• Published 19th Oct 2020
  • 3,239 Views, 127 Comments

The Road of Courage - PrismaGalaxy514

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Side Story: Grieving in the Rain

As Brain Freezer, Zizrar and Snow Emerald returned to Ponyville from the forest, they saw Cherry Swirl talking with a few ponies. However, the talk wouldn't last long, as Cherry turned her head to see her friend.

"Hey, Snowy!" The green mare ran towards her pegasus friend.

"Hi, Cherry! How's it going?" Snow smiled.

"Pretty well. I've been socializing with other ponies and non ponies, while learning new things about friendship. It is hard for sure, but it feels so therapeutic. Speaking of which... recently, Tropic felt much better than before. Fluttershy helped her overcome with her insecurities with the help of her animals. I mean, nature and animals go really well." Cherry explained about her progress, alongside that from Tropic.

"Yeah. I'm really glad, she is in a better mood than before. As for us, we had to deal with a situation." Snow responded. "Basically, Zizrar became stuck in a hole, while trying to retrieve his crown back. Since Fire and Ocean are unavailable, we had to improvise on how to get him out. Brain Freeze and I had to use our ice powers a bit, while the mole people used some torches to melt them down."

"And get this: after I got out, I went back to the hole, only to see, that my crown has disappeared! So I had to send my men down there to retrieve it." Zizrar added.

"Breeze also stayed behind to help the men, even though I told her to be more careful." Snow told her friend about Breeze's decision.

"Now, that you mentioned it, I have to go back to get my crown!!" Zizrar proclaimed, much to the dismay of the girls.

"Are you fucking crazy!? We don't know, what lurks underground!" Snow tried to convince the mole king about the dangers, but he immediately went off, leaving everyone behind.

"Oh my god..." Snow sighed and face palmed.

"Let me tell you, he's quite an eccentric one." Brain Freezer chuckled.

"Go figure." Cherry scratched her head."

"Oh! I just realized, I don't know much about you girls and what you did before you arrived here!" The icy unicorn just realized.

"I mean, since we're friends now, we can tell you just that. But first, we need to go to a nearby cafe or something. There's got to be one near Ponyville." Cherry noted and the trio went off to find a cafe, since they wanted to take a break. Eventually, they found one and after ordering some drinks, they sat down to a table. Coincidentally, Fluttershy and Tropic Bloom were also here, looking for a free table and when the yellow ponies noticed the others, they went to them.

"Hey, girls!" Cherry smiled at the two mares, before turning her attention towards Tropic. "I've heard, that you're feeling much better now, huh?"

"Indeed, I feel so much better now, thanks to Fluttershy, her friends and of course, her animals. In fact, I actually helped her with the animals with my nature magic to not only improve their homes, but also getting resources for future assistance." Tropic smiled, while demonstrating her nature magic by making nearby fauna bloom.

"That's quite impressive!" The stallion was in awe of the yellow mare's ability to control nature.

"It's all thanks to the Elemental Orb of Nature. You see, my friends are chosen by the Elemental Orbs and with these, we protect the galaxies and stop evil. Each of us have different elemental magic, along with other great spells. For example, Snow controls the magic of ice, while Cherry controls the earth. Then there's Breeze, who managed to control two elements, wind and lightning. Fire Jewel obviously controls the power of the flames and her sister, Ocean Spark, controls the water." Tropic explained. "And then....there's one more. The elemental orb of the Shining light. But we don't want to talk about it."

That last sentence made Fluttershy a bit suspicious. The elemental ponies never talk about the pink alicorn, they last encountered outside of the Ponyville Hospital. Of course, she's aware of the drama, but the fact, that they refused to talk about her, even though she was mentioned by them, when they explained the first dragon incident to the royal sisters, is certainly off.

"Uhm, what happened?" Brain Freezer was confused. "Who has that Shining light orb?"

"Please...don't even think about going there." Snow became cold towards the answer and the same can be said to Cherry, who looked away and Tropic, who felt saddened.

"But-" Before he could ask why, Snow grabbed him by the cheeks.

"I said: "Don't. Mention. Her. EVER." The icy pegasus mare replied in an aggressive tone.

"Snowy, let him go..." Cherry sighed and tapped her friend's shoulder. The snowy pegasus let him go and sighed, before the green mare turned her attention towards Fluttershy and Brain Freezer. "I'm sorry, but we still have to get over that drama." She replied. "Plus, we had to deal with our own issues."

"I understand. The incident was quite painful for us all." Fluttershy tried to be sympathetic towards Snow, but the icy mare still had the cold glare.

"No. You don't understand, how it feels to have a leader, who doesn't know better! One, who was too strict and yet, fails, due to that bitch not being able to being paranoid for five fucking seconds!" Snow yelled at the shy mare, immediately scaring her.

"Snow, please...." Tropic slowly got anxious by friend's assertion.

"Oh dear....it sounds like-" Once again, Fluttershy was cut off by an angry Snow.

"...a total bitch?" She glared.

An argument between the two pegasi ensued, while Brain Freezer was left confused and Tropic covering in fear, until eventually, she couldn't take it anymore. However, Cherry was aware of it and immediately covered her ears.

"EVERYPONY, STOP!!!!" The yellow earth pony mare screamed, unintentionally causing some the bushes and trees to go out of control for a short time, before she stopped.

"That's enough, Snow!!" Cherry was not happy over her friend's cold demeanor and grabbed her ear.

"Why is she acting so mean?!" Brain Freezer was in disbelief, in which Cherry sighed and explained him the following:

"You see, Snow can be quite pessimistic and assertive on a bad day. And sometimes, she can be quite cold to others....no pun intended. But....I'm pretty sure, it's not her intention to be a bully. She's a headstrong and calculated mare, who controls the ice with efficiency. Even though, she can be brutally honest, she's also known for being a loyal pony, once you know her for a while."

"Ugh....I just needed a break..." Snow sighed.

"In that case, why not start socializing with others? I know, your cold demeanor would make it difficult, but try to open up a bit more and warm up?" Tropic suggested.

"You know...Maybe I can help." The icy stallion raised his hoof. "You know, I also had a difficult time with socializing others, mostly due to my background as a bad guy. Even after I slowly began to redeem myself, I still have yet to go through those obstacles. And it's clear, that your cold demeanor also prevents you from socializing. But I'm pretty sure, we can work it out together....that is, if you really want to." He reached his hoof towards Snow Emerald as a sign of sympathy. At first, the snow white pegasus was hesitant, mostly due to being plagued by the drama and other factors. But after slowly realizing, that he was really genuine about it and after some encouragement from the other mares, she finally grabbed his hoof.

"You know....I always had difficulty to open myself up to others, due to the rules back then in my home planet and other factors. But....after meeting my friends and realizing that they were genuine to me, I slowly started to do some progress. Alright, I'm in." The pegasus mare smiled, causing Brain Freezer to blush and the other mares to giggle.

"I'm happy, that you managed to soften yourself up." Fluttershy smiled.

However, Cherry Swirl became worried about her best friend, Breeze Dasher. It's been a few hours and the dark blue mare hadn't returned.

"What's the matter?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh....it's just, I'm worried about Breeze. That's all." Cherry responded. "I just don't want her to be missing again. For those, you don't know, there was a time, where she got involved in a squabble. She heard a mysterious sound and went after it, only to be never seen again. It wasn't until combining my earth and Tropic's nature powers to find her location. It turned out, that she was caught in a conflict between two clans and got herself captured. Of course, we managed to save her and solve the conflict once for all, since....it turns out, they had a rivalry before."

