• Published 5th Jan 2020
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Obsidian: Daughter of Sombra - Randimaxis

Discovered after a thousand years, Obsidian awakens to a world she knows nothing of and has to learn the magic of friendship - will she be changed by Equestria? Or follow in her father's footsteps to change Equestria instead?

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Seventeen: Dream A Little Dream Of Me

The world around her seemed to fade into a swirling whirlwind that she couldn't feel, then slowly settled around her...

They were standing on the parapet of a humongous castle - an overexaggerated version of Canterlot, actually - and there was a massive battle that seemed to rage all around them... yet, regardless, there was not a sign of any sort of defeat.
In fact, it seemed as if the ponies were winning against... changelings?

Yes, it looked as though Chrysalis' followers were once again storming Canterlot - but this time, the ponies were prepared.
And the fight looked heavy-hoofed, in favor of them.

And there, on the battlefield, in the thick of the fray was Obsidian herself... but one that was wearing royal plate armor and smashing her hooves into the enemy as grandly and heroically as any of Equestria's heroes. She looked marvelous, a warrior queen without equal, and wore an expression of determination on her muzzle that spoke of confidence and power.

As she fought though, a number of changelings began to swarm her, dog-piling atop her and making her scream in anger and frustration until she was almost swallowed under, until...


With the sound of a ton of bricks slamming into the ground, the changelings were scattered in all directions, freeing Warrior Princess Obsidian from the ganging up she'd been enduring. She wiped sweat from her brow, then turned to face her savior...

Stalwart Stance was standing there, nearly thrice as tall as she normally was, bedecked in a full suit of Royal Guard armor, complete with a properly battle-damaged cape.

"Your Majesty, we have secured the Eastern wall, and the Southern gate has turned the foul creatures away... by your command, we shall storm the Northern wall, and chase them out of Shmanterlot once and for all! We are on the verge of winning this war!"

Obsidian nodded. "Then send out the call; it is time to push them out of our home!"

Wart smiled broadly, and bowed before her. "Your words are my driving goals, Your Majesty..." She then turned to the other guards present, looking ready and fierce.

"Onward, fellow ponies! Let's prove that we're not going to endure another SECOND of their presence! AD VICTORIAM!!!!!"

With Obsidian in the lead and Wart right beside her, the whole group surged forward as one against the tide of changelings, and when they met, the black bug-like beings were found lacking, and began to turn back.

Ah, loyal Stalwart - the unicorn mare that was too short to achieve her goal. A pony dreaming about great victories over beasts that were, as far as Obsidian knew, already defeated... but there was something strange about this battle...

Surprisingly, even despite the knowledge that Obsidian was connected to the dark King Sombra, one of the greatest enemies of Equestria... Stalwart was dreaming about fighting alongside her? On the Equestrians' side? Admirable, really - even though everything in this dream was wrong... Obsidian kind of liked the idea that her loyal little friend could imagine her in such a flattering way.

"She won't be happy about the fact that I'm not truly a princess," she admitted. However, she and Cupcake had helped her with the griffon problem, so maybe she wouldn't get quite as angry as Mica currently was with her.

Luna turned to her. "I do not believe that will matter quite as much as you think... or as she thinks..."

The castle, the battle and the warriors around them swirled away, and this time Obsidian could only see puffy whiteness all around her.

The world slowly came into bright focus, and they were high up in the clouds. There was a large stadium beneath them - The Cloudsdale Coliseum, according to the signs - and there was a massive gathering there of ponies of all sorts… and dragons, changelings, diamond dogs, and even races she didn’t recognize! They were all here, all present for some sort of show…

Yet, there wasn’t anyone to be seen.

“I… I-I don’t think I can… can d-do this, Siddy...” Thunderclap's distinct voice was clear among the massive crowd, as if she was right there next to them.

Slowly, Luna and Obsidian drifted down until they reached one of the backstage areas, where a Thunderbolt-Flightsuit-clad Thunderclap Dash was pacing worriedly, while Obsidian - who was dressed in high fashion and looking like a beautiful model - was nearby, watching with veiled concern.

