• Published 2nd Oct 2019
  • 517 Views, 17 Comments

DisHarmony: Genesis - -Pinkamena_Pie-

Mena escapes with two SCPs by her side, into a world torn apart by war.

  • ...

Chapter 11: Dash Attack

She was charging at me, looking like she was gonna kill me with her bare hooves, regardless of her entire squad yelling at her to calm down.

So, I did the sensible thing and defended myself.

Noting the incoming passage of Dashie, I simply dodged to the side. Not wanting to hurt her, I didn't strike back, instead attempting to talk to her.

"Dashie, C'mon! You didn't let me finish what I was going to say!" I said, dodging yet another punch as she twisted around and launched one at my face.

"Shut up! Just shut up!" She growled, now launching a flurry of blows, catching me on a few of them.

'Damn, she's fast! I don't want to be forced to hurt her, but I may not have a cho- OOF!'

Dashie fronted to the left before dealing me a nasty right hook to the side of the head, actually managing to toss me a few feet. I slid to a stop and just lay there for a few moments before getting yet another blow to the stomach, two hooves winding me.

Following up, she punched me in the head, kicked me in the side, ripped a bit of my mane out, seeming to want to inflict as much pain as possible.

Finally, I had enough. If she wasn't going to listen, I would force her to.

At last, my GrimDark managed to reach me in the universe I was in. I think it had more to do with divine power than anything, but I felt the strength I had been missing return to me... Somehow... Increased.

The markings that had been on my chest began to glow, as I began to feel good ol' insanity return to me.

I took several more punches and kicks, simply taking my sweet time getting up as I began to giggle maniacally.

"Well, if you won't listen... I wouldn't mind another pair of wings for my dress.... Ooh, and maybe that Cutie Mark! Two Dashies, won't that confuse everypony?" I asked, and before their very eyes, the dress I had customized to be much easier to wear during combat appeared, along with my trusty old knife.

I, of course, wore both of them.

I could hear the rest of the ponies start to back away, whimpering. They probably could feel the horrors of the GrimDark from where they were. Tartarus, even Dashie had stopped for a bit, startled by my sudden transformation.

I giggled at her expression before tapping her snout and blowing her back a few meters with my favourite energy attack.

She looked like a missile as she slammed into the large hunk of metal she had called a ship. She left a dent in it and definitely looked like she had felt that attack. Ah, suffering. How I missed doling you out.

Oh, don't get me wrong, I'm not evil right now. And no, I didn't kill Dashie, even though I probably broke her legs. And her wing...

Ok, Ok, I know I shouldn't have done that, but I haven't registered the full amount of power miniature star gave me. Jeez, let me be... A mare deserves to be insane sometimes.

Anyway. I approached her at a leisurely stroll, waiting to see if she got up. Of course, being the overly-brave Pegasus she is, she eventually got up when I was a little bit away and flew up.

"Awww, little Dashie, flying away like the cowardly loser she is," I said, knowing for a fact that she was gonna get angry cause of that one.

Yep, there it was. She immediately growled and divebombed, hoof outstretched to punch me.

Regardless of how fast she was, however, I was faster. Simply turning into a pink most made her slam headfirst into the ground, leaving her with a pretty nice concussion.

After that, I kicked it up a notch and began mistwalking around her, solidifying only to break a bone every so often, or get a slash of a knife in. At this point, her squad had opened fire on me, and I had to mistwalk to not get hit. It was getting a bit annoying, so, I shot a few energy balls in their direction, felling several of them.

Well, blood is the cost of manifestation, after all. Might as well.

Needless to say, they dived for cover after seeing the first barrage. Just to make sure they stayed there, I also made sure to create a wall of energy and set it to attack the first head it saw.

Afterwards, I continued beating and breaking the broken Dashie. She was at the point where she was in so much pain, she was literally begging me not to continue. With tears streaming down her snout... Hehehe.

I wanted to keep going, but remembering the words of the goddess, I calmed myself down from the bloodlust I had been going through.

That was when I heard a groan of disappointment from beside us.