"Oh my...That's horrible..." The shy mare was shocked.

"Don't worry. She bounced back after that incident...although this lead to us deciding to watch her, making sure an incident like that would never happen again." Snow chuckled a bit. "She is quite a cocky one, that's for sure, but she is one of the fastest fighters in our group."

"Man, I've heard Rainbow Dash is currently the fastest pony alive. Imagine her racing with Breeze." Brain Freezer nervously smiled.

"Oh boy...This would be a very quick, yet chaotic race, that's for sure." Cherry giggled and scratched her head.

"Here are the orders?" A waitress served them their drinks and some sweets.

"Thanks." Snow smiled.

After they received the orders, they began to talk about their hobbies, professions and what they're doing recently. Snow and Cherry talked them about their friendship progress and that Twilight and the others got their back, if they have problems. At the same time, Fluttershy tood them about her activities and the friendship school, in which she's one of the teachers. However, recently there has been some hiccups. Meanwhile, Brain Freezer watched, as the girls chatted each other, but he only set his eyes for Snow. As he watched her laugh and talk about various topics, he smiled and blushed, thinking that she would be the right one for him. In fact, he had a plan to confess his love to her, but there was a problem. He still hasn't got the confidence, he needed. Plus, he's been plagued with anxiety. Like, what if she doesn't like him back? But regardless, seeing the snowy pegasus does melt down the anxiety.

Meanwhile, on the park, we see Johnny, Dukey and Cosmic Blaze playing with a blow up ball, passing it to each other. They had a fun time with each other. For Johnny and Dukey, this was a well-deserved break, after the dragon incident, as well as a wholesome distraction from the usual struggles against their demons. Plus, the serene atmosphere did help them recover as well.

"Here I come!" Cosmic smirked and prepared himself, when Johnny passed the ball at him. As soon, as the ball got closer and closer, the navy colt prepared for a pass of a lifetime, until he hit the ball so high up, it nearly reached the height of a tree. The three ponies raced for who would catch the ball first, but a sudden change in wind direction caused the ball to fly to a completely different direction and land into a tree far away from the group, causing it to become stuck in a highest place between the branches.

"Geez, Cosmic. If this was Baseball, that would be a home run." Dukey commented.

"Don't worry, bro! I got this!" The black pegasus smirked and flew up to the same tree, in order to retrieve the ball. It took a while to find the ball inside of a tree, but he managed to grab it and flew down to the ground. Finally, he threw the ball to Dukey. Seeing this gave Cosmic a new idea?

"Hey! Why not threw the ball up and the one, who catches it first, wins?" He suggested.

"That's a good idea....except the fact, that one earth pony hybrid and two pegasi would be unfair." Dukey doubted about the idea. Him competing against Johnny and Cosmic would be nearly impossible, unless some compromises had to be made.

"Why not for me and Cosmic not using our wings?" Johnny suggested.

"That's a good compromise!" The hybrid liked it. It's enough to make it fair for everyone.

Even though Cosmic is a bit bummed, he eventually agreed and they take their starting positions. They waited for the moment, the hybrid to throw up the ball high.

"Aaaand...GO!" After a while of anticipation, the hybrid threw the ball high up and the three ponies ran towards the direction of it's path, with each one of them hoping to get it first. It was quite a fun competition between the trio, as they tried to get the ball, jumping, reaching their arms out, etc. (Well, except for flying.) In the end, thanks to many experiences of jumping around, Dukey was the one, who caught the ball in the end.

"I win!" He cheered and performed a victory dance.

"Rematch!" Johnny shouted and the trio agreed. The same thing happened as last time, with the hybrid pony throwing the ball up and the ponies sprinting and jumping for it, except at the end of the second round, it was Johnny, who caught the ball.

"Yes!!" He celebrated his victory,

"Rematch?" Dukey asked.

"You bet, buddy!" The black pony smirked and threw the ball up. The round went on and on, until the end. Johnny and Dukey were really close to getting the ball. They fought for it a bit, but a breeze of wind blew it away from them and into Cosmic's direction. The colt eagerly awaited to get the ball, but Dukey's dog instincts kicked in, sprinted really fast and grabbed the ball by his mouth.

"Oh, come on!" Cosmic was getting really annoyed. He didn't got the chance to win in the previous rounds.

"Dude, really?" Johnny was not amused by his friend, who's holding the ball.

"Sorry. I couldn't help." The hybrid apologized with a nervous smile. "Next time, I'll play it fair."

In the fourth round, the earth pony threw the ball really high up and the exact same thing happened. The three ponies chased at the direction of the ball, however a other sudden gust of wind blew it in the opposite direction, throwing them off. However, since it was blown off at the reverse direction and since he was behind his brothers, Cosmic took the opportunity to make a sharp U-turn and ran as fast as possible.

"Oh no, you don't!" The duo went to Cosmic's direction, also going really fast. However, the navy colt noticed them from behind and ran even faster than before. The duo did the same thing.

"This time, I'm gonna win!" Cosmic smirked and as he saw the ball went right, thanks to a breeze of wind (not to mention, the ball being very lightweight, since it was a blow-up ball.) He quickly went the direction, following by the guys immediately after.

Johnny was behind Dukey and his brother. He had to do something to get the upperhoof. In the end, he decided to not follow the rules and used his wings to boost him forward a bit, without them noticing him cheating. He got really close to Dukey and was really close on catching him up, when all of a sudden, he got hit by a water balloon. Meanwhile, Dukey had no idea about his friend being hit and he wouldn't have the time to look back, because immediately after, he too was hit by another water balloon.

However, Cosmic had no idea about them falling behind, since he was so focused on the ball and winning the round. He hasn't won one since the first round, thus his determination rose even higher than before. Eventually, with a quick sprint and a long jump, he managed to grab the ball, thus winning the game.

"YES! I FINALLY WON!!" He flew up and around in excitement and joy for a bit, celebrating his first victory, before coming down to tell the guys about it.

"Guys! Guys! I did it! I finally won-" However, the navy colt saw them looking around, while dripping with water. "Uhm...what just happened?" He got confused.

"Don't look at me! I'm not the one responsible!" Dukey defended himself, when the pegasi brothers looked at him. "Plus, I got hit as well!"

Out of the blue, the guys, except for Cosmic, got hit with even more water balloons. What's more, they were coming from different angles.

"Hey! Not cool!" Johnny shouted in annoyance.

"Whoever's behind of that, stop!" The hybrid shouted as well. It's at this point, that they heard laughter from the other side. As they looked around, they saw Sissy and Missy coming out of a bush, laughing at them.

"Oh, your faces are so priceless!" The pegasus mare laughed, while throwing two more at the duo.

"What are you doing!?" Cosmic was getting defensive and confused at the same time.

"Just having some fun, kiddo." Missy smiled and threw another balloon at Dukey, who growled in response.

"Knock it off!" The black pegasus shouted in a very angry tone.

"If so, then catch us, if you can!" The navy mare threw another water balloon, before she and Missy took off, while the guys chase after them immediately after. Cosmic, who's still confused, ran after them.

"Hey, guys! Wait!"" Cosmic ran as fast, aa he could to catch up to them, but the little colt couldn't keep up to his brothers. Suddenly, he saw them doing a sharp right turn and did just that, but he suddenly tripped on a rock and fell to the ground.

"Ow! Man...that hurts..." Cosmic slowly got up. "And I lost them.... darn it...." The navy colt sighed and walked off to pick up the ball. Once he grabbed it, he was about to fly back to his mother, while on his way, he saw a silver-white unicorn filly with golden mane, reading a book. His eyes widened at the sight of that unicorn, as if he knew her. Sure enough, a crucial memory flashed in front of his eyes.

