• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 8,296 Views, 385 Comments

The Reason to Smile - Onomonopia

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Time to Pump You Up

The sound of clanging weights was like a siren's song to All Might. The Symbol of Peace worked his way through the castle, following the sound of metal being moved around. After stopping a couple of guards in a hallway, and taking a moment to sign a couple autographs, All Might was pointed in the right direction. Upon reaching his destination, he threw open the doors and walked inside.

Only a few of the weights were being used, with the bench press area being completely covered in royal guards. But what made All Might's smile even larger was spying a purple dragon and a griffon at the squat racks. Spike was using the rack, with quite an impressive amount of weight on his bar. But judging from the way he was shaking, and how Gabby looked at him with concern, All Might could tell the kid was at his limit.

"Come on Spike, that's enough," Gabby said. "You're entire body is shaking. You need to take a break."

"Not yet...can still do...a few more," Spike barely managed to get out.

"You shouldn't even be in here. You should be in bed resting," Gabby pointed out. "You're wing is still broken."

"I can rest...when Sombra is stopped," Spike grunted. The dragon tried to crouch down one more time, but while he wasn't listening to Gabby his body most certainly did and decided right then was the perfect time for a break. Spike had barely began to register that he was collapsing before he felt a hand on his back. Spike looked up to see All Might holding him in one hand while the other was easily lifting the squat bar.

"You should listen to your friend. Working yourself to collapsing is hardly a good idea for one who is still recovering," All Might pointed out. He racked the bar and stood to the side as Gabby wrapped one of Spike's arms around her shoulders to help him up. "And a gentleman...dragon...should never make a lady worry like that."

Spike glanced at All Might out of the corner of his eye for just a moment, but a moment was all All Might needed to know what was wrong. In Spike's eyes he saw a familiar sight. Weakness. Self-loathing. And a feeling of helplessness. Emotions he knew all too well.

"I am sorry about this, Mr. All Might, sir," Gabby apologized. "Ever since Sombra's attack, he's been pushing himself so hard. Never missing a day of pushing himself to collapsing. I've tried to tell him that he's been pigheaded, but he just doesn't listen. But don't worry, I'll make sure that he gets his rest, like the doctor said."

"I...can keep...going," Spike panted.

"Nope. You're done. Get up, we need to get you back to your bed," Gabby replied.

"It's not your fault." Both Gabby and Spike turned to look at All Might, who now had a gentle smile on his face. "You did all you could to stop Sombra. In fact, you stalling him is what gave Twilight and I the time we needed to get back to stop him in time. You were a real hero out there."

"No I wasn't. I blew smoke, got knocked out of the sky and nearly got everypony I care about killed," Spike snarled. "Ponies used to tell me that I was the reason Sombra was stopped the first time that he came back and for the longest time I believed them. That fight with him showed me that I was never a threat to him. Just an annoyance."

"Spike, you're so much more than that," Gabby softly said. She placed her head on Spike's shoulder and tried to steer him out of the room, but before she could take a step Spike broke himself free of her grasp and threw himself down on the ground. For a moment All Might feared the dragon was hurt, but then he realized that the dragon was on his hands and knees, bowing to All Might.

"Please...teach me to be strong like you. Teach me how to protect those I love," Spike begged the hero. "I'm tired of being left behind. Tired of being a burden. Tired of being...helpless. I can't be strong in magic like Twilight. I'm...not one of the Elements. But I'm a dragon. Claws and fire. Physical might. Just like you."

All Might said nothing.

"You were fast enough to run from the north and get to Ponyville in time. You are strong enough to catch a freaking mountain! I may not understand the ins and outs of magic, but I understand strength. And you...are the strongest I've ever met. Only you can teach me. Please! Help me to be...strong."

"Um, Spike?" Spike looked up at Gabby, before she motioned to the side to show that All Might was gone. "He left a few seconds ago."

For a brief second, Spike felt as if the world was falling in on him. Then in the blink of an eye All Might was back, now holding some papers in his hands. "Wow, it was a lot harder finding paper in this place than I thought it would be. I hope that librarian doesn't miss these. Now then, young dragon, you said that you wish to be strong, correct?"

"Um, yes sir?"

"All right! What I have written down here is the same workout and routine that my master and teacher made for me when I first started working to become a superhero," All Might said with pride. Then he took a better look at the list and raised an eyebrow. "Though I should probably adjust some of these. Sets like this would kill a regular person. But then again, he's a dragon, so maybe...Hmm, I may need to think this over. Regardless, I see potential in you, Spike. I think you have what it takes to be a hero."

