• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,246 Views, 198 Comments

Child of Two Worlds - Silent Wing

After discovering the Mirror nerhegeb and accidently activating one of his hidden features, Draco Malfoy ends up in Equestria..

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13 Rescued

We all know that passions part in ch. 12 ended with him passing out in a cave, after hearing something approaching him. As in the final part of the chapter already hinted, he got captured by a pack of diamond dogs and taken to their home.

While I could have written about everything that happened there, I decided against it for two reasons. The major one is that it wouldn't be appropriate for a T-rated story, due to it being far too messy. The other reason is that I don't want this story to focus on that part too long. With that said, I hope you have fun with the chapter.

I flinch in pain as the whip comes down on me for the third time in this shift, not daring to scream, fully aware that this would make it only worse. This is motivation enough for me to lean into the reins again, trying to pull the mine cart to its destination. It is heavy and the reins are cutting badly into my coat, causing me almost as much pain as a strike from the whip.

Finally, after two more trips between the mines and the storage room, work is done for this shift. Me and five others get escorted back to the cell they are sharing. Once there, I immediately collapse on the pile of hay that serves as our bed.

After a minute or two of recovery, I pulled out the scroll that appeared earlier in front of me, wondering what it meant. When it showed out of nowhere, I knew instantly that it is somewhat important and that those creatures can't know about it, so I hid it under my wing. Now relatively alone, I unroll the scroll only for a small crystal to fall out of it.

While I am curious what is so special about this crystal, I turn my focus on the letter first. My eyes lighten up in joy as I recognize mom's hornwritting.


I am sorry that we couldn't free you yet, but you should know that we aren't too far away anymore. We recently broke through their main defensive line,

At this point I stop for a moment as understanding dawns upon me why our guards began looking concerned a few days ago. With that in mind I continue reading wondering what else the letter says.

and were able to loot a detailed map of their kingdom. I enchanted this crystal with a tracking spell which shows us your exact position on the map. Please make sure to carry the crystal with you all the time.

The letter ends after this and I look with worry at the crystal, wondering where I could hide it. I certainly couldn't hold it under my wing the entire time and carrying it around openly would be foolish. The dogs would probably think I want to steal some of their gems and I definitely don't want to face the punishment for that.

Not after seeing what happened to the last pony that got accused of this. I won't get the image of a unicorn's horn getting sawn off out of my mind anytime soon. With all this in mind, I swallow the crystal, hoping that all of us can get out here soon.

Almost another week has passed since I received mom's first letter. The second came a day later and told me that they are digging their own tunnel directly to our cells. Taking us to safety from there on. After that, she and some warchief she told me about in an earlier message, plan to send troops to corner those dogs between two fronts.

A while ago I got another letter, telling us that they are about to break through the wall and we should get ready to leave. That was a little over two hours ago and I got even more nervous with every passing moment when they didn't show up.

Normally it wouldn't be a big deal to me if somepony is late, but if they don't hurry up the dogs will be back to take us to another work shift in the mines. I was about to give up hope that they would arrive in time to avoid that, when I heard commotion a bit down the corridor.

When I hear the sound of steel striking steel, I jump up from my sitting position and race to the front of our cell. I tried to find out what's going down there, but I couldn't see much through the small hole in the wall.

Maybe five, maximum ten minutes the sound ramps up. Two minutes later at least fifty ponies wearing purple armor, mostly thestral's, are racing past us. Surprised by this I step away from the hole and walk over to my newest friend to lay down next to him. "You were right when you said that the Night Guard would be part of the ponies coming to save us, Firefly."

He doesn't need to say anything, the smug grin on his face is more than enough. Both of us ignore the commotion outside of our cell and wait in silence until the door is finally unlocked and a pair of Night Guard enter our dark room. They take a quick look around and after a mumbled conversation, one of them leaves again.

I just sigh in relief when I realize that it is finally over and I lay my head down on the ground as the exhaustion of the last two months finally catches up with me. While I would love nothing more than to fall asleep right away, I need to get out of here first.

Ignoring everything that screams at me to stay down and just let sleep overcome me, I force myself up again, driven by the desire to get out of here. "Are you coming, Fly," I ask my friend, fully aware that he isn't in any better shape than I.

"Yeah, let's get out of here," comes the expected reply.

I let one of the guards who opened the cell guide us out of here, through the tunnel they dug and into a massive military camp. "Where do I find mom?"

"Princess Celestia’s command tent is in the middle of the camp, you can't miss it, Your Highness." I thank the guard for his help so far and dismiss him, confident that we can find her place without his help.

Firefly and I walk in silence through the camp, both of us too tired to talk much, with only one goal in mind. As we approach my mother’s tent, I feel the eyes of many ponies looking at me, especially my back. Yes, the sight of it isn't pretty, but it could have been much worse.

That some of them start talking when they see me, doesn't escape my notice either, but I couldn't care less. No,the only thing that matters right now is for me to find a soft bed and I know exactly where to find one.

