• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,245 Views, 198 Comments

Child of Two Worlds - Silent Wing

After discovering the Mirror nerhegeb and accidently activating one of his hidden features, Draco Malfoy ends up in Equestria..

  • ...

15 Still need a name for that...

New management at Hogwarts

As a consequence of recent events, Albus Dumbledore steps down as headmaster. If this is a forced move by the Board of Governors, or a decision of his own, is nothing this reporter knows.

However, fact is that in the last two years, there were many tragedies at the prestigious school, including but not limited to:

The disappearance (presumed death) of a student. (see more on page 7)
The grave injury of a student due to unknown circumstances. (see more on page 8)
The grave injury of a student due to a potion accident. (see more on page 9)
The petrification of multiple students due to an unknown attacker. (see more on page 13)
The grave injury of a professor and a yet to be named student due to unknown circumstances. (see more on page 15)

Professor Minerva McGonagall, former deputy headmistress and Head of House Gryffindor, will take over the empty position as headmaster.

It is presumed that Professor Severus Snape will take up the vacant position of deputy headmaster.

Having read enough from the old hag, I lay down my copy of the Daily Prophet, unwilling to read all those wild speculations from Miss Kimmkorn. It is just absolutely disappointing to see how much the Daily Prophet has fallen from the day this woman started writing for it.

Anyhow, I push those thoughts back into the darkest parts of my mind, and instead focus on my patients. Well patient would be more accurate since Mister Lockhart was send to St. Mungus yesterday, his injuries far above anything I could treat.

However, the case with Mister Potter is something completely different. Compared to Mister Lockhardt, he got hit with only a fraction of the spell’s power. This acted beneficial and made us able to counter the spell before it could cause any serious harm. If our calculations are correct, Mister Potter should have only lost two or three days of his memories, a week at most.

Checking the clock, I realize that the sleeping potion should wear off relatively soon, so I get up from my chair and leave for Professor Dumbledore's new office. After all, he wanted to be there when Mister Potter wakes up and I see nothing wrong with that. Maybe I should get Minerva too?

As I slowly begin to wake up, I notice a distant lack of noise. No Aunt Petunia demanding that I make breakfast. No Uncle Vernon complaining about some stuff on the TV. No Dudley taunting me. Only silence.

Did something happen to them? If yes, what does this mean for me? While there is a sliver of hope that I ended up somewhere else, that is very unlikely. Not with how bad the Dursleys always made me look to others.

It is a bit reluctantly that I open my eyes, fearful of what I will see. Unsurprisingly I am not in my cupboard but in a spacious room, furnished like one of the hospital rooms I saw in a TV show. True, I wasn't supposed to watch TV myself, but I was able to take one or two glances when the Dursleys had been distracted.

Still, it doesn't add up. There are not only too many beds, but the walls are completely different as well. Instead of those boring white walls from the TV show, the walls look more like they belong in a medieval fortress with their grey stones.

Once it settled in that the Dursleys aren't anywhere nearby, I allowed myself to relax slightly before I let go of my breath, only now realizing that I had been holding it.

A more thorough look around, much to my relief, tells me that I am alone right now. This allows me to think about how I could have ended up here, but unimportant how hard I try, my mind comes up empty.

Just as I am about to give up and close my eyes so I can get some more sleep, the door to the room opens and three people enter the room. All of them heading in my direction.

One of them I assume to be some kind of nurse, while I have no idea about the others. However, the fact that they are all headed in my direction fills me with concern. I have no idea what they could possibly want from me, but I highly doubt that they have good news for me.

"Hello Harry, it is good to see you awake again," the only male of them addresses me and I can only wonder how he knows my name. I certainly haven't met this man with his ridiculous long beard before. "How are you feeling?

"A bit tired," I reply truthfully, not seeing anything wrong with that. However, there is one thing bugging me. One thing I want to find out immediately. "Who are you guys?"

The eyes of all those three people go wide, making it obvious to me that they definitely didn't expect this question. However, the favor gets returned only moments after I asked them this. "Harry, can you please tell us the last thing you remember?"

While I am reluctant to do so, not understanding how this could be relevant in the current situation, I am curious how they will react. Also, while I ended up in trouble from this, it certainly is quite the funny story. "We were in the zoo when the glass of a terrarium vanished, Dudley fell into it, and the Boa trapped in it got set free."

"I am sorry to say this Harry, but that happened over two years ago," the old man with the silly beard replies, shocking me beyond what I thought possible, and I can only wonder just how much of an impact this will have on my life.

