• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,246 Views, 198 Comments

Child of Two Worlds - Silent Wing

After discovering the Mirror nerhegeb and accidently activating one of his hidden features, Draco Malfoy ends up in Equestria..

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08 Meeting the second sun

At first, I had been excited that mommy thought I was old enough to do some assignments on my own, but as I learned that this entailed a long and boring day spent at the library, I calmed down visibly.

True, I know that it’s important to understand our own history, but what the buck could possibly be so important about the last Equestrian-Minotaur war 350 years ago that I have to study it? I just don’t see any use in information like this. Still, mommy gave me this task and I don’t plan to disappoint her.

It’s with a distinct lack of enthusiasm that I enter the Royal Library, only for my eyes to go wide in shock at the sheer size of it. A low whimper escapes my lips when I remember how a servant once told me that the public part is almost a quarter of the Castle's size, making my task seem impossible to me.

“Are you alright, your highness?”

“No, how shall I find anything in this labyrinth?” I reply annoyed, seeing my chances to get done with my assignment in time dwindling. Even if there was currently a pony at the reception, it would be useless to me, since I am not allowed to ask for help in any way.

Aimlessly, I wander around for a bit until I find something useful. A plan of the library that shows all of the five floors, giving a short indication of where I have to go. My bit of hope that I may still get done in time gets crushed when I discover that one entire floor is dedicated to equestrian military history and another one for foreign relations. Since both of these could apply to the topic I have to research, it reduces my search area down to “only” 40% of this place.

I think for a moment about where to go first, before I decide to head up to the department for equestrian military history on the third floor, hoping that there would be something that tells me something about the curse of the war. Normally I would have looked for the reasons and consequences of the war first, but with the upcoming visit of a Minotaur delegation, there is a high possibility that one of the descendants of important commanders is part of the delegation. It never hurts to know something of a creature's background.

Seeing that the stairs are a fair distance away and that there are small balconies on every floor giving great views on the entrance area, I decide to take a shortcut and fly straight up to one of the balconies.

“Did he just?” One of the Guards asks the other, unwilling to believe what he just saw, shortly after the young prince landed on the third floor.

“That’s it, I am going to learn to teleport!” The other Guard replies upset that this isn’t the first time the young prince left them behind.

“Good luck with that, but for now you are stuck running with me.” His earth pony companion responds before taking off into a mad gallop, quickly followed by the other Guard.

After around ten minutes of walking through multiple corridors, I finally found what I had been looking for, an entire section dedicated to the era in question. What looked promising in the first place, changed to desperation once I realize just how large this section is. Nonetheless I start my work, unwilling to waste any more time by whining about how impossible it seems.

Time passes quickly for me, but the progress in my studies is slow and barely visible. At one point I just plop down to the ground and rest my head on another book that looked promising at first, but turned out to be nothing more than another disappointment.

I question if I should just give up for now or just grab the next book from the pile I carefully selected earlier when I hear the sound of approaching hoofsteps. “Can I help you?” A kind voice asks me at the very same moment I decided to take a short nap.

I open my eyes and turn my head around in slow motion, hopefully making it clear that I am not all too happy about this disturbance before I inspect the young mare in front of me. Her coat is a brilliant amber and so are the stripes in the vivid crimson mane and tail of hers, and a horn rests directly above her beautiful eyes.

“You can’t, I am not allowed to ask for help from anypony.” I reply unhappily, once I can form coherent thoughts again, having completely been lost in the beauty of the mare in front of me.

“But you didn’t. I am offering you my help and that’s completely different.” She replies with a cheeky grin. Both of us are fully aware that it still means that I would get help, even if I am not supposed to, but seeing that it is often the small details that make the biggest difference, I decide to take her up on her offer

In short, I explain what I am searching for to the mare who introduced herself as Sunset Shimmer before we go to work. My enthusiasm returns a short while later when we discover that the books I picked actually aren’t that bad and one of them indeed contains the information I had been looking for.

While she is strict and extremely focused on our work, she does prove to be a great help and over the course of the next hour, I make good progress. “Hey Silver, can you please get us some hot chocolate?” I ask one of my two Guards, which are still a bit miffed about my “escape” earlier, but nonetheless he does as requested.

"What?" I ask Sunset as I see the look of utter disbelief on her face, not having any idea about the cause in the slightest.

“Why did you do that?”

“Do what?” I ask in confusion, having no idea what she could mean.

“Being nice to your servants. Why ask them to do something if you could just order them around?” She clarifies to me, not sounding like the kind mare I spent the last hour with anymore, but more like the emotionless monster from my dreams.

I push that to the back of my mind, trying not to think about it but this is easier said than done. "First off, Corporal Silver Shield isn't a servant, he is a Royal Guard and so much more!" I reply upset that anypony could ever think like this about one of the few ponies that had been there for me since the very beginning.

“And second, why should I be rude to others if they don’t give me a good reason?” I ask annoyed, still not understanding her point, and wondering why she thinks like that. Too tired to deal with her anymore, I just get up from the cold ground and leave the corridor I had spent so many hours in and walk into the direction Silver went. Definitely having had enough from this mare for today. “Is she always like that, Star?”

“You mean Sunset Shimmer?” He replies surprised, having not expected me to talk for a while, as usual when something upsets me. “Sadly, yes. I am honestly surprised that she could keep that act up for that long.” He pauses to arrange his thoughts, once I confirmed to him, that I want to know more about that mare.

“I honestly don’t know why your mother decided to take her in as her student. True, she has very powerful magic, but besides that? I honestly don’t know.”

Star said this as we reach one of the small balconies overlooking the entrance hall, in which small reading areas are arranged, and I lay down on one of the comfortable cushions placed around a small coffee table.

“Thanks, you two.” I say to both of them once Silver finds us carrying a plate with three mugs of hot chocolate on his back. I place the scroll I had been reviewing on the pile of books and other things Star brought along, before grabbing one of the mugs with my hooves.

True, I could have used my magic to do the same, but I don’t have that much fine control over my magic yet, and I really don’t want to spill an entire mug of hot chocolate over me again. That wasn’t a pleasant experience and I am in no hurry to repeat it.

We talk for a bit more about her and how others think about Sunset Shimmer over our drinks before I give up the hard fight against my sleepiness. I close my eyes, deciding that now would be a good time to take my long overdue nap.

“What the buck just happened?” Were the exact thoughts of Sunset Shimmer after something hit her hard and she found herself lying on her back, with something clinging to her neck.

It took her a few moments to get her bearings back under control. Once she found out that Prince Passionate Heart himself was that something clinging to her neck, her confusion only grew.

“Thank you for your help yesterday Sunny, mommy was really proud of our work.” The bundle of unrestrained energy tells her after he let go of her and they both got up, sounding extremely happy.

She tries to come up with a good reply to this, only to notice that his demeanor changes completely and he suddenly finds the tiles of the marble floor far more interesting. “And I am sorry for yesterday, I really shouldn’t have left like that.”

“It’s okay, no harm done.” She replies out of reflex, having seen others doing this countless times when somepony apologized, thinking that this would be the best course of action, even if she doesn’t understand why.

After the colt is gone she is still wondering why everything happened the way it did. She wanted to use the colt as a stepping stone to rise in Princess Celestia's goodwill, accidentally showing her true nature. However, she isn't foolish enough to think that he didn't realize it by now and so she can only wonder what the young prince is up to.