• Published 31st Aug 2020
  • 8,295 Views, 385 Comments

The Reason to Smile - Onomonopia

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All Might was the first to feel Sombra's wrath.

The dark king spun around and blasted a beam of shadow magic into the chest of the hero, sending him flying into a building. Twilight took that moment to attack and lashed out with magical whips, but with a laugh Sombra conjured dark pillars to block the attacks. Blades of darkness rained down on the ponies, who were forced to take cover underneath Twilight's magic to keep them safe.

"Why do you bother resisting? You know that it's over!" Sombra laughed. His body contorted to a massive size and he drove his hoof down atop Twilight's shield, causing cracks to form along her barrier. "You've lost your Elements. You've lost your heroes. And now you've lost your friends!"

Sombra's horn glowed as he said this and dark tendrils snapped at Twilight's friends, ripping them away from her and hurling them across the courtyard. Twilight redoubled all of her power into her barrier, trying to strengthen it against Sombra's might. She was driven down to a knee as Sombra applied more might, the dark kings laugh weighing down on her soul.

"And still you fight. Despite knowing that you can't win. Despite knowing that I'm better." Sombra slammed down with two hooves this time and Twilight's barrier shattered. He grabbed hold of her with his magic and lifted her so that she was eye to eye with him. "Hmm, doesn't this seem familiar? In fact, weren't we just in this very same situation a few days ago?"

"You...will never win," Twilight spat at the king. "So long as light exists in Equestria, there will always be those who will face you. Those who will call upon the power of the Elements. Just as the darkness will never let you die, harmony will always live on in the hearts of those who live in the light."

"Hmm, I suppose you're right. But how will that light survive after the world sees its heroes die? After they watch the sun go away for the last time? When the moon and stars cease to shine at night? How can there be light in the hearts of ponies...when I remove all light from the world?" Sombra asked. "And plunge the world into eternal darkness?"

"You...I won't let you," Twilight said.

"Really? You won't let me. Oh Twilight, we've done this song and dance before. But since I'm such a showpony, I'll do one final encore," Sombra laughed. "You can't beat me. Even if you were destined to be a magical genius, even you have the magic of an alicorn...it all comes down to the fact that you can't do anything on your own. That you rely on your friends for everything. I removed your friends. I've taken out your teachers. And I've brought down All Might. You're alone...which means you've lost."

"And I cannot begin to tell you what great joy I take in this victory. To show the world that its belief in the princesses was misplaced. That those that believed friendship and harmony were the ultimate magic must now watch it die. But above all else, that a cutie mark does not decide your fate. That you can even overcome those with these great, destined powers through hard work, careful planning and a whole lot of backstabbing. The world will be forced to see that they have to choose their destinies for themselves. So whaddya know? Maybe I did do something nice after all."

"But you won't be around to see it," Sombra finished. Twilight gasped as the darkness wrapped itself around her, choking out her air, blinding her vision and dulling her mind. "Because I don't like you, Twilight. You stand for everything I hate in this world. So as you take your last breaths, take them knowing that everything I am about to do...be it to your friends, your mentors or the very world you love...is all because you weren't good enough. Because you couldn't be number one. Now d-"


The dark king ceased his attack on Twilight and turned around to see that White Noise was approaching him, her whole body shaking uncontrollably. "S-something is wrong. The Elements power...it's trying to break free. I don't know how much longer I will be able to contain this power! Please, help me!"

"So you actually do have a limit? Pity. But you have do a good job and served your purpose. I suppose I can help you one last time," Sombra said with a nod. He then turned towards White Noise and pointed his horn at her, dark lightning crackling along his horn. "So I will be nice and grant you a quick death. And destroy the Element's of Harmony along with you. Sleep well, Hikari. Sleep forever."

"So...you're even betraying me?" White Noise sobbed as she stepped back. "I...I thought you might...but I had hoped...hoped that you..."

"Thought I cared? Though I liked you? You are a tool to me, nothing more. That is the price of being number one," Sombra laughed. "That you must use all those beneath you as stepping stones so you can rise higher. And don't bother trying to tell me that you'll simply absorb this attack. You're at your limit. A little more...and you'll burst. I'm glad to see that you're not surprised by my betrayal, though. Shows you learned something from me. Goodbye, Hikari."

Sombra unleashed his darkness upon the girl, who, even though she knew Sombra was right, tried to use her quirk to absorb his magic. Then everything seemed to flicker. White Noise lowered her hands to see that she was still fine. But the old man who had moved her out of the way was not. His body was charred and blackened, he was barely breathing and he seemed to age before her very eyes.

"Chronos?" she whispered weakly. "Why?"

"Well there's a last minute twist. I thought for sure that you were dead when your quirk didn't work," Sombra said. "How'd you manage to do that? And how the hell did you get here anyway?"

