• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 515 Views, 17 Comments

DisHarmony: Genesis - -Pinkamena_Pie-

Mena escapes with two SCPs by her side, into a world torn apart by war.

  • ...

Chapter 3: What on Equis?!

So. I currently am holding what appears to be a small star. Yes. I said a small star.

Not only am I holding said small star, but it is currently moving. It feels really weird to hold in my mouth.

Drago looks absolutely terrified at the moment. He actually tried to warn me not to go near the star thing, but it doesn't seem to hate me. So that's good, I guess.

I'm gonna open my mouth now, this feels really weird to hold.

Ah. There we go. And the star is spinning. Not really doing anything, just spinning. Wonder if it can talk? Heh... A star talki-

"You... You truly have come... The last remaining essence of that which my father loved..."

Uh... The star just talked.

"I can see how she shines within you... Your soul... Though tormented, the light has not been destroyed..."

I kinda feel like I'm going crazy. Here I am, talking to a bloody star thing. I must be more insane than I thought.

"You are confused... But know that you have saved the universe by coming to me... I will not destroy it. For I do not wish to destroy the last of the light of my mother."

"Your mother? What happened to her?" I ask the star.

"My uncles... My father's brothers... They were jealous of my father finding true love in the emptiness of space... So they devised a plan to destroy my mother... But she was not fullly destroyed. She found a host, in a different dimension. She found you. Your soul is like the light she emitted. Life-giving... Nourishing... Calming..."

Is it bad that I actually pity this star? I mean, I know that it's just a sentient star, but still... Losing what you think of as your mother must be tough.

So, I did the stupid thing and hugged the star. And the star hugged back. I don't know how I could tell, but I could.

If his father was still alive... Maybe he'd be happy to see this. Maybe? I dunno... What's a stars' family life like anyhow?

As these thoughts ran through my head, a warmness started spreading through me, making me a bit nervous about if I was on fire or not. But no, it seemed that the star I was hugging had disappeared... Into my... Neck?

"Do not be afraid. I cannot move on my own in this world. So I must ride with my mother's essence."

And now I'm hearing the star inside of my head. Bucking Tartarus, this is strange.

Now, the cultists are trembling at this point. Some of them are even slackjawed and drooling. I mean, I knew I was attractive, but that's pushing it a bit...

... Until I look down at myself and realize I am legitimately glowing. Literally shining. I guess they think I turned into my 'true' form, eh? Heheheh...

Anyway, I shrug and look at the cultists, and as soon as I do, they start running this way and that, collecting stuff to make something. I dunno what it is.

Drago is currently staring at me hauntedly, and I can't fathom why. So I ask.

"Uh... Drago? What's wrong?"

"You... The star... I... That..." He stutters.

Even 173 is looking at him funny... Or as funny as a statue can look at somepony.

"The prophecy... The prophecy is coming true..." He mutters, falling just as I reach out my hooves to catch him.

"What prophecy, Drago?" I ask, rather nervous.

"The third part of the poem. It's in direct conjunction with the prophecy handed down from dragon to dragon, which spoke of a being from another world with the light of stars in their eyes," he explained, finally recovering.

"Let me guess. This is gonna be another case of Mary Sue where I become more powerful than a Princess," I muttered, rolling my eyes. I'll be needing Silence to explain why this is a subplot for any reason when he comes back.

"Um... Kind of?" He sighs. "Look, you need to hear the prophecy first."

He cleared his throat as best as paper can do and began chanting.

"The Starlit being, the queen of all,
Will suffer much strife, at fate's beck and call;
Through blood and death, her foes will fall,
Until she ascends to Jörmungandr's hall."

A sudden urge passed through me to say my part, because, y'know, those words have been passing through my head about a million times a day.

"Blood is the cost of manifestation;
Blood is the source of their salvation;
Blood is the currency of the soul;
Blood is what will make them whole... Blood..."

I look down at the symbol now etched into my chest, slowly dripping blood.

It fades.