“I mean, my mom’s the ONLY one who’s ever pulled it off, and I… I-I’m too big, Siddy! I mean, lookit me! I’m a freak, like Bulk Biceps! How am I ever gonna pull… that... off?”

Obsidian stepped forward, her voice soft but strong. “Thunderclap, I have faith in you. I have seen you do amazing things, and you even managed to pull me back from the brink of depression. This is a feat that not many can accomplish.”

“You had other help, too,” she murmured.

So that thing Obsidian was feeling was called 'depression'? And her visage in Thunderclap's mind was quite different from her own vision of herself - in fact, she barely recognized the decked-out mare. Dressed up? Makeup? Confidence? That was pretty far from her current state.

“Regardless,” she continued, “you stood by me and generously gave of your time and effort, and did what you could to help me in my time of need… and now, I shall do the same for you. You are more capable than you think, Clap. You can do this - we ALL believe in you.

Thunderclap sighed, then opened her eyes with a spark of fresh determination in them. “Y’know what, Siddy? You’re RIGHT. Okay, then,” she turned and saluted Obsidian, “watch me burn ozone, girl! And… thanks. MUCH thanks.”

“That is what friends do, correct?” Obsidian the Fashion Plate smiled.

With a nod and a quick hug shared between them, Clap stepped out into the main arena and the crowd cheered LOUDLY at her arrival. The announcer’s voice cut through the din, broadcast on megaphones all around the stadium.

“Fillies, gentlecolts, and creatures of all ages and walks of life, Cloudsale proudly presents, attempting to demonstrate the power of the legendary Sonic Rainboom - Rainbow Dash’s own daughter - THUNDERCLAP DAAAAAAASH!!!!!

She raised her hooves in a victory stance, then hunkered down and launched herself into the air, turning and heading outward away from the coliseum rapidly, until she was a mere speck in the distance.

"I guess that she truly cares about her mother's legacy," Last Shard - Obsidian - mused, watching as Fashion-sidian and Thunderclap were talking about... whatever it was that the pegasus was attempting to achieve - she was dreaming big... and somehow, it included Obsidian in a manner which was both helpful and friendly. Even though she had already seen her at her lowest point and the shopping trip had gone bust, Clap saw her kindly.

"I still think that I'd look better in plate armor, just like in Stalwart's dream. Preferably with a nice, red cape."

There was a tiny flash in the distance, then it began to approach. It was Clap, who was flying so hard she was visibly panting, but the smile on her face was broad and shining with excitement. She slowly angled downward, her form beginning to look as though it were… narrowing?... as she rapidly picked up speed.

Luna smiled, then pulled a pair of sunglasses from her mane and put them on. “Brace thyself - 'tis a glorious thing to behold.”

As she got closer and closer to the coliseum, there was a moment where some attendants seemed to think she was going to crash into the bleachers… yet, as she was almost directly above the stadium itself, an amazing thing happened…


A miracle of color and power surged out in a ring from where Clap shot through, and the ring was utterly amazing in how bright and incredible it was. Something about it felt as though it struck a chord in Obsidian, as she had never, ever witnessed anything quite like a Sonic Rainboom before in her entire life - she’d never even read about the phenomenon!

Last Shard stepped back when the sudden surge of colours and lights washed over everything. It was... incredible. Completely and utterly grand, a show of skill and determination which finished with a rainbow explosion, far different from any dark, bland magical feats she had ever seen back home.

Luna simply smiled knowingly. “She dreams of following in her mother’s hoofprints and perfecting it… yet, in her entire life, she has never been able to duplicate the act, not even once. Still, she dreams of accomplishing it every single night, even if the methods used differ. Since meeting thee, thou hast very quickly become a bolstering presence in her mind… and quite the fashionable mare, if I may say.”

For a moment, she forgot about everything - her father, her current situation, even the slightest worries about her future or her friends - and just let herself admire it.

"... it's... I... I would wish to see this phenomenon with my own eyes, someday," she admitted, observing the colorful rings as they continued to spread until the colors covered the sky.

So Clap's mother, Rainbow Dash of the Element Bearers, had already done such a feat? Then she simply had to read about it now; maybe it could be useful - at least for Thunderclap.

