• Published 19th Oct 2020
  • 3,237 Views, 127 Comments

The Road of Courage - PrismaGalaxy514

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Side Story: The Dark Galaxy

The next morning, Twilight Sparkle went to her castle for her usual duty: maintaining friendships and solving problems all around Equestria. This day, she had an appointment with her friends to check on the cutie map for some potential friendship problems. As she entered that room, her friends were waiting.

"Good morning, Twilight!" Pinkie smiled and waved.

"Geez, last night was quite something, huh..." Rainbow Dash scratched her head.

"I couldn't sleep well, because of those horrid lightning storms! I swear to Celestia, I had to calm down Opal, because she got scared by those..." Rarity complained.

"I know, girls. It was quite a rough night. But I hope, this wouldn't distract us from our quest." Twilight assured and the girls sat around the cutie map, waiting for a new mission.

"Now let's see, if there's anything." Twilight looked closer.

"Oooh! I can't wait for the next exciting adventure! Whatever it is, it'll be fun!" The peppy party pony was really excited.

"Easy there, sugarcube. We have to wait. It's not like, it'll come to us by itself." Applejack calmed her friend down.

"TWILIGHT!!!" They heard the voice of Spike being panicked. And sure enough, the purple dragon rushed toward his friends for an emergency. Right after, he tripped and fell down in front of the mares.

"Spike, are you okay!?" Twilight was worried of her assistant.

"Twilight...the letter...it's....urgent..." The dragon panted hard, while holding a letter.

"Whoa there! Chill! What's the problem?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"It's from Princess Celestia!!" Spike gave the letter for Twilight to read. However, this one made her worry really hard.

"No..." the Alicorn was concerned.

"Twilight? What's going on?" Fluttershy asked.

"We need to go to Canterlot immediately! Come on, girls!" Twilight ran off with her friends following her shortly after.

"You were saying, Applejack?" Pinkie jumped, resulting the country mare sighing.

The Mane Six and Spike rushed out of the castle and through Ponyville in such a hurry, that they haven't noticed some ponies around the area.

"Do you have any idea, why Celestia needs us in the morning??" Rarity asked.

"No, but I have a bad feeling about this! Maybe I was failing my role as the princess of friendship or Equestria being attacked or....Anything!" Twilight got very anxious about it.

"Don't say that! You're doing an amazing job as a princess!" Pinkie replied in her usual optimistic tone. "Plus, we've dealt with so many scary monsters and bad guys before and our fun friendship powers always send them flying to oblivion! It's basically our thing!"

"Pinkie's right. Whatever it is, this will be a piece of cake! Plus, we ALWAYS get your back!" Rainbow smirked. Though the word "cake" got Pinkie perked up.

"Cake!? What's the occasion? A party!? What ingredients should I use!?" At this point, the peppy pony was asking so many questions about cake.

"Easy there, sugarcube." Applejack attempted to calm her friend down. At the same time, Fluttershy went to help the southern pony.

"This is not the time for cake, Pinkie! Princess Celestia needs us!" Twilight shouted.

"But what if it's for something else?" Pinkie hopped.

"Pinkie, please..." Fluttershy replied.

Since Applejack and Fluttershy were focused on calming Pinkie down from her usual shenanigans, they haven't noticed the surroundings around them. And before they knew, their road came to a crashing halt, when they suddenly bumped into some ponies.

"Girls, are you okay!?" Twilight went back to check up on them.

"We're fine, dear. We just got bumped by a few of the ponies, while we had to calm Pinkie down." Applejack explained.

"Will you three watch, where we're going!?" A familiar voice can be heard. Sure enough, when the Mane Six and Spike looked forward, the three ponies standing on the other side are none other than Snow Emerald, Tropic Bloom and Cherry Swirl. Right now, Snow was rubbing her head in frustration, while Cherry and Tropic got up.

"Hey, girls. What are you doing?" Twilight asked.

"We're currently on our way to the hospital." Cherry answered.

"Is it about Johnny again? Now that I mentioned him, I'm really getting concerned." Rarity was starting to get worried about Johnny, since she and her friends haven't checked up on him for a while, due to many other events happening for a long time. It's been a few months after all. "Please don't tell me, he's having a shock or something worse..."

"No no! He's perfectly fine! I met him yesterday and he was in good spirits! In fact, I did exchange a bit of small talk of him about the process." Cherry eased Rarity and her friends. "Recently, he, his pal and an aqua stallion, in which his name is apparently Gil, were last seen hanging out with some ponies. Plus; they've done so many tricks, that made the fillies and colts look on in awe and-" Cherry was too carried away by what she was supposed to say.

"CHERRY!!!" Snow yelled at the green mare, being completely annoyed. Once again, her shout startled everyone and scared Fluttershy and Tropic.

"W-what she's s-supposed to say is.." Tropic was still shaken up a bit and tried to explain the real reason, but Snow's glare is scaring her.

"Geez, for an ice pony, she seems to be quite a hot-headed jerk." Rainbow commented, which resulted getting growled by the icy mare.

"Everypony calm down! Rainbow, you're not helping..." Twilight was annoyed at Rainbow, before turning her attention to Snow. "And as for you, take a deep breath and tell us why you and your friends are going to the hospital."

"Fine..." Snow took a deep breath and explained. "I was doing my regular business this morning. Reading books and doings some errands. Everything was normal....until I overheard a conversation between Lyra and Bon Bon."

A few moments ago...

We see Snow sitting on a bench and drinking, while reading books. The birds were chirping melodious tunes as always and there was a gentle breeze coming by. A few ponies were walking by, either with someone or just being alone doing their regular business.

Meanwhile, Lyra and Bon Bon were walking around the village, rubbing their eyes a bit.

"Man, the storm last night was something..." Lyra yawned.

"I know, right? It was quite loud." Bon Bon agreed. "But it was nothing compared to what happened later, when an injured pony came right to our doorstep. It was really terrifying...."

Snow happened to be nearby to hear the conversation. Curious, she walked towards the duo, wanting to ask questions.

"Hey. I overheard something about an injured pony on your doorstep. Can you please elaborate further?" She spoke to them.

The two mares were puzzled by Snow just walking by and wanting to listen more about the situation.

"Pardon for just walzing by. I'm Snow Emerald by the way." She introduced herself.

"Uhm...okay?...I'm Bon Bon and this is Lyra Heartstrings." The cream colored earth pony introduced herself and Lyra in an awkward manner. "Why are you asking this?"

"Well, I had similar cases like these back then, when me and my friends are patrolling the galaxies. Mind you, most of the time, Shadow Nebula had either had a hoof on all of these, her Shadow Ponies or just them escaping from their captors. This was all in the past though, as we finally defeated that bitch and restored peace, but we still had to do our jobs, since...well, there's still evil afoot." The icy pegasus was drinking her drink and explained her reason. "What I'm saying is, what you're saying peaked my interest. You said, an injured pony came to you. What happened?"

"Well, it happened after the storm cleared. After it finally ended, we were relieved to get some good sleep, when we heard knocking on the door. It was persistent, so Bon Bon had to answer the door. Meanwhile, I was on the bedroom, when I heard her screaming. I rushed to her immediately after, only to see an injured dark blue pegasus mare on the doorstep. She was looking at us for a short time, before she collapsed. So, we had to bring her to the hospital." Lyra explained the entire situation, while Snow was drinking. Unfortunately, the word "dark blue pegasus mare" made her spit it out in shock.

"Does this mare happened to have short purple and blue hair?..." She was shook from the revelation.

"Yes. But her mane was really messy and she was covered in dirt. Like-" Before Bon Bon could even explain further, Snow dropped her drink and flew past them as fast as she could.

"After which, I immediately called Tropic and Cherry for an emergency meeting, to tell them the entire story. There is no doubt, that it had to be none other than Breeze! Last time, when we saw her, she went with the mole men to a hole, to investigate the matter. After that, she was never seen again until now." Snow finished her explanation. "But now with that information, we're going to the hospital to ask her on what the hell happened! Come on, girls!" The icy mare ran away, with Tropic following her. But Cherry stood there for a while to tell them something.

"Uhm, girls? Here's something, I need to get out of my chest. I need you to check up on Snow time after time. Recently, she's been extremely agitated, secretive and impulsive. I know, the drama is the main factor, but I fear, there's something else going on inside of her mind. Like a secret conflict or something." She quietly told the Mane 6 and Spike about her thoughts and worries. "There's also one more thing... It's about the-" Before the green mare would continue, she heard Snow calling her.

"Cherry, hurry up!"

"I'm coming!" Cherry shouted back and before she ran after her friends, she looked back at the ponies and said this: "Please....She needs to learn..." That left the mares and Spike confused.

"Did anyone catch that, what she said?" Spike asked in confusion and the girls were just as puzzled as him.

"I swear, this group is hidin' more secrets from us..." Applejack felt suspicious, despite knowing their backstories. She had a feeling, that there're more to the group.

'What makes you think of that, Applejack?" Rarity was confused.

"Well, like Cherry said, Snow has been acting....quite different. More aggressive and isolated." The country mare explained her suspicions. "Plus, I think, we forgot somepony, that they refused to mention."

"We'll talk about it later, Applejack. But now, we have to go to Canterlot. Princess Celestia needs us!" said the princess of friendship and the group continued on their journey. However, the orange earth pony mare wasn't the only one feeling suspicious, as Fluttershy had the same thoughts too.

Meanwhile, we see Sissy and Missy walking around the little town. However, the blue mare was feeling a bit down lately.

"Come on, Sissy! It's a beautiful day, why the long face?" Missy asked.

"It's just....ever since I moved into this world and got turned into a pony, I've been worried about my future. Like what should I do? What job should I take? There are so many questions in my head, I can't ignore them any longer! Didn't help, that even though we apologized to Test and his mutt, I still feel the anxiety!" Sissy explained her worries to her best friend. It's clear, that ever since she left her original world to Equestria, she's been dealing with constant worries about the future.

"Oof. Yeah, that sucks. We'll have to talk with Twilight, if we meet her next time. But for now, why not just have fun and turn off those thoughts for a while? I mean, I don't want you being such a downer all the time." Missy commented.

"I guess, you're right. But the problem is, aside from Test and his mutt, as well as Rainbow Dash, I have no idea, who else I should hang out with." Sissy explained one of the issues. It's clear, that she couldn't think of anyone other than Johnny and Dukey. And even though she and Rainbow became friends, it's hard to hang out with her, due to the prismatic mare having a busy schedule with the Friendship School, solving friendship problems and being part of the Wonderbolts.

"I can relate. I also couldn't stop thinking about the mutt. It's not like, I have a crush on him! No! It's just..." Missy tried to find a reason, but gave up after couldn't think of anything else and Sissy interrupting her friend.

"Can we just move on?" The blue mare looked at her with an annoyed look and red cheeks, indicating that she's hiding something. Like a crush or something. At the same time, Jillian was walking around, when she spotted the girls.

"Hey." The pink unicorn walked in, feeling bored. "What are you doing?"

"Taking a walk, pal." Sissy answered. "You look quite bored."

"Well....this world has its benefits, like being vegan friendly and being you know, peaceful. But...recently, I'm feeling really bored. Like I have no idea, what to do with my new life as a pony here." Jillian explained. "At the same time, I'm trying to make my own future, away from my "dad". Even though I have moved on, doesn't mean, the demons in my head are fully gone. Thankfully, I have become better handling with them, thanks to Fluttershy, who is quite decent. Pinkie is obnoxious as hell, Rarity is....well, too much, Applejack's fine, Rainbow reminds me of Johnny and Twilight...well, she's doing her job."

"I mean, you're not wrong. All of them are quite cool, though Pinkie can be a bit too loud. That's just my opinion though. Anyway, I've been thinking on what to do with my life in Equestria. But so far, I have no ideas. Maybe we can talk to Test for some help!" Sissy commented.

"Uhm...yeah....About that..." Jillian scratched her head.

"Oh, jeez... I don't like the tone...what is it?" Missy is feeling a bit bummed and sighed.

"From what I've heard from them, they're currently going on errands for their mom and dad. Well, the nicer ones to be precise." The pink mare explained to them, that Johnny and Dukey are currently unavailable.

"Aw man!" The girls were bummed by the news, however that left Jillian wondering about something.

"Do you girls have a crush on them?" She bluntly asked them a simple question.

"What?! No! What makes you say that?" Both Sissy and Missy denied in unison.

"Just asking. I feel like, you haven't hung out with anyone else in this world. Whilst for me, I'm still trying to open up more." Jillian shrugged.

"Hmmm...hey! Why not hang out at a nearby cafe? You know, to know each other more? Because frankly, we hardly know you." Missy purposed to the mares, in which Sissy agreed.

"Eh, I guess it's better than just wandering around." Jillian shrugged and went with them to a cafe nearby and sat down. However, Missy noticed a group next to them. A group of familiar looking ponies. Upon closer inspection, it turned out that the group of ponies are none other than Mr. Black, Mr. White, Gil, the General, the Beekeeper, Mr. Harm and Bling-Bling-Boy, who are having a conversation.

"Hey, dudes! Whatcha' talking about?" Missy yelled at the group

"Oh. We're just talking about what we've been doing lately in Ponyville." Mr. Harm answered. "If you want, you can join us." He asked them, in which the girls agreed and sat down with them.

"So, what were you doing lately?" Sissy asked them a question.

"I'm glad, that you asked, Sissy. For the past few months, I found a job as a teacher in a school in Ponyville and have been teaching the fillies and colts about the usual school lessons, while also giving inspirational life lessons in between. One of the new students was Cosmic Blaze, who has recently started his new day there. He was so excited on meeting new friends, but also open about his past of being a victim of bullying. I could see the fire in his eyes, similar to how Johnny had back then and still has. Brave, undeterred, yet heroic and kind. I guess, him having an older brother, albeit an adoptive one, gave him a massive boost of confidence."

"As for me, I started a honey business there, the same way, I did back then. At first, there were some hiccups due to me getting used to the new status quo, but a small community of beekeepers around Ponyville helped me getting better. So far, the business is going well. In fact, I took one unicorn mare, named Honey Hive, under my wing." Dr. Beebles gladly recounted his story, while filled with joy.

"Well, my goal is a bit more ambitious. You see, before all of this, I was known as a rich, evil mastermind, flaunting my status and chasing an impossible dream. If it wasn't for Jonathan, wait...Let me correct this." Eugene had to correct something. "I mean, if it wasn't for Radiant Thunder's disappearance, I wouldn't be in that place, I am now. That event really made me open my eyes and look, what I've done. Not to mention, hanging out and making friends with Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon made me realise, that I have a great potential, but my ego from the past always pushing it back. I'm still trying to learn more and..well, be more humble about it. But I hope, that I can get behind my past and use my skills as a inventor and genius for the better and maybe...push Equestria into a new age of technology. But for now, it'll take a long time, since they don't have the right resources. However, I can improvise, now that I have learned about unicorn magic."

"Whoa, wait dude! Radiant Thunder? Since when did you call Johnny like that?" Gil was confused about Eugene mentioning Johnny by his pony name.

"I've been calling him like that, ever since me finding my new name. Brilliant Diamond. Plus, we have to get rid of our original names once for all, if we want a complete restart. And I'm not the only one, who's been thinking about that. I mean, look at Crimson Lighting and Zapped Bone over there, the new names of these girls." The white unicorn pointed at Sissy and Missy respectively. "Mr. Black, Mr. White and Brain Freezer are the only exceptions, but other than that, aside from Dr. Beebles, now known as Honeycomb, some of you haven't found new names." He made a point.

"Newsflash, I already have one. It's Natural Spark." Jillian corrected.

"And I have recently found mine. Humble Mind. That was before I introduced myself to the students as a new teacher." Mr. Harm noted about his new name.

"I'm still finding my new name! Just you wait! I'll come up with one in no time!" The General spoke with false confidence. In reality though, he has NO IDEA. (Can't blame him, because nobody knows his real name.)

"And as for you, have you even looked at your cutie mark for once?" Eugene turned his attention to Gil.

"I have a cutie mark?" The aqua stallion was puzzled, much to everyone's disappointment and shock.

"Oh come on!" Sissy was irritated and got up, after the revelation made her fall down in a comedic fashion.

"Oh my God, everyone has a cutie mark, dumbass!" Missy became outraged.

"Ladies, please. We can solve this issue without any drama." Mr. Harm calmed the girls down, preventing any escalation.

Everyone, including Gil himself, looked at the cutie mark. It resembles a golden star with a red and cyan surfboard. Has that cool dude vibe.

"Just think of a name, based on your cutie mark!." Jillian noted.

"Right..." Gil smiled....but only for a while, before responding with: "Yeah, I don't get it."

"Do you really want a restart or what!?" Missy became even more agitated.

"Missy, chill!" Sissy scolded her friend.

"Wait a minute...Chill..." That word caused Gil to think hard about his new name. There were some ideas in his head, but only one of them will come out. Meanwhile, the former agents and Eugene were surprised, that Gil started thinking hard and take things a bit more seriously, since being a vital point on helping them finding Johnny and arresting those, who are responsible for the mess. Eventually, a lightbulb went on in the aqua pony's mind.

"I got it! Chill Vibe!" Gil proudly presented his new name, before hugging Missy. "Thanks for the idea, man!"

"Uhm....you're welcome?" The pink hybrid awkwardly responded in frozen confusion.

"I actually like the name. What do you guys think?" Jillian asked the group about the new name, in which the others agreed.

"Okay. Now that we solved his problem, I am still curious about the others." Sissy changed topics. "What about you two dudes? I have never heard you two up until now."

"Well...it's a work in progress." Mr. Black answered.

"What he means it...we have no idea." Mr. White lowered his head in embarrassment. "I mean, we could do something similar by applying as guards, but applications recently is taking a very long time to respond. Not to mention, we had to do little side jobs to earn some money."

"Have you tried to apply for the jobs as royal guards?" Dr. Beebles asked.

"Actually, we haven't even considered on that idea." Mr. Black scratched his head.

"To be fair, we've been really rusty on that experience. It's been a long time, after all." Mr. White made a point.

The others are currently thinking on some ideas on how to help the unicorn hybrids to find some jobs, when all of a sudden, the sky became dark purple.

"Wait a minute, what the hell? The sky has become dark!" Sissy pointed everyone about the sky out.

"Perhaps it's night time?" Gil questioned.

"I doubt that." Eugene shot down the question. "It's currently in the middle of the day. There's no way, it would suddenly switch into night. Plus, I don't see the moon." He pointed out, that the sky became really cloudy with the only semblance of light being the glowing swirls of stars.

"You're right! Who could've done this?!" The General asked, when all of a sudden, they heard a voice.

"I did!"

As they looked back at the source of the mysterious voice, they saw a tall, dark pink Alicorn mare, with a dark blue, ethereal mane, purple armor and sharp teeth, standing with a menacing smile and a dark galactic aura around her eyes.

"Who are you?!" Sissy loudly yelled at the dark galactic mare.

