• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 8,295 Views, 385 Comments

The Reason to Smile - Onomonopia

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Clean Up Duty

The next couple of days were spent doing the task that no hero enjoyed. Clean up.

Celestia and Luna lead the charge in repair what Sombra (and mostly All Might) had done to Canterlot. The ponies that had been evacuated to the Crystal Empire were allowed back into the city, where they began to work in tandem with the princesses to repair their homes. Celestia had told the others that it was going to take a while, but she was glad to see the ponies so willing to help each other.

"It is proof that Sombra was wrong. Darkness or light, it doesn't matter. The desire to help can be found within both," she had said.

Twilight, All Might, Hikari and the rest of the Ambassadors had buried Chronos' ashes, on a small hill overlooking a windy valley. None of the ponies said anything at his wake. They hadn't known him that well. Hikari had managed to choke out a few sentences about how he was the closest thing to a father she had since the passing of her parents and how he had saved her twice. All Might took over from there, talking about his battles with Chronos, how he was a crafty foe and always held himself in high regards. He left out the parts about his crimes and body count.

"Because when all was said and done, with everything on the line, he sacrificed himself to save someone who couldn't save themself," All Might admitted. "He did what those so called heroes failed to do. Risk everything for someone suffering. Perhaps it is not enough to redeem him for a life time of evil. But it shows me that even he had some light within his soul. Maybe that is all we can hope for."

A later talk with Warp Drive revealed what had happened. Chronos, having been freed from Sombra's mind control by being hit in the head with Twilight, had pushed his time powers to their limits. Freezing time and running as far as he could before his body started to give you. Warp Drive, who had been using his powers to keep an eye on his allies, noticed what Chronos was up to and went to his aid. After taking a day to heal, Chronos had begged Warp Drive to take him to Hikari. Warp Drive had been too terrified of Sombra to go himself, but he did warp Chronos there. Just in time to save her life. Hikari broke down when Warp Drive told her that Chronos had begged Warp Drive to apologize in his place for what he had done to her. And that no matter what happened, Chronos would always love her as his daughter.

Warp Drive was taken to the same prison where his allies had been kept. Twilight and her friends had to re-fight the old inmates, as with the death of Sombra their quirks had returned to them. The battle was intense, if quick, and was quickly ended when Twilight and the others busted out the Elements of Harmony once more. Monstro, Diamond Dust and Vein Mine had been moved into stronger cells. Warp Drive hadn't bothered to join in the fight.

Once the riot was dealt with, any trace of Sombra was thoroughly stomped out and the Element's power was used to restore the parts of Equestria that Sombra's magic had tainted, the girls returned their Elements to the Tree of Harmony once more. Until the day came that they were needed again. Every pony in that room hoped it would be a long time. They all knew better, however.

With everything finally settling down, all that was left to do was talk about the future. That was the topic on both Twilight and All Might's minds as they stood atop a small hill outside of Ponyville, looking at the sun as it started to set. The two had been standing in silence for the longest time, each trying to think of how to start to conversation. Twilight, who had spent years being awkward, decided to bite the bullet.

"We did it," Twilight finally said.

"Yes. We did," All Might replied.

"Stopped Sombra. Stopped all of your villains. And saved the soul of a lost child. I don't know about you, but I would call that a win," Twilight said.

"That's a win in my books," All Might agreed. "But with all of the villains beaten or vanquished, that means that my time in this land is coming to an end...and that means that I must return home soon. I've been gone quite a while and the people of my world are probably starting to panic without their number one hero around."

"As they should. No hero can do what you do. You're the lone pillar for a reason," Twilight said. All Might frowned at her words and clenched his hands, sighing as he looked down.

"About that...I wish to say...that I am sorry." Twilight glanced over at All Might with a raised eyebrow. "I was so certain of my way, of there only being a single hero, that I nearly got your entire world killed because of it. Had I listened to you from the beginning, had I opened my eyes and seen the power that comes from letting your friends and allies be with you, perhaps we could have beaten Sombra earlier. We almost failed because of me. I am sorry."

"You weren't entirely wrong," Twilight replied. "You, and Sombra, were both right in saying that no matter what it is, there will always be a number one. Singer, runner, flier...and hero. You are the number one hero of your world. Sombra is the number one villain of our world. There is no question about either of those. But what you were wrong about...and what Sombra was right about...is that I can't be that number one. I can't be what Celestia was. Or you. That's not who I am."

"But, at the end of the day, that's not a bad thing. Yes, I rely on my friends to win. Because together, my friends and I can overcome anything. So while all things have to have a lone number one, just because somepony is number one...doesn't mean they cannot be overcome," Twilight finished. And then she smiled at All Might. "And I never would have learned that about myself if I had never met you. So instead of saying that you're ideas are wrong or that you made a mistake, I would rather say thank you. Thank you for believing that I had what it took to be the number one hero. Thank you for fighting by my side and helping me fight the darkness. And thank you for helping me to see that I am not strong so I push my friends away. I am strong because I keep them by my side. Together, we are the pillars that hold up the world. And that's the way it should be."

"Heh, there's that wisdom that Celestia always talks about. I see know why she always calls you her superior. You've truly figured things out," All Might nodded. He looked down at his hands and thought for a moment. For the longest time, he had used his hands to carry the burden of the world by himself. And all this time, he had thought that he needed to do it alone. Because he was the only one who could carry that burden.

But what if he had allowed others to share in his burden? What if he had allowed others to help him? How many more might he have been able to save? How many foes would have been brought down much quicker. Had he allowed friends and allies to work with him...maybe these villains would have never made it to Equestria. Maybe they would have been brought down long ago.

