• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,246 Views, 198 Comments

Child of Two Worlds - Silent Wing

After discovering the Mirror nerhegeb and accidently activating one of his hidden features, Draco Malfoy ends up in Equestria..

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11 Just a normal day

Two wizards at the Leaky Cauldron were sitting at a table, one just laying down his copy of the Daily Prophet. He stares at the picture of a giant dragon before he looks at his companion. “Do you believe this to be true?”

Said companion lays down the spoon she just had been using to eat her soup before taking a look at the newspaper herself. “If so, I don’t think that anyone will be truly saddened by this unfortunate incident.”

“How can you say something like that about such an upstanding citizen. Just think how horrible his wife must feel. First she lost her son and now her husband.” The one to first speak up shouts back, obviously enraged by the words of Professor McGonagall.

Minerva however ignores his complaints and picks up the newspaper herself deciding to read the article that shocked the entirety of wizarding Britain once more. It reads:

Tragic incident at Gringotts

Around five thirty on Friday the seventeenth, August 1992 one of the dragons guarding the high security vaults at the goblin run bank broke free and made its way towards the rails of the minecarts used to travel between the entrance hall and the vaults.

Much to their dismay, it arrived there shortly after family Malfoy, escorted by a pair of goblin guards, arrived there. While Mister and Misses Malfoy managed to dodge the dragon's fire breath, their two guards were not so lucky.

In a bold move to protect his wife, Mister Malfoy chose to face the dragon, allowing her to escape.

An hour later a team of dragon handlers arrived and quickly subdued the beast. However it was far too late by then and the only thing they were able to find were pieces of Mister Malfoy’s cane.

The unharmed Miss Malfoy on the other hand was later found in a different part of the bank, wandering around delusional. When a team of wizards harvested the dragon for potion ingredients as wand material, they also cut open the beast’s stomach. With nothing indicating that Mister Malfoy was eaten by this foul creature, it is suspected that he died a fiery death as well.

Rita Skeeter

Professor McGonagal doesn’t believe it. There is just no way that a duellist as good as Lucius Malfoy would get caught so off guard. Neither is the proclamation that he tried to protect his wife, if the rumors about how he treated his family are to be believed.

No, the Death Eater Lucius Malfoy is still out there, probably planning his revenge against whoever arranged this.

She is more worried about the timing, is there a reason that it happened only a few days after Mister Potter faced Professor Quirrell in the catacombs below the school, or is it simply a coincidence.

Regardless what the real reason behind this is, It certainly gives her a lot to think about.

“So, what are we doing today, mom,” I ask curiously, surprised to find myself with mom, Cadence, and Sunny, all at the same time. That has never happened before.

“Sunset, You will start with teaching Cadence and Passion how to teleport. I expect to hear about the first results when we meet for lunch later. However, what we will do in the afternoon is something I’ll keep to myself for now.”

“And what are you doing until lunch,” I ask curiously, wondering what mom will do that she doesn’t want us around.

“I have to meet with Minister Bean Counter.” Already having met this pony before, I am glad that she doesn’t want us to attend as well. I can think of a lot of better things to do then being locked in the same room with him for hours, talking about finances.

“Even if I barely got to know you, I will always remember you fondly, sis,” I reply in mock sorrow when Cadence asks mom if she can join her, curious about who this pony is and what they will be talking about.

It comes to no surprise that mom agrees to this, sporting a devious grin for only a short moment. Unlike Cadence, Sunset and I notice it, fully aware of just how much of a troll mom can be, our eyes meet for a short moment. Knowing that Cadence just made a terrible mistake.

“I never thought you could be so mean to other ponies, Passion.” Sunset says with a smile once Cadence and mom have left.

“I learned from a true master,” I reply grinning wildly, already feeling sorry for Cadence. “You’ll think they will go easy on Cadence?”

“Nope,” she replies after a short pause before the two of us break out into laughter. If I'm right, mom will just sit back and watch how Bean Counter introduces her to the Equestrian tax code. At least that is how my first encounter with him went, when I made the exact same mistake. Hopefully, I won’t have my second encounter with him for a very long time. “Now, let’s go into the garden. It’s probably the best place for practice. Now what do you already know about teleporting?”

“Mom told me that it becomes harder, the further your destination is away, with the easiest being some place you can see.”

“Very good. Anything else?”

“She also mentioned that it isn’t just one spell matrix, but a multitude with the most important one being the one that ensures you aren't ending up stuck in a wall or halfway merged with another pony.” While teleporting can be very helpful, this is one of the reasons many ponies reconsider learning this spell, after taking a first look at the description in the books. The second reason being the simple lack of magical strength.

