• Published 5th Jan 2020
  • 2,575 Views, 167 Comments

Obsidian: Daughter of Sombra - Randimaxis

Discovered after a thousand years, Obsidian awakens to a world she knows nothing of and has to learn the magic of friendship - will she be changed by Equestria? Or follow in her father's footsteps to change Equestria instead?

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Twenty Seven: A Few Light Changes

"Stalwart, if you could please bring the rest of our friends here, I would be grateful; I really think we should stick together for a moment, both for security reasons and to get this... Light stuff... working. They didn't return to Ponyville, did they?" It would be a very bad thing, if they ended up in the path of the oncoming horde.

Stalwart straightened and smiled. "Not a chance in Tartarus would they have left you, Lady Obsidian!" She leaned out the doorway. "She says she needs us! ALL of us!"

The door opened, and in they came:

Thunderclap Dash, broad and muscular, who may not have always been the one with the bright ideas... but she was always the type to give 110% of herself to everything she did, and often turned out to be just as generous with her friends.

Mica Chip, whose own brand of calm, collected honesty had almost been set too far out of reach for her, yet he had warmed to her once more, and was now more inclined towards being the 'egghead' of the group.

Gypsy Rover, the timid diamond dog with the stutter, who not only became clear when he spoke on a subject he loved, but exuded kindness in almost every deed, and was clever and gifted, whether creating art or scouting unruly griffons.

And Cupcake Albert Sprinkles, who was annoying, gabby, a little bit crazy... but was also one of the best friends she had ever known, playing up his silly antics in order to give his friends just that little jolt of laughter they needed.

Stalwart Stance joined them, exceedingly proper and stern, yet determined and steadfast, and with bravery, loyalty and a fighting spirit that would put even the most seasoned warrior to the test.

Obsidian smiled - though it was one tinged with her current sorrow - at the sight of her friends. She stood up to embrace them, each one, no exceptions... even though figuring out how to properly hug a diamond dog was only slightly awkward at first.

She also returned the earlier favour to Cupcake - by doing the lips thing on his cheek.

"My dear friends," she spoke as she went to each one, "I'm not sure whether or not you are aware, but apparently sister Onyx, completely by accident, prepared me to become a vessel filled with the magic of Light, which has the side effect of forging me into the perfect weapon to crush her, completely and utterly. We need to be the biggest, bestest, most friendship-choked warband in the history of the world; all of it meant to smite Onyx with everything good that she kept mocking." Obsidian then redoubled her smile, with a slight smirk to it. "I hope I can count on you?"

When she hugged Clap, the huge mare looked surprised for a second... then grabbed Obsidian up in a hug and swung her around in a circle! "Awwwww... Siddy, ain't you sweet? Of COURSE, we got this - yeah, we got this together!"

The amulet's glow picked up a bit more strength.

Mica looked a bit taken by surprise, but he didn't hesitate to return the embrace. "Obsidian, this... is good progress... thank you."

There was another tingle in her horn, and the pendant's glow increased.

Gypsy watched her embrace the others, and welcomed her with a smile, open arms, and a waggly tail. It took a moment to figure out how hooves and paws worked together, but when they finally did, his hug was warm and tight. "Th-this one thanks you, f-friend. He is g-gr-grateful for your f-f-fr-friendship."

The gemstone gave another pulse of blue light.

Cupcake threw his forelegs around her and gave her a huge squeeze... with a bit of a blush in place. Especially when she kissed his cheek in return. "OoooooOOOOOOOH!" Clap taunted, good naturedly.

The amulet's glow jumped up a few points at that interaction.

Wart looked hesitant, yet when Obsidian hugged her, she simply threw her little legs around her and squeezed like a vice grip. "Lady Obsidian, our hearts are yours."

The pendant was now visibly glowing brightly.

"Say," Clap noticed, "that necklace-thingy is putting off a LOT of light, Sids - that little thing isn't gonna explode, is it?" Well, if nothing else, she could use it for a torch... which would be at least ONE thing she knew how to use it for, as she was still clueless as to how to tap the contained Light energy within.

"Okay Obsidian," Mica looked at her, "what do we do now? We're here, we're ready... what would you suggest?"

"We need to get through my sister's notes to find more information about how to use the amulet; I want us to be prepared. Onyx's putrid army rapidly approaches Ponyville, and Princess Twilight left to defend her subjects. If we want to repeat anything like our shopping trip yesterday, we have to hurry - the sooner I find out how to annihilate dark ponies with friendship, the sooner I can beat Onyx into submission. And to answer your question Clap, I'm fairly certain that the necklace won't explode - its' dark counterpart absorbed A LOT of my magic and it never exploded. Too bad, as it would have saved us plenty of trouble..."

