get this party started!"

With those words from Pinkie Pie, the ponies split up to make the final preparations of their plan. Operation: Healing Light is now in effect.

In the Ponyville Hospital, the guards were still standing around Johnny, who is still depressed. His arms have now less bandages, now that the cuts were healed. However he still saw the scars. Soon, he heard a voice from a nurse:

"Radiant Thunder. You can go now."

"Whatever...." he quietly mumbled.

"Remember, we still keep an eye on you! Don't you even think of running away and end your life again, understood!??!" The guard scolded at the black pegasus.

However, the stallion guard was met with silence from the young pony.

When they exited the hospital, Johnny's mane still covered one of his eyes and he has a long, yellow scarf around his neck. He looked down, as he walked, with the ends of his scarf sliding on the ground. The guards were still close to him, making sure, he wouldn't make another suicide attempt again. But that hardly mattered to him anymore.

He then lifted his head up, only to see the ponies looking at him. However, he ignored them, thinking that they're here to make his pain worse. Later, he saw Rainbow Dash, waiting for him, as the colors of the skies turn into the colors of the dusk.

"Hey, uhm...You okay?" the prismatic mare asked.

However, he didn't say anything. Just pure silence. Rainbow looked at him and rubbed his head.

"Come on, where is the smile?" she asked, but she saw none. Just sadness.

"Excuse me, are you making trouble?" The guards asked.

"What? No! I am trying to hang out with him." she explained before getting Johnny's attention. "Hey, wanna fly?"

No answer. However, he slowly went to her, as she prepared to fly. She looked back at the guards, who are pegasi.

"That's good. So they can keep an eye on him in the skies." she thought to herself.

She flew up and performed some loops, while the guards and Johnny watched. Eventually, he flew up, albeit slowly. The guards were following him, as he flew up. As all the four ponies soar the skies together, they witnessed the beautiful sunset before the skies got covered by the stars and the moon . She started to hold Johnny's hoof, so at least he can feel something other being left alone. After some air time, they all land down near the entrance of Ponyville.

"Look, I know you are trying to help me, but don't you see? I'm already a lost cause, since everyone would probably ignore my help." he mumbled.

The prismatic mare started to think of a way to get him to the centre of the village. Eventually, she had an idea and as she rubbed his head, she said: "Look, I've been in Twilight's castle and-"

"No no...Knock it off.." he looked away. Appearently, rubbing his head turned him off, so she stopped.

"As I was saying, I've been in Twilight's castle and brought something to the centre of Ponyville." she explained.

"What is it?...." his voice became quieter, but Rainbow listened, since she was close to him.

"Come on, I'll show you!" she grabbed his hoof and dragged him. The guards followed them, as they didn't want to lose their sights at Johnny. However, even though he struggled, the pegasus mare tightened her grip and dragged him all the way to the centre of Ponyville.

"Why do you have to drag me?..." he asked.

"Because I want to show you something awesome, duh!" she answered.

"I don't want to see anything at all, It's just really depressing and-"

Suddenly, before he can finish his sentence, he was surrounded by colorful lights and the sounds of popping confetti can be heard. He shielded his eyes a bit, until he realized, that the lights were not that bright and he looked in the front.


He saw everyone gathered infront of him. The ponies, the changelings, the dragons and so on. He also saw some packed gifts, delicious sweets, drinks, smiling ponies and non-ponies, wearing yellow party hats with his face on it. The princesses also stood there with necklaces with his cutie mark in a sapphire heart. Even Twilight and her friends wear wigs, which look just like his hair. Soon, Rainbow Dash put her wig on. Johnny didn't know, what to react. Should he be weirded out or flattered? He didn't know.

"We all heard your story and decided to help you." Mayor Mare spoke to him.

"I..I..I don't know what to say." he was speechless.

"Say wha? Excuse me? We all did this! For you!" Rainbow Dash snapped.

"Are you serious?" he asked.

The six ponies and Spike drop their wigs and went to him.

"Yes, of course! Everyone heard your story and they were all concerned! Those bastards were all greedy, more concerned on your expectations than your life! But we're not like that! We're generous ponies and we value your life more than anything material!!" Rarity spoke to him.

"They were so mean to you, it broke our hearts. But we will assure you, we'll be very kind." Fluttershy added.

"Everytime, you attempted to have fun, those party-poopers always ruin it! However, you will have so much fun with us, filled with laughter and joy!" Pinkie Pie looked at him.

"They were always lying to protect their reputation, even though it's already too late. They've poisoned you. But we are honest, that everything will be fine." Applejack resumed.

"They've betrayed you! Stabbed your back way too many times, then toss you to an abyss! We're not like that! We are loyal until the end!" Rainbow Dash continued.

"What they mean is, they tortured you so much, that you lost your spark. However, as the Princess of Friendship, I will assure you, that we will guide you with magic, hope and embrace." Twilight finished.

"Trust us... We will never betray you." Spike looked at him.

