• Published 5th Jan 2020
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Obsidian: Daughter of Sombra - Randimaxis

Discovered after a thousand years, Obsidian awakens to a world she knows nothing of and has to learn the magic of friendship - will she be changed by Equestria? Or follow in her father's footsteps to change Equestria instead?

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Sixteen: Tool

Pinkie and Cupcake led Obsidian to the doorway, with Cup looking as though his very heart was breaking.

Pinkie turned back to Twilight. "We got this, don't worry - you just go find whoever you gotta to make the bad stuff stop, okie dokie lokie?"

Twilight smiled. "Okie dokie lokie; thank you, Pinkie."

The three of them made their way out of the room, and waiting for them were Thunderclap and Gypsy... both of which immediately looked concerned when they saw Obsidian's face.

"Cup, what-" Clap began, but he cut her off.

"Uh uh, not now. She... needs a mo'. I'll fill you in later, but... not right now, 'kay?"

Clap looked surprised at Cup's seriousness... but nodded solemnly. "Can I help?" Nearby, Gypsy's ears fell, but when Clap asked about help, he was all sorts of attentive.

However, Cup simply shrugged and said, "Later, definitely... but for now, we just need to get her to her room."

And so, now she had an entourage of four with her, all headed to the Applejack Suite. It was strange, being around these folk who were usually talkative, yet now were silent as rocks. They made it to her room, but before she could make it inside, Thunderclap spoke to her.

"Whatever it is... I hope we can help, somehow - even if it's later. Feel better soon, okay?"

"Th-this one does n-n-not like to see you in s-s-s-such distress; pl-please let him know if h-h-he can help."

"Yeah, let us know, okay Siddy?"

Last Shard nodded to them with sullen apathy and, head hung low, entered the room. Pinkie looked at her two friends and grinned slightly. "She will. Go on, now - come check on her tomorrow, okie dokie lokie?"

They both nodded and, with one more concerned look at Obsidian, they both headed off down the hallway. Pinkie, meanwhile, turned to her son and motioned towards the room. "Proooooobably shouldn't leave her by herself, y'know; go keep her company, even if you don't say a single thing."

Cupcake nodded, and entered the room behind Obsidian, closing the door for her. Once inside, he fidgeted for a bit before sitting down on the corner of her bed.

"... y-you wanna talk about it? Because if you do, that's okay - and if not, that's okay too. I just... it hurts, seeing you so shaken. I wanna help, I really do... sooooooo, I'll just sit here and be a bump on a log. You need me, I'll be right here, okay?"

Ah, her 'friends'... she'd once thought that maybe trying to use warfare metaphors would help her understand things better - another means to acclimate and adjust. But now, it was utterly and completely useless. There was no point in researching this topic, or satisfying terms of Princess Twilight's punishment... or doing practically anything, for that matter.

Thunderclap had wasted her saddlebags and money on a creature that only looked like a pony, but was as alive as a knife or a fork. Gypsy was trying to entertain something that shouldn't be even able to be entertained. Only Mica was wise enough to cut contact with her, even if he had no clue that she was just a fake. Poor Stalwart would never be properly avenged... and of course, the little mare would still act with reverence for just a simple tool; she could praise her most honorable's father's toilet, and it would make as much sense.

As soon as Last Shard was left alone with Cupcake and sat down on the bed, however... she felt that something in her mind was stretching and breaking. It was just... she couldn't... too much...

During her entire artificial life, she had been doing her best to hide all of her weaknesses, all the pain that she felt during training, everything that could make her father look upon her with any amount of disdain.

But she was just a tool. As long as she would be able to provide king Sombra with a well-working, living body, she would be useful.

"Cccc.... Cccc..." To her horror, she began to weep and sob. Oh, how absolutely gross and humiliating...

But she couldn't help it; her whole body began to shiver, as if she was freezing. "Cccccupcake, I.... I don't... I'm not..."

The first tears she'd experienced in ages - in fact, more than a millenium - started to gather in the corners of her eyes. "I... I'm not a princess... not a heir... not even a pooo-ho-ho-nyyyy..."

Cupcake wanted to hug her so badly, it stung. "Oh, Obsidian... I... I don't see it that way. Not at all."

He shuffled closer to her, their flanks almost touching but not quite. "Everything I've witnessed up to this point has me thinking-... no, knowing that you're more than just the sum of whatever that jerk thought you were. It's not fair that he's not even here, yet he's hurting you so much."

He looked at her, regarding her clearly. "Besides... if you're not real, then neither am I."