Luna nodded. "Rainbow Dash's ability to do this has typically heralded some major, powerful change in some fashion or another. I have grown to take it as a sign of Fate, heralding soon-approaching changes in the direction and history of our great nation... but enough; come now."

The world once more swirled away as the dream realm shifted again, bringing them to…

The School of Friendship loomed large before them, swimming into focus as they got close. However, there were posters all over the place - posts, mailboxes, walls, the flagpost, and even a few benches - advertising some sort of conference… a history conference, in fact.

Slowly, they drifted toward the lecture hall, which was crowded with folks here to see the proceedings. When they reached earshot, Last Shard - Obsidian - could hear a rich, warm (and somewhat familiar) speaker’s voice who was waxing almost poetic on the subject that was spoken upon.

“... and that was when the Elements of Harmony came into play. Each one, strong separately yet powerful as a whole sum, was of the utmost importance as the sole, solitary reason that the Villainous Trio were put into their place. The statue that stands in the Royal Gardens is proof positive that friendship is a magic all its’ own, and one of the most powerful magics ever witnessed by our kind.”

At the podium was none other than Gypsy Rover, dressed impeccably and looking as a professor should look; intelligent, calm and collected. He looked out over the audience… which, in the front row, included a turtleneck-wearing Obsidian, looking as smart as he did.

“The school here has it right, everyone...” and he glanced at Intellectual Obsidian, where he smiled at her, then she returned it, warm and content.

“... friendship most certainly is magic. And those who know it well couldn’t be happier.”

The audience broke into thunderous applause, giving the astute diamond dog a standing ovation as he stepped forward from the podium and took a grand, sweeping bow before the masses. Even Intellectual Obsidian stood and gave a soft clap, smiling broadly at seeing her friend succeed so thoroughly.

Last Shard - Obsidian - smiled at this sight; Stalwart's vision mainly reminded her both about her friend's problems with height and her opinion of the dark mare, and Thunderclap somewhat surprised her with the vision of her as fashionable pony, but this dream... there was something about academic pursuit that soothed her, somehow. It was exceedingly kind of him to think of her in such a flattering way.

"He... he has no stutter! He's fantastic as a scholar!" she cheered. Now, wouldn't listening about history be far less awkward if he could speak without problems? However, the ideal that he was striving for was practically perfect, and this time her own role was far less pronounced - but at least she could believe that she could end up like this.

Leaving the stage at last, Gypsy came over to meet Obsidian directly. “This one hopes he wasn’t too boring, was he?” The diamond dog wore a smarmy grin as he questioned Intelli-sidian.

She responded by giving him a flat look, then chuckling softly. “Oh, I believe you did a passable job of it, my friend,” she replied, “good enough for common practice, anyway. Might even be that a few of the ponies here actually liked it.”
With this, they both gave a hearty laugh.

Gypsy smiled at her. “This one is still incredibly grateful that you gave up your precious time to come and see him do this - he was so nervous about getting onstage, but your presence helped him overcome this obstacle.”

Nervous?” Obsidian looked surprised. “You haven’t been nervous since you conquered your fears...” she cleared her throat, “... and since the disappearance of Jinx and any other draconequui, you haven’t had a single instance of fear that I have witnessed.”

He grinned. “And YOUR fears are defeated as well, friend. We conquered them together, which made it such a sweeter victory.”

“Yes, yes,” Obsidian waved the compliment away, “now, shall we go and celebrate with some ice cream and chewy treats?

Though his nod was all intellectual, his tail began wagging rapidly behind him. “This one would have it no other way, dear Obsidian. Shall we?

He offered the crook of his arm, which Intellectual Obsidian gladly took in hoof, and they both proceeded out of the lecture hall as the janitors began their cleanup. The banner hanging above the stage read, in large bold lettering:

Equestrian History - As Told By Expert Historian, Gypsy Rover

"The thought of such a vision... glorious," Last Shard/Obsidian spoke softly, as if saying such a thing too loudly would shatter the moment. That sight had been most pleasant... she wasn't too sure about turtleneck, though.

The world around them swirled away as usual, and when it reformed, it seemed as though they were simply inside a marble-lined hallway - in a high-class building, by the look of the decor.

