• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 516 Views, 17 Comments

DisHarmony: Genesis - -Pinkamena_Pie-

Mena escapes with two SCPs by her side, into a world torn apart by war.

  • ...

Chapter 6: The New Pony

Yeah... I think Cozy Glow coming here was a bad idea.

Considering the fact that the whole place is lying in ashes, and there is literally noone else alive but me and the SCPs with me...

I mean, obviously she should have seen that coming. She specifically told me about there being a war going on.

Damn near got caught in the crossfire. Doesn't look like they came for me, but still. Thank Celestia that big red devil thing didn't see me. I watched as it sucked the life force out of everypony in the area, then decided to stomp on each and every one of them.

I am sure as Tartarus not gonna be going anywhere near settlements from this point on. And no, I don't care that they made me Queen and believed I was their Goddess or something, I ain't helping them with something even I can't beat. Buck that prophecy! It still hurts down there, y'know!

Ugh... Now here I am, staying exactly where I am until that thing clears out and stays out.

Dear Celestia, that thing was huge.

Anyway, I'm starting to question how I'm gonna survive in this Equestria. I dunno who's fighting the war, but I can guarantee that it'll be that thing who wins.

"Looks like you could use some help, hm?" Says a weird voice that seems to have a continuous snarl to it. I turn around immediately.

Standing before me is some kind of dragon-alicorn hybrid that looks like it belongs back at home. Sharp teeth, exposed a bit as she smirks, green draconic eyes, clawed back paws, sharp-edged front hooves... Everything a normal monster would need to be welcomed into our world with open hooves. So I do the intelligent thing and ask the question that only GrimDark natives know the answer to.

"What is the music of life?"

"Silence, of course," she says, smirking.

"How the buck did you happen to land in the same timeline as me...?" I ask, a bit stunned she had answered correctly.

"A mistake by Princess Aku, which accidentally flung me someplace I'm not supposed to be. It was rather strange, to be truthful," she responded, folding her half-Alicorn, half-Draconic wings on her sides. "Unfortunately, it seems interdimensional travel weakens one quite significantly. I barely managed to pass by that brute without being noticed."

"Ha. Tell that one to me again. I've gone through three worlds already," I say, rolling my eyes and earning a somewhat grinding laugh as a result.

"Have you now? Quite the traveler you are," she said.

"Ugh, died once, got reborn by an outsider somehow, got stuck with some SCPs that some other SCPs implanted in me, somehow had two other SCPs follow me, found out I was supposed to be some Goddess, had a living, breathing, talking star tell me my soul had bits of its' mothers in it and then literally transplant itself inside of me..." I grumbled, crossing my forelegs.

"Oh my... It seems you got unlucky with that SCP world... You must have landed in a black world. For some reason, Darkness has run rampant lately. Strangely enough, it has nothing to do with our world or the Discords of other worlds. That's partially the reason why Aku meant to send me to the Veil," she said.

"Veil?" I asked in confusion.

"Oh, yes, you wouldn't know. The Veil has been classified for eons. I can tell you only that it is a place where darkness and light often clashed. The last time that happened was when Princess Aku had to defend the Veil from the Spirit of Darkness and Corruption," she clarified.

Now, I was interested in this, and since Mr. Big Red over there didn't appear to be coming near us, I decided that I might as well ask.

"There's a story behind that, isn't there?" I asked.

"Yes... But it is better shown than told," she said, lighting her horn and teleporting us away.

Wish she had done that when we first met.

Upon completion of the teleportation, I found myself in a small crystalline cave, with the pony from before standing next to me. She looked at me before asking a simple question.


I shrug and smirk.

"Sure thing."

She lit her horn.