• Published 5th Jan 2020
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Obsidian: Daughter of Sombra - Randimaxis

Discovered after a thousand years, Obsidian awakens to a world she knows nothing of and has to learn the magic of friendship - will she be changed by Equestria? Or follow in her father's footsteps to change Equestria instead?

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Forty: Sombra

The alarming dissonance in Onyx's behaviour was striking - just a moment ago, she was screaming madly about Obsidian's incoming cruel punishment and was treating their other two siblings like dirt... and yet, she was now speaking as if they would all join him; in all honesty, she would have saved herself a LOT of trouble if she would have behaved that way since the beginning, and wouldn't have given Obsidian all the reasons she accumulated to dislike her - from Ruby's fate to trapping her in the Nightmare Spell.

Obsidian really had no idea if she would even want to continue fighting if Onyx would simply apologize for using her and show her even the smallest sign of gratitude for helping... unknowingly or not. It would surely also help if the eldest of Sombra's spawns wouldn't threaten to eat or wear all of Siddy's friends! Luckily, Obsidian never had an opportunity to test her real allegiances and whether she would choose her friends over her family...

But right now it didn't matter - they had lost.

Completely and utterly lost, and no matter how much Obsidian was getting desperate, angry, furious or just plain frustrated that Onyx won ONCE AGAIN, she could - at best - hope that her older sister would retain that good mood for a long time...

Sadly, that good mood had only lasted until her rather messy and explosive end; at least she died happy.

Meanwhile her poor, surviving sibling was left seriously traumatized by that unexpected turn of events. Obsidian had expected a number of possible things - that their Father would use Onyx's body as his own, that the remnants of the Dark Crystal destroyed by Jynx would form a new body for him... Tartarus, she wouldn't have been too surprised if Tourmaline, maybe Amethyst (though she was rather heavily wounded) or even Obsidian herself would suddenly find their minds completely suppressed by their parent.

She most certainly didn't expect such a gruesome end of Onyx's life, especially in her finest hour!

Obsidian started to feverishly clean herself of her sister's remains - though she stopped when she heard the VOICE. It seemed that they had all woken up from one nightmare into yet another one. This one, however, was quite real; would her father even recognize her? She looked a bit different than she used to, courtesy of the amulet of Light. However, this could turn out in her favour - after all, she was sculpted to look like a pony her most honourable father once knew...

Obsidian did the very first thing that instincts told her - she bowed.

The mighty monarch's eyes swept the entire area, and eventually focused on Obsidian and her friends. He stared for only a moment before he spoke again.

"Chains," was all he said, and his horn gave off an eerie purple glow. From the ground erupted manacles and chains that instantly locked around the necks and limbs of her five companions, and they were all jerked to the floor, all forced to bow before him as Obsidian was doing of her own accord.

She heard Clap and Wart struggling to pull themselves up, but to no avail. Gypsy began to whimper softly. Mica was silent, staring at Sombra intensely. Cupcake's eyes were wide, and he also stared... but not at Sombra. He was staring at Obsidian, the question in his eyes being 'will you let this happen?'

Now, with the interlopers captured, the tyrant finally turned to look at her, his gaze being heavier and more powerful than she had even remembered. "You. You are the one named Obsidian." He looked around, then returned his eyes to her. "Explain this situation we have returned into."

Truthfully, her friends really should stop struggling so much; it wasn't as though Onyx was more, uhm... 'defeatable'; as far as Obsidian was concerned, her Father was the most powerful pony in the known world. There was little point in resisting in such an undignified way. Would it hurt their pride so much to bow, as she had? At least he had recognized her in an instant.

"Most of my siblings are lost, my most honourable Father; Tourmaline, Amethyst and myself are the only known ones to have survived. The current leadership of Equestria has apparently been soundly defeated by Onyx, but their whereabouts are unknown to me. She also raised an army of undead Umbrals for you."

She stopped for a moment. "I've been fighting with her, but I could only prolong the battle, at best. Was... w-was her death an expected outcome, my most honourable Father?" She dared to question him and his actions - what a fool she was!

He strode forward, his eyes rolling over her friends as she spoke, seeming to take them in and judge them silently. Why did that make her feel... tight inside? When she was done speaking, he looked back at her. "Of course; tools are made to be expendable; it matters not which one performed the act - the outcome was to be the same."

He stopped at the diamond dog, staring. "These... Equestrians..." He said it as if it were a distasteful word. "Why are they here? What purpose are these, that they are not with the rest of our slaves already?"