In this hallway were a number of different doors, but only one stood open with a shaft of light pouring out of it. Inside, there were voices… familiar ones…

Reaching the open door, Luna carefully pushed it open until they could see what was going on in here. And what they saw was… weird.

There was a stage, as if a play were being performed, yet the only ones onstage were Obsidian… and Obsidian?

To one side stood an Obsidian who wore a warm red cloak, lined with fur, that made her appear both stylish and regal, and her horn was completely straight and clear of any of its’ sinister red coloration. This Obsidian looked as though she were slightly annoyed, but concerned about something or other.

“You have no ground to stand on over this, fiend. There is not even the slightest chance that I would ever harm the citizens of Equestria - my place is among them, not above them. You would do well to learn from this.”

The other Obsidian stood at the opposite end of the stage. She was a direct opposite of her counterpart; her horn was fully red and curved, and wisps of purple smoke curled from the base of it, as well as from her eyes. Her teeth were sharp and jagged, her coat slick with the blood of innocents, and she wore an outfit that was eerily similar to her father’s armor, though it was cracked and dripping with blood.

“But they BLEED so WELL! Each and every one, with screams that bring me delight upon delight! And YOU do not exist, impostor! WE shall overcome you, WE shall take back what our father left us, WE will RULE them ALL!” As the Dark Obsidian spoke, spittle and purple smoke issued forth, leaving a slight string of drool between her mouth and her breastplate.

The audience for this play was empty… except for a single pony seated up front, observing quietly as the debate continued. Mica Chip was engrossed in the sight, apparently considering which side would ultimately win out, leaning his head on a forehoof as he watched things unfold.

Luna spoke. “Even those who have known thee only shortly and have issues with thee still think of thyself. And debate whether or not thou art a product of Sombra… or Equestria.”

Ok, that was unexpected; she really didn't think Luna would bring her into Mica's dreams, of all ponies. However, Princess Twilight seemed to consider him her friend and apparently didn't know about their last small discussion - the one that hadn't ended in a pleasant way. Just how big were the odds that they would all dream about her, though?

"... why not both?" she mused.

She was surely a product of Sombra - in many, many ways. However, she finally had experienced an opportunity to develop in ways that her father hadn't planned for her, so it was true that his influence over her wasn't as great as he... or she... thought.

"But no matter what... I cannot imagine myself wallowing in wanton destruction and carnage like that." To be fair, she felt a bit offended.

Luna nodded. "And yet, Mica does not know this for a fact; he may have severed connections with thee for the time being, yet a dream like this tells me that he still wishes to be thy friend... yet he is afraid thou will turn out... well," she gestured to Dark Obsidian, "like so. I believe, if thou simply reassure him that this is NOT the case, then perhaps he will warm to thee once more."

"As intelligent as he can be," Luna grinned, "he can be quite stubborn. Be honest with him, let him know his fears are unfounded, and that you mean neither ill will nor harm - I doubt he will be able to stay away from thee for long, as he makes few actual friends."

"C'mon, Chippie," a voice whispered in Mica's ear, sounding a lot like Thunderclap Dash, "she's not all that bad, is she?" Mica's muzzle wrinkled in a frown.

"She finds our opinions... unimportant."

Again, the disembodied voice spoke up softly. "She, like, JUST woke up after a really looooooooong nap; you think she's thinking clearly this soon?"

Mica looked down, considering the words whispered in his ear. "I... I just don't know. I mean, I want to associate with her, but... I just don't know if I can trust her. Especially with you, love; if she ever hurt you..."

Oh, wasn't THAT interesting?

"... I just wish I knew for certain." Sighing, he looked up as the debate continued between the two Obsidians.

Obsidian blinked. Then blinked again. Then, she turned to look at Princess Luna, a look on her muzzle a mix of embarrassment and unsettling discomfort.

"We... uh..." She rubbed her temple. "... n-next dream, please?"

Luna nodded. "Come." Again, the swirl of energy was all around her. It was both beautiful and mysterious at the same time - much like the alicorn accompanying her, which was fitting. When the world came into focus, it was... bright.

VERY bright.