"Oh, I'm glad, that you asked, child. My name is Shadow Galaxy! But you can call me....future empress of the universe." She smirked.

"Future....empress?" The blue pegasus mare became frozen in shock.

"That's right! I'll conquer this universe and everyone will bow down to the one and only! Me!" Shadow Galaxy laughed, as the ponies around her feared of her presence.

Ponyville Hospital

Snow, Cherry and Tropic rushed into the hospital and looked everyone.

"Where is she?! Where is Breeze!?" Snow yelled. Meanwhile, Cherry asked a nearby nurse.

"Excuse me, we're looking for a dark blue pegasus mare with violet and blue mane. She is our friend. Is she here?" Cherry asked.

"Well, yes. She's recovering here. I can guide you to her room, if you want." The nurse responded.

"Thank you." Tropic thanked the nurse before she guides them to the room, where Breeze is. All while Snow was extremely anxious. As soon, as the nurse opened the door, the snowy mare rushed inside, while the earth ponies following their friend, apologising the nurse about Snow's behaviour. As soon as they entered the room, they saw the blue mare laying in a hospital bed, bandaged and hooked up to an IV.

"Oh my God..." Tropic quietly gasped.

"I know right?" Cherry stood there in shock.

"Breeze! WAKE UP!!! WAKE UP, GODDAMNIT!!!" Snow screamed at her friend, begging her to wake up. Soon, her wish was granted, when the blue pegasus groaned and opened her eyes.

"Where...am I?" Breeze groaned, when all of a sudden, she was grabbed into a hug by Snow Emerald.

"BREEZE!! Thank god, you're okay! I've been worried about you, since you went missing!" The icy mare was in tears.

"We heard, you crawled to a couple of ponies, looking beaten up and covered by dirt in the early morning. Tell us....what happened?" Cherry asked.

"Oh...I'll tell you. You girls remember last time, you saw me, right? When I entered a hole to help Zizrar get his crown back?" Breeze asked, before telling them, what happened after that. "You won't believe, what happened next."

A few days ago...

We see Breeze Dasher along with Zizrar and his mole people, going around the underground tunnels, while making new ones. Their goal: Find Zizrar's crown.

"Uhm, your majesty? I'm confused, as of why there are some existing tunnels. Did we dig them?" One of the mole men asked.

"Hmmm...I don't remember us digging those tunnels around the area, where I got stuck." Zizrar doubted. "Perhaps, we should go even deeper. Men, dig deeper!"

The mole men did, what he asked and dug deeper and deeper underground, all while the group followed deeper. Thankfully, some of them have lanterns to illuminate the path.

"Aw man, how long is this gonna go on?" Breeze was impatient.

"Until I get my crown back, feathered horse!" The mole king was too determined to get it back.

"At first, Zizrar was quite a pain in the ass to endure."

"Dude, I have a name, remember..." the blue mare became annoyed. "Also, are you trying to redeem yourself, or what?"

"I'm still trying, you know?" Zizrar understood, as he kept going. "And honestly, I don't like your current attitude."

That severely angered the pegasus mare, as she suddenly stopped. "The fuck did you just say?!" She snapped and was about to rumble. "At least, I have met some friends, who aren't such prompted assholes, like you!"

"How dare you, cloudy?!" Zizrar is about to square off.

"Oh, you wanna fight, huh?" The dark blue mare growled.

"Uhm, guys..." One mole man was trying to bring their attention, while putting his head up to a wall, but the two were too focused on their argument. It didn't help, when insults were thrown around both sides. It almost came to a fight, but thankfully, two of the mole men grabbed Zizrar and Breeze, in order to prevent any discord. Needless to say, the whole thing was pretty chaotic. Meanwhile, that one mole man kept trying to bring up everyone's attention, but his voice was lost in the squabble, as nobody listened. Eventually, he had enough.

"HEY!!! WOULD YOU PLEASE STOP!?!" He yelled, silencing everyone and stopping the chaos altogether. "I heard something from the other side, while I was putting my head to this wall!"

"What did you hear?" Another one asked.

"Well, it sounded like...voices." The listening mole man described the sounds. The others put their heads to the wall and they indeed heard voices.

"But then...we heard voices from the other side."

"Could you dig a very small looking hole? Just in case? But not too big! I don't want the crown thief know, that we're here." Zizrar commanded one of the men to carefully dig a very small hole for them to look through. After that's done, Breeze volunteered to peek through the hole.

"Once I peeked through the small hole, my eyes wouldn't believe, what I saw. There was....life underground. What's more, they look....quite similar to Zizrar and his army....but with a twist."

Through the hole, she saw a hidden civilisation of mole people during a training session. They have quite a few similarities to Zizrar and his mole men. The major difference is, the hidden mole people were all female.

"What the...?" The blue mare whispered at the sight of it. She had seen hidden civilisations on other planets throughout her journey through galaxies. She did encounter a few underground people before, but never in her life had she seen a hidden civilisation, full of strong mole women.

"Let me see!" Zizrar pushed Breeze away and peeked a bit, to see the women, who are built like amazons, practice their weapons. "Well, I'll be damned. There are mole women!"

"Shh! Be quiet!" Breeze hushed the mole king and listened more to the ladies fighting, when all of a sudden, they heard a stern voice:

"Ladies! Here comes Queen Iris!"

Zizrar peeked through the hole again and he saw something. A group of mole women, lead by a strong built queen with a platinum crown and jewelry, holding a long scepter. As soon, as he saw this amazonian-like lady, the mole king basically froze. As for the mole men, as far as they know, their kind only consist of men. So seeing a different kind of mole people, only consisting of women, was a massive surprise for them.

"Any progress made ladies?"" The queen asked.

"Nothing much, our majesty. Just improving our skills and keeping everything in check." One of the mole women responded.

"Actually, there is something, Queen Iris..." The one with the ponytail had something.

"What is it, Talia?" Iris asked to her soilder, in which the mole woman, named Talia, pulled out a golden crown, that looked awfully similar to Zizrar's crown.

"I found this crown, while doing my routine inspection underground. I had to use my hands to blindly test the ground, in order to protect my eyes. Needless to say, from all of the objects I took, this has to be the most peculiar." Talia explained, who gave the crown to Iris, who looked closer at it.

"Careful, Talia. You'll never know, what happens on the surface. Therefore, we don't know, if this is safe or not!" The mole woman, who's been next to Iris, became suspicious.

"Evelynn, please. I just checked this crown and it seems to be safe. But something is off about it. It doesn't look like something from our home. But at the same time, I'm really curious about some potential treasure from the surface world. Unfortunately, the bright light prevent us from exploring! Unless there is a miracle item out there, I'm afraid, we're currently stuck there. But regardless, we have to wait for this opportunity and until then, we have to keep training and push ourselves to the absolute limits." Iris made a speech to everyone, including Evelynn.

Meanwhile, Zizrar saw everything, but he was still frozen, which annoyed Breeze Dasher and some mole men, who wanted to see the ladies.

"Dude...can you move?" Breeze tapped Zizrar multiple times, in order to snap him out of it. Frustrated, the dark blue mare pushed him away and looked a bit through the hole.

"Hey!" The mole king angrily stood up.

"You've been there for too long!" The pegasus mare yelled at him, while the mole men looked nervous, like they knew, what's gonna happen.

"Watch your tone, Breezie!" Those words from Zizrar seriously ticked Breeze off, but thankfully, two of the mole men restrained the two from starting a fight, but they kept on shouting each other.

"Stop it, you two!" One of the mole men pleaded Breeze and Zizrar to stop the argument.

"...and I still stand by the opinion of him being and asshole. Like, seriously! I can't stand him!"

"Calm down, Breeze! What happens next?"

"Being too angry is not good for you..."

*sigh* "Sorry about that, girls...Anyway..."

On the other side, one of the ladies, who was close to the wall heard something. She tapped one of her friends for attention.

"What is it, Auriana?" One of them asked.

"I heard something on the other side..." Auriana listened closer to the wall, when she saw the tiny hole. After peeking through it, she saw Breeze, Zizrar and the mole men. "Queen Iris! There are intruders on the other side!!" She yelled, shocking everyone.

"Ladies, break the wall down and capture them!" Iris commanded her soldiers.

"Yes, Queen Iris!" The women complied and they formed a formation, where the most buff women stood at the front, preparing to break the wall down.

"...I had no idea about my surroundings, since I was too focused on the argument, until it's too late..."

Back to Breeze, she and Zizrar were still arguing, while the mole men did their best to defuse the situation. It seems like, their arguments would keep on for what it seems like an eternity, while all of them were unaware of their surroundings. That was, until they heard the wall broken down, several footsteps coming closer and the weapons pulled out, along with a voice:

"Freeze, intruders!"

That came from Evelynn, whom she and the ladies surrounded the group with their spears pointed at them, who were thrown off by the sudden appearance.

"Damnit! This is all your fault!" Breeze blamed Zizrar for blowing the cover.

"Why me? You're the one who pushed me!" The mole king refused to take responsibility.

"YOU'RE BOTH AT FAULT FOR THIS!!!" The shout of an angry mole man can be heard. He really had enough with their arguments. "WHY CAN'T YOU TWO JUST STOP WITH THE SILLY SPATS AND JUST GET ALONG FOR ONCE!??! BUT NOW, THANKS TO YOU, WE'RE APPREHENDED!!!"

The other mole men stood by, as they saw their friend pant after a long time of yelling at the two.

"Enough! Ladies, take them to the dungeons." Queen Iris commanded the girls to take the group to their underground prisons, while both Breeze and Zizrar didn't say anything, because they're progressing on what the mole man just said.

"Oh my God...you were imprisoned down there?!" Tropic was in shock.

"Yeah...However, I was taken to a separate cell away from the mole men, because apparently they've never seen a pony before." Breeze further added.

"Those mole women sound really ruthless and strong." Cherry commented.

"Well...not all of them..." The dark blue pegasus suddenly rebutted, causing her friends to fall in a surprised shock.

"What?! What do you mean by not all of them!? They've imprisoned you and the others!! Not to mention, they stole the crown and probably beat you up!!" Snow furiously yelled at Breeze.

"Let me explain, goddamnit!" Breeze shouted back, before taking a deep breath. "Where was I?.....Oh yeah."

Underground, several hours later....

The group of the mole men and Zizrar were sitting in multiple cells, seperated from the others, but there were a few mole men sitting with others. And then, there was Breeze herself, who was held in a cell away from the others, completely alone. The dungeon was guarded by a mole woman, holding a spear, making sure, her prisoners behave and not trying to break out. And just to be sure, Breeze's wings were tied up in chains.

"Great...as if things couldn't get any worse..." She sighed and sat down.

"Silence!" The guard yelled, causing Breeze to pout in annoyance. Soon, everyone heard the door opening and a braided mole girl came out.

"Okay, youngling. Make sure, those prisoners behave and not make any nonsense. Understood?" The guard told to the young mole, who is feeling a bit unsure.

"G-got it..." She quietly responded and grabbed the spear. The guard glaring makes her even more nervous, before taking her place, as the woman left. "Okay, focus on the task..." She quietly spoke to herself. However, she overheard something in one of the cells.

"I can't believe it....First, my king fell down a tight hole and lost his crown, then he started arguing with the pegasus and now we're held prisoners by a bunch of strong and mean mole women! This has to be the worst day of my life..." That came from one of the mole men, who's really frustrated and down. "This is all their fault...."

The shy guard went to that specific cell, holding the same mole man, who yelled at Zizrar and Breeze, before getting captured. He put down his sunglasses and glared at the girl. "What do you want? Should I be silent in my corner of sorrow, for your enjoyment!?" he snarled, causing the girl to become more scared.

"N-no....I-I....I'm truly sorry for what happened..." she gulped.

"That's a lie..." he looked away.

"No, I mean it! I also apologize for the mean behaviour coming from the other soilders and our commander, Evelynn... Even though they're trying their best to protect themselves from danger, I feel like, they take things a bit too far. Especially Evelynn, who is the most stern and ruthless." She softly spoke with empathy. "Also I've never seen a bunch of mole men before...That reignited my curiousity of the surface world once again, after being underground for so long." She then looked at Zizrar and Breeze, sitting in their respective cells and sighed. "And as for them, I looked at their faces and it seems like, they feel remorse on what they've done. Or perhaps they're sad of their imprisonment. Especially that pony, who really doesn't belong here underground..."

"Even though I overheard everything, I didn't say a single word. I was just....silent. Didn't help, that I wasn't looking."

To prove him, that she has different intentions, the mole woman gave him some apples.

"I know, the other guards will give you some food, but I thought, giving these fresh apples might help you." She softly spoke. Those words and the gesture of giving him the apples, surprised the mole man. Most mole women he encountered were mean and tough, but this one was timid, but very sweet and kind.

"I never thought, I could meet a sweet mole woman. The others were acting all tough and were mean and hostile." He looked down.

"They really haven't interacted with other species of people for a long time, due to them choosing to isolate themselves from everything and train themselves to their absolute limit. So much has happened, which caused them to follow that path for a lifetime." She explained. "Even though, I understand their concerns, at the same time, their behavior concern me...Plus, I just wanted to explore the world, meet new friends and live a peaceful life..." The braided girl looked at the other mole people in their cells, including Zizrar and at Breeze, before turning her attention back to the mole man. But before one would them would say anything, they heard the sound of the rusty door opening. The girl shrieked and quickly returned to her position, where it fully opened to reveal Evelynn and a few guards walking in, looking around.

"Alright, fellas! Who is the leader of the bunch?" Evelynn yelled sternly, causing everyone fo shake in fear. They walked around and looked at every cell, before stopping at Zizrar, who's looking at the ceiling. It took one of the guards to hit her spear at the bars, in which he turned his attention towards the ladies.

"You look different. Are you the leader by any chance?" The stern commander asked.

"Actually, I'm the king of the mole people. Well...of the mole MEN, that is." Zizrar admitted and clarified his answer. "Why do you ask me this?"

Hearing the confirmation, the guards opened the cell and took the mole king, while the mole people watched. After which, At the same time, they shackled his hands, just to be sure.

"If that's the case, then you're chosen for interrogation by queen Iris." The commander explained the reason as of why they'll take him away and then turned her attention towards the shy guard. "So far, nobody decided to make foolish decisions to get out. Keep an eye on them, Amber! Understood?"

"Y-yes, commander Evelynn..." she nervously responded, while she was shaking in fear. Evelynn on the other hand, couldn't understand, what she said, so she got closer.

"I can't hear you!" She shouted.

"Yes, commander Evelynn! Understood!" She loudly repeated her response.

"Hmph. Since you are still new to this, I'll let you know, that we're never gonna take easy on our enemies, no matter what. Now get back to work!" As the group exited the dungeon, Evelynn looked one last time on the shy lady, whose name is confirmed to be Amber, before leaving with Zizrar and closing the door shut. As soon, as the door was closed, Amber dropped the spear and collapsed on the floor our of exhaustion.

"Are you okay?" The mole man asked.

"I'm sorry...But I'm so scared of my peers...especially Evelynn..." She groaned, before getting up and returned to the mole man. "Anyway, you've probably overheard my name being shouted from her. I'm Amber. What's your name?" The shy more girl introduced herself and asked him on what his name is.

"The name's Roy." The mole man introduced himself as Roy. "Can you tell me more about your people? I'm kinda curious."

"Of course, I can!" Amber smiled and proceeded to explain more information about her people, all while Breeze is slowly overhearing everything.

"I heard, that someone named Amber befriended one of the mole men, named Roy. And it sounds like, she's a nice girl."

The blue pegasus looked back to see Amber and Roy chatting each other. It seems like, they were slowly starting a friendship. This caused the mare to smile, since it reminded her on her first encounters with Cherry Swirl, Tropic Bloom, Fire Jewel, Snow Emerald, Jenny and finally Ocean Spark, in which she became friends with them and even formed a team with them to stop evil. Those were the good old times. Kicking the bad guys' asses, visiting planet after planets and having a fun time. Despite their trials and tribulations, they eventually came together stronger than ever. Too bad, the drama tore the team apart.

"Man...it surely reminded me of the good old times." She sighed, since she missed that feeling.

"Hey, Roy! Don't tell me, that you're chatting with a guard..." One of the mole men yelled, since he was far away from Roy.

"Don't worry! She's friendly!" Roy assured his fella, that she's different from the other mole women.

"Uhm...Amber?" Breeze spoke to the braided mole girl, who got distracted.

"Yes?" The shy mole went to Breeze's cell, when she heard her asking her something.

"Uhm...Do you have any plans to start your own life?" The mare asked out of curiosity, since she over heard the mole speaking about her curiosity of the surface world.

"I wish....It's just, the other girls are really iffy about the surface world, due to the war back in our home planet. Since Queen Iris and her people escaped to this planet, they've became really paranoid and stayed underground ever since." Amber explained about the reason. "But...I don't think, everyone is pure evil. I just wish, I have the courage to speak up and go out, but I'm afraid, that they would punish me..."

"Actually, I overheard about Queen Iris being curious about the surface world, after getting Zizrar's crown from one of her soldiers, named Talia. She said, that the light is preventing them from going up there." Roy responded, after being reminded of something, he overheard before being captured.

"Really? She really said that? I'm sorry... I was somewhere else, doing some small errands." Amber sighed.

"He's actually right. I also overheard Iris saying that." Breeze shrugged.

"I see..." Amber answered, taking their words into consideration. "I guess, that makes sense, when Zizrar was taken for questioning by Queen Iris. She might be curious..."

From that day onward, the three of them became friends. However, most of the mole men became cold to their bond, due to the superstition of the mole girls being mean.

A few days passed and the group were still in their cells. Everytime, Zizrar and one of the mole men will be taken for more questioning by the guards. During that time, Roy refused to talk to Zizrar or anyone about his new friendship with Amber, since he was fully aware, that they wouldn't accept it. Given that the other guards were too strict and loud to them. Hell, they threatened them with their lives, if they didn't comply. Even Breeze was aware of these and also refused to speak even further.

"But most of them disliked my friendship with Amber and Roy and their friendship in general, due to them being treated like prisoners by the other guards. Even though Zizrar didn't know that, Roy and I decided to keep it a secret. And then last night... it came into motion."

Yesterday, Amber was about to end her shift, when Roy had an idea.

"Hey, Amber! I need you to tell you something! " Roy quietly got her attention, since Zizrar was taking a nap. The mole girl came to Roy's cell, in which the mole man whispered something in her ear. At the same time, four of the guards opened the door. They opened Zizrar's cell and took him away. But two of the guards stopped in order to look at every cell, before stopping at Roy's cell.

"You! You're coming with us." One of the guards sternly looked at Roy and took him away, as the cell was opened. She stopped near Amber in order to switch the jobs.

"On it, Gia." Amber took Gia's job, much to her sadness. But regardless, she had a job to do and left with the others, while Gia grabbed a spear and watched over the prisoners with a stern look. Most of them were silent, due to their treatment.

"Hmph. I'm actually impressed, that you guys behaved so damn well." Gia commented. "As long as you follow the rules, nobody will be harmed."