Ah, so she was just a tool to him - that was good to know. When Onyx had been insinuating that, Obsidian had been furious - they were supposed to be siblings... maybe not so much as equals, but at least they should have shared a similar position. However, King Sombra had made them himself; it was his right to use them as he pleased, was it not?

So... why Obsidian was starting to feel it was wrong of him to say such? It would mean that he killed Onyx only for his own gains... killing a real, sentient pony merely to restore himself. And it was just blind luck that Obsidian wasn't in her situation. Maybe he created them, but... how much power over them all did it actually give him?

It was a heretical thought - her father was supposed to be perfect - thus, his choices and ideas were supposed to be perfect as well. "They are with me; they are my friends, my most honourable Father."

His head swiveled to face her, quick as lightning.

"NEVER use that word! NEVER! Friendship is a word of Equestria - a word of those who DETHRONED us! A word-"

He stared at Obsidian c-l-o-s-e-l-y for a moment... then frowned. "A word that YOUR appearance brings forward. But we do not want this word used... EVER... in our presence. Friends are NOT to be tolerated; they shall be slaves, and nothing more... as they SHOULD be."

With that, his horn began to glow again, and green eldrich fire began to roll up from the ground through the chains. When that fire reached her friends, they all screamed in agony.

"They will be conditioned. They will OBEY," he spoke grimly.

Their screams grated on her ears, and felt as though they were tearing at her heart.

"They will be worthy slaves, and you will put them to work for us. We now assume control of ALL we survey here, and we care not for the supposed welfare of anything we own - including YOU - to speak of any form or sort of 'friendship' they may be under the delusion that they possess."

As she watched, the eyes of her friends began to take on the same greenish glow that their chains were putting off. Along with this, Obsidian could feel another tingle in her... but this tingle was not nice or empowering; it hurt. It hurt horribly, as if every single terrible thing she'd experienced previously was mere peanuts compared to what was happening right in front of her.

Clap's eyes suddenly flashed green... and she stopped struggling. Slowly, she lowered herself to the floor, bowing deeply and staying stock still. Like a good and proper slave... and completely unlike Thunderclap Dash.

And with that occurrence, something inside Obsidian howled in helpless anger.

He seemed somewhat more lenient than Obsidian remembered him to be... but maybe it was because her most prominent memories were about her lessons - and, by Darkness, King Sombra expressed such hatred with any failings while teaching her magic. However, by modern standards, even a more lenient King Sombra was still somewhat tyrannical...

And he was hurting her friends. Her friends! They weren't tools or slaves, and it would be a waste to use them in that manner!

"... a-and then what will happen, Father? Equestria is yours - and I assume that the Crystal Empire will be next to witness your return, correct? What then shall be next? What is your ultimate goal?"

"EVERYTHING," he growled, "is our goal! Our new kingdom shall span as far as exists! It shall ALL be under our hoof, to crush and use as we please..." He swept a hoof out, indicating everything around him. "And we SHALL crush a number of them - as they believe we are no threat to them! There shall be examples to be made, yesssssss... and once it all comes into our control, we shall be known as MASTER to one and all, and we shall rule however we wish to."

At this point, there was another flash from behind them, and now Gypsy Rover's eyes began to glow as the diamond dog slowly bowed and acquiesced to Sombra's control. Two down, three to go.

"You... seem to have many questions," he frowned. "Are you so ignorant of our rule, or... do you DARE to have something other than our complete control on your mind?" Her head told her to be wary of how she answered him, even as her heart wanted to scream at him to stop hurting her friends.

Just... the utter conquest of everything? Conquest for the sake of conquest? No further goals but complete control over the entire world? It was hardly a worthy ending - there had to be something else... something more worthy of her most hon-... of her Father. After all, merely ruling over everything in sight with no other goals would just be a terrible headache.

"You've crafted me as a sentient creature, my most... honourable... Father, so I'm doing my best to observe, learn and understand - in this particular case, I am merely hoping to understand what wisdom lies behind your motives and your life."

Poor, poor Gypsy.

A bolt of energy lashed out of his horn, red as blood, and slashed across her barrel leaving no mark, but causing her searing pain. "You are a TOOL, and nothing more! You are not supposed to UNDERSTAND - merely OBEY. And we now charge you to OBEY us, and cease your questions - they serve no purpose, and we do not CARE if a tool understands its' place!"

