• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 8,296 Views, 385 Comments

The Reason to Smile - Onomonopia

  • ...

Sweet Dreams

"This will be your room for the night," Twilight said as she motioned to a nice looking door. "Luckily one of the perks of living in such a large castle is that there are plenty of rooms. This one is not that far from mine, so if there are any problems, you will be able to contact me almost instantly. Of course, if anything gives you a problem, I think you should be able to handle it."

"I am touched by your selflessness, Princess Twilight. When you come around to my world, I will make sure to treat you to all the sights," All Might replied. "Now if you excuse me, it has been a long day and I AM...going to bed."

Twilight waved to the hero with a small shake of her head before she teleported out of sight. All Might waited a moment to make sure she was gone before he entered into his room. It was nice. A desk, some chairs, a wardrobe and a large bed. All Might glanced around the room to make sure he was alone before he leaned against the door, steam coming off of him as he finally relaxed.

His muscles began to shrink down, his height went from seven feet to six and his hair lowered in front of his eyes. When he was done, standing where the symbol of peace had once stood was now an ordinary, albeit very fit, man. Toshinori let out a sigh as he leaned against the door, placing a hand to his head and wiping his brow.

"Whew. Can't remember the last time I had to hold my muscle form all day," he muttered. "But what a day it has been. Traveling to an alternate reality with talking, magical horses? Am I sure I'm not trapped in some villains nightmare? No, that can't be. It all felt too real. But that means I'm really in another world with no way to call for backup or tell the people of my Earth what has become of me. Hope things don't get too bad in my absence."

Toshinori walked over to the bed and laid down in it, sighing slightly when he realized he was going to have to sleep in costume. The costume was perfect fit for All Might, but too large for him. Not to mention he was a bit worried about one of the ponies entering in the middle of the night. Twilight seemed alright, but he couldn't let down his guard. This was a strange land and, as he had just seen, teleportation was not out of the question.

"And those villains...where did they go? None of them can teleport en mass, at least not that I've seen them do, and Chronos shouldn't be able to stop time for more than few seconds at best. And then there's Monstro. He should be out for a week after the blow I gave him. So how did he vanish?"

Pondering these questions wasn't getting him anywhere and Toshinori could feel the exhaustion creeping up on him. He also realized that he hadn't eaten today and his stomach reminded him of that. With nothing left to do but sleep, he closed his eyes and let the dreams come.

The first dream was the same as every night. His master standing against All for One. Grand Torino taking Toshinori away on a flight. The news that his master was dead. Every night, ever since he was eighteen, he had the same dream. But he knew better than to dwell on the past. So he forced his dreams to change. And change they did.

The world shifted around him and he was back in America, battling against the Syndication of Crime, his first real outing as a hero. Then his dreams shifted to when a dam was going to burst and he was the only hero around to help. They had told him that he couldn't possibly hold back the sheer force of the entire river. He had proved them wrong. Then there was a moment he had never told anyone about. When he had let a criminal go. A criminal who he truly believed could change. A person who had needed his help.

It continued on like that, through the entire night. He relived all of his adventures, all of his battles, all of his failures, no mater how big or small. It wasn't until he got near the end, with events that had happened only a few weeks ago, that he caught on that he was not the one in control of his dreams. The moment he realized this his dreams all went white. Toshinori looked around at the blank space, before a voice spoke from behind him.

"You are every bit the hero you claim to be. I am glad to see that you are truly on our side."

Toshinori spun around to see a midnight colored alicorn with a galaxy colored mane standing behind him. For a moment the two locked eyes before she smiled at him.

"It is nice to meet you, Toshinori Yagi. Or All Might, whichever you prefer. I look forward to meeting you in pony tomorrow."

Toshinori sat up straight in his bed, breathing heavily as he tried to focus. He looked around his room to find that he was alone, before looking out the door that led to the balcony to see that the full moon was shining down on him. For a moment he thought he saw the eyes of that alicorn looking down on him, but then he blinked at it was gone. Toshinori shook his head and laid back down, not sure what to make of what he had just dreamed. But he figured he would find out tomorrow.

===| V |===

Twilight yawned tiredly as she finished the last letter, rolling it up and stamping it with her seal. Her horn glowed and a moment later the scroll was gone, heading out to hopefully the king of griffons. A glance out the window showed it was past midnight. Normally Twilight would have to move the moon herself, but luckily tonight she had some help. So Twilight cracked her neck before pulling out the next letter that needed to be sent.

"How did it go?" Twilight asked without looking up.

"It went well. I went into his dreams and checked out a good majority of his past. He is the hero he claims to be," Luna confirmed. "Actually, he's a far greater hero than what you told me. He never stops. Day and night, he is out in his world keeping humans safe. And you should see some of the weirdo's he's had to fight..."