"I don't talk about it much, because it's a... weird... subject with me, but... I'm a Spell Foal. Momma had me magically implanted inside her, since dad was doing his civic duty as a Super Duper Party Pony... but with his help, of course... and after I grew big enough, I was officially born. But I'm NOT the product of a normal life, either; I'm as magic as you are, in that way."

He raised a hoof to place on her shoulder... but stopped himself, his restraint visibly bothering him. "I wanna hug you so bad right now..."

But he sighed and sat up straighter. "Obsidian, you are whatever you think you are. It's not up to anyone else to tell you who you are - you may have been made as a backup plan, but with everything I'VE seen in the past few days? You're real to me... and you didn't even like me at first, remember? Only a REAL pony could do something like that, could make the decision to accept a friend."

He looked at her. "I don't like that you're being so hard on yourself... but I kinda get it, too. If..." his own eyes began to tear up, "... if you wanna cry it out, it's okay - I won't judge, and I won't blame you, and if you like, I won't tell a single soul." Now his own tears began to flow down his cheeks, his empathy eating him alive with all the pain he saw in her muzzle.

There was surely a lot of difference between being just magically created by a pair of married ponies and being crafted out of magical crystals and implanted with a portion of the soul of her creator. But Last Shard didn't care about it enough to say it aloud, or even to think about it too much. She just... just...

Her hoof moved a bit to the side and poked Cupcake slightly. "... he... he is not a jerk. He is wise and powerful... at least enough to create me. I am honored... t-to be his... creation..." she muttered, trying to stop her tears - and failing.

"... if you s-so wish... I would accept a hug right now..." After all, it wouldn't hurt her any further, right? It should be impossible to hurt her even more right now; when Cupcake mentioned crying, she'd lost it completely. Tears flowed openly from her eyes, as she was facing the reality of being just a defective crystal body.

And so, Cupcake slowly and gently wrapped his forelegs around her middle and laid his head next to her own, squeezing (but not too hard) and sobbing right along with her. There was a lot of pain to let out, a lot of hurt to expel... and crying worked wonders to that end. It was as if liquid misery was pouring straight from her heart into her eyes, then down her cheeks.

The same went for Cupcake as well... but his tears were all for her, not himself. And they felt as though they would never stop coming; he felt so bad for her, he simply couldn't help himself but to cry for the poor mare.

It lasted quite a while, and by the time she'd reached the end of it, she felt just drained. Better, maybe... but drained, all the same. But he'd stuck with her through every tear, and he had continued to hold her during the entire crying session. It was a touch without pain... which was almost unheard of with her.

But the proof was right there - he'd held her during their entire crying jag, and had not once shown any hesitation for doing so. They hadn't exactly stopped crying... but they were no longer sobbing, at least.

At the end of the worst of it, Last Shard felt even more empty and void than before this humiliating, shameless act of crying - but, to be fair, it wasn't neecesarily a bad thing.

After all, it meant that she got rid of at least a bit of her overwhelming sadness and despair. And after a moment, she almost forgot that Cupcake was touching her - which was a good thing too, as she wasn't sure if she'd be able, even in her current state, to stand anypony's touch. It was... a promising start, to be fair. Even if the circumstances were very, very special.

"... I think I feel a bit better," she admitted quietly, wiping away tears with one of her forelegs. "but... this isn't anything like this 'crush' thing, is it?"

Cupcake gave her a teary grin. "By Twilight's Crown, no! It's... i-it's just sadness. And there's n-nothing wrong with feeling sad, either - that's how the heart cleanses itself, after all. Love is... well, I guess it's different for everyone, but mostly I'm sure you'll know it when you really feel it."

"I just hope," he added, "that whomever it is, they treat you well. You deserve that."

He sniffled, then gave a big sigh... but he was still holding her, though not nearly as tightly as before. "You have folks who genuinely care about what happens to you - YOU, not your body, but YOU. I'd say that's at least worth thinking about, y'know?"

Reluctantly, he slowly slid his forelegs out from around her waist and settled himself into a laying position on the bed, yawning absently. He then motioned to the other side - which he'd given plenty of room - and said, "You can take that side, if you're sleepy; after today, I could use some real rest... and I'm sure it'd do you some good, too."

He nestled against the top of the bed, snuggling down for what he hoped would be a good little nap. He opened a single eye, trained on Obsidian. "I hope I helped; you looked like you needed it right then."

Maybe there were one or two reasons to do something more than sit down and wait until her most honourable father claimed her artificial body...