The others silently complied, including Breeze. It went on and on until late at night, when everyone was asleep. There were no guards at the time, but of course, they didn't try. That was until the door was silently opened and someone tiptoed through the chambers and looked around the cells, until they found Breeze's cell. They sliently unlocked the door and released the mare from the chains, allowing her to fly again. All while Breeze's asleep. Then the mysterious individual grabbed several rocks, shaped them like a lying pony, painted it blue, glued some fake violet and blue hair on the front and back, mimicing a mane and a tail, painted a face, then did their best to make it look as close to the blue mare as possible. However, those small noises woke the mare up, who was close by.

"Ugh...what's going on?" The pegasus groaned and opened her eyes, only to see that shadowy individual building something. What really caught her eye is due to the silhouette of the individual, having a braided hairstyle and being petite.

"Wait a minute...You look familiar..." she stood up and looked closer, only to feel lighter around her wings. Sure enough, when the mare opened hee wings, there was no restraint to hold them back. She went closer and closer to that individual and tapped them, only for them to shriek in fear.

"Wait! That voice..." She thought. That voice sounded feminine and shy. And there was only one, who has that voice and that braided hairstyle. Sure enough, the shadowy individual turned out to be none other than Amber, who's been trying to free Breeze all along! But before the mare would even respond, the mole girl immediately hushed her.

"Shhh! You need to be quiet! I'm trying to get you out of here." Amber quietly whispered, as she finished the fake pony construction and grabbed a nearby torch to light up the area.

"Get me out of here..? Was this your idea?" Breeze scratched her head.

"No. It was actually Roy's idea. He requested me to get you to the surface world, because he said, you have some 'elemental' friends, right?" Amber explained, who was responsible for the plan. Which meant, what Roy whispered to Amber earlier was actually a secret plan to get Breeze out of the chambers and back to the surface world.

"Well, yeah. Not sure, why he wants me to get my friends though...." Breeze was still puzzled.

"To get some help? Now please follow me. I know a way out." Amber grabbed Breeze's hoof and left the chamber. They snuck through the tunnels and around a few guards. A few minutes later, the reached a wall. However, Amber began to push something, which revealed a hidden tunnel going up.

"Damn...You're really clever." Breeze was impressed.

"Thank you." Amber giggled. "I actually made that secret tunnel a while ago, so I can explore the surface. But only at night, since most of them are asleep. Now go, young pony! You deserved to be free."

"Never thought of a mole girl actually helping me out... Thanks, Amber! And don't worry, I'll get my friends for backup and we'll kick their asses and save the others!" Breeze was about to go, when she suddenly had a question. "Wait! What about you?"

"Don't worry. I'll be fine. I'll keep it as a secret." The shy mole assured, which relieved the mare to climb upward. The last things, she heard before was the tunnel being closed. From that point onward, it's just Breeze Dasher climbing her way up to freedom. Unfortunately, not even a few minutes later, the dark mare became exhausted.

"Man, how long is that tunnel exactly?!" She groaned, assuming the tunnel would take so long. In fact, she didn't know, if the chamber was really deep underground. Regardless, she kept on crawling upwards, even though it took most of her stamina. Eventually, she touched something hard, so Breeze moved the objects away and crawled out of a hole, now covered in dirt, since the ground was wet a while ago.

"After what it seems like ages, I finally got out! And goddamn, it was a pain in the ass to crawl through a tight space! My back hurts from thinking it..."

"Oh man...I swear to God, I'll never climb through a tunnel ever again!" The pegasus mare groaned again, when she got up and laid down on the solid ground, to catch some air and energy. The breeze and the sounds of the grills and other animals brought relaxation to Breeze, since she missed the surface so much, even though she was imprisoned underground a few days ago. After a half an hour of resting, the blue mare got up and looked around.

"The problem was....I have no idea, where the hell I was. It was super far away from Ponyville. I mean, it could also be far away from our ship!"

"Okay. I'm feeling a bit better now.. But....where the fuck am I?" Breeze didn't recognized the area around her. "What direction should I go and WHERE THE HELL IS PONYVILLE!?!" She screamed to the sky, as she became even more frustrated. Breeze flew up and around the forested area, searching for something. A light, a house, anything to point towards pony civilisation. But instead, she saw nothing but trees, rocks, lakes, fields and wild animals. During the search, she became even more and more annoyed, until eventually, she landed on a field and stomped her hooves.

"Man, could this day get any worse?!?!" The blue mare angrily yelled and painted, as she was exhausted again. Suddenly, she heard a voice.

"Thing is, a few days ago, while I was hanging out with Radiant Thunder and Coffee Paw, they said something like: 'Don't ask, if things could get any worse! It always makes things even shittier!' Back then I assumed, that they had the worst luck imaginable. But looking back at that moment, I really shouldn't have said those words, because immediately after I said that...of course it did get fucking worse....But in the worst way imaginable. And no, I'm not talking about the mole girls catching up to me, hell no! Instead..."she" came back."

"Hello, Breeze. Long time, no see.~"

"What the?! Who's that?!" Startled, the blue mare looked around for the source of the sound, only to see nothing. "Aw man, this is one of those mind fucks, huh?" She kept looking around, while hearing laughter somewhere. "Where are you!? Show yourself! I'm not afraid to throw hooves at ya!" Immediately in a battle stance, Breeze prepared for the mysterious enemy. Then out of nowhere, a dark, galactic aura surronded the poor mare, making her unable to move and lifted up, as dark mist surrounded the area close to her. Soon, she heard hoofsteps getting closer and she was met with glowing yellow, serpent-like eyes with a blue to pink aura around them and a glowing horn.

"Oh no...Not this shit again..." The dark blue pegasus was afraid of the pony, to whom she knew. Sure enough, her fears were confirmed, when Shadow Galaxy stepped out of the shadows with a wicked grin.

"Missed me?" The dark pink Alicorn nonchalantly smiled.

"I thought, you're gone for good! Like being destroyed by the power of the elements and Jenny overcoming you!" Breeze shouted.

"Oh you silly pony, you have no idea, that little drama of yours and your friends gave me enough strength to return from the shadows and picking off, where I left off! And you might ask, what drama...Well, the one, that started with a rift between Fire Jewel and us!" Shadow Galaxy explained her return and rubbed salt to the wound.

"No...." Breeze was left shook from what she just said. The drama between Fire Jewel and her own friends and sister, causing the team to be broken off on bad terms, which lead to a lot of misunderstandings, terrible mistakes and lots of lives ruined and caught off in a web of the dilemma, were all the cause for more damage than good. Examples being the dragon incident and recently, Shadow Galaxy's return after a very long time.

"Oh, but don't worry, little one. I'll make sure to do everyone a big favor by getting rid of you and your friends. And once I'm done with you, I'll cover the universe in darkness and rule it as the supreme queen for all eternity!!" Shadow Galaxy preceded to laugh evilly, as sounds of lightning can be heard roaring from the skies. "And don't be sad. It'll be quick and painless" She was about to charge a killing blow, when all of a sudden, cyan lightning bolts hit Breeze, charging her up and breaking her free from Galaxy's magic.

"I may have been out of shape a bit, but I still got some fight in me left!" Immediately, the pegasus mare prepared for a throw down. "I'm gonna defeat you, just like me and my friends last time!"

"Bring it, twerp!" Shadow Galaxy smirked and also prepared for an attack.

[During this battle, this theme plays:

First, Shadow Galaxy unleashed a dark beam at Breeze, but the mare dodged it by flying away.

"Charged hurricane!" Breeze used her powers to created an electrical hurricane to send it right at the dark Alicorn, whom she flew through it and fired several shots, in which the pegasus created a powerful wind to bring those shots right back at her. Shadow Galaxy responded by blocking them off with a barrier. Next, she unleashed a powerful shockwave, causing a minor earthquake and slightly throw Breeze off and thrown her to a nearby boulder.

"That does it! Amped Kick!" Breeze got up and flew up to the skies, in order to charge herself up to a powerful attack. After which, she flew down at rapid speed and positioned herself to a single kick, while being surrounded by lightning bolts. Due to its incredible speed, she managed to hit the evil Alicorn and also sending electrical shocks at her. What followed is an all out brawl between Shadow and Breeze, which including unleashing their spells at each other, kicking, etc. It went on and on, until the dark blue pegasus flew so fast and kicked her away. Exhausted, yet triumphant, Breeze smirked.

"Is that, what you got!?" She chuckled, but her demeanor changed, when Shadow Galaxy hit a tree, she suddenly turned into dark smoke. "What the!?" She looked around, but unbeknownst to Breeze, the dark alicorn reappeared behind her from a mist.

"No, but thank you for asking that, Breeze." She smirked and fired off a beam, in which it hit the pegasus mare to the ground. After which, she fired off several shockwaves at the helpless mare, giving her more pain and agony. "That was sure fun, but unfortunately, your time is running out!" After which, Shadow performed a drop kick at Breeze and used her magic to pick her up, in order to finish her off. It was pretty hopeless, as she charged for yet another powerful blast for a killing blow.

"I would've been a goner, since she was too strong and I was exhausted, due to the escape, but then..."

An innocent rabbit came by and made noises, while searching for food. However, the sound distracted the shadowy mare.

"Huh? How dare you distracting me from getting my victory!?" She snarled, scaring off the rabbit, whom it ran away. However, during that brief distraction, her horn stopped glowing and Breeze was let go. She used that brief time to fly away as fast as she could.

"Now, where was I-" Shadow Galaxy turned back, only to see that Breeze had already escaped. "Damn it! She escaped, just like the princess! Whatever, I'll pick them off next time. Besides, I have more time to set my plan in motion and soon, everypony will bow down to the future empress of the galaxy!" She laughed evilly.

Meanwhile, Breeze flew as fast, as she could to get away from Shadow Galaxy, however, her injuries slowed her down hard, until she had left with no other option than to land down on the ground in order to run, but even then, the injuries hindered her journey even further. She tried to walk for a while until she had no choice but to crawl.

"I got away as fast as I could, but it hurts so bad, that I had to slow down. Meanwhile, I had no idea, where I was, though in reality, I was close to Ponyville. So imagine my relief, when I found houses. After which, I tried on knocking on every door, so I can get some help."

It went on and on for a while, until she found houses, which meant, she arrived at a village. Relieved, she used her remaining strength to crawl further and knock at every door, in order to get some help.

"And of course, it lined up with you eventually knocking on a particular door, in which Lyra and BonBon eventually answered, before losing your consciousness."

This was the last thing, Breeze did before losing consciousness, thus ending the flashback.

Ponyville Hospital, present

"I never thought, that bitch would come back after so long....Hearing her name makes my blood boil...." Snow growled, while Cherry and Tropic backed off. "We have to stop her!"

"Yeah! There's no way in hell, she will succeed this time!" Breeze was motivated, but when she moved, the injuries caused her to groan.

"No, Breeze! You're still injured! Please rest, while we're taking the mission." Snow stopped her friend from moving.

"B-but...what about the mole people?" Tropic asked, since Breeze's story made her worried about Zizrar and the others, who they've still been captured underground.

"We'll take care of this later! But for now, we have to go to Ponyville to raise the defenses and prepare for the battle! She'll regret invading this planet, when we use our elements together!" Snow rebutted.

"Yeah, but think about it, Snow. There are only three of us. Breeze is still injured and not to mention, FIRE AND OCEAN ARE STILL ABSENT!!! That shit ain't enough! I suggest, we should get some assists!" Cherry made a point, since despite being three versus one, she remembered one time, where it wasn't enough, when they fought against Shadow Galaxy a long time ago. Presumably the first encounter and battle. But Snow didn't want to hear anything about it.

"No! The last thing we want, is more casualties and injuries! I really don't want anyone to fall under her foul hooves and make everything worse! So, it's now just the three of us now or never!" Snow outright shot down Cherry's request and ran off.

"Damn, what's up with her?..." Breeze scratched her head.

"Recently, she's been extremely agitated and hard to work with. The drama is of course the main reason of all of this and I get, why she doesn't want more assists, but....I fear, that Snow is hiding something, since she reacted to the drama a lot worse than the others." Cherry theorized, before switching topics. "Hey, Breeze, you said, you escaped to the surface to get our help, right?"

"Uhm, yeah. That's what Roy wanted. Breeze nodded. Suddenly, Cherry had an idea.

"Uhm...Cherry? Shouldn't we go after Snow to help her?" Tropic was worried.

"Hmm....Breeze...We'll help you get the men out." The pink-haired mane made up her mind, much to Tropic and Breeze's shock.

"Cherry, you don't understand! If you don't follow Snow's orders, she'll kill us!" Tropic tried her best to convince Cherry to change her plan, but Cherry stood to her decision.

"That's the thing! Snow really needs to learn to be more open and less bossy to us and everyone! Plus, I think, it's time to tell everyone the whole truth about us, including...you know, who. That's right! I'm going to tell the entire history about...her...my best friend..." Cherry was getting more and more emotional. "You may be apprehensive about it, but it's time to change it! It's OUR fault!! We brought many innocent ponies into OUR petty mess! And I don't want to be associated with the drama and being the target of bullying again! I JUST WANT TO BRING OUR FRIENDSHIP BACK AND THINGS TO BE BACK TO NORMAL!!!!" With tears in her violet eyes, Cherry looked at her friends. "Girls...you really need to understand....we need to take responsibility and mature....and of course trying our best to restore our friendship....I learned that from Princess Twilight and her friends..."

"Cherry..." Tropic watched on, as he friend was in an emotional state. It reminded her on when she met the green mare for the first time, when Breeze brought her to the cottage. It all happened in the planet, Shima.

Shima, several years ago...

Inside the cottage, Tropic was preparing in the kitchen, while Fire Jewel prepared the fireplace with wood and her own fire magic, when all of a sudden, the door was bust open by Breeze, who was carrying Cherry.

"Huh? Breeze, what's the matter?" Tropic ran to her friend, while Fire was confused.

"Wait....who's the new girl?" The red unicorn was confused.

"No idea, but while I was flying, I saw her falling from a cliff. It's a good thing, I flew as fast I could and catch her, before she hit the cold waters. She resisted at first, but then stopped." Breeze explained her reason on bringing in a new pony.

"Tell me, who pushed you?" Fire asked, wanting answers, but the green earth pony looked away in sorrow.

"Please...we're not here to hurt you... " Tropic pleaded.

"You're probably saying this, to make yourselves better and make my life miserable, like everyone...." The green mare mumbled.

"What the fuck, we're not bullies!" Fire snapped, but Tropic held her friend back.

"Fire, please! You're scaring her! Anyway....we just want to do the right thing and make the universe a better place, protecting people and stop evil. Bullying is not part of our nature." Tropic assured, that she and her friends were not doing any harm and instend present them as potential heroes.

"Of course, you wouldn't help me from what I've been through! You wouldn't help someone, who's been called 'a weakling' or something for so long!" The pink haired mare snapped.

"The hell are you talking about? Were you....bullied?" Fire guessed.

"Seems like it." Breeze looked at Cherry.

"I'm truly sorry for what happened to you... I know, that we just met and thus, don't know about you at all. But I assure you, that we're different. If you have any issues, you can talk with any of us. Our doors are open." Tropic slowly approached the green mare, who's been hostile, fearing for the worst. But her suspicions were debunked, once she was pulled into a hug by the yellow mare. "It's going to be okay. We're here now." She softly spoke to the green earth pony, who's been touched by Tropic's kindness.

"Besides, if those bullies show up again, we're gonna give them a piece of our minds and a good ass whooping!" Fire Jewel added and joined in the hug, followed by Breeze shortly after.

"I....I....I..." Cherry was at a loss for words, due to being emotional by their actions.

"Don't worry, man. We're gonna protect you....no matter what..." Breeze smiled.

"She's right. That's what friends do." Tropic warmly smiled, as the green mare had tears streaming down from her face, to which the yellow earth pony wiped them away.

After which, the four ponies sat down and Cherry proceeded to tell them her struggles with bullying. They were shocked by the extent and told them, that despite having different experiences with pain, like Fire Jewel being an abuse victim, Tropic being unable to save a friend from suicide and Breeze with abandonment issues, they've bonded over their pain and their shared desire for justice.

Ponyville Hospital, present....

"Cherry...I made up my mind... Let's help Breeze out and set things straight. Besides, it's best to tell them about her, so that mistakes like these will never happen again." Tropic quickly hugged the green mare, finally convinced to join her plan. She then turned her attention to Breeze. "Breeze, we'll get the men out and stop Shadow Galaxy for good. And maybe....talk things out. You can rest, while we're doing your request." She smiled.

"Thanks. I knew, I can count on ya!" Breeze smirked.

Meanwhile Cherry was brought back to reality through the power of friendship and proceeded to leave the room with Tropic, while Breeze watched and laid down to recover.

Meanwhile in Ponyville...

We see ponies running away from Shadow Galaxy, who used her magic to cause destruction and capture ponies. Some of the running ponies were Sissy and Missy, who were running as fast as they could or in Sissy's case, flying.

"I swear to God, we can't catch a break! First the dragon and now this, despite that being months ago!!" Sissy screamed.

"Where the hell are Test and the mutt!? They could've been a REALLY big help right here!!" Missy shouted, while running. Suddenly, the hybrid tripped and injured herself. Sissy came by to help her friend up, but they were closed to be captured by the dark orbs, when all of a sudden, they were shot down by beams and Jillian coming out to protect the girls.

"Stay away from my friends!" The pink unicorn charged her horn, ready for the fight, as more orbs appeared. She shot down more and more of them down, however more of them appeared. Regardless, the unicorn mare kept on going, until they were surrounded by the orbs. Suddenly, a blizzard froze them solid.

"Hey, where did that blizzard come from?" Sissy looked around for the source, when a white pegasus with emerald green mare flew by, to protect everyone. In other words, Snow Emerald has arrived.

"Everypony, get out of here! The guardians will take care of this!" Snow spread her wings in order to save everyone. The girls did just that, but not before Missy stopped to ask a question.

"Wait, guardians? You're the only one." She asked, before being grabbed by Sissy and Jillian and running away. That question hit Snow hard, as she looked around for the two earth ponies.

"Wait....Where the hell are Cherry and Tropic!? Did they just abandon me and the mission?! I swear, if I see them, they're gonna be in so much trouble!" She screamed, but unfortunately for her, Shadow Galaxy was standing behind. "And...she's already behind me, isn't it?" She turned, confirming her suspsicion. However, the icy mare was prepared for it with her ice spells.

Canterlot Castle

The Mane 6 and Spike arrived inside of the castle and once they arrived the throne room, they saw Princess Celestia with bandages on her body and some doctors watching on her.

"Oh my goodness! Princess Celestia! I read your letter and we came here as fast as possible! Are you okay!? What's going on here!?!" Twilight was worried and panicked of seeing her mentor and fellow princess being taken care of her injuries.

"Not to mention, the sky was getting really funny, with all of the starry swirls and night colors It's like, they are gathering around for a weird party!" Pinkie Pie added, because earlier, they've seen the skies change.