Several months ago...

A group of bullies have cornered the scared pegasus in a playground. In Cosmic's view of point, they were shadowy ponies with glowing eyes and distorted voices.

"Give us your coins, now!" One of them shouted, but Cosmic curled up in fear.

"Do it or we'll beat you to a pulp!" Another one shouted in an impatient tone.

"Leave me alone!!" Cosmic cried in terror. He was constantly bullied by them, just because back then, the navy colt had no cutie mark. At first, it was just typical bullying stuff. Getting thrown into a trash bin, being pushed and insulted and getting laughed at. But over the time, it got worse. At one point, he was threatened with violence, if he didn't give them money. In fact, the bullying was the main cause for the death of his friend.

"Like if we're ever listening to a puny blank flank! Come on, ponies, you know, what to do!" The leader smirked, as he directed his grunts to beat him up. It seems like, this was it, when all of a sudden, a magical barrier was formed around the navy pegasus. As Cosmic opened his eyes a bit, he saw that unicorn filly, using her magic.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" She shouted at the bullies.

What happened soon after this is that the filly managed to grab Cosmic, escaping from the bullies and alerting the authorities about the incident. In the beginning, they just dismissed the bullying, but since the death of Cosmic's friend happened was recent (It happened before this). The school was on high alert. Thankfully, they managed to find the bullies and gave them appropriate punishments. They also contacted authorities, just In case. However, out of fear and pain, Cosmic chose, not to say anything to his parents. But that didn't stop the filly from helping him recover.

Present day...

Thankfully, Cosmic became so much better than before. The navy colt and his family moved into Ponyville, gained his cutie mark and met his adoptive brothers. Eventually, he did tell his story to his parents, after hearing Johnny's entire story of abuse and bullying. And now, the same filly is in the same park as him.

"No way...Could it be..?" The colt was speechless. Eventually, after putting two and two together, he recognized the unicorn as his saviour, Golden Heart!

Meanwhile, the filly herself was still reading her book, when she heard a voice, calling her.

"Huh? What was that?" She looked up and around, only to see Cosmic coming to her. "Wait....is that...Cosmic?" Slowly, she recognized the navy pegasus, as fun fact: They actually went to the same school.

"Hi, Golden! It's been so long, hasn't it?" Cosmic was excited.

"It sure does, Cosmic. How's your new life in Ponyville so far? I've been busy with schoolwork for a long time, after the incident." Golden was curious.

"So much has happened to me since then. I met the Cutie Mark Crusaders and they helped me find my destiny, in which I earned my cutie mark, I went to a new school, the teacher is quite nice and most of all, mom and dad gave me two awesome brothers! Mind you, they're older than me, since they're adopted, but still. I had so much time with them, since they're brave, cool and fun!" Cosmic explained the filly about what happened to him afterwards.

"That's quite amazing! I'm really glad, that you're really happy now!" Golden was glad, that the navy pegasus finally recovered from the trauma. "Although, I'm quite curious about your brothers. Like, are they new here?" She asked.

"Well....about that..." Cosmic scratched his head and explained the whole story to Golden.

"Oh, geez...That's quite a rough one. In fact, it could be theorized, that this is why the bulles became like that back then. But that's just speculation." Golden had theorized about something about the bullies. "Anyway, as for me, things have become really busy for me since that incident. My mother got a job at the Ponyville Hospital, which meant we had to move in there, as our previous home was too far away from it. Since the move happened a few months ago, I have yet to go to a school. It's quite a difficult process, let me tell you. I still have to wait for my mom to get a response. In the meantime, I spend time studying magic and psychology." She then explained to him, what happened to her after it. .

"Wow. That would explain, why we haven't talked to each other for a long time." Cosmic was surprised at her answer. "Anyway, since my brothers are currently busy chasing after girls, like really though....I still have no idea why they do that....I just wanted to play ball and have some fun."

"Mind if I join in?" Golden asked.

"Sure!" Cosmic was happy. Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice.

"Hey! Let me join too!"

That voice came from Spring Gale, who was running towards them for some playtime.

"Hi, Spring! How are you doing?" Cosmic asked, while being happy to see the lime colt feeling better again. It's been a while since he was rescued by his abusive original parents.

"Thanks for asking, Cosmic. I'm feeling much better now. Gee, it's been a while since we last met at the hospital." Spring replied, while reminiscing of the more difficult times.

"Yeah. It surely was quite a hard time." Cosmic commented.

"What happened to you? Was there an accident?" Golden looked at Spring's scars and was worried at him.

"No...It's much worse...." the lime green colt looked down in sorrow. The filly was confused by his response.

"Oh boy...It's a long story, Golden....And a hard one for that..." The navy colt gulped.

"Well, my mom said, that one of the patients is a victim of abuse, since she works as a psychiatrist. She also said, cases like this have become more frequent recently." Golden responded.

"Well....the thing is...." Cosmic tried to explain the reason of the increasing cases, when all of a sudden, they heard a voice.

"It's due to a tragic story."

That voice came from the princess of friendship herself, Twilight Sparkle, who was walking by, when she saw the kids talking about the case.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle!" Golden Heart bowed down, which lead the purple mane to be flustered.

"Oh please, I'm flattered. Anyway, I overheard your conversation and I decided to tell you the whole story. That is, if you're brave enough to hear it." The purple mane explained.

"I'm actually used to it, thanks to my bro and Spring." Cosmic assured.

"I see. And I heard, that your mom is a psychiatrist, right?" Twilight asked to the white filly.

"Of course. Plus, I've been studying magic and a few things about psychology." Golden answered.

"I see. Okay, since the story is quite a long one, I'm going to tell you a short and simplified version of it." Then the princess of Friendship proceeded to tell them a shortened version of Johnny's story. After which, Golden was speechless, while Cosmic and Spring just responded in silence, since they already knew his story.

"But don't worry, Golden. He's getting better! He has a good mom and dad, a good little bro and lots of amazing friends, who're all helping him!" Cosmic smiled, knowing that the situation is going to be okay.

"That's wonderful!" The filly was relieved.

"Anyway, what are you doing here, Cosmic?" Twilight asked, but the navy colt just sighed.

"Well....I was playing with them, when two girls just threw water balls at them. Currently, they are chasing these two." Cosmic explained.

"What do they look like?" Spring asked.

"From what I can remember, there are a pegasus and a funny looking earth pony, just like Coffee Paw. Like she's half dog or something." The navy pony recalled their appearances.

"Oh my...You must be talking about Crimson Lightning and Zapped Bone, also known by some as Sissy and Missy. There is some sort of a rivalry between they boys and the girls. And from what I've heard, that they would pull pranks at them. You know, they remind me of Rainbow Dash, who also pulls those pranks at anypony. But don't worry, she doesn't mean any harm and she did learn the lesson of not overdoing them. And I'm pretty sure, the girls won't do it either. I know for a fact, that I've talked to them a few days ago and they are still learning on becoming better ponies. It's just....sometimes, old habits die hard." Twilight laughed. Meanwhile they heard the chase still ongoing. "They will eventually learn someday, don't worry, kids. Friendship can be a rocky road sometimes, but in the end, it can still prevail, when all of those issues are resolved peacefully and with dignity. And sometimes, rivalries can become to friendships."

"Ooohh." The three kids understood, what she said. Suddenly, they heard the sound calling out Cosmic's name. The baby colt immediately recognized it as that from his mother.