"And you have given me much to think about. That perhaps my way of thinking is a bit outdated. And that perhaps...Hikari is better here, with all of you." That caused Twilight to snap her head towards All Might. "Hear me out. Yes, together we helped save her. But she still does not trust heroes. I cannot blame her for that. And back in my world, there is no guarantee that she would get the help she needs. But if I leave her here, I know I leave her in the hooves of those who will help her. Of those who care. And there is a lot of work to do on my world...before I am ready to bring her home. Starting with me."

Twilight found herself nodding along with All Might's words. "All right, if it's okay with her, we'll keep her in Equestria. And you have my word that we will make sure that she never feels scared or abandoned ever again. We will help her to truly smile again."

All Might found himself smiling at that. Because he knew that her words were true.

"Thank you, my friend."

==== | V | ====

Pinkie had wanted to throw a massive going away party for All Might, one that would invite nearly all of Equestria to be there to celebrate him for helping them. All Might had instead elected for only the six ambassadors, the two former princesses, Hikari and Spike to be there instead.

The party had been nice and brief. Some talking. Some laughs. Spike showing off his growing muscles. And finally, the parting. Using the combined power of the three Alicorns as well as Warp Drive's own power, the ponies had managed to create a vortex back to All Might's world. Warp Drive would be going back voluntarily. The other villains were trapped in a kind of magical stasis that would wear off after about six hours, so no human would get suspicious. So the groups found themselves standing before the vortex back to the human world, each finding it hard to say goodbye.

"I suppose I should get going," All Might said at last.

"I suppose you should," Twilight agreed.

"It was great to meet a hero such as yourself, even if you are a little slow," Rainbow Dash said. All Might smirked at her before nodding.

"Thank ya fer helping us. Ah know why they all look up to ya in yer world," Applejack said.

"I am going to miss having you around. You are quite a sight," Rarity said with a bat of her eyelashes. All Might politely waved to her.

"I'm glad that we had those talks. You are quite the listener," Fluttershy said. All Might wasn't sure what she was talking about, but he waved anyway.

"You may have gotten out of my party this time, but let me promise you, next time there will be no escape. Instead there will be candy, balloons, ponies from across the land and enough confetti that you could build a second Canterlot out of it," Pinkie promised All Might.

"I am looking forward to it," he replied.

"I'm going to be buffer than you one day. And that's a promise," Spike said.

"I wouldn't be surprised if you did," All Might laughed.

"Thank you," Celestia said.

"For everything," Luna finished. All Might nodded. Nothing more needed to be said. He then turned his gaze towards Hikari, who had stopped wearing her mask and had gotten a hair cut. "Are you sure that you want to stay here? I know plenty of people back home who would be willing to take care of you."

"Thanks, but I'll pass. Live in a world where heroes act like jerks...or live in a world of talking ponies who use magic and care about me. Sorry, but there's no contest," she replied. Then a soft smile crossed her face before she gently hugged All Might's waist. "But at the very least, I know that there's one hero on Earth who cares about me. And I know that the world needs him more than I do. So don't worry about me. Just whenever you think of me, know that I'm happy and it's all thanks to you. And Chronos. I'll never forget what the both of you did for me."

"And that is all I needed to hear," All Might said. He then turned and nodded to Warp Drive, who nodded in reply before he walked through the vortex back to his world. All Might then threw in the bodies of the other villains, before stopping to look back at his friends one last time. "Thank you all, for everything you've done. I know that we live worlds apart, but should the day ever come when you feel the darkness is growing to strong and you're power might not be enough, do not be afraid to call...and I will be there."

"As will we...whenever you need us. And here. From all of us." Twilight levitated over a photograph, one that Pinkie had taken at the party. It was All Might stand in front of the ponies, Spike and Hikrai, all of who were making silly faces at the camera. "Just in case you ever need a reminder that you're not alone. That you can always call on somepony for help."

"Thank you my friends. I will never forget about this. Or any of you. Now if you will excuse me, I...am going." All Might waved to them one last time, before he too jumped into the vortex. And everything went white.

==== | V | ====

With a groan, Toshinori put down his pen and sat back in his seat. The last bit of paperwork was finished. Of course, he had to lie through his teeth about where he had ended up and what had happened to the other villains, but that had been the easy part. The hard part was convincing the police that the other villains had gone insane and that their stories about a magical land ruled by ponies was nothing more than crazy talk. It hadn't been impossible, but it had been difficult.

But a smile crossed his face as he remember all they had gone through. The impossibles that they had defeated. And all of the good that they had done. Together. Then he looked down at his hands once more, hands that were holding the picture of him and the ponies, thinking about how they had won and what Twilight had taught him. What all of the ponies had taught him. How that together, they had been the pillars to keep their world standing.

"Pillars, huh?" Toshinori asked. "Maybe it's time...I started looking into that."

Then the door to his office opened up and an elderly man walked inside. He wore yellow boots and gloves, as well as a yellow cape and belt. A black domino mask covered his face and the look under that mask made Toshinori's spin shiver as he shot up in his chair.

"Sensei...what brings you here?" Toshinori asked.

"I thought you should be the first to know. We've found him."

All of Toshinori's fear was immediately replaced with fury and he erupted into his muscular form, his eyes blazing with a blue fire that threatened to set the office ablaze.

"Are you certain?"

"Positive. It's him."

"Very well...then it's time we finally settle this..." Toshinori said as he placed the picture on his desk.

"All for One."