"I'm okay, girls. But earlier, I've discovered something unbelievable. It was about a pink alicorn, with dark blue hair being covered in mist and the next thing, I knew was a menacing alicorn with dark galactic mare coming out, calling herself as Shadow Galaxy, whom she tried to destroy me. Luckilly, I managed to escape to Canterlot and wrote the letter to you, because Equestria really needs your help again." Celestia explained. Suddenly, a lightbulb came off in Pinkie's head.

"Pink alicorn? Blue hair? Hmmmm...I swear, I've seen her before..." The pink party mare started digging in her head, finding for a specific memory and in a short time, a "Eureka!" moment came in. "Girls! Girls! Girls! Somehing just tickled my brain hard! Remember when we last been in the Ponyville hospital several months ago, when we first met Fire Jewel and Tropic Bloom?!"

"The Ponyville Hospital? What do you mean, darling?" Rarity was confused.

"Now that you mentioned it Pinkie, something flashed in front of my eyes just then.." Fluttershy commented.

"Same here, sally!" Applejack nodded. Soon, a crucial moment flashed in front of everyone's eyes. In other words. the last time, where they saw the alicorn mare. It was outside the hospital, where they just left with Fire, Tropic, Johnny and Dukey. She stood there, along tith Snow, Breeze, Ocean and Cherry, reprimanding the mares. One thing lead to another, more drama insued and finally Tropic imprisoned them in vine cocoons, due to her having enough.

"Wait! Princess Celestia, it's slowly becoming clear now! We've seen the pink mare before, when we exited the Ponyville hospital, with Fire, Tropic and the guys! It happened several months ago! It was a very messy ordeal to witness a drama between friends, who've clearly been through so much and have been together for several moons. In fact, I talked with Tropic for a while and she said, that the drama really hurt her self-esteem. What happened next is that Fire snapped and causing damage to Canterlot and almost getting herself killed several weeks later. Despite knowing everything about the rest of the ponies, we've never known about her, because they refused to talk about it!" Twilight explained the memory and everything, what happened to them.

"Actually, it was Snow, who refused to talk about it...In fact, she was incredibly offensive about it and she would get really angry and scary, if I mention her. The others were not in the mood to talk about her, but I feel like, she may have a hatred towards her." The shy pegasus pointed something out.

"I'm startin' to distrust those ponies, y'all...They've been clearly hiding a lot of secrets in front of us and they've been seriously troubled, ever since they arrived at Equestria..." Applejack was slowly getting more doubtful of helping the elemental ponies. "For someone, who've been protecting beyond the stars, they were really terrible with friendships!"

"Applejack, I know your concern and I get, where you're going...It's been months since the fallout. But maybe, if we decide to calmly talk to them and assuring them, that we're helping them restoring their friendship, then perhaps, they're gonna tell them the full story. " Twilight comforted her southern friend, before turning her attention towards the sun princess. "Was there something about the alicorn, princess?"

"Yes, there was something...I've seen tears dropping from her eyes, before being fully covered by the mist. Like she was completely saddened by something. That's something, that kept me thinking that perhaps...she's been remorseful about her actions. So, there is still a chance, that if we manage to find her, we can talk this out and bring the group back together." Celestia recounted a small detail and a very interesting theory about what happened before. "However, I fear, that maybe Nighmare has returned and possesed her. But at the same time, I doubt it, since she was completely alone. Not to mention, we have defeated it a long time ago, back when it possesed the sisters."

"We're not exactly sure, how exactly happened with the mysterious alicorn, but one thing is clear: We have to stop her and save Equestria!" Twilight was determined with the mission.

"Now, where is she currently?" Rarity asked. "We have no idea, where she went after her encounter with Celestia."

"She said something about conquering the galaxy. But she had to start somewhere. " Celestia was thinking about a possible location, when all of a sudden, a royal guard just informed her, that Shadow Galaxy is currently in Ponyville.

"If that's the case, then we have to go back! Okay, girls! Get close to me, because I'm gonna teleport us there immediately!" The princess of friendship had a serious expression on her face and as soon, as they closely gathered around the purple alicorn, she used her horn to perform a teleportation spell to get herself and the others to Ponyville.

"Good luck, ponies." Celestia nodded and sat down. At the same time, she missed Luna so dearly and was thinking of apologizing to her.

Unknown fields

Cherry and Tropic have just arrived at the hole, where it all started. The hole, where Zizrar got stuck and his crown was last seen, before being taken by a different kind of mole people. They noticed, that it became deeper, since the mole men went into the hole, along with Breeze to find the crown thief. Now, that they know what happened to them, they're ready to free them. But they're also aware, that Amber is the only good one, so they're gonna let her go. So they went into the hole and walked through the tunnel.

"Okay, how are we gonna find them, without getting caught by those women?" Tropic asked.

"Hmm...Perhaps I can detect them, by using my power to feel the earth's vibratons underground. Stand back, Tropic. I'm gonna do it. " Cherry had an idea and Tropic stood back, as the green mare's hooves started to glow and she closed her eyes to feel the vibrations. The mare concentrated even harder during this time. After a few minutes of tracking down the vibrations, her ears started to twitch. "I sensed some vibrations over there! Come on!" Cherry and Tropic proceeded to follow the vibrations. As they got closer, the more intense the vibrations became, meaning they're getting closer to the source. As soon as they arrived to the spot, Cherry put her ear to the wall, listening to something. Using her powers to feel even the earth's slightest vibrations, she heard a male voice.

"I heard someone. Which means, we are close to the guys! Now stand back, I got this!" Cherry turned around and her backhooves glew orange, as she started to charge for an attack. "Terra Break!" She shouted and kicked a massive hole through the walls and going inside. They saw a mole man being surprised by the hole, but unfortunately, a guard was nearby.

"Cease, intruders!" The guard opened the cell with a spear in her hand.

"Can't let this happen! Rock Trap!" Cherry stomped down the ground, which caused the guard to be trapped by a cube of rocks. The mole man saw this as an opportunity to get out with the ponies following him shortly after. The yellow mare used her nature powers to unlock the cells by creating branches, that act like lock picks. Unfortunately for them, two of them are missing, which are Zizrar and Roy.

"Wait! Where are the remaining two!?" Cherry asked.

"You mean our king and Roy? Well, they've been taken by the guards. We're not sure why, but I'm afraid, that they're in danger." One of the mole men answered.

"In that case, we have to find them!" With those words from Tropic, the group charged through the door in search of the two, who may be taken to the queen. After knocking out some guards and lots of looking around later, which meant, taking some wrong paths, they've arrived closed to the throne room.

Slightly peeking through, without any suspicion, Cherry and Tropic saw several mole women gathered around in a large circle, along with the sounds of metal clashing. When they couldn't see, what's going on, Cherry used her powers to elevate the ground, she's in a bit, in order to see. What she saw, is Zizrar and Roy fighting for their lives against two of the best warriors with nothing more than a sword and shield. While Roy had a slightly better advantage, both of them lack their skill of fighting with weapons, since that's something they didn't have back in Porkbelly. Not to mention, the mole men weren't really the smartest, even when they started to go to the library to read books. The mole women on the other hand, have a lot of combat experience and intelligence to boot. So it shouldn't come off as a surprise, that the female warriors managed to overpower the two and disarm them from the weapons. The other mole women cheered, while Queen Iris and Evelynn watched. Well, all but one, as hidden in the crowd, Amber was looking away in horror.

"Finish them! Finish them!" The crowd cheered.

"Hmph....They're such pathetic creatures..." Evelynn scoffed, before turning her attention to the queen, who's been watching the spectacle. Meanwhile, the warriors prepared for a killing blow to the two, who were incapacitated. They were about to, until the ground started to shake and before they knew, Cherry landed in front of the guys, causing pillars to appear.

"Sorry, ladies! The show's over!" Cherry stood tall, while Tropic landed next to her friend.

"Get them!" Iris commanded the soliders to attack the intruders, but unlike Breeze, Cherry and Tropic were prepared. Using a spell, named "Glistering Soil", Cherry used her magic to make the ground perfect for Tropic to use her nature spells.

"Wild Branches!" Tropic stomped down on the ground to make branches appear to slow down the soldiers.

"Wait, you're Breeze's friends, right?" Zizrar asked.

"Yep. And partners at saving the universe. Now stand down, more soliders are coming! Terra Break!" Cherry kicked some of the soilders away with her glowing back hooves. Meanwhile, Tropic screamed out green shockwaves, which caused vines to appear. Most of them are caught and incapacitated by the vines, except Evelynn, who slashed the vines down. The yellow mare backed away a bit, due to the pain.

"You won't get away with this!" The commander charged with her sword and shield, however the yellow earth pony dodged them.

"What are we gonna do, amiga?" Tropic was fully tensed by the battle, while also fighting Evelynn off. It didn't help, that more soliders appeared to assist Evelynn, while Cherry is fighting against Iris. Eventually, the mares have their backs each other, while being surrounded.

"How about a convergence spell?" Cherry suggested an idea.

"Right with you!" With the words of the nature mare, the two ponies closed their eyes, their hooves started to glow and focused on creating a convergence spell. "Elemental Convergence: Nature's Rumble!" With those words, they unleashed magical shockwaves, which caused the earth to rumble and branches and vines to sprout out and attack the women, all while Cherry erected a rock shield around the guys and unbeknownst to everyone, aside from the ponies, Amber. She hid behind the guys during the battle. Once the guards and the queen were subdued and trapped on the ceiling, since they don't want to kill anyone (which is something, superheroes and magical girls never do, with some exceptions of course) Cherry opened the shield and Amber hid from everyone else almost immediately.

"That'll do. Come on, guys! Let's get outta here!" Cherry shouted and she, Tropic and the group left, while the ladies were left hanging. However...one of the guards, Auriana was thinking about something...peculiar, like she knew, that there was something, nobody knew before, regarding to Amber.

Meanwhile, the group stood to an area far away and Cherry used a spell to cover herself and everyone in a rock cube and lifted it up to the ceiling, like an elevator.

Equestrian Fields

The cube emerged from the earth and opened up, getting everyone out and feeling the breeze once again.

"You must been her friends, right? In this case, thank you for saving us." Zizrar thanked the two mares and the other mole people bowed down in a sign of gratitude.

"Breeze told us everything, what happened to you, so we got here as fast as we could. It's a good thing, we stopped those ladies from causing harm." Cherry responded.

"Uhm...guys?" Tropic pointed her hoof up to the sky, which was still dark with the strange swirls of stars.

"Shit...We almost forgot about Shadow Galaxy!" Cherry was reminded on what's going on. Not to mention, a distant orange glow from afar suggested them, that they're somwhere close to Ponyville. "We have to go to Ponyville and stop her once and for all!"

"Pardon me, but...who's Shadow Galaxy?" Zizrar was confused on who Shadow Galaxy was. After looking at each other, Cherry and Tropic sighed and looked at them with a serious expression.

"I knew, this moment would come..." Tropic lowered her ears.

"It's time to break the silence and tell them about the whole truth...." Cherry lowered her head and was about to tell them everything about Shadow Galaxy and by extension, the mare behind it, when all of a sudden, a mole man alerted them of ice shards flying towards them.

"Uh oh! Natural Cloak!" Tropic created a magical barrier around her and the others, protecting themselves from the ice shards. The yellow mare already knew, who's responsible and right on cue, they saw Snow Emerald, all bruised up and looking very angry.

"Where the hell have you two been!?" The pegasus growled.

"I'm sorry, Snow...We had to take a different route and save the mole people from a different kind from mole people, whom they're all women and coming from another planet." Tropic responded in a scared tone.

"We were on our way to Ponyville to assist you on defeating Shadow Galaxy." Cherry added, but the name already made the icy mare's blood boil even further, scaring the yellow earth pony even further.

"Uhm...can we go now?" One of the mole men asked.

"You heard him right...She's scaring all of us." Zizrar echoed his concern to the mares. With no choice, Tropic created some vine capsules for them to enter.

"They'll automatically bring you to Ponyville...Now go..." Tropic lowered her head in defeat and ordered the mole people to go into the vine capsules, in which they did, but not before Roy looking back at the yellow mare, who had tears in her eyes and lowering her defenses.

"Okay, Snow...We'll go with you..." In a defeated tone, Tropic started to walk towards Snow through her shield, much to Cherry's dismay, which soon evolved into rage.

"There you go, Tropic. Now come on, Cherry. We have to go now. Equestria needs us." Snow looked at her friend, begging her to come with them, but the green mare suddenly turned her back against them.

"No..." Cherry mumbled.

"What...What do you mean by "no"?" The icy mare turned around in disbelief.

"Snow...I'm tired of living with the guilt of everything, including the lies. Not to mention, if we keep doing this, it'll bring out more harm than good!" The earth pony's voice was shaken from the whole drama. "I know, the drama tore us apart and I get your concern...but at the same time, keeping the truth about her from others would make the problem a lot worse...I'm sorry...but I have to break my silence about her!"

"Cherry, don't you dare mentioning about her!" Snow growled.

"Cherry...." Tropic was scared.

"Tropic, I have to do it! It's the only way to get rid of the nightmares and guilt!" Cherry looked at her friend with small tears, before turning her attention towards Snow. "And as for you....I don't get it, I really don't....You used to be honest, smart and loyal...you may be secretive, but knew what you're doing... But now, you're nothing more than a cold control freak!"

"Hey! I don't want anyone being pulled into out business! Remember the last time, when Fire nearly destroyed everything!?" Snow shouted. "And I swear, if you mention her one more time, then I'll-"

"Looking back at our actions, that came from our pettiness, empty promises, lies and lots of misunderstandings...I've been thinking about those the whole time and realized, that it's OUR FAULT! We let ourselves being carried away by our emotions and caused so much grief, that our reputation there became shattered! I just want things to go back to normal and I will start by telling everyone everything about us, including about our former leader." Cherry closed her eyes, as if she knew, that Snow would attack her, if that pony was mentioned. Regardless, she stood ground on her decision was wasn't gonna change it one way or another. This resulted in a massive argument between the two, in which Tropic was close to tears, having no choice, but to watch. When it was too much for her to handle, she screamed and covered herself in a vine cocoon to hide.

"Great, you just made Tropic hide herself!" Snow was angry.

"No no no, you're the one, who did this. Your bitchy demeanor was a pain in the ass for us recently, ever since our group fell apart and the dragon incident! When will you realize, that it's never gonna help? Like, I feel like, you just hate her!!!" Cherry yelled.

"SHUT UP!!!" Snow's eyes glowed white, as she unleashed a powerful blizzard at Cherry, out of anger. Suddenly, an ice wall was erected in front of Cherry, thus protecting her from the storm.

"That's enough!!"

That voice came from Brain Freezer, who happened to overhear the conversation. His horn glowing was proof, that he erected the ice wall. Needless to say, he was disappointed by Snow's behaviour.

"Stay out of this! This is none of your business!" Snow growled.

"None of my business? NONE OF MY BUSINESS!?! You kept pushing away everyone, kept secrets from your own friends and you were outright mean to them, when all they want to do is to set things straight! Like jeez, what the hell is your problem!?" The icy unicorn went straight to the snowy mare.

"How dare you?" Snow looked at him.

"I dare! If it's wrong, it's wrong! I actually don't care, if you're smart or not, you're mean, cold, disgusting, distant and if you're keep doing this, NOPONY WILL EVER GO NEAR YOU AGAIN!!"" He yelled at her right in the face, much to Cherry's silent astonishment. A few minutes of silent later, something unexpected happened with Snow: the icy mare had tears in her eyes and before anyone knew, she flew away crying.

"Damn....You actually did it..." Cherry was still stunned by what happened.

"I don't get it...Where is the Snow, I once knew?? Why is she so mean to us? Why can't she tell us the truth!?" They heard Tropic crying in the cocoon. "She used to be nice and honest..."

"Uhm...what does it mean?" Brain Freezer was confused. In response, Cherry took a deep breath and whispered something in great detail in his ear. "I see...Tropic told me something about the drama earlier. And man...I didn't knew, it had more consequences than I thought."

"I know right! We not only lost four friends in a span of months, but disintegrated everything, we've worked for, all for a string of unfortunate events, caused by our pettiness and outbursts! I can't believe, that we became something, we swore to fight against several years ago....and now I'm ashamed and broken...." Cherry was saddened. "And Tropic is right. Snow used to be nice, smart and loyal....But the drama reared its ugly head and completely soured her and caused a flame of hatred towards her to ignite....And I thought it was extinguished, when Snow started to trust her more, after our friend has saved her life and proved her leadership skills..."

Then something clicked inside of him. After everything, Cherry told him and reflecting to his own past and his mistakes, Brain Freezer knew, what he had to do. He looked at Cherry with a serious face. "Go get your friend and go to Ponyville. I'll be right back." He said.

"But-" Cherry was about to tell him a counterargument, but Brain Freezer had his eyes set for a mission.

"No butts! She needs to learn!" With those words, the unicorn ran of to where Snow flew off, leaving Cherry behind, who knocked at the vine cocoon.

"Hey, Tropic. We need to go back to Ponyville." The green mare softly spoke.

"But how are we gonna suppose to do that with just the two of us?..." Tropic was still inside the cocoon.

"I have no idea, but as our former leader has said: 'We have to do our best, no matter how dire the situation is. As long, as we have each other.'" Cherry placed her hoof on the cocoon and after a few minutes of silence, it opened and Tropic came out, in which Cherry comforted her.

"See? Everything will be alright. Now let's go. I'm pretty sure, they need us." She softly spoke with a warm smile. After which, Tropic silently nodded with a smile and the two mares ran off to save Ponyville from Shadow Galaxy.

Ponyville, Equestria

In this village, Shadow Galaxy was currently in a battle against Twilight and her friends, who they've arrived to evacuate everyone and stop her. Pinkie fired off many confetti and random cupcakes from her confetti cannon, while Rainbow Dash dashed around to deliver some fast kicks. On the other side of the spectrum, the dark pink mare unleashed several shots at the Mane Six, in which Rarity used her magic to block them off, scaring Fluttershy to paralysis and engaged a 1v1 battle against Twilight. Meanwhile, Applejack used her lasso to ensnare the dark Alicorn, but broke herself free with a spell.

"Y'all have ideas on taking her down?" Applejack asked her friends.

"I know!" Pinkie turned her confetti cannon into maximum overdrive and took cover. "INCOMING!!!"

After Pinkie'a friends took cover, the confetti cannon steamed heavily and fired off a massive cake, balloons, confetti and lots of glitter at Shadow Galaxy, causing the mare to be slowed down.

"How dare you throwing the party stuff at my face!? If anything, it should be done after conquering the galaxy!" The mare screamed.

"You're wrong, Shadow Galaxy! Or should I say, the mare behind the darkness?" Twilight shouted. "That's right, Princess Celestia told me and my friends about everything, what happened to you. It seems like, you're feeling guilty on what happened with the whole drama! I know, it hurts, but you have to fight it!"