All around them were cartoony versions of Twilight's Palace, the Friendship School, Ponyville... and they were all repeatedly bobbing up and down in the background, as if they were dancing to some unheard song. Trees, grass, rocks - everything was moving to some unheard beat, as if it were all alive and in vibrant color that almost hurt her eyes. However, when she noticed that even the sun was smiling down on everything... it was all a bit much.

As they watched, coming down a path lined with lightly bobbing daisies were two individuals: one of them was bouncing up and down like a spring gone amok, while the other was calmly trotting along. As they got closer, their identities could easily be seen... and they were BOTH Cupcake Sprinkles!

The bouncing one wore a big, sunny smile... while the other one had on a dour, grumpy face. They walked side by side, seemingly oblivious of the day-glow world around them.

"... and did I mention she's wonderful!? And she's got that niftycool horn, too! Oh, I hope she knows how to make fireworks! That'd be TOTALLY AWESOME!"
"She probably doesn't know any firework spells; her father wouldn't have taught her anything fun... and the thought of that makes me SO angry..."
"I know, but that's why we have to help her out! We have to get her to see that she's not just some dumb ol' shard, but a REAL pony!"

Sullen Cup looked at Sunny Cup with a sidelong glance. "Well, she IS a real pony... but it'll be a tough time convincing her otherwise. She's determined to be a tool."
"Naawwwwww... she just doesn't realize how special she is yet!"

Cupcake Sprinkles. Obviously.

This dream practically screamed that it was him, as if he was purposely dreaming of everything that would be contrary to her old home in the Crystal Empire. Did he actually perceive of his reality this way? How could he possibly stay sane... or perhaps the better question would be, how could he ACT so sane?

Obsidian was already surprised by two versions of herself in Mica's dream, but seeing two Cupcakes - not to mention the entire lunatic world around her they existed in...

"Oh, how very sweet of him. Does that mean I should seek out a spell for fireworks, perhaps?"

That's when they both stopped and stared at each other for a moment. "You... feeling strange, me?" Said Sullen Cup.

"Yeeeeaaaaaahhhhh... like we're... being... watched?" Sunny Cup replied.

At that moment, both Sullen and Sunny turned and looked directly at Obsidian and Luna.

Luna held out a hoof, "Do not worry - he does this on occasion, as I have seen throughout his years. Only his mother and his sister have the ability to sense us - they do not actually see-"

"Uh, yeah, we do."
"Yup yup yup! You're riiiiiiiight THERE!"

Luna's eyes bugged out, and she took a step back. "I... how can this be? You have n-never... how can you..."

Sunny Cup shrugged. "Eh, we dream lucidly all the time, Used-To-Be-Princess Luna!"

"Yeah," Sullen Cup spoke up, "we've known you check in on us for years; we just figured you were either a part of our dream-"

"- or being nosy!" Sunny finished.

They both turned to look at Obsidian.

"Hiya, Siddy!"
"Hi there."

Luna looked back and forth between them, stunned, then looked at Obsidian. "I assure thee... this has NEVER happened with him before."

It was truly terrifying to see - an earth pony, utterly flummoxing an alicorn princess. How could any stallion possibly be so mind-bendingly powerful and aware?

"But it's happening NOW! And hey, would you two like to join us for a bounce in the Ponyville Fountain!?"
"I filled it with gelatin dessert - it's fun."
"Yeah! TONS O' FUN!" Sunny finished his exclamation with a peal of laughter, bringing an eyeroll from Sullen.

Luna seemed to smile a bit, then cleared her throat. "As fun as that truly does sound, we were showing Obsidian how she has become important to her friends, and hoping that she might learn something from the experience."

"Sooooooooo, lemme guess - Clap?" Sunny guessed.


"Gypsy, maybe?" Sullen spoke.

"Also, yes."

"OOH! Didja go see Stalwart?" Sunny seemed to be excited by the prospect.

"We have."

"And I'll bet Mica Chip was in there too." Sullen murmured, seeming... well... sullen.

"In... deed... how dost thou know these things, Cupcake... er, Cupcakes?"

They looked at each other, then turned to Luna and spoke at the same time. "Pinkie Sense."

Luna facehoofed.

She - Obsidian - blushed and stepped a bit to the side, closer to Luna. "Ah. Well. It is... nice to see you, too... er, to see you two, Cupcakes. I, eh, hope I didn't cause you any problems falling asleep," she said shyly, blurting out the first thing her brain could think of to speak.