Mica nodded. "Okay, we'll need to figure out who can read-"

"Crystallian?" Gypsy smiled. "The ancient l-language of the Crystal Empire? This one c-c-CRAVES the challenge!"

"Good, that's another set of eyes," Mica grinned, "now, we'll probably have to deal with some of these things coming here, especially if there's any way Onyx can sense what we're doing here."

"I volunteer," Wart stepped forward, "as I know the most defensible areas here, and understand how the Siege Mechanisms work; I can lock down the gates on the lower levels-"

"And I gotcha on the higher ones," Clap finished, "if you can run me through what to do. Like, s-l-o-w-l-y, you know what I mean? Step by step and such?" Wart nodded firmly at the request.

Mica turned to Cupcake. "Cup, we need you to see if you can gather your siblings in one place; there's no way Darkness could ever stand up to all five of you."

Cupcake saluted. "Roger roger, mon cappy-tan!" By Darkness, all five Pie siblings together, in one place? Obsidian almost pitied the Umbral monstrosities that were trying to invade Equestria... and was a bit afraid what would happen if they also lost a sibling to this.

Mica gave a small smile and shook his head. Then he addressed them all. "Please, be careful - and if danger gets close, don't be a hero; come back here, to this room, and we'll gather our forces together after securing this place."

Cupcake looked at Obsidian and gave a slight blush again. "Obsidian, uhm... please be careful; I don't want anything else to happen to you, okay?"

"Take care, everyone. Good luck. I'll do my best to figure something out before enemies will make contact with us." Then Obsidian turned to face the Pie stallion. "And don't worry, Cup - I don't want anything else to happen to me as well!"
She smiled, but it was mostly forced, and it felt weird; she just hoped it was enough.

"Wart, be certain to leave some monsters for me as well, yes?" She looked to her friend with a rueful chuckle. "When future Equestrians read about this upcoming battle, I want to make certain that I am remembered for more than reading."

Wart saluted, Clap waved and Cupcake gave a big, dramatic bow as the three of them headed out. Mica then turned back to her and Gypsy. "I'm headed to the armory; if we're going to fight, we'll need armor and weapons, and that's where I'll find them. You two figure out what you can, and I'll return as soon as possible." Armor... finally! PLATE ARMOR!

Gypsy looked at him. "B-b-be careful, M-Mica."

"I will - no worries. Until then, Gypsy... Obsidian..." He headed out the door, galloping away rapidly.

The diamond dog turned back to Obsidian. "Now... w-w-wh-what are we l-l-looking at?"

"We're looking for any mention of shards - mainly Light shards, but any mention might yield results. Maybe we'll be able to find something about my siblings? The more we know, the easier sister Onyx will be to defeat... especially as sister Amethyst has already experienced such; I truly don't wish to injure her any further."

Obsidian turned to the texts - ah, yes... research. During an oncoming siege. And her friends at risk. But, as she knew, she didn't have time to accompany them all... and besides, first things first, yes?

Gypsy took up the small stack of papers and separated them into two piles. "Here... y-you take this p-p-pile... and this o-one shall take th-the oth-th-ther pile." He handed it over to her, and dug into his own stack. As the diamond dog read, he took a sheet of paper from his pocket, a marker from his sleeve and began taking notes in short, neat handwriting. Watching him use his fingers was fascinating... but she had to get to work herself, so she did.

It was fifteen minutes later that they both heard a distant >THUD< as the gates to the castle slammed into place, proving Wart's tenacity had paid off. That was followed by a similar sound from above, meaning the upper floors were shuttered, thanks to Thunderclap.

To be fair, it should have been the palace's guards who were dealing with the gates - not a gaggle of teenagers - but apparently the peaceful and friendship-happy Equestrian heartlands hadn't dealt with any truly serious dangers in quite some time... or they were busy as well, but perhaps outside the palace? Either way, it seemed a bit disconcerting that they'd been left here 'for their protection'... and there was very little of said protection to be seen.

Shortly after that, Mica returned with a dessert cart that was loaded with armor and weapons! The stallion himself had chosen a light steel barding, leaving him plenty of room to move. On top of the cart, in full view of Obsidian, was a full suit of Equestrian Royal Guard plate armor, complete with helmet and cloak. There were a number of other armor pieces as well, and an assortment of swords, knives, axes... and even a lance!