"Wrong! That pony is long dead and will never come back, while I'm still around!" The dark alicorn fired off shockwaves at the Mane Six, but they refused to get down, as they began to charge themselves for a finisher.

"Perhaps the magic of friendship will guide you to the light!" With those words from the princess of friendship herself, the six heroines fired off a rainbow beam at Shadow Galaxy, who fired off a massive beam at the other one, which caused a clash between the two beams. It kept changing the direction on which one will hit who. In fact, it went on for hours, until the magic of friendship overcame the dark magic and hit the dark mare, causing an explosion of light, magic and smoke. The battle was over and the heroines looked at the smoke and presumed that they have cleansed the pony with the magic of friendship. At first, they celebrated over their victory, but when the smoke has settled, Fluttershy noticed that Shadow Galaxy was gone.

"Uhm..girls?" Fluttershy alerted her friends and pointed at the dark mare's absence, which caused Twilight to investigate the spot almost immediately. Meanwhile, her friends were worried, that perhaps, they've killed her, but unbeknownst to the mares, it was not the case. In fact...they didn't realize it, until it was too late, when the ponies were surrounded by a magical aura, paralyzing them in the progress. And right on cue, Shadow Galaxy reappeared in the process.

"Hey! That was dirty!" Rainbow Dash called foul at the dark mare for her cheating.

"But...how did you escape at the very last second? There is no way, the magic of friendship would miss!" Twilight became panicked, but Shadow Galaxy just put her hoof on the purple alicorn's face with a smirk.

"Oh, you have no idea on what I'm capable of. That pesky pony was a better master in magic since she was trained from the best of the best. And I've just took those skills and made them incredibly stronger! And while you have fought valiantly, unfortunately for you, it won't matter anymore, as I'm just gonna destroy all of you and setting these ponies and beyond as an example that no one will mess with me!" With those menacing words, Shadow Galaxy fired off shockwaves, beams and other magical attacks at the girls, making them scream in agony and pain, all while the dark mare stood there, laughing menacingly. She then proceeded to throw them so hard to the ground, that they couldnt move any further, due to their injuries. Her horn supercharged and shot off a powerful beam at the mares and it seems like, this was the end of the heroes of Equestria....or is it?

"Not so fast!"

When the dust was settled, the unexpected happened.

"What?!" Shocked, the dark pink mare saw Twilight and her friends surrounded in a magical shield, created by none other than the returning princess of the night, Princess Luna!

"Princess Luna?...You're back!" Twilight was happy to see the moon princess again, despite her injuries.

"As soon, as I saw the skies changing, I immediately knew that something was wrong and got here as fast as I could." Luna explained the ponies about her sudden return, before turning her attention towards the dark mare. "And as for you, Nightmare...I didn't expect you to return and possess a poor pony once again. I demand you to release her from your grasp or else!"

"Nightmare? I don't even know, what you're talking about, but I hate, when twerps like you interfere my conquest!" Shadow Galaxy was about to charge up her horn, when the ground around her started shaking and vines grabbing her hooves, courtesy of Tropic and Cherry, who ran to the scene as fast as they could.

"We're not gonna let you take this planet!" Cherry shouted.

"Are you girls okay!?" Tropic rushed to Twilight and her friends.

"We're fine. Just endured a beatin', sally." Applejack struggled to get up. Seeing these ponies in pain made Cherry and Tropic to go to Luna's side with serious expressions on their faces.

"Princess! Let us handle the situation!" Cherry looked at Luna, who was surprised by the green pony's wish. But the earth pony proceeded to explain her reason with: "I know your concern, but this is something, Tropic and I have to deal with. We're incredibly sorry for dragging you into our mess....In fact, I've been getting nightmares about our drama everytime and I personally wanted it to stop! We've lost our friends from our dangerous misunderstandings and pettiness in general alone and we don't want to lose even more and damaging our reputation! It's bad enough, now that only four elemental orbs are active, due to the fire, water and light one shattering at the pressure of their actions, now with Snow being agitated and gone and Breeze in the hospital, i just wanted to end the drama indefinitely! Please, princess...I just want the drama to end, so we can live our peaceful lives..."

"Please...It's been bothering her for the last few months and I hate seeing my friends being hurt and broken...The drama also hurt me in some ways..." Tropic begged the princess.

After hearing their stories, she reminded om her time helping Fire and Ocean and giving them lessons about forgiveness and redemption. As such, she sympathised the earth ponies and made up her mind. "I heard your stories loud and clear. In fact, I will assist you on your battle. Let's take her down together!" Luna smiled, much to the mares' relief and gratitude.

"Thank you, Princess Luna." Cherry smiled and she and Tropic stood side by side with Luna, as they prepared to continue the fight. "Twilight, get yourself and your friends out of here. We'll handle this." She looked back at Twilight, telling her to get her and the others to safety, all while Luna and the earth ponies, now charged up with their earth and nature spells, were ready to take Shadow Galaxy down once and for all.

Unknown forest, Equestria

"Snow? Snow, where are you!?" Brain Freezer shouted, as he kept searching for the icy mare around the forest. He kept looking at every angle, every spot, trees, bushes, rocks, literally everything, but so far, he couldn't find a single clue about her whereabouts. That was, until he found a little patch of snow, which is unusual, because winter season hasn't arrived yet.

"Huh? Snow in the middle of the forest? I know, winter season is not here yet, which means, she's not far behind..." Seeing the patch of snow made Brain Freezer follow the wet trail, with some snow patches in between, all while dodging dangerous animals and even freezing them out of self defense. Eventually, he found a big dome made out of snow and ice in the middle of the forest, confirming that Snow was indeed inside the dome.

"Well...seems fairly obvious...Alright. time to go inside of the dome." The icy unicorn looked around for an entrance, but couldn't find any, due to the dome being made in one piece and therefore, bring frozen shut. So he decided to just break in by using his unicorn magic to blast a hole at the dome, allowing him to go inside the dome.

Inside the dome, not only he's met with a large maze made out of ice and snow, but the hole was automatically closed through ice magic, that Brain Freezer didn't do at all. On top of that, it was incredibly cold, like -40 to -50°C (or approximately -40°F. Idk, I'm not a mathematician and I have no idea about Fahrenheit, since I live in Europe). Fortunately for the icy stallion, the years of perfecting his icy weapon, freezing everything and even make everything colder around him or just make it permanently winter, made him get used to the freezing cold.

At first, he went into the maze and tried to find a way to get to the snowy mare, but there was a lot of trial and error with the blue stallion kept going to dead ends, avoiding traps, making wrong turns and overall had to backtrack his steps, but got lost, because the maze was overall pretty confusing. "Alright, fuck it!" Frustrated, Brain Freezer unleashed a powerful spell, destroying the maze completely, leaving behind an ice wall in front of him. Blasting a hole through the wall, the unicorn went inside another room with lots of snow around the area and there she was: Snow Emerald, sitting on ice with her back against Brain Freezer and head and ears lowered in silence. Knowing what to do, he approached her, but she ignored his presence, being silent.

"Well, well, well. It seems like, you're here in this ice dome, you created, huh?" Brain Freezer commented, but Snow refused to say anything. Eventually, she looked back at him but only for a short time, before looking away. But during the short time, he saw guilt in her eyes.

"Hey, uhm...I know, it's pretty awkward to talk to you again....but...I just want to get some answers from you. Your friends were terrified of you and Cherry commented, that you may have a secret. Like a hatred towards that pony or something. Really, what's the deal? Why were you like this? Look, I don't want to be rude and what I said was not really nice and all. I just....snapped. But seriously, what's the whole thing with you and your friends!?" The unicorn demanded answers from Snow. He wanted info about her, but the mare kept being silent. He was about to lose it in frustration, but he was suddenly reminded by what Twilight said to him during his first days at Equestria:

"Even though the past hurts, you have to learn from them, in order to improve yourself and remember, keep a calm mind, even at the most infuriating situations."

All of a sudden, Snow looked back at him again, only this time, with tears in her ruby eyes, streaming down from her face and from this moment onward, she didn't look away. It's like, she wanted to make things clear.

"You don't know, what it's been like to know someone for a long time, only to get betrayed and hurt for such petty reasons...that's because I've been feeling this this the entire time!!!" Snow yelled.

"Calm down, Snow! What do you mean by getting betrayed? I thought, your coldness came from your planet having strict cultures, at least that's what I've heard." Brain Freezer was taken back by the sudden revelation, but wanted more from the snowy mare.

"I can't, because they would use me for their selfish needs and then throw me away, like a useless toy!" Snow refused, but the stallion ain't having it and grabbed her face.

"Excuse me, you and your friends have been in Equestria for at least a few months and you even met new ones! Stop being so delusional about it!! Nopony's gonna harm you, not even your own friends!! Just tell me, what the fuck happened that made you like this and I swear to god, you better not lie or else!!" His horn was glowing in rage as a result, scaring the pegasus more into tears.

"OKAY, FINE!!! I'M GONNA TELL YOU THE ENTIRE TRUTH!!!!" Snow screamed, before attempting to calm herself down, after realizing, that Brain Freezer would just leave her behind, if she kept acting like this. She sat down and proceeded to tell him everything:

"The whole strict culture thing is actually partially true, but that's not the issue here. It all began, when I was a little filly, in a planet named Neveon. I had a promising upbringing, since my mother is a teacher and my father being a scientist. So of course, I was brought to the best school there to study. I was known for being incredibly smart, but had problems with fitting in the crowd and socializing, which caused me being a social outcast. Didn't help, that some ponies were jealous of my talent and and bullied me or used me for their selfish needs. I was in a similar position to Cherry, but I had a few friends, whom I spent time with them to recover myself from the constant trauma. It didn't help, that Neveon was lead by a strict rule and some of the bullies had connections with some of the most powerful politicians and mayors, so I had to keep myself shut and just move on. Didnt help, that my parents weren't really rich, but not poor either. It's like in between. But regardless, I kept on going with my life, when one day, I was hit by something, while studying for an astrology project. It was like a small, yet bright shooting star, but it didn't hurt me. It turns out, that I was actually hit by the Ice Orb, one of the seven elemental orbs, sent out to find chosen ones to save the galaxy. However, because I didn't know that at the time and the element hasn't activated yet, I was left confused and later decided to move on to continue my studies. In the end, I managed myself to ignore what they said by isolating myself, but still kept my friends and family in touch. In fact, I was about to write a test on my 8th birthday, when one day, everything went downhill....when Shadow Nebula and her forces invaded my planet. I remember the images of weapons being fired, people being taken away or even executed and lots of destruction and despair. My family and I did, what everyone could by finding a safe place. My friend, Mirror Note, offered some shelter for us and brought us to what it seems like an entrance for a bunker, they owned. But when we got inside, I was knocked down by a Shadow Pony and saw my family being taken away, as Mirror Note just stood there with a cold stare, which was the last thing I saw, before getting knocked out."

"Jesus....That's horrible..." Brain Freezer was shocked by the story, bit Snow proceeded to tell him more, because in her perspective, the pain had just begun. And during her explanation, short flashbacks occurred.

"When I woke up, my family and were shackled in a cell. I couldn't believe, that Mirror Coat, my childhood friend, would do something like this...She was a friendly and caring individual, who used to stand up for me. Anyway, we've been used as the Queen's personal work slaves and needless to say, it was like hell, as we worked so hard without any breaks and punishments would result in torture or even worse, execution. It went on for what it seems like months, when my dad saw an opportunity to break himself and his family free. Keep this in mind, it happened in Nebula's spaceship. We ran away from the deadly guards in Hope's to find something to escape. When we reached to the escape pods and locked the door, we were so close, but unfortunately, the Shadow Ponies and commanders have reached to the door and were attempting to break in. Knowing, that their fates were basically sealed, my parents pushed me into an escape pod and activated it. I remember hearing the last words from my mom and dad, before being launched off into the deep unknown of space..." With tears, Snow recounted, that her parents said their goodbyes to their only child, before being launched off into space, drifting away with the certain thought, that her parents were executed shortly after.

In the flashback, her escape pod kept on flying and spinning, until it crash landed to the planet Xeon. Fortunately for her, a couple of resistance fighters saw the falling pod and when they went to the location, they found the unconscious filly and took her in. Snow then recounted, that she woke up in a base and after telling her story, the fighters were sympathetic and felt sorry for her. In the years, that followed, not only was she raised by them, but trained in martial arts and became the group's engineer and the smartest of them. She went on to do missions for the group, freeing citizens, stopping armies and helping each other. One day, their base was attacked by the shadow ponies. The group fought valiantly with Snow assisting them. It was an intense battle, which slowly went to their favour, when one of Snow's teammates suddenly pushed her into a pile of the monsters. He just looked at her with an evil grin, as it turned out, that the stallion was actually an agent for Shadow Nebula. Worse part is, he was her best friend. It seems like, the Shadow Ponies were about to kill her, when the memories of torture and betrayal fueled her rage and therefore unleashed a powerful blizzard, freezing everyone close to her. She went on to escape to another planet, named Shima, in which after remembering her torment, decided to completely isolate herself and train her newfound ice magic.

A few years have passed and Snow became a master of the ice and snow. What she didn't know at the time, is that the elemental orbs have a side effect, in which the wearer would stop aging. But that hardly mattered to her anymore, as she kept training herself and avoiding anyone in the process. It went on and on for a while, until one day, shadow ponies arrived to attack her. However, the hard training made her into a formidable and calculated fighter, in which Snow demonstrated by attacking them with her ice powers, before freezing them solid and shattering them with kicks.

"Don't ever touch me again, bastards!" She yelled and looked away, when all of a sudden, she heard an explosion and something being flown into the ground. That something turned out to be a red unicorn mare, AKA Fire Jewel, who just got up.

"Man, those guys are tough..." The red mare rubbed her head, being unaware that Snow was next to her.

"What the hell are you doing here?!" Snow growled.

"Look, I wish I could talk to you, but now, I have to go back to help my friends! See ya!" The unicorn ran away as fast as she could, leaving Snow behind. At first, she would just ignore the mare and continue with her usual routine. But the constant explosions made it hard to ignore any further and the snowy mare flew to the source of the explosions.

When she arrived, she saw Fire, Tropic, Cherry and Breeze fighting off against an army of Shadow ponies and a monster leading the troop. The shadows were defeated by the elemental ponies, but the monster was incredibly tough. Not only did they tank the elemental attacks, but also used them against the mares. In the end, they threw the convergence spell against the mares, sending them flying to a boulder. Meanwhile, Snow felt something, that the ponies had similar auras and wavelengths to herself, but also sharing the same enemy.

"Hahaha, you fools! You are match against my might! Now prepare for your doom!" The monster laughed, as he prepared to destroy them. Suddenly, the troop and they were hit by an ice shard. Looking back to see, where it came from, they saw Snow.

"Leave them alone!" Snow shouted with her wings sprouting, infuriating the monster to charge. However, the snowy mare dodged the attack by sidestepping and flying away. A big battle inside between Snow and the monsters. They tried to use their powers to destroy her, but the pegasus mare used her ice powers to freeze them solid. Next, she unleashed a hail of ice at them, while charging herself at the monster, kicking them to the curb. After lots of kicking and a somersault strike, she froze the monster solid and shattered it to pieces, all while the four ponies watched in awe.

"Damn...Did you see that?" Fire was stunned.

"She saved us..." Tropic was left speechless.

"And kicked their asses with ice powers..." Breeze was quite impressed.

But then, Snow was suddenly ambushed by a new army of shadow monsters, which caused the four ponies to intervene and defeat them and save the icy mare in the process.

"Man, those assholes don't know, when to quit, huh?" Breeze huffed.

"No shit, girl." Fire agreed.

"Are you okay?" Tropic went to Snow and reached her hoof to pick her up, but the snowy mare got herself up.

"I'm actually fine." Snow looked away a bit. "I must say, you girls are...unique. As in having elemental powers and such."

"Well, so are you. I mean, we've seen you unleashing blizzards and freeze monsters solid." Fire shrugged. During this time, Tropic felt a connection between herself, her friends and Snow. "Oh my...This aura...I feel like, we're alike..."

"Please, I'm just doing my job. Plus, I'm actually fine with working alone." Snow looked away, before being dragged by Breeze.

"Dude, don't be such a buzz kill! Shadow Nebula is getting stronger and you have the guts to take her down! We have the same goal, same enemy and all of that shit!" Breeze smirked.

"Uhm...Breeze? We don't know her..." Cherry told to her friend about the obvious.

"My bad...My name is Breeze Dasher, fastest flyer alive and master of wind and lightning!" The blue mare proudly introduced herself.

"I'm Cherry Swirl, master of the earth. It's nice to meet you." The green mare smiled.

"I'm Fire Jewel, the burning wildcard and hottest pony!" The red mare confidently spoke.

"Uhm...I'm Tropic Bloom...The guardian of nature." The yellow pony shyly introduced herself.

"You girls are quite....interesting so to say. My name is Snow Emerald and as I said, I prefer working alone." The snowy white mare repeated her point.

Suddenly, they hear more Shadow Ponies coming.

"Damn, these guys are coming for more, huh?" Breeze was annoyed and the five ponies were in their battle stances. What follows is a fight between teen the two sides. The downside was because the four ponies lack any plans or strategies, they would eventually fall behind.

"After seeing those ponies in danger again, I decided to use my brain to help them out."

"Fire, Cherry! Go to the left! Cherry, Tropic! Go to the right! I'll stay here! Once we're in our positions, we have to use our strongest attacks!" The pegasus mare told them about her plan.

"Are you sure, this would work?" Cherry asked.

"Believe me, we have to form ourselves into a circle formation! Therefore, our strongest attacks will combine into a strong convergence spell, that would get rid of all of these monsters! Now, go!" Snow explained her plan further and thus, the four ponies decided to follow her plan, after having no choice. After all, there were so many of them. The best thing to do is to gather them into one place, which is exactly what they did. They followed to a spot and trap them using their magic. After which, the group went around them and charged themselves up for their strong attacks.

"Aim above them, girls!" Snow shouted at them, before having enough power to unleash her attack. "Arctic Storm!"

"Amped Hurricane!" Breeze shouted.

"Volcanic Overdrive!" Fire shouted her spell.

"Eco Storm!" Tropic unleashed hers.

"Rock Fissure!" Cherry unleashed her spell as well.

The most powerful spells went above the enemies to clash each other and combine them into a powerful convergence spell, which caused a powerful explosion, destroying all the shadow ponies at once.

"We did it, girls!" Breeze and the girls celebrated, while Snow watched. Then Tropic went to her.

"Thank you for helping us." Tropic thanked her.

"It was nothing." Snow answered.

"You know, you have the potential on becoming a hero, someone willing to save the universe from evil. And since our powers are somewhat connected, that would explain, why our elemental powers combined so well." The yellow mare smiled. "Say, if you personally don't mind-" Before she could say anything though, Breeze dashed towards the two girls.

"Hey, Snow! You can join our gang!"" Breeze was excited.