Last Shard couldn't agree more with Cupcake at the moment - she was exhausted, not only physically but also mentally. As such, she had to sleep; apparently, even a mere object with false life had to rest.

"... you did help. And you're right, I need rest - especially as I did not cancel the morning jog with Thunderclap; I have to wake up early enough to greet her."

Even if she wouldn't jog - or if Thunderclap wouldn't want to jog with a pony-shaped tool - she had to at least meet with her. Even though she never did get around to asking Princess Twilight about switching liaisons...

She also didn't expect her forehooves to encircle Cupcake and embrace him as she drifted off into the realm of sleep.


She was standing in the Crystal Palace throne room... and he was in attendance.

But he was... wrong...

Her most honourable father was... sleeker? Shorter? It was hard to put a hoof on what was different, until she realized that, as she stood in the throne room, he was in her body as he sat on the throne. Her own, crown-bedecked head turned to face her, and she saw her own visage grin with pointed teeth and purple mist in her eyes.

"At last, I have returned... and all thanks to YOU... my precious tool."

Perhaps it wouldn't be such a bad fate; in fact, it would be a honourable end - to be useful to her maker, to be used according to her destiny, yes. The vision in front of her was not a nightmare, but a short glimpse of the future...

A future without Obsidian.

Only a moment ago, she was... well, maybe not too keen on the idea, but at least able to accept it. However, now that she was thinking about it, she found her heart to be a bit conflicted about this possibility.

Exist? Or serve? It was either one or the other, because both felt as if it would have been impossible to achieve.

Sombra/Obsidian reached forward, as if to touch her - even if she had no idea how she was both here and on the throne - but before that visage could do anything more, it dissappated into black ash that simply fell to the floor in a scattered pile.

"You... you are not what we expected," said a rich, regal and proud voice next to her, "yet you are the one described to us. And so, we meet."

Standing next to Obsidian in her dreams was a midnight blue alicorn with a rippling and flowing mane and tail, luminous eyes and a crescent moon for a cutie mark. "I am Luna, defender of dreams... and in this case, sent by another to ensure you are safe."

"Princess Luna?" Obsidian turned her head, surprised by the sudden appearance of another alicorn.

She had seen enough artwork of her, or read descriptions in the books about Equestria, to recognize her immediately - in fact, she looked as if she hadn't changed a single iota during these past thousand years. Why would a creature made by King Sombra dream about an Equestrian princess?

"... you... are NOT a figment of imagination, I hope. Isn't this... one of your much-lauded powers?" she guessed, based on her knowledge. Then, she suddenly realized what it really meant - and immediately bowed before her. "...y-your majesty!"

Father or not, this was Princess Luna - and even if she didn't believe in calling the current ruler of Equestria a 'Majesty', she most certainly felt that such a legendary princess had at least earned that right properly.

Luna smiled. "No need for titles - I gave that position up some time ago, and the one who has replaced my sister and I has been doing an impressive job. Therefore, I continue to protect ponies from their nightmares... though I hold no true power in Equestria anymore. Which, to be honest, is refreshingly dull."

Her smile slimmed down a bit as she looked at Obsidian. "Now, thy situation has been explained to me, and I shall be your guardian as you slumber. You shall be rested when you awaken, and thy plight will not seem as enormous as it feels right now."

She was beautiful, as far as mares went. And the way her mane just seemed to... flow... from her...

"Now... Obsidian, was it?... let us walk a bit, and perhaps discuss things as they stand." She began to stroll through the throne room as if she owned it... which, considering her time in Canterlot, she most certainly had experience with throne rooms in general. "Tell us, what troubles you, Obsidian? Aside from the threat of thy father's return, from what I witnessed."

She really looked as if taken straight out of the books Obsidian had read thousand years ago. Was it just a part of the dream? Or maybe she really hadn't changed at all since ancient times?

Obsidian followed her. "I... recently learned that I am... an artificial creature. While I was aware that I was to be used as a tool, I had no idea that I was... er, how should I put it... that I was literally nothing more than a tool. There is also another practicioner of Dark Magic around, and they are apparently quite willing to attack others to achieve their goals. Those are the most pressing issues at hoof, I believe."

Luna nodded sagely, considering her words carefully. "A tool is an instrument that is used to make one's work easier," she began, "but true tools never develop their own actions, minds or feelings. Tools are manufactured for a purpose, yet they can never fashion a purpose of their own design. Tools can make an impact, but never without the action of another to direct them."

