• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 8,295 Views, 385 Comments

The Reason to Smile - Onomonopia

  • ...

All Might

For a brief moment, everyone stopped.

All of the villains eyes were on the new arrival, who towered over all of them, aside from the giant monster. Twilight didn't know who this guy was, but what she did know is that his arrival had given her a slight reprieve. The villains had forgotten all about her and were focused solely on him.

"All Might," Chronos finally snarled. "You still chase us, even across reality. You truly do not know when to give up."

"A hero never lets villains escape, no matter where they may flee to," All Might smiled in reply. "Especially when they attack castle as the princess with-" All Might's words came to a stop as he looked over at Twilight, finally seeing the princess for the first time. He stared at her for a full second before he looked back to his foes, coughing into his hand. "Attack the princess within."

"Then you have come to you death, fool," the lady wearing jewels said, raising his arms and summoning dozens of gemstones which all pointed towards the hero. "It's seven on one. And even as the almighty Symbol of Peace, you stand no chance against all of us."

"My dear Diamond Dust, do you know how many times I've heard those very same words before?" All Might asked with a laugh.

"We may not know that, but what we do know is that this will be the last time you hear them," the ore man said. He flexed his body and a moment later was covered in gold, silver and bronze armor, which stuck out with spikes in certain areas.

"Yeah, together we can beat you," the fire guy said. "We ain't the Legion of Evil for nothing! We've brought down great and larger heroes than you. And we will do it-"

A blast of magic caught him in the side of the head and sent him hurtling into the castle wall, where he cracked his skull on the marble and fell to the ground without another sound. The villains and All Might turned to look at Twilight, whose healing spell had finished and now she was radiating magical energy with an expression on her face that could only be called royally ticked off.

"I've had enough. Enough of your threats. Enough of your schemes. But above all...enough of all of you," Twilight said in a whisper that sounded like a roar. Her eyes snapped to All Might, who slightly flinched at the sight. "All Might, was it? As you are the only one who has not threatened me, I ask that you please step back and I will be with you shortly. But first I will deal with this rabble."

Twilight slammed her hooves to the ground as magic crackled along her horn, igniting the tapestries behind her. Bolts of magic erupted from her horn, slamming into the ore man, Diamond Dust and the giant monster. The other were fast enough to get out of the way of her spells, the fastest being the girl in the white mask. Blades of light formed in her hands as she lunged towards Twilight. The princess remember the girls energy absorption, Twilight took to the sky and ripped chunks of the wall out with her magic. She rained stone and marble down upon the girl, who managed to avoid most of it until a chunk caught her in the arm and forced her to fall back.

Twilight caught Warp Gate moving behind her, so she whipped around and fired a magical beam at him. His response was to smirk and throw out a ring, which grew into the size of a man. The magical beam entered the ring and vanished, causing Twilight some confusion before her own magical blast caught her in the back. She snarled with pain as she was forced to land, pain burning across her wings. She formed a small shield between her and Warp Gate as she tried to regain her thoughts.

Thundering footsteps pounded towards her and Twilight looked to her side to see that the monster was back up. The beast charged at her with all six red eyes locked onto her, extending its hands towards the princess. Twilight's horn began to glow once more as she prepared a spell, but before she could fire a mass of muscle moved between her and the monster.

"Please princess, allow me," All Might smiled at her. He then cocked a fist back as the monster reached the both of them. "Texas..."


All Might fired off a right hand right into the open palm of the monster with such force that Twilight was certain that a bomb had gone off in her throne room. The monster arm was snapped back before he was sent spiraling up into the air, crashing through the ceiling and up into the clouds. It took a moment for the wind from the punch to die down, but when it did Twilight raised her head to look at All Might. The man turned his head towards her and smiled, giving her a thumbs up.

"Do not worry about these villains, princess. Leave Monstro and the rest of them to me," All Might said. He then turned to face the villains, who Twilight had only just noticed had all been blasted back by the force of his punch. Some of them were still looking at the hole where Monstro had been launched, where as Chronos and the ore guy were focused on All Might.

"Vein Mine. Take him down," Chronos ordered.

Vein Mine let out a roar as he charged forward, only for All Might's fist to appear in the side of his head. The gold and silver in his face cracked as the punch sent him skidding backwards. The villain staggered for a second before he began to swing at All Might, who laughed as he began to swat the attacks out of the way. The two slammed their hands together and began a battle of strength, which All Might quickly began to win.

Twilight caught movement again and looked to her side to see that Diamond Dust was back up. She threw her arms back and shattered the stain glass windows, creating thousands of razor sharp missiles.

"Die beneath my boot, hero!" she shrieked as she sent her glass storm towards All Might. The hero glanced over his shoulder at the oncoming storm with a smile. But before the glass even reached halfway across the room they all shattered harmlessly against a barrier of magic. Diamond Dust and All Might both turned to look at Twilight.