"You really think so?!" Spike asked.

"Determined, brave, a complete disregard for your own safety. You're perfect!" All Might laughed. "That was a joke Gabby, please stop glaring at me. But I mean what I say. I will train you, but only if you listen to what I say. Am I clear?"

"Of course! Thank you so much!" Spike exclaimed. He shot up off the ground, only to wince as he held a claw to his wing.

"Good. Because my first lesson...is that you need to get some rest," All Might instructed. "Training with a broken limb is a good way to end up in a hospital bed, not getting stronger. When your wing is fully healed, then I will begin training you. You're no good to me, or more importantly, to those that need you, if you're injured like this. So go home. Rest. And let those that care about you take care of you."

"But...but All Might..."

"I believe our agreement was that you would listen to what I said, was it not?" All Might asked. Spike let out a sigh of defeat, letting Gabby wrap an arm over her shoulder and escort him out of the room. She stopped at the door to flash a grateful smile to All Might before closing the door behind her. "Rest well, young dragon. For when you are back in fighting shape, you may wish that you had the time to rest. For my training will show you what it means to be a hero"

"Hey All Might, how about instead of you standing over there talking to yourself you come over here and show us what you can do." All Might looked over his shoulder and saw that some of the guards had cleared off a bench and were motioning for All Might to join them. He smiled as he noticed the absurd amount of plates that were on the bar that they had set up for him.

"Are you certain you wish for me to join you?" All Might asked.

"Any enemy of Sombra is a friend of ours. Now come on, I bet Steel over here thirty bits that you can rep twenty sets off of this bar."

"Very well. You may wish to get out your wallet, Steel," All Might said with a giant smile. "Because I am here."

====| V |====

"It is Diamond Dust. It has to be," All Might said.

The Elements, princesses and Symbol of Peace were all gathered around Twilight's map of Equestria, looking at a location that was lit up with magic. An underground mine that was home to the rarest and most valuable minerals and gems in the nation. It didn't take a genius to tell what was up.

"Are you certain?" Twilight asked.

"She controls shiny objects, but prefers the rarest of material. That mine is home to the rarest gems in Equestria. It seems obvious to me," All Might confirmed.

"Princess Luna?"

"I can confirm. This being's mind is similar to that of another human," Luna nodded. "And it makes sense with what All Might has told us about her."

"Then what are we waiting for? Let's fly in there and show that gem obsessed yahoo what happens when you mess with Equestria!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

"I hope you don't think that all who are obsessed with gems are yahoos that threaten the peace of this land," Rarity said.

"I dunno Rarity, all the ones I've met sure seem to be."

As Rarity chased Rainbow around the room, Twilight stared at the map while biting her lower lip. "I think it would be best...if the five of you stayed here."

All five of Twilight's friends snapped their heads around to the princess of friendship, who wasn't looking at any of them. Applejack was the first to speak. "Ah know ya, sugarcube. Ya wouldn't say something like that unless ya had good reason. So out with it."

"I want the five of you here protecting Ponyville. Sombra already showed that he was wiling to attack our home while we dealt with his minions," Twilight said.

"I wouldn't call the Legion of Evil minions," All Might chimed in.

"Really? Because when I look at them that's what I see," Twilight replied. "Luna said that she sensed the human...Diamond Dust...there, but no trace of Sombra. Either he's hiding his presence or he's elsewhere. And if I had to wager where else he would be, it would be lying in wait, waiting for us to leave those that we love open to an attack from him. That is the kind of pony that he is."

"The princess makes a good point," Celestia said. "Sombra is an underhoofed villain and will do whatever it takes to win. I agree that we must defend our home when we go on the offensive. However, I must disagree with the idea of you leaving your friends behind. They are your greatest strength. You should take them."

"But Princess Celestia..."

"I know that you are still recovering from Sombra's attack on Ponyville. But we must be united against this threat," Celestia said. "Luna and I will stay behind. We will guard the nation while you seven go on the offensive. That way, we have our greatest heroes on the offensive, while those who have guarded Equestria for centuries will continue to defend it. How does that sound?"

Twilight glanced from the princess to her friends, who all smiled and nodded at her. She smiled back and nodded her head, getting them to cheer as the began to prepare to head out. But in the pit of her stomach, she felt that she might be making a mistake. She was the princess of Equestria. It fell to her to protect their nation. She shouldn't have to rely on her friends, friends who now had lives of their own that they were risking for her.

And off to the side, All Might was thinking almost the exact same thing.