The two of them now made their way out onto the balcony, where the view of the Imperial City was breathtaking. In the fog of the dreamlike haze, it seemed to stretch on forever before the two of them.

"However, from what I have gathered from the dreams of your friends, thou hast demonstrated all of the qualities of a living being... and not a mere tool, as thou would seem to be enamored with."

"In the days before my sister and I ruled Equestria," she sat on a nearby royal couch as she spoke, "the vile draconequus Discord was of the opinion that all of ponykind were his 'tools', and he treated us accordingly. Yet we refused to accept that our lot in life was to suffer at his command, and fought back to regain control of our fates. And we won."

She looked at Obsidian kindly. "And if we can fight the likes of chaos and win, then would it not be possible to do the same for thyself? There is no need for thee to merely roll over and allow thy existence to vanish on the whim of a tyrant... because thou are not a mere tool, but a living, breathing, thinking and feeling creature."

Her muzzle went hard with an expression of anger. "Sombra is naught more than a slave-master; it is his duty and interest to keep those whom he sees as his possessions under his hoof... and thou fit directly into that category. He has even supposedly invested some of his own soul into creating thee..."

Calming herself, she looked to the blue skies above. "Yet, here thou art, questioning thy supposed 'fate', feeling fear and dread over the prospect of losing thyself, and unsure as to what to do about such."

She smiled at Obsidian. "And the last time I checked... tools don't react to such things in such a manner. Ergo, thou are NOT a mere tool... but a unique creature who deserves a chance to be thine own pony. And, last I checked, tools don't have friends, do they? Thou art far more gifted and blessed than thou realize, Obsidian. Make certain to give thyself proper credit."

So she was not only a tool, but a defective one, a tool that was acting out of line. The fact that she apparently was enjoying (more or less) everything that happened to her today and yesterday, even if it was confusing and disorienting, didn't change the fact that she was brought into this world for a single goal, made by the greatest pony that ever lived.

It would be selfish of her to think of herself instead of the greater good. The Crystal City in front of her was very different from one from her times; it was beautiful and breathtaking - but was it useful as well? Had it gained a new purpose after her father - or perhaps 'maker' would be a better term - was temporarily defeated?

Last Shard winced at the comparision of the most honourable king Sombra to such a lout as Discord. However... Discord was still around, wasn't he? He even had a family, had been reformed and somehow was allowed to terrorize all diamond dogs into complete and utter cowards at the sight of ANY draconequus.

Maybe... maybe there could be a way to let her father coexist with modern Equestria? Not on the same terms perhaps, but if they could forgive a monster like Discord, then surely - sooner or later - they would find real value in the words of her father!

"Since I was born... or rather, crafted... I've been doing everything I could to satisfy the many expectations of the illustrious King Sombra. The only thing I ever truly wanted was to see him proud of me... and yet, now it turns out that I just had to live long enough, and provide him with a back-up shell. Everything I thought about my purpose or destiny, or even about my past, turned out to be either blatant lies... or the whimsical fantasy of a delusional filly," she concluded bitterly.

Luna looked at her as she spoke, taking in what she said. Once she was done, the alicorn looked to the night sky above them and stared at the diamond chips that hung there.

"From my own recollections, the Sombra we challenged was hardly illustrious - his only goals were subjugation and domination. Not something we look well upon in Equestria, for the record."

She looked back at Obsidian, and her voice sounded so weary when she continued. "There was... once... a time where he showed a great potential to be the sort of ruler that all of Equestria could have lived under. He was fair and kind, and ruled his kingdom well... but when he began to learn and use Dark Magic, he lost the parts of himself that were admired and cherished... and gained hate, pain and arrogance in its' stead."

"No one wants to be owned like property, which is why my sister and I fought back against his rule. He saw each pony as nothing more than a tool for his use, to discard at a whim... much like his designs for thee, I would wager."

Now she stepped closer, giving Obsidian a look of compassion. "But ponies are NOT tools. They are NOT possessions to be traded, and they are not slaves to be worked. They are alive... and sometimes, when one knows they truly live, they must fight to ensure they are not seen as mere toys."

"Obsidian, I feel that thy mind is convinced that thou art not 'real'... yet, as I stand here in the realm of dreams, I insist to thee that tools do not dream. Therefore, perhaps the designs of Sombra are not what thou are destined for."

Hope tried to blossom in Last Shard's heart... but the cold realization of her supposed purpose had done far more damage than a single speech would help. Still, she hearkened to listen to what the Prin-... uh, the former princess was saying.