"I'm here, mom!" He immediately went to the direction of the voice, which came from Sweet Serenity, looking for him.

"Where are your brothers?" The light blue unicorn asked.

"Uhm....about that..." Cosmic was nervous.

"It was due to Crimson Lightning and Zapped Bone pranking them with water balls. But don't worry. I'm pretty sure, they don't mean any harm, although the bad blood in the past would make the guys not see in that way. It's a long and complicated story, Sweet Serenity." Twilight explained the whole ordeal.

"Uhm...hi....you're Cosmic's mom, right?" Spring was really shy, meeting Sweet Serenity.

"Of course, I am. And you must be Sping Gale. My husband and my son told me a lot about you. I'm really sorry, that you had to go through so much pain, but I'm really happy, that you are feeling much better now with more supportive parents." The unicorn mare comforted the lime colt.

"Don't worry, I'm slowly getting better." Spring assured.

"Oh. My name is Golden Heart." The golden haired filly introduced herself.

"You mean, THE Golden Heart, who saved my baby from those bullies?" Sweet gasped in a worried manner. "Tell me, was he okay?"

"Yes, he was. Well, it was a silent issue, considering that he never told you about it out of fear of their threats being realized and...well, the aftermath being not really smooth, considering that he was also grieving for a friend, he had lost before. My mom had to help him through out the months, until he had the courage to tell you about it. It was good, that I had to intervene at the right place at the right time. I mean, who knows, what happened to him, if I hadn't. But thankfully, it's becoming a thing in the past now." Golden explained the whole story to her.

"Honestly, I wouldn't imagine it either, if you haven't took action." The blue mare had tears in her eyes. "And frankly, I don't want to.... I don't want anyone, I love so dearly, to fall under the same fate, like Ruby Spark. So....I am really grateful, that you have saved my son...."

"Who's Ruby Spark?" Spring asked.

"Her late sister. She too was bullied and abused, until she had enough. The story alone is really messy for you to understand." Twilight sighed and comforted the sad unicorn.

"I'm sorry...the memories about Ruby and her final moments changed my point of view towards society a bit and it could've been worse, if it wasn't for High Velocity and my family." Sweet wiped her tears away. "It was too heartbreaking..."

"It's okay, Sweet Serenity. Not everypony has a happy life. But the tragedies became as cautionary tales about the aspect of a pony's life and how easy it can be shattered. However, we can learn from these to save other ponies' lives and make Equestria a better place." The princess warmly smiled. "With enough love, patience and of course, the magic of friendship, we can overcome even the most tragic events. Of course it takes a lot of time, but in the end, we have to keep looking forward."

"I know. My family and new friends are supporting me through thick and thin!" Cosmic smiled and jumped up in joy.

"Aw, shucks. Please." Spring Gale blushed in embarrassment, yet smiled happily.

"Hey! Why not play some ball, in order to being some fun?" Cosmic suggested this, just because it would bring out some light-hearted distraction from the traumatic pasts.

"Sure! I'm so down for it!" Spring agreed.

"Of course, I'd love to!" Golden nodded and the three kids went off with the blow up ball for some play time, all while Twilight and Sweet Serenity watched on with smiles on their faces.

"You're really have such a loving family, huh?" Twilight looked at the unicorn.

"They really helped out my life in more ways than I could've ever think of." Sweet was very grateful of her family for being here for her throughout the times, ever since she started one with High Velocity. "And I couldn't imagine a life without my rays of sunshine."

"I'm really happy for you, Sweet Serenity. Keep up your good work!" Twilight congratulated. "But....now that you excuse me, I have to break up a potential fight over there. Making sure, that the girls have to learn, not to overdo their shenanigans." She then used her magic to teleport away, in order to break up a chase.

As Sweet Serenity watched her son playing with his new friends, it made her reminisce of some happy memories of her childhood, where she used to play games with a few of her friends.

"It surely bring back memories..." She smiled.

Unknown Fields...

A few months have passed (There is a reason for the time contradiction from last chapter. You'll see why.) and Tempest, Luna and Trixie observed and watched, as Fire Jewel and Ocean Spark slowly improved themselves.

"I never thought, that we would meet like-minded ponies, who made similar mistakes." Ocean looked at them. "We were so busy saving galaxies and stopping evil, that we haven't have the time to check up on ourselves and such."

"Well, there are a few more like us. Namely Discord and Thorax. We can meet them, if you want to." Trixie reminisced of these two, who also made similar mistakes in their pasts. One caused a lot of chaos and disharmony and the other used to work for Queen Chrysalis.

However; they are still worried about Fire Jewel falling back. The dragon incidents and the drama severely affected her self-esteem and confidence. And it all stemmed to her traumatic childhood, which was the cause for all of the heartache, she caused.

"Fire, are you okay?" Ocean asked her sister, but the red mare didn't respond to the oceanic mare's question. She sighed with "Sometimes, I wonder, what it could've been, had I realized the consequences of the actions sooner and took action immediately.

"We were thinking the exact same thing, when we were in your hooves, Ocean Spark. I for example, had a hard time earning the ponies' forgiveness, after I had turned into Nightmare Moon. But as time went on, Twilight, Celestia and the others never gave up on me and eventually, I made peace with myself." Luna recounted her events as a tale to remember and learn.

"Same here for.me, after the whole Ursa Minor and Alicorn Amulet shenanigans." Trixie added.

"And for my service as a former commander for the Storm King." Tempest remembered. "What we're saying is, just because you made mistakes in your past, it doesn't refine you as a whole. You can get out of it, if you're believing in yourselves and having enough support to reignite the confidence."

"But...how am I supposed to do that, if I can't be able to forgive myself...?" Fire asked.

"Don't be hard on yourself, Fire. Take a deep breath, learn from your mistakes and you can get out of the void of doubt." Luna embraced the fiery unicorn, as the sun is slowly setting. The moon princess used her magic to raise the moon, because it's still her duty to do so, even if she had distanced herself from Celestia, due to the aftermath.

After getting motivation from the reformed mares, Fire Jewel took a deep breath, thought back of the past, used these as cautionary tales and lessons and began to slowly mature. Ocean did the same, since she too was guilty of the whole mess.

"Ocean? I'm really sorry for being such a stuck-up bitch. I was really blinded by my own past." The red mare apologized to her sister about her mistakes.

"....Actually, I'm the one, who needs to apologise." Ocean admitted and the two sisters hugged each other.

"..Uhm....How will Breeze, Snow, Cherry and especially Tropic react? Will they still forgive me, even after what I've done?" Fire asked in a worried tone.

"They will." Luna assured the red mare.

"Hey, Fire. After we're done with the whole journey, we should start over with a clean slate. You know, to symbolize a new beginning?" Ocean reached her hoof out.

After a while, Fire nodded and took her older sister's hoof. "You're right, sister. For a new beginning."

The three mares smiled, knowing that they have reached to the acceptance stage, but...there are some doubts, considering that it's basically been months after the dragon incident and Fire Jewel didn't got help during her time behind bars. It didn't help, that most of the ponies outright hated her guts. Most of them were understandable, but it soon devolved into straight up harassment and at one point, a murder attempt. So, unless a miracle would happen, they have to work harder than before.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville...

The family were looking up the skies to see the stars, when they saw a shooting star flying by.

"Quick, everyone! Make a wish!" High Velocity directed everyone to close their eyes and wish for something. After a minute of silence, he then asked: "So, what did you wish for?"

"A beautiful future." Sweet Serenity answered.

"Some action and fun!" Johnny answered.