"I'm glad to hear that he was telling the truth. He was very nice and helpful, but he felt just a bit too nice. I just wanted to make sure," Twilight explained.

"It was a smart decision. But pretty soon, you'll be the one checking dreams," Luna said. That caught Twilight's attention and she turned around to give Luna a look. "I think you're ready. Ready to peer into the dreams of others and help them to sleep peacefully."

"I don't have time to help ponies with their dreams, I'm still trying to catch up with the rest of my princess duties," Twilight said, motioning to the letters she was still writing. Luna walked over to Twilight's desk and looked over some of them. "And now I've got seven crazy humans running around my kingdom with no idea of where they went. By the way, did Discord or Celestia...?"

"Neither of them have found anything. And given Discord's power, that is troubling," Luna said. Then she smirked. "Of course, I only have his word he really searched for them. He spends nearly all day with Fluttershy and get's ticked if he's forced to leave her side. It wouldn't surprise me if he just said he looked for them."

"Are they a thing now?" Twilight asked. "It's been a while since I talked to Fluttershy."

"Yeah, they're a thing. Seems like all of your friends are finding somepony. Starlight and Sunburst. Fluttershy and Discord. Spike and...well, he's still undecided."

"How so?" Twilight asked as she took up her quill once more.

"Oh it's all over his dreams. At first they all start off with him dreaming about Rarity, but then about halfway through they switch to Gabby. Then he wakes up the next morning and slams his head into the wall as he tries to make sense of it all," Luna chuckled. "It's the highlight of my nights."

"And you don't help him?"

"Are you kidding? I live for this," Luna said with a laugh. When Twilight gave her a look, she chuckled. "It is not my place to interfere. He will figure it out on his own. And you will soon be there to guide him."

"Right. When I learn how to enter dreams. Right after I finish the other ninety-nine tasks on my plate," Twilight said with a sigh. "How did you and your sister do it? How did the two of you hold up the world?"

"Don't ask me, I was on the moon for most of these years," Luna shrugged. "You want to know how to hold up the world, talk to my sister. You want to know which dreams are the most fun to watch, I'm your mare."

"Thanks, Luna. Helpful as always," Twilight smirked. "You're really enjoying retirement, aren't you?"

"It's great. Now is there any other dreams you needed me to check or can I get back to my shows?"

"You wouldn't happen to be able to find the dreams of the other humans, would you?"

"Nope. They're hidden from me too. At first I thought that maybe I couldn't sense their dreams because they were humans, but thanks to All Might..."

"Another problem added to the pile. Alright, that's enough for one night. Thank you, Luna. I'm going to bed."

"And I'm going out to party. See you at the meeting tomorrow. I cannot wait to see how they react to All Might."

===| V |===

"He's much more muscular than I thought."

All of the Ambassadors of Harmony nodded their heads in agreement as they stared up at the smiling hero. They had all gathered in the main meeting room at Canterlot castle. Twilight had been ecstatic to see her friends again, but slightly shocked at how most of them had changed. Rainbow had her mane combed back. Applejack wore Granny Smith's scarf. Fluttershy wore glasses now. Rarity had a grey streak in her mane and nearly tore Twilight's head off when Twilight mentioned it. And Pinkie had bags under her eyes, but the eternal smile was still on her face. Then she met All Might and the two of them smiled at each other with such intensity that it was blinding.

"Thank you all for coming on such short notice," Twilight said, starting the meeting. The ponies gathered around the table, the same crystal table that had used to be at her old castle in Ponyville, with All Might standing behind her. "I wish I could take some time to catch up with all of you, but sadly, duty calls."

"It must be something serious if you called us all together so suddenly," Rarity said. "And I had a show today as well. But as I can tell from the giant hunk of man behind you, it's going to be one of those days."

"Yeah, who's the human?" Rainbow Dash asked. She flew over to All Might and examined him for a moment, before looking at his muscles.


"Thank you."

"Everypony, this is All Might. He is a superhero from another Earth. Not the Earth that I've been to, but one where superpowers are common and the battle between good and evil takes place every day," Twilight explained. "And he's here because seven of the most dangerous criminals from his world are here on our world. And we have no idea where they got to. All I know is that they're dangerous. So I need the Elements of Harmony. I need the Rainbow Power. I need my friends."

"Of course we're here for ya, sugarcube," Applejack said with a smile. All of her friends nodded in agreement. "Just tell us what we need to do."

"Thank you, my friends. But now I must give the floor to my guest," Twilight said. She stepped aside and allowed All Might to walk forward. Her horn glowed and brought up images of the criminals, while All Might looked at the five of them.

"Greetings, Pillars of Harmony. I am All Might. Allow me to tell you about how my world and the powers that people within it wield. Our powers come from something called Quirks. And these seven...have some of the most dangerous Quirks in my world."