"Here's the best of what was in there," Mica said, "but I can go back once we offload this bunch, if you think we'll need more?" Obsidian rose her head from texts and for a moment her eyes glimmered when she saw riches brought by Mica.

Plate armooooooorrrrr... a royal clooooooooaaaaak... and a laaaaaaaance...

She would take that lance and impale her feeble-minded sister upon it, and then rename it for its' glory! The Lance of Light, perhaps? Of course, said impalement couldn't be mortal or anything... heh heh heh...

"Could you perhaps find something for Gypsy? If there are no exact armors for diamond dogs, then at least a nice shield, maybe?" she proposed as she was eyeing the plate armor greedily... though she might have to ditch the helmet. Too bad she didn't have time to paint her coat of arms or at least her house colours on it.

Now that she thought about it, was it an Umbral Empire invasion or a war of succession? Was she fighting for Equestrians, or was she just allied with them? Well, first things first; it wasn't important right now. Besides, if they proved victorious, she could always convince future historians to fix their books a bit, right?

Mica nodded, and started unloading the cart onto the floor.

Meanwhile, Gypsy sat up at his seat. "OOH! Th-th-there is a mention of the fourth dynasty, which says that the Umbrals were particularly succeptable to fire," the diamond dog said, with nearly no stutter at all, "and that they will possibly flee from a b-big enough bonfire - though, t-t-to be fair, this is p-probably also the c-case with living Umbrals, but... we c-c-can try, yes?"

"Yes," Mica answered, "which means, on my next trip to the armory, I should fetch some torches and lamp oil. Good, we now have armor, weapons and deterrent - and that's a start."

Fire... it was as good as anything else - though to be fair, plenty of creatures were afraid of fire, and rightfully so. "Good. We could use it to defend our positions... and maybe set up a few traps. Hopefully we can find something to light them up with." She couldn't count her own magic in this category, sadly - her lack of magic was even more frustrating than she first thought.

Through the doorway came Wart and Clap. "Okay, folks," the pegasus chirped, "we're all closed up, 'cept for the north and south gates; those aren't equipped with big steel doors to close."

Wart, in the meantime, had eyes for nothing but the Royal Guard armor, watching Obsidian put it on and then staring at the helmet for a moment before shaking her head and digging through the pile of weaponry.

Clap looked at the armor lying on the floor. "Wow - that's a lot of steel! Got anything, uhh... lighter? If I'm gonna fly, I gotta make sure I can maneuver properly!"

Mica grinned and pointed to the chainmail shirt in the corner. "Will that do?"

"Tartarus, yeah!" Clap replied, taking it up and wiggling her way into it. It was very tight-looking on her large frame, but she'd managed to get her wings through the holes in the back, and was now flexing in it to test its' capacity. "That'll hold... probably. You find out anything else yet? And where's the Cupster?"

"Cupcake went to collect his siblings, which may be quite a boon to our cause. Oh, and Gypsy discovered that our enemies should be scared of big bonfires, so maybe we could block them that way..."

And if they would turn out to not be deterred, Obsidian and her group wouldn't have to fight with undead monsters - but with fiery undead monsters - not a nice thought. "Sadly, we found nothing more about shards - more's the pity. Out of curiosity, which gate should be easier to defend, just in case?"

"The southern gate," Wart spoke up as she searched through the weaponry, "will be the easier of the two to defend; it has a partial drawbridge, which will potentially limit them to single-file movements across it. The northern gate has but one bridge in, but it is cement and stone and does not lift."

Standing up, Wart took up two longswords in her magic and sheathed them, placing them on her back. "I shall be taking position on the northern bridge."

Clap lifted an eyebrow. "You... think you can handle that by yourself?"

Wart looked at Clap with a rare smirk on her muzzle. "I have not a doubt in my heart."

Clap looked at her for a moment more, but when Wart didn't flinch, she smiled. "Okie dokie lokie - guess you've got the northern bridge." Wart's smile doubled, and she began gathering small pieces of armor to try to fasten them together.

Obsidian eyed Stalwart for a long moment. The northern bridge, all by herself... by Darkness, where in Tartarus were all the palace guards? Why would a princess leave a bunch of teenagers to hold this palace by themselves? Or perhaps they were sent to Ponyville to deal with the menace? Regardless, the lack of guardponies was a bit worrisome.

"Remember about fire, Stalwart... and do be careful - if anything happened to you, I would have no choice but to slay my siblings to avenge you." She patted Wart lightly on the back and returned to the books. Maybe there would be some way to restore her magic with this necklace... she felt fairly useless without it. Though to be fair, she was considering herself a huge failure at the moment, anyway.