"Yeah! It would be really awesome!" Fire smiled.

"Girls, girls, please! Don't force her!" Cherry scolded the two mares, before turning her attention to Snow. "Anyway, you have the potential for greatness and to be fair...we really needed someone with so much smarts, since..well...we've been through some dumb stuff before. Sorry...Don't know, why I just blurted it out. Anyway, it would be really nice, if you join us to fight for a better future. Not just for us, but also for the universe, since...those orbs told us to protect the galaxy." Afterwhich, Cherry reached her hoof to Snow and while the snowy mare hesitated at first, the connection between her and the ponies, plus with the fact, that they saved her and they're genuine about it, she grabbed the green mare's hoof, therefore accepting the offer.

"From this day forward...I made new friends, whome I spent time with them defeating bad guys, saving citizens, having fun and overall helping each other. Sometime later, we met our future leader of the group, Jenny, a new friend, named Ocean Spark and....well. The rest is history. We went on to protect the galaxies and eventually, we defeated Shadow Nebula once and for all, together."

"Oh my God..." Brain Freezer was shocked by the entire story. He couldn't believe, that the snowy mare, who controls the ice with efficiency, was a victim of multiple betrayals, bullying and war. But mostly betrayals.

"And...I was so damn close on getting my past behind me. I really was! I found friends, who would stand for me, no matter what and having a shared sense in helping others....Even though, I always kept things to myself, out of fear of getting back stabbed again....even to my own friends, due to my stupid paranoia! But....ever since the drama, I felt like, my heart was stabbed with thousands of daggers and I had an even harder time opening up! And it got worse, when one day, I was checking stuff in the headquarters, when I discovered the elemental orbs of fire and water completely shattered, due to their actions. And hearing about their actions made everything even worse!! So I often blamed Jenny for ruining everything!! Which is why, when I heard the news about Shadow Galaxy returning, I just wanted to defeat that bitch!! Granted, we had different ideas and I didn't get along with her at the start, but I warmed up to her until I can call her a friend, until the fucking drama destroyed everything, including our friendships! That and Shadow Galaxy hurt my mother! It was accidental, but I was so damn mad at her!!! IN SHORT, IT WAS A FUCKING MESS, THAT TORE ME APART AND MADE ME FEEL PARANOID AGAIN, BUT THIS TIME EVEN MORE SO THAN BEFORE!!" Snow screamed so loudly, letting her anger out, while tears streamed down from her face. During this time, the air around them was getting even colder, due to her rage dropping the temperature around the area. Not to mention, the ice ground, they stood started to crack at every powerful stomp from the mare. Seeing this, makes Brain Freezer once again think of his own past, where extreme emotions got the better of him. In fact, he was about to say something, but the temperature dropped even further and more ice formed everywhere, when Snow got even angrier and more torn up. So, before things would escalate even further and potentially leading in anyone being harmed, Brain Freezer immediately pulled Snow Emerald to a much, MUCH needed hug. From that point onwards everything became silent.

"You don't need to keep everything to yourself, including your emotions. I mean, it's okay for some private stuff, but sometimes...you just have to face the music with honesty and humility. Sure, what you did was stupid, but you know what, so did I. In fact, everyone makes mistakes, no matter the size. But we can learn from our mistakes, take notes to them and thinking about ways to get out of the darkness and change ourselves for a better future. My point is, tell them about the truth and learn from your mistakes." The stallion comforted the mare with words of wisdom and guidance. After what it seems like hours of silence, she was so touched by his kindness, that the normally cold, distant yet smart pony began to break down in his arms. All while snowflakes were floating, like time around them has stopped. Despite the fact, that they're inside of the ice dome, it seems like magic was responsible. However, it didn't matter for the two of them, as he kept comforting the mare inside of the glistening ice. Eventually, Snow calmed herself down and a after a bit of no response, she saw that the stallion reached his hoof out to her. At first, she hesitated, due to her fear, but since she wanted to end them right here right now, she grabbed his hoof, symbolizing her finally accepting help.

"I never thought about getting some psychological help for very long time...I know, that I'm secretive, but I never thought myself, how much I kept them in..." Snow reflected herself.

"Hey, I was in the same position as you. Back then, the loneliness and the anger got the better of me and I spent time freezing people and doing evil things. But after Radiant Thunder helped me with romance, I was so grateful, that I keep on remembering it to this day. But then, I lost it all, once my true face showed up again to the girl, I've been dating. I felt like, I was stabbed with a giant dagger and snapped again. I was about to take it out on everyone, including him, which eventually...would never happen. I realized about my mistakes and went to Equestria to make amends and trying to redeem myself." Brain Freeze recounted his past experience. "Keep in mind, I'm not perfect. I still have lots of things to learn, but regardless...my stay in Equestria had improved me to be more social and hard working. I made new friends, including those with similar experiences as me, learning new things and hell, I'm starting to make ice coffee for everyone again, only this time, without freezing everyone. And after hearing your story, I made up my mind. Just like what Radiant Thunder did to me, I'll help you guide towards redemption and friendship."

Hearing those words made the mare smile with tears, in which she wiped them away shortly after. After hugging him as a sign of gratitude, Snow used her magic to make the ice and snow disappear around her.

"Damn, making ice and snow disappear? You're really are talented." He was impressed by Snow's skill.

"I've been training for years, so this isn't new to me." Snow giggled. It was around this time, where they heard someone coming and it turned out to be Trixie and Tempest, who were coming.

"Uhm, where are you going?" Brain Freezer asked to the mares.

"We're going back to Ponyville, because the skies became more insane!" Trixie answered, while pointing the sky getting darker with more starry swirls.

"Whoever's responsible for this, he or she won't get away with it!" Tempest added.

"I know, who's the culprit." Snow proceeded to tell them about Shadow Galaxy in full detail. The mares were shocked by the revelation.

"She did what?!" Even Brain Freezer was stunned.

"It's a long story, guys. But now we have to go back! Everypony needs us!" Snow was about to go with the group, when all of a sudden, she heard a familiar voice.

"Hey, Snow."

"It can't be!!" Snow gasped, since she knew the voice. In fact, once she turned back, her eyes widened in shock, much to Brain Freezer's confusion.

Meanwhile, in Ponyville...

Luna, Cherry Swirl and Tropic Bloom tried their best to weaken Shadow Galaxy in some way and stop her for good. During this chaos, the Mane 6 and Spike decided to evacuate every pony out of here. But they weren't alone. Sissy, Missy, Jillian, the hybrids in black and white, the General, Eugene, Gil, Dr. Beebles and Mr. Harm helped the girls on getting everyone out of the village. But there were some ponies, who were stuck inside the burning flames. Two of these are Lyra and BonBon, who were trapped in a circle of flames. Although Lyra used her unicorn magic to grab a bucket of water and attempted to douse the fire, the size of the flames themselves made dousing them with a bucket of water pretty difficult. Thankfully, Rainbow Dash and Sissy grabbed them flew them out of the flames. There was also a small group of ponies including the Cutie Mark Crusaders, who Applejack, Rarity and Dr. Beebles had saved, Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon being saved by Eugene and Pinkie Pie and so on. But then, there was also High Velocity and his family, who were stuck inside, while trying to navigate out of a burning building.

"Stay close to me, everyone!" High Velocity looked at his family, while coughing due to the smoke.

"Dad, I can't see anything!" Cosmic was scared.

"I know, Cosmic! But stay close to us, okay?" He looked back at his son. Suddenly, they heard the ceiling cracking.

"Oh no! Get down!" Sweet Serenity screamed and they ducked, as the debris were about to tell them, when all of a sudden, a blur knocked them away.

"Follow me!" A voice can be heard and the family had no other option, than to follow the voice of the person, who freed the path before them and getting them out of the house. Upon opening their eyes, it turned out to be Amber. "Are you okay?" She asked.

"We're fine. Thank you for saving us." Sweet was grateful.

"You're welcome. Now please get to safety!" Amber responded and the trio complied by running away. The mole girl ran around to save ponies, without protection to protect from the bright light. But at this point, the skies were pretty dark. During her rescue mission, she saw Roy evacuating the animals. Surprised, but happy, she went to him.

"Amber, what are you doing here?" The mole man was stunned.

"I'm doing my best to help everyone!" Amber answered with determination.

"Look, I appreciate your concern and determination, but if Zizrar, Iris or anyone sees us together, we'll be screwed! Since they just arrived there!" Roy was seriously concerned, so he begged Amber to leave, in which she did, much to her dismay. And his prediction became correct, once Zizrar and his men have arrived.

"What are you doing here? We need to find Brain Freezer!" Zizrar was worried about his best friend.

"Yes, your majesty!" Roy complied and the group went to the right direction.

Meanwhile, Amber ran around to look for helpless ponies to save, when all of a sudden, she heard a magical explosion and got hit by a blurry object. But as she opened her eyes, the blurry object turned out to be Tropic Bloom.

"Oh my goodness, are you okay?!" Amber was worried about the yellow mare.

"I'm fine. Wait...You must be Amber, right? The one, that Breeze talked about?" Tropic was curious, when she looked at the shy mole girl. Once she nodded, Tropic smiled. "From what she said, you're really nice and I wanted to thank you to save my friend."

"Y-you're welcome." Amber blushed a bit, being flattered by the sign of gratitude.

"She also told me about your concerns and I can say is, that I feel sorry that you're the black sheep of the mole people." Tropic softly spoke before giving her some advice. "But you should be proud of what you really are. You just need to gather some courage and stand by your decision, even when there will be backlash. In other words, don't be afraid and come out of your own shell, even if it takes time. I know that well, since it took a long time for me to do so."

"Tropic! Are you okay!?" Suddenly, she heard the voice of Cherry, running towards them, along with Luna.

"I'm fine, girls!" Tropic smiled, but all of a sudden, they heard Shadow Galaxy say:

"Not for long!"

Suddenly, with the exception of Luna, who just evaded, Cherry, Tropic and Amber were held in a magical aura by the dark pink mare.

"Let them go!" Luna demanded.

"Only if you surrender your rule, princess." The dark mare wanted Luna to surrender, so she could take over the galaxy.

"I've heard this multiple times by many vile individuals, who were trying to take over Equestria. I'll never surrender to your dark presence!" Luna refused.

"Oh...And I thought, I could've just spare you, if you just surrender....Very well then...If I don't get, what I want, I'll just take it by force and eliminate anyone, who defy me! Starting with these girls." Shadow Galaxy mad her horn glow.

"Jenny, please! This isn't you!" Cherry pleaded the pony behind the darkness by any means necessary, but it didn't budge.

"I told you, that pony is long dead! But...since your drama has reawakened my strength to take control over her body, I shall return the favor by just eradicating you from existence!" She laughed evilly, as she shot down beams at the three girls, as they screamed in agony.

"No!" Luna screamed, but Shadow Galaxy kept on laughing.

"Sorry, princess...but it's already too late for reconsideration. So I shall destroy you too!" The dark mare snarled with her sharp teeth.

"Not while I'm standing!" The moon princess shot down a beam at the dark Alicorn, but the later used a barrier to reflect it back at her in a much faster speed. So fast, that she didn't get time to react, before getting hit.

"P..please...." Tropic was weakened with tears, while she saw the dark mare charging for the final blow. It seems, everything's hopeless now...until, the dark mare was suddenly hit by a beam of fire and ice, releasing Tropic, Cherry and Amber from Shadow's grasp.

"Leave our friends alone, bastard!"

A voice can be heard, that shocked everyone except Amber. Along with the cracking of the flames and destruction, faint hoofsteps can be heard, slowly coming towards them. At first, three shadowy individuals can be spotted from afar, but as they got closer and closer, they became clearer to see. Tropic and Cherry widened their eyes in shock, while Shadow Galaxy was stunned in disbelief at the following sight of those individuals, who have serious faces. Sure enough, the mysterious individuals turned out to be Snow Emerald, along with two familiar ponies, whome they've been M.I.A for a few months. Two unicorns, one being red and having a fiery mane, the other being blue with wavy mane, resembling the waves. Which meant only one thing: the unicorns were none other than the returning Fire Jewel and Ocean Spark!

"Snow, Fire, Ocean!" Cherry struggled to get up, while being surprised, that they came back.

"How?! How did you come back!? What about the drama? The one, that tore you and your friends apart, thanks to you?!" Shadow Galaxy yelled at Fire in disbelief.

"Sorry, but this time, I'm not feeling that bullshit today!" The red unicorn answered, while standing tall.

"We're here to at least make up for what we did for the last few months. Even though we won't be fully forgiven by some people due to the extent of our actions and the consequences, we've been learning from our mistakes and accepting the situation, thanks to being taught by a select few of ponies, who did similar mistakes like us." Ocean explained.

"It's true! I was there, teaching them about redemption, humility and, facing their fears, along with Trixie and Tempest!" Luna confirmed the story.

Angered, Shadow Galaxy shot several beams, but the elemental sisters deflected each and everyone of them. "We may fucked up lots of times and we were at the lowest level, but we've since learned our mistakes and decided to make amends for what we've done. Especially me...I just wanted this nightmare to end!" Fire was serious about the redemption arc.

"Shut up! SHUT UP!!" Shadow Galaxy kept on shooting, but the sisters kept on reflecting and even Snow froze one of the beams solid.

"No, you shut up!" Snow yelled, angering the dark Alicorn so much, that she shot out a massive beam at the three mares, when all of a sudden, a miracle happened. There were a pair of red and blue lights surrounding the sisters and the glowing shards gathered together to become two orbs. Cherry and Tropic were shocked, since those orbs were none other than the Fire and Water orbs. It's clear that their redemption and willing to make amends have their elemental orbs restored and returned to their respective bearers. Not only that, but they were protected by a magical barrier, courtesy of the newly restored orbs.

"No! It can't be!!" The dark alicorn was in total disbelief at the sight of this miracle.

"Well, we got dome good news and bad news. The good news is, we have our powers back. The bad news is, WE HAVE OUR POWERS BACK, BITCH!" Fire shot off a beam of flames at the shadowy mare so quick. Coupled with the shock and the quick speed of the beam, she got hit and was sent flying far away. Meanwhile, Cherry and Tropic got up, despite their injuries and hugged the sisters.

"It's nice to see you again after a long time." Ocean smiled.

"We all do." Snow looked at her friends, before turning her attention towards the direction, the enemy has flown. "We have to get ready. She'll come back soon." Suddenly, a voice can be heard:

"Hey, don't forget about me!"

That came from Breeze, who just landed next to her friends.

"Breeze, how? You're supposed to rest!" Snow was shocked.

"Yeah. I just couldn't rest during this. Plus, I just want to help you. So....I cheated by getting out of the hospital, entering our ship and grabbing some healing potions, while taking one by myself. I have currently three of those left." Breeze showed them the bag, filled with the three healing potions. After seeing Tropic, Cherry and Amber in an injured state, she gave the potions for them to drink, in which they did just that and the healing effects kicked in.

"Thank you so much, Breeze!" Amber hugged the dark blue mare. But then, she saw something alarming: her clan had just arrived the village from afar. "Oh no! They came back!"

"In that case....go back to your people and don't tell them about our secret. My friends and I will take it from here." Snow told to the shy mole girl, which she complied gy running off. And as she expected, Shadow Galaxy teleported back to the spot.

"You! You'll pay for this!" The dark Alicorn screamed.

"Good luck with that, but you're not gonna bring us down, now we have the powers and our confidence back! Ready to kick some ass, girls? Just like last time?" Ocean responded with a serious look on her face before asking her friends.

"Ready!" Her five friends responded with optimism.

["I Burn" (Metal Remix) starts playing during the battle]

Both sides charged for an all out battle, while the Mane 6 and Spike watched, after they finished the evacuation of the citizens. First, Shadow Galaxy fired off several projectiles, but the elemental ponies dodged them with impressive and quick moves and the unicorns fired off magical beams at the dark mare. She quickly blocked them and created some clones of herself to attack them, which would result in a close combat with the ponies taking on each of the clones.

"Pyro Arrow!" Fire shot out burning arrows at the clone, in which it resulted in some burns.

"Diamond Wind!" Snow flapped her wings so hard, it created sparkly, yet cold winds at her clone.

"Vine Scream!" Tropic unleashed a powerful scream at her clone, in which several vines tightly grabbed her.

"Fluorescent Tide!" Ocean unleashed magical waves at one of the clones.

Meanwhile, Cherry and Breeze stood their backs against each other, while fighting against two of the clones. Eventually, they performed a convergence spell, called "Volt Terrain", in which they charged the ground. Then the two, now supercharged, kicked the cloned so hard. It went on and on for a while, with the elemental mares keep attacking the clones with kicks and magic, until they were dissolved into smoke, once they delivered the final blow. In response, the dark mare proceeded to fly up and used her magic to create shockwaves at the mares, whom they used theirs to protect themselves.

"Enough! I'll destroy you one way or another!" Shadow Galaxy fired of a massive magical beam at the ground, throwing the mares off guard and sending them flying all over Ponyville, except for Fire and Ocean, in which they were thrown to the opposite direction together. Refusing to back down, they kept on firing, but the dark mare kept on deflecting them, before grabbing the sisters with her magic.

"Hmph. You still don't get it, huh? Oh well, allow me to demonstrate!" Shadow Galaxy used her magic to torment the sisters with past memories of their actions. Her goal was to break them again, so she can easily destroy them. But the sisters kept on resisting the memories.

Meanwhile, Cherry, Tropic, Breeze and Snow have gathered together again and once they saw Shadow torturing the girls, they tried to intervene, but the dark mare was aware and used a magic to trap them in crystals.

"Hey! That's so uncool!" Breeze shouted and knocked on the walls hard, but that didn't matter to Shaodw whatsoever, as she used the maximum amount of their magic to torment the unicorn sisters further with memories of the dragon incident, the drama, the murder, everything related to them. They were so close, until a voice from Luna can be heard.

"Don't let the past get the better of you!"

"Remember about your journey and the purpose! Learn from them!"

"Yeah! Focus on the here and now and let the past go! In other words, keep fighting!"

The latter two came from Tempest and Trixie respectively, whom they've just arrived next to Luna. Seeing the mares and their expressions caused Fire and Ocean to take their advice to heart, learn from their past, reevaluate the purpose of their journey and gathered so much courage and strength to make their bodies glow and eventually break free from Shadow Galaxy's grasp.

"What!? That's impossible!" She was shocked by their sheer willpower.

"Now you're getting it! Though the last few months, we've been taught about the lessons of courage, forgiveness, redemption and most importantly of all, the magic of friendship!" Ocean explained.

"She's right!" They heard the voice of Twilight, whom she just freed the elemental mares from the crystals and she stood along with her friends. "Even though we haven't seen them after a long time, I can see from their faces, that they have learned the most important lessons of all!"