Chronos didn't answer. He slowly extended a hand towards White Noise. He gently removed her mask and placed a hand on her cheek, before gently wiping away the tears that had begun to fall.

"You are...worth it," was all he said. Then he smiled at her, one last time, before his body completely crumbled away into nothingness.

"No..." was all White Noise could say before she fell to her knees. "No..."

"Taking the answers to the grave? I can respect that. To bad that his last act was to buy you a few more seconds of life. What a waste. He should have let you die and go for my throat," Sombra said with a shake of his head. "How hard is it to think? I guess it must be incredibly hard since I seem to be the only one doing it. Because he was the last being who cared for you, meaning that there is nopony left who will foolishly give their life for you. Now, before we were so rudely interrupted...die."

Once more Sombra fired a beam of darkness at White Noise, who didn't even bother to turn react this time. She stared at her oncoming death and closed her eyes, waiting for the end. The darkness impacted with a roar, but the roar didn't sound like a little girl crying out in pain. It sounded like someone fighting with everything they had. White Noise opened her eyes against to see another figure had stepped in the way. He wore a blue suit with red and blue highlights. His hair stuck up in the front, his muscles nearly tore through the suit and, despite the unbelievable amount of darkness he was taking head on, still wore a smile on his face.

"All Might?" she asked weakly.

"T-there is no need to fear. Because I am here," All Might weakly said.

"Oh here we go again. Is everypony here suicidal? Well line up one at a time and I'll deal with you shortly," Sombra snarled. "Seriously. I talk about heroes being dumb, but you take the gold medal. Why would you throw yourself in front of her? Because of your stupidity you've lost the chance to sneak attack me and suffered serious damage in the process. I don't understand. Why do something so stupid for somepony who doesn't matter?!"

"Because...she does matter," All Might spat back. "She is only here because the heroes of my world failed her. Because they cast her out and drove her into the hands of a villain. A villain that led her here and into your clutches. And because of that you used her to betray those who cared about her and threaten the world. All because of the heroes who didn't care."

"But...even if it costs me my life...I will show her that not all heroes are like that. That there is at least one hero that will give everything he has to save her! To pull her from that darkness with a kind smile! To be her hero!"

And for a moment it seemed like that All Might's sheer force of will began to push the darkness back. He took one, mighty step, and managed to push the darkness back. Then Sombra narrowed his eyes and unleashed even more of his power into All Might. The hero let out a cry as his body began to turn black and crumble, unable to handle that much dark magic.

"What a load. Your ideals and nice thoughts are mere wishes compared to what I have. And what I have is power! Power that even you cannot match. Power that will tear you apart and then destroy that girl and the Elements once and for all! So say all the nice things about how a hero always saves the day you want, because it's time you all got doused with the cold. Hard. Truth! Dreams mean nothing! Friendship is a waste! The only one you can rely on is yourself and your own power. Everything else...should be destroyed!"

Sombra unleashed everything he had into All Might, knowing that this would be it. There was no way that the hero could survive this much darkness by himself. And he was right. If All Might had taken all of that darkness by himself, he would have been blasted into nothingness. But he was not alone.

"And what is wrong with dreaming?!" A barrier of magic appeared around All Might and White Noise. It wasn't Twilight or even Celestia or Luna who conjured the barrier. It was Rarity. Using her magic to stem the darkness as much as she could. "What is wrong with dreaming of a better tomorrow? Of wanting to have friends to share in the joy with you? A life without dreams and friends...is an ugly life!"

"Dreams are a compass to point your way. But friends are the reason the dream is worth chasing," Fluttershy added. Her body glowed with the faintest trace of her Element, magic that she added to Rarity's shield. "They make the ride worthwhile. They make the impossible challenges possible. And they can show you the way when you've lost your dream."

"What one pony driven by a dream can do is great. What one pony driven by a dream with friends at her side can do is immeasurable!" Applejack roared, adding what little magic she had left into the barrier as well.

"With friends the victories are all the greater! With friends the failings aren't all that bad. And sharing a dream with friends just makes the dream that much sweeter," Pinkie added with a laugh.

"And no matter how far you've gotten by yourself, it's nothing compared to how far you could have gone with friends at your side. Take from an ego driven, pig headed mare like myself," Rainbow Dash said. Then the shield doubled in strength as violet light joined in and made it even stronger.

"What even is there for me to add? This is friendship, Sombra," Twilight snarled at the dark king. "And even all of your power means nothing to it's might. Alone we can do great things. Together? We're the pillars that hold up the world!"

"Yes...yes we can," All Might said. All Might slammed his feet into the ground and braced the ponies, helping anchor them so their could fully focus on blocking Sombra's magic. For a moment, the two sides were even. Then, slowly, Sombra's magic started to break through the barrier. Started to crumble away at their power.