Once more, Sunset asks if I know anymore, but this time I have to deny. Still, she says that I already know more about it than most ponies. After that, she spends a whole hour informing me about further risks and dangers I wasn’t already aware of. In the second hour she teaches me spells to ensure a safe teleport before she quizzes me at the end of it. Repeating the entire lesson of the safety measures in the next hour, not satisfied with my answers.

After casting a spell that allows her to see the magical patterns I am forming in my mind on herself, she corrects me whenever I do something wrong. Only when I do this to perfection, she teaches me the actual teleportation matrix repeating the same process from earlier.

It’s almost noon when she is satisfied with the spell matrix I am forming and she allows me to use the spell to teleport two meters forward. While I am already used to being dragged along whenever mom teleports, this feels completely different. Without any bucket, potted plants, trashcans, or bushes nearby, the reminders of my breakfast soon lies in front of me again.

“That’s enough for today,” Sunset proclaims loudly once I recovered from my first teleport under my own power, but I don't agree with her.

“Please Sunset, let me try it once more.” I reply, confident in my abilities.

“No! That one time took more out of you then you realize.”

“You know that she is right,” mom’s voice comes from behind me, backing up Sunset’s argument. While I have proven Sunset wrong on more than one occasion, I don’t dare to act against mom. Not when it comes to magic, where she is much more experienced than the two of us combined.

“Still, I am proud of you. Both of you.” Mom adds with a smile, looking at me first before turning her attention on Sunset. “Now, how about we go to Hayburger for lunch and send the nobles into a frenzy.”

"What about Cadence, isn’t she joining us," I ask her once I realize that she isn't around.

"She will join us once she got something to help with her headache from Doctor Fine Suture."

"Why didn't you take care of that for her," Sunset deadpants, asking exactly what's going through my mind.

"She ran off before I got the chance to do anything for her, saying that she will be waiting for us at the gates in ten minutes."

"Shouldn't we be going then? I don't want her to wait longer than necessary after what she had to endure."

"You may be right," mom replies before the three of us walk off. Once we meet up with a very grumpy Cadence, we make our way into the city, talking about various topics, like the last Wonderbolts show, or the approaching Grand Galloping Gala for example.

“What can we do for you Princess Celestia,” the stallion behind the counter of the Hayburger asks, visibly surprised to see the entire Royal Family in front of him.

“We would like to have eight hayburgers, four extra large hayfries and four large sodas please.” It takes a moment for the realization to sink in that Princess Celestia of all ponies just ordered something from him before he rushes off to prepare everything, unwilling to let the princess wait longer than necessary.

The order is quickly taken care of and the family sits down near the window, making sure that they are seen by every passing pony. As expected, it doesn’t take long for one of the many nobles to enter the restaurant, quickly approaching them. “Princess Celestia, what are you doing at such a horrendous place?”

As if the noble pony wasn’t already shocked, mom’s reply certainly does the job. “Having my best lunch in over a century, why don’t you try some?”

“I am sorry to decline Princess but I already had lunch with my family.” The formerly red stallion responds, trying and failing to hide his disgust over the sheer thought to try such common food.

“Nonsense Lord Silver Forge, there is always room for a little snack.”

“Here, take mine;” I say before he even can protest, basically shoving him my second burger into his open muzzle. Even if I am the youngest of us four, I am still Prince and he sees himself unable to refuse this ‘gift’.

“It isn’t as bad as I expected it to be,” he judges the food before excusing himself, mumbling something about an important appointment he can’t miss. His reaction however gives me quite the idea for a massive prank.

“Hey mom, why don’t we turn my next birthday into a formal dinner with hayburgers and hayfries for the main course?” The massive grin on her face is all the confirmation I need. Only imagining the shocked faces of all those noble ponies when they find out what is served, brings pure joy to both of us.

“That’s a marvelous idea. I'll start with the preparations tomorrow. Now, how about we spend the rest of the day in this new open air bath?”

“You mean that one with the many slides,” I ask excitedly. After all, I had been planning to go there for weeks already but never had the chance to. Needless to say that the rest of the day had been tons of fun and we all were very exhausted after it.

Author's Note:

At first I planned to focus on the scene in the leaky cauldron and one magic lesson, but with me not being very good at the magic stuff, I thought it would be better to fill this with something funny, than to stretch the magic part, only making things worse in the process.