He glowered at her a moment, then turned back to look at her (remaining) friends. "When we control ALL, there will no longer BE any questions... only OBEDIENCE from our SLAVES, our PROPERTY, our RIGHTFUL tools!"

As if to illustrate the point, a flash went off in Mica's eyes, and he slowly lowered himself into a bowing position, no longer fighting against control.

"Lady Obsidian!!!!" Wart cried out in pure agony.

Sombra turned to look at the tiny mare. "And what is this? This slave refers to you as royalty? Why? You were NEVER royalty - ONLY OUR TOOL. As you should be. This one is obviously deluded, or you have lied well."

His horn glowed brighter, and Wart let out a scream of pure pain. "It matters not. This slave's mind will be broken, and they will join the rest."

Cupcake's stare never wavered; he kept looking at Obsidian, as if waiting for her to stand up for them, to rescue them... even if he thought it impossible, he still seemed to have faith that she would stand up to her father. Was he mistaken?

Being told by your Father that you are just a tool, twice in a row, followed by a rather painful punishment was not a nice experience - especially considering that Obsidian, in a rather twisted way, had honestly loved him, and was craving his recognition and appreciation.

However, everything she had learned during few past days was clashing with the entire life she had experienced before. And no matter how much she was thinking about it, everything that her father was saying just seemed wrong - and his actions were even louder than his words.

Could a perfect being be mistaken? Could Obsidian get angry enough to stand against her Father, especially as it seemed that she had nothing to lose but her own chains?

Considering that she powered up her horn to slash at the chains holding her friends, the answer was, surprisingly, 'yes'.

She tried to cast a shield as well - her powers were obviously on a completely different level than her Father's... but she would like to at least enjoy her righteous anger for a moment.

"NOW I understand, dear Father; your reasons are so petty that I shouldn't even bother trying to learn them! Did you treat Radiant Hope in this manner as well? It must have been a very moving friendship..."

He'd killed her sibling. He'd hurt her friends. And it was WRONG.

If surprise was water, Sombra would have been soaked clean to the bone; he gawked as she slashed at the chains...

... and they shattered like glass under a lance of Dark and Light energy!

But he wasn't taken aback for long, oh no... The glow from his eyes and horn doubled and REdoubled again, and he hovered into the air, surrounded by violent Dark Magic. "YOU DARE!? You are our TOOL... and YOU DARE!?"

A ball of pure, black hate formed over his head, and he pointed a single hoof at Obsidian. The orb streaked forward and connected with her shield. The shield tore apart, but she'd been protected. However, it was all she could muster; she couldn't block another shot like that one - it was too powerful to withstand a second assault.

"Then we suppose YOU must learn your folly as well, tool! Allow us to SHOW you what you MEAN to US!!!"

A second blast came much too quickly for her to form even the smallest of shields... but, as it turned out, she didn't have to; Cupcake had leapt up, and thrust his party cannon right into the line of fire, between the two of them.

The blast slammed into the cannon's barrel... and blew it to pieces.

Cupcake landed next to Obsidian, and smiled at her. "I knew you wouldn't let him win. I just knew it! He's nothing but a big ol' MEANIE... and I'm glad you finally see it."

Sombra roared in anger, but Cup didn't even cower in the slightest; he had Siddy next to him, and that was all he needed to stand bravely against the coming storm.

"Slave Lord Sombra..." came the strong and sure voice of Stalwart Stance, "thou art craven and manipulative, lending nothing more to your legacy than tyranny and shame... yet WE stand defiant against thee! There is no spell, no chain and no darkness that can stand against the light of our fellowship, and thou art a FOOL for thinking thou hath bested us. And so standing, we STRIKE at thee, and aim to send thee back to the realm of dead things, where you fully belong!" She came and stood next to Obsidian and Cupcake, looking as mighty as the warrior she was, regardless of height.

"Nothing you put forward into this world," came the voice of Mica Chip, "has proven to be of any true value - save for Obsidian, and SHE is worth far more than YOU ever were, regardless of your callous teachings and in spite of your grip of control. She knows the TRUTH of you now, and she will no longer abide it." He moved next to them, actually grinning at her as he did.

“The history you have left behind is wrought only with pain and forced obedience, and is marked only by the fear you have caused,” Gypsy Rover’s voice sounded confident and stern… and, she noticed, was also stutter-free, “and the only worthwhile thing you ever brought into existence is now FULLY aware of what you truly are… and she defies you, you wicked tyrant!”

