• Published 25th Apr 2020
  • 4,243 Views, 198 Comments

Child of Two Worlds - Silent Wing

After discovering the Mirror nerhegeb and accidently activating one of his hidden features, Draco Malfoy ends up in Equestria..

  • ...

12 The calm

Harry was in the middle of his detention with Professor Lockhart, that arrogant self obsessed fool, when he heard someone talking. Whoever this was, he spoke about killing, but when brought this to the professor's attention, he told Harry that he hadn’t heard anything.

After a quick look at his watch, Professor Lockhart sent Harry on his way back to the common room, shocked about how late it was. On his way back, he heard the same voice again and when it voiced its desire to kill again, the young boy's blood froze for a short moment.

When he got his bearings back under control, he followed the voice, trying to stop its owner from commiting the horrible deed. Or what would be even better, to find a professor and warn them about this monster hiding, so they could take care of it.

Sadly his attempts were for naught. When he turned yet another corner he was quick to realize that it was already too late. There, hanging by her tail from a torch holder was Filch's cat, motionless.

He was taking a closer look at her, trying to figure out what happened here, when hordes of students turned around the corner. At first he didn’t notice them, so shocked was he by the sight in front of him, but only when Mister Filch accused him of murdering the annoying cat, he snapped out of his stupor, denying everything.

It was then that one of the Slytherins, Pansy Parkinson to be more precise, noticed a message on the wall, reading it out loud for everyone to hear. The Chamber of Secrets Has Been Opened. Enemies Of The Heir, Beware.”

“Five Galleons one of the Weasley blood traitors is next,” one of the Slytherin first years in the corridor shouted out, only to hear another one offering his own opinion who it could be. “No, it’s the Mudblood Granger.” From then on it became quite chaotic as every Slytherin tried to make his opinion known.

All Slytherins were shocked when roughly two months later Lucian Bole, a well known pureblood, was attacked and turned to stone.

I was in the garden, laying flat on my stomach with my head resting on my crossed forelegs, staring at the statue in front of me. I was trying to forget what happened last week when Cadence asked for somepony to test that new spell mom taught her upon, but for some reason I was unable to.

I had been eager to make up for the last prank I pulled on her and so I foolishly volunteered for it. True, she told me that it increases the affection you feel towards others, but never could I have expected it to be that extreme.

I was stuck thinking about Sunny and Spitsy until mom cancelled it, which was three days later. The really bad part of this is that I couldn’t resist showing them just how much I liked them during that time by raising my tail, or similar indecent things IN PUBLIC, where everypony could see them. It truly was the most embarrassing week of my life.

With my thoughts stuck on that topic, I didn't notice for a long time that I was not as alone as I thought I was, which only changed when somepony laid down next to me and began to nuzzle my neck.

After enjoying the sensation for a bit, I raise my head and look to my left, finding my sister laying there. "What do you want Cadence," I asked in annoyance, not having expected her to approach me for a few more days, after I let her know how I thought of this whole debacle.

It's with a heavy sigh that she stops, and instead, just like I, stares at the statue in front of us. "I am sorry about what happened, Passion. I never should have accepted your offer."

"That's not what I am upset about," I reply truthfully, turning my gaze away. "You told me what the spell would do and I still went through with it."

"Then what is it," she asks, sounding confused, and I can only wonder if this is true or if she is simply too embarrassed about her mistake to admit it.

"THAT IT TOOK YOU THREE BUCKING DAYS TO ASK MOM FOR HELP SO THE SPELL COULD BE CANCELLED!!!" I yell at her in the Royal Canterlot Voice, not caring who might overhear us as long as she gets the message.

She flinches visibly at my outburst, but doesn't do anything else for several minutes, in which both of us just lay there thinking. "You are right, I could have handled that much better."

"Yes you could have."

Once more, silence dominates the area for quite some time, until she speaks up again. "Do you think you can ever forgive me?"

"Cadence, I already did that, but you owe me one."

"I am not helping you to prank mom," she responds immediately, guessing correctly what I had in mind.



"Lord Bubblewater?"


"General Night Mist?"


"Captain Shimmering Shield?"

"For the love of Celestia, I am not helping you to prank anypony."


"What? Zebras aren't ponies and you only said you aren't helping me to prank any pony," I reply at the disapproving glare she is giving me, causing her to groan in annoyance.

"How about we discuss the favor I own you later and instead head out into town and get us some ice cream?"

"With whipped cream," I ask hopefully, rarely having been allowed this luxury by mom.

“Yes, with whipped cream,” she agrees much to my surprise as both of us get up and make our way towards the castle gates.