"A nice sentiment. But nothing more. Now finally...finally...DIE!" he screamed. Magic dark enough to block out the sun bombarded the shield, almost shattering it completely. The ponies all dug deep to summon whatever magic they could while All Might slammed his hands into the shield, holding it together as best he could.

"...just leave me." All Might looked over his shoulder at the girl, who was sitting on the ground with her hair covering her face. "Just let me die. It's me he's after. I'm not worth-"

"Of course you are," All Might cut off. "You are worth all of this pain, this anguish and this impossibility. Because saving someone in distress is the core essential of being a hero. So don't worry..."

White Noise looked up to see all of the ponies and All Might smiling back at her, even in the face of impending doom. Then All Might gave her a thumbs up.

"We will save you."

Then the barrier completely shattered and the entire group was swallowed in darkness. The all consuming darkness nearly annihilated all of them then and there. All Might tried to take all of the darkness, but found it was too much for even him. The ponies stood with him, facing the darkness together as it consumed them.

Then a small hand touched the heroes. And light returned to their world.

Six lights as bright as the stars erupted from the mane six as the power of the Element's flooded through them once more, pushing back the darkness. Twilight let out a roar as she used her Element infused magic to create a barrier around the group.

"Girls...LET'S END THIS!"

The six ponies gathered together and took up their positions, aiming the Elements power towards Sombra. Their magic lashed out, wrapping around the dark kings arms, legs neck and body. He roared as he tried to teleport, shift into smoke, do something...but nothing happened. The Elements had cut him off from his power.

"NO! This cannot be happening! I had you beat! I had figured it all out! So how are you doing this? How are you surpassing me?!" Sombra roared.

"Together," Twilight replied. The mane six then formed a circle in the sky, preparing their ultimate spell. But this time they left a space in the middle of their circle, a circle that was large enough for only one person.

"All Might! He's all yours!" Twilight roared. "Get rid of his darkness once and for all!"

And as All Might looked up at the six ponies, his eyes went wide as he realized what he was looking at. Six ponies. Six Elements. And six shining stars that were extending their power to him. Offering to let him be the seventh. To be apart of that light. A small smile crossed his face as he finally understood.

"With pleasure," All Might smiled. He leapt through the center of the circle, bathing himself in the magic of six Elements. And with his power added, the Elements shone like seven stars that blasted back Sombra's darkness. A light that could only be created together.

"Damn you all! You were at your limit! I surpassed you! How is this...It's not...HOW?!"

"You want an answer to your question, Sombra? You want to know how we triumph even in the face of impossible odds?" All Might asked, his smile blazing as brightly as the Elements. "We do it together. We do it to stop villains like you. We do it to protect the smiles of those who have to live in the darkness. But above all else..."

And then seven stars began to shine around All Might. Seven stars that connected the same light to each pony...and to him.







One for All.

And All Might took that light into his fist.

"We go beyond," All Might whispered. "Plus..."

And then he swung with all his might.


The explosion of light erupting from All Might's punch ripped Sombra from the ground in an colossal blast of magical energy, hurling him not only away from Canterlot, but off the surface of the planet as well. The dark king silently screamed in confusion and rage as he was rocketed through the darkness of space, through his elements...before everything started to get really bright. Sombra had just enough time to turn to look at what he was approaching...before with one last scream, he was consumed by the light of the sun. A light with no darkness for him to survive in. A light that he would burn in for eternity.

Back on Equis, All Might crashed into the ground hard next to the ponies, every fiber of his being aching. Twilight and the others collapsed to the ground as well, the light of their Elements fading away. Yet despite the pain they were in, how badly their bodies had been mangled and the fact that All Might's punch had basically eradicated most of Canterlot, there were only smiles on the groups faces.

"Good job everypony," Twilight groaned. "Let's...let's all take five. Or a day. Or a couple of days. A week sounds good."

A few of her friends chuckled, but most of them just groaned as they laid down in pain. Except for one little girl, who walked over to where All Might lay next to the ponies. All Might, with some difficulty, turned his head to face her.

"Hey, are you alright?" he asked her.

"The pain is gone and I don't feel like I'm going to explode. So that's good," she said softly. Then she shook her head at All Might. "Why? Why do all that? You almost didn't win. You nearly died just to save me. It was a complete and utter act of stupidity! Why?"

"Because that's what heroes do," All Might replied with a small smile. "We save lives. No matter of stupid it may seem. Because seeing you alright...is all the reward I need, White Noise."

White Noise stared at the Symbol of Peace for a moment before she giggled slightly and laid down next to him and the ponies. The eight stared up at the sky, where the darkness had nearly completely cleared out.

"Hikari. My name is Hikari," White Noise said after a moment.

"Hikari. That's a lovely name," All Might said.

"Hikari. Does that mean something?" Twilight asked. All Might smiled, watching as the darkness faded from the sky once and for all as the sun began to rise once more over the mountains.

"Light. The light of a new day."