“And y’know,” Thunderclap Dash added as she flapped over to them, hovering just over Siddy’s head, “you SUCK, Sombrero. Your goals suck, your ideals suck, your attitude sucks, and you personally have to be the suckiest flankface I’ve ever had the displeasure of meeting. You have NO idea what Siddy’s capable of now, because she doesn’t have YOU holding her back!”

The lot of them stood there, all six together, and now Obsidian felt that tingle again… but it was far more than a tingle - it was a surge of power that filled her like the light from the rising sun; power beyond even what she’d known with the amulet, with her father, with anything else she’d ever seen or experienced up to now.

And now, she knew that power’s name - it was the Power of Friendship, and it was flowing through her like water, strengthened by the fierce loyalty and love of her friends surrounding her, backing her as she made the toughest choice of her life - to stand against her Father, who she now realized was far from honourable.

Have at you, vile fiend!” Wart growled.

Sombra howled in rage, and a MASSIVE blast of dark energy shot forth from him, as big around as a full-grown dragon! As she hastily cast up another shield, the blast surged forward, intent on turning the lot of them to cinders…

Yet Obsidian’s new shield not only held it at bay… but the shot felt as weak as a simple gust of wind!

Truth to be told, Obsidian was surprised that her previous shield had managed to counter that first strike at all... and she was even more surprised that she survived the second strike - the time for mourning Cup's fallen cannon would come later.

The entire situation was getting even more surprising with each passing second, as not only all her friends came to help her, not only the third blow from her father turned out to be practically harmless... but Gypsy had stopped stuttering - in the face of the greatest Dark Magic user in known history! Just how could something like that be possible?

Not that she completely agreed with everything her friends were talking about; despite everything she just heard and witnessed, she still hadn't quite passed the point where she would aim to send him back to the other side, like Stalwart said (though far more eloquently).

The feeling of power surging within her was incredible... she doubted that her Father, in his quest for domination, magic and control, had ever felt anything like that!

"You are merely a slave to your own desires and Dark Magic, dearest Father of mine. You tried to dominate a world ruled by Harmony using nothing but Darkness, and failed twice already - and right now, it will be my pleasure to grant you your third loss! All you saw was a reflection of the stars in a pond, and thought they were real - but it's just your own foolish blindess."

Yes, she could be sophisticated as Tartarus too, if she wanted - and this particular moment was a perfect opportunity for that... especially as her shield was protecting her from any possible side-effects of badmouthing him.

She shortly nodded towards Tourmaline and Amethyst, casting a healing spell on them as they lay there stunned, their wounds beginning to heal and close.

"I WILL open your eyes, dear Father! I will force you to acknowledge us, I shall make you remember Radiant Hope..."

She actually smirked. "And when I beat you, I can get all your titles and belongings as the rightful heir, right?" Yes, even a touch of humour at this moment felt right.

"Well, my dear father... FRIENDSHIP IS MAGIC." Her horn flashed - but she didn't have to kill him; after all, she knew a spell that would do just the trick nicely.

The glow that came from around her only cemented the fact of her own friendships being her power source, as each of her friends' cutie marks - and Gypsy's eyes - began to glow with magic.

"NO! It is IMPOSSIBLE! It cannot BE! You are a TOOL! NOTHING MORE!"

Tourmaline and Amethyst began to glow, and their wounds sealed up, the >Clank!< of the dagger falling from Amethyst's back being the true indicator of the healing effect. The two of them sat up and, the current scene becoming evident to them, both stared dumbfoundedly at the sight.


"Yes," said Mica.
"Yeah," said Clap.
"Eeyup!" said Cup.
"Of course," said Gypsy.
"Indeed," said Wart.

Obsidian's spell went off.

The effect was immediate, as twin beams of Light and Dark fired out from Obsidian's horn and enveloped the Slave King, whirling about his form as she watched his magics all being shut down; his eyes stopped misting, his horn's glow subsided, and he fell to the ground, unsupported by his magic.

The final sign was clear, as the whirlwind of Light and Dark energy coalesced onto his horn and, before her very eyes, turned it a solid black color. She could no longer feel even the slightest iota of magic from him.

And just like that, King Sombra was defeated, his magic sealed, his tyranny at an end at long last.

He staggered a bit where he stood. "... you... this... kill you... you... you cannot..."

Clap laughed. "I think she just did."

With that, Sombra pitched forward and passed out, hitting the ground like a sack of potatoes - out cold.