At that, both Cupcakes smiled, though Sunny FAR more than Sullen. "Not a bitty-bit-bit! Getting all huggy with you was SO nice, and your mane smells wonderful!"
"And it felt good to make contact with you - I still sorta felt bad that you didn't like the reassurance of a pat."
"But it's okie dokie lokie now!"
"Yeah. That. Thanks for letting me in, Obsidian."
"Yeah! THANKIEEEEEEES, 'cuz hugs are wonderfully wonderous and wonderful!"

Luna simply shook her head in wonder. "I am... certain she also appreciated such a gesture as well." Luna turned to her once more. "Did thou not?"

Obsidian blushed even more. "Y... yes, I did. It was a... new and interesting experience... thank you, Cupcake. Cupcakes."

Luna cleared her throat softly. "I believe I have made my point, have I not? Come, Obsidian... allow us to return to thine own dreams, that thou might now have much to consider."

"Awwwwww... no fountain? Well, that's dine and fandy! We can always see you when we wake up! And sure, you can hug us whenever you want to!"
"Yeah, agreed. Just stop being so insistently HARD on yourself, you got me?"

"I believe she does. Thank you, Cupcake Sprinkles."

"Okie dokie lokie! Byeeeeee! Tell awake me that I said HIIIIIIIIII!!!"
"Yeah, no problem. Just take care of yourself, okay? And stop moping."
"YOU'RE one to talk, me!"
"Oh, hush."

They both waved as Luna led her towards a shining swirl that enveloped them both... and just like that, she was back at the Crystal Palace... but this time, it looked neutral and sterile - nothing but background scenery.

"Obsidian, now that thou hast seen thy influence, dost thou still insist that thou art no more than a tool?"

She felt strange, and couldn't put a hoof on it - perhaps it was a passing thing and she'd forget about it, especially after a bit of jogging with Thunderclap. She'd almost agreed to the ridiculous fountain escapade!

"My father always told me that ponies can be tools, but..." she looked to the side, her eyes suspiciously moist, "... at least I realize now that perhaps... well, perhaps a chance stands that I may find another purpose in life."

Luna gave a sage nod. "Perhaps, given time, thou may even accept that. But it must come at the proper moment, not merely because others say it."

She gently placed her endlessly soft wing on Obsidian's cheek, giving it a slight caress. "Thou hast such potential, just as he did... but still, a future lies ahead of thee to live."

Obsidian could feel herself fading from her own dream world, details becoming hazy around her.

"And that future hath promise beyond anything thou might realize."

The last thing that she could make out of her dream was Luna's large, luminous eyes as she stood there smiling at her with warmth, kindness and acceptance.


Author's Note:

Many of us wonder what other people think of us, and we hope we're seen in a kind light; to actually have the chance to see for yourself how others perceive you would possibly be disconcerting, but could also show you what sort of friend they truly are underneath. Too bad Luna doesn't do paid tours, right? *chuckle*

I also tried to give an idea of how each of the dreamers saw themselves, as well; often times, what we think and what we say are two separate things, and our own opinion of ourselves can speak volumes of our own character.

Wart's dream came from the thought of what a warrior would dream of - and yes, Shmanterlot, because O&O references are awesome. Clap's dream goes right back to her insecurities, Gypsy's speaks of his wish to share knowledge, and Mica's shows a touch of class and a careful consideration for things.

Cupcake's dream world, I confess, was totally influenced by the world in Pinkie's head at the end of EQG's Legend of Everfree; he is his Momma's child, after all. The split personae thing is his division of his sweet side and his moody temper - because he kinda seems to shift into someone else when he gets irate.

And so, heroine reassured, we head back to the waking world to see what awaits Siddy today; hopefully my written performance as the wonderful Luna wasn't off - she IS my favorite princess, and I'd hate to have done her a disservice.

The title comes from one of my favorite songs, by the legendary 60's act, The Mamas & The Papas; music plays a central part of many of my story ideas, and this won't be the last mention of songs that influenced events. More to come as follows.

This chapter was a lot of fun, from my perspective - and I hope it shows. :twilightblush:

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