Twilight's horn flashed and suddenly nearly all of the villains were encased in her magic. Diamond Dust, Warp Gate and the girl in the mask all floated helplessly in the air, while Twilight noticed that once again Chronos had moved faster than he should have been able to. All Might saw all of this and let out a laugh, before he slammed his fist into the bottom of Vein Mine's jaw. The villains eyes rolled back in his head and he collapsed.

Both Twilight and All Might turned to face Chronos, whose eyes were narrowed as he gazed upon all of his defeated allies. Then he turned his gaze towards the hero and the princess, both of who were approaching him.

"You've given me quite the run around, Chronos," All Might said, his smile turning darker for a second. "But it all ends here. Come quietly and I promise that you and your allies will not be harmed."

"Before you go around passing judgement, know that this man and his allies attacked me in my castle and endangered my subjects. They will answer to me first," Twilight informed All Might.

"Ah. Right."

"I do not believe that I will be doing either, All Might," Chronos snarled. He reached into his coat and pulled out his pocket watch. "I have too grand a vision to be stopped by either you or this...pegasus. So it with a heavy heart I must bid you...farewell."

Twilight caught what he was doing and created a barrier of magic around her and All Might. The moment she did so, Chronos vanished from her sight. She looked around at her throne room and noticed that all of the other villains were gone as well. Leaving only her and the man called All Might. She lowered both barriers and sighed.

"Well that was a wonderful start to my week," she muttered. She then turned to face All Might, who was looking at her. "Alright All Might, would you care to explain what the heck that was?"

"Of course I can, princess. If you don't mind explaining who you are and where the heck I am," All Might laughed in return. Twilight raised an eyebrow at his mannerisms, but let it go with a sigh. He had helped her battle the invaders. She owed him at least that much.

"I am Princess Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Friendship and of Equestria. Equestria is the land that you currently find yourself in," Twilight explained. She used her magic to start to pick up her throne room, starting with gathering all the pieces of stain glass and starting to put them back together.

"Equestria...this land wouldn't happen to be a part of Earth that I've never heard of before, would it?" All Might asked.

"Nope. You're not on Earth anymore. And I would know, I've been to Earth," Twilight explained, before casting a glance at All Might. "Of course, you might be from a different Earth than what I know. I think I would remember someone like you running around. Who are you, anyway?"

"My apologies. I am All Might! The SYMBOL OF PEACE!" All Might roared. He flexed his entire body as he said this and a blinding flash of golden light went off behind him. It took about a minute of Twilight blinking before the spots left her sight.

"So are you the hero that those yahoos mentioned running from?" Twilight asked. "And who are they, anyway?"

All Might's smile fell and a serious look replaced it. "Those are the Legion of Evil. A group of some of the most evil and dangerous villains to ever set foot in Europe. I've been chasing them for about three months now. Diamond Dust. White Noise. Vein Mine. Warp Drive. Monstro. Heatstroke. And finally their leader, Chronos. They've been raiding laboratories, banks...anything that suit's their fancy. And with how powerful their Quirks are, local law enforcement has been powerless to stop them. That is why they called me in."


"Ah right, different world. Um, think of Quirks as the source of superpowers. Heatstroke has fire, Warp Drive creates wormholes: you get the idea."

"Got it. I have say, Mr. All Might-"

"Please, just All Might is fine."

"Very well. I have to say All Might, that you're taking being in a different world fairly well," Twilight pointed out. All Might's response was to smile, throw his head back and laugh boisterously at the ceiling...or what was left of it.

"Princess Twilight, please! Traveling to another dimension is practically a badge of honor for superheroes. I was afraid that I would go my entire hero career without ever traveling to another reality! Besides, I will fight evil wherever it goes! Which reminds me..."

All Might crouched down and bounced a few times, before he smiled and waved at Twilight. "I thank you for helping me out, but I must chase down those villains. Also I should probably go see where Monstro landed. So I must bid you...FAREWELL!"

All Might kicked off and launched himself at one of the holes in the ceiling, preparing to go explore this vast new world and hunt down the villains that now threatened it. That was until a barrier of magic wrapped itself around him and stopped him dead in the air.

"Sorry All Might, but I can't just have you running off on me. The villains that are now loose in my kingdom may be priority number one, but I want to keep an eye on you to," Twilight told All Might, who was now floating upside down next to her. "Not to mention that these...Quirks are new to me and I would prefer to learn about them and the villains that use them before I confront them. I am the princess and protecting my subjects falls to me."

"I see. You are perfectly right in what you say, Princess. But while this is your kingdom, these are my foes. And I must bring them to justice. They have to answer for what they did to my world," All Might pointed out.

"Then how about we work together to bring them down?" Twilight suggested. ""You have the knowledge of their powers. I have the knowledge of this land. Together we can catch them faster than alone." All Might thought about it for a moment before he smiled once more.

"Very well! It has been a while since my last team up and it will be nice to have a partner once more! Just don't get too upset if you cannot keep up with me!"

"Believe me, I am not even going to try," Twilight replied with a smile of her own. She set down the Symbol of Peace and motioned to the doors, which had fallen off their hinges. "Now come, All Might. Allow me to show you my kingdom."