• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 2,575 Views, 167 Comments

Obsidian: Daughter of Sombra - Randimaxis

Discovered after a thousand years, Obsidian awakens to a world she knows nothing of and has to learn the magic of friendship - will she be changed by Equestria? Or follow in her father's footsteps to change Equestria instead?

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Forty Two: Random Access (Credits +)

Author's Note:

I want to be certain to thank all of you who commented on my story; yours is the gift that keeps on giving to me, and I humbly thank you for your words, your time and your effort. My hat's off to you, friends. }:D

This is where I thank the folks who helped me bring this story to you all.

An eternal waterfall of heartfelt thank yous to my partner-in-crime, the amazing Wungiel, for bringing Obsidian into the world, and allowing me to build a world around her; she's such a fascinating and rich character that I just HAD to write out a roleplay for her... which eventually became the story you just read! Without you, Wungi, I never would have accomplished this hefty task. My humble thanks.

To Illiad Easle, for the fun we had in A Cultural Exchange, and for editing and presenting the first roleplay I did with him; his putting our RP onto this site in story-format was the catalyst for me believing I could do the same. Good buddy, you are one in a million, and I'm so grateful to have you as a friend. Thank you for being a mentor/hero to me. }:)

Next, I feel obligated to thank my friend who created the cover artwork, Valtasar; the work was a gift for my birthday, and it was ultimately what REALLY got me hyped about doing the whole story. Actually SEEING characters I created come to life like that was SUPERB, and actually brought tears to my eyes when it was done. Oh, and if you didn't notice, I have now put up the finished version of the cover, to match with the finished story. Thank you, Valty - you are awesomeness personified.

Then, I have to address the amazing talent and skill of Rutkotka, the artist who brings to life some very Don Bluth-style artwork, and is so very gifted with how she can make expressions tell so much of the story. Kudos, you incredible artist you! 'Broken Glass' wouldn't have been the same without your heart-wrenching scene!

Next, I go to my other various artists for this project: thank you to each and every one of you who brought your talent to my humble story, and I would be honored to direct others to your shoppes and queues, for the purpose of helping such great artists to continue what they do. Naiya The Brony, Ariida-Chi, NoKkun... thank you.

And especially to all of you fine readers who kept me going. I am an entertainer at heart, and each and every upvote and comment brought a smile to my face... and occasionally, happy tears to my eyes. This work was for two people to enjoy roleplaying... but I felt it should be shared. And each and every one of you were TOTALLY worth the work. Excelsior, True Believers... and thank you ever so kindly for your time and interest. One is glad to be of service. *bows humbly*

But... IS Obsidian's story done with? HA! Not by a LONG shot!

The next arc in this story gets a bit longer, a bit lengthier... and a bit grimmer. But the unfolding story has ALREADY been roleplayed out... and I plan to bring it to YOU FINE FOLKS, now that the first arc is complete!

For those of you who've been wondering about Siddy's 'lost' siblings... worry no longer! The next arc introduces the rest of them - ALL of them - and brings the story of Obsidian and her friends even deeper into the mystery and history that was merely hinted at in this one... and also, there will be a number of cameo appearances by some canon characters, since I felt like I had to focus on the newer ones first.

Ah, but I'll bet you want something to whet your Whistle with first, eh? Very well, friends and colleagues... have a taste a things to come:

[A preview of the next story in the arc:]
[Obsidian: Shards Of Sombra]

She quickly checked over the diary, to see if there were any pictures - maybe Onyx, somehow, managed to get some sort of artwork of her siblings...

In the back of the notebook, after the pages ran blank due to Onyx's untimely demise, there was a single square of what looked like wax paper... and inside the carefully folded paper was...

A drawing?

Yes, it was a drawing, and an old one at that. The drawing consisted of what appeared to be headshots of a number of different ponies - ten of them, to be exact. Each one was a unicorn, and each one bore at least a passing resemblance to Sombra, in some shape or form.

None of them were labeled... but Obsidian saw Ruby's smiling muzzle and picked it out almost instantly. Further along the parchment, there was Tourmaline, looking haughty and sullen... Amethyst, with her teeth bared in a glare... Onyx herself, wearing a self-important smile...

... and among them, a rather studious-looking stallion. Wearing spectacles.

Obsidian herself wasn't in the drawing, but with her sepatation from her siblings, it wasn't hard to determine why. Who had done such an artwork? There was no signature, but the level of detail was plain as day; the drawing was exquisitely done, and the faces looked so alive, she almost expected them to start moving!

Hopefully they WOULDN'T start moving - otherwise Obsidian would freak out juuuuust a little bit. A little, tiny bit. Yeah.

So... hello there, Mister Peridot.

She had to make a copy. She really had to. After all, it was the closest thing to 'family photo' she had. Hm, maybe Tourmaline will know who made this picture? To be fair, Obsidian already had to make a copy of photo she had with Clap and Wart, after their visit to the spa - she could slash two enemies with a single sword and get copies of both photo and this picture.

But first things first - The Delvar Libratorium... perhaps she could find more information about it's whereabouts...

Interest piqued yet? Then please, stay tuned for the further adventures of the Dark Princess from the past, as she gathers steam while heading towards the future of Equestria... and what lies in store for our heroine as well!

Excelsior, fine readers!

Comments ( 24 )

Thanks for the story! I look forward to the next one!


One is glad to be of service. *bows humbly*

Starting! Looking forward to this for a wHile.


"Looking forward to this for a wHile."

That brought tears to my eyes; thank you ever so kindly. }:)

10532276 You sound like Gypsy (my second favorite character thus far).

I find this story's premise weird, but interesting. Usually, Sombra's offspring is male. Why make it female? Did you want to be different?


That was what drew my attention to the character - we've heard many times about sons, but rarely daughters of the Crystallian Tyrant.

I suppose it all boils down to what expectations one would have for each gender, right?

I can't believe how good this story was.
I also can't believe you killed the best of the mane 6... But Cranky is still alive. Lol
Good work


You know I'm currently releasing the sequel, right?

Check my profile for Obsidian: Shards Of Sombra! }:)

I know, I'm starting it tonight. Maybe tomorrow morning...

What did you like the most? Did you like main character?

Honestly, obsidian was okay, but I liked the magic, new magic ideas, and the story over all. The plotlines were very good and well written.

One is glad to be of service. *bows humbly*

I hope you will enjoy the rest of cast as well. As for Cupcake's last name... Hm, as far as I remember none of Pinkie's children have 'Pie' as a part of their names. I can be mistaken, though.



They don't; each foal is named after food - because it makes sense for Pinkie.

Lol, and here I am wondering why Twilight's crawling through my windowpane.

Is it that good idea, though? It will take a while before her mindset will get "Equestrian" enough for a task like that.

He was lucky she is peaceful... more or less.

I just found this story recently, sees premise/synopsis/plot of story. Instant bookmark, save, like, follow.

I knew it! Fluttershy was my first guess!

went through a bookmark list and found this is going to be interesting

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