Mica turned and looked at the yellow book, pondering. "Give me a moment with that book, Obsidian... I have a thought. There might be a Monitoring Spell in there, which would allow us to keep an eye on everyone from here."

Clap grabbed a morning star, swung it around a bit, then shrugged and tossed it back on the pile. A sudden sense of danger skittered across Obsidian's brain when the pegasus grabbed the weapon... but luckily, it took her only a few swings to realize that it wasn't a weapon for ponies that weren't already good with it - and at least this time she didn't cause any additional damage. Whew.

Meanwhile, Gypsy's tail began to wag rapidly. "H-here! There's a section h-h-here about something referred to as the 'Darkheart', and it says that the only remaining pieces of it were gathered by King Sombra at the height of his reign; they were fashioned into am-m-m-mulets, and bestowed with the power to counter each other - and only the one with more power would b-be victorious. This one believes th-that we c-c-can work to build the L-L-Light up, as soon as we f-f-find out how to."

Mica stood up. "Okay, I have the spell, now Obsidian, you just have... to... cast... it. Manure!" He looked at her.
"Have you tried your magic lately?"

Hm, to gather more light... but, why would a Darkheart be able to gather energy that countered its' true power? After all, it was called 'Darkheart', not 'Dark & Lightheart' or something of the sort. Too bad that she personally filled Onyx's amulet with so much power that she was able to control army of undead monstrosities - she hoped it was a strain on Onyx's abilities anyway, giving her at least a rotten headache.

"In fact, I have not." She tried to focus on something simple - like lifting a book. Maybe she'd gotten at least a little, teensy sliver of her own magic back? She had not a single clue that Onyx could so thoroughly drain her magic... and, more frightening, she was unsure if something like that even could regenerate. She concentrated, hoping for the best, dreading the worst.

The glow surrounded the book, and it lifted from the table - it felt like she was trying to move it through tar, but it began to lift all the same. However, that wasn't as significant as the detail she noticed the most: the glow was blue; the same blue as the pendant she was wearing.

Thunderclap lifted an eyebrow. "Siddy, uh... that doesn't look like the same stuff you used last time I saw it. You okay?"

"No, not really," she replied with a slight sigh, "my Dark Magic has been completely drained, but I've got this necklace. I will risk saying that, for the time being, I am completely dependent on it." It seemed that the stored power was... meager, to put it mildly.

Just how could she get more magic, love and so forth? Propose marriage to Cupcake?

"Unfortunately, it is quite weak, at the moment; I can barely move this simple book. I'm fairly certain I wouldn't even be able to write with it, let alone fight," she rubbed her temple.

Friendship, love, affection... and she was but a rank amateur in light of it! She had sworn these concepts were utterly useless, the day before yesterday! She had trained all her life to use the powers that she was intent to counter now; how in Tartarus did she get herself in such a mess?

"Maybe I could get some power from Cupcake's family, if they love each other as much as I think they do - it should give my necklace at least a bit of light.... or maybe meet with the Element Bearers, though I would assume they're probably too busy. Gypsy, would you possibly have any ideas?"

Gypsy looked at her and thought for a moment. Then, slowly, he got up from his table, walked over to Obsidian, and once again embraced her. "This one knows what love is."

He stepped back and looked at her with kindness in his eyes. "D-do you r-re-r-remember when this o-o-o-one made for you some p-p-paper anim-m-mals? He was t-trying to make friends with y-y-you - he b-b-b-believed that you would l-like them, and you d-did."

The pendant's glow grew a bit brighter, and the diamond dog nodded at the sight of it. He looked over at the others. "It is the a-a-a-affection which she needs; p-p-p-please, give it to her."

Mica nodded, turning to her and speaking up. "Obsidian, I... I had a dream that you were split in two - one side was thoroughly good and noble, the other was vile and wicked. I debated for quite some time as to how you would turn out in the long run, and I have to say the prospect... it frightened me."

"But when you came and apologized earnestly to me, not like the back-of-the-hoof apology from McDonkey's... I felt that. And I realized that it was most likely that you would be a mix of both sides... but without guidance and friendship, you'd be lost before long. I didn't want to lose you, even after everything that happened." He smiled. "I'm glad I gave you that chance, Siddy; thank you for helping me see your truth."

She could now feel, not a tingling, but almost a soft pulse in her horn, and some weird sensation from it as well.