"To make our lives as ponies a bit easier, since it's hard to let old habits go." Dukey chuckled a bit. "So, what did you wish for, Cosmic?"

"Being happy with all of you! And of course wishing for Spring having a happy future." The navy colt replied.

"That's quite nice of you." The neon stallion was proud of his son.

It was around the same time, they saw some small, flying orbs of light.

"Ooh, what are those?" Cosmic was curious of those lights. It wasn't until, that Johnny and Dukey took a closer inspection to reveal that the lights actually came from fireflies.

"Those are fireflies, bro." The black pegasus told his brother.

"Sweet!" The colt was mesmerized by the lights, the fireflies emitted. Johnny couldn't help, but smile.

As the little critters flew around in several formations, everyone was amazed by the beauty of the scene. After a while of giving them a bright show, they flew away to their next location. Probably, to their homes.

"Alright, everypony! It's slowly getting late. Let's go back to our house." Sweet Serenity noted the others to go to their home, in which they did just that. At the same time, the fireflies reminded one of the parents of a precious childhood memory.


Somewhere, in another universe, a mysterious individual in spy armor and helmet, snuck around neighborhood as silent and fast as a ninja. Making sure, nobody would see them, they would hide in various spots and not making any sound. After while of sneaking around and hiding, they eventually reached a green house hid in one of the bushes. They heard a sound and peeked a bit, only to see a woman with glowing green eyes, entering a door. The mysterious spy looked around and put their head to a nearby wall, to hear something. In it, they heard a conversation between her and a familiar-sounding person.

"At last, after months of planning, construction and stealing toasters and bread, the ships are now ready to launch!" They heard the voice of a man, laughing evilly.

"What are you gonna do, sweetie?" She asked.

"Well, to pick up, where I left off, duh! Cutting down the trees, sucking all water out and destroying the Earth! And with Johnny Test and the other enemies out of the picture, nobody will stop me! And if the government attempts to stop my plan, I have a surprise for them! Hahahahaha!! Not get into the ship and let's get to work!' The man commanded.

"Yes, master." She complied in a monotone manner and the spy heard footsteps of them entering into a ship. They looked up on a open window and used a cloaking device on themselves to sneak inside of the house and quickly into the ship, before the doors would close. After which, they hid in one of the rooms and waited for a perfect opportunity.

"Agent Zero, you hear me?" They heard the sound of a person inside of the helmet, which has a hidden Communicator.

"Yes." They responded in a distorted voice, possibly to hide their identity. "I'm inside of the ship."

"Excellent. Now wait for the perfect opportunity to strike and take him down once and for all. Understood?" The person asked and gave him instructions.

"Roger that." They understood and ended the call.

Meanwhile, the ship took off into space and took its position. Meanwhile, the mysterious man, which was shown as someone in a dark green armor, radioed a message to someone far away.

"Attention, my people! I have finally returned to make everything great again! Meet me in the Solar Galaxy and we can pick up, where we left off!" He called out and waited for the other ships to arrive. At the same time, he prepared the machines for the big moment. Two robots went on to search around the whole main ship for any intruders, just in case.

"Soon, my lifelong mission to destroy the earth will be complete!" He gloated, as he watched the planet one last time, before starting the destruction.

Back to the robots, they were looking around, scanning each corner of every room for any sign of intrusion and to check up on the items, devices and machines, which were about to be used. Surprisingly, they didn't detect Agent Zero, due to them using a special kind of technology, allowing themselves to avoid detection from scanners. They were hiding in the storage room, waiting for the robots to pass by. After they went by the door to the storage room, they snuck out and hid somewhere else again. Once they saw the robot, they used a hidden blade from the utility belt and stabbed it right through the head, destroying it. As more robots went by, they hid themselves and one by one, systematically eliminated all of them with a sneaky stab. Basically, he was acting like a ninja. It went on and on, while getting closer to the cockpit.

After a while of waiting around, the ships have finally arrived.

"About time! I was munching on toast, while waiting. Heck, I was about to start without them! Eh, whatever. Now, with everything ready, the show can now begin and nobody will stop the Dark Vegan from completing the mission!" The armored man, who is known as the nefarious Dark Vegan, laughed evilly, as he finally decided to direct the attack and pressed the button. "Attack and steal ALL of their resources!"

The ships surrounded the planet and began sucking all of the water and cutting down all of the trees. (Really though, the humans would've done a huge favour for him to be fair, given that how they handled nature recently, but that's just me.) He watched, as the ships do its job, but he wasn't done with that. To make sure, the planet will be indefinitely destroyed and leaving no evidence of its existence, the main ship has a giant laser cannon ready, which is powerful enough to pulverise even the smallest of atoms.

"In a few hours, the earth will finally be destroyed!" At this point, he was gloating in victory.

But all of a sudden, a red alert was sounded, causing the former ruler of Veganda to immediately check on the surveillance system for the cause. To his shock, he saw the robots being eliminated one by one by a mysterious blur.

"What!? Who's doing this!?" Dark Vegan slammed his fist on a table and slowed down the footage of the eliminations. Even with the slowdown, he could only see a bit of the individual, since they moved too fast. As if that wasn't enough, he saw ships coming from the Earth, ready to take him down.

"It seems like, they are trying to stop me, huh? Well, too bad!" He presses a button and watched, as the cannons shot down lasers at the ships. Some avoided them, but others weren't so lucky. However, once they shot down those homing missiles, it was lights out for the remaining ships.

"Where was I? Oh, right..... Guards, destroy that intruder!" He commanded the robots to destroy Agent Zero, in which they complied and left. However, surveillance footage showed, that not even a minute later, they destroyed the robots in no time.

"He's good..." Dark Vegan commented at Zero's skills. "But this won't be enough to stop my plans! Sweetie, take care of that intruder! I'll prepare the cannon and eat some toast!"

"Yes, master." His hypnotized wife nodded, grabbed a saber and left, all while he pressed some button to do some coding, in order to prepare the cannon.

Meanwhile, Agent Zero just destroyed a robot and prepared to enter, when they saw her.

"Wait a minute..." Agent Zero looked closer at the wife, who's about to strike. Thankfully, they dodged the first attack.

"What is it, Agent Zero?" The person from the intercom asked.

"Something's off about her. Her eyes are glowing bright green, which normally isn't the case....It's clear, that she's doing this against her will. In other words: She's hypnotized." They analyzed the situation.

"Shit! If that's the case, don't hurt her! Find a way to snap her out of the state and get her out of here!" The mysterious boss responded.

"Got it, boss." They ended the call and has the weapons ready: Two blades from the wrists. They had a intense stare down, before the fight has begun.

[During this battle, Sonic's Fight starts to play]

The red-haired woman rushed ahead for the first attack, but Zero dodged it with a slide to the left, before jumping up with the blades out. However, she was aware of it and used the saber to protect herself from the blades, which caused them to spark like crazy. As a result, Zero jumped away and switched their weapon with a saber on their own, except it had a lilac coloured glow. The two charged forward with their sabers for an epic sword fight. Neither of them backed down, as they kept trying to attack the other. And it wasn't just on one spot either, as they kept jumping at different spots of the hallway and clashing each other, with sparks flying by from each of the sabers clashing.

"Ma'am, you need to snap out of it! He's controlling you!" Zero tried to convince the wife to wake up, but it didn't work, as it seems like, the mind control was too strong for words to break her free. She kept trying to kill them, only for them to blocking them and trying to figure out, how to break the mind control. And they had to do it quick, as they had to stop the Dark Vegan and save Earth. There wasn't any time for strategies, so they decided to side step to the right, grabbed her and threw the wife to the ground. They were about to do something, when she used a powerful force to grab them by the neck,. As she stood up, she had the blade ready to finish them off.