“Now, what has mom been teaching you today,” I want to know, taking more and more interest in the lessons she gets. Even if it’s just so I know what to look out for.

“There is this one spell that sends a mare into heat for a week out of season. Of course, she taught me the counterspell as well. We certainly don’t want a repeat of what happened to you.”

“Hey, I thought we were done with that!” I responded annoyed, not really appealed by her reminding me of this. “Also, what is heat?”

“I would tell you, but I can only do so, if you already know where foals come from,” Cadence replies after a long moment of thought, not really comfortable with my question. However, much to her surprise, I gave her a highly detailed explanation on this subject, forcing her to answer my question in return.

She only finishes her explanation when we arrive at the ice cream parlor, leaving me with a lot to think about. And while Cadence orders a double strawberry, I go for a double lemon with whipped cream.

After ordering our frozen treats, the two of us fall into a peaceful silence when we sit down in one of the booths a good distance away from the entrance, to enjoy our frozen treat. Much to my horror, our quiet moment only lasts until Cadence spots one of her friends. “Fleur, over here.”

“Don't you think you made me suffer enough already,” I comment, not pleased by the enthusiasm she makes herself known to her fashion obsessed friend, who actually comes over smiling as soon as she spots us..

"What do you mean?" I refuse to answer to this stupid question and instead focus back on my ice-cream, blending out there conversation. Once I am done with it, I get up planning to take my leave when Cadence halts in her conversation for the first time, turning her focus on me. “Where do you think you are going?”

“Home. I don’t want to get bored to death when you two talk even more about your obsession.” With these words spoken I turn around and leave the ice-cream parlor, not even giving her the chance to say anything in reply.

Knowing that it wouldn’t take her long to rush after me, to ensure I stay safe and force me to go through with everything they are doing, I do the exact opposite of what I told her. I wander deeper into town to get as far away from her as possible. Thinking about why she always dumps me in favor of her friends, when we are out of the castle, I don’t watch where I am going, only starting to pay attention again when it becomes cold and I stop feeling the warmth of the sun on my back.

A quick look around makes me realize that I had wandered into a cave. How this is even possible is beyond me since I actually knew Canterlot and its surroundings very well, thanks to the flight training Spitsy’s mom put the three of us through.

When the exhaustion of the obviously long walk catches up with me, I lay down, deciding that a short rest would do me wonders before I start searching for the exit. Sadly it takes only a few moments until my thoughts drift back to what happened earlier and all the other times she “accidently” met one of her friends. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if all of these encounters had been set up in one way or the other, and if all the time she came to look after me, it was simply because mom ordered her to.

It doesn't take long until the first tears escape my eyes and I quickly began to cry, wondering if she cares about me at all. Only when I finally calmed down, I noticed just how tired I am and with every passing moment it gets harder to keep my eyelids open. The last thing before I fall asleep is the sound of something approaching.

"Hey guys, get up, the sun is finally down and we can continue our journey," I shouted in the direction of where my comrades wandered off yesternight, when we realized that we won't make it back home in one go. True, we could have continued our journey in the light of the sun, but so close to the forbidden city, none of us was willing to risk an encounter with the day dwellers.

When there is no immediate answer, I look down from my hidden vantage point overlooking the valley this cave is located in, immediately noticing something that shouldn’t be there. In the valley below him is a trail of hooves leading into another cave. A cave every pony avoids due to who lives in it.

Without a second thought I run back into our cave, and literally throw my comrades out of their “beds,” more worried about the pony that went into the other cave than their reaction. After a short explanation, all their anger towards me is replaced with worry and we quickly rush down to find the pony, praying to Luna that it isn’t too late.

As we follow the hoofprints, we find the exact one thing we desperately hoped not to. At the place this pony decided to rest starts a trail of footprints leading further down into the cave. A closer inspection of this place let us come to two conclusions. For one, the absence of traces indicating a fight, all of us came to the conclusion that whoever this pony is, it got captured in its sleep.

While this is worrisome, the other thing is simply shocking to us. with the size of the shape, indicating its resting place, we come to the conclusion that the victim is only a foal. “You two scout the area carefully, I go and inform the warchief. This time the dogs went too far.”

“Fly swift, Blade Dancer. I don’t want the same thing to happen to whoever this is, than what happened to us.”

“I will,” I reply swiftly, taking one last look at the place where Fireflies horn used to be before dashing off into the night air, flying as fast as I can to Hollow Shades.

Author's Note:

Big thanks go to Javarod for his help with editing this chapter.