• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 516 Views, 17 Comments

DisHarmony: Genesis - -Pinkamena_Pie-

Mena escapes with two SCPs by her side, into a world torn apart by war.

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Part 1: Chapter 1: Genesis

I was falling. Straight outta the bucking sky. You can imagine that I lost any bravery I may have had and started screaming like a little filly. I may have a dress with wings on it, but I certainly don't have wings. Well, maybe me and Pinkie will in G5, but I dunno.

Either way. I was falling like crazy, since this portal had just spawned me almost a thousand hooves up. I nearly hit the ground before a familiar set of claws wrapped around me and caught me safely, not letting me hit the ground, before lowering me carefully.

Damn, am I glad Drago came with somehow.

At least, I was until a 150 kilogram bucking statue fell on my back. Damn, that hurt. At least he didn't break my back in the process.

Anyway, he teleported off me and just stared at me. Creepily. I have no idea who he is, but I'm pretty sure he's that one SCP who likes teleporting around and breaking necks. I tell ya, he'd better not do anything like that to me.

Weirdly enough, he only teleports slightly whenever I ain't looking at him. That's good, I guess? Thought he was hostile though.

"Mena... Don't be concerned. 173 means no harm," said Drago.

Ah. So that's the number. That one's famous, as far as I know. Or infamous, depending on how you look at it.

"You sure about that? He seems to like breaking necks," I said, voicing my concerns quite well, thanks.

Immediately as I blinked, said statue picked me up and started hugging me. Yes. A statue. Hugging me. I know how weird that sounds.

"Like I said, he doesn't wanna hurt you. We're just as confused as you at how we got here," Drago commented.

"Well, at least I'll have an army of origami dragons helping me out," I muttered.

"Not an army, but I have a direct link to the box, so I can open it and get a few to come out. Times are tough in our room, though. Giants are quarreling with us again. Thankfully, it's not about the size of the room. It's more about us accidentally taking roost on a sacred mountain of theirs. Should be dealt with and not cause a war like those stories say about us," he said, looking at the portal.

Wait... He looked directly at the portal there. Directly at all of you. Mind explaining what he means by war? Either way.

"Okay, that's great. You see it, too?" I asked.

"Yes. I see them. Y'know, at some point, it might become like our room. They'd be able to come to you, and you'd be able to go to them," he said.

Holy crap... I can actually meet you guys? In person? Well, Tartarus yeah!

Still gonna have to wait, though. Which is kind of annoyi- WHAT THE BUCK WAS THAT?

"I just saw a massive explosion in the distance, two of them!" I yelped.

For good reason, too! I ain't messing with any explosions unless they're pink! And by that I mean if they're mine!

"I thought your world was peaceful!" Drago said, his... Uh... Paper Spines? I think paper spines... Going down on his neck.

"It's supposed to be! Well, Pinkies' world anyway. My world is the least peaceful place you can go," I commented.

Hey, it's true. If you ever go to the GrimDark by some stroke of bad luck, avoid the cities. Also the Rock Farm.


Just don't go. Believe me, it ain't a tourist-friendly place. Despite the Empress A'Ku'Mus' best efforts. And don't think that just because I know you that you won't be getting a number. I have to make cupcakes to keep that stupid story alive. I'll just make sure not to torture you.

Ah, who am I kidding, I have to torture you with at least electrocution. That whole story relies on it. And I'll have to harvest your organs while you're alive... Sorry, getting off-topic.

"Look, we need to start finding a place that we can hide out. It obviously isn't safe out here. Let's go," Drago said, shrinking to a more reasonable size and beginning to walk in a random direction.

I followed. No point in doing anything else. Especially not with the fire and brimstone going on over there.

So we walked. And walked. And walked some more. By the time that it turned to nighttime, even the statue got tired.

Good thing we found some creatures willing to take us in. There is something weird, though.

I didn't know I had a cult who worshipped me.