Ignoring everything around us, including the guards that are trying to approach us, we make our way to our destination. Around five minutes later we find ourselves in front of a tent that looks very promising. I walk to the guards at its entrance, intending to go past them and check for myself if this is indeed our destination.

"I am sorry young one but Princess Celestia is in a meeting with the commanders and doesn't wish to be disturbed." One of the two guards informs me while blocking my path.

While this at least confirms that this is indeed mom's tent, it also makes me wonder why this guard is blocking my way. Too tired to deal with this and to think about an appropriate course of action, I simply tell him to move.

When five seconds pass without him budging even an inch, I use my magic for the first time in over two months for more than making a simple light. I grab him with my magic and toss him to the side, not in the slightest caring where he lands.

A quick look at the second guard makes me smile, as he is already holding the flap of the tent open and allows me to enter, probably having gotten the message. I step into it and have a quick look around.

While I see that there are a few ponies standing around a table, I ignore them. My gaze fully focused on the alicorn sized bed at the far left end of the tent. Mobilizing the last bit of my strength, I run over to the bed and jump on it, making myself comfortable in the middle of it.

I look over to the entrance from where Firefly is slowly approaching. I watch him until he climbs on the bed and lays down behind me, and only when I feel his muzzle resting on my neck, I close my eyes, willing to embrace. "Fly, can you wake me in a week?"

"I try, Pas. Not sure if I am already up then again," he replies jokingly and we share a quick laugh before I drift off into Aunty Luna's realm.

I look up from the map and turn my gaze to the tent's entrance as I hear a commotion outside of it. As quick as it started, it ends with the sound of somepony crashing into something wooden, probably a barrel.

Commander Everfree's report about the diamond dogs counterattack is long forgotten when two ponies enter the tent. One of those ponies, even if he looks terrible, she recognizes him immediately.

"Gentlecolts, I think it is better if we continue our meeting later," I address the commanders of the army, including the two ponies of the Night Guard, knowing that I won't be able to focus on the discussion for a while. After all, something far more important just came up.

"Of course, Princess. If the dogs launch another attack, we will instead ask Warchief Bloody Hoofprints for orders." I give my approval to this before I turn my attention back to the two ponies that just entered the tent, surprised that they are already on my bed.

While I am a bit miffed that these two ignore me, I think that I can understand why they went directly to bed. Once everypony left, I walked over there and lay down on the bed as well, sandwiching Passion between his friend and myself. After the two of us watched each other for a minute, I take it upon myself to break the silence. "You know, that is usually my spot."

"We could switch positions if you truly want Princess, but I don't think this is what's really bothering you, isn't it?"

"You are correct my little pony," I reply honestly before switching to the matter at hoof. "What happened to you down there, mister?"

"Firefly, Princess." He pauses for a moment, taking a deep breath before he tells me their tale, taking several breaks. It is clearly troubling to him, and I wouldn't have blamed him if he had stopped at some point, but he continues nonetheless.

Thinking about what all these poor ponies had to go through sickens me to the core and I swear to myself that I will bring an end to this inequine practices. I am shocked to learn that there are at least five more of these communities all being part of their own kingdom. It is by sheer luck that we currently have their capital under siege.

On the other hoof, if our enemy had managed to get word out, I wouldn't be surprised if at least one of those cities sends reinforcement. Let's hope this didn't happen. The fight is already hard enough without them. But all of that can wait. For now I am just happy to have my son back.

"What were you three thinking playing with such a dangerous potion," Madam Pomfrey asks the three children who came to her in need of help. What she at first thought to be the usual bruises from a rough bludger, or wounds from the recently reintroduced dueling club turned out to be something far more challenging.

"We weren't," the supposedly brightest of these three students admits, fully aware she is to blame for what happened. If she hadn't suggested to use this potion to spy upon the Slytherin's, her friend wouldn't be in his current predicament.

"Damn right you are. Now go and get Professor Snape. If we want to have a chance to reverse these changes then I will need his help."

Once Hermione returned with Professor Snape, she went back to Myrtle's toilet to provide him with a sample of the potion. Much to his surprise, it was perfectly brewed. While he was surprised that the girl was able to brew a potion like that perfectly, it doesn't make things easier for him.

With side effects of an incorrectly brewed potion, Mr. Weasly's predicament would be easily explained. However, somehow the boy managed to alter the potion after putting a girl's hair into his share of it. While the former isn’t an issue, the second one is. Sadly, there is nothing left of Mr. Weasleys share of the potion, making it impossible for him to find out how the potion had been altered.

With his conclusion made, he turns his focus on the blonde girl laying in bed. It is for the first time in his life that he actually feels pity towards a Gryfindor. "I am afraid to say this Mrs. Weasly, but there is nothing I can do."

“As we speak, the house-elves are already moving your belongings to the girls dorms." The following shriek shatters every window in the castle and sends a cold shiver down on most creatures in the forbidden forest.

Author's Note:

Some information about the last chapter. In this version of Equestria, Canterlot isn't located on a single mountain. Instead it is placed on the edge of a large mountain range. While there is still a huge cliff on one side, the other side of the city leads into a large valley.