"Hokey smokes, lookit that!" Clap said, pointing at Obsidian. The others also seemed to stare at her forehead...

Mayhaps this would be enough energy - she hoped there would be more of a reaction than struggling to lift a single book. Perhaps... yet Obsidian was feeling strange, even though it was almost familiar...

When she was using her dark powers, she tended to lose herself in anger and hate, but now... now it was something completely contrary to any previous experience.

It felt nice.

"Dearest Mica, I do hope you know that I'd like to turn out to be the best and the most noble example of myself, right?" She gave a light giggle; maybe she would possibly have time to sit down and try to understand everything that had happened to her since her rescue from the Crystal Empire...

As soon as they put Onyx down.

"... wait, what's happening with my horn?" She crossed her eyes trying to look up, but obviously she couldn't see very much.

Mica reached over to the table, his eyes not leaving her head, and picked up Ruby's hoof mirror, holding it out to her as they all watched, transfixed.

Obsidian's heart ached at the sight of Ruby's mirror.... but still, she looked onto its' surface to look at herself.

Reflected back at her, she now saw what they were staring at - her horn, curved and red since as far back as she could recall, was now radiating a soft blue glow... and, right in front of all of them, it was straightening... slowly but unmistakably straightening out. She felt the tingling and the pulsing, and as she watched, it looked as though other indicators were also active, as a pure white mist began to seep ever-so-slightly from her eyes.

"... I've never seen anything like this before in my entire life..." Mica said, sounding shocked and amazed at what he was witnessing before him.

She quickly turned away from the mirror, hoping that somewhere there she could fine some fine brain bleach. Solid objects, like bones or horns, weren't supposed to move that way! Obsidian paled a bit, trying not to think about it too hard.

How was it possible... and why didn't it hurt?

"I... assume it's a good sign, then," she said in a reserved voice. At least the mist was quite familiar - though she was far more used to it being the standard purple color. "So... shall we continue? I'm really glad you've accepted my apologies, Mica - I'm well aware that being my friend is not safe, so I didn't want to force you into liking me, but I really, really didn't want you to think that I consider any one of you beneath me."

Wart stepped over towards her and stared at her horn for a bit... then spoke, in a soft, gentle voice that was very unlike her usual tone. "All my life, I only wanted to protect others. Even as a young filly, I had a want to stand up and shield those who I knew were important. Because they needed to be safe, so those under their rule would be taken care of."

"When I heard you insisting on being called 'princess', I hoped beyond hope that you would, in your infinite mercy, allow me to do for you what everyone else would not allow me to do. I desperately desired to be able to protect someone royal, no matter whom it was." Now, her smile broke through... and it was so very sweet.

"And you did. You allowed me the opportunity to put my hard-won skills to use in your defense... and by doing so, you made my dreams come true, even if it wasn't quite in the way I'd imagined it would be."

She looked over at the Royal Guard helmet and cloak, sitting on the table. "Someday, I may even have that chance I want, I need, so badly... but until then, if all I am able to do is protect you, Obsidian... then I will consider my wishes fulfilled - because, to me, you are one of the most noble beings I have ever had the fortune and blessing to have not only known... but kept safe."

"Thank you, Obsidian... thank you so very much." She could feel it now; a swelling in her chest, a surging in her head, an undeniable strength that was starting to charge her very being.

Mica looked at her for a minute, then held out the yellow book to her. "Care to try that Monitor Spell, now?"

It was interesting, really - with her Dark Magic, sooner or later she was overwhelmed with desires to control, conquer and subjugate... even when trying to create an absolutely BEAUTIFUL dark crystal. Yet now, she didn't seem to have any issues or problems. Quite the contrary, in fact; Obsidian felt that she was in the mood to snuggle Cupcake a bit.

... she had a crush on him, okay?

"At the beginning, I was merely satisfied that somepony treated me the way I thought I should be treated... but since then, I really started to appreciate you as much as you deserve, Stalwart." It wouldn't hurt to admit it, and a bit of honesty would be appreciated.

"Yes, Mica, I think I could try it right now... in fact, I feel quite powerful. Luckily I'm used to magical influences taking a toll on me, though the type of influence here is something new." Focusing herself, she made another attempt to lift the book.

Casting a spell with Dark Magic took some finesse; the energies were warped and potentially lethal, so the caster had to keep in mind each and every aspect of what could go wrong with it. There were potentials for mutilation, illness or even straight-out death for some spells, so a Dark Magic user had to pay the closest bit of attention to every single little possibility, hence the need for so much training.