"My Prince, it is a pleasure to see that you finally started to dress like a proper colt." The next noblepony in line says, repeating those words for the thousandth time this evening. When the mare in question turns her focus on mom, I am able to take a glance at the seemingly endless line of ponies. Why again did I believe that attending the Grand Galloping Gala with mom was a good idea?

It takes only one or two more minutes for the mare to finish before she steps aside and allows the next pony to approach us. Or two ponies in this case. Two ponies I actually like, even if one of them can be quite harsh. At least when it comes to flying and she finds out I had been slagging in my training again. "Ah, Captain Stormy Flare, I am quite surprised to see you here. Normally you avoid gatherings like this."

"True, but my little Wonderbolt here really wanted to see the Young Prince," Stormy replies, looking down at her daughter who, unusual for her, is wearing a navy blue dress, which gives a fine contrast against her golden coat and the fiery mane. "Surprisingly," it just happens to be an exact copy of my own dress.

Upon hearing these words, the cheeks of the finely dressed filly turn a slight pink, making her look rather cute. Fully aware that I would break quite a lot of social norms, since it is supposed to be the other way around, I can't restrain myself from asking. "Would you grant me the honor of having the next dance?"

Unsurprisingly, this sends the next few ponies waiting for an audience with mom and me into quite the frenzy. Spitsy's cheeks however turn even a darker red, but this doesn't stop her from accepting my offer. "It would be a pleasure, My Prince," she replies before we make a hasty retreat, ignoring the protest of the other ponies nearby.

Once we are on the other side of the room, far away from the noisiest of ponies, we finally drop the act. "Thanks for saving me back there Spitsy. I don't know how much longer I could have managed to play the nice pony act."

"No problem, Passion. I am just happy to finally see you again."

"It was too long, wasn't it?" I replied smiling, feeling exactly the same. Once more I am unable to restrain myself, giving her a soft nuzzle, making it clear just how much I missed her. "Spitsy, do you know just how great you look?"

"Not as great as you do, Pas. That dress really suits you." And now it's my turn to blush, having not expected to hear that from her. After all, it's not exactly one of the special things I ordered, just one of the first.

"Shall we," I ask my best friend when a new song starts, who, while not exactly eager, still heads my request. To say that I am horrible at it would be an understatement and so we stop after two songs.

Now, after having made the excuse from earlier believable, I am quick to leave the ballroom, swiftly followed by Spitfire. We go out into the garden, passing many ponies as we head to the hedge maze. We walk into it and through a hidden passage before sitting down on a bench from where we can look over the entire city of Canterlot. "It's beautiful here, isn't it?"

"Yeah, how did you know of this place," Spitsy asks me in reply, "and how did I never notice it when we flew over the maze?"

"When mom showed me this place last week, she said that it is hidden by mighty illusions, when I asked her the exact same question."

The two of us sit there for quite some time, in which I did not only shuffle closer to her, but also, at some point, rested my head on her shoulder, simply enjoying each other's company. "Spitsy, why did you decide to wear a dress as well? I thought this would be far too coltish for you."

"No, it isn’t. Besides, when I learned that you will make your first public appearance since you know what happened, I thought it would make you feel better if you aren't the only pony wearing something unusual."

"You know that this is my new normal, right," I ask in reply, thankful for what she did just to make me feel better.

I know that this must also be a big blow to her reputation, ensuring that a lot of ponies assume that she is getting soft. However, I know that this isn't true, and that everypony that underestimates her will be in for a bad wake up call. No matter what others say, she is the toughest filly in all of Equestria after all.

"Yes, but unlike most ponies, I know why you are doing this," my favorite filly replies in understanding, not even once thinking that this will change anything between us. Once more, there is silence between us for several moments before she asks me something she really should know the answer to. "So, you will still join the race in Manehatten next week?"

"No," I reply much to her shock, giving her some moments to let this information sink in before continuing with a smug grin on my face. "I will win it of course."

"Keep on dreaming. We both know that you stand no chance against me."

"You know, imagination is still a form of education." (Honestly, that joke is far more funny in German, but I simply couldn't resist here.) I reply sarcastically before we both burst out laughing, having missed those little squabbles far too much.

It is with a smile that Princess Celestia watched the two foals having fun, relieved that despite everything that happened, the friendship between those two still stays strong.

Unwilling to ruin the moment, she restrains herself from approaching them, and decides to simply watch them have fun. After all, she still can bring them to bed when they have tired themselves out.

Author's Note:

Took me long enough to finally update this but my new work is cutting badly into my writing time, that combined with Clash of Clans and a short vacation doesn't leave much time. Hope I will be able to update more often soon, but, no promises.

Answay, have you seen my story Crushed: The Beginnings, if not take a look. Especially at ch. 20, Mix-up made something wonderful for that chapter. :twilightsmile: