• Published 19th Oct 2020
  • 3,238 Views, 127 Comments

The Road of Courage - PrismaGalaxy514

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Side Story: Adjusting the new Human Life

In the Human world, it was the early afternoon, when school day has ended in Canterlot High. Many of the students were exhausted from a long day in their high school and were excited for some free time. Seven of which, are Sunset Shimmer and her friends, as they talked about on what to do. At the same time, Starlight waited for the girls, when she saw them.

"Hi, Starlight!" Pinkie Pie hugged her friend. "How's your day?"

"Let's just say...boring to say the least... I have nothing to do, other than visiting the hospital to check up on them." Starlight sighed. She was referring to Susan and Mary, who are still in a coma.

"Oh... Look, we're also worried about them, like you. I just wish, a miracle would happen, in which they'll wake up one day." Sunset looked to the lavender girl. "However, we have to wait, since we have a plan."

"Oh..." Starlight looked down.

"What's wrong, Starlight?" Fluttershy asked.

"You know, that I've been living there for the past few months. However, I feel like, I haven't really settled in and felt left out, when I saw you returning from school. I just want to be more engaged with you." The lavender girl responded. "And plus, I want to make an impact here."

The girls were thinking of ideas on how to make it true. Eventually, they have many ideas.

"How about a part-time job?" Twilight asked.

"Maybe something fun?" Pinkie grinned

"You can sign up for Canterlot High!" Rainbow suggested.

"I'll help you find a home!" Rarity also suggested.

Needless to say, Starlight was overwhelmed by several suggestions of her friends. "Girls! Girls, please! We only can do those one at a time, in order to not overwhelm her." Sunset slowed them down. "We'll help you with that." She said to her friend.

"Thank you." Starlight hugged her friend. At the same time, Twilight was thinking about something. The whole affair about the sisters and the science fair incident, caused a big, magical awakening in Starlight. However, she's afraid, that the lavender girl would lose control and go completely off the rails, like what happened in the fair. "Girls, I need to talk with you about Starlight." She got her friends' attention with an important matter.

"What is it, Twilight? Need something to get out?" Rainbow looker at her.

"You know...Remember the abandoned warehouse?" Twilight asked.

"I remember it clearly!" Fluttershy answered.

"Same with me and Sunset." Starlight responded.

"You see, on that day, Starlight tapped into her Equestrian magic in the Human world for the first time. It was an urgent situation, so she had to focus. And then...under the exhibition centre, when we fought off against the crazy scientists, who tortured Susan and Mary, it happened again, only this time, she awakened her magic fully. Unfortunately, there was a problem. She was blinded by her own fury, which resulted in her nearly killing the scientists, if it wasn't for Sunset's intervention. I'm saying this, because Starlight....you have to control your Equestrian magic in this world." Twilight commented, then told Starlight on what to do.

"You know...ever since those events, I feel like, my magic had been awakened. But the thing is, I have no idea on how to do it, since this world is still new to me." Starlight looked at the skies.

"Don't worry, we'll help you." Sunset smiled.

"You can count on us!" Pinkie brightly grinned.

"But first, i have to make a list about the suggestions." Sunset wrote a list about the suggestions from her friends about Starlight fully settling in. "After which, we have to do those one at a time. And the first thing to do is to find a part-time job for Starlight, so she can earn some money."

"I mean, it would be nice to earn some money to cover my essentials." Startlight scratched her head.

And so, the girls went into the centre of the city in order to find a part time job for Starlight. They looked at every job offering, every shop, every small company, they had to find a good one for her. Then, they made a list of the most likely jobs, the lavender girl would take. Camp counsellor, an assistant for a book store, a volunteer for an animal rescue, anything. As Starlight grabbed the list and read the suggestions, there are some potential jobs for her, but she has yet to choose one, in order to earn some money. However, there are still other matters to do, like enrolling to a school and keeping her Equestrian magic under control.

"Hmm...you know...I can choose one later. Right now, I have yet to tackle through the other priorities." Starlight answered.

"It's okay, Starlight." Fluttershy smiled.

The lavender girl looked at her hands and remembered the time, when her magic was fully awakened. Unfortunately, she lost control of her magic, due to her being blinded by rage. Sometimes, when she's angry, her magic will become stronger. However, anger, if it's too much, would only result in more harm than good. That's what her friends are currently thinking, mainly Sunset. They have to make sure, an incident like the one in the science fair would never happen again.

"The first thing to do is to control my magic." Starlight made up her mind.

"Good decision. You know, you can do that in my laboratory, while we'll make sure, not to lose control." Twilight suggested.

The others agreed and went to their destination, not knowing that someone was watching from afar. It was the girl with her face obscured by the black hoodie, who was standing on the other side of the road. Without saying a word, she left, while having some dark thoughts.

Twilight's Laboratory

We see the girls in front of a transparent wall out of the strongest glass and Starlight, hooked to a device, monitoring the amount of magic, she would use. Right now, it's 0%.

"Okay, Starlight. Let's start with you doing some simple tasks. Try to lift this ball using your magic." Twilight spoke via a microphone.

There was a ball, standing on a nearby table, where Starlight was standing. She started to concentrate and tried to use her magic to just lift the ball, but it didn't work. While Twilight was writhing down on her notes, Starlight tried again and again to lift the ball, but it wouldn't even move a single inch, leaving her frustrated each and everytime. Eventually, Starlight became so frustrated, that she was about to give up, when suddenly, she unleashed a magical explosion. Thankfully, no one was harmed.