"Destiny," Luna continued, "is never chosen by another being; it is something that calls to us, and our souls yearn to answer that call. I sense in thee a want to perform the task thou were seemingly created for... yet, there is a conflict where thou finds thyself wanting to continue to be as thee are now. I tell thee, from my centuries of experience, that the second calling thou feel is the one thou should hear, and cease listening to the first."

She then simply stepped up onto the balcony railing, then into the open air, standing on nothing at all as she kept speaking. "I shall not order thee to listen to my words, as that is not our way... however, I beseech thee - as a fellow pony and not as an alicorn ruler - to consider the words of those who hold you in their hearts; these are the ones who will support and defend you in times of great peril, and the opinions of those who care oft outweigh those opinions from those who do not."

Ponies were not tools?

Now that was something completely new; a fresh idea contrasting with everything that Obsidian learned during her life. It was... interesting, to say the least - especially as it would require her to change her entire perspective. Especially as Luna, right afterwards, had stated that perhaps a Destiny chosen by her father wasn't one that should await her. But... how?

Last Shard defined herself only as a piece of King Sombra's life; she was barely able to think about the possibility of divorcing herself from his designs, plans and lessons - and yet, an alicorn that defeated him insisted that there was something more for her than being... a mere tool.

Of course, the alicorn was her father's enemy, and it was obvious that she wouldn't want him back, but... did this simple Last Shard want-

No. She couldn't force herself to finish that thought.

"Your words... what you have said stands against everything I was taught, but... I believe I should think about it more deeply... perhaps," she said, rather hesistantly. "So as far as I understand, you knew my most honourable father before he took over Crystal Empire?" To be fair, she had never heard about his life before he sat upon the Crystal Throne.

Luna nodded. "In the olden days of the Crystal Empire, a young colt was discovered on a shoreline. At first, all this colt could speak was the word 'sombra', and so it became his name. He lived for many years as an orphan, yet he also had a single friend, one named Radiant Hope. She was as close to him as the Element Bearers are to each other, and they both supported each other through times good and bad."

Luna's expression darkened. "But an Umbral shard found its' way into Sombra's hooves somehow, and it was shortly afterwards that he began to become corrupt and vile, believing ponies served better as playthings than subjects. From there, he simply sank further and further into the darkness, until..."

She sighed. "Until he could no longer be reached. At that point, he became Sombra, the Slave King... and ceased to be the stallion that his potential had shown he could be. In that moment, he became our enemy... yet before we could usurp him from his throne of misery, he cursed the entire Crystal Empire with a banishment spell, as thou well know."

"Had he not crossed that boundary of darkness, we would have gone to any lengths to save him... yet it was not within our ability, and the grip his dark madness held upon him was complete."

It was strange, thinking about her father as an orphaned colt, enjoying life, adventuring... and even having a friend! That was completely different from anything she could imagine - and she could only wonder what had possibly changed him so much. She involuntarily shivered at the word 'shard', but couldn't help but wonder what it might have done to him.

Perhaps... there was something more to it? This calm, peaceful discussion with Luna already gave her so many things to wonder about...

The alicorn seemed to consider things for a moment before speaking again. "Obsidian, wouldst thou like to see what sort of impact thou hast had upon thy friends? They dream of thee, at this very moment - and as I normally would not allow such a thing, I feel moved to show thee what thou mean to those who have accepted thee as a friend. Perhaps thou would gain a better grasp of thy self-worth if thou were to see how others see thee..."

And it seemed that the dream protector still had an ace or two up her own sleeve.

She held out a hoof. "Take my hoof and follow me, if thou wish to know."

"... I... I wish to... t-to know, yes..." Hesistantly, she reached out to her hoof - she trembled as if it were a snake she were reaching for - but she took it, the fire of curiosity beginning to kindle in her soul. Just what could they possibly be dreaming about her?

Luna's smile broadened. "Let us go, then..."

Author's Note:

LUNA TO THE RESCUE! Of course, as I'd stated before, there was truly only one other who could understand having to basically start over in a world you no longer recognize... and that's our beloved Lulu, who stepped in to see to our Shard-sidian in her time of greatest crisis. I know she's mostly dropped the ancient speak in the show (thees, thous and such), but I sort of imagined that she'd revert to form in the dream realm. Besides, I LIKE the antiquity of her speech, so I had to write it out that way.

O Cupcake, my Cupcake... how very sweet he was in this chapter, and her reactions to him are a full 180 degree turn from chapter two - but then again, so are his to her. By this point, they've gotten to know each other a bit more, and have managed to actually become friends... or at least, a good start.

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