Now how was she supposed to be able to brag about her victory when he was unconscious? She couldn't! She'd have to wake him up and then force him to listen to her rant that she was better than him! After all, it took her only three days (and the personal Tartarus that Onyx had put her through) to best him, and his mastery of only Dark Magic had rendered him basically useless in the face of an opponent that could counter it... but no, he just HAD to pass out!

He had no idea how lucky he was.

"Well, my friends... I think that was possibly the worst family reunion ever - especially considering that we are still covered in Onyx's remains."

She thought for a moment. "Either her grave will have to be empty, or there will be a lot of very careful scrubbing involved. I still can't believe how smoothly you were speaking at the end, Gypsy! I hope you keep it up!"

Poor Onyx. To die in her moment of triumph... of course, Obsidian had been doing her best to rob her of that triumph - and had she succeeded, her sister might be still alive.

She looked around; there would be plenty of work to repair Ponyville, it seemed.

"We have to locate and gather the rest of ponies, and put my dear Father in a cell or something..." There was also the chance they'd need a cell for Tourmaline and Amethyst as well... though it was more probable for her sister - she didn't seem to show even a hint of remorse for her actions earlier, after all.

There was also the case of Jynx and her father... and was the magic of friendship able to resurrect dead ponies? Butter Churn was probably still quite upset about her mother's demise.

There were also still Umbrals hanging around; she could possibly learn how to control them, but did she truly want to? They turned out to be rather lousy soldiers, considering that a bunch of teenagers was able to wreck their army and force their way out and into the village... and just how in Tartarus were Obsidian and the gang still able to stand? It had been quite a while since they had rested or ate properly...

"But first... perhaps it would be time for a well-earned group victory hug?"

She was suddenly covered in her friends, all hugging her and laughing, crying, or both.

"Siddy, you were AMAZING! When you did the BOOM, and then the WHAMMO, followed by the BA-DINGGG! It was all, like, WOWEE! Family reunion or not, you were the belle of the ball, so to speak! YOWZA!" Cupcake was animated as he described her actions with sound effects rather than words.

"And that surprised you, Cuppers? Heh, it didn't surprise me, not for a minute - that's our Siddy!" Clap gave a grand laugh and then gave Obsidian a hearty pat on her back.

"This one... thanks you, Obsidian. You're our friend, and you've proven it beyond all d-doubt. We love you - all of us." Gypsy blushed, but meant every word he'd said.

"I admit," Mica began, "I wondered if this would be the point where you turned... but I'll say I was glad to see that you didn't. And somewhere inside, I think I knew you'd stay by us all along. Thank you for proving my earlier suspicions wrong." Mica wiped away a single tear, his face now more expressive than she'd ever seen it before.

"Lady Obsidian," Wart declared in her strong manner, "we are all greater for having you in our lives, as I hope we enrich your own. I have never served a royal more regal, more honourable than yourself. I salute you... my friend."

"Hey," Clap joked, "our friend, y'little dynamo!"

That's when Obsidian noticed three things:

The army of Umbrals were simply standing there, unmoving... looking at Obsidian. Every last one.

Amethyst and Tourmaline were looking at each other as if they were trying to decide to continue to attempt to kill one another or not.

And, one by one, the sound of slave helmets snapping in half repeated over and over again, echoing throughout all of Ponyville. Following this, a number of ponies (and other races) began to slowly issue from City Hall, all looking around curiously.

Obsidian pointed her hoof at Amethyst and Tourmaline. "If you so much as even TRY to kill each other, or anypony else, I'll do everything I can to turn your lives into a Tartarus of friendship, so much so that you will start each day with a song about how the whole world is beautiful, and you hold nothing but love for everyone," she threatened them, though with a rather tired voice.

Her two siblings both went wide-eyed at her threat, and they immediately scooted back from each other and rose to their hooves, pointedly looking at anything but Obsidian, obviously embarrassed at being put in their place... but not arguing one whit.

"And I love you too, guys; rest assured, Mica - I was very concerned about your well-being... I just hoped I could at least try to talk my dear Father into something less... you know, magical and deadly. Especially as apparently I look just like his only true friend."

No matter how much she thought about it, being crafted to look almost exactly like a dead mare sounded creepy to her... in fact, was Hope dead? Maybe she was still living in the Crystal Empire somewhere...

Obsidian looked at the Umbrals, unsure of what to do with them. "Drop dead, please," she asked them nicely as she started to power-up her anti-undead spell, just in case.