"At first, I was stuck between a rock and a hard place, inside of my own darkness, because I was weeping from my actions and drowning myself into the sorrow and guilt. But Princess Luna, Trixie and Tempest managed to get me out of that zone and after some training, have finally accepted the reality, regained my confidence and decided to change myself for a better future by focusing on the present. And look, where I am now! Stronger and better than ever before!" After those words, Fire unleashed a powerful beam at Shadow Galaxy, hitting her and the sisters ran to friend's friends side. Together, the twelve ponies stood against the dark Alicorn.

"Step aside, girls. We got this....together!" Snow told Luna, Trixie and Tempest to back off.

"It doesn't matter, if you are many, I'll get my goals of conquest one way or another! Even if it means to destroy the planet and reshape it in my image!" Shadow snarled.

"Not while we're standing!" With Twilight's words, the twelve ponies charged for a massive team attack. In response, the dark Alicorn used her magic to destroy them, but they dodged them all with some well timed moves, like in the instance of Rainbow Dash and Breeze Dasher, flying around them.

"Hey, Dash! Wanna combine our speed to create an awesome attack? Like going ALL OUT for this?" Breeze suggested with a smirk.

"Aw, yeah! Let's go, pal!" Rainbow was excited and the two speedy pegasi flew around Shadow Galaxy, in order to distract her. She tried to slow them down with spells, but they managed to flew around them with quick precision and finesse. Meanwhile, Applejack and Cherry Swirl ran towards her with the former pony swinging a lasso around.

"Okay, Applejack! I'll use the ground to traverse you around and boost you up!" Cherry explained her plan, before using her magic to create rocky pillars for the southern earth pony to jump around and throw the lasso at the mare to immobilize her and while swinging around, she used a diagonal pillar to jump further and deliver a powerful back kick at her. Meanwhile, Shadow Galaxy destroyed the pillars with magic blasts, but Breeze and Rainbow managed to kick her up to the skies. Then the two pegasi flew around her as fast as possible. The combination caused a colourful, yet amped tornado, trapping the dark mare with electricity. While in the skies, Twilight and Snow Emerald flew into the tornado.

"You're not going anywhere, Shadow Galaxy! Ready, Twilight?" Snow asked the princess of friendship, after she yelled at the dark galactic mare.

"Got it!" Twilight agreed and the two mares flew up and while the purple mare charged her horn up to maximum, Snow concentrated herself and gathered enough energy for her spell "Arctic Storm". At the same time, the princess of friendship fired of a massive beam and after they've combined into a convergence, it sent the dark mare crashing to the ground and dispersing the tornado at the same time. Enraged, Shadow Galaxy quickly got up and fired several homing shots at the flying mares. They responded in flying away from them as fast as they could.

Suddenly, Rarity and Ocean Spark circled around the mare in order to distract her. In response, Shadow created dark orbs to destroy them, but the unicorn mares kept on running and dodging them. At one point, Rarity deflected one of them back at the mare.

"Keep running, darling!" Rarity shouted at Ocean.

"Got it, Rarity!" Ocean complied.

At the same time, Fluttershy and Tropic Bloom stood by, waiting for an opportunity.

"Are you sure, this will work?" The shy pegasus mare was nervous and unsure about the plan.

"Trust me, Fluttershy. It will!" Tropic assured her with confidence. They watched, as Rarity and Ocean used their horns to create a convergence spell to shoot out sparkling water at the mare. Once that's done, Rarity shot out several fast beams at her, while the blue unicorn used one of the waves to move around with grace. Once she found a sweet spot, she kicked the dark mare towards the yellow ponies.

"Now!" Tropic made her hooves glow and summoned branches and vines to trap Shadow. They went so far to cover her horn, to stop her from using magic. Fluttershy flew up, navigated around the arms of nature, then performed a roundhouse kick underneath the dark alicorn. At first, Shadow Galaxy pulled off a scary face to intimidate Fluttershy and while it worked for a short time, Tropic jumped at the leaves, grabbed Fluttershy, went around her and unleashing shockwaves, knocking her down. Then the two mares grabbed her tail, swung around and then threw her off far away.

But the dark mare returned and unleashed shockwaves to threw everyone off and hurt them in the process.

"You think, your tactics will stop me?!" She yelled, but a voice can be heard behind her.

"Hey! Look around, Shadowy!"

Shadow Galaxy turned around, only to be attacked by a very speedy Pinkie Pie and her speedy, yet rhythmic kicks, spins, random objects out of nowhere, like a rake, a hammer or even something outlandish, like a balloon sword and the occasional blasts from her party cannon.

"And now for the big one! A big, fiery siesta!" The peppy party mare happily shouted, while aiming and firing off a big shot from her party cannon, in which included cupcakes, cakes, (both of them have burning candles) confetti, balloons, silly strings and the crowing finish, Fire Jewel in the middle of the party shot.

"Careful, it's gonna be too hot to touch!" With a smirk, Fire unleashed a beam of flames at the dark mare, launching her to the ground.

What followed was a quick, all out attack from Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Rarity, Tropic Bloom, Cherry Swirl, Ocean Spark and Fire Jewel, whom they all used their signature moves to hit the dark mare multiple times, with the finishing blow of the sisters performing thrust kicks at her. But this was not the actual final part, as Shadow Galaxy was launched upwards. Suddenly, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Snow Emerald and Breeze Dasher quickly came back with the homing beams trailing behind them. Shadow Galaxy was eager to destroy them, when they made an unexpected move.

"Coming right back at ya!" Rainbow smirked and the four flying mares made sharp turns at the very last second and at close proximity. This caused the beams not having time to make sharp turns and accidentally hit the dark mare in the process, crashing her down to the ground. After what said and done, the twelve mares stood together, as the dark Alicorn struggled to get up.

"No....It can't be....I can't let myself to be defeated by those colourful rats!!" Shaodw Galaxy shouted in pain.

"Yeah, yeah, we've heard that shit many times from many bad guys, we've encountered. Shut up and accept it for once, bitch." Fire shut her up with facts.

"Shadow Galaxy or whoever's is behind the darkness, I know, that the drama might have hurt you so much, you let yourself be taken over by darkness." Twilight spoke with some sympathy.

"Shut up! That mare is long dead, you hear me!?" Shadow angrily screamed at Twilight.

"No, she's not! I can sense her still being trapped there! And I'm pretty sure, we can resolve this without any destruction or drama! I'll show you the magic of-" Twilight was about to finish her speech.

"Bruh, can we just skip to the good part?? You know, light her up with a powerful spell?!" But Breeze cut Twilight off, because she was impatient.

"Shall we combine the magic of friendship with our elemental powers, princess?" Ocean suggested.

Twilight and her friends agreed and they used their combined powers to gather much energy for the finishing attack. Similarly, Fire and her friends did the same by gathering enough power. The twelve mares floated upwards and gathered around in a circle, with their powers combining for the ultimate convergence. Their bodies began to glow, as they charged themselves up for the final attack, the one which will end the terror once and for all.

"Elemental Convergence: Harmonic Friendship Blast of Purification!" All twelve ponies shouted, while unleashing their combined powers of Harmony of Honesty, Kindness, Laughter, Generosity, Loyalty and Magic and the Elements of Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Nature and Ice into a very big, very colourful and sparkly beam, directing towards the dark mare. Shadow Galaxy tried to stop the beam by firing of her extremely powerful beam of dark magic at it. Even though she tried her best to push the beam back at the group, the combined efforts of the twelve mares, the magic of friendship and the cosmic elements proved to be too much for her to handle and it pushed through the dark beam and onto the galactic mare of darkness herself.

"NOOOOOOO!!!!!!" Shadow Galaxy screamed in agony, as she was engulfed in a colourful light. At the same time, Twilight and the rest of the group also unleashed a blinding light towards the surroundings and shot another one to the sky, not only turning the sky back to normal, but also extinguishing the flames and most importantly, ending the battle against Shadow Galaxy once and for all.

[End of "I Burn"]

After the dust was settled, the twelve ponies landed down to witness the aftermath. The skies were back to normal, the flames were extinguished and many ponies returned to their village, cheering and celebrating, that the threat was finally stopped. Three of them were Luna, Trixie and Tempest.

"You did amazing, young ponies." Luna congratulated the elemental mares. "Especially you, Fire and Ocean. I'm so proud of you."

"I knew, that you managed to make it." Tempest was proud.

"Like, we've seen the colourful spectacle of magic clashing each other and you coming out victorious!" Trixie cheered.

"Thanks, but honestly we wouldn't be in that place, if it wasn't for you, girls. You made me and my sister realize about our mistakes in our lives and taking action." With those words from the red mare, the sisters hugged the three ponies, who have taught them the importance of friendship, humility and redemption.

"Luna!" Suddenly, they heard the voice of Princess Celestia, who not only returned from her recovery, but seeing her younger sister again made her feel a bit emotional. "I'm truly sorry for not listening to you and your perspective about the sisters, therefore making the same mistake as those many moons ago. I have no idea about their story, until listening to Cherry and her friends talking theirs to me, after the fire dragon incident. Hearing them makes me feel more empathetic towards their tales of abuse, loss and mistakes." She apologized to the moon princess about her reaction.

In response, Luna hugged her princess, understanding that she didn't mean to fully ignore their pleas earlier, as she had no idea on how massive the drama actually was. "It's okay, my dear sister. I forgive you." She smiled.

Seeing this, Fire Jewel looked at her friends, ready to make amends. "Uhm...girls? Speaking of which...I'm really sorry for fucking everything up and being responsible for the break up of the team...I just wanted to help the kids, who had troubled pasts as I, but my reaction was....not really the best or appropriate in that matter, which caused in me losing myself in my own madness and damaging my own reputation by nearly destroying Canterlot and everyone, I hold dearly. I didn't took the reactions from you guys and anyone in consideration, until it was already too late..." the red mare apologised to her friends, until she turned her attention towards her sister. "As a result of my recklessness, I lost everything, including you, sis...I am aware, that not everyone will forgive me, it's just...I wanted to set the record straight..."

After a few minutes of silence, Ocean spoke up. "Actually...I should be the one apologising for not listening to you..."

"No...It should be me, because I kept so many secrets and didn't tell you the entire truth about my feelings..."Snow looked down, but when she saw Brain Freezer, who's encouraging her to tell the truth, she proceeded to tell them the true reason of her behaviour, in which she was a victim of multiple betrayals, oppression and war. Needless to say, her friends were shocked at the sudden revelation.

"Oh my God...I'm so sorry about what you've been through..." Tropic hugged the snowy mare.

"Holy shit, man....Those guys were just assholes, who decided to use you and then throw you away, like trash..." Breeze was not happy.

"I didn't tell you that, because I was scared...Scared, that you would turn against me...." Snow was understandably worried. "But keep bottling up my secrets and emotions turned out to be really bad, as demonstrated in my mistakes recently..." But what happened next was quite touching, as the elemental ponies hugged the icy mare as a sign of comfort and confirmation, that they'll never betray her, no matter what. Everyone, who witnessed it, were touched by the revelation. Especially Pinkie Pie, Rarity and Fluttershy.

"It's nice, that it wrapped up quite nicely, right darling?" Rarity was in tears, before dramatically sobbing in Applejack's arms. The southern mare herself got a box of tissues for that occasion. Fluttershy grabbed some to wipe her tears away, while Pinkie used her mane as a makeshift tissue. (Don't ask.)

"Actually...there is still someone missing..." Twilight pointed the obvious out, as she looked at the pink Alicorn mare, who just woke up. Soon, all eyes were on her.

"I didn't expect to see you again like this..." Cherry sighed.

"Especially since...you know..." Fire looked away in disappointment.

"Girls, I..I...I" the pink mare attempted to tell them something, when she heard the angry crowd of ponies, who were not happy at the destruction, she caused. Meanwhile, the elemental mares just walked away with Cherry looking at the mare for one last time, with sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry...." Cherry looked away with small tears.

"No! Cherry! Girls! Wait!!" The pink mare was in tears, trying to reach out to them, before being completely overwhelmed by the angry crowd and their shouts.

"Please...I really didn't mean to..." She started to curl up and shake hard, as she kept hearing the shouts of the angry ponies, which were getting louder and louder in her head and thus, became a lot more vulnerable and hurt than before. Eventually, she started to scream really loud, silencing everyone and used her magic to teleport herself out of here.

"Wait!!" Twilight attempted to go after her, but it was too late. "I just...I just wanted to ask her about her side of the story..." She lowered her ears in defeat.

Suddenly, Roy was running and looking around frantically. "Anyone has a big supply of sunglasses!?" He asked, while looking worried.

"Why?" Rarity was confused.

"Let's just say, my king and a different set of mole people REALLY need them...Problem is, I don't have enough money!" He explained his reasoning.

"I can help you, sir." Rarity decided to help her. In response, Roy tightly hugged her, looking incredibly happy.

"No problem, but....could you please let me go?" Rarity was gasping for air, in which he complied and they went to a nearby store, where they have sunglasses.

"Wow, this day has been the weirdest so far..." Spike commented.

Meanwhile, Twilight saw the six mares slowly walking away from everyone. After hearing similar stories from a select few, namely from Sunset, Starlight, Trixie and a few others, the princess of friendship made up her mind and approached them.

"Girls, wait!" She shouted.

"Look...we're not in the mood, considering that we dragged you into our mess..." Cherry responded with sadness.

"I know, but...you said something about 'setting the record straight' and 'making amends'. I'm actually happy, that you made up with each other, but I couldn't help but to point out, that...well...despite the fact that you've been friends for a long time, there has been a lack of connection lately. Maintaining friendships can be hard, I know that well with my friends. However, at the end of the day, we appreciate each other and acknowledge our flaws each other, since nopony is perfect. We're unique in our own ways. Which is why I was thinking on teaching you about the importance of friendship." Twilight smiled and offered some help to them.

"The thing is...we may have our fair share of arguments in the past and we've been pointed out by some wise ponies about it. But never in our lives, have we actually considered it, since we were really busy saving galaxies and stopping evil." Snow pointed out.

"I'm aware of that. Hence my offer of guidance." The purple mare nodded. The mares proceeded to discuss each other in a circle, which lasted for a few minutes, before coming up with a decision.

"Okay, Princess. We made up our minds. Please teach us about the important lessons of friendship and redemption." Cherry bowed down as a sign of respect, in which the others followed suit.

"Then it's settled!" Twilight hugged the mares and from this day forward, she became their mentor and teacher.

"After all, at the end of the day, we're still young ponies..." Cherry responded.

"I know. It takes time and effort to mature. But I'm pretty sure, my friends and I will help you with that, if you have any concerns." Twilight smiled, assuring them, that everything will be okay.

"She's right." Princess Celestia agreed. She and Luna were witnessing the current moment.

"Uhm...Your majesty? There's just one thing, I REALLY want to explain to you, in regards to the pink mare, you saw. We used to be friends with her and heck, she was our leader. That is...if Snow's okay of it." Cherry was nervous.

"Go on, Cherry. I honestly don't mind. Everyone needs to learn the truth." Snow didn't care and gave the green mare her blessing to tell them about the pink mare. After all, Brain freezer showed her the way of redemption.

"Alright....The blue haired Alicorn, you just saw, was none other than Jenny, our leader of the group. She used to be the bearer of the Shining Light orb, one of the seven elemental orbs beyond the stars. Her leadership skills and powerful spells lead her to be regarded to be the best of magic in the galaxy, we came from. She too had a traumatic past, losing her family in an invasion of her home planet, where Shadow Nebula attacked. She managed to escape and later chosen by the light orb. Then one day, I found her in Shima, during a heavy snowstorm and managed to save her life by bringing her in, much to Snow's irritation, since she wasn't used to new people at the time. In fact, there was constant arguments between those two, but eventually Snow learned to at least tolerate. As we went on to several intergalactic adventures, we battled evil, learned each other more and saved many citizens from different planets. I used to be her best friend and she would confide in me, because she was incredibly anxious about herself. Eventually, we got stronger and stronger, managed to defeat Shadow Nebula once and for all, after numerous fights against her throughout the years and brought a new era of peace. A few months ago, we decided to go to Equestria for some rest and such, but something happend to her, that made her paranoid. I'm not sure what caused this feeling to occur. Maybe she has sensed a new kind of evil or something, I don't know. Regardless, it was the ball, that kept rolling and coupled with our own issues and arguments, lead to our massive downfall, as you have seen. And as for Shadow Galaxy, it was due to a dark curse/corruption, Shadow Nebula put on her, when she got captured. The worst part is, even after we freed her, the dark magic was and still is a big problem, since it feeds off Jenny's negative emotions and would awaken at a certain threshold. She did manage to control her emotions at one point, but of course the drama sent everyone over the edge, including her... and sadly...it lead to Shadow Galaxy's return....We have no idea on how to break it, since it's a very tricky one. " Cherry explained the princesses about the pink mare, who's name is confirmed to be Jenny. Some ponies were confused at the name, but then again, they assume that there were different rules in different galaxies.

"I see...There are indeed several factors behind the downfall, most of them on an emotional level." Luna was thinking.

"After hearing this story, I'm slowly starting to see a pattern there between your pasts and Jenny's. We'll figure it out on how to solve this web of problems." Celestia made up her mind. "And don't worry, Cherry. My sister, Twilight, her friends and I will spread the word. In fact, we'll contact Princess Cadence about it."

"Thank you, princess." Cherry bowed down, but the sun princess instead hugged her with a smile.

It all seems to end well, until a pony overheard shouts from the other side. "Uhm...ponies? What's going on? I heard shouting over here." An earth pony pointed at the direction.

"I have no idea. Come on, everypony!" Twilight and everyone followed at the direction of the shouts. As soon as they've arrived, they saw the mole men and women against each other, with Zizrar and Iris in a shouting match. The bug difference is, Zizrar and the ladies have their sunglasses on. Things escalate even further, when they pull out their weapons.

"So, you want to fight, huh? Then bring it!" Zizrar shouted.

"It's on!" Iris glared and both sides charged, only to be stopped by the combine efforts by the three princesses using their magic.

"Excuse me, what's going on?" Luna demanded an answer.

"Well, we want payback against those ladies, who have basically tortured us! I mean, we almost died, if it wasn't for the earth ponies!" Zizrar explained.

"I'm sorry, but they were rude to us and disrespected our code of honor!" Iris rebutted.

"Earth ponies?! Alright, which one of you have sent them here?!" Evelynn was enraged. "Say something!"

"Excuse me, but I may have the answer." Gia stepped out

"Gia, what's the matter?" Iris asked, only for her and Evelynn to be explained by the soldier about her discovery. "So, you're saying, that the blue mare had escaped? But how!?" She was stunned.

"Breeze? What did you do?" Ocean asked. The dark blue mare sighed and explained with:

"Okay...I admit, I was underground for a while. I was helping the guys on finding the crown, when we first saw these girls." She then proceeded to tell them everything, but left certain things out, like her friendship with Amber, due to the promise. Needless to say, the moles weren't happy by the breakout and were eager to kill the mare, but her friends immediately surrounded her, ready to stop them.

"Great...here we go again..." Cherry sighed.

They were about to attack, when all of a sudden...

"STOP!!!!" They heard someone screaming and before they knew, Amber was seen covering for the ponies.