"Any last words?" She asked.

"Yes. There!" They pressed a button, in which she got shocked by a current of electricity, courtesy of a sticky shocker on her back, letting them go by the process. After which, they used a blaster to shoot her, but it didn't kill her, as it was designed to undo any effects of mind control. They panted, as they watched her slowly standing up from the injuries, now with her eyes returning back to normal.

"Ugh...what happened?" The wife groaned, in which she saw Zero.

"There is not much time, ma'am! Use the escape pod and get the hell outta here! Dark Vegan needs to be stopped now!" The agent commanded her to escape from the ship. However, the name "Dark Vegan" caused her to remember, what happened before she fell under mind control.

"I can't believe, he had used me like a solider and not faring a single bit about Jillian, Johnny or even anyone!!!!" The woman yelled in anger, as she felt like, Dark Vegan had betrayed her. "THAT TWO-MOUTHED BASTARD!!!"

"Ma'am! I know your pain, but this isn't the time right now. Let me stop his crazy plan and save this planet, while you get out of here and tell them everything." Zero was empathetic to the wife, but he had to hurry up. "Now go!" They yelled at her again, but after some consideration, she silently nodded and ran off to an escape pod, while they ran as fast as they could to the cockpit, but by that point, Dark Vegan saw everything via surveillance and decided to do it himself. Which would explain, why before Zero could even reach the cockpit, the green-armored man was waiting for him, blocking the entrance.

"Ugh! People like you give me such a migraine! You are just like Johnny Test, always trying to stop my plans with your tricks and devices! And I thought, with him gone, I could've destroyed the Earth like nothing!" Dark Vegan complained, while having his saber ready.

"Even with him gone, I won't allow you to cause any form of harm to this planet!" Zero shouted, while having their saber ready. "I would like to have a squabble with you, but I have to destroy your devices right here, right now!"

"You have to go through me first, which I doubt, you would do that! I'll destroy you right here and there!" Dark Vegan held his saber tightly.

"Come get some." Zero prepared for the ultimate showdown.

Dark Vegan jumped forward for the first attack, but the agent threw a smoke bomb to throw him off guard. "Hey, that's unfair! Then again, I don't care about the rules." He commented, before looking around and listening for any signs of Zero. Being on high alert, he then heard something from behind and used his saber to defend himself. Sparks came out from the clash, which came from Zero's saber, confirming that it was indeed them, attempting to do a sneak attack.

"You're quite good. But can you dodge these?!" Dark Vegan pulled out some built-in lasers from his suit and shot multiple times at Zero, but they either dodged all of them or in the case of the final two shots, deflected them with a special shield.

The two then dashed forward for an epic clash of swords, in which sparks emitted from each and every strike. Both sides kept on dashing forward, attempting to strike each other, while protecting themselves. And it went on, as they went to several spots of the ship. It went on and on, until Zero used another smoke bomb to distract Dark Vegan again. However, he was prepared for this, as his helmet came with a sensor. He stood still, waiting for any sign of the mysterious agent. The silence went on for a few minutes, while not moving a single muscle.

Finally, the sensor detected something 45 degrees from the right, confirming that it was Zero. So he decided to do a different method: The armored man suddenly side stepped to the left and ducked, causing Zero to miss him. As if that wasn't enough, he pointed his lasers and shot them in the back, causing the agent to be flown to a wall. Thankfully, the suit protected them from shots. Zero immediately stood up and attempted to strike him down, but unbeknownst to them, there was a hidden trap in the room, they're currently standing. So when the agent crossed that specific spot, they got trapped in a plasma ring, caused by hidden antennas around that room. And it wasn't painless either, as Zero screamed in agony.

"Gotcha, you fool! You think, you can stop me with your toys and movements? Ha! Think again!" Dark Vegan stood triumphant towards the trapped agent. "However, before I destroy you, I'll now uncover that face of yours and show you to the world as a message, on how you and everyone failed!"

"Agent Zero!! What's going on!? Answer me!!!" The boss got worried by their condition, but Zero couldn't respond, due to the pain. As Dark Vegan was about to rip the helmet off, there was a sense of tension emanating in the air, while Zero struggled. Eventually, he took the helmet from Zero off, to see the true identity of the intruder....but he didn't expect on who Zero was under the helmet. The true identity of Agent Zero, the one who attempted to destroy DV's plans on world annihilation, the one who's somehow at the same level as him. It isn't a random person, no. Zero was no other than the feline himself, Mr. Mittens!

"You cannot be serious right now....WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE IN MY SHIP NONETHELESS!??!" He yelled, still in shock of all people, it was Mittens, who decided to stop his plan. However, the feline refused to answer and lowered his head.

"Oh, wait! Let me guess... You are trying to save the Earth, just for you to conquer it all by yourself? Newsflash: Your idea is pathetic! Turning everyone into cats, has been the stupidest plan, I've ever heard!" He shouted, but Mittens still refused to say anything. "Plus, being stuck with people, who have no idea about competence or even sharing, was a bad idea....In fact, the only thing in common is us having the same enemy. But now with him gone, I decided to fully break away and focus on destroy the earth!"

"This is none of your business...." Mittens quietly growled, thinking back of the argument. "Plus, I'm not in the mood right now...."

"Not in the mood for what? Breaking through my ship without my permission? Trying to stop me, when we could've worked together? First of all, you're just a party pooper, who doesn't know anything about fun! And second, why are you doing this!??" Dark Vegan yelled at the feline right in the face.

"Zero! Respond, damn it!!!" The boss can be heard yelling for a response. Unfortunately, the armored man saw the earpiece, Mittens had for the mission and took it away from him.

"Wait a minute....They sent you of all people to stop me!?" He felt betrayed by the fact, that the feline worked for the government. As a response, he threw it to the ground and stomped it hard. "Oh....now you threw me off BIG TIME!!" He had his saber ready to finish him off. Mittens still kept his mouth shut, but closed his eyes, as if he knew, it's over for him.

"Say goodbye, fur ball!" He aimed at the neck and was about to decapitate Mittens. It seems like, it was all for nothing, but then.....

The ship was suddenly rocked by random explosions, causing Dark Vegan to lose his balance and the antennas to malfunction, causing Mittens to be released.

"DANGER! DANGER!" A robotic voice can be heard through the speakers. As if that wasn't enough, Mittens suddenly chuckled.

"You were saying, pal?" The feline stood up and got his saber back. "You see, while you got lost in the smoke, I quickly left behind some "presents" all over the place. What's that? You had no idea? Too bad, that I ran in a blur, before attempting to strike you. In other words, the smoke bombs and me attempting to strike you down? It was all just a distraction." He smirked.

In a flashback, we can see, the second after the smoke bombs covered the area, the feline activated the super sonic boots to run faster than sound. After which, he ran all over the whole ship and placed down some explosives in specific places. This was done twice and during the second time, he left a bomb at the cockpit. And that specific bomb as exploded there, causing massive damage.

Back to the present, Mittens was about to leave, when Dark Vegan attempted to shoot him. However, the sudden tilt made him fall of and shoot at the ceiling, then bounced off multiple times multple times, before grazing over Mittens' right eye, in which the feline screamed a bit in pain. Surprisingly, it only left him with a scratch, due to his eye being closed and the projectile not being close enough to damage the actual eye.

But this was enough to turn around and tightly hold the grip of his saber on one of his paws, while the other is covering the injured eye.