He looked at everyone with concerned faces, realizing that what they said, wasn't fake. The looks weren't fake, the gifts weren't fake, everything felt genuine. The Mane 6 and Spike put their wigs back on and began singing a song.

Rainbow Dash

I know the world can get you down
Things don't work out quite the way that you thought
Feeling like all your best days are done
Your fears and doubts are all you've got

But there's a light shining deep inside
Beneath those fears and doubts, so just squash 'em
And let it shine for all the world to see
That it is time, yeah, time to be awesome


Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!
Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!

Pinkie Pie

It's true some days are dark and lonely
And maybe you feel sad
But we will be there to show you that it isn't that bad
There's one thing that makes us happy and makes your whole life worthwhile
And that's when we talk to everypony and get you to smile


Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!
Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!

Pinkie Pie
Come on and smile!

Then out from the giant cake, Dukey came out, wearing a white tuxedo and a white tophat with a gold band and holding a gold microphone.


No matter what obstacles stand in your way
You can shine brighter than the stars
Just crush the voices in your head
And let the light guide you!

Dukey with Starlight Glimmer

Embrace the warmth
Fight the dark
Fly high and reach the stars!

Burn bright like a phoenix
Rise from the ashes
Show them your bright side!

Starlight Glimmer

Because your friends are always there for you!


Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!
Ah, ah, ah-ah, awesome!
It's time to be so awesome!

Pinkie Pie
Come on and smile!

The Mane 8, Dukey and the princesses

A true, true friend helps a friend in need
A friend will be there to help them see
A true, true friend helps a friend in need
To see the light! (To see the light!)
That shines! (That shines!)
From a true, true friend!

So shine bright!
Brighter than the stars!
You are better than them!
Because we are always there for you!


Shine bright!

It ended with Rainbow Dash performing her famous Sonic Rainboom in the night, this time creating a message that says:

We love you, Johnny!

followed by fireworks, thanks to a pony called Tempest Shadow.

Those events of love and appreciation made Johnny feel moved with tears in his eyes. He never felt this before, back in his former home world, but now. He witnessed everyone caring for him. He lowered his head and sobbed. This made the main heroes worried, thinking that their plan didn't work.

"Oh no...Did it work?" Twilight was in disbelief.

However, his next reaction was a surprise to everyone: He laughed!

"Wait, what!?" Rainbow Dash was caught off guard.

"Didn't see that coming." Applejack agreed.

"Oh my..." Fluttershy was in surprise as well.

Then as he lift his head back up and looked at them, he did something, that was impossible back then: He genuinely smiled!

"I just want to say...I never felt the love and appreciation back then. Instead, they crushed me completely. So much in fact, that my faith has been lost....until now. That 'It's too late and I'm already a lost cause' quote? Whoever said that, must be a jackass, because you proved me wrong and gave the most love, warmth, care and hope, I desperately needed. So...Thank you! Thank you, everyone!"

Tears were streaming down from his face, however those were tears of joy.

Everyone celebrated, that their plan succeeded in a big way.

"He's finally back to normal!" Pinkie Pie jumped in joy.

"Not quite. He still has to deal with the other issues, in order to be completely free from the past. However, if we stick together and continue to help him, then it will be all over." Celestia added.

"Whatever, he is finally back!" Dukey was filled with happiness. "Although I also have to face my demons as well. But first!" He went to his best friend and fixed his hair back to his original state. However a bit of his hair popped out on the front.

"Must been from me screaming in the pillow." the black pegasus scratched his head.

Rainbow looked at Johnny's scarf and said : "Eh, it needs to be 20% cooler." She took the scarf off from him and gave it to Rarity.

"I can fix this. Alongside making a bonus!" The white unicorn went to her boutique in order to do those tasks. After a while, she came back with two boxes.

"These are for you!" She used her magic to give those gifts to Johnny and Dukey. They opened them and for Johnny, he received his new and improved scarf. Torn to fit his style. And for Dukey, he received a red scarf with a diamond. They put them on their necks.

"Oh my god! This looks awesome!" Johnny was amazed by his new scarf.

"Indeed! We are cool scarf buddies!" Dukey hugged his best friend and soon, the Mane 8 joined in, all while everyone watched in awe.

"Thank you everyone..." Johnny smiled and shed a single tear in happiness.

Meanwhile, in a different universe...

In the night, where the moon shined, inside of a room of a house, a teenage boy with blond hair was punching a wall in sheer anger and sadness.

"Damn it!!" he shouted.

It appeared, that he is missing someone....like a friend...he cared.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Holy moly!

The longest part so far! I have to put so much, but it was worth it.

And the song is a mix between "Time to Be Awesome" , "Smile", "A True, True Friend" and a few parts from "Friends are always there for You" and something original. This would symbolize everyone willing to help Johnny in those dark times.

Next time,

The plan worked and Johnny was healed....not really, as he and Dukey have yet to face their final obstacles with the help of the Guardians of Harmony along with others.

Meanwhile, a teenage boy, missing his friend, wants answers to the disappearence. And he will not be alone with the crusade.

Find out next time on Chapter 7: Answers from the Dark!!