"Uhm, Starlight?..." Twilight asked.

"I know!" The lavender girl was not happy.

"Look, why not just try to take a deep breath and focus. I know, you can do it!" Sunset gave her friend some motivational advice. Eventually, Starlight had no other choice, but to follow it. She took a deep breath and started to focus to channel her magic. It took a few tries, but eventually, a teal aura emitted from her hands and the ball started levitating.

"I did it!" Starlight was happy with the results. The girls cheered at the success.

"Not yet. There is still a long way to go. But we can help you." Twilight smiled, but knows, that her friend has to control her magic.

A montage of Starlight attempting to control and harnessing her Equestrian magic in this world by doing some tasks, Twilight and the others gave her. Some of them are successful, others though....not so much. However, Starlight is an expert of magic and over time, as the days have passed, she managed to harness magic and control it. It's clear, that she was going to a right path.

Another few days have passed and the Humane 7 were sitting in a cafe for some chatting and some relaxation. The topic of their conversation was important, since next year, they're gonna graduate form Canterlot High. Everyone was talking about their dreams and what they'll do in their future with excitement and curiosity. Everyone...except for Sunset Shimmer. There is one thought, that has been bothering her for a while. But she didn't know, why.

Meanwhile, Starlight was on her way to the cafe, while buying a bouquet of flowers from a nearby shop. She wanted to give it to the twins, who are still in the hospital. She saw her friends and was about to approach them, but something caught her attention instead. It was the girl in the black hoodie, watching the girls, while getting closer.

"Hey!" The lavender girl tried to get their attention, only for the individual to run away and for Starlight chasing after it. It went on and on, while nobody slowed down.

"Hey! Come back! What do you want?" Starlight asked, but the individual refused to answer, as she ran faster. So, of course, the lavender girl had to try to catch her up. Suddenly, she went into a crowd full of people, who were witnessing a performance from some musicians. Even though Starlight tried her best to find him or her, there were too many of them. In the end, she had to give up and went to the cafe, where her friends are waiting. Meanwhile, the black-hooded individual came out form the other side of the crowd.

"Ugh... Good thing, I got away from her...Anyway, with that out of the way, I'm gonna plan my revenge." The girl sighed, before continuing to walk away.

Back at the cafe, Starlight met up with her friends and sat down to the table with them.

"Hi, Starlight! Nice flowers! Any reason to buy them?" Pinkie was curious.

"I bought them, because I want to visit Susan and Mary in the hospital, so I can give it to them." Starlight answered. "Anyway, what you're doing?"

"We'be been discussing about our upcoming graduation from Canterlot High and our future plans." Twilight answered.

"You're gonna graduate?" Starlight was confused.

"Yes. Next year, we'll finishing our time at school with a ceremony, followed by a party. The girls and I have discussed about what we'll do in the future, like Twilight wanting to become a famous scientist and Fluttershy an animal vet." Sunset discussed.

"I want to become a world-famous fashion designer, while also helping those in need." Rarity told Starlight about her future.

"And I want to be an awesome athlete!" Rainbow commented.

"I want to become a party planner, baking pies and spreading fun!" Pinkie Pie smiled.

"And finally, I'll be taking over the farm and work hard as always." Applejack answered.

"What about you, Sunset? Any thoughts about what you're gonna be?" Starlight asked.

"Well... That's a good question....but right now, I'm in the middle of so many questions and unknowns." Sunset answered.

"What's wrong, Sunset?" Fluttershy asked.

"The thing is, I have no idea on what to do about many things. On what to do with Susan and Mary, since there are some clouds of doubts, my future and importantly, my true destiny." She sighed.

The girls were confused. But Sunset replied with: "It's a very complicated story."

"As for Susan and Mary, we're not really sure, since they're still in a coma. In fact, we don't know, If they'll ever wake up, considering on what happened to them." Twilight explained. "But there is still a glimmer of hope, that they'll be okay. We just have to keep our hopes up."

"You're right. We just have to believe!" Pinkie replied.

Her friends agreed and after some time hanging out, they left the cafe and went to the hospital. As they entered the hospital room, they saw Susan and Mary, laying on their beds. The monitors showed their heart rate, while they're attached to a breathing tube. On the desks, their cracked glasses stood. A painful reminder on what happened. Starlight went to them and after filling a vase with water, put the flowers in there.

"Oh, girls... I'm very sorry for what happened to you. Those 'scientists' were cruel psychopaths...Thankfully, we stopped them and saved you, before it could get any worse...I know, it's tough, but we're here for you. We all wish for you to recover form this horrible experience..." Starlight spoke to them, despite them being in a coma.

After the girls prayed for the best and some well-wishes, they left the hospital, but not before Sunset looking back at the sisters and shedding a single tear. No one knows, if they'll ever be able to wake up...

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Hey, guys!

Sorry about the long absence, there was a big case of writer's block here. I was literally brainstorming and even asked my DA followers about some questions, but came our empty handed.

In the end, it lead me to a very short chapter. Don't worry, after some side stories, the main story will continue! And also, if you guys have any ideas about Starlight's part time job and some improvements, comment down below! I'll be willing to implement them!