"So, you have chosen the hard way, huh?" Mittens responded in a serious tone. "Fine. I wouldn't go down without a fight anyway. Even when I'm slightly wounded, this wouldn't stop me from completing my mission!"

"Bring it!" Dark Vegan prepared for a fight and the two began their second round of swords clashing and not holding back, all while the ship is slowly destroying itself, thus they also have to dodge falling debris.

Dark Vegan attempted to slash Mittens, but the feline dodged it with a slide to the right and round-house kicked him to the ground. Not to be deterred, the armored man stood up and punched the cat in the jaw. This caused in a very serious fight, in which all gloves were off. They stopped using their sabers and instead punched and kicked each other, while the pummeling continued through the ship, up until the escape pods.

During which, Mittens started to think back at that argument, in which he and other bad guys disagreed to their methods and reasons. It didn't help, that Brain Freezer was gone for a while, before returning to the gang. It slowly evolved into petty fights and eventually, it ended off in a sour tone, as Zizrar was the first to go and one by one, the others followed suit. And then, a few days later, Johnny Test had disappeared from the Earth. A lot has happened, including the truth coming out, the Bee Keeper, Brain Freezer, Zizrar and his mole people disappearing as well and finally, Albert's death and him being forced to work for the government, just to keep his freedom. This was enough fuel for him to roar like a lion and punched Dark Vegan so hard, it send him flying to a wall and being buried by the debris.

The feline panted hard and took a breather for a while, but then he heard a message from the intercom:


"Ah shit!" The magenta cat stood up and ran towards the rubble of debris, when Dark Vegan suddenly got his head and arm out.

"I'll destroy you and everyone!" He tried to grab the cat, but the weight of the debris, coupled with his suit malfunctioning, caused him to get stuck.

"Take my hand!" Mittens tried to reach him, but the stuck vegan still tried to destroy him one way or another. It didn't help, that he had ten seconds left.

"Stop resisting and get out of here!" Once again, the cat tried to convince him.

"No! You ruined my plan! You are as worst as Johnny Test!" The vegan shouted back at him. That was enough for the cat to turn his back against him and slowly walk towards one free escape pod.

"I tried to give you a second chance, but you chose, not to listen to me. Fine...then enjoy your last few seconds here, while I'm getting out. Goodbye, Dark Vegan." Mittens looked at him one final time with a glare, before entering into the pod and activating it. The pod was soon launched from the ship and began it's course towards earth.

"CURSE YOU ALL!!! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN THE LAST OF ME! I'LL BE BACK, JUST YOU WAIT!!!!" Dark Vegan screamed at the top of his lungs during his final five seconds of his life.







Meanwhile, in space, Mittens watched, as the main ship exploded in a big burst. The resulting shockwaves caused the remaining ships for explode as well, causing a chain reaction, releasing all the water and trees back into the earth. As the pod descended deeper and deeper, the turbulence became more frequent and eventually, that turbulence caused Mittens to hit his head to a steel wall, losing his consciousness shortly after.

The cat slowly woke up on a hospital bed, covered in bandages. Yet, he still felt the pain from the fight, as he struggled to get up. He looked around a bit to see, that he was in an infirmary. He wasn't alone however, as he saw the red haired wife of the Dark Vegan standing beside him.

"Thank goodness, you're okay!" She looked at him.

"Where...am I?" Mittens groaned.

"You're in the infirmary. Specifically in a place called Area 51.1. You've been there for at least half an hour." She explained. "During which, I talked to the agents about everything. Including my actions under his control. Although they did sympathise with me a bit, it didn't change the fact, that I was responsible for stealing the resources and being an accomplice for nearly destroying the world. That means....I have to face the punishment, no matter what..." She had tears in her eyes, as several agents appeared to detain her. Since there was no resistance, she looked at Mittens one final time.

"If you see my dear Jillian, tell her everything....and tell her, that I love her so much. Goodbye, Mr. Mittens....and once again....thank you....for everything...." She sniffed, as she was taken away from the infirmary, leaving Mittens all alone, contemplating on what she said.

"Okay, sir. I did, what you said. I took down Dark Vegan and the planet is safe....can I please go now, so I can try my best to move on from Albert's death?..." He asked the FBI agent to be released. He had enough.

"Hmm..." The agent thought about the deal. One one hand, the feline did manage to stop the Dark Vegan and his plans, even though attempting to catch him alive ended in a disastrous failure. But that doesn't excuse him from the fact, that he still attempted to take over the world multiple times and destroy Johnny Test, who had been friends with a few Area 51.1 agents, before he, the agents and even the general vanished without a trace. But there's also the fact, that he lost so many people in his life by either disappearing from the face of earth or in Albert's case, slowly dying in front of him. After thinking about everything for a when, he came with a decision.

"On one hand, you did some terrible crimes in the past....and even though I wished for you to be punished, since you have basically saved our planet and everyone from Dark Vegan, I was left with no other choice....than to let you go." The agent stepped away for Mittens to leave.

"Please...I had been through so much already...." Mittens responded inna sorrowful tone, before standing up and leaving the infirmary behind. Surprisingly, the agent didn't do anything

As he was slowly leaving the base behind, a tense aura of suspicion and paranoia filled the air. Before he went to the exit door, he suddenly stopped and sensed something with his whiskers. He looked around, only to see nobody.

"That's weird...." Mittens commented, but still kept his guard up, assuming that the government would attempt to catch him with a trap. To make sure, he looked around, grabbed a piece of wood and threw at the door, when all of a sudden, a cage has been dropped from the ceiling, confirming his suspicions. Thankfully, he wasn't near the door.

Suddenly, he heard the sound of a red alert and footsteps coming closer.

"What the hell??" He looked around, only too see agents with electric nets, jumping at him. However, his cat instincts allowed him to dodge them.

"Hey!! We had a deal!! I just did your dirty work and yet you still tried to catch me!?" Mittens felt betrayed by the government.

"Sorry, pal. But the thing is, we wanted to to take the credit and get rid of you, because of your crimes. Now, hold still, kitty!" One of the agents responded.

This response sent Mittens into a blazing fury, as when the agents tried again to catch him, not only did the feline dodged all of them, but scratched them furiously. After which, he stole one of the blasters to shoot a hole on the wall and escaped the facility, with tears in his eyes.

It was a very stormy night, with heavy rain, thunder and high winds. But despite his injuries, Mittens didn't stop running away as fast, as he could, until he reached his mansion and locked the door. Everything what happened this night, coupled with the loss of so many people around him, caused the feline to suffer a severe mental breakdown, in which he destroyed furniture, smashed glass down and scratching everything in his way, all while screaming and crying in sheer pain and misery. It went on for five minutes, before curling up into a ball and cried on the floor. His crying was soon mixed in with the sounds of rain outside and the lightning bolts from the sky.

After what it felt like an eternity, Mittens stood up, went to a room and grabbed a rope. Next, the feline created a noose around it and went to his room. He tied it to the highest point of his bed, grabbed a ladder and placed it there, in which he climbed up. After suffering through so much, he decided to just end it all. But before he would put the noose around his neck, a loud lightning strike caused the magenta feline to jump up in fear and fall down the latter and into the ground, causing more pain in his body. He screamed in response, but he attempted to get up, in order to finish the job, when there was something under his bed, that caught his attention.

"What's this?" Mittens looked closer and reached his arm under his bed as far, as he could. After fiddling around, he felt something, grabbed it tightly and pulled it back towards him, in which the object in question turned out to be a letter. "A letter....to me? But who wrote this?" The feline decided to open the letter and read the content of it.