"Amber!?" The women were shocked.

"What is the meaning of this!?" Iris demanded answers.

"Please...No more wars, that would only result in bloodshed! I know your concerns and the need of protecting ourselves, but keep attacking at anyone, when they didn't do anything wrong and isolating ourselves will only result in more harm!" Amber let her true concern out. "Why can't just live our lives in peace, without paranoia rearing its ugly head?! Why can't we just lower out guards down for once!?"

"Amber...." Breeze was stunned by Amber's newfound bravery.

"Holy shit..." Fire was stunned, yet amazed.

"Amber, we-" Auriana tried to reason with her, but the braided mole had enough.

"NO! I was keeping it myself for a long time, in order to please you, but the truth is, I've always have my own goals and no one will attempt to deterr me from accomplishing them!" Amber threw her spear on the ground as a sign of her commitment and her pacifist nature.

Even the mole men were confused on why Amber, a mole girl would stand up for the ponies and everyone. However, they still havent forgotten about the treatment from the other guards during their imprisonment and even forced Roy and Zizrar into a death match, even though they have zero experience in weapon and hand to hand combat. Speaking of which....after watching Amber's bravery and looking at Breeze one last time, he knew, what he had to do.

"I'm sorry, Breeze...but I can't stay silent any longer..." Roy mumbled, before stepping out, revealing to be siding with Amber. "She's right! That also included to you, guys!"

"Roy, how could you!?" One of the mole men was disgusted by his position. In fact, most of them actually opposed to it, while Zizrar just stood there silently. The same can be said for the mole women towards Amber, especially Evelynn. Although Iris also stood there silently.

"Fine! If that offends you, then I'm leaving!" He screamed, while going to Amber.

"What are you doing!?!?" Tropic yelled, trying to convince the mole man otherwise, but he wasn't having it.

"So, you have betrayed us???" Evelynn pointed her spear at Amber, but Roy shielded himself for the shy mare. "That's it! I'm gonna execute you!" She was about to strike, when...

"Evelynn, that's enough!" It came from Iris, who stopped the commander by grabbing the spear. She then turned her attention towards the group with: "My apologies. Truth be told...We escaped to this planet for a long time, but even then....the scars of the past still remain....Ladies, it's time to retreat."

"But, Queen Iris-" Evelynn tried to find and argument, but the queen cut her off again.

"Look. Even though, we're strong warriors, we also have a code of honour and respect. If Amber decides to leave, then let her. In other words, you should not worry about her anymore." Iris told to the Commander, before leaving with the army. But not before Evelynn gave Amber the most painful glare, signaling that for her, it isn't over. Iris on the other hand, looked at Roy and nodded, as a way to say "thank you" to giving her and her clan the sunglasses.

As a result to this cold reception from the commander, Amber weeped in Roy's arms, feeling hurt. So, the mole man looked at everyone one more time, said: "It's best to leave us alone for a while...And I'm sorry, Breeze...It had to be done." and left with Amber somewhere into the unknown, leaving everyone frozen, including the elemental mares.

"Man...out of all conflicts, we've encountered... this, along with ours, has to be the messiest of them all..." Fire commented.

But Snow had a completely different reaction. She was theorizing about something, when all of a sudden, she saw a note, in which she picked it up.

"There is more to Evelynn and our clan than what's on the surface. Meet us at the fields on midnight and we'll give you the information.

Signed, Talia and Auriana."

The icy mare kept the note to herself, since she felt suspicious about Evelynn and how her behaviour had similar patterns to herself, before Brain Freezer pointed them out, despite meeting her for the first time.

"Hmm...There's something, I want to do, to help everyone and solve this conflict...But how?" Snow thought to herself, before returning to the group. It seems like, not all mole women are the same. Not to mention with the circumstances behind it.

"Man....Today has been a really crazy one, huh?" Rainbow Dash commented.

"And a very stressful one at that." Applejack added.

"Excuse me, we can actually help you on rebuilding the village...that is, if you're okay with that." Ocean suggested some assistance.

"That's very nice of you, Ocean. We really need some helping hooves on rebuilding Ponyville anyway." Twilight approved.

"Yeah. Pretty sure, it'll take a while." Spike looked at the damage, before suddenly spewing fire. From the green flames, a letter emerged, in which he grabbed it. "Uhm, Twilight? It's for you." The little dragon gave the purple mare the letter, who she opened it up and started reading.

"What does it say?" Rarity was curious.

"Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle,

after throughly reading your message about your request and the circumstances behind it and some negotiations behind the scenes, we came to the decision to agree letting Star Time Rush perform for the upcoming Friendship Festival.

Quartz Records"

"It's about Star Time Rush! They agreed to perform at the Friendship Festival!" The purple mare happily reported the good news to her friends.

"Hooray!!" Pinkie cheered.

"But....what about the picture, you have? About the group of ponies?" Rarity asked Twilight about the picture of the stallions.

"Now that you mentioned it..." Twilight went to Eugene for answers. "Brilliant Diamond, do you know anything about those stallions?" She asked about the picture of the three stallions.

"Actually, I have no idea about these guys... I found the picture somewhere, while I was in Manehattan for a break. The only info I know about them, is the name of the group. They're called the 'Try Guys'. Other than that, I have no idea, who they are and where they're performing." Eugene gave her a bit of information. "In fact, the only reason, I suggested these guys for the festival, is because...well, they could be a fun addition."

"I see... I'll try to contact anyone, if they know this group and find ways to contact t them and ask, if they're willing to participate and perform for the Friendship Festival." Twilight responded and teleported away.

Meanwhile, Fire Jewel was talking with her friends, when all of a sudden, Spring Gale came to her with a smile.

"You're the nice lady, who saved me, right?' Spring asked

"Uhm...yeah. why?" Fire answered.

"Thank you so much for saving me again! And my family!" Spring hugged the red mare.

"Yeah! You're really awesome!" Suddenly, Cosmic joined in to the hug.

"We saw you and your friends stopping that menace and words cannot describe, how grateful I am." Golden Heart smiled and also hugged the mare. In fact, the citizens actually thanking Fire Jewel and her friends for rescuing Ponyville and being more open to her was a stark contrast to the ponies in Canterlot a few months ago. A strong sign, that she has grown, but still has so much to learn. This caused the red mare to tear up and hugged the kids back.

"Fire? Are you crying?" Ocean asked.

"Uhm...No...My eyes are burning!" Fire feebly denied.

"Oh, Fire." Ocean giggled and everyone laughed.

It was all good vibes and such, when they heard hoofsteps and panting from the other side. As everyone looked to the source, they saw Johnny and Dukey, running and then collapsing to the ground in exhaustion, while carrying bags.

"Came here....as fast...as we could...Man....can't go on...anymore." the black pegasus was out of breath.

"Whoa, what are you talking about?" Spike was confused.

"The skies were changing and we assumed that something was going on... it was full...of swirls..." Dukey tried to explain, while gasping for air and sweating like bullets.

"Bruh, you just misssed out on a lot. Like A LOT a lot." Breeze explained.

"Hey, where have you two have been!? We could've used your help, when Shadow Galaxy attacked us!" Sissy demanded answers and so did everyone.

"Who's Shadow Galaxy?" Johnny was completely confused. Especially since he never heard of her at all.

"Uh oh...How are we gonna explain this to them, along with a lot of other things, that happened during their absence?" Breeze was nervous.

"Especially that we're completely exhausted to do so." Cherry sighed.

"It's a long story, boys. And a really messy one at that. But right now, we're just exhausted, man..." said the red unicorn to the boys.

"Wait...why are you back?" Dukey was confused on why Fire Jewel came back.

"Again, it's a long story..." Fire collapsed from exhaustion and Ocean picked her up.

"I'm sorry, guys. There were a lot of things, that happened to us, during the few months. We'd like to tell you everything, but right now, we need some rest." The blue mare apologised.

"Where were you been?" Rainbow asked.

"We actually sent them to Vanhoover for some errands this morning, like getting some items for us and such." High Velocity explained the reason.

"We got the items there, but a lot of things happened. First, Johnny had to take a detour, because he saw a special shiny Daring Do figure in a store. I tried to convince him to just ignore it, but he gave me that sad stare and I just couldn't resist and had to buy it for him. Yeah, he's been a fan of Daring Do, after reading the books." Dukey explained.

"Told ya, that Daring Do's awesome!" Rainbow smiled in excitement. "Also a shiny Daring Do figure? WHERE CAN I GET ONE!?" However, Applejack pulled her away by the tail.

"Simmer down, sally. Let him continue." She was not amused.

"Uhm...okay?" Dukey was left speechless for a while, before continuing with his explanation. "As I was saying, after we got everything, we bought two train tickets back to Ponyville and went to a train back home. We were there just chilling and chatting, when the second obstacle occurred. The train suddenly stopped, due to a boulder standing on the track. And it happened just 15 minutes after it took off! So we had to wait, till they can get rid of the boulder. But as we got out, we saw the enormous boulder blocking the path and we were understandably frustrated. Then...we saw the skies change to the weird night with swirls. At first, we thought, it was perhaps an illusion or perhaps a mind fuck. But everyone saw it and became confused by the sight and presumed, that it was night time, so they went inside. But what kind of night sky would have swirls on there?" He then looked at Johnny, hoping that he could continue, but of course he was still out of breath. "Anypony have a glass of water?" He asked anyone.

"Perhaps, I can help you with that." Ocean used her magic to make a glass appear and filled it with water. After which, she gave it to Johnny, whom he immediately started to drink it.

"Oh my" she commented.

"Thanks, man." Johnny thanked the blue mare, but he lost track on what he was about to say, so Dukey had to whisper it to his ear. "Oh, right... We had to wait for half an hour and it was the most frustrating one ever! I tried to push it, but it was too heavy! I tried to kick it, but it was too hard, that I almost sprayed my ankles. Not to mention, there were those conductors there and had to carry me away..." he continued.

"We could've waited longer, if it wasn't for someone. You see, there was a pony, who exited from the train, just to look at the boulder. A gray earth pony wearing a dress and having a a bored face. We approached her and she spoke in such a quiet and monotone way, that Johnny fell asleep. She sounded...boring." Dukey added.

"Oooh! You met my sister, Maud???" Pinkie grabbed the hybrid's face. "She told me, that she was on a train ride coming back from a mining trip or something. I literally have no idea, that she was in the same train as you were! Tell me, what happened next?!" She wanted an answer.

"Pinkie..." Rainbow pulled Pinkie away, being unamused.

"Well, here's the crazy thing, we had to distract the conductors, since she requested us to do so, after we explained the problem to her. What happened next....I..I honestly can't describe on how ludicrous and insane it was...She went to the boulder....and outright destroyed it into pieces. We were let speechless, like what the hell just happened...? However there was something glimmering on where the boulder was, that we had to investigate. Turns out, there were gems and crystals inside." Dukey continued, but the mention of gems and crystals perked Rarity's interest.

"What kind of gems and crystals exactly? Can I take a look at them?" She asked out of curiosity.

"Man, just let us finish...." Johnny was getting slightly annoyed at the interruptions.

"Sorry." The white unicorn apologized and backed off.

"As I was saying....We eventually took some of them with us with Maud taking the other half and went back to the train. When the conductors came back and saw the track being free, our journey continued. Everything went smoothly...until yet another problem occurred. The train had to slow down multiple times, due to traffic and at one point, some haystack blocking the path. And by the time, we reached Canterlot station, the train had to stop again, due to a check. By this point, Johnny was completely fed up and wanted to go home. He was like "Fuck it!" and left the train to go home by foot....or in his case by flying. I had to follow him, because it was a crazy idea for him. The heavy bags and the long road to Ponyville were definitely factors on why we came back completely exhausted..." At the end, the hybrid stallon collapsed again. After which, Rainbow and her friends helped them unload the bags. Meanwhile, Rarity was unloading the bags, when she felt something hard. Once she opened the bags, she was greeted by a colourful shine.

"Oh....oh my goodness... I can't believe my own eyes..." this unicorn mare gasped in shocked, before fainting.

"Uhm...Rarity? Are you okay?" Spike was worried.

"Wake up, Rarity." Applejack tapped her friend multiple times.

"Oh man..." Breeze scratched her head.

After a while, the purple haired unicorn woke up and quickly unloaded the gems and crystals out of the bags, in order to admire the sheer beauty of them.

"The colors, the shine, the glitz and glam! There're also very colourful crystals, shimmering from the light! Oh, they're are so glamorous!! Oh! The inspiration hits! I can see them being used for beautiful gowns, suits and some accessories! I have to work with these beautiful gems and crystals! Heck, they're also perfect for decoration for the Friendship Festival!!" With sheer excitement, Rarity used her magic to grab the shiny crystals and gems and quickly went to her boutique.

"Oh, Rarity..." Fluttershy sighed.

"I have to agree with her. Those were actually beautiful." Ocean commented.

"Your friend is quite something, huh." Snow was stunned.

"Well, that's Rarity for ya!" Applejack chuckled and the mares laughed with each other, while the guys gave the items to their parents, essentially checking that objective off from the list.

"Hey, Johnny bro! I finally have a new name!" Gil came to them with excitement. He wanted to share them about his new name.

"Oh, what is it?" The black pegasus was curious.

"You guys ready?......It's Chill Vibe!" He presented them with his new pony name.

"Man, that's a good one!" Johnny complimented Gil's new name.

"Thanks, bruh! Hey, wanna hang out and doing some tricks?" The aqua stallion asked.

"Hang on." Johnny quickly left to his parents to ask them, if he can go. After a while, he came back. "Sure thing! Mom and dad are cool with it."

"Hey, mind if I join?" Breeze asked.

"What about me, big brother?" Cosmic asked as well?

"I can teach you some awesome tricks, if you want to! Rainbow smirked.

"Sure, you can!" Johnny smiled and everyone were happy. After that, Gil, Johnny, Dukey, Cosmic, Rainbow and Breeze went to a day filled with awesome fun. Meanwhile, Cherry, Tropic, Fire, Ocean and Snow watched.

"Hey, girls. I know, we fucked up multiple times in our past and such. But perhaps, it's time to put these to rest and start a new life there. What do you think?" Ocean smiled and stretched her hoof out. "Fire and I promised that after we changed our paths, we'll start over with a clean slate."

Soon, the four ponies put their hooves above Ocean's with Snow being the last one to do so.

"For a new beginning!" The mares shouted and jumped in joy, as they reached their hooves to the sky, finally ready to start their new life, start over and rebuild their friendship, all while being guided by Twilight. After months of drama and uncertainty, the conflict was over....well, not really. Almost...They are still thinking about Jenny, where she currently is and the most importantly of all, if they can see her again. After all, the entire group was at fault for their public fallout. Not to mention about the elemental orb of the shining light, which is now broken. But for now, they have to focus on learning about friendship and spreading the truth to everyone, in hopes of not making the same mistakes ever again, while also protecting everyone. It'll surely be a tricky task, which they're gonna be ready for.

Unknown location, ???

[???'s POV]

Everything was completely black and silent for a while, until I slowly regained my consciousness. My sight was slowly opening and sharpening and I heard a voice next to me.

"Hello? Can you hear me?"

It was a voice, that sounded feminine, I thought, it was probably just a bad dream and that I was probably just laying in the Area 51.1 infirmary. But when I opened my eyes... or my eye, as the other one was covered up by bandages, it seeks like, I was inside of a cottage or something with a faint light coming from a lamp somewhere. I groaned a bit, due to pain coming from my body.

"Oh my God, you're finally awake!" There was the voice again. Who was in the house? And where the hell am I? I moved my head to the right a bit, only to see someone standing next to me. A female feline in black and white, with blue hair and differently coloured eyes. One being blue and the other being yellow. She was looking for me, being worried. This makes me question: Who is she?

However, I was somewhat lost at the sight of that lady, like I was captivated or something. I tried to get up, but the pain on my body, makes it difficult to do so. However, there were new bandages around my body, but there was something...odd...I don't know....like I look somewhat the same, yet at the same time, not....

"Please... you're still wounded..." the feline spoke to me, wanting me to keep laying down and rest. Of course it hurts like hell, so I laid down and fulfilled her wish.

"Where...where am I?" I asked the cat girl for answers.

"You're currently at my grandma's cottage. I'm living with my grandma, after my parents disappeared." She answered. "It happened, when the Storm King attacked our home and I had no other choice but to flee."

"Man..." Being forced to flee after your home getting attacked by a bad guy...that's just messed up, even by my standards. Soon, I heard the sounds of a high pitched whistle.

"Oh! The tea is ready!" She went off to presumably a kitchen. I don't know, since I'm still laying on the bed. So, I had to wait till she came back with some cups of tea.

"Here you go." She put the cup of tea to a cupboard next to me. I slowly got up a bit, because it hurts and grabbed my cup. As we're drinking tea, I couldn't stop thinking about her. I have no idea why, but it's like this feline has been a chosen one in my life.

"I actually found you in the quarry, while I was taking a walk. You were wounded with one of your eyes being covered." She explained on how she found me. Oh right. The injuries. I never have forgotten on how these happened.

"So...do you have any idea, what place I am?" I asked her about the location. I know, I'm in that cottage, but I wanted to know about the name of this world.

"I'm not sure about it myself, but I have a feeling, that we're a bit close to a land, named Equestria." She assumed, since there was a map on the wall. So it seems like, I'm close to a land named Equestria. But then, she forgot about something.

"Oh my! I forgot to introduce myself! My name is Belle. What's yours?" She asked. Belle, a very charming name for a charming feline, don't you think?

But, wait...I have to introduce myself to her. Shit... I was too distracted. So I had to slap my own cheeks to snap myself out of it. So I looked at her and introduced myself with the following:

"My name....is Mittens. Mr. Mittens."

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hello, everyone!

Yep, I brought up my main OC back, but this time as the dark side, seen in her nightmares all the way back in Chapter 13. Also, my writing skills and logic are rusty AF. (Plus, that damn writer's block again...)

And the reason, why I included mole women is due to several reasons:

  1. Most of the mole people, we know in Johnny Test, are basically 99.9% full of men, which made me question, why there are no women. Like really, how do they manage to reproduce? And how in the name of Celestia did Zizrar became king, if his civilisation is full of dudes?!
  2. Zizrar is known to be the flamoyant, feminine one full of buff men. Granted, there are a few exceptions, like one nerdy mole dude from the very first episode. So introducing a pack of strong females, lead by a buff, masculine queen would add some balance. And also add some feminine ones, like Amber.

Also also sorry for the lack of activity lately. Many things happened since them. One of them was the passing of Jason David Frank, some irl stuff and me grieving about the news of the Johnny Test Netflix revival being ended. And no, I'm still not over it.

Finally, remember the "Try Guys" tease back in "Side Story: Flickering Voices"? Turns out, I had to retcon some things for obvious reasons. However, I am still unsure, if I'll put them into the story. Only time will tell.

Anyways, I hope, you like this side story and forgive me for the errors. Like I said, it's been a long time. And let's hope, 2023 will be at least decent.