But when Obsidian cast the Monitor Spell, it just... happened. No peril, no malevolent energies, no malice or anger, not even discomfort... it just happened.

Bubbles issued forth from her horn - five of them - and slowly grew in size until they were as big as globes. Each one seemed to focus on a different individual; she could see herself through Mica's, Wart's, Gypsy's and Clap's eyes, all at once, and-

Wait... was that her?

Obsidian, in each of the globes, looked more like Professor Fluttershy than she did her old self; her mane was long and lovely, her coat seemed to be lighter, and her body itself no longer looked ravaged by hunger with ribs countable... she looked almost like a different pony, though she was most certainly herself.

Ruby had been right; Onyx's amulet had drained all of the darkness from her... and what it left behind was quite lovely to behold. She looked healthy. She looked pretty. She looked honestly happy, which was the most amazing thing of all, and she had never thought, even for a single second, she could ever look so nice.

... and there went the look that Eloquence seemed to like so much. Hopefully Cupcake would accept it, as Obsidian was barely able to recognize herself right now. Maybe she could frown a bit, to add just a touch of the old to the new... maybe she looked fine, but why she had to endure so much change that even her old appearance was no longer a part of her? How much of the original Obsidian would be left at the end of this battle?

If her scars dissapeared as well, she was going to be annoyed.

"Well, the good news is, I can use magic once again," Just at the cost of everything she had, from her sister to her dark disposition. At least she would be able to use her wonderful lance now. "Gypsy, how many books do we still have to check?"

Gypsy, staring at the orbs, shook himself out of it and looked to her. "If you w-w-wish to look through the b-book, you may; I th-think the pap-p-p-pers will be our b-b-best b-bet. I shall look th-through th-th-them now, i-if you wish?"

The orbs above her all showed what was happening with each of her friends... including Cupcake, who wasn't here. In this orb, she saw what looked like a sweets shop of some sort, windows blocked and doors sealed shut against... oh... sweet...

Each one looked as though it had only roughly been referred to as a 'pony', as there was very little about it that was pony-like. Long legs that ended in hooves with flexing, menacing claws... tails that were more akin to a scorpion, wicked barbs extending from rotten-looking strands coming from their rear... flesh that was closer to wet parchment than actual skin or fur... manes that were wet and greasy-looking, dripping with ichor... and mouths with large hinges, filled with shark-like teeth... and the eyes... the eyes...

There WERE no eyeballs in their rotten black sockets... just tiny marbles of red light which all glowed with malevolence. And there wasn't just a small basketful, nor a busload, nor even a houseful...

There were thousands of them.

In the distance, there was obvious action as flashes of magic went off over and over again... but surrounding the shop, there was nothing but a veritable ocean of Umbrals.

In a completely different set of circumstances, Obsidian wouldn't even bat an eyelid over such as these creatures. Bah, she should admire them - they looked like monsters out of a pony's worst nightmares, terrible machines of nightmarish warfare that could be used to spread terror and destruction, under the command of a capable warlock (say, for instance, herself). The mere sight of them would make most of her enemies tremble, and she would bet that they could rip limb from limb of any creature stupid enough to stand against them. And this glow in their eyes - it reminded her of her childhood!

Ah, for the older days... when everything was simpler and her biggest worry was being rightfully punished by her wise father. And, though stolen from her, it had been HER magic that brought them back to life! She was just THAT powerful!

Unfortunately for her, these creatures were under control of her cruel and blighted sister. Even worse, they were threatening ponies that were important to Obsidian herself... which made admiring them a bit more challenging, regardless of how they made her feel.

Her magic glowing brightly, she took the lance from the stack of weapons, carefully checking to see if she could use it without problems with her new magic. She had to help Cupcake and his family... she had to DESTROY EVERY SINGLE CREATURE THAT COULD THREAT-

...ah, yes, and she had to do it without the Dark Magic that she'd been using for most of her life.

"These creatures do not appear to be too friendly... and I don't think that a simple sweet shop will hold them off for very long. I suppose I shall witness first-hoof if this much-lauded Light Magic is worth anything. Gypsy, keep looking through papers; as soon as I return, I'd like to hear about everything you've learned."

She'd be damned if she would allow her pathetic sister do even more damage.

Author's Note:

Building up a bit of drama and character development is important to me; cookie-cutter characers are fine to begin with, but every character worth their words eventually evolves and changes a bit as things progress. It's a common part of real life, and a story should be no exception, in my humble opinion.

Crush FINALLY admitted; hope you're happy out there, you romanti-philes. };)

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