Dear Mr. Mittens,

if you are reading this letter, then there is a high chance, that I have died. But I have already seen it coming for a few months. So, I decided to write this letter and tell you my concerns and truths here.

I've noticed in the last few months, that you've been feeling really unwell, sir. Not physically, but mentally. Ever since Jonathan's disappearance and subsequent death in absentia, you have been isolating yourself from the public eye and lived in loneliness and sorrow. It's not just that, as the drama of your former group, coupled with the disappearances of a few of your teammates, made everything worse. But that was nothing, compared to the fact, that you have been yearning for some sort of companionship with another feline for a long time. Specifically, a lady feline.

I tried my best to keep you company and help you, even if you don't fully notice my dedication. In fact, I had plans on bringing you another cat and mutate him or her, just to keep you company. But things have become so difficult lately, due to the Shadow exposing everyone, who are responsible for Jonathan's disappearance. And sadly, you were part of it, which made everyone scared of you.

So, if trying to bring happiness to you won't work in this world, perhaps I could do so in another world, but my health has been deteriorating as of the writing of this letter. In the end, I had no other choice, that to leave you find happiness on your own and maybe....just maybe.... find some redemption yourself.

I wish you the best of luck and even in death, I'll be watching you from above, no matter, where you go.

Best wishes,
Your butler, Albert

The letter has made the magenta feline even more emotional than ever and cried hard. He couldn't believe, that despite the ups and downs and his nasty attitude, Albert still cared for him in some ways. Not only that, that letter made him open his eyes for the very first time.

"Even when I was bad, he still cared for me..." he sniffed.

All of this made him think of something....what if Johnny and the others aren't truly dead, like what the officials said? What if they're in a different world or even...in a different dimension? This theory made him filled with so much determination to find them.

"No..they just can't be dead. They have to be somewhere alive! If so, I have to find them and tell them the truth!" The feline stood up, finally having a goal in his mind. "And fast, otherwise the government would find me and....ugh...I don't want to think about what they would do to me.." He shuddered, before going to his own laboratory, taking his stuff and Albert's letter with him. It contained so many gadgets and weapons, enough for future plans. But that's not, what he wants. He knew, that he had just built a portal device on his own, originally to find allies from other worlds. It even has it's own DNA searcher.

But now, he wanted to use it to find the others. However, as soon, as he started it up, he coughed out a hair ball.

"Ugh, hairball!" He coughed, but then, the feline had an idea. He knew, that underneath all of this, a bit of Johnny's hair had to be inside. So he tore it apart and combed through each and every hair fiber for the blond and orange one. Eventually, he found it in the deepest core and put the hair on a scanner, in order to find him. After a few minutes of analyzing the hair, searching for Johnny and more, the location has been revealed.

"So...according to this scanner, Test must been in Dimension 10102010. And if I'm not mistaken, the others are also in that world." Mittens looked at the monitor. "Okay! With that information out of the way, it's now or never!"

He put the coordinates on the machine to activate a portal to Dimension 10102010. But there wasn't any time left, as he heard explosions from downstairs.

"Shit! I have to do it immediately!" Mittens commented and looked at the portal. Despite the pain, he activated some bombs around the laboratory and ran into the portal. It was done in order to prevent the agents from tracking him.

???, Dimension 10102010

During a heavy rainstorm, Mittens emerged from the portal and started to crawl, due to his pain. Problem is, even though he had arrived in that dimension, he was actually set in an unknown location. However, the feline didn't know that, as he kept crawling and crawling, hoping he could at least finding them. He also hadn't noticed, that something feels....a bit different about him.

But that didn't matter, as he stopped crawling after a few minutes, because he was exhausted. Didn't help, that the pain was getting more and more intense with each movement, despite being patched up with bandages. So he has left with no option to close his eyes and rest in the rain. Before everything would go black, a female voice can be heard, along with footsteps.

"Oh my god! Are you okay!?"

Meanwhile, in a forest....

After a few hours have passed, the rain has stopped and we can see Princess Celestia taking a walk with an umbrella. She has been thinking about so many things, including Luna, the elemental ponies, the sisters and of course, something that she hasn't told them to anyone else.

"If only I can see Luna again and apologize to her..." the sun princess sighed, before she noticed something peculiar. "What's this?"

The princess went closer and closer, only to see a pink Alicorn with dark blue hair and gradient wings. Her head was lowered and her hair being so wet, it covered her eyes. She felt a sorrowful aura around the mysterious Alicorn.

"Excuse me? Are you okay?" Celestia asked, trying to get the mare's attention, but it didn't work. She looked at her face, only to see a frown, but not her eyes, as they were covered by her wet hair. It's clear, that something is wrong with this Alicorn mare.

Suddenly, the mare started to float upward and being covered in a dark purple mists. Celestia dodged from the mist, but had no other choice, than to watch. During which, she saw a few tears dropping from the pink mare's face, before being fully covered by the mist. Soon, a bright light emitted form the mist. It was so bright, that Celestia had to shield her eyes with her wings. At the same time, ominous sounds can also be heard, along with evil laughter. It went on, until the light faded away and the sun princess uncovering her eyes, only to see that the bright pink alicorn was not here anymore and in her place stood a tall, dark pink Alicorn with sharp teeth, silver-blue armor and a ethereal dark blue mane fading to black with sparkles around it. Her eyes had a dark teal aura around them, as she looked at Princess Celestia.

"Oh! A princess! I didn't expect to see one in front of me." She noted.

"What have you done to her and who are you!?!?" Celestia demanded answers.

"You mean that Alicorn girl? She has accepted the full despair and allowed me to take control of her body. And as for who I am? I'm glad, that you asked. I'm none other than the darkest star of the universe, Shadow Galaxy!" The tall pink Alicorn introduced herself. "And once I'm done with those pathetic elementals, I'll conquer this galaxy for all eternity!" she laughed evilly.

"I can't let that happen!" The sun princess prepared for battle.

"Bring it, sunbutt!" Shadow Galaxy smirked and the two shot off magical blasts at each other, causing them to clash and then explode.

Celestia shot more magical beams at the tall Alicorn, but she created a barrier around her to deflect magic back at her. The sun Princess avoided all of her own projectiles and created a strong beam of magic, in which she fired it off, but Shadow Galaxy teleported at the last minute somewhere.

"What?!" Celestia was shocked and looked around, when Shadow Galaxy teleported behind her.

"Surprise!" She shot a powerful beam at Celestia, causing the sun Princess to fall to the ground hard. "For a sun goddess, I expected you to be stronger, not be such a jobber. Oh well, you wouldn't be able to realize that anyway, as I'm about to destroy you!" She shot out another powerful, magical beam, but before it could hit her, Celestia used her magic to teleport away at the very last minute.

"Damn! Whatever, I can live with that. She will be my messenger of my upcoming arrival." She smirked and laughed evilly.

Meanwhile, Princess Luna was looking at the sky with a worried look. It seems like, she sensed something dark in Equestria, but she didn't know, who is causing it. While Tempest, Trixie and the elemental sisters were sleeping, the moon princess couldn't help but to worry about her older sister, Celestia....

"I need to find her...." Luna spread out her wings and flew away into the night, in order to find her sister.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hello, everyone!

This serves as a continuation to Mr. Mittens' story. Aside from Albert's death, I also wanted to introduce an OC, that help him with the development. A female feline, who's in the same species as Capper! I made her design already and more of her will be revealed soon!

Also, I apologise for the massive absence. I've been trying my best to improve my mental health. Plus, I've been working on other projects and real life stuff, as well as massive writer's block, which is really an absolute bitch to handle.