As soon as she spoke her command, every last one of them simply crumpled where they stood, becoming piles of dead flesh and muck. Ew. But at least they were no longer a threat... though maybe she should have asked them to return to the black waters and drop dead. Well, what's done was done, and they were no longer a threat.

Her friends all stared at the lot of the undead horde dropping like flies. "Uh, Sids?" Clap spoke up. "You... did that?"

"Are you all alright?" Twilight Sparkle, cut and bruised, but alive, made her way over to the lot of them, looking them over. "How... how? What happened?"

Cupcake smiled. "Friendship happened, DUH!"

"I... I didn't know they would listen! I wanted to turn them into dust, just like I did before..." Obsidian was somewhat embarrassed by this small accident. She didn't want to cast that spell without being at least a little bit snarky, but it seemed that she didn't have to tire her horn any further.

"Good evening, princess. Onyx won and brought back our father - who is right here," she pointed a hoof to the unconscious form of the former king. "We've friendshipped the Tartarus out of him and took away his magic; I suppose it means I am his main heir now... unless my erstwhile siblings would like to contest that?"

Let's be fair - Obsidian liked her appearance as an avatar of Light, or as an alicorn with her own version of her Father's banner. Maybe her claim was pointless, as her father didn't really have anything interesting to inherit from him... but she'd have some PRIDE about it!

Tourmaline and Amethyst actively didn't protest diddly-squat; they were making sure they didn't anger their sister at all.

Twilight Sparkle looked at the unconscious form of Sombra on the ground, then back up at Obsidian and her friends... and smiled. "Obsidian, you have saved all of Equestria from an insidious threat that could have spelled the end of us all. As far as I am concerned, you are a full-fledged citizen of Equestria, and are eligible for all the rights that includes. Even if you don't make a home here, you're always welcome as one of us."

"Now," she turned, looking about, "we have messes to clean up, homes to fix, and..." she swallowed back a lump in her throat, "funerals to arrange. It is time to rebuild, and personally, I would like for everyone to be a part of it."

She turned her smile on the young mare. "Especially you, Obsidian. And, if it's okay with you, I'd like to ask you about and study your Grey Magic; there hasn't been the like of anything in modern Equestrian history about it - and I'd like to add your knowledge to our Royal Library," she smiled, "and the position of Royal Librarian, by the way, has very recently become available, in case you're interested?"

So there probably wasn't some magical, friendship-y way to bring back the dead... Butter wouldn't be happy. Obsidian herself certainly wasn't happy about Ruby, though the shock was somewhat softened by the fact that she had barely known her, and spent far more time with her after her demise.

Too bad that the Light amulet was destroyed; it was the last remains of Ruby's will, after all. Her mirror surely stopped storing her darker personality as well, considering the amounts of energy she used.

"I... I think I am interested, princess - at least as long as it won't collide with my studying." It felt somewhat surreal, to be surrounded by a decaying mass of Umbrals, to have her defeated father nearby and to talk about studies and work...

Cupcake suddenly popped up in front of her and kissed her solidly, right on the lips! "I get the feeling," he grinned, "that things are gonna be okay; maybe not the best, hopefully not the worst... but okay."

"And that is... okay?" Wart questioned.

"It's fine and dandy!" Clap laughed.

"Absolutely." Mica grinned.

"G-good to hear it." Gypsy added.

Author's Note:

And so, our heroes - who have been through Hell and high water - have finally reached the victory circle, and the magic of Friendship has won out in the end. It was quite a wild ride, but to watch the ending unfold was one of the best parts of the whole story, for me. Wungiel and I spent the better part of two years with this roleplay, and when it got to this point, I was in tears to see it end. I suspect he was probably thrilled as well... but I'M a big softie; his reaction was simply to be glad it all worked out so well.

And so, Obsidian, who started out as nothing more than a TOOL, has come all the way through to become quite a mare, in the end - and one surrounded by dear and cherished friends. Quite a long way from that first meal together, eh? Character development is important to me, and seeing it unfold before my very eyes was one of the things that led me to LOVE this story. I hope there's at least one or two of you dear readers who enjoyed it as well. Excelsior to you, friends and followers - I shared this so we could all enjoy the story together; you for the first time, and myself for reliving the tale.

But wait... are we done yet? Nope - epilogues are still a thing nowadays, right? Well, there's one of those coming up anyway; I hope you tune back in for it, because it was something I really enjoyed writing out for Wungiel and myself... it added the perfect capper to the tale of Obsidian: Daughter of Sombra. See you there!

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